Sleep to move down a slippery hill. snow slide

  • 20.09.2019

Most often in a dream we see a hill that you can climb or from which you can go down. What is it? A mound in a field or an icy slope? What effort do we make to climb up, and how do we feel when we joyfully slide down? All of these details can be important in sleep analysis.

Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller considers any elevation of the landscape a sign of the obstacles and difficulties that arise in life. A dream can notify both future events and be a reaction to difficulties and obstacles that have already happened:

  • unexpectedly see a slide - expect the same sudden problems and difficulties;
  • climb the hill - overcome these problems. At the same time, one must be wary of envious people and intriguers who may be associated with “emerging” problems;
  • to go down - to the probability of seeing unpleasant difficulties in every life innovation. Agree, new is not always inconvenient.

Thus, the main thing when interpreting according to Miller's dream book is the direction of movement.

Dream Interpretation of Vaga

The Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga adheres to the same point of view (she largely agrees with Miller):

  • climbing a mountain (moving uphill) - success in business and luck;
  • descend - to failure, shame, intrigue and undeserved accusations. In this case, you should be wary of rumors coming from colleagues;
  • to see someone rolling down a mountain on a sled or a cart - soon you yourself will go on the road, and your journey will be eventful and exciting;
  • tree on the slope - have a chance to overcome even the most difficult obstacles.

Freud's dream book

A well-known psychoanalyst adheres to slightly different principles, considering the main thing not only the direction of movement, but also the efforts made. According to Freud, a hill is a real situation in life. If you dream that you are standing on its top, then you will soon find yourself in a position, the way out of which will require your ingenuity and intelligence. At the same time, it is worth making efforts to overcome problems, be wise and remember your true goal. Rolling downhill - feeling dissatisfied with your real partner. Do not rush to change it: perhaps discontent is caused by your fleeting whims and ambitions, and the relationship can be saved. Anyway, life difficulties that portends a dream about climbing a mountain, it is better to overcome together.

Going down somewhere in a dream - you will have to change your views on some things. Seeing those descending - be doubly careful for the next day or two. Riding a train that rushes downhill is a prediction of many labors that will give you anxiety.

Riding a bike downhill - you should pay more attention to your health. Otherwise, a serious illness awaits you. If you go down in a dream and find yourself in a dungeon, it means that in reality you will get pleasant impressions from a random trip to familiar places, which this time you will see with completely different eyes.

Seeing your friend in a dream somewhere far below is a harbinger of the fact that at the time of your future successes you will neglect your old attachments. Seeing birds descending from the sky portends unusual events. Going down the chimney promises sadness. For a young girl, such a dream, among other things, means that she will do something out of the ordinary, which will cause bewilderment or indignation of others.

Going down the rope is a harbinger of disappointment in the brightest moments of your life. Seeing in a dream an elevator going down from which you have just exited means that in reality you miraculously managed to avoid danger or trouble in some business.

Looking down from the shore or bridge at dirty muddy water - expect the sad results of your most significant efforts. Seeing a mercury column of a thermometer descending in a dream means that soon the state of your affairs will begin to inspire you with anxiety.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Looking down on someone means that you may make a wrong decision that will reflect badly on your affairs.

Looking down on someone in a dream has a literal meaning and can mean arrogance or clear advantages over an opponent, or sometimes both.

Looking down from the window predicts obstacles in business. See interpretation: window.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation ice slide

What are your most vivid impressions of winter from your childhood? In addition to the New Year and gifts from Santa Claus, I immediately remember the snow and the opportunity to ride with ice slide.

How much excitement and adrenaline you feel when you rush down the slope at high speed! This is in reality, but why dream of a slide?

What does this dream mean?

In general, a slide in night vision symbolizes obstacles. True, the interpretation will depend on the actions of the sleeping person, whether he will go down or up, with what mood, the fact that the mountain was in front of him plays an important role.

Dream book predictions

Dreamed of ice

Although this article will mainly consider information regarding what the ice slide is dreaming of, it is still worth considering the general interpretations of dream books.

It matters a lot whether you are going up or down a mountain.. It is not superfluous to clarify whether it is flat or steep. And, of course, with what emotions did you do it.

Miller's dream book

In a dream, a mountain appears before the sleeping person - unforeseen events will arise that will confuse all plans. You just have to wait out the streak of bad luck, soon everything will return to normal - the dream book promises.

According to the dream book, the hill you are climbing promises an opportunity to cope with difficulties. Miller believed that a sleeping person had enough knowledge to overcome future obstacles.

To go down - you yourself create difficulties. Even the smallest obstacle in your eyes becomes insurmountable and causes a storm of negative emotions.

Rolling to the bottom means that ill-wishers will try to do everything possible to annoy you, so you should be extremely careful and not trust everyone.

