Beautiful zodiac signs test. What is your real zodiac sign

  • 02.07.2020

If the descriptions of the features of the Zodiac Signs do not match your personality characteristics, and horoscopes give incorrect information over and over again, it is likely that your true Zodiac Sign does not match the one you are used to identifying yourself with. So, it's time to determine your real Zodiac Sign.

Reasons for mismatch of zodiac signs

Birth at the beginning or at the end of the period of the Sun's stay in the zodiac constellation. It is known that the most clearly typical features of the Zodiac Signs are manifested in those who were born in the middle of the period of the zodiac constellation. If the moment of your birth refers to the moment of the beginning or end of the action, then you were influenced not only by your Sign, but also by the next one before or after it.

Lunar Sign of the Zodiac. In addition to the solar Zodiac Sign, a person also receives a lunar Sign. In astrology, he is given great attention and it is believed that he has an influence on the fate and inclinations of a person, almost more than the usual solar zodiac. The Moon Sign is determined by the position of the moon in one of the constellations at the time of a person's birth. On the day you were born, the sun could be in the constellation of Aries, and the moon in the constellation of Scorpio. Zodiac characteristics most clearly manifested in those people whose sunny and lunar Sign and match. If there is no such coincidence (which occurs most often), and especially if the Signs belong to different elements, the zodiacal features appear to a lesser extent. The constant mismatch of horoscopes may mean that the influence of your lunar patron prevails over the influence of the sun.

The position of the Sun at the time of your conception. It is known that the date of conception has no less influence on the fate of a person than the day of his birth. Therefore, in some countries it is customary to add another nine months to your real age. It is possible that you were more influenced by the Sign of the Zodiac, acting at the time of your conception, and not at the time of birth.

How to determine the real zodiac sign

If you were born at the beginning or end of the zodiac influence, it is worth looking at the characteristics of the Zodiac sign preceding yours or following it. Perhaps that is where you will find your description. If you don’t see a match for yourself in the neighboring Zodiac Signs, refer to numerology: add up all the numbers in your date of birth, including the year, until you get a number from 1 to 9 (for example, you were born on January 23, 1970: 2 + 3 + 1+1+9+7+0 = 23 = 2+3 = 5). Add 3 to the resulting number, so you get the number of your true Zodiac Sign(in the example given, it turns out 8, which corresponds to the sign of Scorpio).

In the event that you were born at the peak of the activity of the Zodiac Sign, and the horoscopes and descriptions still do not match you early, subtract 9 months from the date of your birth and see which Sign was active during this period. It is possible that he is your true Zodiac Sign.

You can determine your lunar Zodiac Sign only with the help of special tables. Each year, the time the moon stays in certain zodiac constellations varies, so for each person, the lunar value is calculated individually based on the day, month, year, time and place of birth. Having determined the Lunar Zodiac, you should clarify its characteristics - if they coincide with you, then it is your real Sign.

Knowing under which constellation you came into this world will help you discover your hidden abilities and talents, as well as understand how to realize them and succeed. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.10.2015 01:00

Astrologers say that each sign of the zodiac according to the horoscope has its own auspicious days weeks. AT...

Sometimes the traditional horoscope does not always clearly express the true essence of a person. Some people even feel more connected to the other sign and find nothing in common with theirs. With this test, you can check which zodiac sign best reflects your personality.

Characteristics of signs:


You love to be the center of attention, which is why by hook or by crook you will achieve your goals. In the short term, this approach will help you quickly achieve success, but such selfishness quite often creates problems in relationships with people.


You have a tendency to clutter because you are too lazy to keep things under control. You seek to surround yourself comfortable conditions for life. Taurus most often know how to save money, but at the same time they do not know how to profitably handle it.


Your hyperactivity is visible from afar. Admittedly, it is this trait that makes you nervous at times. You are not one of those who will dwell on one thing for a long time, you need everything at once. Communication is what makes you a successful person.

