The role of play in teaching younger students. Dressing up after school

  • 29.07.2020

Department of Education of the City of Moscow

State budget educational institution

higher professional education of the city of Moscow

"Moscow City Pedagogical University"

Faculty of Music and Education

Department of Vocal and Choral Conducting

Course work

The role of the game in teaching younger students

Sermyagin Arseny Andreevich

Direction of preparation -

Teacher Education

(profile music)

(Full-time education)

Scientific adviser:

cand. ped. Sciences, Assoc. Guskova S.K.

Moscow 2013


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the game in the context of the process of teaching younger students

1.1 Children's play is a cultural phenomenon

2 Age features of younger students

Chapter 2

1 Possibilities of using the game in the process of teaching younger students

2 The experience of using the game in teaching younger students




The child is a playing being, his main activity is play, and it has great meaning for him. The game is the most accessible type of activity for children for a child, a way of processing impressions received from the outside world. The game of the child always exactly corresponds to his development, age and interests. The game clearly manifests the peculiarities of the student's thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and the developing need for communication. It contains elements that lead to the emergence and improvement of the necessary skills and abilities. Often, the game serves as an occasion to communicate new knowledge and broaden one's horizons. With the development of interest in the work of adults, in social life, in the heroic deeds of people, children have their first dreams of a future profession, the desire to imitate their favorite heroes. All this makes the game an important means of creating adequate life guidelines for the student, which begin to form precisely at preschool and primary school age.

Education in elementary school is a difficult, crisis time for a child. He is going through several mental crises. The first of them, associated with the transition from visual-figurative to abstract-logical thinking, occurs at the age of seven. The second crisis occurs at the onset of puberty. Before school, the main activity of the child is the game, because society does not assign him any responsible role. When entering school, the child acquires the social role of the student. This role gives him responsibilities, the need to be able to be serious. It's also a lot of stress for a child. That is why it is impossible to drastically change the activity of the child, this will aggravate the stress of the student.

In this age period, great potential prospects for the versatile development of the child are laid. Consequently, the school, as an educational institution, has a great prerogative in human development. It is necessary to give both knowledge that a person can really use in later life, and the appropriate education required of him by society. During the school years, an important process of the formation of the child's personality as a full-fledged social member of society takes place.

And here an important role is played by the participation of children in games that will contribute to the development of their perseverance, give pleasure to self-affirmation, teach the child reflective skills, teach the ability to rally with the team in the name of a common goal.

The inability of teachers to assess the psychophysiological state of students and select the appropriate forms and methods of teaching is likely to lead to a decrease in the desire to learn, the appearance of a syndrome of disappointment at school, and many students lose their motivation to learn their personality with each class. It is necessary to thoroughly consider the resources of children's play and study the conditions that allow it to develop the child as efficiently and comprehensively as possible. The game has didactic, educational, developmental, diagnostic functions. These functions must be understood and mastered by teachers in elementary school in order to avoid unsystematic and incorrect inclusion of the game in the pedagogical process.

Thus, one of the most important tasks of the teacher is the ability to build games in such a way that they contribute to the development of cognitive processes of younger students.

All of the above determines the choice of the topic of our scientific research.

The purpose of the study: to identify the possibilities of using the game in teaching younger students.

Object of study: the game as an activity of a younger student. Subject: the impact of the game on the effectiveness of teaching younger students.

Research objectives:

Determine the possibilities of using the possibilities of the game in the pedagogical process in elementary school.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the game in the context of the process of teaching younger students

1 Children's play is a cultural phenomenon

Dahl's dictionary gives us the following series of definitions for the word "play": "Play (play) - joke, amuse, have fun, have fun, spend time with fun, do something for fun, out of boredom, idleness; make and extract musical sounds; represent what, portray at the theater; flicker, move back and forth. Games (pl. games) - folk gatherings, gatherings for fun, amusement; horse races, wrestling; performances of various kinds, for fun. Game, any performance, acting in the theater, in the booth, etc. ." . All these definitions are united by the general character of lightness, naturalness and freedom.

Thus, the state of the game can be considered the most natural and simple state of a person. At the same time, the game is the most simple and close to a person way of knowing the surrounding reality, mastering various knowledge, skills and abilities. The game can perform a wide range of pedagogical tasks. To do this, the game must be rationally built, organized and applied in the process of training and education. This requires a more thorough and detailed study of it.

E. Huizing offers the following characterization of the game:

Access to the game is free, the game itself is a manifestation of freedom.

The game is not "ordinary" or "real" life.

The game differs from "normal" or "real" life in both location and duration. "Its course and meaning are contained in itself."

The game establishes order and is order. The game requires absolute and complete order.

The game is in no way connected with material interest and cannot bring any profit.

The game is a unique phenomenon of universal human culture. In the game, as in no other kind of activity, a person demonstrates the utmost self-forgetfulness and activation of his psychophysiological resources. That is why it is adopted in the system of professional training of people, that is why the game expands its boundaries and invades completely different spheres of human life.

The game as a cultural phenomenon performs a wide range of functions. Among them: teaching, educating, developing, socializing, recreational.

The common feature of play is that it is a voluntarily and freely chosen activity that is enjoyable and has no utilitarian purpose (it is an unproductive activity). In addition, this is a special modeling activity that reveals a connection with the real world (recreating a real activity or relationships in it).

Childhood without play and without play is not normal. Below we will raise the theme of the mythical worldview of the child. For children, play is the highest manifestation of myth, it is the continuation of life, where fantasy is the edge of truth. Thus, depriving a child of play would be a violation of the principle of naturalness in learning.

As Leontiev writes: “Only in play action can the required operations be replaced by other operations, and its objective conditions can be replaced by other objective conditions, while the content of the action itself is preserved. Thus, the child’s mastery of a wider circle of reality that is directly inaccessible to him can only in Game".

Research by travelers and ethnographers containing material on the position of the child in a society that is at a relatively low level of developmental history provides sufficient grounds for a hypothesis about the origin and development of children's play. The increasing complexity of tools, the transition to hunting, cattle breeding, and hoe farming led to a significant change in the position of the child in society. There was a need for special training for the future hunter, cattle breeder, etc. In this regard, adults began to make tools that are an exact copy of adults' tools, but smaller, specially adapted for children. There were games - exercises. Children's tools increased with the growth of the child, gradually acquiring all the properties of adult tools. Society as a whole is extremely interested in preparing children for participation in the future in the most responsible and important areas of work, and adults in every possible way contribute to children's exercise games, over which competition games are built, which are a kind of exam and a public review of children's achievements. In the future, a role-playing (or plot) game appears. A game in which the child assumes a role according to some actions of adults. Children, communicating with each other, unite and organize their own special play life, reproducing in the main features of social relations and the labor activity of adults.

Considering the actions of the child in the game, it is easy to see that the child already acts with the meanings of objects, but still relies on their material substitutes - toys. An analysis of the development of actions in the game shows that the reliance on objects - substitutes and actions with them are increasingly reduced. If at the initial stages of development an object is required - a substitute and a relatively detailed action with it, then at a later stage of the development of the game, the object appears through words - the name is already a sign of a thing, and the action is like abbreviated and generalized gestures accompanied by speech. Thus, play actions are of an intermediate nature, gradually acquiring the character of mental actions with the meanings of objects performed on external actions. The path of development to actions in the mind with meanings torn off from objects is at the same time the emergence of prerequisites for the formation of imagination. The game acts as an activity in which the formation of prerequisites for the transition of mental actions to a new, higher stage - mental actions based on speech. The functional development of play actions flows into ontogenetic development, creating a zone of proximal development of mental actions. In play activity, a significant restructuring of the child's behavior takes place - it becomes arbitrary. By arbitrary behavior it is necessary to understand behavior that is carried out in accordance with the image and controlled by comparing with this image as a stage.

The game lays the foundation for the child to operate with images of reality, which, in turn, creates the opportunity for a further transition to complex forms of creative activity. The imagination developed through the game will manifest itself throughout life in any, even the simplest activity.

The game pays great attention to the development of the child's communication skills. The child reproduces in the game the interaction and relationships of adults, masters the rules, methods of this interaction. In joint play activities with peers, he gains the experience of mutual understanding and learns to explain his actions and intentions, coordinating them with others.

In addition, the game develops all aspects of mental activity: memory, abstract thinking, attention, the ability to perceive parts as a whole and the whole in parts, etc.

Each game, depending on its general nature and the specific didactic goals of the teacher, develops the above listed personality traits to varying degrees.

We in our work, first of all, consider a special type of games - didactic games. A game, in order to be called didactic, must fulfill a number of requirements. Each didactic game should give exercises that are useful for the mental development of a person. In a didactic game, there must be an exciting task, the solution of which requires mental effort, overcoming some difficulties. Didacticism in the game should be combined with amusement and humor, since the passion for the game mobilizes mental activity and facilitates the task.

Didactic games differ in their educational content, types of cognitive activity and types of organization of the game process.

Specialists have not yet identified a generally recognized clear classification of didactic games. There are various classifications:

J. Piaget showed play as a factor in mental development. In the structure of the game, he singled out an exercise, a symbol, rules. Thus, the games are divided into:

§ game-exercise (sensory-motor) games;

§ symbolic (fictional) games;

§ games with rules.

K. Gross considered games according to their pedagogical significance:

§ "special function games" - family games, hunting games, courtship games.

F. Fröbel based the classification on the principle of differentiated influence of games:

§ mental games (mind development);

§ sensory games (development of external sense organs);

§ motor games (development of movements).

P.F. Lesgaft divided games into two groups:

§ imitation (imitative) - independent creative games;

§ outdoor games (games with rules).

V.V. Davydov identifies two types of children's games:

§ games with hidden rules - role-playing games in which the rules are determined by the plot and role and are hidden;

§ games with open (fixed) rules - games in which the rules are specially created and are an obligatory part of the game, they set the course for it.

S.L. Novoselova divided children's games into the following classes:

§ games initiated by children:

Story (plot-role-playing, directing, theatrical);

Experimental games (with natural and other objects of the surrounding world).

§ games initiated by adults:

Educational (subject, plot-didactic, mobile, musical, educational-subject);

Leisure (fun games, theatrical, festive, computer).

§ games coming from the historically established traditions of the ethnic group:

Ritual (cult, family, seasonal);

Training (intellectual, adaptive, sensorimotor);

Leisure (games, amusing, entertaining).

ON THE. Korotkov's classification of children's games includes two main types with subtypes:

§ story games:



§ games with rules:

Chance games (success does not depend on the efforts of the players);

Games for physical competence (success depends on physical skills, skills, qualities);

Games for mental competence (success depends on the development of attention, memory and combinatorial abilities).

2 Age features of younger students

The period of life from 6 to 11 years, the "peak" of childhood, is usually called the primary school age. Since this period is primarily determined by the most important change in the life of the child - admission to school.

From the point of view of physiology, at this time there is an intensive biological development of the body: the bone and muscle systems, the nervous system, and the activity of internal organs. Increased emotional excitability and general restlessness of the child in this period is due to an increase in the mobility of nervous processes, the predominance of excitation processes. An important change takes place in mental development: the formation of arbitrariness in the child begins (creation of action programs, control, planning).

