Contact with entities from parallel spaces. Entities from parallel spaces among us

  • 29.06.2020

In this case, we are talking about a young girl who has a fairly high energy and a connection with the "other side", as well as the ability to read energy-information data about a person from voices, photographs, and even just text in a chat. She is engaged in treatment, energies, astrology, and in general she always remains a wonderful Komsomol member, activist, and just a beauty.

At the session, she got into the higher metrics, where there is no concept of I and YOU, there is only WE - the self-sufficient energy of thought and its immense manifestations. The entity with which we had a dialogue could not transmit clear enough thought forms for translation into human language, and therefore I asked her (with the permission of the ward) to use the body as a temporary relay. I want to note that entities from higher dimensions have a very strong energy and contact with them is rather difficult in the form that will be described here. I was very lucky that the operator had experience with them, as well as sufficient energy.

So, let's begin:

Q: Any images?

A: Not really something to say...

Q: In what sense?

A: Everything is changing rapidly there, I don’t see anything in particular, it is interrupted, the colors are different.

Q: HM, well, tell me, I need to understand where you ended up, what does it mean to be interrupted, there are no definite forms?

A: The energy is multi-colored, some kind of “first energy”, which can be used by me, or not by me, to create something.

Q: Okay, tell me please, are you there... do you have a physical body? do you have a body at all? Look at you, what do you look like there?

A: Everything else.

Q: So you are a formless energy?

O: Probably.

Q: Well, tell me please, is there some kind of something, let's call it a horizon, or something, or a landscape, or is there absolutely energy?

A: If I think about it, it turns out.

Q: Okay, tell me, can you try to talk to someone who is not around you? Choose what you think is the most beautiful energy.

A: In my opinion, it throws me back from there ... if I sink deeper into it, it throws me into the body. There, if you take something with which you can talk, then only, as it were, creating it first, then talking with it.

Q: How do you feel physically? Do you feel the body?

A: When I tried to create something, I was thrown into the body, now I will “turn on the personality”. I have high pressure in my third eye.

B: Well, it happens, don't worry. What do you see at the moment?

A: Light, bright light, beautiful,

Q: Ok, go to this light and give it the following thought form: "May I ask you a question? Who are you?"

A: I dissolve in it.

Q: Do not dissolve, give him a thought form, you need to establish contact.

A: He says something to me, but I can't translate it into human language.

Q: Ask him to speak either in clear thought forms or put in words and sentences.

A: Anyway, it's hard to translate.

B: Well, try. What is this light? What are these convulsions on your body, why are you moving?

A: I often have this, it's normal, it's from energy

Q: What is this light I would like to understand why you got there?

A: Well, he's kind of the next level up above those iridescent colors I've seen.

Q: Can he describe more specifically what he is, what he is like? Why did you come across him?

O: Because he is above me, he is something of himself ...

Q: So can you call him your guardian or higher self or something like that?

Q: This color has no shape?

Q: Can this color be asked any questions about you?

A: Can't fit the words.

Q: Then you need to go down a little lower. Please ask this light to direct you to your guardian, or call your guardians for communication. Something appears

A: Clumps of multi-colored energy, shapeless blots, puddles, air bubbles... something like that.

Q: We need to choose the main one, ask the main one to come closer.

A: Well, I'm the same bubble as they are there.

Q: Ask if he can ask a question about you?

A: He unites with me, probably, he can speak for me.

Q: Can I talk to him?

Q: Am I talking to N. now, or am I talking to someone else?

Q: Good afternoon, my name is A., with whom do I have the honor?

A: It's hard... it doesn't go away. (N. took control of the body again)

Q: What said "I'm listening to you" wasn't you? Relax, don't be afraid, everything is fine...

Q: My name is A., I am doing a hypnosis session with N., and we would like to ask a few questions about her own life and the lives of her loved ones, is it possible to do this with you?

O: Yes, you can. (the entity speaks again)

Q: Do you have a name? Can I call you something?

A: I don’t know… (N says again)

Q: I'm interested in his name, if he has one?

A: Tamlavauuuuuauuu and such bullshit, vibration in the sound as in music for meditation, the music of the spheres, that's something like that kind of sound. Difficult to convey. (the names of higher entities are almost unpronounceable for a person)

Q: Please tell me why N. has drifted towards you, do you have any direct relation to her? Is she one of you?

A: Structure. (entity speaking)

Q: What does structure mean, please explain?

A: Similar structure, same.

Q: I am interested in the following point: is this life the first incarnation of the physical reality of N. or has it already happened before?

A: The question is not correct.

Q: Why?

O: Timelessness...

Q: I know, I mean did she have other incarnations in physical reality?

A: Parallel.

Q: How many?

A: Lots of phones.

Q: And all on earth or scattered throughout the universe?

Q: I would like to ask you why her body is not healthy and so limited, is this some kind of karmic lesson?

A: It's a choice.

Q: her own choice?

A: There are many healthy bodies, one is sick (we are talking about parallel incarnations. The tone is a bit strained)

Q: I'm sorry, do you have anything against talking to me, or would you like to?

A: No, it's hard for the physical body

Q: Why did you need a curvature of the spine and surgery, what was the reason? (check karma)

A: Transition period for self-awareness

Q: Can you help her in some way to fix it?

O: Why? It'll all be over soon...

Q: What is the meaning of the interaction between N. and K.? (couple relationship)

Q: Experience for both of them?

A: K. is drawn there, the attraction is from energy, he is attracted to similar structures, he found their manifestation in this body

Q: And for what purpose it is attracted, do you know?

A: Development

Q: Own, or N.?

A: Own

Q: What is the most likely future you see?

A: Development

Q: What advice can you give them?

O love

B: I think she knows that, I think she would like some other advice.

A: She knows everything she needs

Q: What is the meaning of her mother's incarnation? Can we ask a question about her mother?

O love

Q: What lessons do you need to take?

Q: Do you mean the transition that will take place now?

O: Inside her split to pass

Q: Inside it? What type?

A: Polarities

Q: So now it is not defined with polarities?

Q: And how should she go about it better? Or is it her choice?

A: Choice, N. helps.

