If the cat sleeps at the feet of signs. Why do cats like to sleep on their feet?

  • 02.08.2020

We know very little about the time when the first domestic animals appeared, there is practically no confirmed information about them. There are no legends or chronicles about that period in the life of mankind when we were able to tame wild animals. It is believed that already in the Stone Age, ancient people had domesticated living creatures, the ancestors of today's domestic animals. The time when a person received modern domestic animals remains unknown to science, and the formation of today's domestic animals as a species is also unknown.

Scientists suggest that every domestic animal has its own wild progenitor. Proof of this are archaeological excavations carried out on the ruins of ancient human settlements. During the excavations, bones belonging to the domestic animals of the ancient world were found. So it can be argued that even in such a distant era of human life, we were accompanied by domesticated animals. Today there are species of domestic animals that are no longer found in the wild.

Many of today's wild animals are feral animals due to the fault of man. For example, let's take America or Australia as a clear proof of this theory. Almost all domestic animals in these continents were brought from Europe. These animals have found fertile ground for life and development. An example of this is hares or a rabbit in Australia. Due to the fact that there are no natural predators dangerous for this species on this continent, they multiplied in huge numbers and became wild. Since all rabbits were domesticated and brought by Europeans for their needs. Therefore, we can say with confidence that more than half of wild domesticated animals are former domestic animals. For example, wild city cats and dogs.

Be that as it may, the question of the origin of domestic animals should be considered open. As for our pets. Then the first confirmations in the annals and legends we meet a dog and a cat. In Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal, and dogs were actively used in the ancient era by mankind. There is plenty of evidence for this. In Europe, the cat appeared in its mass after the crusade, but firmly and quickly occupied the niche of a pet and mouse hunter. Before them, Europeans used different animals to catch mice, such as the weasel or the genet.

Domestic animals are divided into two unequal species.

The first type of domestic animals are farm animals that bring direct benefit to humans. Meat, wool, fur and many other useful things, goods, and are also used by us for food. But they do not live with a person directly in the same room.

The second type is animal pets (companions), which we see every day in our homes or apartments. They brighten up our leisure, entertain us and give us pleasure. And most of them, for practical purposes, are almost useless in the modern world, such as hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots and many others.

Animals of the same species may not infrequently belong to both species, both farm animals and pets. A striking example of this, rabbits and ferrets are kept as pets but also bred for their meat and fur. Also, some pet waste can be used, for example, cat and dog hair for knitting various items or as a heater. For example, dog hair belts.

Many doctors note the positive impact of pets on human health and well-being. We can see that many families who keep some animals at home note that these animals create comfort, calm, and relieve stress.

This encyclopedia was created by us to help pet lovers. We hope that our encyclopedia will help you in choosing and caring for your pet.

If you have an interesting observation of the behavior of your pet and have a desire, share information about some kind of pet or edit an article on our website. And if you have a nursery, a veterinary clinic or a hotel for animals near your home, be sure to write to us about them at the address so that we add this information to the database on our website.

Cats are constantly drawn to human contact. Many of them like to sleep at the feet of the owner. There are several theories that explain this pet behavior.


Only the cat itself knows about the exact reasons for a cat sleeping in its legs. Speculation about an animal's craving for a human bed ranges from the realistic to the magical.

Explanation of the vets:

Explanation of bioenergetics:

  1. Energy recycling. Negative energy accumulates in a person’s legs, which cats are able to neutralize. This explains why a cat sleeps next to a human. She prolongs his life, helping to process cosmic energy.
  2. Painful legs of the owner, like any place with a focus of inflammation, it contributes to the accumulation of negative energy. Cats feel the polluted biofield and do everything to help their person, taking the negative on themselves. Often after such a "cleansing" cats get sick.

Folk signs:

  1. The pet sleeps at the feet of the owner, feeling his progressive disease. If the animal suddenly began to try to get close to human legs, it makes sense to check the condition of the vessels of the legs.
  2. Cats protect the owner's sleep from evil spirits.
  3. Pets prevent leg fatigue and help the human body gain strength.

