How to speak out when your heart is hard. What to do if you feel sad for no reason

  • 24.09.2019

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1. The morning is wiser than the evening: sleep some more. Sleep heals, soothes and prompts.

2. Do something (write, wash, disassemble, connect, that is, achieve some kind of simple integrity and completeness in small things).

3. Go for a walk and see that the world is wide and full of colors, and our concentration on the negative is a small part of it.

4. Ask yourself adequate and great physical activity.

5. Remember, step by step, what led to the heaviness of the soul and find in this as much as possible accurate, serious, but also funny.

6. Imagine yourself in the form of a comic strip, running pictures. How do you get out of the situation, what characters you meet and who you yourself turn into.

7. Imagine in their place three other people who are of interest to you.

8. Come up with a game "looking for a way out" by setting search parameters for others - moving away from gravity at arm's length. Now you are near, but not inside the problem, you look at it like a board and you yourself, like a figure, move along it.

9. Recall and make out of many details a situation in which you would be good: to simulate bliss, if you do not feel it completely.

10. Find an unexpected point on your body. Imagine that you are drawing with it in the air, describing circles. A very useful exercise that allows you to break the general centering and the fact that the body is held compressed.

11. Write yourself a letter from a place and time when it was good.

12. It is important not to mutter to yourself when it’s bad, but to give free rein fine motor skills: pencil drawing, plasticine sculpting, paper folding, beading, crocheting ... If you don’t have any of these, it’s good to go out and buy something to pamper yourself.

13. Go to some shop or to the camber and sort things with your hands.

14. Talk to two people: let one of them, like acid, corrode and remove all unnecessary, and the other gives practical advice from the standpoint of "everything can be solved". But do not blabber the state for yourself.

15. Try to close your eyes and evoke imagination, a waking dream, about how you swim under water and breathe, you have a flamethrower in your hand, and you find some treasures, obstacles, fight and find yourself somewhere, in another space and dimension. Wiggle your fingers and toes. It turns out so interactive computer game with the whole body.

16. Write some text without taking a preconceived idea as a basis. Let the text itself lead you somewhere, and you follow it.

17. Be grateful for what has led you to a seeming dead end. What lessons can you learn to successfully and with good mood to live on?

18. Decide what nice little gifts you can give to those around you. By evoking their smile and joy, you will get yours back.

We have already written about depression and apathy, but what to do when your heart is simply bad, and you seem to understand that this will pass, but you want to somehow speed up the process? First of all, accept this state, do not try to reject it - absolutely all people are subject to blues, to a greater or lesser extent. This is due to the change of seasons, and with a lack of sunlight, and hormonal shifts in the body. In order to quickly return to good location spirit, use our advice on what to do when your soul is bad.

1) Eat positive! The first thing to do to combat blues is to reorganize your diet by adding mood-enhancing foods. These include milk, tomatoes, fish, blueberries, broccoli, red peppers, bananas, cottage cheese, whole grain flours, all kinds of cereals and almonds, and citrus fruits. Do not forget about the visual component of nutrition - when the food looks beautiful, mood and appetite increase by themselves. It will be great if you are fascinated by the preparation of a new dish, for example, curd pie with almonds and banana. Breathing in wonderful aromas in the kitchen and enjoying the results of your labors (better not alone), you will quickly forget about all your worries.

2) Joy injections. Imagine that your feeling of “bad at heart” is a disease that responds perfectly to treatment, and follow the prescribed recipe for the most positive films, books, TV shows and magazines you can find. Review your favorite comedies, films about love, in which a happy ending invariably happens, re-read positive books, in general, remember everything that has ever amused, touched you and lifted your spirits, and take it in shock doses!

3) Surround yourself with care. Very often, a depressed state is a sign of fatigue, so your body reminds the owner that he is not a machine, requires rest, care and affection. Give it to him urgently! Go for a massage, take a fragrant bath, stop pushing yourself at home, let someone else cook for a few days, for example, or go out with the whole family to eat out. It is imperative to reduce stress levels, and for this, forget about problems and worries for a while, and focus on yourself. The sooner you get out of the present state, the sooner you can return to your life with its sorrows and joys.

