All about chess composition. Chess problems

  • 24.09.2019

A chess problem is the position of the pieces on the board, accompanied by a task to be solved. Such a task can be to obtain a numerical superiority in the game, or to declare a checkmate to the opponent for a certain number of moves in the game, for example, checkmate in 1 move, checkmate in two moves.

Constant solving of chess compositions is necessary to improve the level of your game, develop combinational vision, when you can quickly assess the position and find ways to attack or defend, checkmate and win. For the successful development of their abilities, it is enough to devote 30-40 minutes a day to solving tactical tasks.

On our site, tasks are divided into difficulty levels according to the number of moves, how many pieces are on the board. This is the best solution, you can solve problems, watch video tutorials on various topics.

How useful are tasks for beginners?

Regular exercises in solving chess studies perfectly develop the intellect, and at any age. Even simple tasks with answers contribute to:

  • Faster search for the right move in the game for chess players;
  • Development of logic and thinking, drawing up interesting combinations;
  • Ability to find a way out even in a difficult position;
  • For children develop abilities in mathematics.

The most exciting are tasks that involve checkmate in 1 move, white or black pieces start. To checkmate in two moves is already aerobatics, allowing you to move on to learning a full-fledged game of chess to participate in competitions and tournaments. It is recommended to start them after successfully mastering simpler chess puzzles and rules.

Until recently, meager collections of problems were on the shelves of bookstores, but now the Internet and interactive online chess problems for beginners with answers and solutions provide great opportunities, some of them are designed by the authors specifically for preschool and school age. They allow you to play online, disassemble game miniatures, complex puzzles. There are options for problem books for adults with different levels of training.

Solving chess problems for free on websites can teach you how to play chess practically from scratch, like a coach, such Internet resources as Chessday, Chessfield. The rating and activity of a chess player are considered. Properly selected materials.

A chess composition is understood as a kind of human activity that arose from chess, the result of which is a certain chess position with a task and a solution. These chess positions satisfy a number of criteria, namely:

  1. The position must be legal (that is, there is a sequence of moves that lead to this position from the initial position);
  2. The position must be economical (that is, there must be no pieces that are not involved in the solution);
  3. The task must be performed in a unique way (the requirement for the uniqueness of the solution);
  4. The solution must express some idea;
  5. The solution must be beautiful.

The last point of the requirement is the most abstract, but a chess game is also evaluated by the same criterion.

The chess composition is divided into two large groups- chess problems (positions with the requirement to checkmate in a certain number of moves) and chess etudes (positions to win or draw). The peculiarities of the requirements for problems and etudes make them an ideal tool for training chess players. Chess composition is used in the following cases:

  1. matting training
  2. Demonstration of the simplest combination motifs
  3. Demonstration of typical combinations
  4. Variant Calculation
  5. Development of combinational vision
  6. Training in the correct assessment of the position
  7. Studying the endgame

On the initial stage training chess players, the coaches prefer to give tasks to students - this teaches students to see and put checkmates. Small-figured problems are preferred due to the lightness of the position. Usually tasks are offered for checkmate in 2 moves. When it becomes necessary to demonstrate some typical chess mating techniques, problems with a large number of pieces are offered. (see diagrams 1-8)

When the student gets some skills in matting, the stage of development of combinational vision begins. Combination vision must be developed at all stages of training. Often, combinational vision is reduced to recognizing familiar or similar positions, which allows you to quickly calculate options. Determining a familiar pattern of a position is easiest when the student perceives only the pieces involved in the combination.

D.1 checkmate in 2 moves

D.2 checkmate in 2 moves

D.3 checkmate in 2 moves

D.4 checkmate in 2 moves

D.5 checkmate in 3 moves

D.6 checkmate in 4 moves

D.7 checkmate in 7 moves

D.8 checkmate in 12 moves

The simplest sketches showing typical tactics

In this case, the student is selected tasks with a short solution, in which the demonstrated idea is clearly expressed. Usually studies with a short but memorable solution show the tactical ideas on which the combinations are based. The effectiveness of using a chess composition in this case is determined by the requirements for it, namely: it represents a certain chess idea in an artistic and economical form. This allows the student not to be distracted when getting acquainted with the idea.

