Prokeimenon Sunday tone 1 at the liturgy. Prokeimenon Sunday voice, or holiday

  • 11.07.2020

During the singing of the Trisagion (or a hymn that replaces the Trisagion), the reader receives a blessing from the priest to read the Apostle, after which he exits the north door from the altar to the salt, descends the steps of the pulpit, while holding the Apostle in both hands slightly in front of him above his head. Having descended, he stands in front of the pulpit (between the pulpit and the lectern with the icon of the holiday), facing royal doors. Then the reader opens the book and waits for the end of the singing of the Trisagion.

Plain reading chart of one Apostle(together with one prokeimenon and alliluary) at the liturgy is as follows:

Deacon: "Wonmem."

Priest: "Peace to all".

Reader: "And your spirit."

Deacon: "Wisdom".

Reader:“Prokimen, voice ... ( calls the voice and says the text of the prokeimenon)» .

choir the prokeimenon sings.

Reader says the verse of the prokeimenon.

choir the prokeimenon sings.

Reader says the 1st half of the prokeimenon.

choir sings the 2nd half of the prokeimenon.

Deacon: "Wisdom".

Reader pronounces the inscription of the apostolic reading, depending on which book the conception is taken from:

"The Acts of the Saints Apostle Reading".

Reading of the Catholic Epistle of James.

"Conciliar Epistle of Petrov Reading".

"Conciliar Epistle of John Reading".

"Conciliar Epistle of Judas Reading".

"To the Romans the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul Reading".

"To the Corinthians of the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul Reading".

"To the Galatians of the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul Reading".

"To Ephesus the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul Reading".

"Reading to the Philippis of the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul".

"To the Colossaeum of the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul Reading".

"To Thessalonica of the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul Reading".

"To Timothy the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul Reading".

"A reading of the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to Titus".

"Reading the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to Philemon".

"To the Hebrews of the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul Reading".

Deacon: "Wonmem".

Reader reads the text of the apostolic conception.

Priest(at the end of reading): "Peace to you".

Reader: "And your spirit."

Deacon: "Wisdom".

Reader:Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.


Reader says the 1st verse of the Alliluary.

choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

Reader says the 2nd verse of the Alliluary.

choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

If a two (or three) Apostles are read and two prokimenos are sung, then scheme will be as follows:

Deacon: "Wonmem."

Priest: "Peace to all".

Reader: "And your spirit."

Deacon: "Wisdom".

Reader: "Prokimen, voice ...(calls the voice and says the text of the 1st prokeimenon)» .

choir sings the 1st prokeimenon.

Reader says the verse of the 1st prokeimenon.

choir sings the 1st prokeimenon.

Reader “Prokimen, voice ... ( calls the voice and says the text of the 2nd prokeimenon)» .

choir the 2nd prokeimenon sings in full.

Deacon: "Wisdom".

Reader pronounces the inscription of the 1st Apostolic Reading, depending on which book the first conception is taken from:

Deacon: "Wonmem."

Reader reads the text first of the first, then of the second apostolic conception, in both cases beginning with introductory phrases. If three conceptions are read, then the reading, which is required by the Charter "under the conception", does not have an introductory phrase and joins one of the other two readings; the resulting composite reading looks like a conception with a crime.

Priest(at the end of reading): "Peace to you".

Reader: "And your spirit."

Deacon: "Wisdom".

Reader: "Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia" and immediately says the 1st verse of the 1st Alliluary.

choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

Reader says the 2nd verse of the 1st Alliluary.

choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

Reader says the 1st verse of the 2nd Alliluary.

choir: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

The scheme given by us for reading the two Apostles and singing the two prokeimenes and alliluaries seems to be the most reasonable, although it is not given exactly in any liturgical book. M. Skaballanovich expresses the opinion that the very silence of the Charter “suggests that each of ... prokeimns and alleluiars must be sung in full; and the fact that in some of these cases ... at the second prokeem the verse of it is not given, decides the question in a direction completely opposite to the accepted practice, i.e.<о>e<сть>with two prokeimns, you cannot sing the second without a verse, but you need to sing the 1st and 2nd with a verse, next<овательно>, 1st two times, and the second 2½ times; Alleluia at 4 verses 5 times, and each time thrice. Obviously, the above opinion is based on the fact that in some cases the second prokeimenon is given with a verse and the second alliluary has two verses (for example, the memory of the holy fathers VII Ecumenical Cathedral, 11 October). However, there are many more holidays in which the second prokeimenon is given without a verse, and the second alliluary has only one verse (September 1, October 26, August 1), which testifies in favor of the established practice we cited above.

It is also necessary to say that in practice in some temples, in the case of reading three verses on the Alleluia, there are deviations from the scheme we have given, when instead of two verses of the first alleluary and one verse of the second, only one verse from each alleluia is read. Sometimes such violations are explained by elementary ignorance, sometimes by a practical difficulty associated with the fact that it is inconvenient to open the alliluary immediately after the end of the reading of the Apostle, while the choir, without waiting for the reader, begins to sing "Alleluia". Such a practice cannot be justified in any way, since it contradicts the explicit instructions of the Rule, recorded in those services, when two holidays occur on the same day and two verses of the first alleluary and one verse of the second are given (see Typicon, September 1, October 1 and 26, November 27, August 1). In such cases, one can advise the reader to try to remember the first verse of the first alliluary, and the choir to show patience.