If a decision is made not to deny a furry pet access to a human bed, some recommendations must be followed:

Who should avoid co-sleeping

  1. The presence of allergic reactions, manifested in exposure to the respiratory tract.
  2. Infant age. It is strictly forbidden to allow a cat to visit the baby's crib. The immune system of a child under 6 years of age is very vulnerable.
  3. Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding. At this point, the woman's resistance to bacteria and viruses decreases. Having a cat in bed (even if it is clean) increases the risk of a viral or bacterial disease.
  4. If the pet is sick, it is better not to let him go to bed. It is necessary to take care of the "cat" sleeping place.

How to wean a cat to sleep with a person

If there are circumstances that do not allow a mustachioed pet to sleep in the master's bed, it can be weaned using the following recommendations:

  1. The owner of the mustachioed must be patient. The procedure takes 15-20 days.
  2. Shouting at an animal, and showing physical force is strictly prohibited. It won't make him like a new place to sleep.
  3. It is necessary to create conditions for a cat's sleep, reminiscent of the master's bed. Buy (make with your own hands) a cat bed, use the master's things as its filling. They are saturated with the smell of a loved one, which is very attractive to the pet.
  4. It is advisable to use elements of training. When the cat comes to the master's bed, it must be taken to the prepared bed, sit with it, stroke it. If the pet does not resist, treat it with a treat. Such actions should be taken at each episode of her return to bed. Yummy is needed for pleasant associations with your place. The bed can be sprinkled with catnip oil (to attract the attention of a pet).

When the owner is the cat's favorite resting place, the quality of sleep can suffer for the cat owner. Such consequences can be easily avoided by following these tips:

  • The door to the bedroom should be ajar. If the pet gets up at night to do his own business, he will not wake up the owner.
  • Do not train your cat to feed on demand. The animal may require food even at night.
  • If a fluffy hooligan woke up the owner at night, you should not shout at her. It is necessary to press her to the bed and stroke. There is a chance that she will calm down and fall asleep.

Only the owner himself knows for sure why his cat sleeps at the feet of a person. Each animal has its own goals.

Many behavioral features of pets are not clear to humans. So, not all owners can explain why cats sleep at their feet. They have their own rugs, pillows or soft beds, but these creatures still climb into a person’s bed.

There are many explanations for this behavior. As they say, how many people, so many opinions. Which of the options is the most correct, only an attentive and sensitive owner can decide.

The number of hours for a full-fledged cat sleep

How much do cats sleep? kitty- a predatory animal. The hunting instinct is in her blood. And every hunter knows and understands how important it is to be able to concentrate, track down the victim and attack in time. Such complex manipulations require strength. And you can really recharge only in a dream. Here the murks sleep from fourteen to sixteen hours a day.

It seems that these animals are in a state of dormancy for days on end. That's it, only drowsiness. Watch the murka when she sleeps. Either the mustache twitches, then the claws clench and unclench, then the ears move. It is difficult to see a calm and motionless pet. She is always, at any moment, ready to jump on all fours and repulse the attacker.

For sleep, kitties try to choose secluded and quiet places. They sleep very sweetly, taking the most relaxed posture. But the brain at this time continues to work. It captures and analyzes all signals that come from outside.

Even in deep sleep, the brain remains active, and the senses observe what is happening around. Naturally, such a light sleep does not bring the desired rest. Therefore, cats compensate for quality with quantity.

Favorite place to stay - at the feet

Being close to a person for a long time, the animal adapts to its regimen. Therefore, it sleeps at night and part of the day. Moreover, most representatives of the feline tribe lie down at the feet of the owner at night. Why? This behavior is explained by the following reasons:

1) The cat tribe is very fond of warmth. These animals are happy to bask in the sun, not hiding from the scorching rays. Favorite places in the house are stoves, fireplaces, heating radiators, window sills over radiators. All that heat comes from. The temperature of the human body is much higher than the temperature of even the softest cat pad. Because the cat prefers to sleep on the person. And since many owners forbid this, the cunning one fits in his legs.

It is interesting!

In the villages, kitties, striving for warmth, could exploit other domestic animals with might and main. Representatives of the cat breed slept on cows, horses, dogs, near the sheep in the barn. If they were allowed, of course.

2) Animals sleep at the feet when a person is sick. This version is very popular among hosts. It has been noticed more than once that the murka seems to feel a sore spot and fits exactly on it. Perhaps this is due to the selfishness of the animal. After all, an unhealthy organ has an elevated temperature that the cat feels. Therefore, he seeks the source of his beloved warmth.