Q: And what awaits N. in the next year, can you tell?

A: Explosion in the body

Q: How can this be understood in human language?

Q: So the physical shell will be destroyed?

A: Possibly

Q: Is it connected with the transition to another dimension?

A: Possibly

Q: Is it possible that the body will remain as it is? Is there such a timeline?

B: Tell me who you are

O: I'm like her

Q: Okay, so you're getting a replacement, I take it? (we are talking about soul fragments that can enter or exit for various reasons. We are NOT talking about sharing)

A: We are changing, we are all here, we are one but we are changing, we are neutral, we are whole, she grounds to be adapted to this environment, but we are changing inside, but we are one, we are not divided into some kind of souls, we are one whole consciousness.

Q: She has such a suspicion that you entered her from the very beginning of her life, is that true?

A: Flashes in childhood, then after kundalini the body is ready, but not yet completely, there will be. (N. was prepared for the transition about 5 years ago, which causes her many inconveniences)

Q: What is she doing right and what is she not noticing?

A: It knocks down polarity, knocks down contrast, perception is very extended and too strong fixation happens on certain problems, it’s difficult to combine everything, having a body, having these vibrations of the earth ... very rough, not even rough, duality, these lessons, which in this body has to go through, it's part of the plan...

Q: How can you help her with this?

A: Everything is gradually falling into place.

Q: So she goes through her lesson normally?

A: Yes, she tries

The physical world is permeated with layers of energies of all parallel worlds which differ from each other in their vibration, their condition, their thoughts, their lives.

The physical world manifests that which bears the same state of manifestation of life especially closely within it. The state of each physical form depends entirely on the parallel world with which the form is currently in contact. For example, a plant manifests through itself the world of the ethereal order, which consists of plants in an energy form. A person can manifest many energy worlds.

The person is unique. In his physical form, there are energy centers for the exit of the soul to any world, and the soul can take the form of an inhabitant of this world. Knowledge on the physical plane is still scanty.

The possibilities of the soul, an energy clot with all the information about the accumulated experience makes it possible to travel both in the subtle, fiery worlds, and in space and time at any point in the Universe, in the past, present and future.

The soul, which has led itself to understanding and awareness of the surrounding world, merges with the projections of those entities that are in touch with it in the projection of the future, that is, it is aware of the reality of what is happening in time and space.

The most important thing is that a person needs to understand that everything is permeated with the energy of parallel worlds, and this energy carries out the movement of the physical world.

When we talk to a person, we are talking to an inhabitant of another parallel world. It is necessary to understand that if we are from different parallel worlds, but communicate through the physical world, we may not understand each other and not hear each other.


The vibration of all parallel worlds is different. In order to get to know the world of another plane, a person acquires this vibration and can penetrate this parallel world, get to know it, communicate with its inhabitants. And for this, knowledge is needed, and if a desire arises, then ask for the guidance of those forces that will help, control these actions. Without knowledge and skills, you cannot do these actions, you can get lost in this world, like in a forest.

The world of the elements is the closest to the physical plane, it manifests itself in those orders that a person calls natural phenomena: water, air, earth, fire, wind, rain, earthquake, all these phenomena are guided by the energy of a parallel world.

Behind each element stands a Driver, an Essence that can manage this process and under the guidance of a higher Essence in the Hierarchy.

If the time has come for the fulfillment of karma for the inhabitants of the planet in some region, then the Lords of karma, with the permission of the LORD, give an indication of the manifestation of some action to these Rulers.

Man is a living conductor at the level of the physical form of any state of energy in outer space.

Each energy of any quality, any parallel world seeks to manifest itself through a person. In order for this to be possible in a person, there is a passage-exit to consciousness through a chakra, a cell, a molecule, an atom. This exit to the physical plane and control over its work are occupied by entities of the High Order in the human organism itself.

Each parallel world has an exit-tunnel to the physical plane, into which an energy-entity with a set of energies corresponding to the magnet of a given person can penetrate and act. A magnet for the possibility of contact with the beings of another world, a person creates with his thoughts. The level of change in the state of thoughts to different orders of energy creates the possibility of contact with the inhabitants of parallel worlds.

At present, it is necessary to understand that if you change the magnet in your consciousness, the vibrational background also changes from low to high vibration, the gates to the worlds of spiritual life are closed and the gates to high-frequency ones open, a connection with pure and bright worlds is established.

Removal of thoughts from consciousness - perfect option. Leaving karma and coming to Divine energy. When a person is able to keep himself from any thought on the assessment of the physical plane, he switches to the VOICE OF SILENCE coming from HIS Highest Order, he comes into contact with HIS LORD already in physical form. To keep this state is a grace for his soul and body.
Avoidance of thoughts of condemnation, irritation, aggression, self-interest and envy will give you the opportunity to become a pure channel, a conductor for the manifestation of your high DIVINE ESSENCE.

Man constantly manifests through his form one of his essences: good or evil, love or hate. Consequently, he immediately lives with his soul in this world, and the inhabitants of this world help him if he is in the world of good; or taken away from him if he is in the world of evil.

Each world lives in its qualitative parameters, and they manifest themselves through physical forms. A person who manifests the same qualities of the soul gives rise to the same thoughts and emotions that bring him joy or sorrow. When he dies, he leaves a physical shell. The soul goes to the world with which it is in contact in life.

Knowing the structure of the world, and wanting to get away from suffering, changing his essence, he creates a brighter joyful world in physical form. Man alone can do this. none of outside world will not change his inner world. He creates his contact with the inhabitants of parallel worlds himself.

It is possible to help him only with knowledge, and the HEAVENLY FATHER has many abodes. Living in love and without pretensions, irritation, despondency and aggression, you will live in contact with the Heavenly World, with the Creator Father in joy, and the whole world will be with you.

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» Mysteries of the planet Earth 02.05.2014 : 40907 :
If an unusual incident happened to you, you saw a strange creature or an incomprehensible phenomenon, you can send us your story and it will be published on our website ===> .

Even Academician Sakharov, in his work “Multisheet Model of the Universe” and some other articles devoted to the properties of curved space, admitted that along with the observable Universe, there are many others.