Charter of reading the Apostle

At the beginning of each conception, an asterisk is placed (if there are two conceptions on one page, then at the beginning of the second there are two asterisks), which plays the role of a link and correlates with the interlinear. At the bottom of the page, in the interlinear apparatus, the day of reading this conception is indicated, and an introductory phrase is also given here, with which the reading of the conception should begin. The following introductory phrases are most often used: in the book of Acts - “In those days”, in the cathedral letters - “Beloved”, in the letters of the Apostle Paul - “Brethren” (in the pastoral letters - “Child Timothy” and “Child Tita”).

Thus, when reading the Apostle, the divine service should, firstly, find the prokimen and alliluary in the appendices, and also, using the appendices, determine the number of conception, which is assigned for reading on this day. Then, having opened the desired beginning, you should immediately make sure on the basis of the interlinear text that it is really intended for reading on a given day. Next, you need to completely take introductory phrase from the interlinear and then read from the very words that come after the asterisk (that is, the words that come before the asterisk in the main text of the Apostle are omitted in this case). The reading ends not where the next conception begins, but only in the place indicated by the words "end ..." (for example, "the end of the great martyr" or "the end of the week"). If, in the middle of reading one conception, the beginning of another reading occurs, then in this case it is necessary to follow the main text, not paying attention to the interlinear.

Some apostolic readings, like the Gospel readings, have a break in the text, or crime when a certain passage in the middle of a given beginning is omitted. In this case, it is necessary, having reached the mark “transgress ...”, skip the next passage, find the note “honor ...” and immediately continue reading from this place. As an illustration, let us cite the apostolic reading with the "crime", which relies on the feast of the Epiphany - to Titus conceived the 302nd(Tit. 2, 11-14; 3, 4-7):

Child Tita, the grace of God saving all man appears, punishing us, but rejecting ungodliness and worldly lusts, chastely and righteously, and piously live in the present age, waiting for the blessed hope and the manifestation of the glory of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself to eat for us, may He deliver us from all iniquity and purify Himself the chosen people, zealots for a good deed.

Pass the Baptism.

[Subsequent verses 2, 15 - 3, 3 are omitted, immediately read 3, 4]

Honor Baptism:

When the grace and love of mankind appeared to our Savior God, not from the works of the righteous, which we did, but according to His mercy, save us by the bath of resurrection and renewal of the Holy Spirit, which Jesus Christ, our Savior, poured out abundantly on us, but being justified by His grace, we shall be heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

End of Baptism.

In many churches in Moscow, parishioners try to sing along, in some churches even “folk singing” is practiced. It is also possible to participate in worship in silence. But in any case, it would be good to understand the liturgical texts, it is convenient to follow with your eyes the text of the key liturgical hymns. We place the text for the general folk singing for the Saturday Vigil and Sunday Liturgy

Seventh Ecumenical Council. XVI-XVII centuries State Russian Museum. Photo site


18th Sunday after Pentecost, tone 1

Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the VII Ecumenical Council (787). Mchch. Nazaria, Gervasia, Protasia and Kelsia. Rev. Saint Nicholas, Prince Chernigov. Rev. Paraskeva Serbian. Rev. Cosmas of Yakhroma.


Blessed husband:
Blessed is the man who does not go to the council of the wicked. / Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.
For the Lord knows the way of the righteous and the way of the wicked will perish. Alleluia (thrice).
Work for the Lord with fear and rejoice in Him with trembling. Alleluia (thrice).
Blessed are all hopeful nan. Alleluia (thrice).
Resurrect, Lord, save me, my God. Alleluia (thrice).
of the Lord is salvation, and on Thy people Thy blessing. Alleluia (thrice).
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Alleluia (thrice)
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Glory to Thee, God thrice)

Stichera on the Lord cry:
Lord, I call to You, hear me. / Hear me, Lord.
Lord, I cry to Thee, hear me: / hearken to the voice of my supplication, / call me to Thee every now and then. / Hear me, Lord.
May my prayer be corrected, / like a censer before You, / the uplifting of my hand / is an evening sacrifice. / Hear me, Lord.
From the depths I called to Thee, Lord, Lord, hear my voice.

Sunday stichera, tone 1:
Bring my soul out of prison, / confess to Your Name.
Our evening prayers / accept the Holy Lord, / and give us the remission of sins, / as if You are One / reveal the Resurrection in the world.
The righteous are waiting for me, / until you repay me.
Go around Zion, / and embrace Him, / and give glory in it to the Risen One from the dead: / as it is our God, / Deliver us from our iniquities.
From the depths I called to You, Lord, / Lord, hear my voice.
Come people, / let us sing, and worship Christ, / glorify Him from dead resurrection: / as the One is our God, / Deliver the world from the charm of the enemy.
Let Your ears be / listen to the voice of my supplication.
Rejoice, Heavens, / trumpet the foundations of the earth, / cry out joy to the mountains: / behold, Immanuel nail our sins on the Cross, / and give life, death to death, / Resurrected Adam, like a Lover of mankind.