It is interesting!

As evidence of "healing" abilities, we can recall that these animals are considered "energetically negative." That is, they feed on negative energy. A diseased organ has just such energy. Cats simply “take away” bad energy, and it becomes easier for a person. For the same reason, cats can sleep on their feet. After all, negative energy is concentrated in the lower part of the human body.

3) This is how cats express their love and appreciation to their owner.. This assumption has many opponents. It is believed that cats are not capable of deep gratitude. They are independent and selfish. But these features do not prevent any particular cat from becoming attached to its owner.

It is interesting!

Cat loyalty and devotion is a fact verified by many owners. Heartbreaking stories appear more than once in print and on the Internet. So, the cat Chapa traveled more than one and a half thousand kilometers to return home from Volsk (Saratov region) to Yekaterinburg. The owners left one annoying cat in Molodechno (Belarus) at a bus stop. They came by car and dropped it off. But the cat is waiting for their return. He meets and escorts every car. Compassionate passers-by only manage to feed the animal and caress. Nobody can take him home: the cat runs away. So tell me after that that cats are not capable of affection.

4) If the family has small children or other cats, then one of them demonstrates its rights to the attention of a person, shows closeness to the owner.

It is interesting!

In the wild, cats rarely form packs. They can live together only if there is enough food and water. Each wild feline behaves independently in relation to others. Only females and young males demonstrate submission.

Every cat sleeps where she wants. That is her nature. If she likes to sleep at her feet, she will lie down there. No matter what reason prompted her to do it.

Cats have long been favorite pets for many people. These wayward animals daily surprise their owners with their unusual habits and their behavior. Many cats prefer to sleep at the feet of their owner. At the same time, they choose one of the family members. Why do animals love it so much? Is it worth weaning a cat from this habit? Let's figure this out together today.


Despite the fact that cats have been living next to people since ancient times, humanity still fails to fully study the behavior of this pet. Moreover, each pet has its own individual character. Therefore, for many people, cats are still mysterious animals, and sometimes it is difficult to assess the reasons for their behavior and understand what it really means.

These animals very quickly get used to their owners and instantly become family favorites. Each pet in the house has a special place where he likes to relax. For example, many cats love to lie at the feet of their owner. Someone is very positive about this, believing that in this way the animal saves a person from diseases. And for some, this behavior is alarming and even frightening. What does this really mean and what are the reasons for this behavior of pets? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. But there are several popular versions that explain this behavior of pets.

Explanations of veterinarians

Surely, many owners of cats and cats often turned to professional veterinarians with such a question. Like most doctors, veterinarians are also skeptics, so they do not believe in various folk signs, superstitions and all kinds of theories that bioenergetics put forward. They have a very logical and simple explanation for this.

Veterinarians say that cats are heat-loving animals, and this is the true reason for this behavior.

Since this animal loves warmth and prefers cozy and comfortable conditions during sleep, the cat always chooses the warmest place in the house. In the cold season, this place is next to the battery, a cozy sofa or the master's bed. That is why, in order to rest in comfortable conditions, many cats climb under the covers of their owners and sleep at their feet.

Professionals explain this love for warmth simply. The fact is that during sleep the animal does not move and begins to freeze a little. In order to prevent hypothermia of its body, the animal initially seeks a warm, cozy and safe place for itself.

Explanations of bioenergetics

Bioenergetics have their own version of this. Bioenergetics from different countries have been studying the features and habits of these mysterious pets for many years. It has long been known to everyone that cats are very sensitive animals. In addition, they are credited with unusual abilities.

For example, there is a theory that these animals are able not only to feel negative energy, but also to neutralize it.

If you believe this theory, then cats can easily find the accumulation of negative energy in the house. Their favorite place to relax and sleep is just the accumulation of such energy. As soon as a cat lies down a little in this place, the negative energy is neutralized and no longer poses any danger. At the same time, you should not worry about the health of the animal itself, since this does not harm him at all.

Often such energy accumulates in the corners of the room. But it often happens that the animal lies down exactly on the chair, the chair where the person recently sat, and at night prefers to sleep at his feet.

