Igor Graf - purpose, business testing, motivation. Igor Count reviews The Fall of the Earls of Kildare

  • 20.02.2024

Grafov Igor Alexandrovich. Born: November 14, 1923 in Petrograd into a working-class family. He graduated from the short-term searchlight courses at the anti-aircraft school. From January 1942, he participated in battles on the Leningrad Front (Sinyavsky Heights) as a platoon commander of the 803rd Army Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment of the 2nd Shock Army.

At the beginning of February, the Soviet wars reached the Narva River and, having crossed it, strengthened themselves on a small but strategically important bridgehead on the western bank of the river near the village of Vaza. Among the units that crossed the river was an anti-aircraft machine-gun platoon of the 803rd Army Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment, led by junior lieutenant Igor Grafov. Crossing the Narva River

The defenders of this small bridgehead had no other weapons besides machine guns and grenades. On February 22, a battle broke out that lasted for 17 hours. Enemy artillery fire made it impossible to bring up fresh forces and ammunition from the eastern bank of the river.

With precise targeted bursts, Igor Grafov repelled six attacks by the Nazis; for over 4 hours he was continuously behind the machine gun. He was wounded, but remained in service. When the Germans went on the attack for the seventh time, they ran out of ammunition. The Nazis surrounded I.A. Grafov and began to approach him from different directions. The fascists' machine gun fire killed the fearless Soviet officer.

Thanks to the dedication of the heroically killed junior lieutenant I.A. Grafov, 11 enemy attacks were repulsed, his infantry battalion was defeated, 5 machine-gun crews were destroyed and strategically important bridgeheads were held. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 1, 1944, Junior Lieutenant Igor Aleksandrovich Grafov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Star, and medals.


Twenty-year-old communist Igor Grafov did not disgrace the military glory of the Red Army, which was born here in the heavy battles of the eighteenth year. Igor kept his word: no one had to blush for him. Wounded four times, he fought. This is a real heroic feat!

G Rafov Igor Aleksandrovich - commander of an anti-aircraft machine-gun platoon of the 803rd army anti-aircraft artillery regiment of the 2nd shock army of the Leningrad Front, junior lieutenant.

Born on November 14, 1923 in the city of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), in a family of hereditary St. Petersburg workers on the Vyborg side. Russian. During my school years I was interested in mathematics, physics, history, geology, and sports. After school I was preparing to enter the Institute of Film Engineers.

In the first months of the Great Patriotic War, I.A. Grafov took short-term courses at the searchlight-anti-aircraft school. Since January 1942, he participated in battles on the Leningrad Front (Sinyavinsky Heights) as a platoon commander of the 803rd Army Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment of the 2nd Shock Army.

Commander of the 803rd Regiment V.F. Slabkovsky later recalled: “If I could draw, I would draw a portrait of Igor Grafov like this: young, handsome, pure beautiful eyes, courageous expression, infinitely loving his native Leningrad and his beloved Motherland.

Igor is the pride of the younger generation. He loved his family, especially his mother. He can be placed in the first row with Alexander Matrosov and Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. Upon arrival at my regiment, he immediately asked to join the machine gun company as a platoon commander. He knew his business very well. He had well-deserved authority among his fellow soldiers. He received the Order of the Red Star and the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” under enemy artillery fire.”

In January 1944, after the blockade of Leningrad was lifted, the troops of the Leningrad Front went on the offensive. In bloody battles that lasted several weeks, the Nazis were expelled from the Leningrad region. At the beginning of February, the Soviet wars reached the Narva River and, having crossed it, strengthened themselves on a small but strategically important bridgehead on the western bank of the river near the village of Vaza. Among the units that crossed the river was an anti-aircraft machine-gun platoon of the 803rd Army Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment, led by junior lieutenant Igor Grafov.