Stichera of the Holy Fathers, tone 6:
If you see iniquity, Lord, Lord, who will stand; / like you have cleansing.
Honest councils of the fathers, having composed at different times, gathered together in one and the same rule, the new patriarch German is very good, writing in the same way and holding these dogmas, even the prayer books of this wakeful shepherd, and the Lord, the shepherd.
For Thy name's sake, suffer Thee, O Lord; my soul suffer through Thy word; / / my soul has hoped in the Lord.
Lay down the law of the Scriptures for the Jewish children, an honest week, / the vestibule to those who keep and serve this, / the fathers of the south, flocking at the Seventh Council by the mania of God, / in six days he did all this, / and the seven
From the morning watch until night, from the morning watch, / let Israel hope in the Lord.
The Trinity to all from things, the existence of the world, the real guilt, clearly betray the blessed fathers: three and four councils, with the most mysterious word, and the avenger of the Orthodox word that appeared, the verses four, and the Trinity, who explained
For the Lord has mercy, and He has much deliverance, and He will deliver Israel from all his iniquities.
Breathe in one life, to the lying son of the servant, the prophet Elyssa, the vision is green: both turned seven times, and bowing to this, proclaiming as a seer of your cathedrals, and even the mortification of the Divine, in his death.
Praise the Lord, all nations; praise Him, all people.
Who will save your, torn robe? Arius, you said: even after the Trinity, stop the one-honest beginning in divisions: this reject thee to be one from the Trinity: this and Nestoria teaches the Mother of God not to speak. but the cathedral is already in Nicea, the Son of God preaches thee, Lord, the father and the Holy Spirit. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
For His mercy is established upon us, / / ​​and the truth of the Lord remains forever.
Arius the Mad/ Blessed One divided the Trinity of the Monocracy/ into three incomparable and alien beings./ The same fathers of God-bearing came down,/ zealously inflame with zeal, like Elijah the Thesbite,/ they cut off with a spiritual sword, and who taught the spirit/who taught him/

Let us praise the mysterious day of the Spirit of the trumpet of the God-bearing fathers, singing in the midst of the church, the hymn of the likeness of Theology: the Trinity is one indispensable, the being and the Divine: the dethronement of the Aryans, and the Orthodox champions, praying to our souls, always praise the Lord,

Theotokion, tone 1:
World-wide glory, / from the man who has grown cold, / and the Lord who has given birth, / the Heavenly Door / let us sing Mary the Virgin, / The incorporeal song, and the faithful fertilizer: / This is for the Sky, and the Temple of the Divine: / This barrier of enmity destroying, / introducing the world, and The kingdom is open. / This is the possession of the Faith, Affirmation, / The Advocate of the Imam from Ney, the Born Lord. / Dare ubo, dare the people of God: / for He will conquer the enemies, like the Almighty.

Quiet light of the holy glory, / Immortal, Heavenly Father, / Blessed Holy One, Jesus Christ. / Having come to the setting of the sun, / having seen the evening light, / we sing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, God. / Thou art worthy at all times / do not be the voices of the reverend, / Son of God, give life, / the same world glorifies You.

Prokimen, tone 6:
The Lord reigns, / clothed in splendor.
Verse: The Lord is clothed with strength and girded.
Verse: For affirm the universe, which will not move.
Verse: Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, in the length of days.

Grant, Lord, this evening without sin will be preserved for us. Blessed are you, O Lord, God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is your name forever. Amen.
Wake, Lord, Thy mercy on us, as if we were relying on Thee. Blessed be Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy justification. Blessed art Thou, Lord, enlighten me with Thy justification. Blessed art Thou, Holy One, enlighten me with Thy justifications.
Lord, Thy mercy is forever; do not despise the works of Thy hand. Praise is due to You, Singing is due to You, Glory is due to You, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Poetry on the poem:
The verses are resurrected, tone 1.
By Thy passion, Christ, / we are freed from the passions, / and by Thy resurrection we will be delivered from corruption, / Lord, glory to Thee.
The Lord reigns, clothed in splendor.
Let the creature rejoice, let the heavens rejoice, / let the tongues clap their hands with joy: / Christ, for our Savior, nail our sins on the Cross: / and death, killing the belly of us as a gift, / resurrected the fallen Adam of the all-kind, / like a Lover of mankind.
For affirm the universe, even if it does not move.
The king of heaven and earth is incomprehensible, / by will you were crucified for philanthropy. / He’s hell shitted his share, grieved, / and the righteous souls rejoiced: / Adam, having seen Thee, the Builder in the underworld, is risen. / About a miracle! How death taste all life; / but as if the world wants to enlighten, calling, and saying: / Risen from the dead, Lord, glory to Thee.
Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, in the length of days.
The world-bearing wives, bearing the world, / with diligence and weeping reached Your tomb, / and did not find Your Most Pure Body, / having taken away a new and glorious miracle from the Angel, / the Apostle said: / the Lord is risen, / giving the world great mercy.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

Stichera of the Holy Fathers:
Моле́бную па́мять дне́сь, Богоно́сных отце́в, от всея́ вселе́нныя собра́вшихся, во све́тлем гра́де нике́йстем, правосла́вных собра́ния, благоче́ствующе ве́рно пра́зднуем: си́и бо лю́таго а́риа безбо́жное веле́ние благочестному́дренне низложи́ша, и от кафоли́ческия це́ркве собо́рне того́ изгна́ша, и я́сно Сы́на Бо́жия единосу́щна, и соприсносу́щна, before the age of existence, teaching everyone to confess in the image of faith, knowingly and piously expounding this. In the same way, we, by their Divine command, subsequently, knowingly, faithfully serve, with the Father the Son, and the All-Holy Spirit, in one Godhead, the Trinity consubstantial.
And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen

The Theotokos Sunday, Tone 4:
Look at the prayers of Your servant, the All-Immaculate, / quenching the fierce uprisings on us, / all sorrows are changing us. / You, One, the firm and well-known statement of the imam, / and Your intercession is a banner. / May we not be ashamed, Mistress, who call upon Thee, / rush to pray to You, faithfully crying out: / Rejoice, Mistress, / all help, joy and protection, / and the salvation of our souls.

