Open class on the topic of conscience. Theme "Conscience and Honor"

  • 21.12.2023

What is conscience? 0 Conscience is the voice that sounds inside us. He tells you what to do and what not to do. 0 Conscience is the inner consciousness of good and evil, the “secret of the soul”, in which approval or condemnation of each action is echoed, the ability to recognize the quality of an action.

0 Self-esteem. 1. I try to return the found item to the owner without compensation. 2. I don’t envy my friend when I see her dressed up and beautiful. 3. I repay the debt to the last penny and on time as promised. 4. I conscientiously perform any work, including educational work. 5. I give up my seat on the bus to the weak and older. 6. I treat others with respect. 7. I help elders for free. 8. I never take someone else's thing. 9. I don’t deceive people, even if it benefits me. 10. I am demanding of myself. 11. I am patient in conflicts. 12. I avoid taking revenge. 13. Every day in the evening before going to bed, I think about how my day went, what I did wrong.

0 1. How to live in order to be in harmony with your conscience? 0 2. Do you know stories, books and films that tell about people whose souls hurt? 0 3. Can someone tell about a case when a person (or you yourself) responded to the cry of the soul, and it was after hearing the voice of conscience that he abandoned a bad act?

Having invested conscience in a person, the Creator entrusted it with two things: 1. Before making a choice, conscience tells what a person should do. 2. After a mistake, conscience triggers like an alarm: “You can’t do that! Get better!” Conscience has a very important feature: if you forget about the wounds it inflicts, they will never heal. Even after many years, conscience can remind you of past untruths. For example, the joy you get from an interesting trip may disappear because your conscience suddenly brought up something from the depths of your memory that you don’t want to remember. Therefore, the most important thing in a person’s life is to be in harmony with his conscience. You must be able to hear it and act on its prompts, correcting your past mistakes.

A personality-oriented class hour in the 8th grade on the topic “Conscience is our inner judge” is designed to solve the following tasks: - to develop the ability to be critical of oneself, to give an honest assessment of one’s actions, - to encourage children to self-analysis, to think about themselves, to search high moral ideals. To achieve these objectives in class, group work, group work, and I-tasks are used.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Mezhdurechensk secondary school No. 6"

“Conscience is our inner judge”

Developed by: Onyakova Valentina Nikolaevna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Mezhdurechenskaya Secondary School No. 6"

p. Mezhdurechensky

year 2013

Student-centered class hour

“Conscience is our inner judge” (P.A. Golbach)


Help students understand the most important moral concept of “conscience”


Develop the ability to think critically about yourself, give an honest assessment of your actions,

Encourage children to introspect, to think about themselves, to search for high moral ideals.

Form: student-centered classroom - reflection.

Equipment and materials:explanatory dictionaries by V.I. Dahl and S.I. Ozhegov, cards for group tasks and tasks in pairs, student notebooks, music for relaxation when completing tasks.

Class progress

  1. Organizational and motivational moment.

Class teacher (reads the beginning of the poem):

One day before dawn
Three wise men leaned over me,
And I asked them, raising my eyelids:
– What is the most important thing, tell me, in a person?..

How would you answer this question? What is the main thing in a person?

Students' answers: kindness, love, patience, respect, care, compassion, virtue, honesty, gratitude, mercy, mutual assistance, generosity, hard work, modesty, tact, etc. Students write down the most important (in their opinion) qualities on a strip of paper and attach strip to the board. We read the qualities that we considered the most important, analyze, compare, and find similarities. I wonder who they matched?

Class teacher (continues reading the poem):

- Of course, reason - The first one answered me.
With him, every path is both correct and bright.
- Thank you for enlightening me.
I bowed, bowing my head.
The second answered: “The will is on the way,”
Which you need to walk with pride,
To come to the end with dignity.
I bowed to the sage at the waist.
No, that’s not it,” said the third.
Listen to his stern answer: ( pause)…
My story about this is small,
But the main thing for a person is conscience!

Of course, everything you mentioned is very important in a person, but the author of the poem considers the main thing in everyone to be conscience. And our conversation today is about this most important moral concept. It is key in the hierarchy of moral values. Conscience has something to do with many of the actions people take.

As always, you are welcome to take notes for yourself in your notebooks during our class period.

2. Updating of primary experience.

How do you understand the meaning of this word?

(Free expressions of children)Let's turn to dictionaries.

Presentation by students who prepared reports on dictionary entries

dictionaries S.I. Ozhegov and V.I. Dahl.

1 student: In S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary the following definition of the concept “conscience” is given: conscience is a feeling of moral responsibility for one’s behavior before other people.

Word from the class teacher:Do you agree with this definition? What would you add? What is missing from it?(free expressions of students).

2nd student: V.I. Dahl’s dictionary gives a more detailed definition based on popular thinking: “Conscience is moral consciousness, moral instinct or feeling in a person; inner consciousness of good and evil; the secret place of the soul, in which approval or condemnation of every action is echoed; the ability to recognize the quality of an action; a feeling that encourages truth and goodness; turning away from evil and lies; involuntary love for good and truth; forced truth, in varying degrees of development.”

