I dreamed that I was taking pictures with ripe cherries. Success at work, well-being in the family

  • 26.09.2019

The taste of cherries is familiar to many since childhood. Sweet, ripe and juicy berry symbolizes pleasure, happiness and good luck. But why How are such dreams interpreted? In most cases, the interpretation of dreams with the presence of a berry is positive, less often negative. The forecast is made according to the emotions, actions of a person, as well as the situation in a dream.

Modern dream book

Ripe, large cherries, seen in a dream, portend positive changes in life. In the near future, he will have a career take-off, improved material wealth, replenishment in the family. It is possible that the dreamer will soon receive unexpected profits (in a rather large amount) or he will be returned old debts.

Why do cherries dream if the berry itself is rotten and disgusting? To the collapse of plans, disappointment in people - in a word, the hopes of the sleeper will not be justified. If a person dreamed of an unripe fruit, then this indicates his unpreparedness for responsible steps.

Yellow cherry? Such a dream is a warning about the machinations of enemies who will try to slander the dreamer. If a man saw in a dream how he was eating a yellow berry, then in reality he would be expected to show attention from his superiors. For a woman, a dream has a negative meaning - such a plot promises her slander from people from her inner circle.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Psychologists have their own answer to the question of why the cherry is dreaming: the berry marks pleasure, getting pleasure from sexual pleasures. Ripe, poured cherries that appeared in a dream promise the sleeping person a meeting with a new person who will cause a surge of vivid emotions and feelings.

A dream in which the dreamer sees and feels how eagerly he eats cherries suggests that a person needs to stop being selfish and stop wanting too much. The object of passion can turn away from him or refuse, giving his preference to another (other).

Watching in a dream how the old cherry tree dries up and dies - to the end love relationship. The feelings of the partner in relation to the sleeper "withered" and "died", like a tree from dreams.

Women's dream book

Why dream of cherries? To tears, and the more berries, the stronger the grief. Cooking something from fresh berries in a dream, crushing them, making jam - to difficulties in all areas of life. The sleeper should beware of rash acts and waste.

If a woman sees how she ate cherries in a dream, then she will soon meet an interesting and charming man. But you should not trust him and plunge headlong into relationships, as they will be fleeting.

For a lady, a vision in which she eats berries with special pleasure marks dubious pleasures that she must not succumb to. The result of such hobbies may be the loss of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

A strong ripe cherry, picked in a dream, portends the successful completion of the plan, the fulfillment of innermost desires. For unmarried and unmarried people, a dream about harvesting cherries means a quick wedding.

There is a sweet berry, enjoying its taste in a dream - to joyful news in reality, communication with interesting people. But if the cherry was sour or bitter, then such a dream is interpreted as a warning about betrayal by loved one. Trying to eat a dried berry, chewing it - to sadness and parting with a lover.

If the sleeper dreamed that he was planting a tree, then soon after sleep other people's secrets would be revealed to him. Watch the cherry blossoms bloom family well-being and the appearance of children in the family.

A dream about cutting down a cherry tree promises the dreamer making mistakes and regretting his actions. Uprooting a tree from the ground in a dream - to break ties with relatives, parting with parents.

Miller's dream book

Why Such a dream promises the sleeper gaining popularity and fame in his social circle. A person is waiting for a change of position, his talents will be accepted by the leadership.

Treat strangers with berries in a dream - to receive help. The dreamer should not refuse the offered help, since right now he needs it. The dream in which the sleeper saw how he accepts cherries as a gift is a warning from the subconscious: people close to him need support.

A dream in which a person eats cherries suggests that he no longer needs to strain himself in communicating with the opposite sex. He is already considered the most desirable man (desirable woman) in his team or company.

Follow people picking berries - to a successful investment of their own savings, to receive an inheritance. Command a group of people involved in harvesting - to be transferred to a higher position. If in a dream a person himself picks berries from a tree, then any obstacles will be overcome by him, and dreams will come true.

Diagnosis and prediction of diseases in sleep

Do you have creepy and ominous dreams? If dreams began to frighten you with their monstrous plots, know that your subconscious advises you to pay close attention to your health. If you want to learn how to recognize a barely born illness, compare the content of your dream with interpretations that have come down to us from ancient times.

Miller's free online dream book is your guide from the world of mysterious dreams to the realities of the present

Do you want to combine the scattered, intricate images of a dream into a colorful mosaic of reality? Look into the famous dream book of Gustavus Miller! Discover the amazing research of the great psychologist!

