Leather bag. Leather punching bags and bags Leather bag

  • 26.09.2020

I have been boxing since childhood and therefore I box constantly at home and when I have time at work. Over the course of my life, I have tried a lot of punching bags, both soft and hard, and made of natural and synthetic leather. So recently my working pear broke, and I was faced with the choice of which one to buy. Of course, without hesitation, I purchased this particular model of a punching bag, because I already dealt with it in my gym and I know all its positive and negative sides. The pluses include the material - genuine leather, very durable material, also high-quality workmanship, the seams are even and made of strong threads, it is easy to attach, I don’t know about the filler, but they write that rubber crumb, you can box both with gloves and without them. Of the minuses, it is necessary to carry and hang for two. Weighs at home, so I can always train.

One day, my husband and I were puzzled by the problem of a gift for a growing son. We chose something useful for the development and health of the child. We decided to give a boxing bag. The manager patiently asked me about the purpose of the purchase and recommended this bag. Placed an order. Delivery was on time and without any nasty surprises. The quality of the bag is amazing. After a year of use, there are no cracks or dents on it. Although dad and son now train regularly, they beat them mercilessly with both hands and feet. The combination of rubber crumb and rags well emits a blow to the human body and does not stray to the state of stone (as in models filled with sand). Another positive point was that all fasteners are already included in the package and are securely attached to the bag with rivets and stitched. The child is happy. The gift was a success.

I say right away that I am a bad connoisseur of well-known punching bag manufacturers. I live in a small simple town, where financial opportunities do not allow much. Friends gave this model for my 20th birthday (we all play sports together). I would like to say that my punching bag is probably now the best in the area. We don't even have them in boxing gyms. It hangs in the apartment and does not take up much of my space. There is no garbage from her, no matter how hard she is mutuzed. All fittings and stitching are excellent. After quite a long time, the skin has not become hardened or wrinkled, and still looks like it was just from the store. The seams are neat and tight. Its dimensions and weight are great for both home placement and the gym. I think this pleasure in the form of a pear will last me for a dozen years for sure. Everyone likes and everyone is happy. Wait, because soon there will be a new champion in the boxing arena.

I have been a professional boxer for a long time and therefore decided that I needed to make a small gym at home and therefore bought this boxing bag. The quality is very good and withstands my strong blows with ease. Of course, the price is rather big, but there is something to pay for if you want to constantly be in shape and not lose in competitions.

Boxing bag PNK 60-120

Leather boxing bags - quality products for practicing technique

The quality of strikes in martial arts, boxing is easy to improve with the help of professional equipment. Our company offers an assortment of modern models of sports bags, which:

  • They are upholstered and filled with the finest materials.
  • They have a secure fastening system.
  • Can be used in sections, the hall or for individual lessons at home.

Buy a bag at a low price from our store is the best option with delivery.

Product Models

The leather boxing bag in the assortment is a cylindrical pear, which helps to work out various blows, setting up techniques, etc.

For martial arts, boxing, bags of several options are made.

  • A heavy type of sports equipment has a weight of 60-110 kg, so its use is more suitable for professionals. When working with a heavy leather product, it is necessary to use special equipment - gloves, bandages on the hands, etc.
  • The medium pear model is great for gyms, but it can also be used at home if you have the right space. The weight of such boxing bags can be from 30 to 60 kg.
  • The lightweight product will be an excellent tool for home practice, as the product has good parameters, excellent characteristics for working on various types of fast hits.

It is also offered to buy a modern bag on the website of our company for:

  • Professional training. Equipment helps athletes work on improving their technique for participating in martial arts.
  • Beginner lessons. There is equipment made of genuine leather for children's and adult sections where training is taking place.

Why choose our designs

Each bag in our range is a modern product for professional use, which is made from reliable materials.

  • Goods are offered by well-known manufacturers at a good price. The quality of the product is the highest - the most durable leather was used for upholstery, and rubber crumb, sand, sawdust and more serve as fillers. You can also buy water-filled products in the online store of our company.
  • Punching bags are comfortable to use due to a reliable suspension system that can withstand the load of all types of punches, even the most powerful ones.