The idea of ​​parallel worlds is already widely accepted these days. And you can get there by "piercing" the space with a powerful energy strike, which is probably also. But such "punctures" of the space-time continuum can occur not only as a result of the influence of electromagnetic and gravitational fields. Often similar phenomena occur during nuclear explosions.

Here is the testimony of the military builder S.A. Alekseenko, who worked at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site under the command of General Vertelov. Military builders each time restored the engineering structures destroyed by the next nuclear explosion. Once, in the summer of 1973, an explosive device located in a well at a depth of three kilometers worked very late: just at the moment when the builders approached the well itself.

Alekseenko describes his feelings at the same time:

“I felt my foot hovering in empty space. Something lifted me up, the general and Ivanov, who were in front, suddenly found themselves at the bottom and somehow decreased. It seemed that the whole globe had disappeared... Then from somewhere below I heard a heavy, heavy sigh, and I found myself at the bottom of a ravine. Ivanov disappeared, and Konstantin Mikhailovich found himself on the edge of a cliff, I saw him as if through a huge lens: magnified several times. Then the wave subsided, we all again stood on a flat surface, which shook like jelly ... Then, as if the door to another world was slammed sharply, the trembling stopped, the earth's firmament froze, and I again felt gravity ... "

The subjective description of what is happening is very reminiscent of the separation of the ethereal "double", which in itself is one of the ways to move to parallel spaces. Candidate of Technical Sciences A. Sviyash gives the following description of the ethereal body, which is often called the “double” or “double” of the physical body:

“The first subtle body is the ethereal or energy body of a person. This body is an exact copy of the physical body. It exactly repeats its silhouette, going beyond its limits by 3 - 5 cm.

This subtle body has the same structure as the physical body, including its organs and parts. It consists of a special kind of matter called aether. Ether occupies an intermediate position between the dense matter of which our world consists, and even more subtle than ethereal types of matter. In principle, in the Eastern tradition, the etheric body does not belong to subtle bodies, but is considered a kind of our dense body.

The bodies of many entities are composed of ethereal matter, the mention of which we meet in fairy tales and in mystical literature. These are ghosts, brownies, various kinds of underground inhabitants - gnomes, trolls, etc.

According to the researcher V. Yartsev, the etheric body connects the cells of the body with energy and information into a single harmonious whole. At present, in addition to the etheric, the astral and mental bodies are also well studied by scientists. So, Professor E. Borozdin notes the presence of these bodies in a huge number of objects: from unicellular to mammals.

As for the story of Alekseenko, then, as the researcher of anomalous phenomena I. Tsarev notes, the description of optical effects is very similar to the curvature of light rays and space itself. As a rule, with such a phenomenon, the curvature of space leads to "contact" with parallel worlds. In addition, the theory of N.A. Kozyrev, already mentioned by us, connected thermonuclear reactions on the Sun with the energy of the time stream.

From which we can draw a definite conclusion that nuclear reactions that occur during explosions cause a change in the course of time, which in turn leads to a change in the entire space-time continuum. Space and time are bent, and as a result, a "hole" is formed in our world, through which contact with parallel worlds, as well as with the past and future, is possible. It is no coincidence that the military of all countries note the presence of UFOs at nuclear test sites, shortly before the explosions.

And Alekseenko recalls an unusual illness that from time to time happened to the workers of the Semipalatinsk test site and which was dubbed "Dr. Zharov's illness". By examining animals, mostly sheep, that were exposed to close nuclear explosion, Dr. Zharov came across a strange effect, reminiscent of some of the phenomena of Indian yogis. Some of the animals seemed to fall out of life for several days - they did not breathe, did not move, and then suddenly got up and continued to live, as if nothing had happened. Sheep, of course, could not tell about their feelings. But the same thing began to happen to the landfill workers.

Similar cases with people, no, no, yes, and occur throughout human history. One such case, which occurred in one of the remote villages of the Northern Urals during the reign of Khrushchev, is described, according to a witness, by S. Demkin:

“In one village, the local Komsomol leader Mikhail, an instructor of the local Komsomol district committee, “received a signal” that all the icons from the closed church were taken home, and the old woman Alevtina took the main one, “prayed”. And now everyone goes to pray to her if someone in the family is seriously ill. Moreover, they say, the icon helps better than any medicine.

Of course, it was impossible to pass by such "blatant obscurantism". The Komsomol crowd went to the old woman, and Mikhail demanded to "return the loot." Alevtina begged to leave her an icon, but the Komsomol leader was adamant. Finally, with tears, she gave the “prayer” and asked not to desecrate it, but to transfer it to the local history museum. The old lady was smart.

The brigade spent the night at the local school, and when the stove was lit in the evening, Mikhail decided to send "this junk" into the fire.
“He opened the oven door, took the icon and had already begun to move to throw it, when he suddenly froze,” recalled Yakov Ivanovich. - At first we did not understand anything. Someone said: "Give it up, what are you waiting for" But Mikhail was silent, frozen in a strange position, as if in a child's game. Something incomprehensible was going on with him: his eyes were staring, on his face there was a half smile, half grimace. And he can't move a hand or a leg.

All our attempts to revive him came to nothing. I couldn't even get the icon out of my hands. Then we took Mikhail to the newly heated bathhouse, undressed him somehow, but we could not take off his shirt and T-shirt because of the icon. So they put it together with the icon. They succumbed to the park and began to walk around with brooms. No sense. Only the icon fell out of his hands. In order not to interfere, they threw her under the bench.

At dawn, our Mikhail was wrapped in a sheepskin coat, loaded into a lorry and taken to the district hospital. And from there, since the local doctors could not help him in any way, he went to some medical institute.”

According to one version, this was a typical case of remote energy-informational influence of an old woman who felt that the icon was in danger. But there is another version that M. Hope suggested to me. The researcher believes that the distortions of the space-time continuum are directly related to the violation of the Higher Laws of the Cosmos, i.e. with what we call evil.

In this case, the action aimed at violating these Laws led to a distortion of the time field around a person and, as a result, to his temporary or partial "loss" from our time.