At this time, a new type of activity appears and becomes the leading one - educational. But, despite this, play, labor and other activities also have an impact on the formation of the personality and the development of the child's ability to learn.

With admission to school, the appearance of stress is associated with the contradiction of the motives "I want" (desires) and "must" (shoulds). The first can come only from the child, the second is more often instilled from the outside, by adults.

By the beginning of the school period, the child can already come up with rules for his games: “only this counts”, “you can only hit the ball with your foot, you can’t hit it with your hand”, “you can’t touch the ground”. The main task of development at primary school age is to teach the child the ability to bring his own meaning to the various rules encountered in life: the rules of education, the rules of behavior, the rules of communication.

Entering school, the child becomes extremely dependent both on the assessments and opinions of the adults around him and his peers. After all, the child begins to play a completely new social role for him, and a completely different burden of responsibility is placed on him than before entering school. This also creates conditions for the appearance of stress and fears associated with the perception of his personality by others.

A.I. Zakharov writes about this: "if at preschool age fears due to the instinct of self-preservation predominate, then at primary school age social fears prevail as a threat to the well-being of the individual in the context of his relations with other people."

Thus, one of the most pronounced emotions of this age is the emotion of fear. Often, because of fear of punishment, the child tells a lie. If this is repeated, then cowardice and deceit are formed. In general, experiences in primary school age are sometimes very violent.

In younger schoolchildren, as in preschool age, the need for mobile activities continues to manifest itself. They are able to play outdoor games for a long time, but cannot sit in a static position for a long time. They are also characterized by the need for external impressions. The younger student is primarily attracted by the external side of objects or phenomena, the activity performed (for example, the attribute of a duty officer is a red shoulder strap).

The cognitive activity of a younger student is characterized, first of all, by the emotionality of perception. A colorful picture book or a teacher's joke all elicit an immediate reaction from them. Younger schoolchildren are in the grip of a vivid fact. The images that arise on the basis of the description during the teacher's story or reading a book are very vivid. Primary schoolchildren initially remember not what is most significant in terms of educational tasks, but what made the greatest impression on them: what is interesting, emotionally colored, unexpected or new. Imagery is also manifested in the mental activity of children. They tend to take literally the figurative meaning of words, filling them with concrete images. For example, when asked how one should understand the words: "One man is not a warrior," many answer: "And with whom should he fight if he is alone?" Students solve this or that mental problem more easily if they rely on specific objects, ideas or actions. The quality of perception of information is characterized by the presence of an affective-intuitive barrier that rejects all educational information that is presented by a teacher who does not inspire confidence in the child ("evil teacher").

The transformation of play during the transition from preschool childhood to the period of school childhood is based on the expansion of the range of human objects, the mastery of which now confronts the child as a task. It is based on the discovery by the child of a new world, the world of adults with their activities, their functions, their relationships. A child on the border of the transition from object to role-playing does not yet know either the social relations of adults, or the social functions, or the social meaning of their activities. He acts in the direction of his desire, objectively puts himself in the position of an adult, while there is an emotionally effective orientation in relation to adults and the meanings of their activities. Here the intellect follows the emotionally effective experience. The most important thing here is the importance of the game for the motivational-need sphere of the child. According to the works of D.B. Elkonin, the problem of motives and needs comes to the fore. The game acts as an activity that is closely related to the sphere of the child's needs. In it, the primary emotionally effective orientation in the meanings of human activity takes place, there is an awareness of one's limited place in the system of adult relations and the need to be an adult.

Chapter 2

1 Possibilities of using the game in the process of teaching younger students

"The game is a serious matter," says Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences S.A. Shmakov, one of the greatest connoisseurs of the game and game interaction. The search for pedagogical situations in which the child's desire for active cognitive activity can be realized is the main task of the teacher. This requires constant improvement of the learning process, which will allow children to more effectively and efficiently assimilate the program material. The most important element of this improvement is the introduction and development of game methods in the learning process.

The study of the significance of the game for mental development and personality formation is very difficult. A pure experiment is impossible here, simply because it is impossible to remove play activity from the life of children and see how the development process will proceed.

The teacher uses a variety of methods of influencing schoolchildren, participating in game activities. One method is to act as a direct participant in the game. With this empathy with the students of the joy of the game, he imperceptibly directs the game and supports the initiative. The teacher may not be included in the game, but he must direct the action of the game, preserve and protect its independent character, guide the development of game actions and the implementation of the rules. Thus, the teacher, imperceptibly for the children, leads them to a certain result. The teacher can, for example, simply talk about an event, create and maintain a certain game mood.

The main task of the teacher is to open the spiritual riches of the world around the children of the game through the establishment of empathy between the teacher and the student (educator and pupil) in the world of play. In cases where the behavioral and emotional reactions of the subjects of the game are similar, the roles assumed by adults in children's games are easier to implement. Thus, the only pedagogically literate status of any adult in a children's game can only be the status of a partner. The teacher should be a direct or indirect participant in relation to the playing children. The game compensates for the passivity of the student in other generally accepted forms of learning interaction, leads to true cooperation, partnership, to subject-subject types of interaction.

The teacher is a participant in the game only on condition that he uses it purposefully and provides methodological guidance. This is an activity that regulates the ways of implementing practical pedagogical activities in order to provide the players with leading ideas and achievements of theory, methodology and practice. The teacher, the organizer of the game, is obliged to form the goals and objectives of the game or the game complex, specify the ways and means of solving them, outline the stages of the game and the order of its organization, criteria and indicators of its effectiveness, identify methodological errors made during the game and carry out general methodological correction of the game process.

A single universal role of an adult in the game cannot exist, just because the children will not let every adult into their games. The roles, positions, status of adults in children's games will be different depending on the specific didactic goal, the level of students' trust in the teacher, the age of the students, and the level of their training in the discipline being studied. Next, we isolate a few basic roles and positions.

From the point of view of evaluating the game, the teacher is able to occupy the following positions:

restrictive position. It stems from the conservative-protective attitude "no matter what happens", from the desire of adults to maintain power over children and from the desire to protect themselves and children from the undesirable consequences of the unpredictability of games;

permissive position. It stems from erroneous ideas about the freedoms of the child and from the desire to live with children without conflict, bribing them or buying them off. This is a position of passive neutrality, the cause of which lies in an indifferent attitude towards children and an understanding of play as a "secondary" phenomenon in their life. The position of the "reasonable middle", meaning the search for the optimum participation of an adult in the game;

the position of active participation in the game of an adult in different roles.

Such roles can have the following assignments: direct leader and organizer of the game (leader). The direct leader can also be the game leader, provided that he is accepted by the students in this role. The leader is the one who leads the game, which means that he explains its rules, distributes roles and prepares everything that is necessary for the game.

Shmakov also identifies the following possible roles in the game:

One of the leaders of the game, responsible for some part of it or performing one of the leading roles;

Indirect leader of the game through assistants (adults or children);

Included role (consultant, expert);

Evaluation role (arbiter, judge, jury member);

Neutral role (observer from the side, not interfering in the game);

Research role (experimenter, diagnostician).

Psychologists have proven that ordinary junior schoolchildren are quite capable, subject to adequate teaching methods, to assimilate more complex material than that given in the current curriculum. To do this, it is necessary to teach children to learn without spending extra physical effort, to be as focused, attentive and diligent as possible. That is why it is necessary to arouse and maintain a constant interest in students. Attention is of great importance in the educational process of younger students. The learning process largely depends on how long the teacher can hold the attention of the children's audience. Many methods can be used for this. Many of them are largely pedagogically inadequate, and many are not effective enough. The game method will stand out from all methods of focusing children's attention as the most humane, natural for the child and exciting for both students and the teacher. In games, younger students learn to subordinate their behavior to the rules, their movements, attention, and ability to concentrate are formed. In the course of the game, abilities are developed that are necessary for successful schooling.

During the game, learning occurs imperceptibly for students. After all, for them the game is a natural environment where they activate their internal resources to the maximum. In the game, the formation of the student's personality and his advancement in development is carried out not through the perception of ready-made knowledge, but through his own activity aimed at actively discovering new knowledge.

However, the game includes all the elements of educational activity:

Learning task (the goal is felt by the student as personally significant and at the same time stimulates him to learn new material)

Learning actions (objective and mental actions of students that give them maximum pleasure and are aimed at solving the learning problem and actively discovering new knowledge)

Actions of self-control and self-evaluation (the child himself can assess the level of his success in the game and feel his progress)

Stimulation for further learning activities (in the game, the student's feeling of pleasure from participation and the feeling of success, if he or his team takes a prize, are an incentive to further advance him along the path of knowledge).

It is also important to note that playing at the turn of preschool and primary school age largely forms reflection - the ability to realize not only one's abilities, but also how these abilities will be perceived by others, and build one's behavior taking into account their possible reactions. After all, it is through the game that the most open and diverse communication with other children and adults, with the outside world takes place.

It is also effective to use the game to create psychological comfort for an individual student or a team. After all, such a pastime can remove such a stress-forming factor that arises in the learning process as conflict and class disunity. The new nature of the relationship between students, which arises during the game, will allow them to see their relationship with each other from a different angle. A well-chosen team game is able to unite students as much as possible. All this can be effectively used in creating an atmosphere at school and in the classroom that allows children to open up, to feel at school "at home".

Playing the game includes:

Familiarization of children with the content of the game and with the material that will be used in the game;

Explanation of the course and rules of the game;

Determination of the role of the educator in the game (his participation as a player, fan or referee). The measure of the teacher's direct participation in the game is determined by the age of the children, their level of preparation, the complexity of the didactic task, the game rules determine the measure of the teacher's direct participation in the game;

Direct play. The teacher carefully observes the course of the game and directs its course (the degree of influence of the teacher on the game is determined at the previous stage).

Summing up the game. Often, it is at this moment that it is determined whether it will be used with interest in the independent gaming activities of the guys, since at this stage they can see the end point of all their efforts throughout the game and give their assessment to the game.

An important task for the teacher is to learn to distinguish the real game from the imitation of the game. Often a teacher, declaring that he uses games in teaching, in fact, only creates a learning situation with attracted extraneous elements (for example, toys that speak in funny voices). For the game, a conditional situation is necessary; in the game, a person is both inside and outside the game plot. For the player, the game situation is as significant as the real one.

For the effective use of games in the educational process, it is necessary to follow certain rules for their implementation. It is very important that students are free from strong feelings and urges that are not related to the game. It is necessary to carefully choose the time for the game and make sure that this time does not fall into an impact stronger than the game. So, for example, it will be inefficient to hold a sports game during the broadcast of a major football match on TV; any game in the camp will be disrupted if the parents should come to visit the guys at this time. It is inefficient to play a game with a time limit hanging over it. Since there should always be an opportunity to extend the time of the game, subject to a visible great pedagogical effect. It is also undesirable that in the place where the game is held, there are strong factors that distract from it.