Please note that the cat chooses only one member of the family. This suggests that the pet feels the energy of a person and tries to help him by neutralizing all the negativity. It is worth noting the fact that many bioenergetics are sure that the negative energy of a person accumulates precisely in the lower part of his body.

In addition, bioenergy put forward another interesting version. They say that every person draws energy from space. This process occurs unconsciously, and the person himself does not feel it and is not aware of it. Initially, this energy carries a positive charge. But as soon as it passes through the body, it changes and becomes negative. Cats feel this very well and help a person neutralize bad energy, thanks to which many people really manage to get rid of a bad mood, headache, and even some diseases. Also, many fans of this theory are sure that in this way the animal saves not only from negativity and diseases, but also helps to prolong life.

Folk omens

Previously, there were many folk signs that said that in no case should a person sleep in the same bed with a cat, that this would have a bad effect on his health and fate. But times change and people do too. Therefore, no one believes in old signs for a long time, but they listen to new signs and versions with great interest.

Many people believe that in this way the animal shows its tenderness and love towards a person. By the way, not many cats are selfish, as is commonly believed. Often they cannot stand loneliness, and they always have their own pet in the family, for whom they have tender feelings. Why, then, in this case, the animal prefers to sleep in the legs? The fact is that these pets do not like to be annoying and do not want to occupy a leading position in the house.

Therefore, they choose a place at their feet, thereby showing not only their love, but also recognizing their master as a leader and protector.

In addition, there are several interesting folk signs on this subject. For example, they say that if a cat sleeps next to a person all the time, then this is a serious reason to see a doctor. According to popular belief, cats perfectly feel a person and thus try to warn him about a particular disease. Perhaps such a habit of a pet suggests that this is the beginning of varicose veins or some other disease.

Also, cats often lie down not only at the feet. Sometimes they choose the area of ​​the abdomen or back. A popular sign says that a cat always finds the most problematic place on the human body and with its warmth, with its energy heals it. During this or that inflammatory process, any area of ​​the human body becomes hotter. Cats feel this very well and lie down there.

For example, during a cold or flu, many cats lie on a person's head or neck.

Can you sleep together?

The cat does not pose any danger to humans. Therefore, do not worry about the fact that the pet is constantly sleeping next to you. As their favorite, these pets choose one person for themselves and always lie down next to him. Such love can be easily explained. The fact is that cats like the smell of a certain person. He gets so used to him that he tries to constantly be near him at any time of the day or night.

You can sleep in the same bed with your pet if it does not cause discomfort to you. However, sometimes it is better to avoid it. For example, if you sleep very restlessly, you often toss and turn in your sleep. In a dream, a person cannot control himself and can harm his pet. Many animals also sleep deeply, and in order not to injure the cat, it is better to arrange a separate sleeping place for him.

Also, do not sleep with a cat for those who suffer from allergies.

Such a neighborhood is undesirable for a pregnant woman. In order to protect yourself and the health of the unborn baby, you should sleep in your bed without a cat. If the cat is already accustomed to sleeping all the time with the owner, then you need to wean him from this habit.. Moreover, soon, when the baby is born, there will be a baby next to the woman, so it is undesirable for a pet to be in the same bed.

Many pets have a very positive attitude towards the youngest family members and love to spend the night in their bed.

Do not allow a cat to sleep in a small child's bed. The kid can choke, choke on the hairs of a fluffy animal. In addition, most children sleep very restlessly, shudder in their sleep, toss and turn violently. Thus, the child can harm the cat or the pet to him. Many cats are frightened by sudden sounds, movements and may inadvertently scratch a child from fright.

Since, by nature, all cats are awake at night, the pet, upon waking up, can start playing with his toes, which will disturb your sleep. And if the pet gets carried away, it can scratch you.

In the event that your pet regularly goes out, then you should not let him sleep in the same bed with you. It can bring any infection from the street, which will negatively affect the health of all family members.

How to teach to sleep separately?

In order to teach your beloved pet to sleep separately, you should arrange a comfortable sleeping place for him.

