How to move heavy furniture in the apartment. How to move heavy furniture

  • 12.06.2019

As soon as homeowners have a desire to update the interior a bit, the question arises of how to move heavy furniture over linoleum without damaging it. It turns out there are a lot of options. Some of them are rational and predictable, others are unusual, but no less effective. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with all possible ways.

Folk methods

Let's start with how to move furniture on linoleum, using the best practices of the public. For example, this can be done with:

  • "Felt boots". Yes, boots made of felted wool, indispensable in the village. They can only be used if the cabinet has legs 5-8 cm long. The product first leans to one side, “puts on” the first pair of shoes, then similar actions are done with the remaining legs. You need to use only old felt boots, thick and completely woolen. Disadvantage of the method: not every house has such shoes.
  • Skins of fresh fat. They are placed under the legs of the piece of furniture, which begins to slide easily and easily, even if it has a very solid weight. Do not use skins from an old product, or completely cut off from the tallow. In both cases, there will be no sliding effect.
  • In the case of furniture without legs, you can use thick slices of fresh potatoes. They are placed under the four corners of the product, and it can be dragged.
  • Another unconventional way to move furniture without tearing the linoleum is to place 4 rolling pins under it to roll out the dough.
  • In the course of following the sofa or wardrobe, the floor is rubbed with a saturated soapy solution.
  • Wet rags or plastic covers are placed under the legs of the interior item.
  • The floor is wetted with water, a piece of old linoleum is placed under each leg of the cabinet or just under each of its corners, and you can start sliding.

Modern solutions to the problem

If we talk about more relevant and aesthetic ways of how to move furniture on linoleum, then we can outline two paths for the development of events:

  • A piece of furniture must be completely or partially disassembled, and then transferred to a new place element by element, which sometimes can be done alone. If there are no relevant skills or specific tools, you can always invite apartment moving specialists.
  • If you have big house, and you're in for a major reshuffle, purchase or rent special lifting carts ("rockets"), like those used by loaders in shopping centers.

Consequences of negligence

As you can see, society has long acquired a lot of options for how to move furniture when laying linoleum, or when the flooring has been in its place for several years.

Be sure to take advantage of existing best practices, or engage residential moving specialists to carry out the upcoming work. Do not rely on the assurances of the manufacturer of linoleums that finishing material withstands any mechanical damage.

In reality, the legs of an antique cabinet or bureau can easily tear it, scratch the linoleum, or leave a wrinkled mark on it. Yes, these defects can be masked, which we will talk about in one of the subsequent publications, but the mood and general impression from the interior will still be spoiled.

Rearranging furniture in the house is one of the most entertaining processes throughout the renovation. There are elements of furniture that can be lifted and moved, there are easily disassembled, and there is a large heavy closet in almost every house. Here's how to move a heavy cabinet, every person should know, because. even with very developed muscles, it is very difficult to do this without damaging anything.

To move a large closet, you need to be in good physical shape.

This problem is not new and will confront people for a very long time.

To solve it, 2 variants of methods are usually used, folk and modern, and the advantage by a wide margin is on the side of the folk.

Along the way, it is worth remembering that the cabinet does not always have legs, so you have to adjust the tactics used to suit the circumstances.

Folk ways

The oldest version is felt boots. This option is used only in cases where the legs are present, and their length is at least 5-8 cm. In order to start moving the cabinet, you must first tilt it in one direction and put on the first pair of legs, then the other and put on the second pair. Only old woolen options are used, because. modern "ugg boots" and rag counterparts will not slip.

If the cabinet is too large, you can disassemble it into parts, and then fold it in a new place.

  1. Movement is possible on any type of floor covering, while even the thinnest varnish is not damaged.
  2. After moving, boots are almost not erased.
  1. Few houses have these real high-quality products of Russian folk life.
  2. In second place is the option with lard. In this case, greasy skins (they are required) are placed under the legs and even the most massive closet, stuffed to the top with things, will move easily and naturally. In no case should you use old lard or bare skins, because. in both cases, the same problem arises - the lack of slip.
  1. The easiest method to implement.
  2. Even a completely unprepared physically person can use it.

  1. A product is used, in the use of which few people can refuse themselves.
  2. Washing greasy floors in 1 time will not work with every cleaning agent.
  3. Potato is used almost as often as lard, but it is better to use it on wooden surfaces. To do this, the potatoes are cut in half and stacked cut down, after which you can safely drag the cabinet. Most often, this option is used precisely in the complete absence of legs, because. It's hard to get balance on your feet.
  1. Working in difficult circumstances.
  2. Availability.
  1. Misuse of products.
  2. Leaves traces of starch on the floor.

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Modern options

Assembly-disassembly. This option is used extremely rarely, but it has a place to be. Modern chipboard cabinets can often be divided into several sections and simply moved by hand, and then assembled again. With an electric screwdriver or screwdriver, the installation procedure takes a matter of minutes.

Speed ​​and simplicity.

Moving the cabinet is much easier if it has wheels.

Carrying even one block still requires physical preparation.

Use of linoleum and plastic covers. simple and fast way move the cabinet from one point to another. In this case, the covers are used under the legs, and linoleum is placed under the panels without them. For sliding, the floor surface is wetted with water, so the only complication in the process will be to budge.

  1. Preservation of the used material in its original form.
  2. Ability to adapt to circumstances.
  3. Movement on any type of flooring.
  1. You have to apply force.
  2. Water must be collected immediately after movement so that it does not have a negative effect.

As a result, it should be noted that each of the proposed options enjoys well-deserved popularity, and it is impossible to single out the best one among them, because. each is good only under their circumstances. Almost each of them can help even a very fragile person cope with the task, but if this does not help or there are serious injuries, then it is better to ask someone for help, because health must be protected.