Also, the game should not prevail over other activities leading at a certain age stage. Here we need a pedagogically correct proportion of various activities. Of course, teaching or socially useful work is not as attractive and bright for the student as a game. It is easy for a child to lose a sense of proportion and get carried away with the game. Despite the fact that the game is a complete, autonomous, aesthetically developed activity to the maximum, it is also an activity of a preparatory, preliminary, exercising nature in relation to work and study. It is sometimes simply impossible to compete with the game of obligatory and boring activities, often inexpressively and not in accordance with the child's psyche modeled by teachers. Compared to other types and forms of modern pedagogical activity, games have gone through a much longer path of polishing. However, they should not occupy a self-sufficient place in the life of the child. There is a correct remark about this by M. Epstein, who believes that the game in the lives of students and adults is a fundamentally transitional, intermediate phenomenon.

Also, in order to participate in the game, children need to know and understand the content that underlies its plot, program, plot. He does not need to know all the subtleties of the content underlying it, but the main points should be familiar. In a game with rules, he must absolutely understand all the rules, otherwise she will not be able to fulfill her goals. For adequate participation in role-playing games, it is also necessary to have a clear idea of ​​the characters of the characters portrayed by the child.

Any game should be based on the child's previous experience, since his participation in the game is directly dependent on his general development. He imitates in games those phenomena, people, objects, actions that have the strongest influence on him, create the most vivid impression and which are understandable and accessible to him. In this case, of course, the individual characteristics and inclinations of the student are of decisive importance. If, in the process of playing a role in a story game, we follow the movements and speech of the child, then an attentive teacher can find out what knowledge, skills and abilities the student has mastered earlier. The participation of a student in games with ready-made fixed rules can show the level, the limits of the student's capabilities in a particular area of ​​human activity, skills and abilities. The child, developing any plot, always introduces into it those purely playful conventions that create a game out of this activity.

The next rule for the effective conduct of games is the obligatory presence of overcoming internal or external obstacles by the child. The basis of any interesting game will be the student's overcoming of himself or obstacles in the world around him in the process of achieving the game goal. Children will soon get bored with the game if the game results are given very easily. Active, adventurous, creative natures cannot be content only with establishing external connections in the game and imitating situations that captivate them. Children always need some kind of difficulty and obstacles in games. These obstacles are needed in order to give the correct output of energy, overcoming them. Not without reason, when distributing roles, many students are eager to get the most "difficult" ones, because it is these roles that make it possible for active action, a surge of energy.

In the light of the above, it is necessary to mention one more factor in a successful didactic game - the competitive factor. At the heart of many games is competition, competition, rivalry. Competition between students can give the game the necessary movement, give impetus to the development of the game roles adopted by the children. Without an element of competition, it is impossible to find out the results of the game and summing up the results. The competitive element forces children to be smart and aims them at creativity. To create an adequate competitive spirit in the game, it is necessary that the players have approximately the same mental and physical preparation, otherwise interest in the game quickly fades. For example, a soccer team is unlikely to play a second time against a team they easily beat. Also, after the first game, a chess player will get up from the table if he realizes that his opponent does not know how to play at all or plays extremely poorly.

The next most important factor in a successful game is the presence of elements of humor in the game. It is at a younger preschool age that children begin to develop a sense of humor, they make fun of each other and laugh at these jokes, remember them. Humor is considered one of the strongest pedagogical means. After all, the guys always appreciate a good joke, general fun and laughter. Only comedies and cartoons can compete with adventure films and books. For example, elements of humor can be used in role-playing games in the name of something (building materials store "Lazy", nuclear research center "AVOS") in the sound of roles ("just a good guy", "academician"). The plot of the game itself may contain a funny situation. Also, rewards and punishments in games can have a humorous connotation (assigning the title of "pacifist" for the least number of hits in the game; issuing "epaulettes" to the most active leader in the game). Also adding interest and movement to the game can be those misunderstandings and confusion that will arise as a result of the fact that the objects, concepts and actors of the game will be taken for something else. For example, in a staged battle for shooting, the "shooters" need to use the partner's leg; The biggest guy in the class plays the role of the mouse, and the smallest girl plays the role of the king.

Another condition for the successful fulfillment of the pedagogical goals set in the game is the correct equipment and equipment of the game with the necessary items, toys, game attributes.

Below is a list of the most effective and applicable types of games for primary school age, "support" games:

1. Sports (team and group). Mobile games and motor entertainment. The equal participation of healthy children, children with poor health, sick children, trained and untrained children, trained and untrained children is obligatory.

2. Health-improving gaming activities regulate physical and mental stress, balance the general condition of children (Olympiads, sports days, crosses, relay races, days of track and field starts, fun starts).

3. Hiking trips (hiking, water, cycling, mountain), tourist gatherings and tourist games. They have great power of ethical education (rules of interaction in a group) and labor training of a child.

Military applied. These are paramilitary actions: military games and competitions, shooting competitions, forced marches, paramilitary obstacle course, etc.

Ecological games. These are games on the ground, ecological trails, nature games and fun, communication with the natural and animal world, excursions and walks, recreational fun and entertainment.

Intellectual (subject, didactic, cognitive);




Logic games and exercises;

The above games, in addition to the tasks inherent in all games, also perform the task of finding and discovering a student's talent in the field involved in this game.

Psychological test games. They allow the teacher in a playful and relaxed atmosphere to determine the temperament of students and, possibly, to identify psychological problems.

Computer games. They can perform various didactic tasks depending on the content of the game, as well as perform recreational and communicative (online games) functions.

Role-playing games, theatrical games, plot, simulation, director's games, complex games, game holidays and competitions.

Holidays with cultural and entertainment programs, games that allow active involvement of participants and spectators in festive and gaming activities. In addition to the recreational and communicative function, it can perform an educational function (thematic holidays, for example, the Day of the Patriotic War of 1812).

Business, organizational and activity games, professional and vocational games. Diagnostic games and tests. Allow students to plunge into the business adult world through the game.

Technical, labor, design, inventive play creativity and handiwork.

Rehabilitation and correctional games, game therapy exercises. They allow in an inconspicuous and unconstrained form for the student to work on the correction of any of his psychophysiological deviations.

Drama and musical creativity, artistic creativity of students (school theaters of various types, art studios, dance studios). Associations of music lovers. Video or photo associations. Dance-rhythmic associations (discotheques, aerobics, rhythmics). All this, in addition to the recreational, communicative and educational functions, can allow you to notice and reveal the talent of the student.

Expanding the repertoire of children's games at school, creating targeted game programs and chains. Conducting expeditions to collect folk games, folklore game material, folk game customs will allow students to try themselves as an ethnologist and historian, and can effectively perform a teaching function.

Organization of game towns, game libraries, playgrounds and recreations, thematic game visibility, game accessories. Accumulation of games and toys necessary for educational activities. Accumulation of sports, gaming equipment.

2 The experience of using the game in teaching younger students

To study creativity in the process of playing at primary school age, we conducted a study aimed at comparing the creative abilities of students in two grades.

The study was conducted on the basis of 2 "A" and 2 "B" classes of the secondary school No. 12 of the Shchelkovsky municipal district of the Moscow region.

The class teacher of the 2nd "A" class widely uses various kinds of games and game elements in the learning process. Unlike her, the teacher of the 2nd "B" class uses more standard methods.

The mental basis of creative activity is imagination, which occurs already in the preschool period.

The development of creativity is largely determined by the level of children's imagination. Therefore, we have selected methods aimed at studying the imagination and developing the creativity of children.

To solve the tasks set, we used the methodology of E.A. Panko "Think up a game". It is aimed at identifying the ability of younger students to create a new game, formulate the rules of the game, assign roles and anticipate possible situations. It aims to determine the ability to predict, anticipate and enable faster problem solving.

Instructions for conducting:

The student receives a task for 5 minutes to come up with a game and tell in detail about it, answering the following questions:

What is the name of the game?

What does it consist of?

How many people are needed to play?

What roles do participants get in the game?

How will the game play?

What are the rules of the game?

How should the game end?

How will the results of the game and the success of individual participants be evaluated?

In the answers of the younger student, it is not speech that is evaluated, but the content of the invented game. In this regard, when asking a student, it is necessary to help him - constantly ask leading questions, which, however, should not prompt the answer.

To study the ability of schoolchildren to create something new, creativity, we used the methodology of E.A. Panko "Think up a game". The criteria for evaluating the content of the game invented by the child in this method were as follows:

) originality and novelty;

) forethought conditions;

) the presence in the game of various roles for its participants;

) the presence of certain rules in the game;

) the accuracy of the criteria for assessing the success of the game.

For each of the criteria, the game invented by the student can be evaluated from 0 to 2 points. A score of 0 points means the complete absence in the game of any of the five features listed above (for each of them, the game is evaluated separately in points). 1 point - the presence, but weak expression of this feature in the game. 2 points - the presence and distinct expression in the game of the corresponding feature. According to all these criteria and features, the game invented by the schoolchild can total from 0 to 10 points. And on the basis of the total number of points received, a conclusion is made about the level of fantasy development.

Conclusions about the level of fantasy:

points - very high;

9 points - high;

7 points - average;

5 points - low;

3 points - very low.

Table 1. Scores obtained as a result of the methodology in 2 "A" class.

Surname, name of the student

Number of points

Yukhnovich D.

Fedorova A.

Makarova A.

Gvozdeva A.

Very tall

Fedorova M.

Biryukov A.

Kozhemyako K.

Antonchik D.

Markushevsky P.

Kozlovskaya Yu.

Very tall

Staras M.

Kartovitskaya R.

Ponomarenko A.

Smolyak E.

Shumsky V.

Mayborodova E.

Very tall

Table 2. Points obtained as a result of the methodology in 2 "B" class

Surname, name of the student Number of points The level of development of creativity in the game

Juleva V.

Belyatskaya G.

Misnikevich A.

Very tall

Elensky A.

Very low

Yahieva P.

Markov R.

Anischenko S.

Very low

Senchik V.

Krivitskaya M.

Kupriyans M.


Lagoyskaya Ya.

Narkevich A.

Thus, summarizing the data, we obtained the average results for the groups. It is advisable to present these data in the form of a summary table (Table 3).

Table 3 - Evaluation of the content of the invented game

Total number study

The level of development of creativity in the game

Pts. high

Pts. low

Thus, comparing the results of the conducted methodology, we can notice the following facts.

The number of children with a very high level of development of creativity in the game in 2 "A" class is 18.75% of the students in the class, and in 2 "B" - 7.14%.

Children showing a high level of the named indicator in 2 "A" and 2 "B" 25% and 14.3%, respectively.

The average level of development of creativity in the game was found in 50% of students of the 2nd "A" class and the same number of students of the 2nd "B" class.

Children who showed a low level of development according to this criterion were 6.25% in 2 "A" and 14.3% in 2 "B" grade.

In the 2nd "A" class, no children with a very low level of development of creativity in the game were noticed, while in the 2nd "B" class there are two such students, which is 14.3% of all students in the class.

It is possible to visually show the difference revealed in the levels of development of the creative potential of children of the two classes using the following diagram.

Diagram 1. Comparative indicator of the level of development of creativity in the game for two classes

Thus, the results of the diagnostics of students in grades 2 "A" and 2 "B" show that the level of development of students' creative abilities is objectively higher in a class where the teacher widely uses gaming technologies in teaching children.

So, in this class (2 "A"), compared with 2 "B", a much larger number of children with a high and very high indicator for this parameter was revealed. At the same time, there are much fewer students with low and very low levels of creative abilities.

schoolboy game learning pedagogical


So, in this work, we have fulfilled the following research goals set by us:

Find out the main psychological and pedagogical features of the game, consider various classifications of games.