Sleep and the human subconscious

A dream is a unique magic that captivates the subconscious of a person into the world of the unknown. Creating problems for ourselves in reality, we hope that sleep, the guardian of our peace, will resolve them.

What is Cherry dreaming of

Cherry in a modern dream book

Women who saw in a dream trees on which ripe cherries grow will vividly show all their talents, which will help them gain popularity in a friendly company or work team. It is only necessary not to use people for selfish purposes. I dreamed that you were eating cherries, which means that soon you will have a promising acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex.

Cherry in Miller's dream book

Seen in a dream beautiful tree cherries promise great and hard work. Blooming cherry symbolizes money income. Cherry berries are dreaming - to life changes. Treat people kinder and your selflessness will add to your popularity. Eat cherries - you will master a very desirable item. Unripe cherries predict good luck.

Cherry in Freud's dream book

Ripe cherries represent the coming of love. If in a dream a ripe cherry flaunts on a tree, such a dream means that a person will experience the true pleasure of sex with a new partner. The main charm of these relationships lies in the novelty. Dried cherries are a sign that feelings have withered and you should not hope for a return of love.

Asking the question: what is the dream of cherries for? I assure you on our dream book you will find full interpretation sleep! Cherries in a dream are very interesting symbol for interpretation. Sometimes they are harbingers of financial gain, and sometimes even have erotic overtones. The meaning of sleep largely depends on the circumstances of the appearance of these fruits in a dream, as well as their appearance. If you want to interpret your dream about cherries, check what the dream book can tell you.

Why dream of picking cherries - Freud's Dream Book

Cherry - the meaning of sleep. Why dream of picking cherries from trees - the dream book believes that a dream portends getting loyal and true friends. Green cherries or sweet cherries and picking from the ground can mean that we will be disappointed in love, in turn, picking rotten berries in a dream portend that someone is spreading rumors about us. The dream of collecting and eating cherries is interpreted as a harbinger of well-being and joy. The sight of a cherry on a tree portends a very attractive opportunity that should not be missed. In turn, also collect cherries - for happy moments with a loved one.

What is the dream of ripe cherries - Miller's Dream Interpretation

The dream book interprets ripe cherries in a dream as a very positive sign. If in the past we have taken rather risky financial investments, then with such a dream we can expect the income to be turned into in this situation. Therefore, this is a sign that we can safely expect wealth. Sometimes ripe red cherries can mean that we will be able to realize all the plans that you can imagine. A very good period awaits us, full of harmony, tranquility and happiness.

Why do large cherries dream - Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The dream interpretation says if large cherries dream: they are associated with symbols important for everyone, such as love, family or children. You can expect a good period full of small family joys and wish fulfillment. Seeing cherries in a dream portends getting more of their income in a short time. The theme of picking fruit right from the tree means that through our behavior, we will be able to win friends.

Cherry berries seen in a dream can symbolize the emergence of new love relationships, the emergence of new career prospects, or the achievement of what is desired. In order to find out in detail what the cherry dreamed of in a dream, you need to remember in detail everything that you dreamed about.

Why dream of cherries?

If you dreamed of a cherry blossom tree, then your hopes will be justified, and your wishes will come true. If a married man saw such a dream, then perhaps he will have a new love interest, which in the future may lead to the breakup of the family.

However, you should be careful, because this romantic adventure will end as quickly as the tree fades, so consider whether it is worth it.

If cherry berries hung on a tree, then in the near future you are provided with financial stability and the likelihood of high income.

Cherry in a dream, which a young man who is not in a relationship saw, suggests that he will soon find his soulmate. If an unmarried girl had such a dream, then soon she will receive a marriage proposal from a loved one. A flowering tree for a girl means a quick wedding.

The color of the berries is of great importance, as is how ripe they are. Many in a dream see cherries yellow color and, accordingly, they want to know what this may portend.

If in a dream a girl eats berries, then such a dream may mean that in real life she may be surrounded by gossip, which can later negatively affect her reputation. For men, such a dream will mean that all the gossip surrounding him will only benefit him, or, to be more precise, will help attract many necessary people to his person.

If a person dreamed that in a dream he throws out yellow berries, then in real life it is better to think first and only then speak. Since all the negative statements that have flown out of the dreamer's mouth can be directed against him.

The red cherry seen in a dream is interpreted in various dream books differently. Some say that it can be a symbol of sudden passion or a love affair, while others say that you will have to fight for your rights.

