Diana arbenina neck tattoo. Ten star tattoos: what is the meaning of them

  • 29.06.2020

The singer released a single and came to Kiev with a performance.

Leader of the Night Snipers and one ofstar trainers the first "Voice of the Country" Diana the other day she released a single, in the evening Arbenina sang new and old songs in one of the capital's clubs. And the singer found time for an interview with , tells .

- Diana, you talk about children very easily, at what moment did this degree of publicity come easily to you?

I hid them. When God gave me this pregnancy, I realized that I would not have a life. I had to leave Russia, I went to America, and there I went through these very hot months, when I had such a belly that I could not see my knees.

While I was pregnant, I read 2 books - how to raise twins. That is, I am not one of those moms who sat and did Pilates on balls. Or went to yoga, or suddenly plunged into the pool, I went through the whole pregnancy very smoothly. And I gave birth and I came to Russia. And I, of course, did not show them to anyone.

- Did they stay there, in the States?

I brought them with me. It's just that we did everything in order not to shine, this is speculation, conjuncture. Then they went, then they started talking, then they began to express their points of view, and they became small people. And I realized that I need to involve them in my life, because I do nothing shameful. At the age of 3, they began to appear with me.

- How often do you take them with you somewhere?

- It was a few concerts, two concerts in Russia, by the way, they came to Ukraine. I spent a lot of time in Kiev, I know it well, and I know where there are playgrounds, we walked around the squares together, so they just came for the weekend to spend it with my mother.

- That's when you leave, with whom do the children stay?

Nanny. There was only one case, so they practically did not get sick. There was no such attack when I would be scared: suddenly they got sick with something, and I was on tour in Chita. It so happened that the daughter was released into the kindergarten in a T-shirt, and on top in a windbreaker.

- Does she go to a regular kindergarten?

Yes, they go to an ordinary kindergarten, to a Montesorri group.

- Do you like your mother's songs?

I was asked this question: do they listen to their mother's songs, put them on? I say "No. True, I do not. Do you sing your songs? I say: no, I don’t sing, I sing Soviet lullabies. Some Soviet songs, clouds, white-maned horses.

Nanny, driver, they all love what I do. they at some point began to play them acoustic songs. Then they turned on the electricity and they sang electric songs. You see. Lines began to fall out of them, so cool. They love early songs, from the album "Tsunami". And now you put on another album for them, which they have not heard, and they say: well, mom, you can have new songs. These are not new songs. – new!

- Are you a strict mother?

I'm afraid of my temper. When you realize that you can’t restrain yourself now, we’ll say there, specifically tell them or somehow rudely, and so on, you just need to leave. I go out onto the porch, breathe, come back. Because sometimes they get it.

They still have character. Especially the daughter. There it is. Just a theme somehow simpler. Whenever I am at home, I am always there. I pick them up myself kindergarten, I bring, I take away, I feed, and so on. I like it simple.

- Are you ready to eat?

Do you know how cool I cook soups! Seriously, there will be no age of will!

- Can you go outside in sweatpants?

- And people meet you: are you Diana Arbenina?

I say yes, so what.

- May I take a picture with you?

Do you think this is appropriate? Oh please. I'm just bad at it. By the way, you know, the most sparkling answer to this phrase is, "I'm not good at it." They say so are we!

- Your songs are very personal.

I get it like this. I need a fuse. So we talked with you and suddenly I understand that I need to go and write. And this song will be about you, and about this moment ... That's how the song, conditionally, "Catastrophically". They are born, in principle, out of love for a person. Which is very important.

- Do you often fall in love?

No, not often. Don't fry, don't fry, that's what I'll say. It's always the last time for me. And it's always like that, you know, seriously, and always "ahh" and that's it. And flew away. I have no, there can be no retreat.

So, you know, so that I suffer and maybe I was always lucky, I never had unrequited love. Never. I've always fallen in love so much that it all worked out so well.

The group "Night Snipers", despite the fact that we are 20 years old today, I have now recorded a double acoustic album, 30 songs, 2 records, one completely new, and the other - archival. For me, the most important thing is to write songs, raise children and write songs.

- Do you see Surganova?

No, why. The train left.

- You have an interesting tattoo. What does she mean?

I will not say. Well, leave me something.

The bodies of popular artists of the Russian stage are often decorated with numerous tattoos. To your attention - a star dozen of musicians, known for their great love to emphasize individuality with drawings, phrases and symbols on the skin. Enjoy watching!

Perhaps the record holder for the number of tattoos is the rapper and businessman Timati. The artist admits that each image and inscription on his body carries a certain meaning.