Find out the main psychological age characteristics of younger students.

Determine the possibilities of using the possibilities of the game in the pedagogical process in elementary school.

We found out the main psychological and pedagogical features of the game, found out that the game is a unique cultural phenomenon and has the widest range of functions. Play is the most natural and comfortable state for both a child and an adult. We have considered various classifications of games of great teachers and psychologists.

We have explained the main psychological age characteristics of younger schoolchildren. This is a unique period of childhood, when a person first masters an active social role, society begins to expand the circle of his responsibilities and rights.

We have identified the possibilities of using the game in the pedagogical process in elementary school. Since play activity at primary school age is still the most natural and understandable for a child, it will be pedagogically competent to create a synthesis of play and learning activities - a didactic game. The game under the strict supervision of a knowledgeable teacher is able to develop the child as efficiently and comprehensively as possible. A properly selected game and the teacher's awareness of its didactic goal can develop the qualities necessary for a student at school, where he must be included in a large group of peers, focus on the teacher's explanations in the classroom, control his actions when doing homework, begin to form his own worldview, weaving knowledge into it received in class.

Summing up, we can say that adults need to be aware that the game is not at all an empty activity. In addition to delivering maximum pleasure to the child, it is a powerful tool for the formation and development of his full-fledged personality.

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17. Vygotsky L.S. Play and its role in the mental development of the child. - M.: Questions of psychology - 1997. - p.57-58.

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State educational institution of higher professional education


Department: Primary education


in the discipline "Methods of education and training"

topic: "The role of the game in teaching younger students"




Currently, the main area of ​​human employment is the work for which we prepare the child from school. In today's world, intellectual professions increasingly dominate manual labor. First of all, this is due to the growth of technological innovations and automation of production. Such transformations also influenced the choice of teaching methods in the school institution.

The increasing complexity of the tasks and content of the teacher's activity dictates the need to constantly improve the efficiency of the process of teaching schoolchildren in the context of pedagogical practice. Every year, learning technologies are improving and a modern teacher needs to keep up with the times.

Our country, trying to integrate into the world economic space, is currently actively pursuing a number of reforms and transformations that relate to the Russian economy, law, all spheres of social life and, accordingly, education. The processes taking place in the educational policy of Europe, the formation of the Bologna process in many ways had a positive impact on the reforms of domestic education, the timing when the new state educational standards (SES) of the third generation will have to be implemented in practice, and the structure, content in general and methodological approaches in line with them.

The main goal of the new generation standards is the formation of an innovative educational environment that will contribute to the development of a conglomerate of "universal learning activities". Which, in turn, provide the competence to "teach to learn", to train to be ready for the conditions of the rapidly developing modern world and all its transformations.

The need to develop the ability to learn, in principle, modifies the nature of the relationship between the teacher and the student, allows you to take a fresh look at the optimization of the learning process, rethink the existing teaching methods.

The effectiveness of the system of modern school education is very important, since every year there are changes in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, universities, which is associated with a general increase in the pace of life, with fierce competition in the labor market. Therefore, the educational process should be built using various innovations, including games, which actively contributes not only to improving the performance of each child, but also helps the teacher to bring students to the level of self-development and self-education and, as a result, prepare students well for entering school.

Relevance of this study: the best way to bring educational material to the minds of students. We chose this topic in view of the numerous teaching methods, believing that in the light of rapid leaps in the development of society, including innovations in various fields of science, the field of education in schools, which also uses innovative technologies, including games, is also in dire need in deep research. No matter how global it may sound, the optimal methods of early childhood education affect the future fate of each child and the formation, thus, of a certain society in the future, on which the fate of mankind in principle depends.

The change in the systems of upbringing and education of children, caused by the requirements of this society, sets the task for modern teachers of in-depth study of the laws of education of school-age children, its structure, stages of formation. The most acute problems of teaching methods are developed in the studies of M.G. Golubchikova, M.A. Druzhinina, T.S. Panina, E.S. Polat, S.A. Kharchenko, E.N. Shimutina and others.

So, in the process of teaching the child, the teaching methods used by the teacher play an active role. In this paper, we will explore and analyze the basics of introducing games into pedagogical practice to create a problem-oriented developmental environment in school education.

Object of study:problem-oriented developing environment in school education.

Subject of study:the effectiveness of using games with the organization of a problem-oriented developmental environment for teaching primary school students.

Purpose of the study:show the importance of various games in the classroom in elementary school for quick and understandable assimilation of the material, the formation of certain skills, knowledge.

Research objectives:

  1. Study and analyze pedagogical literature;
  2. Give a general description of the concept of "problem-oriented development environment";
  3. Study and analyze teaching methods in schools through the use of games;
  4. Consider the features of this teaching methodology;
  5. To identify the relevance and effectiveness of the use of the game in the classroom in a school educational institution;
  6. Determine the relationship between the use of the game and the organization of a problem-oriented developmental environment for teaching schoolchildren;
  7. Analysis and description of the results.

Problem . The organization of a developing environment for schoolchildren today remains one of the urgent psychological and pedagogical problems, despite the fact that it is being studied by various authors. The period of primary school age is most favorable for the formation of cognitive research activities and the effective development of the child.

Hypothesis research. The use of games in teaching contributes to the effective mastery and assimilation of information by schoolchildren, including the activation of their cognitive research activities.

The following research methods were used:

  1. Theoretical: analysis of pedagogical, methodical literature.
  1. Empirical.
  2. Interpretive: quantitative and qualitative data analysis.

Research base:students of the 3rd "b" class of the Pravdinsky secondary school No. 1 of the Pushkinsky municipal district.

Research methods:study and analysis of pedagogical literature,observation, testing, diagnostics, data processing.

Practical significancework lies in the fact that the results of the research can be used by teachers and specialists when working with school-age children.

The structure of the work: the course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliographic description.


  1. Features of the mental development of younger students

Primary school age is a very responsible and important period in the development of a child's personality. During this period, one should be especially careful with the child, his feelings, experiences, since the child at this time is very sensitive and vulnerable. School junior age falls on the period from 6 to 11 years. [ Maklakov Anatoly Gennadievich, Sidorova Alexandra Alexandrovna Features of the mental development of older students // Bulletin of the Leningrad State University. A.S. Pushkin. 2014. No. 4 P.33-44.]

At this time, the child is educated in primary school. As a rule, the child moves from kindergarten to school, while there is a change in the team, the requirements and expectations in relation to the child change.

At each age stage, there is a change in the leading activity. This must be taken into account when planning the school curriculum, individual classes, choosing the main subjects, their goals, objectives and teaching technologies. The works of A.N. Leontiev, who in his research notes that different age categories have a leading type of activity. [Leontiev A.A. Psychology of collective activity in teaching // Primary school. - 2002. No. 11. – P. 3–6.]

At primary school age, new types of activities are also formed, new forms of relationships in the team, it is these that are recommended to be used as a base on which the further development of universal educational activities will take place.[Mental development of younger students / Ed. V.V. Davydov. - M., 1990]

The teacher must remember that at primary school age children change and rebuild their mental processes. Changes in the child's personality depend on mental processes. Do not forget that primary school age is one of the most important stages of life.

During this period, there is an intensive development of personality. The child seeks to know and study the world around him, on the basis of the information received, analyzes and interprets information to the extent that his thinking and ideas are developed. During this period, progressive development occurs, which is observed in all spheres of life. First of all, the basic psychophysiological functions are improved. The final stage is the emergence of complex personality characteristics and neoplasms in the child. At the same time, for a child in the process of forming qualities, an important stage is the development of the involuntary nature of learning and cognition. [Prokhorenko Lesya Ivanovna Psychological features of the manifestation of self-esteem in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation // JSRP. 2014. No. 1 (5) S.76-85.] The child, as a rule, has increased attention, which is associated with cognition and attempts to navigate in an environment that is very unfamiliar to the child. Also, the child is characterized by an emotional attitude to the world around him. For a child, external impressions received from the environment are very important, they also ensure the further development of the personality. With age, emotionality and impressionability change. At the same time, involuntary attention remains unchanged, which is quite intensively developed in children from school age.Individual options for the development of younger students / Ed. L.V. Zankova, M.V. Zvereva. - M., 1988.]

The facts listed above testify in favor of the fact that it is at primary school age that it is possible, with minimal effort and loss, to develop in a child universal learning activities, to develop in him the ability to think, the ability to learn, using natural mental and psychophysiological processes. However, with the development of universal educational activities in primary school age, many teachers note not only advantages, but also a number of difficulties. Thus, the complexity of the purposeful development of universal educational activities lies in the fact that for younger students, a characteristic feature is the inability to concentrate on one subject or action for a long time. It is difficult and almost impossible for children at this age to concentrate on monotonous and uninteresting work.

Also interesting is the fact that in the process of an interesting game, the child's attention is very concentrated and he is involuntarily able to remember large amounts of information. The result of the relationship between voluntary and involuntary forms of attention is imagination, which is also well developed in younger students. It is this mental neoplasm that teachers often involve in the work during the lesson. [Goretsky, V.G. Folk art // Primary school. - 1991. - No. 4. / V. G. Goretsky. - 46s.]

A big leap in the development of the imagination is played by the game, which is a form of development of perception. In the game form of activity, substitute activities are used, various objects are substitutes. During the game, a creative association of children is formed. During the game, it is important that the child performs certain roles, obeys certain rules, establishes his own rules and relationships within the group. [ Mental development of younger schoolchildren / Ed. V.V. Davydov. - M., 1990]

With the help of the game, interest in the world of adults is also formed. In the understanding of the child, he must learn life from an adult, a person close to him. Joint games of children and adults, especially parents, are extremely important for the full development of the child, the establishment of trusting relationships. After partial knowledge of the behavior of an adult, the child develops a motivation to learn about the whole world around him, to establish general patterns.

Thus, a number of opportunities appear, with the help of which it becomes possible to further educate the child, as well as the formation of a benevolent attitude, love for relatives, friends, the concept of duty, honor, and responsibility is formed. An important stage is the formation of emotional empathy, responsiveness. Also, the child's acquaintance with the surrounding reality occurs through productive activities. In the course of such activities, perception, thinking, and imagination develop.[ T.Yu.Andrushchenko., N.V.Karabekova. Correction of the mental development of a younger student at the initial stage of education // Questions of Psychology. - 1993. - No. 1.]

A child at primary school age is able to take into account and analyze the properties of individual objects, and also comprehends and evaluates the information received about objects. Sensory, tactile sensations, size, color, shape of an object are important for a child. Separate objects, with the properties of which the child was first acquainted, later become for him the standards and models by which he evaluates other similar objects and the world around him. An imagination is formed that allows further information to be provided and to be processed and evaluated, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

An important role in the formation of cognitive skills is played by the child's speech, the ability to think, reason, analyze facts, compare them, and make logical conclusions. These skills are one of the main means of human interaction with the environment, surrounding people, among themselves.

