In an unfamiliar city vocabulary in English. Description of the city in English

  • 15.07.2020

We all love to travel. We like to visit new countries and cities, we try to see as many sights as possible, we are attracted by architectural monuments. But sometimes a person can get lost while in an unfamiliar city. It is good if you have a map of the city you are visiting. But sometimes you can find your way only by asking the inhabitants of this city where you need to go. In this situation, you need to know the description of the city on English language, or to be more precise, the name of institutions and buildings, transport and prepositions for orienteering in the area. Another situation is also possible. You host a foreigner (or work as a tour guide), and you need to show the person the city, telling about significant places. You can't do without a description of the city in English!

City and its parts

The word "city" can be translated as a town And a city, but the latter is more common. A town- is not Big city, while a city- big and lively. Each city is divided into districts ( districts), and every city has a suburb ( a suburb) and neighborhoods ( neighborhoods). The person may also be in a village(village).

As a rule, every city has streets ( streets), area ( squares), parks ( parks) and squares ( public gardens). And in the suburbs or neighborhoods, you can see the field ( a field), river ( a river) or channel ( a canal).

  • Want to know how American cities get their nicknames? Then the article "" will suit your taste.

Adjectives to describe a city

The most important thing in describing a city is what impression it makes on the people who visit it. And here the following adjectives that you can use in English will come to your aid:

  • ancient- ancient;
  • historic- historical;
  • attractive- attractive;
  • lovely- Cute;
  • bustling- noisy, fussy;
  • contemporary- modern;
  • lively- lively;
  • picturesque- picturesque;
  • charming- charming;
  • tourism– tourist;
  • dull- dim;
  • boring- boring.

Transport in the city

Traveling around the city, you will use public transport ( public transport). It is worth learning the name of the train ( a train), railway station (a railway station), tram ( a tram), trolleybus ( a trolleybus), bus ( a bus), underground ( a tube/subway) and steamer ( a steamer).

  • A convenient phrasebook on this topic is presented in the article " City transport"
  • A detailed description of public transport can be found in the article ""

Places to visit

Attractions ( sights) in each city mass. When you are in another city, you will probably want to visit the theater ( a theater), Museum ( a museum), cinema ( a cinema) or gallery ( an art gallery). You can enjoy music in the concert hall ( a concert hall) or in opera ( an opera house). Architecture lovers can be advised to visit the church ( a church), the cathedral ( a cathedral) or lock ( a castle).

  • Choose your entertainment to your liking along with our article "".

Children and students study at school ( a school), college ( a college), university ( a university), and books are borrowed from the library ( a library). The names of all these institutions will help you find any attraction or place you choose to visit.

You can eat at the cafe a café) or restaurant ( a restaurant). Fans of shopping will be attracted by huge shopping centers ( shopping malls). Ordinary shops and supermarkets are named accordingly. shops And supermarkets (department stores). And also every tourist should know how the bank is called in English ( a bank), pharmacy ( a drugstore), hospital ( a hospital), police station ( a police station), post office ( a post office).

  • When emergency you may need phrases from our article "". We hope that the words from the article will not be useful to you, but absolutely everyone needs to know them.

How to indicate direction in English

And now imagine that we need to tell or understand how to get to a museum. You can politely ask a passerby using the following sentence:

Could you please tell me where the (place) is? – Could you please tell me where (something) is?

We, of course, will use the names of objects in English in speech, as well as prepositions of the place, which will help to make a competent route. So be sure to take the time to memorize them.

Pretext Translation
on on the
at at
in in
on the right on right
on the left left
at the corner on the corner
near, next to near, near
in front of against
between between
across across
along along
above above
below below
opposite to against
behind behind

Also be sure to watch the video. It has a teacher John explains how to correctly indicate direction in English.

In the process of acquaintance, one way or another, there comes a moment when the interlocutors, having finished with pleasantries, talk about what worries them.

The British afterward are concerned about the origin of a person, namely where he is from, from which country and even from which city. Therefore, it will not be superfluous before traveling abroad to remember the basic phrases that will help you compose a description of the city in English at the right time. If this topic is necessary only for writing an essay, it does not matter. The description construction logic remains the same in both cases.