Now let your servant go, Master, according to your word, in peace; for my eyes have seen your salvation, if you have prepared before the face of all people, a light in the revelation of tongues, and the glory of your people Israel.

Mother of God Virgin, rejoice, / Gracious Mary, the Lord is with you: / blessed are you in women / and blessed is the Fruit of your womb, / / ​​as the Savior gave birth to our souls. (twice)

Troparion of the Holy Fathers, tone 4
Glorified art Thou, O Christ our God, / shone on the earth our fathers founding / and by those who instructed us all in the true faith, / / ​​Many-merciful, glory to Thee.

Psalm 33:
I will bless the Lord at all times, / I will take up His praise in my mouth. / My soul will boast in the Lord, / let the meek hear, and be glad. / Praise the Lord with me, / and we will lift up His name together. / And deliver me from all my sorrows. / Come to Him, and be enlightened, / and your faces will not be put to shame. / This poor man called, and the Lord heard and, / and save him from all sorrows and. / The angel of the Lord will encamp around those who fear Him. / and deliver them. / Taste and see that the Lord is good: / blessed is the man who trusts Nan. / Fear the Lord, all His saints / as if there is no deprivation for those who fear Him. will not be deprived of any good.

(the lights are turned off, the six psalms are read: 3, 37, 62, 87, 102, 142 psalms)

God is the Lord, and appear to us, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord

Sunday troparion, tone 1 (twice):

Troparion to the Holy Fathers, tone 8:

And now:
Theotokion, tone 8:
For our sake, be born of the Virgin / and, having endured the crucifixion, the Good One, / overthrew death by death / and the Resurrection is revealed as God, / do not despise, even if you created it by Your hand; / show Your philanthropy, Merciful. / Accept the Mother of God who gave birth to You, praying for us, / and save, our Savior, desperate people.

Praise the Name of the Lord, praise the servant of the Lord. Alleluia.
Blessed be the Lord from Zion, who lives in Jerusalem. Alleluia.
Confess to the Lord, for it is Good, for His mercy is forever. Alleluia.
Confess to the God of Heaven, for His mercy is forever. Alleluia.

Troparion "for the immaculate", tone 5:

Surprised at the Angelic Cathedral, / in vain you were imputed to the dead, / the mortal, Savior, ruined the fortress, / and raised Adam with Himself, / and all was freed from hell.
Blessed be Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy justification.
Why do you dissolve the world with merciful tears, / O students? / Shine in the tomb Angel of the myrrh-bearing things: / you see the tomb and understand, / He has risen from the tomb.
Blessed be Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy justification.
It’s too early for the miron-bearers to flow / weeping to Your sepulcher, / but an angel appeared to them and said: / weeping is the time of rest, do not cry, / the resurrection of the apostle is crying.
Blessed be Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy justification.
The myrrh-bearing women from the world came / to Your tomb, Savior, weeping, / An angel spoke to them, saying: / what do you think with the living dead? / As God is risen from the tomb.

Let us worship the Father / and His Sons, and the Holy Spirit, / Holy Trinity in a single being, / calling from the Seraphim: / Holy, Holy, Holy are you, Lord.
And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
Having given birth to life, / sin, Virgin, Adam delivered thou, / joy to Eve / gave place in sorrow, / fallen from life / direct to this / from You incarnated God and Man.

Prokeimenon, tone 1:
Now I will rise again, says the Lord, / I will rely on Salvation, I will not be offended about it.
Verse: The words of the Lord, the words are pure.
Verse: Praise God in His saints, praise Him in the confirmation of His power

Gospel of John chapter 20:1-10 (translating to Russian language)
At that time, on the very first day of the week, Mary Magdalene comes to the tomb early, when it was still dark, and sees that the stone has been rolled away from the tomb. So, he runs and comes to Simon Peter and another disciple, whom Jesus loved, and says to them: They took the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they laid Him. Immediately Peter and another disciple came out and went to the tomb. They both ran together; but the other disciple ran faster than Peter, and came first to the tomb. And, bending down, he saw the sheets lying; but did not enter the tomb. Simon Peter comes after him, and enters the tomb, and sees only linen sheets lying, and the kerchief that was on His head, not lying with linen sheets, but specially entwined in another place. Then another disciple also entered, who had previously come to the tomb, and saw, and believed. For they did not yet know from the Scriptures that He was to be raised from the dead. So the disciples returned to their homes again.

Seeing the Resurrection of Christ Let us worship the Holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless one. We worship Your Cross, O Christ, and holy resurrection We eat and praise yours. Thou art our God, do we know nothing else for Thee, We call Thy name. Come, all faithful, let us worship the saint Christ's Resurrection; Behold, the joy of the whole world has come by the Cross; Always bless the Lord, let us sing of His Resurrection, having endured the crucifixion, destroy death by death.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Through the prayers of the apostles, Merciful One, cleanse the multitude of our sins.
And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
Through the prayers of the Theotokos, O Merciful One, cleanse the multitude of our sins.
Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy, and according to the multitude of Thy mercies, cleanse my iniquity.
Jesus resurrected from the tomb, as if prophesying, give us eternal life and great mercy.