According to the dream book, an ice slide promises a fun pastime. The mountain is strewn with sand - you will have to forget about rest for a while, as you will have to do household chores.

Riding down the hill is not on a sled - you will be able to have a good rest and have fun without spending money. Rest "hare" does not spoil your good mood.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

To be in a dream at the very top

Climbing to the top - a sleeping person is waiting for good luck and happiness. To make dreams come true, it will take only a little effort from him.

Go down - colleagues are unfriendly. They will put sticks in the wheels, slander, do everything to ruin the career of a sleeping person. It is worth constantly being on the alert, if you gape, then you will lose your position.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Why you might dream of rolling down a hill - to troubles in love, according to the dream book. The blame for the breakup will be entirely on you, the partner will get tired of enduring a frivolous attitude towards himself.

Rolling down the ice with your loved one - soon you will part. It will be a mutual decision without mutual accusations and insults, your feelings will become obsolete.

In a dream, you are afraid of the upcoming descent, and your partner is trying to persuade you to do this - unfortunately, you will not be together forever. You shouldn't keep this person.

Esoteric dream book

Just to see a slide for children in a dream - the dream book considers this image in two ways:

  • you are young at heart, this positive trait will stay with you forever;
  • you do not want to perceive the surrounding reality, do not want to grow up, make responsible decisions.

Rapidly descend in a dream

Go down it - you want to return the good old days. But, as you know, it is not possible to enter the same river twice.

Slides from a psychological point of view

According to psychologists, the mountain symbolizes your real position in society. Standing on top - you will find yourself in a situation from which only ingenuity and intuition will help you get out.

If you go down the hill, then you are dissatisfied with your partner. Sigmund Freud's dream book clarifies that your discontent is dictated by temporary insanity, you suddenly decided that you deserve better.

Wait a little, and everything will fall into place, otherwise you may greatly regret that you broke up with your loved one after the veil falls from your eyes.

Mountains of ice and snow

According to the dream book, riding downhill in a dream promises quick and drastic changes in your real life. Life can not only change dramatically, but also present you with a real adventure. It will be interesting for you to participate in the case, although you will understand that this is a big risk.

If the ice slide in a dream was so steep that it took your breath away just looking at it, then you are ready to take responsibility for everything that happens around you.

Feel the delight in a dream from the descent

Rolling down and experiencing delight - in fact, you are a strong and persistent person who can endure many trials.

According to interpreters, going downhill on a sled is a dream-indication. You are tired of gray everyday life, you should unwind, experience new sensations, change the situation.

The ice on the hill is covered with snow - many unforgettable and happy events await you ahead.

Why dream of trouble

If in a dream you tried to climb an ice slide, but you didn’t succeed, your legs constantly slipped or got stuck in the snow - take a break in real life. You have taken on too many responsibilities on your shoulders, it is worth thinking carefully, maybe you could entrust them to other people.

Why dream of a hill if you managed to climb it? So, no matter what difficulties get in your way, you are able to overcome them. Most importantly, do not forget that at the end you will be rewarded.

Not only to climb up yourself, but also to help others - in reality, you have true friends who will lend their shoulder.

The dream of descending from a snowy mountain is poorly considered by interpreters. Especially if you hit hard during sleep. So, you should be careful with the use of alcohol, otherwise you risk greatly spoiling your reputation.

You can’t move out normally, because bumps constantly come across on the way? You will conflict with friends, while the reasons for quarrels will be the most insignificant.

Hill or mountain in the symbol system means different kind difficulties. In order to answer the question: “Why dream of riding a hill in a dream?”, You need to disassemble. Complete and detailed interpretation such a dream can be read in this article.

slide type

You can solve a dream in different ways, depending on the specific slide that you had to slide down in a dream:

When interpreting such a dream, the symbol of snow must be taken into account. Snow is a symbol of joy, happiness and novelty. Seeing a snowy landscape promises a change for the better, as well as a long-awaited state of peace and tranquility. If the hill is covered with dirty snow, then this means gossip and gossip of people close to you. Getting dirty in such snow is a nuisance and health problems.

Rolling down an ice slide is an adventure. If at the same time you froze in a dream or hit hard, in reality be careful and prudent. Minor losses are possible: wallet, keys or some papers.

If in a dream, when looking at a hill, it blinds and cuts your eyes, then important acquisitions lie ahead. Do not forget to think it over well and consult with knowledgeable people.

If you rolled down the hill on a sleigh, then soon you will find out unpleasant facts about people close to you. Do not believe the rumors, perhaps this is just someone's attempt to harm you or the person being discussed.

Riding a pack on ice or snow is a change in your personal life.