  • After you prepare a sleeping place for your pet, do not rush to install it in one or another corner of the room. Every cat has its favorite places in the house. Therefore, it is best to place a house or a couch there.
  • Put your pet in a specially prepared place so that he can carefully examine everything. Whether he liked the new place to sleep or not, it will be clear right away. If the pet is still small, you can draw his attention to the bed with catnip. By the way, this bait is also perfect for adult animals.
  • If the pet already has a favorite litter, there should not be any problems either. For example, he has long chosen your old scarf or T-shirt and constantly sleeps on it, then you can lay this thing in a cat's house.
  • Close the door to your bedroom at night. Of course, in the early days, the pet will absolutely not like it. But after that he will understand, get used to it and will no longer be indignant, and will start to go to bed in his house.

As mentioned above, cats have a very positive attitude towards warm, comfortable places. In addition, they prefer to sleep in a clean place and it is for this reason that they choose their owner's bed, and sometimes climb onto a closet shelf with clean linens.

The sleeping place for the pet should be comfortable, warm, dry and clean.

In addition, it is important to consider the fact that most cats and cats like to sleep not on the floor below, but on an elevated place. This allows them to feel completely safe. Also, pets try to choose dark and quiet places for the night. They prefer open space to a quiet and cozy corner, which is hidden from prying eyes. For this reason, they are not indifferent to various boxes and are very fond of sleeping in them.

Many cat owners complain that their pets try to climb onto the bed. And no beds, houses, boxes and other sleeping "apartments", which often cost a lot of money, are able to lure a cat's attention to themselves. So for what reasons does a picky pet go to bed at the feet of the owner? What drives him, and how can this strange behavior be explained? There are several versions.

According to the opinion of bioenergetics, a person draws energy from space through his head. Passing through the body, part of the positive charge is “polluted” and becomes negative. Negative energy comes out through the legs into the ground. Being naturally sensitive to geomagnetic fluctuations, cats have the ability to cleanse a clogged aura and neutralize negativity.

Intuitively, they find the most problematic places in their owners and just as unconsciously heal "holes" in their energy field. There are many cases when people confidently state that their fluffy home healers helped get rid of varicose veins and other diseases associated with improper blood circulation in the lower extremities.


Everyone knows that cats love to warm themselves near radiators, on stoves, beds and other warm objects. The instinct of self-preservation makes the animal look for a safe place to sleep in order to prevent hypothermia. The human body temperature is much warmer than room temperature. As they say, dry, cozy, soft and comfortable. The choice of the place of "deployment" is also conditioned by the fact that getting a kick at night is not so scary and dangerous than being accidentally crushed by the torso. Especially if the owner's complexion is far from ideal proportions.


There are many opinions about the medicinal properties of cats. Some believe that all stories about alternative medicine are complete nonsense, while others, on the contrary, are convinced of its expediency and effectiveness. It is believed that pets are able to identify sore points on the human body and have a positive effect on well-being.

Any inflammatory process is accompanied by an increase in the overall body temperature or locally in the problem area. Cats accurately guess where an ambulance is required and fit into this place. It is not at all necessary that their healing concerns only the lower extremities, but very often it is the legs that are in the center of the cat's attention.


Like any living creature, cats need not only physical comfort, but also emotional. Having got a pet, a person bears full responsibility for it - feeds, cares, plays, caresses and indulges. It is not surprising that animals perceive their owner as a "mother" and subconsciously reach out to him for another portion of care and love. It is the desire to feel calm, safe and protected that motivates cats to seek refuge in the legs, perceiving them as the most reliable refuge.


The version is slightly utopian, but, nevertheless, not without logical meaning. Everyone knows how cats love to control everything and be aware of all the happenings at home. They even sleep, being always "on sight" - the slightest rustle, and the eyes instantly open, and the tail becomes a pipe. Having chosen a place to sleep at the feet of the owner, these cunning people kill two birds with one stone. On the one hand, they provide themselves with a warm and soft sleeping place, on the other hand, they are not limited by any obstacles and can easily jump off the edge of the bed so as not to miss something important. For example, opening the refrigerator in the kitchen or the arrival of the owner from fishing.

Despite the assertion that all cats are selfish and do not feel special affection for a person, no one has canceled love feelings. Otherwise, how can one understand why they are absolutely indifferent to some family members and completely ignore them, while others themselves ask for affection and follow on their heels. Sleeping at the feet of the owner is probably the most obvious proof of his love and respect.