In Diagram 9, Black draws a distraction, but White responds by drawing a combination of attraction + discarding material. In diagram 10, attraction is implemented in order to win a piece (or a profitable exchange). Diagram 11 - line/field cleaning. Diagram 12 shows the overlap.

D.10 win

D.11 win

D.12 win

Etudes for the development of counting

When developing a chess player's score of options, the coach selects tasks with a long but forced solution, or with a solution in which side options are very short (do not exceed, for example, 3 moves - depends on the level of the chess player).

Diagram 13 shows an example of a long forced variation. However, do not forget that the opponent has quiet intermediate moves that also create a threat. For example, as in diagram 14.

D.13 win

D.14 win

D.15 win

D.16 win

Endgame etudes, to demonstrate the laws of chess

A special group of etudes is the so-called endgame (analytical) etudes. The study of these studies forms the base of the so-called "exact positions" for a chess player. These studies help to evaluate the correct endings, and also indicate the strategies that must be followed to achieve the goal. Such etudes are often not recommended to be solved, but are obligatory for playing in order for the chess player to get acquainted with the idea of ​​the etude and remember it. It should be noted that endgame etudes regulate not only general principles playing endings, but also showing "exceptions" to the rules. The coach must select tasks that demonstrate typical endgame techniques, "accurate" positions (as defined by Mark Dvoretsky), and also demonstrate ways to fight against these techniques, depending on the specifics of the position.

D.17 win

D.18 win

D.19 draw

D.20 draw

Diagrams 17-20 show some typical techniques for pawn endgames.

Etudes with Position Evaluation

One of the most important stages in the development of a student is teaching the correct assessment of the position. The ability to correctly evaluate a position significantly affects the choice of candidate moves, and, as a result, reduces the tree of options. In this case, any etudes are suitable, but for beginner chess players it is recommended to select tasks with clearly visible weaknesses of the sides.

D.21 evaluate the position

D.22 evaluate the position

On the benefits of knowledge of the topics of chess composition

The chess composition has stepped far ahead in the field of alternating tactical moments and building combinations from them. Therefore, it makes sense for chess players to familiarize themselves with these ideas in order to apply these ideas in the future. For example, the strategic school in composition works with combinations of tactical moments: blocking, overlapping, distractions, etc.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the theme of the logical school, the essence of which is that when a party tries to carry out a plan, the enemy has protection. Then a preliminary plan is carried out, destroying this protection.

D.23 Checkmate in 2 moves. Novotny theme

D.24 White to move

D.25 Checkmate in 4 moves

D.26 White to move

D.27 win

D.28 Bronstein - Botvinnik, 1951, black to move

Despite the fact that the modern task composition is quite far removed from practice, it can be used in teaching lower grades, and is even recommended. The etude composition has always been a powerful tool for improving chess players at any stage. She was recommended by both the most famous coaches and grandmasters. At one time, grandmaster Lev Polugaevsky said this: “Only after solving 100 studies did I feel ready to fight for the chess crown.”


Summing up the results of the lecture, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Chess composition is useful for teaching chess practitioners, as it offers a wide range of tools to cover various aspects of chess education. Over the years of development of chess composition, about 70,000 studies and 300,000 problems were compiled. All these etudes and tasks are available in special databases of etudes and tasks. The advantage of these databases is that they are well structured - and this allows you to find with great success good example on a topic than when looking for a position from 5 million parties. In addition, the theory of the endgame is closely related to etude composition - often valuable theoretical research in the field of the endgame was carried out by etudists - they also compiled etudes demonstrating the results of the research.