  1. Updating the enriched experience.

Word from the class teacher:The dictionary entry by V.I. Dahl contains proverbs and sayings related to this concept. And it’s no coincidence. Oral folk art reflected folk ideas about good and evil. What proverbs and sayings about conscience and shame do you know?

Students name famous proverbs and sayings.

Work in groups:

Exercise: assemble a proverb from pieces and explain its meaning.

1. No matter how wise you are, you cannot outdo your conscience.

2. You can’t hide it from a person, you can’t hide it from your conscience.

3. Gray hair, but no conscience.

4. The dress is black, but the conscience is white.

5. There is conscience, there is also shame, but there is no shame and there is no conscience.

6. If you lose money, you can make money, but if you lose your conscience, you will find out trouble.

7. Without arms, without legs - a cripple, without conscience - half a person.

8. Conscience is not a story: you can’t put it in the archives.

9. He who has a clear conscience does not have a pillow under his head.

10. Sometimes there is an executioner with a conscience, sometimes there is a judge without a conscience.

11. There are tears - there is also conscience.

12. Speak to the point, live according to your conscience.

Word from the class teacher:Let's remember the Russian language lessons. I ask you to choose words with the same root for the word “conscience”.(Students name the words: conscience, conscience, unscrupulous, ashamed, unscrupulous, conscience, conscientious, conscientious, conscientious).What two groups can all these words be divided into according to their meaning?(by the presence or absence of conscience).

Let's think about how relevant this concept is today, whether it has lost its value, because many believe that there is no Good in the modern world. No Conscience, but on the way to the goal, all means are good. A person becomes a moral person when conscience, shame, responsibility and duty settle in his soul forever. These moral qualities are closely related to each other. Shame and conscience are almost synonymous, and it is not for nothing that people say: there is shame, there is also conscience.

What do you think you should be ashamed of in life? And why do you think so?(Refer to the note on the board:

The poverty of your parents;

Sloppy appearance;

Neat, but not fashionable clothes;

Disregard for others;


Physical disabilities;

Ugly actions;

Unprestigious job of parents;

Your “simple” origin;

Ignorance, lack of education, illiteracy;

Vulgar appearance;

Obscene expressions.

Something else)

Cross out the unnecessary and complete the resulting list.(Students complete the list and make notes in their notebooks).

And what qualities of human character are compatible with the concept of “conscience”, and which are not?

Work in pairs.

The class teacher organizes work in pairs: students receive cards with character qualities: honesty, hard work, mutual assistance, selflessness, mercy, selfishness, greed, cruelty, indifference, laziness, deceit, rudeness, etc. Students must choose those that are compatible with the concept “ conscience"

  1. Updating the consolidated experience.

Word from the class teacher:A. S. Makarenko has the words: “It is necessary for a person to act correctly, according to his conscience, not when they look at him, hear him, can praise him, but when no one sees or knows about it.” What does it mean to act according to your conscience?

Work in groups.

Each group receives a card with the situation described on it. Students discuss and argue their position on this situation:

Situation 1. Vadim found a wallet in the school corridor. There was no one in the corridor except Vadim. What do you think he should do?

Situation 2. On the eve of a biology lesson, classmate Sergei, who was absent from the lesson, called Volodya to ask him about his homework. Volodya replied that they didn’t ask anything, although in fact he didn’t write down the homework himself. During the lesson they asked Seryozha, but he did not answer. The result is “2”. Evaluate the boys’ actions.

Situation 3. On a hot summer day, on a crowded bus heading almost through the entire city to the river, for some reason my gaze lingered on a married couple. A young, plump, sumptuously dressed woman and a girl of about thirteen were sitting in seats over which hung a sign: “For passengers with children and the disabled.” The mother perched on the edge. As luck would have it, in this shaking bus, apparently driven by an inexperienced driver, there were an unusually large number of old women. It was especially hard for them, hung with bags and sweltering from the stuffiness. With every push they were thrown mercilessly back and forth. And the girl who was sitting by the window was pretending to sleep, occupying a seat intended just for these old and infirm people.

Situation 4. You buy milk in a store, pay with a hundred-ruble bill, and the seller mistakenly returns your 100 rubles and gives you change. What will you do?

Students present the results of discussions and express their point of view.

Word from the class teacher:Now think about a time in your life when you offended a friend or loved one, and he forgave you. How did you feel, what was your reaction?(students' answers)

What feelings can a person experience when he has acted according to his conscience, and what feelings when he has acted not according to his conscience? Select these qualities and add to their list.

Work in groups.

Exercise: Divide the received cards with the names of feelings and their manifestation into two groups. Words on the cards: peace, joy, anxiety, irritability, looking people straight in the eye, looking away, self-doubt, self-confidence.I would like it to become a habit for each of you to act according to your conscience. So that you learn to clearly evaluate your actions and be critical of yourself. Let your inner judge, conscience, help you distinguish between good and evil.And in conclusion, let's listen to the parable of the monk Barnabas (Sanin)(The parable is read by a prepared student).


Once a man’s conscience told him that he was wrong, another, a third... On the fourth he decided to get rid of it. Not for a day or two - forever! I thought and thought about how to do this, and came up with...

