Packing lists. Shipping and Picking List (SQW) HR department estimate sheet

  • 16.06.2019

After registering the notification received in the Journal, the economist proceeds directly to the calculation of the cost.

First of all, the economist must ensure that the costs associated with an order are already displayed on that order, that is, the order accumulated the costs of limit-fence cards, waybills for metal cutting, shift tasks.

The second stage is cost reduction and analysis. Here, a “lazy option” is possible, if, in accordance with the accounting policy adopted by the company for the formation of the cost, all costs accumulated on the order are directly related to it and are within the limits. The second option is more rigorous and requires an economist to comparative analysis according to packing lists. With proper software such statements are easily generated automatically.

Such a picking list should include parts of their own manufacture. The economist analyzes whether there are deviations in the number of parts, deviations in the weight of the metal in the blanks, if necessary, raises the primary document - the invoice for metal cutting. Columns 11 and 12 are filled in only for actual data.

To check the quantity of purchased components and materials, it is recommended to use another form of a picking list - for purchased goods and materials. If the company strictly organizes the issuance of materials on limit-fence cards, then such a statement can not be used, but material costs take the actual ones formed on the order with the help of limit-fence cards.

If there are deviations, they should be displayed in columns 8 and 9. The economist identifies the reason for the deviations - the plan for components was incorrectly laid down, the components were erroneously issued for the wrong order, changes were made to the product design, but this is not displayed in the design documentation , low-quality initial materials, machinations of financially responsible persons. Based on the results of the investigation, the economist should either leave such costs on the order, or not include these costs in the cost price and take appropriate measures.

Two picking lists - for details own production and for purchased goods and materials - display the material costs of the order. They are filed under the costing sheet. Next, the economist needs to form Detailed statement of actual labor costs, which will display the operations actually performed by the workers according to technological process and written by the master shift tasks for work on order. The specified statement must also be filed under the costing sheet.

If necessary, you can add the column "Deviation of elapsed time" to the document. If the column indicates a high value, it is necessary to raise the issue of revising the norms and piece rates.

Line 6 displays operations that do not relate to a specific part, but to the assembly of parts and purchased components among themselves. Depending on the specifics of the enterprise, the separation of the scope of responsibility of the economist and the rater in terms of piecework wages, columns 6 and 7 may not be included in such a statement - the economist may take the amount of the salary on order. But often the time actually worked is necessary for the distribution of overhead and overhead costs, if the distribution base at the enterprise is taken as the time worked by the main production workers.

At its core, the Detailed Statement of Actual Labor Costs has something in common (some experts believe that it even duplicates) with the data of analytical labor cost accounting cards. The fundamental difference between these documents is that the cards are a cumulative document, more intended for a production accountant to evaluate WIP. Using the map data, you can determine what labor costs have been accumulated at any time, for example, a week or two months after opening an order, and determine the degree of readiness of the product based on the operations performed. A detailed statement of actual labor costs is formed only on the date of the order calculation and displays the labor costs that the economist will include in the cost of production.

An economist, when examining and analyzing the itemized statement of actual labor costs, may find that, for example, not all of the actual data is filled out. The reasons may be different: the foreman made a mistake when processing shift assignments and the actual labor costs incurred were assigned to another order; the operation was not actually performed, that is, the work on the order has not been completed, the products are not actually ready, therefore, it is too early to form the cost price; perhaps the plan is incorrectly laid down, and in fact this is an extra operation, products can be manufactured without unnecessary labor. It may be the opposite situation - the fact is too large, a lot of unnecessary operations, a lot of time has been spent. In this case, it is also necessary to identify and eliminate the causes.

And the planning of the receipt of material resources is carried out according to the picking lists.

The methodology for planning complete deliveries of products is as follows. Initially, construction and installation trusts develop picking lists for products and structures per facility, broken down by technological stages. Based on these statements and the approved construction plan, the annual need for products and structures is compiled by stages with a quarterly breakdown of delivery times. This requirement is transferred to the picking trust.

The volume of finished construction products is the amount of work performed at the estimated cost for the supply of an object kit to the construction site, in accordance with the assembly list of the object approved by the association.

The picking list is a document that determines the quantity, type, brand, assortment of block boxes, structures, materials necessary for the assembly unit to carry out construction and installation works for a complex of subcontracting works and hand it over to the general contractor.

Finished (finished) building products are issued after 100% of the facility is completed with block boxes, structures and materials in accordance with the picking list. 62

The products of the workshops are transported in kits to the installation sites. When preparing documentation in the group of current pre-production, node-by-unit (by objects) shipping lists of complete deliveries are compiled, which are both an order for the workshop and a task for the picking group. Picking lists for products, equipment and for basic and auxiliary materials are attached to the shipping lists. The specified statements are compiled separately for the first and second stages of installation.

Materials, equipment and products of workshops, according to picking lists, are selected in advance at picking sites (in workshops or warehouses) and placed in containers that are sealed or locked. Prior to being placed in a container, materials are cut to specified dimensions, marked and, if necessary, aggregated into knots and blocks. Complete materials and products are loaded into one or more containers in an amount sufficient to perform installation work on an object, stage or set of works.