(in the songs of the canon, read from the beginning of the anointing of parishioners with oil, the meaning and beauty of the events celebrated by the Church today are revealed)

On 9 songs of the canon:
Song of the Blessed Virgin:
My soul magnifies the Lord / and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
The most honest Cherubim / and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, /
without the destruction of God the Word gave birth, / the present Mother of God, we magnify Thee (Chorus sung after each verse)
Like a contemplation of the humility of His servant, / behold, from now on, all birth will please Me. The most honest…
Yako do me greatness, O Strong One, and holy is His name, and His mercy from generation to generation to those who fear Him.
The most honest…
Create power with your arm, / scatter their hearts with proud thoughts.
The most honest…
Depose the strong from the throne, / and exalt the humble, fill the hungry with good things, / let the rich go.
The most honest…
He will accept His servant Israel, / remember mercy, / like a verb to our fathers, / to Abraham and his seed even to the age.
The most honest…

After the canon of Stichera on praises:
Every breath praises the Lord.
Praise the Lord from heaven, / praise Him in the highest. / You deserve a song to God.
Praise Him, all His Angels, / praise Him, all His Powers. / You deserve a song to God.

Sunday stichera, tone 1:
To do judgment in them is written: / this glory will be to all His saints.
We sing to Your Christ, saving passion, / and glorify Your Resurrection.
Praise God in His saints, / Praise Him in the affirmation of His power.
Endured the Cross, and abolished death, / and risen from the dead, / die our life, Lord, / as one Omnipotent.
Praise Him in His might, / Praise Him according to the multitude of His majesty.
Captivating hell, and resurrecting a man, / by your Resurrection Christ, / vouchsafe us with a pure heart, / sing and glorify you.
Praise Him in the voice of the trumpet: / Praise Him in the psalter and the harp.
Your divine indulgence is glorious, / we sing to Thee Christ. / You were born of the Virgin, / and you were not separated from the Father, / you suffered like a man, / and you endured the Cross by will, / you rose from the tomb, as if you came from a chamber / yes, save the world, / Lord, glory to You.

Stichera of the Holy Fathers:
Praise him in tambourine and face, praise him in strings and organ:
Praise Him with cymbals of good voice, praise Him with cymbals of exclamation: / let every breath praise the Lord:
Все́ собра́вше / душе́вное худо́жество, / и Боже́ственным Ду́хом разсмотри́вше / Небе́сный и че́стны́й / симво́л ве́ры, / че́стни́и отцы́ Богопи́санне начерта́ша: / в не́мже я́вственнейше / ро́ждшему собезнача́льнаго сло́ва науча́ют, / и всеи́стинно единосу́щнаго, / апо́стольским после́дующе проявле́нно уче́нием, / благосла́внии и пребога́тии / true and God-wisdom.
Blessed are you, Lord God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is your name forever:
All the receptions / um shining of the holy soul, the most passive blessing / painting verbs, and many razum / God -personally verified, / as of Christ's emergency, / and the testimony of the same, / and the pantry / God-taught faith.
Gather together his saints for him:
All that gathered / Pustrian temptation, / and the reign of moved now righteous, / excitingly pulling the extension and the sagging worships, / the right soul of the sovereign, / from the cerebrospinal execution / piddleing, / and there is an inexhaustible. Christ, / and Divine preaching / the mysteries of the most sacred.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The face of the Holy Fathers, flowing down from the end of the universe, the father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching one being, and the nature, and the mystery of Theology, clearly betraying the Church: even praising by faith, let us appease the verbal sermon: O divine! God-speakers of the armies of the Lord’s militia, stars of the many-light mental firmament, pillars of the mysterious Zion of the unobstructed, world-inspiring flowers of heaven, the all-gold mouth of the word, Nicene praise, universal adornment! pray diligently for our souls.
And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
Blessed be Thou, O Virgin Mother of God, / Who incarnated Hell from Thee from Thee, / Adam has called, / the oath is required, / Eve is free, / death has died, and we are dying. / With that chanting cry: / blessed is Christ God, / benevolent taco, glory to Thee.


1st antiphon:
Bless, my soul, the Lord, Blessed are you, Lord.
Bless, my soul, the Lord, and all my inner being, His holy name.
Bless the Lord, my soul, and do not forget all His rewards.
Who cleanses all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases.
Who redeems your belly from destruction, who crowns you with mercy and bounties.
Whoever fulfills your desire in good things: your youth will be renewed like an eagle.
The Lord is generous and merciful, long-suffering and many-merciful.
Bless, O my soul, the Lord, and all my inward things, His holy name.
Blessed are you, Lord.

2nd antiphon:
Praise, my soul, the Lord.
I will praise the Lord in my stomach; I will sing to my God while I am.
Do not rely on princes, on the sons of men, in them there is no salvation.
His spirit will go out and return to his own land: in that day all his thoughts will perish.
Blessed is the God of Jacob his helper, his hope is in the Lord his God,
who made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them;
who keeps the truth forever, who executes judgment on the offended, who gives food to the hungry.
The Lord will decide the fettered; The Lord makes the blind wise;
The Lord raises up the downtrodden; The Lord loves the righteous;
The Lord guards the aliens, he will accept a sire and a widow, and he will destroy the path of sinners.
The Lord will reign forever. Your God, Zion, to generation and generation.

only begotten Son, and the Word of God, He is immortal, and desirous of our salvation to be incarnated from the Holy Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, immutably incarnated, crucified Christ God, righting death by death, One of the Holy Trinity, glorified by the Father and the Holy Spirit, save us.