  • A good introduction is half the battle

In the case of a school essay, the more beautiful and colorful the introduction, the higher the chances of success. To do this, you can use both, and quotes from famous writers about the house. The most famous - “An Englishman's home is his castle”. Others can be used, for example: “There's no place like home”, “East or West – home is best”. In live communication, this is all superfluous. You can and should start with the most banal introductory words “Well”, “And so…” and so on. Considering that beautiful turns of speech are very much appreciated by the British, one can say something sublime, for example, “Ever since I was a child I’ve thought that my town is the best place on Earth. It is the birthplace of many famous people and is a true cultural center of our region”“Since childhood, I thought that my city is the best place on earth. It gave birth to many famous people Moreover, our city is a real cultural center.”

  • Description: simple and tasteful

As with any storytelling, we begin by giving our own opinion. It's obvious that you love your city, but it's worth saying. The more personal assessment in the story, the better. A personal assessment will give your judgments more weight in the eyes of the interlocutor. The description of the city in English is a kind of presentation, so be sure to mention famous people who lived or worked in your city. Don't remember any? It's okay, limit yourself to a general phrase about the many poets who have worked and continue to work in the city. For example:

"I like my town and I think it's quite natural. In my opinion, everybody loves his place just because it gave him the best hours in life – hours with his family. I am not an exception as you see. My town is not very big, but a lot of famous people lived and worked there. Among them there are local poets and actors" - "I love my city and I think it's natural. It seems to me that everyone loves their own native home primarily because the best hours were spent there - hours with the family. As you can see, I am no exception. My city is small, but many famous people lived and worked in it. Among them are many local actors and poets.”

  • Don't overdo the details!

When describing a city, do not overdo it with embellishment. It will suffice to say about the size of the city, about its salient features and attractions. In some cases, you can and should indicate that the city is quite old, with its own history and traditions.

“My town is not very special but it has its own traditions and a long history. It was built 200 years ago and is named after ……. We have many flowers and fountains in the center of the town. The streets are wide and clean. You can see a lot of shops there. There’s also an old house where …… lived and worked” - “My city is the most ordinary, but it has its own long history and traditions. It was built 200 years ago and named after …… There are many trees and fountains in the city center, its streets are wide and clean. There are also many shops in the city. Of the sights, one can single out an old house where …. lived and worked.

Thus, by connecting all the parts together, you will get a coherent description of the city in English, in which you only need to substitute your data.

So, you have already easily checked in to the hotel, using our phrasebook "English in the hotel", rested after the trip and are ready to show yourself, to see people - to go on an excursion to the city. Of course, the presence of a Russian-speaking guide makes life easier for our tourists abroad, but traveling "savage" is much more interesting and cheaper. And if at the same time you also learn the phrases we have proposed for orientation in the city, then your trip will be easy and pleasant. In addition, thanks to the knowledge of English, you can make new friends from another country.

We have written a simple travel phrasebook that contains dialogues, phrases and a dictionary on 25 essential topics. Go on a journey with the main character and improve your English. You can download the book for free at.

Names of major institutions in English

To begin with, we will give you the names of various places in the city in English. We recommend that you learn them first, you don't want to end up in a cave instead of a toilet.