Apparently, the praying icon had a rather strong energy potential aimed at “correcting” the distortions of space-time in our world, i.e. to fight evil. Therefore, any aggression (i.e. manifestation of evil) in relation to the icon was met with retaliatory measures: as a true “keeper”, the icon tried to remove this evil from our space-time.

It is known that a similar incident occurred with one girl in 1956 in Kuibyshev, when, after a disrespectful attitude towards the icon of St. Nicholas and a statement: “If there is a God, let him punish me,” an unimaginable noise arose in the room, a whirlwind appeared and lightning flashed ( distortion of space-time) and the girl "petrified", i.e. “dropped out” of our time for 128 days.

The phenomenon of "distortion" of the real course of time is often observed when different kind contacts with UFOs and entities of parallel worlds. During such contacts, phenomena of partial “falling out” of our time are also possible. Here is the opinion of a recognized authority in the field of ufology (the science of UFOs), Doctor of Technical Sciences V. Azhazhi:

“Many facts have accumulated abroad and in our country that allow us to assert that in some cases unidentified flying objects, flying or hovering over people or animals, are capable of causing temporary paralysis of their motor system, which usually disappears after the departure of a UFO ...”

This once again proves that whatever the problem of UFOs is connected with, it nevertheless directly indicates the ability of these objects to change the course of time. It is no coincidence that at UFO landing sites, researchers note the difference in chronometer readings. Similar experiments were carried out, for example, by Professor A.V. Zolotov, who recorded the acceleration of time with an ordinary marine chronometer.

This can happen with the manifestation of a poltergeist. Here is the story that A. Kardashkin, an expert of the "Ecology of the Unknown" association, tells about one of the recognized authorities in the field of anomalous phenomena - I. Mirzalis:

“...Mirzalis is professional. In July 1990, there was a case when there was a conversation with people who had experienced the horror of a poltergeist. The conversation was friendly, inviting... but when one of the survivors of the adventure got up to leave the table, Mirzalis glanced at his wristwatch and automatically noted the time "20.10" in his notebook... He left, and the conversation continued in that same calm spirit. Soon, after 15 minutes, he returned. Igor Vladimirovich Mirzalis again looked at the dial and put down in his notebook: "20.10." At first he did not notice the strange coincidence; but then, returning home, when he compared the numbers on different pages of the notebook, he checked the progress of his clock for a long time with the blinking lights of the electronic scoreboard above the entrance to the tunnel. His watch was running fine!”

Another similar, but no less interesting case related to the “compression” of time is described by D. Davydov, a resident of Moscow:

“One day in the spring of 1990, I called my friend, who lived one bus stop away from me, and suggested that we go for a walk. We agreed to meet at my door. As I remember now, it was exactly two o'clock in the afternoon. Having hung up the phone, I immediately left the house so as not to sit in the apartment, but to get some air in the yard. Literally at the same second, I saw that my friend was walking towards me. But this could not be, because, as I said, he lived quite far from me!

I moved towards him, when suddenly I was blinded by a flash of light, and blinking, I saw that I was alone in the courtyard.

Not understanding what was happening, I got on the bus and went to my friend's place. He opened the door for me and said in surprise: “Well, you are just like a jet plane! just called, and already - here! How did you manage it?

I looked at my watch - it was exactly 2 pm, although I felt that about forty minutes had passed since my call. Maybe my watch is behind? But that means that the watch of a friend is also lagging behind, because they also showed two. So I still don’t know where those forty minutes disappeared ... "

In both cases, a distortion of the course of time was noted, which often accompanies all sorts of anomalous phenomena. You can imperceptibly for a short period of time find yourself in a very close and similar, but still parallel reality, and then also imperceptibly return. During such “journeys”, when returning to your reality, you can find yourself almost at the same point in the time stream, and thus, “extra” time appears subjectively for the “traveler”.

But sometimes it happens that time describes a certain "loop", i.e. its distortion becomes so strong that the phenomenon of "twins" begins to appear. A person can see himself performing some action, and then, after a while, see the same event now through the eyes of his “double”, while exchanging places with him.

This happens almost the way the famous science fiction writer Stanislav Lem describes it in the Star Diaries of Iyon the Quiet, with only one significant difference - in the writer’s work, the “time loop” was formed as a result of the impact of the “black hole” and this is already allowed by modern science. How can something like this happen on earth? There is no single answer to this question yet.

Nevertheless, such cases, although they occur quite rarely, are still no exception for our world. It is known for certain that the famous German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in 1771, on the way to Drusenheim, met his double, riding a horse towards him. The double was dressed in a gray and gold overcoat, which Goethe did not have. But eight years later, he returned to his native place in just such a coat, which he saw on his double.

Here is how another such case that occurred in 1975 is described by V. Savintsev, a resident of the city of Nytva in the Perm Region, who at that time was a student at Perm University: with him, a mutual friend Igor, walked around the city with the intention of "reading" three "monographs". In our jargon, that meant three bottles of pretty lousy wine. To do this, we decided to go to Igor, who lived nearby. And then, all of a sudden, a kind of incomprehensible apathy came over me. I refused to go with my comrades. Despite their persuasion, I jumped into a trolleybus that came up and left for my hostel.

And then an unprecedented thing happened: when approaching the house, where Igor rented a room in the apartment on the ground floor, the friends saw a light in the window! This surprised Igor, since he had the only key to the room with him, and no one could enter without it. He left during the day, and remembered well that the light was turned off. The young man grabbed the window sill and, pulling himself up, looked into the room. A second later, he screamed, jumped to the ground and stared dumbfounded at Alexander.

"There, there, you, you just look what's there," he muttered in horror. My friend looked out the window and also came to indescribable amazement and horror. In the room at the table sat ... he and Igor! Their doubles looked like an exact copy of the guys and were dressed just like them. At the same time, they held glasses of wine in their hands and talked about something, but no words were heard. Then both twins looked at the window, laughed, raised their glasses in greeting and drank the wine...

Alexander was also shocked by what he saw. Friends ran rushed away from the incredible sight. They walked the streets for a long time and discussed what had happened. Finally, both came to the conclusion that it all seemed to them. The hallucination of one was passed on to the other - that's all. Encouraged by this idea, they again went to the apartment where Igor lived. This time there was no light in the window of his room. They cautiously entered the apartment. The door to Igor's room was locked.