Sometimes it happens that you need to move a heavy cabinet momentarily, and there is absolutely no one to help move the furniture. Knowing how, you can move yourself.

To simplify your work of moving furniture, make the cabinet, sideboard, chest of drawers, table or as light as possible. Remove drawers, shelves, boxes, etc. from them. Now the work will go much easier.

Nylon lids and milk bags

Place nylon lids from glass jars or plastic bottles under the furniture legs. The coefficient of friction between the floor surface and the legs, for example, of a cabinet will decrease significantly and the furniture will not be able to slide, but it will become much easier to move around.

The same effect can be achieved by placing milk bags under the legs of furniture. Thanks to the paraffin that covers the surface of the packages, it will be possible to move the furniture even alone.

Paraffin, wax and laundry soap

Continuing the theme of paraffin, they can rub the floor, or rather the intended trajectory of movement, and then the furniture will move without titanic efforts on your part.

Suitable for both paraffin and wax candles. A similar effect can be achieved by rubbing the floor with a household one.

Traces of paraffin, wax and soap can be easily washed off with warm water after moving the furniture.

raw potatoes

The starch found in raw potatoes is an excellent lubricant. Why not use this property to facilitate the movement of furniture?

After cutting raw potatoes into circles about 5 cm thick, in the middle of each circle, make a hole the size of a cabinet or sideboard leg.

Place the circle of potatoes so that the leg of the furniture being moved fits exactly into the cut hole in its center.

Even a small amount of starch released between the leg and the floor surface will greatly facilitate the movement of furniture.

Woolen or felt rug

If placed under furniture thick and durable

Each of us has had such moments in life when it became necessary to move heavy furniture, whether it be a wardrobe or a sofa. In this article, you will find 5 tips on how to do this so as not to damage the flooring and at the same time not to overstrain yourself.

Council number 1.

Of course, you can not strain yourself, but invite large and strong men from among relatives and acquaintances who will help move heavy furniture. If the furniture is simply dragged by hand, then this can result in accidental breakage of furniture, peeled jambs or floors. As well as injuries if someone puts a closet on his foot.

Council number 2.

To move heavy furniture around the apartment, you must use any material that can slide on the floor: a rug, an old felt boot, and even simple slippers if you put them with the soles up.

Council number 3.

Also, as a lining under the legs, you can use ordinary nylon covers (which can be found in any home), if they are coated with paraffin on the outside for better glide.

Council number 4.

If the floor is covered floor tiles or linoleum, then you can apply any detergent(laundry soap, shampoo, dishwashing gel). Slippery floors make it easy to move heavy furniture. The main thing is not to slip under yourself.

Council number 5.

For those who like to rearrange furniture in their apartment too often, Easy Moves is a unique system for moving heavy furniture.

With the help of a special ergonomic lever, you can lift any furniture with very little effort. And by placing slippery pads under the legs of the sofa or the corners of the cabinet, you can easily move the furniture in any direction.

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The main thing is to follow basic safety rules when moving heavy furniture. It is better to play it safe once again, and not rush.

How to move a heavy cabinet without scratching the floor?

    There is - lard, potatoes, plastic lids, etc., etc. The lard is greasy, the potatoes will fall apart, the lids can be scratched, etc. But all this is in the past.

    Now special rollers for moving furniture are sold in stores, they are cheap. Or purchase a furniture conveyor right away and there are no problems.

    If the furniture has legs, then you can apply plastic bottles, or rather their bottom. That is, you just need to cut off the bottom of the bottles and put furniture legs in them. This way the integrity is maintained. floor covering and it will be easier to move heavy furniture.

    When we moved a heavy cabinet, we used two methods. First, you can put a wet rag under the legs and slowly move the cabinet. So the floor will not be scratched and it will be much easier. The cabinet will slide across the floor. The second way is to put raw potatoes under the cabinet legs. Potatoes can be cut in half or a slightly smaller piece can be used. These methods have helped us.

    we put the potato in half under each leg and it goes forward like clockwork, lay the potato with a cut to the floor and lower it slowly so as not to crush, only an hour ago I moved the set for the living room Orpheus 12

    I think to buy special devices for the movement of furniture is not rational. It's like hiring professional movers for this job.

    It is better to move heavy furniture in the apartment with the help of large pieces. solid linoleum or thick cardboard placed under the legs of the furniture. Or thin and long boards or plywood, if any.

    In addition to the above, you can put polyethylene (plastic) lids under the legs of a cabinet or other furniture that close the jars. This will make sliding easier and will save the floor from streaks.

    Some rub the floor with a thin layer of soap and this will also help the glide.

    There is. When I was little, the adults moved the closet in the following way. We took 2 small raw potatoes. cut them in half. Each half was placed under the cabinet leg, with a cut on the floor. Slightly tilting the cabinet is quite within the power of 2-3 women. After the cupboard was placed on top of the potatoes, it was pushed together. On the painted floor, he moved relatively easily. The floor was not scratched. After, the potatoes were harvested.

    The most logical option is call grown men. They locker instead neatly and transfer. If necessary, they will first put it on its side, then transfer it, and then put it again. The main thing is to be able to ask. Everything else, as they say, will come by itself. And of course, remove the children from the aisle for a while, so that they do not interfere with the men to move the closet.

    Mom and I moved the closet together, slipping a carpet over it. That is, right on the track and drove. You can substitute the track at far corners using any long stick or mop. The only condition is that there is somewhere to tilt the cabinet.

    1. Putting a piece of bacon under the legs of the cabinet is the most effective way.
    2. Wipe the floor with a wet rag - it will be much easier to move, but do you still need to push to the wet area? Then put fat under the legs 🙂