an airportthe airport
a bus stopbus stop
a bus/coachbus
a bus station/terminalbus station, bus station
a gas/petrol stationrefueling
rent-a-car / car hirerent a car
a subway/undergroundunderground
a subway stationsubway station
a railway/train stationrailway station
a traintrain
a taxiTaxi
Parts of the city
a bridgebridge
a cornerinjection
a crossroadscrossroads
a pedestrian crossingcrosswalk
a pedestrian areapedestrian zone
a streetthe outside
a squarearea
a B&B (bed and breakfast)bed and breakfast only mini-hotel
a motelmotel
a hotelhotel
an innsmall hotel
a bankbank
a fire departmentfire Department
a hospitalhospital
a librarylibrary
a lost property office / lost and foundlost and found
a post officemail
a police stationpolice Department
a schoolschool
a shopshop
a tourist information officeinstitution that provides background information tourists
a WC (water closet) / restroom / bathroom / toilet / lavatory / lootoilet
Entertainment establishments
an art galleryart Gallery
a balletballet
a barbar
a bowling alleybowling
a caféa cafe
a cinema/movie theatercinema
a circlethe circus
an exhibitionExhibition
a nightclub/disconight club
an operaopera
a puba pub
a restaurantrestaurant
a stadiumstadium
swimming poolswimming pool
a theatertheatre
a zoozoo
a canyoncanyon
a castleCastle
a cathedralthe cathedral
a cavecave
a churchchurch
a fountainthe fountain
a monument/memorialmonument/monument
a mosquemosque
a museumMuseum
a palaceCastle
a parka park
a sculpturesculpture
sights/places of interestAttraction
a statuethe statue
a templeTemple

As you noticed, there are several words for the name of the toilet. Usually WC is used in almost any country, and in the UK the words toilet and lavatory are often used. The word loo is also used there, it has an informal connotation. In the US, restroom and bathroom are the most popular words, although the latter also refers to a bathroom with a toilet directly in someone's home. In Canada, the word bathroom is widely used. However, even in different regions same country can be used different words, so do not be afraid to use any of them: you will be understood anyway.

How to ask for directions in English

So, let's imagine that you decide to take a walk around the city, see the sights (sightseeing) and enjoy the beautiful views to your heart's content. If you decide to do without a guide (tour guide), then for orientation in the city you will need a map (map) and a guide book (guide book), as well as knowledge of some phrases in English that will help you reach your destination, because it is not always easy to navigate by map, and some places of interest or institutions may not be marked on it at all.

Where to get a card? Firstly, in almost every hotel you will be offered a city plan. Secondly, you can buy it at the newsstand (newsagent's). Choose the most detailed one with a large scale and a guide for tourists: good maps will show all institutions, monuments, museums, etc. To purchase a map, ask the following question: Do you have a map of the city? (Do you have a city map?).

By the way, at the hotel you can ask the staff what places are worth visiting in the city. Ask a simple question: Could you tell me, please, what is worth visiting? (Could you tell me what to visit?). This way you will get first-hand information about the most interesting sights.

Imagine a very real situation: you are entangled in the streets of an unfamiliar city and cannot find the attraction you are looking for. In this case, turn to a passerby: apologize and ask for help. If you see a policeman next to you, ask him for help, it's safer: in this case, you definitely won't run into scammers.

You have chosen a "victim" for questioning, stopped her and attracted attention. Now you should find out from a passer-by how you can get to the desired institution or the chosen attraction. This is where you will need to know the words from our first tablet. The following phrases are synonymous, that is, interchangeable. Choose the ones that are easier for you to remember, and just substitute the name of the institution you need into them.

What is the name of this street?What is the name of this street?
Is there a pub near here?Is there a pub anywhere nearby?
Where is the theater located?Where is the theater?
Where is the restroom?I am looking for the restroom.
Excuse me, do you know where the museum is?Excuse me, do you know where the museum is?
Excuse me, can you give me quick directions to the library?Excuse me, could you tell me where the library is?
Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the train station?Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the train station?
Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest bank?Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest bank?
Excuse me, do you know how to get to the theater from here?Excuse me, do you know how to get to the theater from here?
Excuse me, what is the best way to get to the post office?Excuse me, what's the best way to get to the post office?
Excuse me, can you show me the way to the nearest cinema?Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest cinema?
Could you tell me the way to the nearest hospital?Could you tell me how to get to the nearest hospital?
Is this the way to the train station?Is this the way to the railway station?
Which is the shortest way to the cinema?What is the shortest route to the cinema?
Excuse me, I am looking for the temple. Do you know where it is?Excuse me, I'm looking for a temple. Do you know where he is?
Excuse me, I am looking for a restaurant. Do you know how to get there?Excuse me, I'm looking for a restaurant. Do you know how to get to it?
Could you show me on the map?Could you show me on a map?