A wide and boundless imagination gives a child much more opportunities to learn about the world around them compared to an adult. It is for this reason that the main development and knowledge of the world around us, the laying of the foundations for understanding one's immediate environment occurs in the early school years. The development of representation shapes the thinking of the child. [Elkonin D. B. Psychology of teaching a younger student // Mental development in childhood: fav. psychol. tr. / ed. D. I. Feldstein. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M .: Publishing House of In-t prakt. psychology; Voronezh: MODEK, 1997]

The works of N.N. Poddyakov, who experimentally proved that a child at primary school age intensively develops various skills and abilities. [Prokhorenko Lesya Ivanovna Psychological features of the manifestation of self-esteem in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation // JSRP. 2014. No. 1 (5) S.76-85.] They contribute to the further development of the child's personality and basic mental processes. The child tries to analyze all the information received, carefully compares the available information, studies the properties, details of objects, looks for features, differences and common properties of individual objects.

Often a child tries to change an object, to influence it in various ways. Thus, visually effective thinking is formed, the child moves from observation to experimental methods of cognition of reality.

Visually - effective thinking is a new form, or rather a new stage in the development of the child's personality. This is a preparatory level at which there is an intensive accumulation of facts and information about the world around. At this time, a peculiar model of perception is formed, which is the basis for the further formation of ideas and concepts. [Troshina Evgenia Alexandrovna Psychological features of children of primary school age as subjects of educational activity // Bulletin of the Leningrad State University. A.S. Pushkin. 2012. No. 3 P.30-36.] Visual-figurative thinking is a prerequisite for the formation of a new, more complex model of thinking.

Thus, if there is a certain base, the child already seeks to independently search for answers to emerging questions, solve problems and move to a new stage of development. At the same time, practical actions are rarely taken. The child moves to the next stage of development, and it is during this period that it is important to interest the child, to offer him a means that will satisfy the child’s natural need for research, analysis, and finding his own way and solution. One of the most effective means of meeting this need of a younger student is the solution of mathematical text problems.[ Maklakov Anatoly Gennadievich, Sidorova Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Peculiarities of mental development of older schoolchildren // Bulletin of Leningrad State University. A.S. Pushkin. 2014. No. 4 P.33-44]

A feature of primary school age is the fact that as a result of systematic training, the children's team, the teacher intensively forms and consolidates the features that determine the course of personality development. A child at this age is subject to the influence of the teacher. In many ways, the success of younger students depends on how interested they are in the lesson.

With a high level of interest, as a rule, the child manifests himself as a conscientious, honest, good person. In the same case, if the child is not interested in time, if his creative potential is not directed in the right direction, he can become selfish, a model and a bearer of evil and aggression.

The younger student has unconditional trust in the teacher, his words, actions, assessments. The teacher acts as a model, authority for the student, and in the eyes of the student looks older, smarter, more knowledgeable and able. The teacher in the understanding of younger schoolchildren is always fair. That is why it is so important for a teacher to observe moral character, to monitor his appearance, to show a culture of communication. It is also important that the teacher always admits his mistakes. In the face of the teacher, children should first of all see a friend.

  1. The role of the game in the education of schoolchildren

A game for a child is the meaning of his life in school childhood. This is his refuge from fears, the battlefield, the polygon of the realization of fantasies, achievements and successes, a way to calm down and splash out emotions, the realization of imagination and dreams. There, the desires, aspirations, feelings, thoughts and needs of the child come to the fore, where he has the opportunity to actively act in the environment in which he lives. [Petrovska, Sonja and Sivevska, Despina and Cackov, Oliver (2013) Role of the Game in the Development of Preschool Child. Procedia, 92.p. 880.]

They are a powerful tool for education because through play children acquire knowledge, enrich their experience and develop skills and habits. [Leontiev A.A. Psychology of collective activity in teaching // Primary school. - 2002. No. 11. – P. 3–6.]

Tellingly, at present, modern children, starting from primary school age, are very passionate about computer games, cell phones, and very rarely play outdoor and sports games on their own initiative. Thus, physical inactivity develops - children are more in a sitting position, play less active outdoor games, which has a significant negative impact on the formation of speech skills. [Zhdanova L. U., Kulgarina Liliya Ramazanovna The role of play activity of younger schoolchildren in the formation of communication skills // Science Time. 2015. No. 5 (17) P.174-178.] In this case, outdoor games are relevant, which can help form even the child’s speech activity, developing a sense of coordination, contributing to the development of a good reaction, teaching to act in accordance with the proposed scenario. In addition, they form an idea of ​​the world around.

In addition, at school age, the attention of children is still unstable. Children are highly mobile and impressionable, so games are the best means of learning. The game is an obligatory part of the life of every child, because it is their natural human need. [Makarova N.N. Communicative game in elementary grades // Elementary school. - 2008. No. 7. - P. 9]It brings joy, happiness and satisfaction, and at the same time it is a way by which children learn about themselves, about others, and the world that surrounds them; they acquire the skills to create social bonds. That is why it is extremely important that every child has enough time to play, as it is obvious that the game is an integral part of his life.

Developing games are classified according to their type, nature, content and design, which determines their specific educational tasks regarding the age of the child, taking into account his development and interests. [Tuzova V.L. First class - day by day. Organization of the life of a group of junior schoolchildren. Materials for specialists in elementary school. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2001. - 272 p.]

The game satisfies the biological and psychological needs of children and contributes to their mental, emotional, social and moral development. Different roles in play, although a child's fantasy, give him the opportunity to get personal experience about the concepts of "good" and "bad", about what is positive and what is unacceptable in behavior. [Leontiev A.A. Psychology of collective activity in teaching // Primary school. - 2002. No. 11. - P. 3-6.] Games are an important form of entertainment for children, with the help of which the child learns independence, which is of particular educational importance. They are

a powerful tool for education, because through games children acquire knowledge, enrich their experience and develop skills and habits.

Curiously, at the beginning of the XX century. scientists conducted the first studies of emotionality, which clearly showed psychologists that an emotional person is distinguished by the fact that he takes everything “to heart” and vehemently reacts to trifles, and a low-emotional person has an enviable restraint. "Emotionality, which determines emotions in communication, is considered as a stable personality trait associated with her temperament." [Bodalev, A.A. Psychology of communication. Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. A.A. Bodaleva- M.: Kogito-center, 2011. - S. 235].Based on these factors, it is possible to develop the child most effectively through various game methods that actively develop the emotional sphere of the student.

Emotional children are often perceived by others as hyperactive, whose energy, given the child’s adequate behavior from the point of view of the psycho-emotional and neurological state, should be directed to a healthy direction: give to sports clubs, organize outdoor games, take them out for walks in the fresh air, where the child can easily move around etc., in case of deviation from the norm in the health of the baby, herbal medicine or drug intervention is used in conjunction with the work of a child psychologist.

If the child is passive and extremely calm, he mainly needs intellectual games, or games for fine motor skills of the hands (mosaics, puzzles, cubes, constructor), but excessive passivity is also an alarming indicator of a tendency to autism. [Tuzova V.L. First class - day by day. Organization of the life of a group of junior schoolchildren. Materials for specialists in elementary school. - St. Petersburg: KARO,

2001. - 272 p.]

In any case, emotions and their manifestation are an indicator of the psychological health of the student.

A large number of special games are now being developed by educators and psychologists for children with disabilities and developmental problems.

However, the most relevant, in our opinion, in accordance with the level of intelligence of students, is to use in elementary school such a form of play as case technology.

1.2. The concept of "case technologies" and their importance in learning

“Case technology” is understood as a method of learning in which students consider one or more specific situations or tasks in order to assimilate theoretical information and master the skills of professional activity. [Golubchikova M.G., Kharchenko S.A. Case technologies in the professional training of a teacher: Textbook / M.G. Golubchikova, S.A. Kharchenko. - Irkutsk: FGBOU VPO "VSGAO". 2012. S. 7]

At the moment, the options for using case technology have become so diverse that it makes sense to talk not about one technology, but about a group of diverse learning methods based on a case or a specific situation.

Case technologies were initially most widely used in teaching economics and business sciences abroad. Translated from Latin means "casus" - a confusing, unusual case; from English "case" - briefcase, suitcase. This teaching method traces its roots back to Harvard Business School in the early 20th century. In 1920, after the publication of a collection of cases, the entire system of management training at the Harvard School was translated. The case technologies that activate the learning process, most authors include the following:

Case analysis (ACS), including the method of situational analysis and the method of situational exercises (SU). It is especially important to use problem situations in the classroom, thanks to which “the main thing is remembered in the classroom, interest in the discipline being studied is aroused and the need for self-acquisition of knowledge is developed”.[ Aminov I.B., Nomozov F.Sh., Bakhriddinov G. Scientific article: "The effectiveness of the organization of teaching based on innovative technologies." Pedagogy: Young scientist. Issue #1 (105). January 2016. P. 678]

case method;

"Incident" method;

- “method of parsing business correspondence;

Game design;

discussion method.

Of all the above options, the last three relate mainly to the integration of case technologies into other methods, in which the case can play the role of a way to organize dynamic interaction in the form of a business game, discussions or project-based learning, including the creation of a problem-oriented developmental environment. It is worth noting that, as a rule, the best effect can be achieved precisely through a combination of methods. The direct division of the learning process into any individual components, techniques, methods, technologies is not always clear, since most of these learning components are included in each other.

Which allows us to summarize the following: case technologies include analysis of situations or specific cases, business games. “The versatility of this technology lies in the fact that the classes use descriptions of specific situations or a case that students must analyze, understand the essence of the problem, suggest possible solutions and choose the best of them. Cases are based on real factual material or as close as possible to the real situation. [ Zolina O. "Case-technologies in school education" Access mode: International educational portal

Case technologies allow all participants in the educational process to interact, including the teacher himself.

In modern Russian education, the process of "activity learning" has also begun: to the subject-subject interaction of the teacher and students in the educational process. The modern labor market requires significant changes from the educational system, namely, to adapt education so that it matches the pace of life and the rapid development of innovative technologies, as well as, subsequently, the requirements of the employer for potential employees - the rapid dynamics in education, in turn, is concerned with the search for and development of new efficient technologies.

It is important that innovative pedagogical technologies that meet modern requirements are initially built on a competency-based approach and are aimed at the future of the student in learning outcomes. It is for this reason, in our opinion, that the use of case technologies in elementary school is gaining popularity, the introduction of which makes it possible to put into practice a competency-based approach.

Reproducing activity, through the use of case technologies in the classroom, according to experts, is aimed at the perception, understanding and preservation of knowledge in memory and the practical application of skills. Creative activity is associated with tasks and problem situations that require their study and solution. [Rodak, I.I. Essence of students' creative activity in the educational process / I.I. Rodak // St. Petersburg: Peter; World of Books, 2012] Both reproducing and creative activity mutually complement each other, being in unity: “Knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by schoolchildren in the process of assimilation of program material nourish his creative activity; at the same time, creative activity contributes to a more thoughtful, conscious and deep assimilation of educational material.

The tasks of school education are to create appropriate conditions for the most complete disclosure of the age potential and abilities of each child. This setting is regulated by the federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of school education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated November 23, 2009 No. 665). [Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 655. dated 11/23/2009. "Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of school education"]

The new educational standards of general school education aim the teacher's activity at developing the student's basic ability to learn and the ability to organize his activities: to accept, maintain goals and follow them in educational activities; plan their activities, monitor and evaluate them; interact with the teacher and peers in the educational process.