The release of component parts to the manufacturing (assembly) and processing shops is carried out through special picking storerooms and is drawn up with a picking list, in which all parts are shown in advance in the nomenclature section according to the consumption limit for assembling the machine (assembly). The use of these statements can significantly reduce the number of issued documents and creates conditions for preliminary and subsequent control over the use of inventories in production.

To do this, the trust determines, together with the department for the completion of equipment, the need for equipment, fittings, cable and other products for the planned year under construction and reconstruction of oil industry facilities on the basis of the completing lists (personal accounts) submitted by enterprises and organizations of the Ministry, confirmed by technical documentation in accordance with the received from the department for the acquisition of equipment with stock notices for equipment, cable and other products, sends orders to suppliers for the supply of products indicating the payment and shipping details of consumers for the timely conclusion of direct contracts between suppliers and consumers.

Shipment of auxiliary building materials, emergency power plant by road according to the packing list


These norms serve as the basis for operational production planning, accounting, cost control and write-off of material resources, and in addition, determine the consumption of the latter in natural terms per unit of measurement of work performed or structural element. According to these standards, they draw up per-object normative-limit maps, schedules for the receipt of building materials and structures at the facility, picking lists of prefabricated parts and elements, etc.

Accounting for the movement of parts in the warehouse is recommended to be performed in cards (form 3) opened for all parts entering the warehouse. Entries on the arrival of parts on the card are made on the basis of the delivery note (form 2), and on the consumption of parts - on the basis of the picking list (form 4).

Picking list for assembly 3 products 2620

Issuance of parts from the warehouse to assembly sites is carried out according to the picking list (form 4), which is used, as indicated, for multiple issuance of sets of parts for assembly during the quarter. It is drawn up in a single copy and is constantly (during the reporting year) stored in the warehouse as a supporting document.

Picking lists are issued for a month or for the entire need for products for a given order, they are used to control the release of these products at those enterprises where the specific weight of the consumption of components for the production of finished products is high. The picking list contains a list of places with an indication of their number.

For example, at engineering enterprises, the department of the chief designer develops time standards for individual work on the preparation and development of new types of products, the applicability of parts in various assemblies and products, specifications and net weights of parts, etc. The service of the chief technologist sets the consumption rates for materials and purchased semi-finished products, waste standards, parts processing routes, shop picking lists, etc. The department of the chief metallurgist determines the standards for charge materials per ton of liquid metal, for casting waste, sprues and drains, the yield of suitable and itemized consumption of liquid metal, etc.

The volume of finished construction products (GSP) of an industrial construction association is the scope of work (at an estimated cost) for the manufacture and supply of object sets of block devices and additional structures (products) to the construction site in accordance with the picking list of the object, agreed (approved) with the assembly organization (mobile trust). Scope of construction and installation works for the technological stage (SMRstage) is the amount of work determined at the estimated cost for the manufacture and delivery to the construction site of a part of the facility set of block devices and building structures in accordance with the picking list and the installation technology of the facility. In the case of an industrial and construction association performing work on the installation of a BCU, these works are included in the volume of finished construction products or in the volume of construction and installation works by technological stages.

For the full and timely provision of construction facilities with material resources, provided for by the picking schedules and picking lists, a schedule for the supply of block boxes, structures and additional materials according to the main nomenclature is being developed. The schedule for the supply of material resources is approved by the general director or his first deputy 15 days in advance. before the beginning of the planned quarter and is the source document for planning the following indicators

At the same time, the dispatcher of the BPTOK informs the dispatchers of the auto enterprise about the plan for the use of transport for the next day by 14:00. Drivers of vehicles staying at the BPTOK apply to the ODS for a task, where they simultaneously receive a pass to enter the territory of the base. The work of transport, the time of arrival at the customer, the departure with the cargo, the time of delivery of the cargo, its unloading and return from the flight are noted in

document containing information about components constituent parts the supplied product; in construction, for example, this is a document in which, for each object, the name of the supplied products, their quantity, supplier enterprises and delivery times are indicated.


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Shipping and picking list (OKW) acts as an accompanying document during the shipment of products from the seller to the buyer, which contains a complete list of items for each cargo space(box, crate, pallet, etc.) separately.

Filling in basic data

After creating a new document "shipping and packing list", you must fill out a card that initially has the following form:




    Name- filled out in a free form in accordance with the practice established at the enterprise.


    Type of OKW- choice of a standard or special type of OKW, in case of shipment to a customer with unique requirements for the form of a document.

    Order- the consumer's order for the supply of products, for which OKW is issued.

    How to add products- selection of the list from which positions are added to OKV (selected order or the entire register of products and nomenclature).