It would also not be superfluous to ask a passer-by how far the sight you need is located: this way you decide whether to use public transport services or take a walk.

In this article, we presented phrases for orientation in the area, and in the article "" we talked in detail about how to rent a car and communicate in public transport in English.

How to indicate direction in English

So, in one fell swoop, you overcame the language barrier and easily asked where you should go. Now you need to understand what your interlocutor is answering. To do this, study the following phrases in English. In addition, you can use the same sentences when meeting with a foreigner in own city: now you can easily explain to a person how to find the nearest bank or metro station - +10 to communication skills in English.

To get started, learn basic phrases that will help you indicate the direction of movement.

go along (the beach)walk along (the beach)
go past (the school)walk past (school)
turn right/left = go right/left = take a right/leftturn right/left
turn right/left at (the cinema)turn right/left at (cinema)
turn right/left into (the main road)turn right/left onto (main road)
go ahead = go straight ahead = go straight ongo straight
acrosson the other side of the street, across the street from
on your right/leftto your right/left
first/second turning on the left/rightfirst/second turn left/right
in front ofbefore (in front of something)

Here are the simple answers you can get in response to a question about the direction of travel:

It is not far from here.It is not far from here.
It is over there.It's over there.
It is on Johnson Street.It's on Johnson Street.
It is in front of the theatre.It's in front of the theatre.
It is across the street.It's across the road.
Keep going.Continue straight ahead (in the same direction).
Cross the street.Cross over to the other side of the street.
The museum is opposite to the church.Museum opposite the church.
The post office is on your right/left.Post office to your right/left.
Take the second turning on the left.Turn left at the second turning.
Go along Johnson street until the restaurant.Walk along Johnson Street to the restaurant.
It is 20 minutes by car / on foot.It's a 20 minute drive/walk.
Take the bus number six.Take bus number six.

And now a small life hack for those who are afraid to get confused in the long explanations of a passer-by: show your interlocutor a map and ask the question: Could you show me on the map? (Could you show me on a map?). Then they will just show you where to go. This way you won't get confused or get lost.

Read the following dialogues to make it easier for you to understand how to indicate the direction in English:

Dialogue #1

- Excuse me, where is the theater located?
- Go left here and then take the second right. The theater will be around the corner.

Excuse me, where is the theatre?
- Go left and then turn right at the second turn. The theater will be right around the corner.

Dialogue #2

- Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest bank?
- Go straight on for about 2 miles. You will see the bank directly opposite to the post office.

Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the nearest bank?
- Go straight on this street for about 2 miles. You will see the bank directly opposite the post office.

Dialogue #3

- Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the museum?
- It's pretty far from here. Turn left and then right, go along for a mile or so and the museum is on your left.

Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the museum?
- It's far enough from here. Turn left and then right, go straight for about a mile and the museum will be on your left.

Dialogue #4

- Excuse me, I am looking for a cafe. Do you know how to get there?
- Go left here and turn right after you go past the bank. The cafe is in front of the market.

Excuse me, I'm looking for a cafe. Do you know how to get to it?
- Go left and turn right after you pass the bank. The cafe will be right in front of the market.

We also recommend listening to the BBC's audio lesson for English learners on how to give direction. The text of the recording can be downloaded from the site, so you can easily understand this lesson.

In an institution

You have safely reached the chosen attraction or entertainment venue. Now a few more phrases will come in handy so that you can find out the ticket price, as well as some rules for visiting this place.

I need a guide who speaks Russian.I need a guide who speaks Russian.
How much does a ticket cost?How much does the ticket cost?
How much is the entrance fee?What's the cover charge?
Is the art gallery open on Sundays?Is the art gallery open on Sundays?
What time does the museum open?What time is the museum open?
Is this way to exit?Is this the way out?
Am I allowed to take photos?Can I take photos?
Can you take a photo of us, please?Take a photo of us, please.
May I use the toilet?Can I use the toilet?
Is this seat free?This place is free?