The enemy tried, at all costs, to recapture the bridgehead fortifications. The defenders of this small bridgehead had no other weapons besides machine guns and grenades. Platoon of junior lieutenant Grafov I.A. came under heavy enemy fire. On February 22, a battle broke out that lasted for 17 hours. Drunken Nazi soldiers crawled up to the positions of Soviet soldiers, threw grenades and shouted: “Rus, surrender!” In response, our machine guns opened fire, and the next Nazi attack rolled back. Then the enemy began to shower the small bridgehead with shells, and bombers from the air dropped their deadly cargo there. And then - a new attack by enemy infantry. After each attack, fewer and fewer fighters from Grafov’s platoon remained in the ranks. Enemy artillery fire made it impossible to bring up fresh forces and ammunition from the eastern bank of the river. In the midst of the battle, the commander suddenly noticed that one of the machine guns had fallen silent. He ran up to him and took the place of the dead man. With precise targeted bursts, Igor Grafov repelled six attacks by the Nazis; he was continuously behind the machine gun for over four hours. He was wounded, but remained in service. When the Germans went on the attack for the seventh time, Grafov’s machine gun fell completely silent - the cartridges ran out.

The Nazis surrounded I.A. Grafov and began to approach him from different directions. Grafov grabbed the pistol and a hand-to-hand fight ensued. Igor hit one of the enemy soldiers in the face with the butt of his pistol and shouted: “I won’t surrender alive!” The fascists' machine gun fire killed the fearless Soviet officer. The squad leader of his platoon, later Hero of the Soviet Union, Senior Sergeant Alexander Evdokimovich Rumyantsev, saw his commander’s last battle from a distance of several tens of meters. He quickly turned the muzzle of his pistol towards the Nazis attacking Grafov and mowed them down with one burst. Rumyantsev took command of the platoon and continued to repulse enemy attacks.

Help arrived. Our riflemen arrived across the Narva River. There was a “hurray”, and fresh reinforcements helped push back the Nazis. Thanks to the courage of the platoon of anti-aircraft machine gunners, and especially thanks to the dedication of the heroically killed junior lieutenant I.A. Grafov, 11 enemy attacks were repulsed, his infantry battalion was defeated, five machine-gun crews were destroyed and strategically important bridgeheads were held.

U Order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 1, 1944 to junior lieutenant Grafov Igor Alexandrovich posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

He was buried in a mass grave in the city of Kingisepp, Leningrad Region. A monument was erected at the site of his death near the village of Vasa, Narva region of the Republic of Estonia.

Awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Star, and medals.

In memory of the hero, one of the streets of the city of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) was named after him, and the Igor Grafov Museum was opened at school 107. One of the streets of the city of Narva (Estonia) bears the name of the Hero. In the artillery museum, next to the DShK machine gun, there is a memorial plaque.

Dear readers of the portal site. Although a little belated, we are publishing collected and processed material concerning the biography of the Hero of the Soviet Union Igor Aleksandrovich Grafov, who died near Narva on February 22, 1944.

Hero of the Soviet Union, posthumously (1944).
Born: November 14, 1923, Leningrad (St. Petersburg).
Died: February 22, 1944, near the city of Narva (Estonia).

On Saturday, June 21, 1941, there was a graduation party at school 170 in the Vyborg district of Leningrad, and on the 22nd, when it became known that the war had begun, yesterday’s schoolboy Igor Grafov went to the military registration and enlistment office. His request was granted. But, having become a military man, Igor did not immediately get to the front. He was sent to a military school. He returned to Leningrad as a junior lieutenant.
It was not possible to see what the city has become. Igor Grafov was in a hurry to get to his unit. The apartment on the Vyborg side was still empty: relatives were evacuated to Siberia. There were no school friends to be found.
But I still felt drawn to Leningrad. And although the regiment was stationed not far from him, it was impossible to get out into the city. Igor often wrote about this to his father in Omsk. Here they are, these lines from short letters from the front:
15/VII 43 “Apparently, it will not be possible to go to Leningrad. There is no time. The other day I was accepted as a candidate of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). Now I will prepare to become a member of the party.”
18/VIII 43 “It’s difficult to get to Leningrad. Now is not the time to travel around. You have to be in your place all the time. Today the fascists have been pushed back a little here. His tanks and bunkers are burning. Soon they will be given to them here, as at Orel and Belgorod...
There is no work for us yet, since enemy aircraft are almost invisible in the air. Our planes dominate here."
14/II 44 “I am almost constantly on the front line. I had to endure a lot during these days: cold and hunger, but most importantly, the death of my comrades. Many died during this time before my eyes...
It’s probably good and calm in Leningrad now. I don't know when I'll be able to get to Leningrad. I probably shouldn’t even think about this for now. But when I get there, then I’ll celebrate properly too.”