  1. Botvinnik M.M., Analytical and critical works: Articles and memoirs, FiS, 1987
  2. Polugaevsky L.A., The birth of a variant, FiS, 1977
  3. Pozharsky V., Chess textbook in studies, Phoenix, 2005
  4. Pozharsky V., School of Chess., Phoenix, 2007
  5. Dvoretsky M., Pervakov O., Etudes for practitioners, News, 2009
  6. Vladimirov Ya., 1000 masterpieces of chess composition, AST, 2005
  7. Dvoretsky M.I., Endgame Textbook, Fact, 2006
  8. Umnov E., What is a chess composition, FiS, 1954
  9. Base of chess problems -

This problem was compiled in 1907 by Konstantin Gavrilov. It should be noted that he was an excellent chess composer of those times, who composed excellent two-movers. One of these we propose to solve for you. White starts and checkmates.

We hope everyone is in a great mood - our compatriots delight us with an excellent game! "Gold" and "Silver" at the World Team Championship, and even Nikita Vitiugov showed good game. Very happy for everyone! In the meantime, we are solving this sketch. White starts as already stated in the condition and wins.

Chess problems online

Our site is unique in its kind, because it provides our users with the opportunity to solve chess problems online. Users have a choice of tasks:
  • checkmate in 1 move
  • checkmate in 2 moves
  • checkmate in 3 moves
  • checkmate in 4 moves
  • checkmate in 5 moves
  • win
Choose and solve tasks, depending on the level of your game. For beginner chess players, problems in one and two moves are suitable, and for professionals - checkmate in 7 moves and positional problems.
In addition, our users have a number of privileges. You can write to us by mail and ask us to add one or another section of the tasks. We will try to do this as quickly as possible, literally within a few days, and sometimes the next day, depending on the workload of requests.
Problem solving is very good way raising the level of the chess player. Those who are just starting to enter this game will learn new positions, and as a result, they will be able to apply them in serious games. And chess players are more high level, can hone and improve the level of their game by repeating, and sometimes even learning new positions.
Chess problems not only stimulate interest in playing chess, but also develop logical thinking, which is important for the development of the child in principle.
. For example, you can prepare interesting tasks for the next lesson with a student, take some positions from our site. In the end, you can even solve a particular problem with a student right on our portal.
I will not tell you much about myself, at the moment I am studying with a student who is 5 years old. From the very beginning of our studies, he had the third category. I have not been working with him for a very long time, and according to a special technique, which includes solving chess problems at every lesson. I have noticed that no other chess tasks attract him as much as chess problems. He always treats their solution with joy, and always waits for the time when we will begin to solve them. A week ago, he played in the tournament, and completed the norm of the second category. I'm sure this is primarily due to the fact that he solved chess problems. Coaches can take note of this.


Chess problems - studies

A special area of ​​creative activity in chess is called a chess composition, which includes:

  • chess studies and
  • tasks.

Please note: there are examples on the website:

  • with answers;
  • with solutions.

Chess problems and etudes with solutions are created so that each player can analyze the moves and avoid mistakes in the future. The examples are taken from games played by someone (usually famous grandmasters) before.

Chess etudes and problems are a very interesting, exciting and exciting pastime. We have already said that mind games:

  • develop thinking, logic;
  • increase IQ;
  • are the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

As far as sketches are concerned, new level skill in chess. These are problems (with answers, with and without solutions), during which the player fights for the victory of his pieces (white by default). Chess etudes are solved by those who, so to speak, are already on intellectual game. The number of moves here is impossible to predict. The game continues until:

  • one of the parties "in battle" will not lose all the pieces;
  • one of the kings will not be mated.

Chess studies and problems help young players to break into the leaders. It is recommended to solve them systematically. In chess, as in big sports, you need constant training. Otherwise, the skills will not become a habit. After a long break in your studies, you are unlikely to be able to immediately solve chess studies and problems - unless they come with answers. To return the "intellectual form", you will have to return to the initial level and again "dig" in tasks for beginners.

We warn you: Chesslives online school does not offer free play, but for a small fee they teach professionalism and true mastery of chess!

Call the number listed on the website and sign up for classes!