Friends entered the room and turned on the light. Nobody. This calmed them down. They took out bottles, poured wine into glasses, drank and, sitting at the table, continued talking about that incredible hallucination. And then Igor jokingly said: “Maybe these twins of ours are now clinging to the windowsill and looking at us?” Both looked at the window, laughed, and raising their glasses in greeting, drank the wine. Alexander was stunned: he realized that now they exactly repeated the actions of their doubles, seen in the window!

Well, as for the "falling out" (partial or complete) from our space-time, then, as we remember, this has already happened with some members of the Elridge crew, who "fell out of the real course of time."

Here is how Bob Frissell describes the Philadelphia experiment:

“Whatever the results of the Philadelphia Experiment, it actually took place in real life and was carried out by the US Navy in 1943. For this, the USS Eldridge was used. The scientists wanted to make this ship invisible to radar, not completely invisible. During the experiment, the colors change from red to orange, yellow and green (remember the characteristic "green fog" noted by the witnesses of the experiment - author's note).

This does not take too long, but the experimenters failed to reach a different phase. This is about the same as lifting a jet a few meters above the ground, and then turning off the engine. In other words, the experiment instantly failed. The warship with its entire crew disappeared from sight for about four hours. When he appeared, some of the crew members were literally pressed into the deck, two were found in the compartments, some were not found at all, and the rest alternately dematerialized, then materialized again. It goes without saying that all the survivors were completely disoriented."

But the failure of the experiment did not stop the US military, and in the 80s another attempt was made (the Montauk project), which created a time loop and tied the two experiments together: “Two of the team members rushed into the water in the hope of getting to land by swimming. And they really ended up on land, but not in Philadelphia, but in Long Island (in one of the districts of New York) in 1983. They “surfaced” at this time, as a similar experiment was being carried out at that time, called the “Montouk Project”. He was associated with the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment. The two were brothers, their names being Duncan and Edward Cameron.

Both experiments were carried out on 12 August. According to Al Bilek (claiming that his real name is Edward Cameron and that he is one of the two who jumped into the water from the USS Eldridge), there are four biofields on our planet, and all of them peak in intensity every twenty years (1943 , 1963, 1983, etc.), exactly on August 12. This causes the magnetic energy to also reach its peak at this time. This energy is enough to create a hyperspace field and for a warship to enter this space in 1943."

And here is another evidence of the Philadelphia experiment, which was received by the American mathematician and astronomer Morris Jessup in 1956 from the physicist C. Allende, a former "friend of a friend" of A. Einstein: 20s. But he rejected her on moral grounds; the results obtained frightened him... Despite this, the calculations performed on its basis by my friend Franklin Renault were realized and justified themselves in terms of physical phenomena...

The result of the experiment was the complete invisibility of the warship over which it was carried out, and all of its crew. The field used was shaped like a spheroid, flattened at the poles and stretched a hundred yards over the side of the ship. The faces inside the field saw each other as blurry silhouettes, but nothing was visible outside. Very few of that crew remain today. Most have gone crazy. One simply passed through the wall of the apartment in front of his wife, child and two comrades and then disappeared. Several people are still in this field, where everyone can get help from their comrades if they suddenly "fall into the void." "To fall into the void" means to become invisible to everyone, regardless of one's will. The only salvation is a quick touch of other people on him and an instant shutdown of the field.

When during the experiment someone "fell into the void", his body and face seemed to stiffen and were truly icy - the person actually freezes there. The defrosting lasts for several hours, people replace one another, and, having become visible, having acquired normal mass and weight, the majority goes crazy ... Those to whom consciousness returned claimed that such a state was the worst thing that could happen to a person in this world."

At the end of the letter, Allende indicated his naval number and the names of the people who participated in the experiment. All these facts eventually leaked into the official press. It is no coincidence that the US military department allocated $ 2 million to refute all the facts related to the "Philadelphia experiment". And money, as you know, is not just thrown into the wind. And there is no smoke without fire.

However, most likely, "falling out of the real course of time" in this case is not associated with moving into parallel space, but with moving into a certain zone of curvature of the space-time continuum, into a certain "time bag", "black hole" where even time. D. Andreev described in his "Rose of the World" a similar place in the Universe as the very "bottom" of the lower worlds of hell, a kind of "dump of the universe", where space and time collapse into a point. This is the very first, starting point of the upward spiral of evolution.

Similar to "Philadelphia", illiterate experiments over time lead to the fact that in our three-dimensional space-time channels of communication with the one-dimensional world of the "universal dump" are opened, even bypassing the two-dimensional worlds of inorganic entities.

The essence of the upward spiral of evolution is to move towards a multidimensional consciousness, to dwelling in the multidimensional realities of the higher worlds. The path of degradation leads to a fall into the two- and one-dimensional demonic worlds of hell.

Now it becomes clear why A. Einstein destroyed his provisions of the theory of the general field and came at the end of his life to a deep and genuine faith in God. He understood the danger of such experiments for humanity, which could lead to its complete degradation. The path to the higher worlds lies through the creation of an internal, and not external, “time machine”.

Belief in the existence of invisible neighbors borders on fantasy. Or with a sick imagination. That's what the skeptics say. And supporters stand their ground and give as many as 10 arguments in favor of an alternative reality.

1. Multi-world interpretation

The question of the uniqueness of everything that exists worried great minds long before the authors of science fiction novels. The ancient Greek philosophers Democritus, Epicurus and Metrodorus of Chios pondered over it. Alternate universes are also mentioned in the sacred texts of the Hindus.

For official science, this idea was born only in 1957. American physicist Hugh Everett created the theory of multiple worlds, designed to fill in the gaps in quantum mechanics. In particular, to find out why light quanta behave either as particles or as waves.

According to Everett, each event leads to a split and copying of the Universe. The number of "clones" is always equal to the number of possible outcomes. And the sum of the central and new universes can be depicted as a branched tree.

2. Artifacts of unknown civilizations

Some finds drive even the most experienced archaeologists into a stupor.