One of the letters to my father ends with the following lines: “You, father, and the school will not have to blush for me. Even if I die on the battlefield, my death will cost the enemy dearly”...

Memorial plaque at the site of the death of Igor Grafov, Narva

In January 1944, after the blockade of Leningrad was lifted, the troops of the Leningrad Front went on the offensive. In bloody battles that lasted several weeks, the Nazis were expelled from the Leningrad region. In early February, Soviet troops reached the Narova River and, having crossed it, fortified themselves on a small but strategically important bridgehead on the western bank of the river near the village of Vaza. Among the units that crossed the river was an anti-aircraft machine-gun platoon of the 803rd Army Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment, led by junior lieutenant Igor Grafov.
The Germans turned the left bank of the river into a powerful multi-lane Panther defense line. These are 3-5 rows of trenches, machine-gun firing points every 30-60 meters, dugouts, pillboxes, bunkers, minefields, several rows of barbed wire, Bruno spirals. The German command considered this defensive line impregnable.
It was in this powerfully fortified place that on February 22, 1944, junior lieutenant Igor Grafov fought a mortal battle with his platoon.
The Germans suddenly attacked our troops. The anti-aircraft machine gun platoon of junior lieutenant Grafov also had to get involved. But this time the anti-aircraft gunners did not hit air targets. The sky was calm. But on the ground, the Nazis advanced wave after wave. Igor, the first to notice the enemies, gave the command to open fire.
The first failed attack was followed by new ones. In total, Grafov’s anti-aircraft machine-gun platoon “repelled 11 counterattacks that followed one after another and destroyed up to a battalion of infantry, 2 heavy and 3 light machine guns of the enemy” (excerpt from the report).
In the midst of the battle, Igor heard that one of his platoon’s machine guns had gone silent. The entire crew was wounded. Then the platoon commander himself stood next to this machine gun. The Nazis began to surround Grafov. He was wounded four times, but continued to fight off attacks. The Germans surrounded him. He shot. Out of ammunition. Igor Grafov grabbed a pistol from his holster. When the last clip was empty, Igor began to fight back with the handle of the pistol...
This happened on the eve of Red Army Day - February 22, 1944 - on the western bank of the Narva River. Twenty-year-old communist Igor Grafov did not disgrace the military glory of the Red Army, which was born here in the heavy battles of the eighteenth year.
Igor kept his word: no one had to blush for him. Wounded four times, he fought. The fact that the brutal Nazis knocked down the wounded, bleeding Igor was not a victory.

In the same report, from which several lines have already been quoted, the following is said:
“Thanks to the heroic actions of the anti-aircraft machine gun platoon and personally junior lieutenant Grafov, the most important bridgehead on the western bank of the Narva River was held until our units arrived. The enemy was thrown back to the starting line.”

Mass grave where Igor Grafov is buried. Russia, Kingisepp, pl. K. Marx

On Igor’s native Vyborg side there is Hero of the Soviet Union Grafov Street. And the Museum of Artillery and Engineering Troops houses pistol No. 2492 and heavy machine gun No. DO-1075, from which Igor Grafov fired on February 22, 1944.

Igor Grafov machine gun - DShK mod. 1938 No. DO-1075 from the exhibition of the Museum of Artillery and Engineering Troops (St. Petersburg)

Brief biography of Igor Aleksandrovich Grafov
Born in 1923 in Petrograd (Leningrad) into a working-class family. Russian. Secondary education. In the Soviet Army since 1941. In 1942 he graduated from the military anti-aircraft searchlight school.
In the active army since January 1942. Platoon commander of the anti-aircraft machine gun company of the 803rd anti-aircraft artillery regiment (2nd shock army, Leningrad Front), candidate member of the CPSU, junior lieutenant Grafov, distinguished himself while repelling enemy attempts to liquidate the bridgehead on the western bank of the river. Narva north of the city of Narva (Estonian SSR). 02/22/44 the platoon, firing at ground targets, repelled 11 counterattacks and destroyed 2 heavy and 3 light machine guns and many Nazis. He was wounded, but remained in service. Killed in hand-to-hand combat. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded posthumously on 1.7.44. Awarded the Order of Lenin and the Red Star.
A memorial plaque was installed at the site of the feat. He was buried on the square in Kingisepp, Leningrad region. Streets in St. Petersburg and Kingisepp bear his name. At school No. 107, where he studied, there is a memorial plaque and a bust of the Hero.