In modern conditions, it is becoming increasingly difficult for teachers to maintain a child's interest in learning in general. Motivation for an active cognitive position is weakened by several reasons. Firstly, relatively each child has his own experience of cognitive activity and his own level of development, however, they are all forced to study in the same group. Secondly, young children now need to memorize a fairly large amount of information. Thirdly, television and radio broadcasts, the Internet, popular science films that tell schoolchildren about modern achievements and unresolved problems in an interesting, entertaining, and accessible form attract children to a greater extent than modern textbooks.

Therefore, a teacher in a school institution faces an extremely difficult and responsible task: to interest children in educational activities and form their cognitive activity, so that in the future each child will show great interest in studying at school, institute, etc. Otherwise, the student may once and for all acquire a dislike for the educational process, which will be much more difficult to correct and direct in a positive direction at school. Cases as pedagogical technologies come to the aid of educators.

One of the achievements in the field of education in recent years is the active introduction and development of interactive learning based on the organization of the interaction of students with each other, in the process of which there is not only a joint solution of the set educational tasks, but also a dynamic exchange of knowledge and personal experience.

Thus, B. Sinclair emphasizes that interactive learning contributes to the development of students' autonomy, independence, and confidence in their own competence.

S.B. Stupina points out that interactive learning makes it possible to increase the intensity of the process of memorization, assimilation and creative application of knowledge; increase the motivation and involvement of participants in solving the problems discussed; ensure the disclosure of new opportunities for students; change the surrounding reality. [Stupina S.B. Interactive learning technologies in higher education: Educational and methodological guide. Saratov: Publishing Center "Nauka", 2011]

S. Brookfield and P. Stefen believe that interactive learning allows students to develop intellectual flexibility.

When teaching at school institutions, case technology acts as an interactive technology, as a rule, “for short-term training based on real or fictional situations, aimed not so much at mastering knowledge, but at forming new qualities and skills in students. Its main purpose is to develop the ability to analyze various problems and find ways to solve them, as well as the ability to work with the information received "[ Zolina O. "Case technology in school education" Access mode: International educational portal . Accessed: 03/27/2017], to analyze and evaluate it.

To case technologies that most fully contribute to the activation of the educational process, experts include:

- “method of situational analysis (method of analysis of specific situations,

Situational tasks and exercises; case study; photo cases; case illustrations);

incident method;

Method of situational role-playing games;

Method of parsing business correspondence;

Game design;

Discussion method. . Retrieved: 03/27/2017]

The case, we emphasize, is, first of all, the technology of active learning based on real situations. The advantage of cases is the ability to optimally combine theory and practice, which seems to be quite important in the preparation of a potential specialist, starting from school education. Compared to traditional teaching, when using case technologies in the classroom, the interaction with the leader also changes, his role gives way to the initiative of students, the task of the teacher remains to create conditions for the activation of entrepreneurial actions among schoolchildren. In such training, it is children who are full participants in the process, since their experience is no less important than the experience of the facilitator, who, in turn, does not provide just template knowledge, but encourages an independent search for solutions.

The teacher, as a rule, acts in three main positions. In each of them, he organizes the interaction of participants with a particular area of ​​the learning environment.

1) from the position of an expert lecturer, the teacher presents new educational material, demonstrates slides, answers questions from participants (students), etc.

2) from the position of the organizer, he establishes the interaction of participants with the social and physical environment: breakdown into subgroups, coordination of tasks, preparation of mini-presentations, etc.

3) from the position of a consultant-facilitator, the teacher addresses the personal experience of the participants (students), encourages them to independently solve problems, collect new data, etc.

Principles of interactive learning:

1) Reliance on the experience of trainees (transformation of existing experience).

2) The activity of trainees (the relationship of three types of activity: physical, social, cognitive).

3) Lead position: consultant - facilitator.

In the practice of school education, case illustrations and case photos can be widely used.

A case illustration is an illustration that is used to consider a problem situation. The purpose of working with it is to analyze the essence of the problem, analyze possible solutions and choose the best one.

A case illustration differs from visualization in that it involves introducing children to a real or alleged problem and developing their own views on its solution. Looking at the illustrations, children discuss the information received, reason, make a decision, can assume and build a forecast based on this.[Zolina O. "Case-technologies in school education" Access mode: International educational portal . Retrieved: 03/27/2017]

Case illustrations activate children's thoughts, develop imagination, the need to communicate with other people, and educate feelings.[Zolina O. "Case-technologies in school education" Access mode: International educational portal . Date of access: 03/27/2017] And the illustration with the continuation motivates the interest of children. These technologies help to increase the interest of schoolchildren in the subject being studied, develop in them such qualities as social activity, communication skills, the ability to listen and correctly express their thoughts.

Conclusion : the use of case technology to create a problem-oriented developmental environment in school education contributes to the successful formation of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. The proposed method of constructing classes contributes to the mastery of universal methods of action by trainees and has a positive effect on the formation of the child's personality.


2 . 1 Study planning. Connections between the use of the game and the organization of a problem-oriented developmental environment for teaching schoolchildren

It is worth recalling that speech etiquette is a set of rules of speech behavior that are determined by the relationship of speakers, based on the situation of communication. It includes: appeal, greeting, acquaintance, drawing attention, request, invitation, refusal, consent, complaint, apology, sympathy, congratulations, disapproval, gratitude, forgiveness, etc.

The formation of his skills is an integral part of the overall work in relation to the development of children's speech. The main activity is the enrichment of speech with words, constructions that are necessary in everyday communication. The introduction of a number of etiquette words into the speech of schoolchildren and enriches the active vocabulary, improves literacy and cultivates attentiveness in the use of these forms, expressions, helps to select the appropriate language means in a particular situation.

Games in school education allow you to form all 3 main components of speech etiquette: Mastering various formulas. More detailed "deployment". Accompanying formulas with friendly intonation, friendly facial expressions. Case-situation - a case in which a specific situation is described, a problem is formulated, it is proposed to find a way to solve it. After getting acquainted with the problem, students independently analyze the situation, then diagnose the problem, voice ideas, solutions in the course of communication with peers.

So, during the experimental activity, we used case technology to create such a problem-oriented developmental environment as communication in society, namely, “speech etiquette”.

Target : a study of relevanceapplication of the game in school education.

Research hypothesis . with the help of various games in the classroom in elementary school, a child can learn the material faster and more clearly, acquire and form certain skills and knowledge.

Independent variable:problem-oriented developmental environment in school education. Dependent variable:the effectiveness of the game in the classroom at school.Controlled variables:age of children (9-10 years), experience and qualifications of the teacher.

Tasks :

  1. To select diagnostic methods to identify the level of development of speech etiquette in children of 9-10 years of age.
  2. To identify the initial level of development of speech etiquette in children of 9-10 years of age.

3. Organize the training of children in the experimental group using the game.

4. To determine the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions for the development of the development of speech etiquette in children of 9-10 years of age by means of using the game to create a problem-oriented developmental environment.

The study was conducted on schools. The study was conducted using a specially selected package of techniques. The work was carried out in one age group: a group of schoolchildren, children of nine to ten years old. The study was conducted on a sample of 20 people: 10 children - the experimental group (learning by means of the game) and 10 children - the control group (learning according to the classical system). The entire stage of the study as a whole took place from December 01, 2016 to March 25, 2017.

To achieve the goal of the study, the work was carried out in three stage :

  1. Statement stage. The goal is to identify the level of development of speech etiquette of children of primary school age.
  2. Formative stage. The goal is to teach the children of the experimental group using the game to create a problem-oriented environment.

During this stage, the following tasks were solved:

a) selection of a set of tasks in accordance with the requirements for the use of the game in teaching to organize a problem-oriented developmental environment.

b) organization of training, taking into account the level of complexity of tasks, depending on the level of development of the child and his capabilities.

  1. Control stage. The goal is to identify the level of development of speech etiquette in children of 9-10 years of age by re-diagnosing. Re-testing and comparative analysis of the results with the data of the primary diagnosis.

protocols. Determining the level of knowledge of speech etiquette in the experimental and control groups before the start of the experiment:

Results of the ascertaining experiment, experimental group.

Table 1 - Results of the ascertaining experiment - experimental and control groups

Indicators of the level of knowledge of speech etiquette

Experimental group

Control group

Histogram 1 - Histogram of the levels of knowledge of speech etiquette of schoolchildren in% in the experimental group and ascertaining group

  1. Case studies used in the process of mastering the forms of speech etiquette

A case study is a case where the situation is described in a specific period of time, the problem is formulated, it is proposed to find ways to solve this problem. Schoolchildren, having become acquainted with its description, independently analyze the situation, diagnose the problem and present their ideas and solutions in discussion with their peers.

The goal is to analyze the situation together and find solutions. (These cases can be used both in direct educational and independent activities with children.)

Case number 1 "Acquaintance".


- Promote the acquisition of etiquette behavior.

Katya and Liza are jumping rope. An unfamiliar girl is standing nearby. She also wants to play, but she does not dare to approach her cheerful friends. Katya and Lisa do not notice the girl. They are good together.


‒ What do you think, did Katya and Liza do the right thing?

‒ What were they supposed to do?

‒ What magic words will help girls get to know each other?

‒ What would you do if you were Katya and Lisa?

Case number 2 "Gratitude", "Farewell".


- Build a culture of communication.

- Enrich the child's speech with words and constructions that are necessary in everyday communication between people.

Grandma stayed with Dasha and her parents for a whole month. That was great! Grandma and Dasha did everything together. Together they went to the zoo, baked pies together, made crafts together. And now, it's time to leave. Grandmother will take the train home to another city. Mom helps her pack her suitcase, dad has already called a taxi to go to the station. Dasha ran into the room:

Grandma, are you leaving? OK, bye!

She waved her hand and ran to her room.


‒ Do you think Dasha can be called a polite girl? Why?

‒ What did she do wrong? How should Dasha have acted?

‒ What forms of speech etiquette could she use to thank her grandmother and say goodbye to her?

- What would you do in such a situation?

Case number 3 "Talking on the phone."


- To consolidate knowledge of the rules and norms of speech etiquette.

- Raise the need to use speech formulas in everyday life.

Anya calls Masha on the phone.

- Mash, hello.

- This is not Masha. This is her mom.

- And I need Masha.

“Now I will call her.

- Mash, is that you? Hello. Listen, bring me a book of poetry tomorrow.

- Good.

- OK, bye!


1. Can Anya be called a well-mannered girl? Why?

2. Can Anya talk on the phone?

3. What rules of speech etiquette did Anna forget about? What mistakes did she make?

4. Offer your own version of the conversation on the phone. Play the situation.

Case number 4 "Polite refusal".


‒ Continue building a culture of communication.

‒ Practice using variations of etiquette formulas depending on the situation.

- Contribute to the acquisition of experience in etiquette behavior.

- Enrich the child's speech with words and constructions that are necessary in everyday communication between people.

Today is a nice sunny day. The guys agreed to play football. Vitya was appointed goalkeeper. The boy happily ran home to change and take the ball. Mom opened the door for him.