Inscriptions and plates in English

Warning and prohibition labels
wet paintpainted
no swimmingSwimming is prohibited
beware of the dogbe aware of dogs
keep off grassdo not walk on lawns
sitting on grass allowedallowed to sit on the grass
private propertyprivate property
stop / don't cross / don't walkstop / stop
Inscriptions in institutions
closed on Sundaysclosed on sundays
pullon yourself (inscription on the door)
pushfrom myself (inscription on the door)
entrance / way inentrance
admission by ticket onlyentry by tickets only
no entrance / no entryno entry
employees only / staff onlystaff only
authorized personnel only / no admittanceno entrance for unauthorized people
exit to streetexit to the street
exit / way outoutput
no exitno exit
emergency exitemergency exit
entrance feeentrance fee
keep the door closedclose the door behind you
smoking sectionsection for smokers (for example, in a cafe)
no smoking sectionnon-smoking section
no vacanciesno free places
out of ordernot working / broken

Useful sites to learn how to navigate the city in English

  • Travel English Lessons- educational 2-3 minute videos in English for travelers. Native speakers speak clearly, use simple phrases, so watch, listen, get used to the sound of English speech and repeat sentences after the announcers - at the same time learn everything you need.
  • is an exercise site. Pay attention to the Sightseeing section, where you will find useful tasks for practicing the learned vocabulary. Practical exercises will help to fix all the phrases in your memory.

In addition, do not forget about our school: it will allow you to improve your knowledge in the shortest possible time, and you will feel confident abroad.

Complete list of words and phrases for download

Don't forget to download the list of useful vocabulary. If he is with you on a journey, then you can always find the place you want to visit.

(*.pdf, 282 Kb)

Ready to test your knowledge? Then try to score the maximum number of points in our test.

Vocabulary test on the topic "How to navigate the city in English: a simple phrase book"

We think that now you will definitely not get lost in the city, and if this happens, you can easily cope with this trouble, using the help of local residents and phrases from our phrasebook. We wish you not to get lost in any situation, have a nice trip!

  1. The building next to the railway line where people buy tickets is called a ___
  2. Native North Americans lived in a ___
  3. A king or queen lives in a ___
  4. The Empire State Building is so tall that it's called a ___
  5. Eskimos traditionally live in a house made of ice called an ___
  6. A lightweight portable shelter used when camping is called a ___
  7. A tall round building that warns ships of dangerous rocks is called a ___
  8. A place where lots of students sleep when they live on campus is called a ___
  9. A kind of house found moored and floating is called a ___
  10. A place that has many doctors and nurses is called a ___

- download

Answers - Answers : 1. railway station 2. wigwam 3. palace 4. sky-scraper 5. igloo 6. tent 7. lighthouse 8. dorm 9. port 10. hospital

Task 2 - Place Names (Task 2 - "Place Names")

1. If you want to see monkeys, lions, tigers and bears, you would go to the ___.

2. A place where famous paintings and sculptures are kept and displayed to the public is called an ___.

3. The building where you can go and watch the latest blockbuster film is called a ___.

4. A place where you can go to see many different kinds of fish swimming is called an ___.

5. If you want to watch a basketball game or a soccer match, you would go to a ___.

6. A place which serves drinks such as beer and whiskey and where people go to relax and meet friends is called a ___.

7. The place, where rock musicians and orchestras play is called a ___.

8. The place to go if you want to ride on a roller coaster or drive bumper cars is called an ___.

9. A place where you can arrange loans, keep your money in an account which receives interest is called a ___.

10. A place where you can buy stamps, post letters and pay some bills is called a ___.

11. A place where you go to book holidays and buy train tickets is called a ___.

12. If you need to arrange a burial, you would go to a ___.

13. Dirty clothes which can't be washed at home are taken to a ___.

14. If you have a burst pipe or a leaking tap, you need to call a ___.

15. If you don't have a job but are looking for one, you might go to an ___.

16. If you want to hire a lawyer or draw up a will, you would go to a ___.

17. If you want to sell your house, buy a new one, or rent a place to live for a while, you would go to a ___.

18. If your clothes need washing, but you don't have a washing machine, you would go to a ___.

- download

Answers - Answers: 1. zoo 2. museum 3. cinema 4. aquarium 5. stadium 6. bar 7. concert hall 8. motordrome 9. bank 10. post-office 11. tourist office 12. funeral agency 13. dry-cleaner's 14. plumber 15 employment center 16. notary 17. real estate agency 18. laundry

