Nettle soup. How to make soup with young, green nettles and dumplings Nettle soup with dumplings without meat

  • 22.04.2024

We all know very well about the benefits of greens for our body. But very often we ignore, ridicule and pass by a real treasure trove of usefulness. And this is all about nettle - a real natural pharmacy.

Nettle is rich in a huge amount of vitamins, microelements and flavonoids. It is most attractive for culinary purposes in May, precisely when our body feels the most severe lack of vitamins. So why not replenish our supplies with the help of an ordinary plant. Let's prepare a very tasty and incredibly healthy nettle soup with dumplings, the recipe for which is given below.

Ingredients of a tasty and healthy potion


  • water - 3 liters;
  • meat for broth (chicken, pork, beef) - 600 - 700 gr.;
  • nettle - at your request, more - 400 gr.;
  • potatoes - 3 - 5 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • greens - to taste;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

For the dumplings:

  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • water - 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • flour - 100 gr.

Cooking process

First we need to prepare the broth for our soup. Let's take a pan of the required volume, put our meat there and put it on the fire. When cooking broth there are some subtleties that are very important.

So, for example, you should immediately salt the water so that the meat releases all its juices and the broth turns out to be very rich. Cook the broth over low heat (after it boils, reduce to a minimum so that the boil is simply maintained) and constantly skim off the foam so that the broth is clear and not cloudy.

After we have prepared the correct broth, we can proceed directly to the soup itself. To do this, cut the pre-peeled potatoes into medium-sized cubes and place them in our boiling broth.

We also add carrots, which can be grated on a medium or coarse grater, or cut into cubes, circles, flowers - your imagination.

While our vegetables are cooking, we need to make dough for the dumplings. Take one egg, add 5 tablespoons of water and flour to it (approximately 100 grams). The dough should have a consistency reminiscent of semolina porridge.

Our next step will be to prepare the most important ingredient - nettle.

Let's start with the fact that nettles must be collected away from the city, from highways and other polluted objects.

For soup you need to take only the top shoots. Which must first be rinsed well and boiled in boiling water for 3 minutes - no more. Next, you need to put the nettles in a colander, let them drain thoroughly and only after all this cut them.

When our vegetables are cooked until half cooked, add onions pre-fried in vegetable oil.

Next, add nettles to the soup and lay out the dumplings. The dumplings are laid out using two teaspoons, since their consistency does not require any other method. It is necessary to try to ensure that the size of the dumplings is approximately the same and the shape is attractive.

A very important point - nettle should not be boiled for more than 10 minutes, otherwise it will lose not only its attractive appearance, but also most of its beneficial properties.

So we have a healthy nettle soup with dumplings, the recipe for which is very simple and accessible to everyone.

Bon appetit.

Even the lightest soup, such as nettle soup, will turn out to be surprisingly satisfying if you add dumplings to it. with dumplings can be divided into two stages. First, you need to make the perfect dumplings. Secondly, pay attention to the remaining ingredients of the dish, especially the spices. In the East, it is generally believed that it is spices and herbs that create the essence of a dish.

Usually this dish is popular with young children, who catch the boiled balls from the plate with enthusiasm and genuine interest. The peculiarity of this dish is that it is absolutely universal: it is appropriate to serve it on holidays, but it is very pleasant on weekdays, men eat their fill with one plate, and women literally with several spoons. So you don’t have to be afraid of losing your slim figure. The recipe for making the soup itself also includes some for the soup. By the way, there are a lot of such recipes. We will talk about one of them during the description of the method of preparing the dish.

First stage

For this recipe you will need: a ready-made soup set (about five hundred grams), a large onion (you can take two small ones), carrots, sunflower oil for frying, four tubers, aromatic bay leaves, bell pepper (sweet), fresh herbs (for example, parsley or dill) and spices at your discretion. Usually they still use pepper and table salt. If you're looking forward to the soup dumpling recipe itself, it's coming soon. So, put the defrosted chicken fillet in a pan filled with water. Place the meat to simmer over low heat. To make the broth clean and transparent, like a teardrop, remove the foam from the surface in time. Vegetables, namely onions and carrots, should be washed in running water and chopped in a way convenient for you. While the chopped vegetables are roasting, work on the potatoes. Peel the tubers and cut into medium cubes. Now check the chicken. If it is already ready, take it out and, on the contrary, place the potatoes in the pan. Remove all bones from the chicken, if any, and throw the clean fillet back into the broth. Mix the frying mixture with the rest of the ingredients in the pan. Let the soup cook for about fifteen minutes. Meanwhile, start making the dumplings.

Soup dumpling recipe

Separate the yolk of one chicken egg from the white. The yolk should be thoroughly ground with soft butter. Gradually pour about half a glass of cold milk into this mixture. Add the sifted flour and begin to beat the dough with light rhythmic movements. You can use a whisk. As a result, the dough should be very elastic and, most importantly, not liquid. At the end, you need to mix the protein into the dough. You also need to salt the dough. It is no coincidence that this recipe for soup dumplings is especially popular, because its highlight is its ease of preparation. All that remains is to form neat dough balls and drop them into the boiling soup. Stir it constantly to prevent your dumplings from sticking to the bottom or to each other. Before serving in portioned bowls, sprinkle the soup with chopped dill.

It will awaken your strength, fill you with vitamins and protect you from cholesterol, and the taste will make you lick your mustache! Prepares quickly and easily

Cook lean, vegetable soup from nettles. -

We poured water into a saucepan (for example, 3 liters) and put it on the fire.

We peeled 5 potatoes and chopped them finely, as usual for soup. Throw it into a saucepan.

Peel the onion and chop finely. Peel the carrots with a knife and grate them.