Igor Graf, having collected money from investors for the grafspace project, widely announced it, collecting about $250,000 from investors, simply 3 months after the opening, he closed this project, saying that we are bankrupt and there is no money for a return on investment! He avoids answering questions “where did the investments go” in every possible way, and simply blocks everyone who asks such questions on social networks.

"Air! Selling air! Who needs air?! I’ll sell air for 20 thousand rubles!” This is exactly what you can call any of his performances.

All the reviews were bad))) and lo and behold, a lot of good ones were written next. Igor, you flatter yourself. Count's holding over? Is there anything other than debts? And who are you going to teach? Dolba.b rare. Which cats did you breed there? And now I’ve switched to people...

Those who know or have attended trainings with this person know that this is an ordinary scammer!!! If he is so successful, then where are his millions? Where is at least 1 successful project? What has he achieved? Except for waving your tongue 0 without a WAND. He just knows how to teach others. He honestly cannot earn his own bread. When I ran into him... Those who know or have attended trainings with this person know that this is an ordinary scammer!!! If he is so successful, then where are his millions? Where is at least 1 successful project? What has he achieved? Except for waving your tongue 0 without a WAND. He just knows how to teach others. He honestly cannot earn his own bread. When I came across him there were no websites or reviews yet. Odessa scammer who has already dumped and is bringing ideas to the masses

I watched his performance while he was visiting Yuri Kurilov, who presented him as a very interesting, amazing, knowledgeable, etc. person. Overall it was advertised very well. While watching Igor’s speech, it became clear that the person could not even speak correctly, neither the cases nor the declensions. It’s amazing how confidently such people promise success and wealth for... I watched his performance while he was visiting Yuri Kurilov, who presented him as a very interesting, amazing, knowledgeable, etc. person. Overall it was advertised very well. While watching Igor’s speech, it became clear that the person could not even speak correctly, neither the cases nor the declensions. It’s amazing how confidently such people promise success and wealth in a short period of communication with them (of course, not for free). Self-confident statements that any homeless person will change after a month of communicating with him and will become a millionaire in a year are, to put it mildly, alarming. Convenient business, no guarantees, then if anything happens, it’s your own fault for the failure. He showed a video of a singing Chernovetsky and some other idiot performing as examples of successful people. In general, I was expecting something incredible, according to Yuri Kurilov’s promises, but it turned out I was just wasting my time. He didn't say anything new.


  1. Smiled


  1. Didn't live up to expectations

For now at least...
The reviews that you see, sharply in November 18, are because Igor finally discovered this site, because somewhere on November 16 his training began in Kyiv and he needed good reviews, but there were none...

The reviews you see are mostly real but....
Written by people many years ago on other resources. He just copied them here, without my knowledge...
Now at least half of us understand that Chevganyuk fools people at trainings, and his business consultations have led to dozens of companies losing a lot of money. Look for REAL reviews. Talk to people.


  1. Deception is his middle name. There was still no conscience


  1. Hides his incompetence behind “challenges of difficulty and chance”
  2. For money and flattery, he will sell his family. Or rather, he already sold and betrayed... sorry for Olga...