Blessed are:
In Your Kingdom, remember us, Lord when you come into your kingdom.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for those are the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are those who weep, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the mercies, for they will have mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Blessed exile for the sake of righteousness, for those are the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are you, when they reproach you, and spit you out, and speak every evil word against you, lying for My sake.
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is many in heaven.

During the small entrance with the Gospel:
Come, let us bow down and fall down to Christ. Save us, Son of God, resurrect their dead, singing to Thee, Hallelujah.

Sunday troparion, tone 1:
The stone is sealed from the Jews / and by a warrior guarding Your Most Pure Body, / thou hast resurrected the three-day Savior, / bestowing life on the world. / For this, for the sake of the Power of Heaven, cry out to You, Life-Giver: / glory to Your Resurrection, Christ, / glory to Your Kingdom, / glory to Your watching, O only Humanity.

Troparion of the Holy Fathers, tone 8
You are glorified, O Christ our God, our founding fathers shone on the earth, and by those who instructed us all in the true faith, many-merciful, glory to you.

Sunday kontakion, tone 1:
Thou hast risen like God from the tomb in glory, / and thou hast resurrected the world; / and human nature, like God, sings to You, and death has disappeared; / Adam rejoices, Master; / Eve now being delivered from the bonds rejoices, calling: / You are, Who gave everyone, Christ, the resurrection.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit:

Kontakion of the Holy Fathers, Tone 6:
Having risen from the Father, the Son is indescribably / born from the Woman, purely by nature, / Seeing Him, we do not brush aside the image of the image, / but, this is piously delineating, / we honor it correctly. / And for this sake the Church holds the true faith, / kisses the icon of the incarnation of Christ.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
The intercession of Christians is shameless, the intercession to the Creator is immutable, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but precede, as if Good, to help us, who are rightly calling Ty; hasten to prayer and rush to supplication, intercessory intercession, the Theotokos, who honor Thee.

(The singing of troparions at the entrance is given according to the version of the service in the Lord's temple. In the temple of the Virgin or a saint, their own troparia are added and sung in a different order)

Prokeimenon, tone 1:
Wake, O Lord, Thy mercy upon us, / as if we put our trust in Thee.
Verse: Rejoice, righteous ones, in the Lord, / praise is due to the right.
Prokimen, tone 4 (to the holy fathers)
Blessed are you, Lord God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is Your Name forever.

To the Corinthians the letter of St. app. Paul (chapter 9:6-11) , ordinary
Brethren, whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly; but whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each give according to the disposition of the heart, not with grief and not with compulsion; for God loves a joyful giver. But God is able to enrich you with all grace, so that you, always and in everything, having all contentment, be rich for every good deed, as it is written: He squandered, distributed to the poor; his righteousness endures forever. He who gives seed to the sower and bread for food will give abundance to what you have sown and multiply the fruits of your righteousness, so that you will be rich in everything for all generosity, which through us produces thanksgiving to God.

To the Hebrews the Epistle of St. Apostle Paul (chapter 13:7-16) , holy fathers:
Brethren, remember your leaders who preached to you the word of God, and, looking at the end of their lives, imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do not be carried away by various and alien teachings; for it is good to strengthen hearts by grace, and not by foods from which those who practice them have not benefited. We have an altar from which the servants of the tabernacle have no right to eat. Since the bodies of animals, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for the atonement of sin, are burned outside the camp, Jesus, too, in order to sanctify people with His blood, suffered outside the gates. So let us go out to Him outside the camp, bearing His reproach; for we have no permanent city here, but we are looking for the future. Let us, therefore, through Him continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of a mouth that glorifies His name. Do not forget also good deeds and sociability, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

Gospel of Luke (chapter 8; 5-15) , ordinary
The Lord spoke this parable: A sower went out to sow his seed, and as he sowed, something else fell by the wayside and was trampled on, and the birds of the air pecked at him; and another fell on a stone, and ascending, withered, because it had no moisture; and another fell among the thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked him; and another fell on good ground and, rising up, brought forth fruit a hundredfold. Having said this, he proclaimed: whoever has ears to hear, let him hear! And His disciples asked Him: What would this parable mean? He said: It has been given to you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, but to the rest in parables, so that seeing they do not see and hearing they do not understand. This is what this parable means: the seed is the word of God; but what fell along the way is the hearers, to whom the devil then comes and takes the word out of their hearts, so that they would not believe and be saved; and those who fell on the stone are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy, but who have no root, and believe for a time, but fall away in the time of temptation; and those who have fallen into thorns are those who hear the word, but, departing, are crushed by worries, wealth and worldly pleasures and do not bear fruit; and those who have fallen on good ground are those who, having heard the word, keep it in a good and pure heart and bear fruit in patience. Having said this, He proclaimed: He who has ears to hear, let him hear!