One of the most serious shortcomings of this sign is the inability to quickly adapt to different situations. Often, Cancers "muffle" their experiences with excessive consumption of sweets. You are a very sensual person and have a hard time enduring betrayal and breakups. If love has awakened in you, then for the sake of it you can do a lot.

Generous Lions, despite all their talents, can be incorrigible braggarts. Such behavior very often causes dissatisfaction on the part of others. As a Leo, this will not bother you as long as you are in demand.


You are obsessed with cleanliness and control of everything in sight. However, this does not prevent you from being a kind and sympathetic person. You are ready to help anyone who asks, and you risk being taken advantage of. Perhaps it is impossible to find a more responsible person than Virgo.


You love to surround yourself only with the best and for this you are ready to give your last penny. In addition, in relation to people, it is important for you to be good for everyone, for this you put a lot of effort. You strive to find beauty in everything and to be harmonious.


You are a mysterious and very secretive person. On the one hand, it attracts, on the other hand, it can repel. Before you open up to someone, you will carefully "scan" the person. You have incredible willpower and you will do even more than required to achieve your goal.


You absorb everything that this world gives. It is very important for you to travel and discover something new. Sagittarius is not distinguished by a sense of tact, his honesty sometimes knocks you down. Although in most cases the representative of this sign does not try to make someone feel bad, it is his peculiarity - to always tell the truth.

You are a workaholic. Because of this, your loved ones most often suffer, but sooner or later they get used to it. After all, you work so hard to provide for your family and be sure about their future. True, you should not go too far and completely close yourself from people, devoting yourself only to work.


You are afraid of being dependent on someone, so you very rarely accept help, and you yourself are unlikely to ask for it. You are too important independence and a sense of freedom. You are full of different ideas and are the person who supports progress in every possible way.


You are often disoriented. The reason for this is your penchant for fantasies and the inability to organize your time. Pisces seek to protect themselves from reality and seem to live in their own world. You are a sensual person, but at the same time you can plunge into your emotions so deeply that you stop noticing everything around, including loved ones.

What qualities do you value most in a partner? Would you like to have a…

Answer options:

  • Charming and adaptable partner
  • Purposeful and active partner
  • Confident and determined partner

Which of the suggestions do you like the most?

Answer options:

  • Have serious conversations about the world
  • decorate the house
  • Stay at home and watch movies
  • Go shopping
  • Play in public
  • Communicate
  • Travel

What annoys you the most in partners?

Answer options:

  • When they avoid talking about their feelings
  • When they prefer to lead a boring lifestyle, do not like to take risks
  • When they are too impressionable
  • When they don't consider others

What partner do you dream to see next?

Answer options:

  • Someone who will be an example to you, who will inspire awe, whose intelligence you will admire
  • Someone who will pleasantly excite your imagination and make you feel happy
  • The one you want to always care for tenderly and whose feelings towards you will be very deep
  • Someone who will take care of you tenderly and will be your most important protector in any situation.

Which partner is more likely to attract you?

Answer options:

  • A warrior willing to risk everything for you
  • Living fire, energetic, unpredictable and risky
  • A healer who can come to the rescue at any moment, share grief and joy, talk heart to heart
  • A guardian angel for whom you will come first and who will always take care of you and your best interests
  • Sociable genius who is able to find friends anywhere and charm everyone
  • A born leader who will constantly inspire you in any way
  • Father and protector of your family
  • A king who will treat you like his queen (Queen who will always shine with beauty, intelligence and wisdom)

What quality of a potential partner will turn you off in the first place?

Answer options:

  • Frivolity
  • Jealousy
  • selfishness
  • Cold
  • Impulsivity, irritability, conflict
  • Mediocrity
  • insipidity

Who are you ready to admire?

Answer options:

  • Bright, energetic and purposeful partner
  • Intelligent, sociable and fun
  • Responsible, practical, a partner who knows how to appreciate simple things
  • Passionate, deep partner, not afraid to show feelings