Before choosing a bag, it is important to understand the place of use of the product, its purpose. The right purchase will help make training with equipment optimal for practicing technique, various techniques with punches or kicks in the best possible way.

English folk tale

That was a long time ago. Came to a village that stands on the banks of the beautiful river Tyne, an old woman named Clooty.

The men of this village were happy and satisfied with their lot. From time immemorial they sat on this land, grazed sheep and cows, plowed, sowed and lived in abundance. Everyone had strong, good houses, warm clothes in winter and a lot of all kinds of food. And so everything went until the old woman Clooty came to the village and settled in a small house with a lopsided chimney.

The women of this village were hard-working and friendly; they themselves baked bread and rolls, sewed and knitted, and stocked up on provisions for the winter. And so everything went until the old woman Clooty came to the village and settled in a small house with a lopsided chimney.

The children of this village - what can you say about them! - were, like all children on earth, big and small, sometimes obedient, sometimes insufferable, but they were all happy because their parents took pity on them: they fed, watered and did not scold in vain. The boys and girls loved to run on the green pasture, shout loudly and laugh merrily. And so everything went until the old woman Clooty came to the village and settled in a small house with a lopsided chimney.

One evening, the good shepherd's daughter Janet was sitting by the burning hearth, spinning her yarn in the flickering light of the fire. Then mother came into the room and sighed heavily: on the shelves in the pantry, at least a rolling ball.

At an unkind hour, the old woman Clooty came to our village. It's nobody's fault that we only found out about it a week later. And as soon as they found out, they immediately carried the gifts to a small house with a lopsided chimney on the edge of Gladovran's field. I baked her larks then, and there is no tastier lark in all of Northumberland than my larks. Mrs. Margery brought a jug of mead, and a neighbor opposite, Mrs. Agnes, brought a bundle of firewood. And here is what happened.

Kindly Janet looked at her mother and sighed sadly. Who in the village does not know what came of it. Old woman Clooty took the gifts and ordered the neighbors to wear them every week. Let someone try not to bring it - the chickens will stop laying, the cows will be milked, the pestilence will attack the cattle. For those who did not respect the old woman, they did not bring gifts, the butter did not start to churn, the husbands came home from work with aches all over their bodies, the children were rude and fought, and at night they cried, they did not let them sleep: either their tooth would ache, or in the ear will shoot.

The village realized too late that Clooty was no ordinary old woman, but a wicked, quarrelsome witch.

Whatever the mistresses did not wear to her in order to calm her temper. And they knew that once a week old Clooty went to the fair in Newcastle, selling eggs, milk and butter, wool and linen there - everything they gave her, tearing her away from themselves and their children. And in return he receives round, shiny guineas, which he puts in a bag under his apron, and when he returns, he hides somewhere in his house with a lopsided chimney.

At an unkind hour, the old woman Clooty came to our village, - the shepherd's wife repeated. - How much we bring her, soon the whole village will go around the world. There is a sick person in every house, and the children do not eat their fill.

Don't cry, mother, says kind Janet. - You'll see, old Clooty will regret that she caused people so much harm.

And the next day, just on Saturday, the old woman Clooty herself came to the village; the face is darker than the clouds, the eyebrows are furrowed.

The mistresses saw her, hid in their houses, locked the doors, closed the windows.

Don't you dare shut up! Listen, why did I come to you. It became difficult for me to manage alone in a small house with a rickety pipe. At my age, it's time to retire. I am looking for a maid to heat the stove, cook dinner, clean the house, wipe the dust, sweep and scrape, so that I can look in pans like in a mirror.

The housewives heard this and trembled with fear: although they were now poor, who wants to give their daughter into the service of a witch. Just at that time a tinker was walking down the street. He heard that old Clooty went every week to Newcastle and returned home with golden guineas.

Take my daughter, - asks, - smart Kate. She is healthy, and everyday, and hard-working. No one in Northum Burlain cleans pans better than her.