Task 3 - City (Task 3 - "City")

Match the words (Connect the words)

The airport
The circus

Many in our time live in cities or aspire to live there, preferring vigorous activity to quiet solitude. But for now we will not compare "life in the city" and "life in the country", but let's start with descriptions of the city in English. English words for beginners on the topic "Cities and Towns" you will find below. Also, when describing a place, be it a city or a country, it is necessary to have “description constructions”, namely:

  • there is/are
  • it has

cities and towns. English words on the topic "City". List #1

Nouns (nouns):

  1. the capital
  2. city ​​- a large city (usually in each such English city there is cathedral- the cathedral)
  3. town - town
  4. lawn - lawn
  5. square - area
  6. the center - center
  7. street - street
  8. place - place
  9. palace - palace
  10. castle - castle
  11. bridge - bridge
  12. park - park
  13. the cinema - cinema
  14. the theater - theater
  15. the museum
  16. the library
  17. the staduim - stadium
  18. the zoo - zoo
  19. the church
  20. (corner) shop
  21. market - market
  22. supermarket
  23. a view of

Adjectives (adjectives):

  1. new - new
  2. old - old
  3. small - small
  4. big - big
  5. high (tall) - high
  6. famous - famous
  7. beautiful - beautiful
  8. main - main
  9. narrow - narrow
  10. wide - wide
  11. straight - straight

Construction Be + Adjective (=verb):

  1. be proud of - be proud
  2. be rich in - to have in abundance
  3. be famous for - to be famous for
  4. be full of - to be full

My hometown. My native town

  • be not far- be close
  • fresh- fresh
  • mainly- mainly

The task. Read and translate the text from English.

My hometown is small. It is rich in parks and gardens, so it is very green. The town stands on the river and from the bridges you can have a nice view of its beautiful houses. in the center there are mainly old buildings and a church. There is no theater in my town but there is a museum. The museum is not far from the main square.

The streets of my town are narrow and the houses are not very high. There are many small corner shops where people usually buy food. Also there is a market where people can buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

My home town is not very famous but I am proud of it.

My Friends' Town. City where my friend lives

The task.Insert articles in the text where necessary. Translate the text.

My friend lives in … small town. It is … new town. … streets in … town are wide and straight. There are … beautiful buildings in them. … town is very green, and so … air is fresh. There are … beautiful parks and gardens in … town. … people like to go there after … work. In … evening you can hear … sounds of … music from … parks. There are … schools, … libraries, … supermarket, … hospital, … theatre, … cinemas, … clinics and … kindergartens in … town.

Edinburgh. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland)

  • fortress- fortress
  • cathedral- the cathedral
  • ancient- ancient

Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the UK.

The main sight of the city is a famous fortress— Edinburgh Castle. The castle stands high on the mountain. From its towers you can have a good view of the city’s historical buildings, churches and cathedrals.

Tourists from different countires visit Edinburgh every day. They walk narrow streets, do sightseeing, buy souvenirs and enjoy the unusual spirit of the ancient city.

Moscow. Moscow

  • majestic- majestic
  • historical- historical
  • impressive- impressive
  • be located- located
  • GUM[ɡum] - GUM (shop)
  • TcUM— TSUM (shop)

Moscow is the capital of Russia and one of the largest cities in the world. It stands on the Moscow River.

The center of Moscow is Red Square. It is always full of people because tourists from many countries come to visit it. From Red Square there is a good view of St. Basil's Cathedral, the majestic Russian church. Also Red Square is famous for Lenin’s Mausoleum and two most known shopping places in the center of the city: GUM[ɡum] and TcUM .

The most famous historical place of Moscow is the Kremlin. The Kremlin is rich in its churches and cathedrals, its towers and museums. From the bridge of the Moskva River there is a good view of the Kremlin Palace, the impressive building, which is located on the territory of the Kremlin.

There are many high buildings in Moscow.