Gospel of John (chapter 17:1-13) ,holy fathers
At that time Jesus lifted up His eyes to heaven and said: Father! the hour has come, glorify your Son, and your Son will glorify you, because you gave him power over all flesh, so that everything that you gave him, he will give eternal life. And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. I glorified You on earth, I completed the work that You instructed Me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in Your own presence with the glory that I had with You before the world was. I have revealed Your name to the people You have given Me from the world; they were yours, and you gave them to me, and they kept your word. Now they have understood that everything that You have given Me is from You, for the words that You have given Me I have delivered to them, and they have accepted, and have truly understood that I came from You, and have believed that You sent Me. I pray for them: I do not pray for the whole world, but for those whom You have given Me, because they are Yours. And all mine is yours, and yours is mine; and I am glorified in them. I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am going to You. Holy Father! keep them in Your name, those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are. When I was with them in peace, I kept them in Your name; those whom You gave Me I have kept, and none of them perished except the son of perdition, may the Scripture be fulfilled. Now I am going to You, and I say this in the world, so that they may have My joy complete in themselves.

[Deacon: We will listen.

Priest: Peace to all.

Choir: And your spirit.

Deacon: Wisdom. prokimen, voice (such and such):

Sunday prokimny
Tone 1

Now I will arise, - says the Lord, / - I will manifest salvation in myself, I will clearly announce it.

Verse: The words of the Lord are pure words. Ps 11:6b,7a

Voice 2

Awake, O Lord my God, according to the command that You commanded; / and the assembly of nations will surround you.

Verse: Oh my God! I trust in you; save me. Ps 7:7b–8a, 2a

Voice 3

Say among the nations that the Lord reigns, / for He has set the world right, and it will not be shaken.

Verse: Sing to the Lord a new song, sing to the Lord, all the earth. Ps 95:10a, 1

Tone 4

Arise, Lord, help us, / and deliver us for the sake of Your name.

Verse: God, we have heard with our ears, and our fathers have told us. Ps 43:27, 2a

Tone 5

Arise, O Lord my God, let Thy hand be exalted, / for Thou reignest forever.

Verse: I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart; I will proclaim all Your wonders. Wed Ps 9:33a, 37, 2

Tone 6

Lord, raise up Your strength / and come to save us.

Verse: Shepherd of Israel, listen, leading like the sheep of Joseph. Ps 79: 3b, 2a

Tone 7

Arise, O Lord my God, let Thy hand be exalted, / do not forget Thy poor to the end.

Verse: I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart; I will proclaim all Your wonders. Ps 9:33, 2

Tone 8

The Lord will reign forever, / Your God, Zion, to generation and generation.

Verse: Praise, my soul, the Lord. I will praise the Lord all my life. ] Ps 145:10, 1b-2a

Deacon: Let's pray to the Lord.

Choir: Lord have mercy.

The priest proclaims: For holy are You, our God, and rest in the saints, and we give glory to You, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and always, and forever and ever.

Choir: Amen.

Deacon: Everything that breathes, let it praise the Lord.

Verse: Praise God in His saints, praise Him in the firmament of His might.

Deacon: In order to make us worthy to hear the holy Gospel, we pray to the Lord God.

Choir: Lord have mercy. (3)

Deacon: Wisdom! Let's be reverent. Let's hear the holy gospel.

Priest: Peace to all.

Choir: And your spirit.

Priest: From (name of evangelist) holy gospel reading.

Choir: Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee.

Deacon: We will listen.

And the priest reads the morning [Sunday] Gospel, if a week happens.

Also [sing]: Seeing the Resurrection of Christ: And Psalm 50.

Glory: Through the prayers of the Apostles: And so on; on the feasts, the stichera of the feast.

After kissing the Gospel, the deacon proclaims:

Save, O God, Thy people and bless Thy inheritance, visit Thy world with mercy and bounty, lift up the horn of Orthodox Christians and send upon us Thy rich mercies: at the intercession of our all-pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the sacred and life-giving cross; intercession of saints heavenly powers incorporeal, [with the prayers] of the holy glorious prophet Forerunner and Baptist John, the holy glorious and all-praising Apostles; our holy fathers, [great] hierarchs and ecumenical teachers Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom; our holy father Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, miracle worker; saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril, teachers of the Slavic, saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir and Grand Duchess Olga; our holy fathers and all-Russian miracle workers Peter, Alexy, Jonah, Philip and Hermogenes; holy glorious and victorious martyrs, our venerable and God-bearing fathers, holy and righteous God-fathers Joachim and Anna, (holy temple and holy day) and all your saints: we implore you, many-merciful Lord, hear us sinners praying to you, and have mercy on us.

[Chorus: Lord have mercy. (12)]

The priest proclaims: By the mercy and bounty and love of mankind of Your only-begotten Son, with whom You are blessed, with Your all-holy and good and life-giving Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.

[Chorus: Amen. ]

And the choir begins the canons - [on Sunday:] Sunday, Cross Sunday, the Mother of God and the Menaion. After 3 odes, the deacon or priest pronounces a small litany:


[Priest] proclaims: For You are our God, and we give glory to You, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.

[Chorus: Amen. ]

Then the sedal of the Menaion.

After the 6th ode of the litany:

[Deacon:] Again and again: Protect, save: Most Holy, Pure:

[Priest] proclaims: For You are the King of the world and the Savior of our souls, and we give glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.

Choir: Amen.

Kontakion and ikos. And reading in Synaxaria.

[After the 8th song, a mess.

Deacon: Let us exalt the Mother of God and the Mother of Light in songs.

Song of the Blessed Virgin: My soul magnifies the Lord: And the 9th song of the canon.]

At the end of the 9th song [canon, if the day is not a holiday,] we sing: Worthy to eat:

After [katavasia] 9 songs [or "It is worthy to eat":]

[Deacon:] Again and again: Protect, save: Most Holy, Pure:

[Priest] proclaims: For all the Powers of heaven praise You, and they send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always, and forever and ever.