For example, a hammer discovered in London dated to 500 million BC, that is, a period when there was not even a hint of Homo sapiens on Earth!

Or a computational mechanism that allows you to determine the trajectory of the movement of stars and planets. The bronze analog of the computer was caught in 1901 near the Greek island of Antikythera. Research into the device began in 1959 and continues to this day. In the 2000s, it was possible to calculate the approximate age of the artifact - the 1st century BC.

So far nothing indicates a fake. Three versions remain: the computer was invented by representatives of an unknown ancient civilization, lost by time travelers or ... thrown by people from other worlds.

3. Victim of teleportation

The mysterious story of the Spaniard Lerin Garcia began on a typical July morning, when she woke up in an alien reality. But I did not immediately understand what had happened. The year was still 2008, Lerin was 41 years old, she was in the same city and house where she went to bed.

Only now the pajamas and bed linen changed color dramatically during the night, and the closet escaped to another room. There was no office where Lerin worked for 20 years. Soon, the ex-fiance, dismissed six months ago, materialized “at home”. Where did the current friend of the heart go, even a private detective could not find out ...

Alcohol and drug tests came back negative. Like a psychiatric consultation. The doctor attributed the incident to stress. The diagnosis did not satisfy Lerin and prompted him to search for information about parallel worlds. She was never able to return to her home dimension.

4. Deja vu in reverse

The essence of deja vu is not reduced to the vague feeling of “repetition” and everyday foresight, familiar to many. This phenomenon has an antipode - jamevu. People who have experienced it suddenly stop recognizing familiar places, old friends and frames from films they have watched. Regular james vu testify to mental disorders. And single and rare failures in memory occur in healthy people.
A vivid illustration is the experiment of the English neuropsychologist Chris Moulin. 92 volunteers had to write the word “doors” 30 times in a minute. As a result, 68% of the subjects seriously doubted the existence of the word. Crash in thinking or instant leaps from reality to reality?

5. Roots of dreams

Despite the abundance of research methods, the cause of the appearance of dreams still remains a mystery. According to the generally accepted view of sleep, the brain simply processes the information accumulated in reality. And translates it into pictures - the most convenient format for the sleeping mind. Solution number two - the nervous system sends chaotic signals to the sleeping person. They are transformed into colorful visions.

According to Freud, in a dream we access the subconscious. Freed from the censorship of consciousness, it hurries to tell us about repressed sexual desires. The fourth point of view was first expressed by Carl Jung. What you see in a dream is not a fantasy, but a specific continuation full life. In the dream images, Jung also saw a cipher. But not from a suppressed libido, but from the collective unconscious.
In the middle of the last century, psychologists started talking about the possibility of controlling sleep. Appropriate aids have appeared. The most famous was the three-volume instruction of the American psychophysiologist Stephen LaBerge.

6. Lost between two Europes

In 1952, a strange passenger appeared at the Tokyo airport. Judging by the visas and customs stamps in his passport, over the past 5 years he has flown to Japan many times. But in the column "Country" there was a certain Taured. The owner of the document assured that his homeland is a European state with a thousand-year history. The "stranger" presented a driver's license and bank statements obtained in the same mysterious country.

Surprised no less than the customs officers, citizen Taureda was left for the night in the nearest hotel. The immigration officers who arrived the next morning did not find him. According to the receptionist, the guest did not even leave the room.

The Tokyo police found no trace of the missing Taured. Either he slipped through the window on the 15th floor, or managed to teleport back.

7 Paranormal Activity

“Revived” furniture, noises of unknown origin, ghostly silhouettes hovering in the air in photographs… Meetings with the dead take place not only in the cinema. For example, many mystical incidents in the London Underground.

At Aldwych Station, which was closed in 1994, the fearless British hold parties, make films and periodically see a female figure walking along the tracks. On the subway section near the British Museum, the mummy of an ancient Egyptian princess is in charge. Since the 1950s, a dandy has been coming to Covent Garden, dressed in the fashion of the late 19th century and literally melting before our eyes when they pay attention to him ...

Materialists brush aside dubious facts, believing

contacts with the spirits of hallucinations, mirages and outright lies of the narrators. Then why has humanity been clinging to ghost stories for centuries? Perhaps the mythical realm of the dead is one of the alternative realities?

8. The fourth and fifth dimensions

Visible to the eye length, height and width have already been studied along and across. What can not be said about the other two dimensions, which are absent in Euclidean (traditional) geometry.

The scientific community has not yet delved into the subtleties of the space-time continuum discovered by Lobachevsky and Einstein. But there has already been talk about a higher - the fifth in a row - dimension, accessible only to owners of psychic talents. It is also open to those who expand their consciousness through spiritual practices.

If we put aside the conjectures of science fiction writers, almost nothing is known about the non-obvious coordinates of the universe. Presumably, it is from there that supernatural beings come into our three-dimensional space.

9. Rethinking the double-slit experiment

Howard Weissman is convinced that the duality of the nature of light is the result of the contact of parallel worlds. The Australian researcher's hypothesis links Everett's many-worlds interpretation with the experience of Thomas Young.

The father of the wave theory of light in 1803 published a report on the famous double-slit experiment. Jung installed a projection screen in the laboratory, and in front of it - a dense screen-screen with two parallel slots. Then the light was directed to the cracks made.

Part of the radiation behaved like an electromagnetic wave - the back screen reflected light streaks that passed straight through the slits. Another half of the light flux appeared as a cluster of elementary particles and scattered across the screen.
“Each of the worlds is limited by the laws of classical physics. This means that without their intersection, quantum phenomena would simply be impossible,” Vaisman clarifies.

10. Large Hadron Collider

The multiverse is not just theoretical model. French astrophysicist Aurélien Barrault came to this conclusion while observing the operation of the Large Hadron Collider. More precisely, behind the interaction of protons and ions placed in it. The collision of heavy particles gave results inconsistent with conventional physics.

Barro, like Weissman, interpreted this contradiction as a consequence of the collision of parallel worlds.