We take the nettles out of the bag that we brought from the forest, dump them on paper and first place the selected branches under running cold water to rinse them from debris and soil, then scald them with boiling water. Now the nettle is clean and does not bite.- We tear off the leaves and the most tender shoots of the top.Let's cut it a little.

Now pour a little vegetable oil into the frying pan, add in the onions, carrots and nettles when warmed up and sauté for a couple of minutes. There is no need to brown it, it's for taste.

Well, if you really like fried onions and carrots (which, by the way, is harmful for those with a sick stomach), then add the nettles to the pan a minute or two later so that they don’t burn.

All our dressing is ready, load it into the pan with the potatoes and cook for 10 minutes until ready. Our spring, Lenten nettle soup is ready. Now comes the moment of overeating :-). Before serving, add sour cream or lean mayonnaise to the soup. If there is no sour cream, then there is no judgment, and it will be very tasty and at the same time cheap and cheerful.

If you want a rich spring soup with meat or sorrel, read our category - flower menu: recipes for how to cook nettle. Ask how much nettle you need, I answer - a good handful of three leaves (washed and without roots and lower stems). Look at the filling of the saucepan, fry so much, it will not be enough, add more directly to the boiling soup. If you wash more nettle, it will not go away, prepare a decoction from the remaining nettle for beauty and health, read - infusions for hair. Climate control equipment and other necessary equipment for good owners are welcome in the kitchen and in the house, see for yourself at Be healthy, beautiful and feed your loved ones delicious vegetable soups with herbs..


How to make delicious nettle soup

The benefits of greens on our table are undeniable. But very often we pass by a real natural pharmacy, calling it weeds and useless plants that only litter our garden. Meanwhile, nature gives us a unique opportunity to replenish vitamin deficiency in the spring with the help of the most common plants that we are accustomed to consider weeds. Today we will prepare nettle soup. Agree, when you hear the word nettle, you only get unpleasant sensations. However, the benefits of nettle for human health have long been proven through scientific research. This plant contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Fresh nettle leaves contain the flavonoids we need, which stimulate appetite and improve digestion and metabolism. It would be a sin to pass by this plant.

Classic nettle soup recipe

In the classic version, nettle soup is boiled in broth. To do this, you can use chicken bones or pork stew. After the broth is ready, add pre-peeled and chopped potatoes into it. Nettle shoots should be harvested away from roads and landfills. It is best to do this outside the city. Before use, rinse thoroughly with warm water and place in boiling water for 2 minutes. After this, put it on a sieve and let the water drain completely. Finely chop the nettles and drop them into the broth 10 minutes before they are ready. You should not cook nettles in soup for a long time. This will make the color of the leaves less saturated and all vitamins will be lost.

Pre-cut and fry onions and carrots in butter. Drop into soup. Salt to taste, add fresh dill and parsley. Delicious soup is ready. To prepare classic nettle soup you will need:

  • 400 grams of nettle;
  • 5 medium-sized potatoes;
  • chicken or pork broth;
  • carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • greenery.

Remember a simple rule - this nettle soup is prepared for one serving. It cannot be reheated. This leads to the fact that the dish completely loses its beneficial properties and becomes tasteless. Nettle soup can be served with half a pre-boiled egg and sour cream. Usually, nettle soup with egg is served if it was cooked without meat. How to do this - read on.

How to cook nettle soup without meat with dumplings

For vegetarians, nettle soup without meat is a real gift. After all, this dish contains everything you need to restore strength and replenish the body’s vitamin reserves. To prepare nettle soup without meat, do the following:

  1. first scald the nettles with boiling water for 3 minutes, chop them after the water has drained;
  2. in salted water, boil potatoes, cut into slices, carrots, chopped into bars;
  3. after the potatoes and carrots are ready, put the chopped nettles into the pan;
  4. fry the onion in sunflower oil;
  5. season the soup with herbs and fried onions.

This version of nettle soup can be cooked with dumplings. To do this, prepare the dough in advance:

  1. Mix 1 egg and 5 tablespoons of water;
  2. add enough flour;
  3. knead until the semolina porridge becomes thick;
  4. at the end of preparing the soup, use a teaspoon dipped in water to take a small amount of the flour mixture and drop it into the broth.

As soon as the dumplings float to the surface, the soup is ready.

Don’t forget to stock up on the amount of nettle you need for the winter for making soups and salads. To do this, young nettle shoots are thoroughly washed with water and dried with paper towels. They can then be packaged in plastic bags or containers and blast frozen.

Let's make summer nettle soup with dumplings.


  • 1.5 liters vegetable broth or water
  • 300 g young nettle
  • 200 g frozen chopped spinach
  • 1 small potato
  • 1 large onion
  • melted butter
  • freshly ground black pepper

For the dumplings

  • 2/3 cup semolina
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 yolks
  • 3 tbsp. spoons. butter
  • 1 tbsp. spoon. with a heap of flour
  • salt to taste.


Step 1

For the dumplings, melt the butter and cool. Beat the egg with the yolks, salt and oil. Mix with flour and semolina until smooth. Add a little boiling water and mix thoroughly - you should get a medium-thick dough. Let it sit while the soup cooks.

Step 2

Chop the nettles, removing any tough stems. Peel the onion and potatoes and chop very finely.

Step 3

Melt the butter in a thick-bottomed saucepan, add the onions and potatoes, fry for 5-7 minutes. Add nettles and spinach, add broth or water and bring to a boil. Embassy, ​​pepper, cook over low heat, without boiling, 10 minutes. If desired, puree the soup using an immersion blender, or leave as is.

Step 4

Using two teaspoons dipped in hot broth, drop small dumplings into the soup. Cook until all the dumplings float to the surface. Serve immediately.