- Vitya, I'm waiting for you. Please go to the store. We've run out of bread. Not a bite for dinner...


1. What do you think Vitya will do?

2. What kind of conversation is possible with mom?

3. What will Victor say to the guys?

4. What would you do in this situation? Suggest your options.

  1. Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of the game to create a problem-oriented developmental environment in teaching speech etiquette

Purpose: to make a comparative analysis of the results of the study.


1. To identify the level of development of children's speech etiquette after using the case study in the classroom in the process of mastering the forms of speech etiquette.

2. Determine the effectiveness of the use of games to create a problem-oriented developmental environment.

The work was carried out with the experimental and control groups, according to the same diagnosis.

Table 2 - Comparative results

Indicators of the level of mastering the forms of speech etiquette

Experimental group

Control group

Having processed all the data of the control experiment for two groups, we summed up the general result, the result of which is presented in histogram 2.

Histogram 2 - Control experiment data for two groups,

Experimental group:

  • children showed a high level of proficiency in the forms of speech etiquette: - 50%;
  • the average level of development was revealed in 3 children;
  • a low level of development was detected in 17%;

Control group:

Thus, the results of the ascertaining experiment were as follows:

  • in children, a high level of proficiency in the forms of speech etiquette was revealed: 2 children - 20%;
  • a sufficient level of development has not been identified;
  • the average level of development in 33%;
  • a satisfactory level of development has not been identified;
  • low level of development in 25%;

Experience has shown that the children had a positive trend in all respects.

Therefore, we can conclude that in order to form speech etiquette in schoolchildren, it is necessary to systematically conduct direct educational activities using the game.

Table 3 - Comparative analysis of the results of a specific in%

The level of mastering the forms of speech etiquette

Experimental group

Control group

It was

It became


It was

It became





In the experimental group, the high level indicators changed from 0 to 17% by 17%.

Obviously, the indicators remained in the control group about the same.

In accordance with the purpose of the work, according to the program of the experimental part, the activity was carried out for two months, after which a second control was carried out, but using different material, which made it possible to see the dynamics in the development and formation of ideas about the forms of speech etiquette by using games for creation of a problem-oriented developing environment in a school institution.

Table 4 - Determining the level of ideas about the forms of speech etiquetteafter experimental work

I.F. child


General level

Veronica B.


Masha G.



Stasia L.



Glasha M.


Sasha F.






Violetta P.


Alena P.



Vanya K.


The analysis of the completed tasks allows us to conclude about the effectiveness of the use of the game in a school institution, in comparison with the results of the ascertaining section. We assume that one of the factors influencing the increase in the level of development of speech etiquette and the activation of the cognitive activity of students is the use of productive teaching methods in the classroom.

The data is visually presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Determining the level of formation of ideas about speech etiquette among schoolchildren after experimental work

Where 70% is a high level of formation of ideas about speech etiquette, 30% is an average level.

An analysis of our experimental work allows us to conclude that it is necessary to use the game in the classroom in school institutions, especially since the main type of education at the age of up to six or seven years is the game. The use of a system of games based on real situations (respectively, games) allows you to activate all the cognitive processes of the child, creating a situation of interest allows students to more effectively memorize information, which allows them to successfully develop a clear understanding of each child about the correct and relevant forms of speech etiquette for each situation.

Using games in the system to create a problem-oriented developmental environment in the classroom on the topics listed in clause 2.2 with gradual complication will improve the quality of education in this discipline, thereby contributing to the activation of cognitive activity in school-age children and lay the foundation for the subsequent formation of ideas about etiquette in school, including in high school and in life in general.

Conclusions: With the help of various games in the classroom in elementary school, a child can learn the material faster and more clearly, acquire and form certain skills and knowledge. In the modern education system, there are a variety of approaches to teaching school-age children using various games: a game-based learning system, the “problem-oriented” method, the use of problem-search teaching methods, teaching using the method of situational role-playing games or the discussion method, etc. However, research by scientists reveals only a few pedagogical conditions in which games are the most effective method of educating mental activity and independent thinking in students. For this reason, it is necessary to identify other pedagogical conditions in which the use of games and appropriate exercises for schoolchildren will contribute to a more effective assimilation of educational material.

Research and analysis of the content and methodology for the development of cognitive activity among students in a school institution, among whom we conducted an experiment, shows that games and special exercises can and should be the most effective way to form ideas about speech etiquette. Thus, after analyzing the changes, we can conclude that the work was effective and purposeful activity to enhance the cognitive activity of students in a school institution in the classroom on speech etiquette by means of the game allows us to improve this direction.


Innovative processes taking place in Russian education dictate a change in the principles of training future specialists and the formation of not only professional skills, knowledge and skills, but also such qualities as flexibility, mobility, tolerance, sociability, originality, independence, initiative, cooperativeness, innovativeness etc. In particular, a modern worker must be able to work in a team of different ages, with people who have different professional skills. For this reason, reforms are taking place in Russian education, in accordance with which a social institution is being created that contributes to the upbringing and development of individuals, people who possess the required qualities, including competence, which helps to resolve issues in a situation where uncertainty and multivariance arise. The latter implies a large number of possible solutions to the problem. The formation of creative abilities, the development of the creative style of professional activity, as well as the cognitive activity of the child and all of the above qualities can be successfully carried out through the use of games in teaching younger students.

Lessons in the form of a game today occupy a leading position in teaching methods, due to their effectiveness. Children are happy to take part in such lessons, the game attracts even the most reserved and shy children, interests them in studying various subjects. And, step by step, they stimulate the children to move from play to cognitive activity.

The game form of the lesson not only captivates children, but also does not create either mental or physical stress on the child's body. With the help of various games in the classroom in elementary school, a child can learn the material faster and more clearly, acquire and form certain skills and knowledge.

For children aged 9 to 10 years, there is a special method of learning games, which is the most acceptable approach to learning. At primary school age, one of the most important life components becomes directly studying, which, in the future, will determine each child in his life, including the most important changes taking place in the development of the psyche. During classes, psychological neoplasms are formed, which characterize the most significant achievements in the formation of the fundamental knowledge base of schoolchildren and are the core that ensures the development of the individual at the next age stages. It is important to correctly captivate and interest the child in any subject, and not cause rejection and rejection of learning at the initial stages (in elementary school). Otherwise, the student will lose interest in learning activities in general, and this will negatively affect his future studies in high school and professional activities.

Therefore, a teacher in a school institution faces an extremely difficult and responsible task: to interest children in educational activities and form their cognitive activity, so that in the future each child will show great interest in studying at school, institute, etc. Games come to the aid of teachers, for example , cases as pedagogical technologies.

The teacher, working in a school educational institution, with game teaching methods, must take into account the individual characteristics and character of each student. Applying new approaches in our methodology, realizing the internal potential of students with extraordinary educational motivation, attracting the creative skills of each child, it is possible to prepare functionally literate, capable of working for results, creatively thinking children.

The use of case technology in school education contributes to the successful formation of students' cognitive activity. It is worth noting that games can be applied to any subject that children take in elementary school. The proposed method of building classes contributes to the mastery of universal methods of action by trainees and has a positive effect on the formation of the child's personality, expands his vocabulary and grammar, improves communication skills, promotes the manifestation of creativity, etc.

After analyzing and evaluating the results of our experimental work, we determined the positive statics of assimilation of the material in the classroom for schoolchildren. According to the results of the study, a positive dynamics of growth in the progress of students, ideas about the material received in the course of training, as well as a noticeable increase in the motivation of the personal meaning of classes and a clear development of cognitive research activities when performing tasks were revealed.


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  28. Troshina E.A. Psychological features of children of primary school age as subjects of educational activity // Bulletin of Leningrad State University. A.S. Pushkin. 2012. No. 3. S. 30-36.
  29. Tuzova V.L. First class - day by day. Organization of the life of a group of junior schoolchildren. Materials for specialists in elementary school. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2001. - 272 p.
  30. Elkonin D. B. Psychology of teaching a junior schoolchild // Psychic development in children's age: fav. psychol. tr. / ed. D. I. Feldstein. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M .: Publishing House of In-t prakt. psychology; Voronezh: MODEK, 1997.
  31. Brookfield S.D., Stephen P. Discussion as a way of Teaching: Tools and Techniques.
  32. for University Teachers. Buckingham: SRHE and Open University Press, 2012.
  33. Petrovska, Sonja and Sivevska, Despina and Cackov, Oliver (2013) Role of the Game in the Development of Preschool Child. Procedia, 92.p. 880.
  34. Sinclair B. The Teacher as Learner: Developing Autonomy in an Interactive Learning Environment // In Maintaining Control: Autonomy and Language Learning / eds. Richard Pemberton, Sarah Toogood and Andy. Hong Kong University Press, 2012.

Game as a way to maintain educational motivation of younger students

Justifying the position that the use of game elements in the educational process plays an important role, it is worth referring to the works of such psychologists as L.S. Vygotsky and D.B. Elkonin. After all, speaking about the mental development of students in the lower grades and, accordingly, relying on the works of the Soviet psychologist L.S. Vygotsky, it should be said that the leading activity for this age is play (Vygotsky, 1999; Elkonin, 1999).
Following A.N. Leontiev, we understand the game as the performance of meaningful, but unproductive actions, the motives of which are not the achievement of a certain goal, but the very process of their production. According to his works, the game is of particular importance for children of this age, since it contributes to the development of all mental processes necessary for the existence of a person in society (Leontiev, 1975). So, the Soviet teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky compared this type of activity with a window through which the child first learns to understand the world, and then most quickly receives and assimilates information and knowledge about it.
Despite the fact that the game is also the leading activity for preschool children, it does not cease to be relevant for primary school students. However, its content and direction is changing: there are more games with a variety of conditions and rules, the activity becomes more meaningful. Accordingly, we can conclude that the child learns to follow the rules and norms accepted in society indirectly, i.e. by following the rules of the game.
With the help of the reasonable use of the game in the classroom, the teacher can not only avoid many problems that arise in the educational process (for example, the frequent use of speech errors by students), but also make the learning process more interesting, fun, memorable, and most importantly productive. After all, for a child, play is a natural form of learning (Grishkova, 2004).
However, it is impossible to exclude some doubts that arise among teachers regarding gaming teaching methods. Often games are not used by teachers due to the fact that they have already been used at some time, but did not bring the desired results. Or teachers tend to believe that the game will only spoil the discipline established in the lesson, as a result of which only strictly didactic games are introduced into the educational process. However, such games are far from always interesting for students (especially for younger students), since most often these games are of a formal nature and do not differ from ordinary tasks and exercises. And since at the initial stage of training one of the most important tasks of the teacher is to educate and develop the student's conscious positive attitude towards learning activities, the game can be the best way to achieve the task. The game helps not only to arouse interest in learning, but also the desire to be a member of the educational team, respect the teacher and others, develops a craving not only for scientific knowledge, but also a craving for books and reading. Also, the relevance of using the game in the educational process is increasing due to the overload of modern schoolchildren with various information, which, without being filtered by a continuous stream, enters their consciousness. The game can facilitate this process by helping to streamline and consolidate the knowledge already acquired (Osmolovskaya, 2004).
Didactic game- the most acceptable type of game for learning. Its main functions include: the formation of interest in learning, generally significant skills and abilities (including the skills of self-control and self-esteem), the perception of correct social relations, as well as relieving stress from the learning process.
So. With the judicious use of the game, its value in teaching children of primary school age becomes apparent. When correlating it with other types of activities, correctly selecting the types of games, as well as thinking through the organizational side of the game, the teacher can not only improve the child's adaptation to the school and its rules, but also achieve high performance in learning.