Send her to me tomorrow, says old Clooty. - There will be with me at the table, sleep under the table. And if she tries, I will pay her in seven years and one day one brilliant golden guinea.

The old woman hobbled home, and the tinker went on his way, rubbing his hands contentedly.

The hostesses gathered, gossiping what will come of it. The tinker, everyone knows, is the most seasoned rogue in all of Northumberland, and smart Kate, like her daddy, is a great hunter of other people's good: where everything is bad, she will quickly pull it off.

The next morning, clever Kate went to the old woman Clooty. She washed her face and hands in the stream near the mill, combed her hair with a comb that she brushed off someone else's window sill, dressed up in a red dress, grabbed in passing from someone else's rope, and put on a green sweater over it: the blacksmith's daughter played Jack-Jump-Across-the-River. , it became hot for her, she threw a jacket on a bush; then Kate walked past, well, remember the name of the jacket.

Clever Kate came to the old woman's house, the cat Chernulin went out onto the porch and let's rub around her legs.

Clever Kate, - she says, - please pour some milk into my white saucer. And he purred with pleasure.

Pour yourself, - smart Kate answered the cat. - I did not hire myself to serve the cats.

She kicked him and knocked on the door. The cat looked at her and stopped purring.

The old woman Clooty opened the door, looked at smart Kate and was satisfied - strong, healthy, she can cope with any work.

Come in, said the old woman. - You will heat the stoves, cook dinner, clean the house, wipe the dust, sweep and scrape, so that I can look in the pans like in a mirror.

I can do it, - answered smart Kate.

I entered the house, took a broom, let's sweep. And the cat Chernulin sits on a chair, looks at her and does not purr.

Just look, - says the old woman Clooty, - do not try to stick a broom down the chimney!

“Yeah, that’s where she keeps the golden guineas,” Kate realized, and she nodded her head and sweeps further. All day Kate was cleaning, chalking and scraping. Old woman Clooty saw her reflection in the polished pans in the evening, praised the maid and hobbled upstairs to sleep.

"I'll go to bed too," thought Kate, curled up under the table and fell asleep.

And in the morning I woke up with the first roosters, took a broom and let's play in the chimney.

From there fell a leather sack stuffed with glittering golden guineas. Smart Kate was delighted, took the bag, did not forget to grab a green jacket - and out of the house while the old woman Clooty was sleeping.

Clever Kate runs across the Gladovran field, sees a gate at the end of the field.

Dear girl, says the gate, open me. How many years did no one open me.

You will open yourself, - he answers. - I am busy. She leaned her hand on the crossbar, jumped easily over the fence and ran on.

Runs, runs - a cow grazes in a green meadow in yellow buttercups.

Dear girl, says the cow, milk me. No one has milked me for years.

Kate shook her black hair and shook her head.

Do it yourself, - answers, - I have no time.

Dear girl, says the mill, turn my wheel. How many years has no one turned it.

Kate shook her black hair and shook her head.

Let it spin itself, - answers, - I have no time.

But the fact is that smart Kate was getting more and more angry every minute: she ran fast, out of breath, the bag of guineas was heavy, and she wanted to sleep - after all, she got up early in the morning.

“It’s not all the same for me to suffer alone,” she said to herself. - Who found the golden guineas? ME: Who carried this weight for so long? Me again. So let the father drag on.” And she hid the bag in the chute, through which the grain falls on the millstones. Then she ran to her father and told him how smart she was.

Old woman Clooty woke up with the third cocks, went downstairs - the floor was not swept, the hearth was cold, and there was a whole hill of soot on the floor. She realized that clever Kate climbed with a broom into the pipe and found a bag of guineas.

You will pay me for this. - said the witch and limped off in pursuit.

She passed the Gladovran field, went up to the gate and asked: - Gate, gate, have you seen my toadstool maid? In her hands is a leather sack, and in the sack are all my golden guineas.

An old woman hobbles along a green meadow in yellow buttercups, sees a cow grazing.

Cow, cow, - asks the old woman, - did you see my toadstool maid? In her hands is a leather sack, and in the sack are all my golden guineas.