I can’t help but express my gratitude for the “Power On” training. Never before have I been so upset at any training session, in a good way. I had a lump in my throat, you really got through to those deepest emotions. To be honest, I was skeptical at first, I admit, because I was expecting another “instrumental” master class, to hear already well-known methods and... I can’t help but express my gratitude for the “Power On” training. Never before have I been so upset at any training session, in a good way. I had a lump in my throat, you really got through to those deepest emotions. To be honest, I was skeptical at first, I admit, because I was expecting another “instrumental” master class, to hear already well-known methods and approaches to starting a business, marketing and choosing a direction... but I was pleasantly disappointed) And although I didn’t I managed to get there on the third day (my neck gave out, I got sick) I think I would have burst completely then), and at the same time I am filled with motivation, ideas and energy. I want to say a simple human “THANK YOU”, I am pleased to know such a coach and now only for coaching) Good luck, develop this topic further, you obviously can and do help)

I cannot express to you my gratitude, albeit small, in such a big matter as personal development. Yes, I’m still at the beginning of my journey and have only just read (thoughtfully) and completed the initial course on the book “Success Despite Age,” but even it (this book, which seemed small at first) is already somewhere half with brains and the touch of those things that... I cannot express to you my gratitude, albeit small, in such a big matter as personal development. Yes, I’m still at the beginning of my journey and have only just read (thoughtfully) and completed the initial course on the book “Success Despite Age,” but even it (this book, which seemed small at first) is already somewhere half with brains and by feeling the things around me, I began to do something at least funny, which was surprising to me personally. It really motivates you and directs you to new thoughts and ideas, which you are ready to put into practice right now and I believe that everything will work out, because... in reality, the power is within each of us. It’s a pity that I haven’t attended your training live yet - I still plan to do so in the future, but for now I’m only aiming for success. in any case, partly thanks to you. Thankful. Today I’ll start watching the video material you sent by email. Thankful indeed in advance.

Igor, I started delegating!!! This is very cool))) Thank you for the training! I think Monday was the most productive among other Mondays in my life)))

Anything can happen in life, bankruptcy is very painful if it is real. But to sell off the furniture and equipment and rent a new office with them...
When a coach says that it is important to have a good team, he tells you how to motivate people, but he cheats his own people out of money.

When a team works together, they give their best, but they don’t get paid. "Let's disband, the company is bankrupt. I don't owe you anything."

Anything can happen in life, bankruptcy is very painful if it is real. But selling off the furniture and equipment and using them to rent a new office and change the team is not a solution? People are not registered, there is no money to go to court, that’s all.

If all people did this, then most likely the world would be in chaos.
In the meantime, we are as kind as our responsible team, people like Igor Graf profit from good qualities.
Can you conduct such training? I think a lot of smart people will want to come to it.

If this is what they do to a team that is “for you,” then imagine what you can do to contractors and investors, continue going to pseudo-trainings and, perhaps, you will learn about it.

Yes, after Power On a lot changes, and for the better! Limitless possibilities open up! Not in one day, but by inertia) Thanks again Igor! ;)

Thanks a lot! Today there were 2 insights that could easily pay for a trip to Kazan to Paver On! If it’s so cool now, I can’t even imagine how cool it will be during the training! Thanks Igor

Igor, thank you for Power On. During these four days, I watched almost all of your video lessons. Previously, I only thought about changing something in my work, but it remained in my “thoughts”. Now, there are small successes. These may be tiny advances, but they are there. The concept has come that if you don’t try, you won’t know: “whether people want to work with you”... Igor, thank you for Power On. During these four days, I watched almost all of your video lessons. Previously, I only thought about changing something in my work, but it remained in my “thoughts”. Now, there are small successes. These may be tiny advances, but they are there. The concept has come that if you don’t try, you won’t know: “do people want to work with you”?! My consciousness has expanded and now I see many possibilities around me. The style of communicating with people, as well as writing letters, has changed. Several offers of cooperation came. Previously, I would have driven myself into the framework of “I can’t do it,” but now I know that I can do all this, and practice can only be gained.

Honestly, I don’t even know where to start due to the fact that too many emotions have accumulated since I completed the Power On training, but I perceive this time as a full-fledged new life lived and I know that people who read this monologue will perceive it skeptical, just like I was before I met you in person. You are an amazing person, Igor!!! You... Honestly, I don’t even know where to start due to the fact that too many emotions have accumulated since I completed the Power On training, but I perceive this time as a full-fledged new life lived and I know that people who read this monologue will perceive it skeptical, just like I was before I met you in person. You are an amazing person, Igor!!! You did incredible things during these three days of training!!! And I will prove with my example what you tell me, so that more and more people achieve the results they dream of! And so that their dreams become their goal in life! Thank you again for meeting me on my path to success! I have no doubt about this now!