4) Get rid of the old. There are two wonderful and accessible to everyone methods for those who do not know what to do when the soul is bad. One of them is a general cleaning of your archives and mezzanines. No, we do not force you to wash the windows and vacuum the distant corners: your task is to get rid of all unnecessary old rubbish, which completely unreasonably takes up space in the apartment, not letting new positive energy into it. Haven't used the item for the last six months? This means that you do not need it in principle. Give and throw away everything: old notebooks, clothes, broken furniture, unnecessary books and interior items. Pay attention to how much easier it becomes to breathe with each discarded bag or box - still, because you get rid of ballast, the burden of the past, which does not allow you to move forward.

5) Create a new one. The second practical technique, which is a logical continuation of the first, is creation. Draw the sun or flowers on the wall, repaint (re-glue) the wallpaper in a bright color, enliven the room in which you spend the most time with flowers, fabrics, something new. This will help breathe new energy into you, so that your soul becomes easy and joyful.

Soul - it is alive

She knows everything about you

And if it's bad at heart,

You must change something in yourself!

Imagine that "bad at heart" is the name of a disease that quickly responds to treatment. Watch comedies, read jokes, listen to funny stories.

Start cooking something sweet. For example, chocolate is known to increase the level of the hormone of happiness.

Walk and explore unfamiliar places. Photos taken during a walk will help to preserve pleasant memories of them.

Get rid of all old and unnecessary things. You can throw them away or donate them.

Why do I feel bad at heart? Causes

Possible reasons why you feel very bad right now:

  1. Trouble at work.
  2. The discomfort.
  3. Lack of mood.
  4. Lack of variety.
  5. A premonition of something unkind.
  6. Loneliness.
  7. Sad memories.
  8. Unrequited love.
  9. Loss of meaning in life.
  10. Self-doubt.
  11. Failure.
  12. Dissatisfaction with yourself.
  13. Lack of understanding of loved ones.
  14. Quarrels, scandals.
  15. "Black line".
  16. Complexes.
  17. Understatement.
  18. Gossip.
  19. Lie.
  20. Betrayal.

There is always a way out of any situation if you look for it carefully. Do not lose hope and do not be saved by inaction!

Make a big list of your hobbies. Choose one "fad" from all of the above. Hobbies are great medicine. It saves many people from mental anxiety.

Open a good book. Immerse your eyes fully in the pages and lines to convey the experiences of the heroes of the book.

If the soul wants to cry from resentment and injustice

Forgive the offense and let it go like a beautiful balloon... You will feel much better.

Look at what is happening in a different way. Find small "pluses" in injustice, rejoice at them.

Cry as much as it takes. You should not be ashamed of your emotional state. Remember: crying is not ashamed! This applies to both women and men (equally).

Convince yourself that even bad changes are for the better. Life is used to surprises. Do not be offended by her!

Bad state of mind statuses

  1. I want to turn into little child, having no worries, no hassle, no problems!
  2. I feel bad, I play with life when it seems to you that I live. There are simply many masks that you have never tried to remove from me….
  3. Have you ever wondered that coffee tastes like depression? And I didn’t think before…. Until everything around me turned upside down. Now I can taste coffee on my lips, mixed with my own tears. It seems to me that I drink my own pain to the bottom…. God alone sees how bad I am now!
  4. What is happening in my soul now cannot fit into any status.
  5. Unsweetened tea, prickly blanket, ocean negative thoughts, frightening emptiness…. It is hard on the soul….
  6. Smile - The best way that helps to hide the deepest heartache.
  7. Just not to cry, just not to break off…. I want to joke, smile, as before!
  8. Everything around is annoying and infuriating. Three villainous sisters settled inside me: pain, apathy and sadness.
  9. I will stand at the crossroads and briefly imagine that I am not. People are passing by, cars are passing by…. I exist. Life goes on without me….

Poems when the soul is very bad

It's hard for me…. It's so bad at heart

That tears fall like rain

Bad luck…. I'm already used to

To what happens between us

My soul hurts, I try to endure the pain

The millionth attempt upset

Leave now! Don't you dare feel sorry for me!

I will fix everything I have done myself!

Prayer will help you ... Say it and it will become easier. First, the state of mind is normalized, then, over time, all troubles will disappear. Believe me, it will be so!