The old woman came to a mill on the banks of the beautiful River Tyne, where three unhurried ducks swim and dive to the bottom for fat worms.

Mill, mill, - says the old woman, - did not see my toadstool maid? In her hands is a leather bag, and in it are all my golden guineas.

Look into my gutter.

The old woman put her hand into the chute and found a bag of shiny golden guineas. The old woman took the bag, limped home and hid it again in the rickety chimney.

Kate returned with her father to the mill, looked into the chute, but there was no bag. Kate realized that old Clooty had already been here. They got scared with their father - witches are not to be trifled with - packed up their belongings, crossed the bridge over the beautiful River Tyne, and since then they have not been heard of in Northumberland.

On Saturday old Clooty hobbled into the village again.

Do not lock windows and doors! - screams. - I need an honest maid to heat the stove, cook dinner, clean the house, sweep the dust, sweep and scrape, so that I can look into the pans like in a mirror.

This time there was no rogue tinker, who so willingly sent his daughter into the service of a witch. The face of the evil old woman darkened, the curse was about to break, but then the kind Janet spoke.

Take me as a maid,” she said meekly. - I agree to work seven years and one day for one golden guinea. Promise only to let me go home on Sundays.

Old Clooty nodded and limped home. Good Janet immediately followed her; they approached the door, the cat Chernulin came out onto the porch, rubbed himself around the girl's legs and said:

Good Janet, pour milk into my white saucer. And he purred with pleasure.

Willingly splash, - answered Janet and splashed milk at him.

Just look, - the old woman said to the new maid, - do not you dare climb the broom into the chimney. In no case.

And the cat at that time purred so loudly that kind Janet did not make out the last words. She heard old Clooty telling her to clean the chimney with a broom. She smiled, nodded and began sweeping the floor.

In the morning kind Janet woke up with the first roosters.

“Today I will go home to my father and mother,” she thought happily. “We just need to clean the pipe first.” She took a broom and thrust it as far into the pipe as possible. And of course, a leather bag full of shiny guineas fell on the floor.

Kind Janet looked at the gold and remembered what happened to her village: the houses are not heated, the children are hungry, and all because of this insatiable witch.

“I’ll go home and ask my father and mother what to do with the golden guineas,” she decided, took the bag and ran across the field to the gate.

Dear girl, the gate told her, open me. How many years did no one open me.

Willingly open, - kind Janet answered, opened the gate and ran on.

He sees a cow grazing in a green meadow in yellow buttercups and asks:

Sweet girl, give me a lift. No one has milked me for years.

Willingly milk, - says kind Janet. She sat down, milked the cow and ran on. He sees a mill on the banks of the beautiful River Tyne.

Sweet girl, turn my wheel. How many years has no one turned it.

Willingly turn, - said kind Janet. She turned the wheel and ran home as soon as possible.

And old Clooty woke up that morning with three roosters. She went downstairs, she sees, in the hearth on the bottom, there is again a hill of soot. The old woman understood that Janet had climbed the chimney with a broom and found the money.

You will pay for this, - said the old woman and hobbled into the field.

Gate, gate, haven't you seen my toadstool maid? In her hands is a leather sack, and in the sack are all my golden guineas.

The gate did not answer, because Janet opened it. And the cow said nothing, because Janet milked her. And the mill was silent, because the kind Janet turned the mill wheel.

This was the end of the witchcraft power of the old woman Clooty. And she turned from an evil witch into a helpless old woman who no one needs and no one loves.

But it just so happened that her fate turned out to be happier than she deserved. The good Janet, with her father and mother, divided the golden guineas equally among all the inhabitants of the village: after all, in justice it was their money. And having learned that Clooty was no longer a witch, but a poor lonely old woman, they gave her some guineas from a leather bag. Kind Janet sometimes brought her gifts - eggs, butter, milk and delicious larks, which her mother baked. So the rest of the days old Clooty lived peacefully, knowing no need, together with her black cat in a small house, over which a rickety pipe sticks out to this day.