If in a dream you fed someone red cherries, then it is quite possible that you will have an emotional connection with this person.

Why dream of ripe cherries?

It is important to know what the cherry, which is already ripe, is dreaming of. If in reality you dream of moving up the career ladder or raising wages, then just such a dream portends good prospects for you. For business people, ripe cherries can speak of successful transactions and investments that will bring profit.

For married woman ripe cherries may mean that in the near future she will have a young admirer who different ways will seek the favor of the lady. However, you should not get too carried away with these relationships, and it is best not to succumb to provocations at all, because the love of a young man will not last long, and you can be left with nothing.

Rotten cherry in a dream

Rotten berries symbolize the collapse of all hopes or plans, or they have become irrelevant at the present time. An unripe cherry seen in a dream indicates that you are not yet ready to take responsibility, moreover, this may concern both personal life, and work.

A large berry is a symbol of love and fertility, which means that for couples such a dream will bring happiness and good luck in business.

What was the taste of the berries in a dream?

Also remember if you felt the taste of berries when you ate them. If they were sour, then perhaps you will have obstacles on the way to what you want, and if they were sweet, then your life will be full of happiness and good luck.

In order to correctly interpret your dream, first of all, you need to remember all the small details, only in this case you can turn to the dream book to find out what this or that object symbolizes.

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Dream interpretation cherry

Our dreams can be roughly divided into two categories:

  1. those that we dream of as a relic of the past - that is, in a dream those symbols are formed that we tirelessly think about;
  2. those that carry a message or warning - that is, symbols that appear as if from nowhere.

If we are considering a dream about cherries, then the first group can include dreams that dream after you have been picking this berry all day, overeat, or vice versa, you really wanted it.

The second option, you didn’t even think about a sweet berry, but in a dream it was a key symbol.

What is the dream of cherries

If you dreamed of a cherry

Cherry symbolizes the birth of something new, relationships, work, dating, etc. To more accurately know the interpretation of your dreams, it is worth studying the most popular dream books at the moment.

What will the dream book say, the cherry is dreaming

Dream Interpretations divide dreams based on what was dreamed of, the berries themselves, or a flowering tree. It is these moments that radically change the interpretation.

Miller's dream book

Seeing berries in a dream, according to Miller, you will soon become a popular person. Achieve fame through your friendliness and willingness to help a loved one.

Eating cherries - soon you will have an object that you have long desired.

Even green and unripe berries promise the dreamer the approach of happy times.

Dream Interpretation Avadyaeva

Velesov dream book

This interpreter of dreams decided to go against the current, and sees the negative of such dreams.

In his opinion, cherries dream of tears. Color on the tree, to bad incidents. And to eat berries, to minor troubles, vain anxiety, this is the interpretation given by this source.

Opinions of foreign dream books

The British believe that if you see a dream about cherries in winter time year, then it promises you a strong disappointment not only in the labor sphere, but also in family life.

The French, on the other hand, believe in a positive prediction of dreams about cherries, good news, funny incidents, meetings with good friends await you. There will be negativity only when in a dream you ate a sour or spoiled berry, then the interpretation will be as follows: you will be disappointed in someone or something.

Appearance of cherry

If you dreamed of a yellow cherry

In a dream, cherries can be of the most unusual colors and sizes, but nevertheless we will consider the most basic dreams in which supposedly real berries appear.

yellow cherry

For a girl, a dream in which she ate a yellow berry promises gossip behind her back.. Some individuals are trying to harm your reputation.

For a male, such a dream, on the contrary, serves as additional advertising. Not too personal things that will be said about you will attract new acquaintances to you, and also add popularity among the female.

Throw away berries - be careful what you say and to whom. Remember that a carelessly dropped word can be used against you.

red berry

Such a dream has two interpretations:

  1. in the near future you will be embraced by passion, you can commit many rash acts;
  2. your perseverance can be envied, you are a real fighter for your rights.

Collect, buy, sort, sell cherries in a dream

Why dream of the cherry that you decide to buy - such a dream promises you complete deliverance from debt obligations. If someone owes you, he will soon return the entire amount, you owe - pay in full.

Selling a berry is a good deal, an enterprise.

Picking berries - you have many hidden talents, if you give yourself the work and start developing them - you will achieve dizzying success.

Before your eyes, another person or people will pick berries - you are a born leader. Soon your superiors will notice this, and you will be promoted. It is possible that you will open your own business.