1. Vygotsky L.S., Issues of child psychology, M.: Yurayt, 2016 - 199 p.
2. Vygotsky L.S., Pedagogical psychology, M.: PEDAGOGICS-PRESS, 1999 - 536 p.
3. Grishkova G.N., Yusubova I.B. Development of schoolchildren's cognitive independence in play activities // Elementary School - 2004, No. 11 - 41 p.
4. A. N. Leontiev, Activity. Consciousness. Personality // M.: Politizdat, 1975 - 130 p.
4. Osmolovskaya I.M., Playing in the classroom // Primary school. - 2004. - No. 5. – 13 s.
5. Pilipchuk L.V., Learning and playing // Primary school. - 2005, No. 10 - 84 p.
6. Elkonin D.B., Psychology of the game // M.: VLADOS, 1999 - 360 p.

Lushnikova Natalya Anatolyevna,

primary school teacher,

high school number 36,

Astana city

The role of the game in the education and upbringing of younger students.

Today, children spend more and more time in the society of a computer and TV: it is easier to deal with an obedient device, passively consuming the entertainment offered. Often a child gets into a strong dependence on the body - or computer reality, and games with peers who show their own will and who cannot be turned off with a button just scare him.

Bans won't help here. There is only one way out - children should know something more interesting than computer games and TV. Our children need play, a developed culture of play, because this is the best way to develop abilities, prepare for life, to communicate with people. The school cannot consider the game not their business.

The game in human life is of tremendous importance, and its role in the life of children is especially great. The younger the child, the greater the educational and developmental significance of games in his life. With age, games are replaced by more serious activities and work. However, even here the game does not completely disappear: business is time, fun is an hour, but even this hour often means a lot, and should not be neglected.

The game is one of the types of active activity. It equally contributes to both the acquisition of knowledge, activating this process, and the development of many personality traits.

The game has a wonderful property - it organizes learning itself. In the game, imperceptibly, by themselves, the walls separating the teacher and the student and the students themselves will disappear, a new atmosphere and new relationships will be born. The game itself teaches, teaches both children and adults, it gives birth to a living reality of free learning, creative, joyful, effective.

In the game, the effort of the child is always limited and regulated by the many efforts of other players. Every task-game includes, as its indispensable condition, the ability to coordinate one’s behavior with the behavior of others, to become actively involved with others, to attack and defend, to harm and help, to calculate in advance the result of one’s move in the total population of all players. Such a game is a living, social, collective experience of the child, and in this respect it is an absolutely indispensable tool for educating social skills and abilities.

Polish researcher Stefan Schumann says that play is a characteristic and peculiar form of a child's activity, thanks to which he learns and gains experience. At the same time, Schumann points to the fact that the game induces the highest emotional experiences in the child and activates him in the deepest way. According to Schumann, play can be seen as a developmental process, aimed in a peculiar way at the formation of observation, imagination, concepts and skills.

School practice and theoretical research in recent years also indicate that educational game activity as a form of learning fully meets the actual task of methodology, didactics, psychology and pedagogy, which seek to enhance the learning process. An educational game has the same structure as any educational activity, that is, it includes a goal, means, a game process and a result. In addition to educational, it pursues two goals at the same time - playing and educational. On the one hand, it is a means of modeling the surrounding reality, and on the other hand, it is a methodical method of teaching. Having a game task, rules, actions and other structural components of any game, it also has a learning goal and some conditions and means of its implementation. The creative atmosphere, freedom from the template that arise in the game, contribute to the liberation of the creative reserves of the human psyche, neutralize the feeling of anxiety, create a sense of calm, and facilitate interpersonal communication.

It is also necessary to take into account the age of schoolchildren: the younger they are, the more they need the game. At the same time, one should not be afraid that the interest that arises during the game is an interest in the game, and not in the learning process itself.

Here is what P.M.Baev writes in his book “Playing at Russian Language Lessons: A Handbook for Teachers of Foreign Schools”.

1) the game is an effective means of educating cognitive interests and

revitalization of students' activities;

2) a properly organized game, taking into account the specifics of the material, trains

memory, helps students develop speech skills;

3) the game stimulates the mental activity of students, develops

attention and cognitive interest in the subject;

4) the game is one of the methods of overcoming the passivity of students;

5) in the team, each student is responsible for the entire

team, everyone is interested in the best result of their team,

everyone strives to complete the task as quickly and successfully as possible.

Thus, competition enhances performance

all students, and the games proposed by Baev for students of foreign schools can be used in finished or modified form in Russian language lessons in a Russian school.

But how to dress the lesson in a game form in school practice? There are a great many options, but, in my opinion, the following conditions must be observed:

1) compliance of the game with the educational goals of the lesson;

2) accessibility for students of this age;

3) moderation in the use of games in the classroom.

In addition, within the framework of the topic, I would single out the following types of lessons:

1) role-playing games in the lesson (staging);

2) game organization of the educational process using game

assignments (lesson - competition, lesson - competition, lesson - journey,

lesson - KVN);

3) game organization of the educational process using tasks,

which are usually offered in a traditional lesson (find a spelling, perform one of the types of parsing, etc.);

4) the use of the game at a certain stage of the lesson (beginning, middle,

the end; acquaintance with new material, consolidation of knowledge, skills,

skills, repetition and systematization of the studied);

5) various types of extracurricular work in the Russian language (linguistic KVN, excursions, evenings, olympiads, etc.), which can be carried out between students of different classes of the same parallel.

So, in the course of the game, the world of childhood is connected with the world of science. In games, the student receives various knowledge and information freely. Therefore, often what seemed difficult in the lesson, even unattainable for the student, is easily learned during the game. Interest and pleasure are important psychological effects of the game.

At the same time, the more often children play, the less they perceive the game as an unexpected "break" in their studies, the easier and more accurately they will tune in to the game.

This, I think, is enough to understand how serious scientific

reasoning about the role of play in the life of a child, and an adult too.

There is only one conclusion: the game teaches.

By the way, it is important for the teacher to have a good command of the methodology for conducting gaming exercises and games, which consist in observing a certain pace, providing children with relatively greater independence. The goal of the game should also be clearly set in order to obtain certain information on the topic under study as a result.

Here is an example:

Guessing a fairy tale - riddles "Big relatives".

Once upon a time there was a root, ordinary, not very complex, but very ancient. During his long life, he acquired a large family. Here are nouns: construction, builder, construction, building and adjectives: construction, drill, and verbs: build, build. Relatives and friends rarely see each other, there is no time to write letters, so our elder decided to gather all his large relatives. Sent out invitation cards. The brothers were the first to respond - the verbs to build and build with families. The rest did not keep themselves waiting long. Appeared. Lined up. Everyone is like a match, they love to do business, everyone has their own prefix for that: who you are, who has before, has and for, on, from, to, od, at. The hospitable host rejoiced, became proud: "Well done, relatives, what a rich collection of consoles they have collected!" Business verbs, energetic. And today they are working, and in the past they have worked for glory, and they do not forget about the future. Nouns do not lag behind them - they rush to visit their grandfather. They have a lot of prefixes, and they are not poor in suffixes.

1. Try to write down these many relatives.

2. What is the name of the elder - the progenitor, from whom they all descended?

The analysis showed that the lesson achieved its goal. The use of these techniques made it possible to determine how firmly the children acquired knowledge on this topic. These techniques helped to reveal the level of knowledge of children in an interesting, entertaining form for them, to intensify the mental activity of younger students.

Carrying out work on developing a positive attitude of students to the game in the learning process, in my work I also use didactic games in Russian language lessons, which not only contribute to the activation of mental activity, but also improve the quality of students' knowledge.

Speech at the methodological association of primary school teachers on the topic "The role of the game in teaching elementary grades."

“A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around flows into the spiritual world of a child. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.

Sukhomlinsky V.A..

  1. The game is the most important means of mental education of the child.

A huge role in the development and upbringing of the child belongs to the game - the most important type of children's activity. It is an effective means of shaping the child's personality, his moral and volitional qualities; the need to influence the world is realized in the game. In addition, the game is a kind of way of assimilation of social experience.

Krupskaya N.K. in many articles she spoke about the meaning of the game. “... Amateur imitative play, which helps to master the impressions received, is of great importance. Much more than anything else." Gorky A.M. expresses the same idea. “Play is the way for children to learn about the world they live in and which they are called to change.”

The game is an important means of mental education of the child. The knowledge acquired at school and at home finds practical application and development in the game. Reproducing various life events, episodes from fairy tales and stories, the child reflects on what he saw, what he was read and told about; the meaning of many phenomena, their meaning becomes more understandable for him.

In the process of learning activity, the younger student is in dire need of organizing his mental activity; he still does not have the arbitrariness to such an extent that he can independently engage in educational activities. It is difficult for younger students to understand orders, prohibitions, calls to the duty of a student, they cannot linger on educational tasks for a long time, they quickly get bored with monotony. They strive for play activities, for them the game is the meaning of life, they cannot live without activity. At the same time, the game requires the child's intelligence, attention, teaches endurance, develops the ability to quickly navigate and find the right solution. Forcing a younger student to study can lead to one thing: he will dislike school, learning, books, and the teacher himself. And the main task of a primary school teacher is to awaken in every child a craving for knowledge, to form a moral and volitional readiness for educational activities, which involves learning the rules of communication in a team, the ability to obey the requirements of an adult, conscious acceptance of norms of behavior. And this can be achieved by the teacher in playing activities with children in the classroom. The teacher, providing the direct learning effect of the game, should regularly demonstrate to young students their achievements: they should systematically make sure that they did not know how to start the game in the classroom, but by the end of it they learned it. The student realizes that the teacher praises him not only for his good participation in the general game, but also for the result - for the acquired knowledge and skills. And the little student is filled with pride because he is a real schoolboy, because he does not just play, but learns!

  1. The role of the game in teaching younger students.

In order for the educational activity of the child to acquire a solid motivational basis, he must discover for himself that the goal of educational activity is not just to fulfill the requirements of the teacher, but to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities. The younger student should experience the joy of mental stress, the joy of overcoming the intellectual difficulties that the solution of educational problems brings. But for this he must want to be included in their decision. This is where an educational game can be an indispensable assistant for a teacher.

In order for the game to provide a solution to this strategic task, it should not precede the training “let's play, and then we will start learning”, not alternate with it “played - learned”, but a form of organization of the collective, teacher-led learning activities of the class. With this use, the game can form in children the qualities necessary for the formation of educational activities:

A) a general positive attitude towards the school, the subject;

B) the desire to constantly expand their capabilities, develop abilities, “build” themselves in collaboration with the teacher and classmates;

C) awareness of ways aimed at expanding one's capabilities, i.e. learning activities, including ways of self-control and self-assessment.

One of the leading methods for children of primary school age is didactic games, plot-role-playing and creative games.