Not everything in life is perfect, and it shouldn't be, but depression is one of the most common diseases of the 21st century, moreover, it is fatal. And it's not only about suicides, but also many endogenous disorders in our body, which are caused by the fact that the soul is ill. And it also happens that it is bad at heart, and depression is not diagnosed: here either the blues are to blame, or external circumstances, against which you cannot reproach. In any case, it is worth remembering that everything passes, and so does the blues. And you can help yourself.

If there is no reason.

What if the soul is bad, but there is no apparent reason for this? Sometimes idleness is to blame for this, and sometimes it is idleness that becomes. So, it is better to go to the doctor immediately or get carried away with a new occupation that is interesting.

There are other ways as well.

  • We call a friend. But it is better to be the most positive, so as not to hear such unnecessary complaints about the hard part;
  • We spend money. Especially if the blues are not caused by their absence. This, of course, is a purely "female medicine". Still, banknotes are an excellent antidepressant, one of the best. And shopping always makes a woman happy, and many men;
  • Help the one who is even worse. Also a fail-safe way. You probably have either a depressed friend or a relative overwhelmed by household chores, or a friend whose husband left. Come and help!
  • Clean your apartment or exercise. With a beautiful and healthy body and in a shining apartment, he somehow does not feel too sad. In addition, it is the piles of rubbish and the dusty air of the house that often cause the blues. But this is fixable. And sports are not as scary as you think: anyone can do a simple exercise or a birch tree on the floor.
  • We pamper ourselves with delicious. You can also make your own, and sweet, and pastries. After all, sweets contain antidepressants, and natural and harmless ones. This is what scientists advise, not our insatiable belly.
  • Just take a walk. Even a small change of scenery is a change and it gives a shake-up and a good one.
  • Remember that everything will pass: the blockage at work will be cleared away, the boss will thaw out, your friends will remember you, your beloved will apologize. There is also something that can only be accepted as it is, because nothing will change, alas. And there is also what is available to us.
  • Think and speak of good things. Everything can be changed by starting with good thoughts and words, even life.
  • Unleash your feelings. We have been taught to hide emotions, fake positives are in fashion, but feelings must be given a way out. There is no need to talk about good things if completely different words suggest themselves, and even tears!
  • Love. It's good when you have someone to love, so give all your feelings to all your loved ones and relatives!
  • Look at everything from the other side. Well, isn't it really possible that everything is really so bad with you: not a single friend, instead of a house, there is a prison, and there is not at all left to live? Look impartially at your life. It can be worse, really.
  • Enough, let's act. Just starting a new life!
  • And it will be useful for girls to go to the spa or do some kind of beauty procedure.

On this topic:

What if it's bad because of someone?

It could be a friend native person or half, but a quarrel, parting, or, God forbid, loss - it always hurts.
  • ... We remember all the good things that connected you with the person and convince ourselves by force that nothing can be changed, and after that we try to reconcile and accept everything. Sometimes you need to work with a psychologist, by the way. Convince yourself that there will be new, no less amazing people, and some of them will certainly play an important role in life and become a part of you.
  • Farewell. Forgive your loved one or betrayed friend, forgive yourself, which is not easy. If possible, apologize to your loved one. After a quarrel with your beloved, you are both nervous and do not find a place for yourself, and even though our neurons are recovering, but so slowly that you will get tired of waiting. So God be with her with pride - ask for forgiveness first and take care of the nerve cells. Do not be ashamed to forgive forgiveness, believe me!
  • Letting go of the situation. It so happens that we get hung up on some problem and drive ourselves into a vicious circle of negativity. So you will definitely not find a way out, and thoughts will become obsessive. Just relax and understand that there is a way out anyway. We let go of everything, lay down on the sofa and promise to think about our misfortune tomorrow.
  • We change the situation. Perhaps you are just tired and need to run away for a while. Not necessarily from a city or country, you can see your grandmother, friends, aunt. You will see, everything will become clear! In a few days you will definitely miss your family and return home joyful and happy, with new ideas and thoughts on how to resolve the situation.

Every person in life has moments when it seems that it will never be as bad as it is now. A husband is a dictator or a wife is a tyrant, the boss is a tyrant, a child grows up like a dunce, parents get sick, there is always not enough money and how to break out of this vicious circle is unclear. It is common for everyone to fall into despondency and withdraw into themselves, but what to do when your soul is bad?