Often in a dream there are pictures of childhood. For example, slides made of wood, which were installed on playgrounds. A dream with a similar plot means your longing for the unfulfilled and long gone. Pay attention to the present and try to live for today. Your close relatives and children need your attention.

The tree is a symbol of fertility, life and family. Get bruised or splintered while riding with wooden slide- to unexpected enrichment. Rolling down and falling - to pleasant chores and the emergence of new friends.

AT similar dreams there is a water symbol. AT general interpretation This auspicious sleep, unless you hit the water and choke on it. In this case, expect uninvited guests or problems at work.

Attractions in a dream -. This is a signal about possible danger and even health risks. Be extremely careful and careful when traveling, as well as when working with dangerous tools. Rolling down the high slide of the attraction is disappointing.

Also importance have the emotions you got from this activity. If the dream is positive and you rejoiced and laughed a lot, then there is great relief and resolution of contradictions ahead. If you cried, quarreled with someone, or got upset in a dream, then this is a sharp turn in fate. Knowing what portends to ride downhill in a dream, you can protect yourself from troubles of any kind and dispel your worries.

Dream interpretation online Water park

Our dreams are visited by modern symbols, consistent with the world of the 21st century and grandmother's old dream book cannot answer them, leaving the curtain of secrecy closed.
Most often, these are collective images, built on the primary worldview, and they must be interpreted based on the meaning of each individual element of the dream.

Dream structure

What a water park or slides dream of is easy to understand by comparing the following prototypes:

  • slide;
  • water;
  • swimming pool.

Depending on their combination, interaction, personal feelings, further interpretation will take place.

Water in a dream

If you dreamed of a water park

Water, like a slide, is a symbol of future changes. Moreover, it is a powerful energy image. Remember how often you dream of such things and every little thing in them: what the water was like, the sensations when entering it, the surrounding circumstances. It is important.

Big Picture

Pure - promises joy, a successful outcome of the planned business. If there is a question of promotion, then such a dream portends consolidation on the career ladder. Quiet - brings calmness, measuredness. Restless or muddy water is a sign of obstacles, an impending threat; bubbling - litigation, proceedings with enemies.


There is a difference what kind of water is in the pool in relation to temperature:

  • cold says that you are not afraid of ailments;
  • hot reminds you to take care of your health.

Actions and feelings

Standing in the middle of the waves, drowning, trying to get out of the seething stream, Aesop's dream book interprets as impending misfortune - soon you will need to gather all your will into a fist to solve the current problem situation. Seeing someone drowning in a pool is separation, scandal, quarrel, hopelessness and failure. More often, such a dream portends a breakup with a loved one.

What was the pool

Special attention

We pay attention to auditory and tactile sensations, namely:

  • heard the sound of waves - a meeting with an old friend.
  • swam - the justification of their own hopes.
  • splatter - wait for the news.
  • heard the waves - soon the chances of success will increase.

Pool and secret desires

The pool, as a sign, according to Freud, in itself speaks of a subconscious fence, protection, and the feminine. It has different interpretations depending on the fullness, form. For men and women, the transcripts will be slightly different.

Complete and pure

Such a dream for a woman is a return to primitive origins: it is worth giving up business, going out into nature, relaxing in order to fill the energy gap.

A swimming pool for a man is a lack of satisfaction with life. You do not have enough female attention or you yourself have an excess of alien energy.


Swimming in the pool - to monetary profit, strengthening positions in society, meeting with an important person.

Diving is interpreted by Jung's dream book as a process of entering the womb. Do not sublimate sexual pleasures, feel what you expect from the opposite sex.

Swimming pool - more good sign than negative. Refer to the sensations during your stay in it, near it. Also pay attention to what emotions drive you.

Rapid descent or ascent?

If you went down the hill

Referring to Miller's interpretation, both an unexpected immersion in water and the presence of a slide, they complain that the desired cannot be achieved quickly - the vicissitudes of fate will await you. You will have to work hard to reach your goal. Also, Miller's dream book suggests that climbing the hills in reality will bring a prominent position in society.


Water slides - soon there will be a solution to the problem that tormented you throughout the day.

Watching others ride - envy, despondency.

Slides are a sign of violent emotions. Maybe you recently changed jobs or places of residence, experienced a nervous shock. This is a subconscious beacon that indicates that it is time to calm down and restore emotional balance.


One more thing: you are trying to climb a hill, it is difficult for you, but in the end the goal is achieved - expect the same in real life. You will be promoted, noticed, you will overcome difficulties. In general, be great!

Summing up the results

But still, a water park, slides are associated with laughter, joy. This symbol is sometimes taken quite literally. If you haven't had a vacation for a long time, and vitality at the limit - the brain could give out a memory of something bright and cheerful. Then you should not look into the dream book, but simply listen to your heart, intuition.