Tattoos occupy more than 70% of Timati's body. Even on the phalanges of the fingers, signs and symbols are embossed.

It looks like tattoos are becoming a hallmark of rappers!

Photo: Instagram Timati @timatiofficial

Basta's tattoos (Vasily Vakulenko)

Basta is a Russian rap artist, composer and producer - the owner of tattoos on both forearms.

Photo: Instagram Basta @bastaakanoggano

Tattoos by Yegor Creed

Egor Creed admits that he got his first tattoo at the age of 14! Today, the favorite of the female audience is 22 years old, and the number of tattoos on the body has increased significantly.

Photo: Egor Creed's Instagram @egorkreed

Dzhigan - a famous hip-hop artist and professional athlete - is seriously passionate about tattooing.

Tattoos Nargiz Zakirova

Nargiz Zakirova is the owner of extraordinary talent and extravagant appearance. Each Nargiz tattoo is associated with a specific event in her life, so the first one appeared after emigrating to America. “The tattoo is a diary of my life,” the singer admits.

Tattoos by Roman Pashkov ("Degrees")

The soloist of the group "Degrees" Roman Pashkov is the owner of a large number of tattoos and, it seems, does not plan to stop there!

Photo: Roman Pashkov's Instagram @pashock_official

Bianca's tattoos

Tattoos on the hands of the queen of Russian R'n'B are not just decoration.

Bianca refers to tattoos as symbols that can affect life and bring good luck.
Photo: Instagram Bianchi @biankarnb

Former members"Quest Pistols" reunited and started developing a new group "Agon". The soloists of the outrageous team - Anton Savlepov, Nikita Goryuk and Konstantin Borovsky - are passionate about tattooing.

Photo: Instagram group "Agon" @yo_agon

Tattoo Garik Burito

Band'Eros musician Igor Burnyshev is actively involved in his own project - Burito. The artist admits that with the appearance of special images on the body, the internal state has changed. Garik Burito intends to develop a whole complex of tattoos for himself.

Photo: Instagram Igor Burito @garburito

The leader of the Night Snipers group, Diana Arbenina, comments on the meaning of one of the tattoos on her arm as a symbol of faith. The phrase, engraved in Hebrew, in an approximate translation sounds like this: "Everything is still between us."

"Night Sniper" fired everyone from the group with whom she once started

Behind the scenes of the 20th Invasion rock festival, Diana Arbenina talked to reporters with pleasure. The “night sniper” who recently celebrated her 45th birthday spoke about the main thing.

- What is the main "sniper shot" in your life?- asked Arbenina.

My children are twins Marta and Artem. And there will be nothing cooler in my life .... I fed the children for a year and three. And I am convinced that if you breastfeed your child, he will get sick less.

- And what does the child absorb with mother's milk? Taste for music as well?

Well, yes. I don't think that if I had brought them up on some wideport, they would be listening to Muse now, for example. Or would you know who Amy Wahinhouse. Or would you know who Freddie Mercury. We need to teach children ... not just to teach them, we just need to put on good music for them and just talk. But you can't force anything. It will be a rejection. But we're all right.

- What should a musician have to get into your personal playlist?

Nerve. Everyone has his own, of course. Now I'm listening to the album Thom Yorke, his solo album, and for me it's just a plague! With him I went to the "Invasion".

Everyone has their own nerve, their favorite song. Now I may disappoint you a little. If we talk about imported music, in it the text is secondary for me. And the primary note. But since I'm not stupid and I write good lyrics, I don't pay attention to them. A person who speaks correctly and writes in such a way that he is not ashamed.

You have become so popular. They came out of the underground and no matter what channel you turn on, you are there. Do you feel that you have ascended to the musical Olympus?

I don't feel popular. Now, when I came to the passport office, changed my passport (in connection with the 45th anniversary - Ed.), They all began to take pictures with me there. Cool, but nothing more. You have to work and not think about popularity. Popularity is all bullshit. Foam. Blowed it off and everything. And most importantly, when you blow it off, everything was fine there. The main thing is to write new songs. I write so I don't need anything to be in a great mood and burst with energy, which is what is happening now.

Take care of yourself and have more sex.

- Most strange place where did you perform?

Bay of Biscay, Kruzenshtern (Russian sailing ship - Ed.). I had an acoustic recital for sailors there. After him, the captain came up to me and said: “Now you are ours, yours.” It's very hard to play in a storm, and you're with a guitar and there's no one else on stage. And the fingers were very cold, because when the sun sets, it becomes very cold.

- What have you never done in your life?