Do not close

Turning off your phone in advance, buying a sea of ​​alcohol and starting to feel sorry for yourself to the corresponding mournful music - this is the worst thing that can be done. Now, in no case should you be alone and mentally replay the situation in your mind over and over again, which led to such disastrous consequences.

If you know how to fix it, take action, and when this is not possible, stop feeling sorry for yourself and blaming others. So you will not achieve anything, but only drive yourself deeper into depression.

On the contrary, you need to distract yourself from negative thoughts, forget about the problems that have piled up for at least a minute, and where else is it better to do this, if not in the company of friends?

  • invite them to your place, or even better go somewhere - to a cafe, restaurant or club;
  • the fair sex, willy-nilly, will have to put themselves in order: do make-up, hairstyle and choose the appropriate outfit, whatever you want or don't want will cheer them up;
  • if you have a need to talk it out, it is better to go to some quiet place with appropriate musical accompaniment.

What songs are better to listen to for the soul? There is nothing better than classical music, which calms and at the same time fills with energy, gives strength to new achievements.

The theme will include songs from films and cartoons, for example, "Golden ray of sunshine", "My soul has no peace", "Wind of Change", etc. If you decide to stay at home with friends, then download these melodies from the Internet and listen to your health. Better yet, put on a movie.

What can you see when you feel bad? Comedy, of course! Starting from Soviet and ending with Western cinema masterpieces. And if there is no mood to laugh and you want to think about the meaning of life, then the Green Mile will be excellent options, "Knockin 'on Heaven", "This is what is happening to me", "When the trees were big", "Lolita", and women can once again review "Sex and the City" or "Diary of Bridget Jones".

When sadness-melancholy overcomes, you can not only watch a movie in a pleasant company, but also read some book "antidepressant"... From a series of masterpieces that can help to understand human relationships and understand what is the meaning of life, it can be noted "Pride and Prejudice" Jane Austen, many works by Paulo Coelho, “Chocolate” by Joan Harris.

By the way, a film of the same name was shot based on this work, which can also be watched. Erich Maria Remarque, Somerset Maugham, Hemingway, Victor Hugo wrote well, which is only worth his unsurpassed work "Les Miserables" and others. What can you read when you feel bad?

Depending on the current situation, you can choose the work of any psychologist. If you have problems in personal life, you can pick up "Bitches' Handbook" or something about the relationship between a man and a woman.

If relations with parents do not go well, open the work of Anatoly Nekrasov "Mother's love"... You will learn a lot of new things that you did not know before or only guessed.

Sport is the best medicine

If hanging out at the club isn't your method, exercise. According to statistics, about 50% of women, after breaking up with their beloved man, lose weight, look better and take care of themselves. Therefore, feel free to use this chance for body shaping. Go in for swimming or fitness, and if you want to get some psychological relaxation, pouring out anger, resentment and other negative emotions, go to the gym and hit leather pear until you exhale.

Arrange yourself a holiday

If you can't choose which movie to watch when you feel bad, it's better
leave the walls of the house and go for a walk. Someone is pacified by a forest, a park or a public garden, while someone needs something completely different - a shopping trip, a visit to a stylist or hairdresser. Treat yourself to a tasty treat at the bistro, after all, you deserve it. Most likely, the next day life will not seem as dull and bleak as it used to be.

And if the situation has gone too far, then the problem will be solved by a cardinal change in the situation.

Wave to the village to see your grandmother or just get out of town for the weekend, or even better buy a ticket to hot countries.

Belief in yourself and your strength is what matters

When thinking about what kind of music you should listen to when your heart is bad, stop at life-affirming melodies. Learn to rejoice for yourself, because you need it like air. Tell yourself something like: “Enough, cry a little and it will be. It's time to shake yourself up and see things with different eyes ".

But really, maybe not everything is as bad as it seems? The job can be changed, with the other half there is a chance to restore relations, and mom or dad will always remain the closest people, even when a wall of misunderstanding rises between you.

They say that thoughts are material and that what you think about will definitely happen. If you do not want a bad outcome of events, start thinking positively, imagine in colors how your life is changing for the better, believe in a happy future and it will definitely happen. The main thing is to walk towards him with calm confidence.

An excellent example of this technique is the world-famous Louise Hay, a truly legendary woman who has written more than 30 books of popular psychology and has developed her own method of curing all diseases using not only affirmations, but also visualization, nutritional cleansing, reflexology and psychotherapy.