The number of spatial coordinates can be from one to five (at least, this is how things are in the system of worlds of our planet - even the highest and most perfect worlds of the Earth do not have more than five spatial coordinates). In all worlds, there is a law: the fewer spatial coordinates, the denser the materiality. Time coordinates can be one, two, and so on, in some cases their number can reach several tens.

If we talk about the characteristics of different spaces (or habitats), they can be divided into several categories.

The simplest space consists of one dimension, that is, it is an elongated line. This is the simplest world, the simplest of which is nothing. Entities living in such a space live in a single time stream. Such worlds are usually said to have one spatial coordinate and one temporal one. (There are worlds with three or four spatial coordinates and many temporal ones - we will talk about them later).

At first glance, a one-dimensional habitat is possible only as a purely theoretical one. However, such a space in the singular exists in the system of parallel worlds of our planet and in fact. According to the terminology of the "Roses of the World", this world is called "Bottom". In this space there are many creatures - their number at one time can reach several million. (By the way, almost every inhabited planetary system in our Galaxy has such a bottom, so there are many millions of such bottoms).

The inhabitants of the Bottom are various demonic beings that are between incarnations (incarnations). The substance that makes up the flesh of the inhabitants of the Bottom is extremely dense. Such a density occurs only in the central parts of the most massive stars. The feeling is that the body is squeezed by a monstrous force from all sides, but the equivalent of touch, sight and other senses is preserved. The ability to communicate with each other is also preserved, but it is severely limited.

Dark entities fall to the Bottom, of course, not of their own free will. The bottom, figuratively speaking, is a prison for demonic beings, moreover, the most severe of all the existing worlds, otherwise called purgatory. Such prisons were created by the higher hierarchies of the demonic forces of the Galaxy. The main purpose of one-dimensional spaces is to make the prisoners who get there suffer to the maximum extent. (In addition to demonic creatures, the greatest sinners of our physical world can be thrown to the Bottom in the afterlife. In particular, the former "leader of all times and peoples" Joseph Stalin experienced a short stay at the bottom).

For the essence, there is nothing more painful than the one-dimensional Bottom in the universe. The existence of such a Bottom is the other side of the universal Karmic law, which, as they say, hits the demons themselves with the second end of the stick. Recall that the Karmic law arose precisely by the will of demonic forces, as a result of opposition to the forces of Light during the creation of world laws.

During incarnations, the law of Karma is the main source of vitality for demons. The demonic incarnation (incarnation) is similar to the incarnation of any animal or person, and also includes the stages of birth, growing up, active period of life, decrepitude and physical death. Only the periods of periods differ, which are much longer for demons.

Recall that the demons feed mainly on the radiation of the suffering of creatures living in the three-dimensional physical space of the Earth. All the activities of demonic entities are aimed at causing suffering to those beings who have recently begun their evolutionary path. The victims are, figuratively speaking, in early childhood, and do not have the opportunity to defend themselves. (Part of their protection is provided by the forces of Light).

Therefore, the suffering of demonic entities on the Day in the afterlife is natural and is the logical result of their actions in the active period of life. The radiations of these sufferings, in turn, make up for the loss of vitality of the higher demonic hierarchies, that is, other demonic beings of very high levels of development.

An inexperienced reader may ask: how does the body of a creature, being stretched into a thread, retain its vitality?

The answer is this: once again, let us clarify that it is not the physical body that gets to the Bottom, which, like any other entities, dies at the end of life and disintegrates into its constituent components, but the mental body (or shelt in the terminology of "R.M." - so called the lower "I"), and it is infinitely plastic.

2D space

In the system of worlds of our planet, the two-dimensional space is again inhabited by the forces of Darkness, or demonic entities. The vast majority of demons reside there. In two-dimensional space, demonic entities are in a state of incarnation (from birth to death). Having reached maturity after birth, they actively interfere in all life processes on the surface of the planet. We repeat that their urgent task is to use the entire fauna and flora, and first of all the human community, figuratively speaking, as a "garden" for the dark worlds, that is, to squeeze out of them as much suffering as possible.

Emissions of torment and pain of people and animals are fountains of subtle substance and obey the law of gravity. In other words, pain is a special ethereal-astral substance. According to the terminology of "R.M." this substance is called gavvah. Essentially, gavvakh is life energy, or the very "gasoline" that is thrown out when earthly beings are injured or killed. With a slight damage to the body (injury or illness), the supply of vital energy is partially lost, recovering to normal later, and with severe damage leading to death, the supply is completely reset.

The physical substance for gavvah is completely transparent. Gawvah, meeting no resistance, descends under the earth's crust, increasingly concentrating near the central regions of the planet, and there it is consumed by demonic beings as food.

Graphically, a two-dimensional space can be represented as a plane having a length and a width. The simplest analogue is a regular sheet of paper. The entry of a creature into such a space resembles the tightening of the body in a rigid corset. The density of the materiality that makes up the body increases by several orders of magnitude during entry, and approaches the density of the substance located in the center of our Sun.

Life in the space-plane is associated with considerable difficulties. Unlike the one-dimensional Bottom, the two-dimensional space has several time coordinates, that is, several flows parallel to the current time, which only increases the discomfort of the creatures inhabiting it. In particular, movement in the two-dimensional world resembles "breaking through materiality." Nevertheless, this world in the system of parallel spaces of our planet is the main demonic stronghold, and to a colossal extent influences the life of the physical world. The name of the world-plane is Gashsharva.

Let us clarify that the incarnation of a demon is similar to the incarnation of a person. In the space-plane among demons of different sexes, family unions arise, children are born, and parents, after a certain period of time, grow old and die. Their souls are drawn into the one-dimensional Bottom, where redemption of a very heavy karma also takes place during a strictly defined period. After this period of time, the demonic entity is born again in the world-plane as an infant.

In connection with the above facts, it is necessary to note a very curious informational parallel. Experienced a kind of epiphanyfamous English science fiction writerWither terry. He is the author of a series of books about the so-called flat world.The most probable source of such enlightenment is the visit of the writer's astral body during the night's sleep to the environs of the two-dimensional demonic world - of course, with the help of guides from the camp of the Forces of Light. Let's clarify: it is the surroundings, since a direct visit to the two-dimensional demonic world by the human astral body is completely excluded for a number of reasons. Not all information from such visits then becomes the property of daytime consciousness, but what remains can then be creatively processed by artistic talent. By the way, in February 2009, Sir Terry was knighted by the Queen.