Thank you for the lesson! The main thing I took away for myself was GOAL. Concrete, tangible. This is what ignites and moves. And priorities. This is very important for me. I heard many more important things. Igor, you are superman! Good luck to you!

To be honest, 3 weeks of coaching gave me such a start that I had almost the whole summer planned out. Both work and rest. The income before May 1 exceeded my expectations several times, and my dreams really began to come true....))) No, this is mega super, now almost every client says Wow! When he works with us.

I really like about Igor’s trainings that there is always the latest and most relevant information and tricks in the field of business, marketing, lead generation, etc., and not, like at other events, hackneyed information. Thanks Igor! And yes, I won’t get tired of repeating... YOU are truly an amazing person.!) I’m proud to know you)

Thank you so much for the training))) It turned out very cool))) I won the video archive, and my friend, who called me her right hand, won a three-day “Power On” training

Incendiary. An interesting idea for me is that business comes from the leader, how much he can be a leader and rock!

Just look at how he writes reviews about himself. Of course, this is exactly the number of people who came and wrote reviews on the site. Let's give him a round of applause for such an incredible attempt!


Igor, thank you and your team! It’s nice and useful to touch your presentation and topic. I definitely recommend it to those who still have doubts! The wow effect of your program is stunning. It was cool!

Igor, first of all, I want to thank you for what you do! The information, the energy you give is more than priceless. Thanks to your training, my life has changed SO much that the question arises, did I even live!? Life has become brighter, more interesting, tastier, life has become a game, and problems have become humor!) Thank you very much for everything! For many years I thought that I was doing business, and now after the training I understand that, by and large, I was doing “......-business.” Thank you for the opportunity to look at yourself in the mirror! For the opportunity to understand how much is still unknown, unknown and undone! Thank you for new friends, for new incentives for new ideas! I got the opportunity to work in a new way and it's inspiring. I had my doubts before the trip, but... For many years I thought that I was doing business, and now after the training I understand that, by and large, I was doing “......-business.” Thank you for the opportunity to look at yourself in the mirror! For the opportunity to understand how much is still unknown, unknown and undone! Thank you for new friends, for new incentives for new ideas! I got the opportunity to work in a new way and it's inspiring. I had my doubts before the trip, but the training itself left me with a lot of positive emotions, although I am not a very emotional person by nature. Clarity, specificity, numerous examples from practice, accessibility of language, ease of communication, a special atmosphere of friendliness, the desire to make this world brighter and kinder - these are the most important qualities of Igor Graf that appeal to me personally. I started implementing the acquired knowledge from the first day - the R.A.D. technique, as well as the question “Is this an opinion or a fact?” are excellent helpers. Thanks a lot. See you in... Clarity, specificity, numerous examples from practice, accessibility of language, ease of communication, a special atmosphere of friendliness, the desire to make this world brighter and kinder - these are the most important qualities of Igor Graf that appeal to me personally. I started implementing the acquired knowledge from the first day - the R.A.D. technique, as well as the question “Is this an opinion or a fact?” are excellent helpers. Thanks a lot. See you in coaching!!! P.S. // I personally didn’t have enough badges with the names of the participants. I had to ask again what their name was.

Igor, thank you for today’s meeting. This was an invaluable lesson. Each person has his own path. I feel like I have to pass it with dignity. Everything you said will take on great meaning in the future of my life. Today I started everything with a new leaf. I sincerely hope to communicate with you in the future about business, the right one, which brings pleasant emotions to people. I won't be able to work internally... Igor, thank you for today’s meeting. This was an invaluable lesson. Each person has his own path. I feel like I have to pass it with dignity. Everything you said will take on great meaning in the future of my life. Today I started everything with a new leaf. I sincerely hope to communicate with you in the future about business, the right one, which brings pleasant emotions to people. I won’t be able to work just with clients, but I’m sure that I’ll be able to create something worthwhile. Thank you very much again for this lesson. I make the most of it. Thank you very much. You truly make a difference in people's lives. This is a most worthy job.