Don't renounce prison and scrip. It is very difficult for me if I suddenly have to hesitate and remove something that will lead to some consequences. For example, it is not very joyful for me to fire people. But it has to be done. There is no one left in the Night Snipers who started with me. Any cardinal actions bring great pain and great heaviness to the heart. I don't like this.

- Tell us about your tattoos?

Each person has their own reasons for doing them. I didn't make them for beauty. Each tattoo is evidence that I survived. Thus, I get rid of the fatal amount of pain that I have. I am not only funny, but also smart, I repeat. And it's hard for smart people to live in the world ...

October 03, 2018

If many foreign stars do not hide that they prefer to build relationships with representatives of their own sex and even openly marry them, as the star of the TV series “Sex in big city» Cynthia Nixon, then Russian celebrities give enough reason for rumors.

"Show me Love…". Where did the rumors about the unconventional orientation of Tatu, Allegrova and others come from. Source: Globallookpress.com

Lena Katina, ex-member of the Tatu group, turns 34 on October 4. Today she is a wife and. The singer does not seem to remember the times when the scandalous image of lesbian girls brought her and her colleague Yulia Volkova worldwide popularity. Meanwhile, the orientation of the “tatushki” still haunts Internet users, many today are sincerely sure that the story about same-sex love was not a game for the public, but the truth. the site finds out what's what, and recalls the stories of our other artists who were or are suspected of preferring women to men.


Tatu group. Source: Globallookpress.com

more on the topic

One of the first that the “tatushki” were tritely forced to “turn pink”, said the former composer of the group Sergey Galoyan. This idea came from producer Ivan Shapovalov and songwriter and co-producer of Tatu Elena Kiper thanks to the Swedish film Show Me Love about two girls who are friends, but society does not understand them. The culmination of the picture was a scene in which the girlfriends kissed in spite of everyone, and the adults thought they were lesbians.

The image of "Tatu" was almost completely "removed" from this film. At first, Shapovalov planned to show beautiful story girlish friendship is “on the verge”, but, having seen the reaction of the public, I realized that the topic of same-sex love is a real “gold mine”. In life, Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova were interested in boys, this was not forbidden, but not advertised.

"Night snipers"

Diana Arbenina. Source: Source: Globallookpress.com

more on the topic

Rumors that the members of the rock group and Svetlana Surganova are in close relationship with each other arose almost simultaneously with the appearance of the group, and the more popular the Night Spipers became, the more this topic was exaggerated. At one of the photo exhibitions, the group was even “erected” to the banner of the lesbian movement, however, according to Surganova, no one discussed this idea with them. “I can’t forbid people to lift me up on the flagpole. They probably have a reason, ”she said then. And then she once said in an interview that she loves men, although "they have one small drawback - not all of them are women."

Svetlana Surganova. Source: Globallookpress.com

Many representatives of sexual minorities always came to the concerts of the Night Snipers, and some fans believed that it was thanks to the romance of the girls that the best hits of the Snipers were born: love, as you know, inspires. But Surganova and Arbenina preferred not to talk about personal matters either during the existence of the Night Snipers or after the breakup of the group. In 2010, Arbenina gave birth to twin children, not from an unknown donor, as some suggested, but from completely real man. True, she hid his name.

Zemfira Ramazanova

Zemfira / photo: globallook.com

more on the topic

Renata Litvinova / photo: globallook.com

Rumors that a beautiful blonde, who has the same beautiful daughter and has been married twice, is not indifferent to women, have been around for a long time. Gossip that Renata Litvinova prefers brunettes. In the yellow press, you can find the revelations of women who could not resist the sexuality of the actress. In the 90s and early 2000s, there was talk of a close relationship between Litvinova and designer Elena Suprun, who dressed her in many films. Together they went to parties, the movie star was seen every now and then in the bohemian studio-apartment of Suprun. IN last years gossip is fueled by the tender friendship of Renata Litvinova with singer Zemfira, which has lasted for many years: the stars spend a lot of time together, work together, tenderly each other with significant dates, publish eloquent ones. Idyll?

Irina Allegrova. Photo: globallook

At one time, the "empress" of the Russian pop scene was considered almost the oldest lesbian in our stage. In many ways, this was facilitated by her image of an imperious lady. They assured that the artist was in connection with her former female concert director, and one of the fans told the press about her intimate relationship with the artist. The star of the pop scene herself commented on these rumors very dryly and reminded that she had been married several times - and always to men.

Eva Polna

Eva Polna.

In preparation for Amsterdam Day #stereotypeOFF, we will break the stereotype about tattoos and politics. You probably think that these two concepts are completely incompatible. But we will object to you: they are very compatible! Status not allowed? Stereotype! We live in a time when a person can and should feel free, show his individuality. Do you still not believe? Attention: tattooed politicians!