It is clear that two-dimensional space is not the most better world for many millions of demonic beings. However, more perfect worlds - three-dimensional ones - are permeated to some extent by the influence of the forces of Light. The impact is manifested by many involtations (telepathic radiations) and the close presence of powerful hierarchies of Light. Demonic entities cannot endure the influence of the Light for a long time - otherwise their nature begins to change, and they risk ceasing to be demons. They can only be protected from rebirth in Gashsharva. Demons choose to exist in the world-plane, if only to remain themselves.

Comforting moments, ohfiguratively speaking, for them the following: a guaranteed (at the present historical moment) excess food (gavvaha), as well as the fact that demons spend most of their time in our physical world. This statement is not to be taken literally. This refers to the remote connection of demonic beings with the help of the thinnest involtation rays to the consciousnesses of the majority of people on the planet. (Exceptions here can only be highly spiritual people). Such a communication system can be called a perfect spiritual Internet: it allows you to perceive the human world with all human senses: sight, smell, hearing, tactile, etc., to interfere in people's communication, in their mental processes(for example, to cause an outburst of anger). The ultimate goal is to make people make mistakes, get injured, fight each other, and so on, i.e. do everything that causes suffering and pain.

3D space - the physical world familiar to all of us - is the habitat of mankind, as well as planetary flora and fauna. In our world, as you know, there are three spatial coordinates and one temporal coordinate. Let us clarify that at the dawn of the Earth's system of worlds, the three-dimensional physical world was created by the forces of Light as a place for only flora and fauna to live, and a more perfect four-dimensional space was intended for future humanity. But after some time after the beginning of the creation of the system of the worlds of the Earth, there followed an invasion of this system by hordes of demonic beings and their fight with the forces of Light. The battle ended in a draw: the forces of Light failed to completely expel the demons from the planet, dark forces also failed to achieve a decisive victory. The demonic forces were forced to retreat into the transphysical spaces under the earth's crust, where they later built several worlds impregnable for the forces of Light. From there they continued to interfere in the processes of creation of planetary laws. As a result of direct and indirect obstacles to the Providential forces, humanity appeared and began to develop its civilization on the surface of the planet - in the three-dimensional physical world.

By the way, our humanity, as such, is not the only humanity in the planetary system of worlds. In one of the nearest parallel four-dimensional spaces there is another one - the so-called higher humanity, called daimons. It also develops along the path of machine civilization, but their civilization is incomparably more spiritualized than ours. Daimons today have significantly overtaken us both in technical progress and in spiritual progress.

However, let us return to our three-dimensional physical world. One of its obvious shortcomings is the high density of matter and, accordingly, the high value of gravity. This circumstance creates a lot of inconvenience and danger for the beings of the physical world. For example, a fall of a person or a massive animal, even from a small height, is fraught with serious injuries that can lead to death. The development of machine civilization has created many problems for mankind. In particular, these are transport disasters with numerous casualties.

In principle, any injuries, illnesses and death of people and animals are due to the influence of demonic forces. We repeat once again (to understand this is very important!): demonic forces invade thinking, sensations, even instincts with the following goals: to make mistakes, to hate your neighbor, to fight and fight with him, to hunt someone. By the way, it is at the behest of these forces that the human community today is raising domesticated animals on an industrial scale for subsequent killing and production of food from corpses. An indirect result of such activity is the generation of huge quantities of gavvaha, that is, the production of provisions for the dark forces.

The demonic influence on humanity and the higher animals of the planet is carried out by powerful telepathic suggestion at the ethereal-astral level. Among humans, telepathy is almost impossible for one reason only: the organs of such perception are in an undeveloped state. That is why it is so difficult for us to believe in an ordinary fact: in the ethereal and astral spaces, telepathy is as common as the speech communication of people in the physical world.

4D space differs from the physical, firstly, in density - it is much less, which determines the presence of the fourth spatial coordinate. Outwardly, the world is almost the same: the sky with clouds, the firmament, which, upon close acquaintance, turns out to be not a firmament at all, but simply a zone of increased resistance to movement. That is, in a four-dimensional world, in principle, you can move through a hill or mountain instead of bypassing these obstacles.

Secondly, gravity in such a world is an order of magnitude less, which allows many inhabitants to fly freely. Daimon humanity uses wings for this purpose. Anti-humanity* living in four-dimensional space on the surface of Mohorovichich (wrong side of the earth's crust) is also equipped with wings.

The conclusion is this: the four-dimensional space for the habitation of intelligent beings is incomparably more comfortable than the physical world.

five-dimensional space - this is the habitat of entities that have reached a very high evolutionary level (the so-called hierarchies). It can be assumed that the fifth dimension of their space is the direction to the microcosm, where they can immerse themselves in their entirety, but up to a certain limit. There is information in the RM that the highest hierarchies are capable of incarnating in their entirety for a short time in the systems of the microcosm, where elementary particles manifest themselves as living beings, and "some have free will and are quite reasonable" ("Rose of the World", Vol. 1, ch. 3, "Multilayer"). Let us clarify that penetration into their worlds and communication with them is still impossible even for the leader of the forces of Light - the Planetary Logos. However, for Him and the other hierarchies of the Earth, something else is possible: approaching these worlds and contemplating them, as it were, "from afar."

A figurative analogue: although people consider themselves the masters of the Earth, in the ocean, even with special equipment, diving is only possible for them to tens of meters. This does not mean at all that the Mariana Trench, more than 11 km deep, is the fruit of someone's fantasies. Such depth exists, but it is not yet available.


*Details about anti-humanity read the article "A new look at the UFO phenomenon"

Dear readers! We are aware that this topic is presented very briefly. In order to create a more complete picture of the universe available in the "Rose of the World" (including the topic of spaces and their properties), we can advise you to study other topics consistently, because only in this way do the information layers fit together, and additional questions disappear. If you don't understand something, ask questions. And also - continue to plunge into the "world of wonderful discoveries", which are many in the "Rose of the World"!