Filling in the table

Products by shipping points- table of distribution of positions by cargo places. Positions in the table are added with the button and are deleted with the button in the first column. When you press a button in the "Unlimited register of all products and NM" mode, the form for adding positions is displayed:

When you press a button in the "Missing parts from items of orders" mode (main mode), the form for adding positions is displayed:

    Designation/Name/Group- corresponding position parameters.

    Available for selection- the number of units of this item that are in the order, but not yet placed in the OKW (directly or at lower levels).

    Units- units of measurement for the given position.

    Number in RRT- the number of units of this item available in the order.

    Selected in OKW- the number of units of this position directly placed in the OKW.

    Incomplete kits selected- the number of units of this position, partially placed in the OKW at lower levels.

    State- position status.

    Item No. RTA- item number in the order.

    Path in composition- shows the path in the product structure to the position at any level.

    Level- the level at which the position in the product structure is located. The first level is the RTA line.


For example, if you filter the list only by level 1, we will get a list of order items.

If filtered by number in PTA 1 and level 2, we get the components of the first position of the RTA.

If filtered on the way as part of BP120.33-00.100A, we get all the components of the welded drum BP120.33-00.100A from all levels.

After selecting the first item of the order with the button, it will enter the OKW table with the quantity that was in the “available for selection” cell.

    Position- row number in the table by which the rows are initially sorted. The next free one is automatically assigned (gaps in the numbering, if any, are not filled) and can be freely changed.

    Quantity and unit can change arbitrarily, but for the composition diagnostics to work correctly, the units of measurement of products from the order must remain unchanged.

    grouping and Compound- special rules for displaying positions in printed form.

    order no.- item number of the order to which the line belongs. For products added from the list, missing parts from order products are filled in automatically and can be freely edited.

    Cargo space- shows in which package this position is placed.

    Note- filled in free form.

    Order- Shows which order this item belongs to.

    tolling- indicates whether the item is a customer-supplied material for production.

Cargo places

By double-clicking in the "package package" cell, a list of packages for this OKV is called up.

Initially, the list is empty, a new place is created with the button. After updating the list with the button , the license plate will appear in the list.

    Place- name of the package. Until it is assigned manually, the automatically assigned license plate number is displayed in the list.

    Status- shows the status of the package card.

    Rented- shows whether the package has passed the Quality Control Department check.

By pressing the button, the license plate is associated with the line from which the list was called. Clicking on a designation in the list opens the package card.

    View- shows which class the document belongs to.

    Owner- the organization on behalf of which the document is created.

    Designation- a unique code of the CS system assigned to the document automatically.

    Inner place- the value "yes" is set in the case when the place is not sent to the final consumer of the product, but is moved from one holding site to another and is subsequently subject to repacking or unpacking.

    Place number- unique package number in the list.

    For statements (OKW)- allows you to bind a cargo space to a specific OKV. Automatically pre-filled if a license plate is created from the list of license plates in OKW.

    Common name of the components - short description the contents of the package, is displayed in some services and documents, is filled in in a free form.

    The general name of the components of the MOKV- a brief description of the contents of the package for the Master-OKW, filled in by the compiler of the Master-OKW at any stage of the workflow.

    Package- allows you to select a typical package from a special register. “Without packaging” is a special case of standard packaging.

    Type of packaging- description for non-standard packaging.

    Cargo space drawing- a sketch or drawing of the completed cargo space, slinging schemes, etc., if necessary.

    Packing dimensions (L⨯W⨯H)- dimensions of the package in mm in the format LENGTH⨯WIDTH⨯HEIGHT, are written through "x". If a standard package is selected, the dimensions are filled from it with the possibility of editing. Dimensions are not edited if the type of packaging does not exceed its dimensions (boxes, crates).

    Net weight by components- shows the mass of all components of the package. Displays a warning if the license plate contains items without weight information.

    Net weight- the mass of all components of the cargo space in kg. If there are no warnings in the previous field, you can copy the value.

    GROSS weight- weight of the package in kg, including packaging. If a standard package is selected, the net weight value is automatically added to the package weight.

    Square- the area of ​​the imprint of the cargo space, calculated according to the dimensions.

    Place name- automatically formed from the common name of the components and masses.

    Materials for packaging- a list of materials required for non-standard packaging. Pre-filled with standard zero quantity packing materials. You can add and remove any item.

    The composition of the package according to the statement- table of components of the package.

A license plate can be selected in the OKV lines that must be included in it, even before all data is entered in the package itself. When it is selected for all components and all data is filled in, license plate development is completed with the command STATUS > DEVELOPMENT COMPLETE.

After selecting a package, its number and type will be displayed in the OKV line.

A line can be associated with a license plate not only through the menu, but also by entering the license plate number in the corresponding cell (in the format xxx, for example 003 or 011), or by pasting the copied license plate name from another line there.

Position composition

Sometimes in the OKW it is required to partially or completely show the composition of a position. For this you can use the tool Position composition. The composition disclosure card is created (and immediately selected) by double-clicking in the corresponding cell.

    Name- is formed from the designation and name of the product, the composition of which we want to disclose in printed form.