[Chorus: Amen. ]

[Luminary of the day or holiday.

On Sunday, the deacon proclaims, and the choir repeats three times:]

Holy is the Lord our God.

[Verse: For holy is the Lord our God.

Verse: Our God is above all people. ]

Then the Exapostilary of the Sunday and celebrated saint. And then [on the holidays we begin to sing Laudatory psalms to the voice that happened] and the stichera “Na Praise”. [On Sundays] - 4 Sundays and 4 Anatolian. We add additional verses:

Verse 1: Arise, O Lord my God, let Thy hand be exalted, / do not forget Thy poor to the end. Ps 9:33

Verse 2: I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart, / I will proclaim all Your wonders. Ps 9:2

Glory: Stanza Evangelical Ordinary.

And now, the Theotokos, voice 2: Blessed are You, Virgin Mother of God:

[Priest: Glory to Thee, Who showed us the light. ]

Praise is great. And we sing troparia according to the charter. Then the deacon or priest pronounces the litany:

Litany abyssal

Deacon: Have mercy on us, God, according to Your great mercy, we pray to You, hear and have mercy.

Choir: Lord have mercy (three times - here and below).

We also pray for the Great Lord and our father His Holiness Patriarch (name) and about our lord ( high ) His Grace Metropolitan (or: archbishop or: bishop - name) and about all our brotherhood in Christ.

We also pray for our God-protected country, its authorities and army, but quiet and serene life let us spend in all godliness and purity.

We also pray for the blessed and always remembered creators of this holy temple (or: this holy mansion), and about all our former deceased fathers and brothers, lying here and everywhere, Orthodox.

We also pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visitation, forgiveness and forgiveness of the sins of the servants of God, the brethren (and parishioners) of this holy temple (or: this holy mansion).

We also pray for those who make donations and do good in this holy and all-sacred temple, for those who work, sing and stand by in it, expecting great and rich mercy from You.

The priest proclaims: For You are a merciful and philanthropic God, and we give glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always, and forever and ever.

Choir: Amen.

Then [says] the deacon or priest:

Litany of supplication

Deacon: Execute morning prayer our Lord.

Choir: Lord have mercy.

Protect, save, have mercy and keep us, O God, by Your grace.

We ask the Lord for this perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless day.

Choir: Give it, Lord.

We ask the Lord for an angel of peace, a faithful mentor, a guardian of our souls and bodies.

We ask the Lord for forgiveness and forgiveness of our sins and sins.

Good and useful to our souls and peace to the world, we ask the Lord.

We ask the Lord to finish the rest of our life in peace and repentance.

Christian death of our painless, shameless, peaceful, and kind response to the Last Judgment We ask for Christ.

Our Most Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Our Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary with all the saints, remembering ourselves and each other, and let us commit our whole life to Christ our God.

Choir: You, Lord.

The priest proclaims: For You are the God of mercy, generosity and philanthropy, and we give glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always, and forever and ever.

Choir: Amen.

Priest: Peace to all.

Choir: And your spirit.

Deacon: Let us bow our heads before the Lord.

Choir: You, Lord.

Head bow prayer

Holy Lord, living on the heights and looking farther down, and with Your all-seeing eye beholding all creation! We bowed before You in body and soul and pray to You, Holy of Holies: stretch out Your invisible hand from Your holy habitation and bless us all, and if we have sinned, voluntarily or involuntarily, You, as a good and philanthropic God, forgive us, granting us worldly and Thy unworldly blessings.

The priest proclaims: For You have mercy and save us, our God, and we give glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always, and forever and ever.

Choir: Amen.

Deacon: Wisdom.

Choir: bless.


Choir: Amen. Confirm, God

Priest: Holy Mother of God save us.

Choir: Honor the highest Cherubim:


Choir: (3) bless.

The priest pronounces the dismissal:

[ (Resurrected from the dead,) Christ, our true God, through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother, holy glorious and all-praised Apostles, saints (names of temple and day saints), the holy righteous Godfathers Joachim and Anna and all the saints, will have mercy and save us, as a Good and Humanitarian. ]

The choir sings for many years. [And start the first hour.]

On other days, except for feasts, the days of forefeast and afterfeast, and Saturdays, there are no litanies after kathismos. At the end of the kathisma, psalm 50 and canons. After 3 and 6 songs and "It is worthy to eat:" small litanies.

After Gloria: and Grant, O Lord, this day: litany: Let's fulfill our morning prayer:

And verses on the poem. After the Trisagion and the troparia of the litany: God have mercy on us:

After the exclamation: Wisdom.

Choir: bless.

Priest: Blessed Jehovah is Christ our God, always: now and ever and forever and ever.

Choir: Amen. Confirm, God

And the reader begins hour 1: Come, let's bow: and psalms.

[After the exclamation: God, have pity on us and bless us, show us the light of Your face and have mercy on us, the priest, leaving the altar, reads a prayer before the icon of the Savior:]

Christ, true Light, enlightening and sanctifying every person who comes into the world! Imprint on us the light of Your face, so that we may see the light of impregnability in it, and direct our steps to the fulfillment of Your commandments, through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen.

After the prayer [and, according to tradition, kontakion to the Theotokos]:

Priest: Glory to Thee, Christ God, our hope, glory to Thee.

Choir: Glory, and now, Lord, have mercy. (3) bless.