Sergei Shoigu - member of the team to save the world

The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Sergei Shoigu, is the owner of a very serious tattoo. According to the stories of one of the masters of the leading Moscow tattoo parlor, Sergey Kuzhugetovich and his deputies made the same tattoos for themselves. The basis of the tattoo is the inscription SOS. The letter O is made in the shape of the Earth, and above one of the letters S is the blood type of the owner of the tattoo. On one side of the tattoo is the inscription "EMERCOM of Russia", on the other - "Rescue Service" in English.

Justin Trudeau - the first tattooed prime minister

In general, Justin Trudeau is the person who destroys absolutely all stereotypes regarding the image of the politician we are used to. He wears colored socks, does yoga, snowboarding and bungee jumping. He also has a large tattoo. "My tattoo is the planet Earth inside a haida crow. I got the globe when I was 23, and Robert Davidson's crow for my 40th birthday." Trudeau showed off this tattoo in a charity boxing match.

Vladimir Beketov and his "non-criminal tattoos"

The deputy and chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory, Vladimir Beketov, is not at all shy about his tattoos. On his left hand there is an inscription: "will", and on the right you can see the sun and mountains. Many may mistakenly assume that such tattoos are traces of a criminal past. But one of the masters of the Krasnodar tattoo parlor said that these tattoos could have been made while serving in the army. Usually they are beaten by those who served in Kamchatka and Sakhalin.

Jon Gnarr - Icelandic punk politician

Icelandic comedian, writer, musician and politician, Jon Gnarr, former mayor of Reykjavik, wears a large number of tattoos, including the coat of arms of the capital of Iceland, the Jolly Roger flag, the emblem of the 1970s British punk band Crass, and an image of the state of Texas.

Evgeny Surnin - scarab brings good luck

Evgeny Surnin is not only a deputy of the city duma of the city of Rezhev, Sverdlovsk region, but also a biker. On the top of his head is a huge scarab with a cross. "This is a talisman of good luck, prosperity, as well as a symbol of reincarnation after death," the people's choice assures.

John Vetterman - you've never seen such a mayor

Since 2005, this man has proudly been the mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania, USA. On his left hand you can see the numbers - it's nothing but Braddock's zip code. On his right hand, Fetterman puts dates that record the murders of townspeople during his time in power.

Stylish Irina Khakamada prefers tattoos with meaning

A well-known politician, Irina Khakamada, has a hieroglyph tattooed on her right shoulder. Its meaning stands for "the ability to fight for life." For Irina, this tattoo is a kind of amulet. But Irina Khakamada did not stop at one hieroglyph, and therefore today a tree and birds flaunt on her hand.

Stephanie, Princess of Monaco

Youngest daughter of the Prince of Monaco Rainier III and Hollywood actress, Grace Kelly, Stefania simply loves to cover her body with tattoos: she has an S-shaped snake engraved on her back, and a bracelet with a sun symbol on her right wrist. The princess has tattoos in the lumbar region, on her ankle and on her stomach - just like that, another stereotype about how princesses look is crumbling right before your eyes.

Mikhail Dobkin "lit up" a tattoo on Epiphany bathing

Ukrainian politician Mikhail Dobkin has a cobra tattoo on his left forearm. In criminal circles, this means "connection with thieves." But we want to move away from stereotypes, and therefore let's dwell on another meaning of this tattoo - "power".

Caroline Kennedy allowed herself a mini tattoo

The US Ambassador to Japan and the daughter of President Kennedy, Caroline, got a small butterfly tattoo on her back in the 70s. right hand while traveling to Hong Kong.

Iosif Kobzon proudly demonstrates an eagle on his shoulder

State Duma deputy, singer Iosif Kobzon is not shy about showing off his eagle tattoo on his left shoulder. "She's neutral," he says. In his youth, Kobzon had many tattoos: the initials of him and his good friends, a ring on his finger, and the inscription "I will not forget my mother" on his right forearm. When Kobzon became a great artist, all tattoos, except for one, had to be reduced, since morals in those days were harsh. Everything is changing, including the attitude to underwear drawings.

Jesse Jackson Jr. is a politician who loves body painting

Former congressman, politician, member of the US Democratic Party, Jesse Jackson Jr., tries every year to do new tattoo. On the hands of the politician are already filled with images of members of the Jackson family, the coat of arms of the university fraternity Omega Psi Phi, in which he was a member, as well as the hero of his childhood - actor Bruce Lee.
All these people break our stereotypes that a tattoo is a political bad manners. Tattoo is spirit inner freedom is an opportunity to make your appearance more interesting, emphasize your individuality.