Come on,” he says, “conscience, play hide and seek!”

No, she says. - You will deceive me anyway - you will peep!

Then the man pretended to be completely ill and said:

I'm sick for some reason... Bring me some milk from the cellar!

My conscience could not refuse him this. I went down to the cellar. And the man jumped out of bed - and closed it!

He called his friends in joy and with a light heart: he deceived one, offended another, and when they began to be offended, he completely kicked them all out. And no remorse for you, no reproaches - your soul is good, calm. Good, good, but only a day passed, then another, and something began to be missing for the person. And a month later he realized what - conscience! And then such melancholy fell upon him that he could not stand it and opened the lid of the cellar.

Okay, he says, come out! Just don't give orders now!

And in response - silence. I went down to the cellar: here, here - there is no conscience anywhere!
Apparently, he really got rid of her forever... The man began to sob:

How can I live without a conscience now?

Here am I...

To rejoice, the man called his friends, apologized and gave them such a feast!
Everyone thought it was his birthday and congratulated him on it. But he did not refuse, and his conscience did not object. And not at all because I was afraid of ending up in the basement again. After all, if you look at it, that’s how it all happened!


  1. M. A. Aloeva, V. E. Beisova, Class hours and parent meetings in grades 7-9, Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2007.
  2. Stepanov E.N. Personality-oriented class hour: Features of content and organization // Class teacher. – 2006. - No. 2.


We have guests in class today, say hello to them.

Now I will check if you are ready for class. Those whose last name begins with the letter will sit in their seats. TO , now only girls sit down, and now boys sit down. I see you are all ready for the lesson.

    Today we will talk about a very important and probably the most important quality of a person. You will find out what quality we are talking about by solving the crossword puzzle. Guess the riddles...

    In black and white
    They write every now and then.
    Rub with a rag -
    Blank page.

    Sometimes it’s strict, sometimes it’s funny.
    Military, sports and school!

    I'm lying in my school bag,
    I'll tell you how you learn.


    White hare in a black field
    Jumped, ran, did loops.
    The trail behind him was also white.
    Who is this hare? ...

    I'll turn my face into a mask,

They will help me with this... (paints)

    Wooden boat for two sailors
    Carries us through the school sea of ​​calls.

    Along its edges are fields.
    In the center is white earth.
    And there are a hundred paths on it
    For diligent children
    (notebook )

Read the word in the highlighted column. (conscience)

Today we will try to answer the questions, what is conscience and where is it located in a person? Perhaps conscience is placed on the left, next to the heart, or on the right. Or maybe someone even doubts whether people have it. I propose to conduct

    Experiment "Conscience"

Today I want to give each of you a chocolate bar, but with one condition, if you decide to take it now, it will be -1 chocolate bar, and if you wait until the end of the lesson, you can take 2 at once for yourself and a friend or brother, mom.

Think for a few seconds. Raise your hands who takes the chocolate right away. (distributing) Raise your hands those who decided to wait.

Conclusion: those who decided to be patient are guys with a highly developed conscience, and those who took it right away have a sleepy conscience, they think only about themselves.

Let's try to answer the question

So, what is conscience? I would answer this way.

You have all seen and know well the compass, a device with an arrow that shows where north is and where south is. A person needs it so as not to get lost. Everyone has their own compass in their soul, which shows us what is good and what is evil.

Because Conscience is what makes you think about your actions, doubt, and be upset. She doesn’t let you do bad things, she makes you think about your behavior.

But why then do people do bad things? They simply do not listen to their conscience, they turn away from it, and close their ears. But you can't run away from your conscience.

What do you think you should be ashamed of in life and why?

    A game. I am against everyone.

Let's play a game. I am against everyone. I will read the words. And you get up and say I'M ASHAMED , if he thinks that this is something to be ashamed of.

Physical disabilities - people with disabilities;

Bad behavior;

Worn but neat clothes;

Sloppy, dirty appearance;

Not a prestigious job for parents;

Lack of money in the family;

Ignorance, lack of education, illiteracy;

Vulgar, defiant appearance;

Rude, callous attitude towards people;


A promise that was not kept.

Conclusion: I’m glad that many have correctly identified what they should be ashamed of. I would like that in life your inner compass - conscience - would also help you distinguish between good and evil.

    Training “How not to fall into the net of evil?

How to avoid falling into the net of evil? I'll explain it with my fingers.

Raise a hand. Here are five fingers. They are different in height. Where does evil begin? From small harmless pranks. You let him in. This is the first finger. You grow up, and the pranks become more and more offensive... This is the second finger. Gradually evil reaches its peak. Words will no longer stop this person; actions are needed. And then everything quickly - the rapid fall of man. The person becomes weaker and weaker. And now he is already in the power of evil. (Clench your fingers into a fist.) He becomes angry and aggressive. He wants to hit someone.

Show where, at what stage, it was necessary to stop evil in order to prevent it from flaring up? (At the very beginning, on the little finger.)

What reliable shield can be placed on the path of evil? (conscience)

V . Situations of choice. "Voice of Conscience"

Life often presents a person with a choice: to do according to his conscience or against his conscience. And we, sometimes without noticing, make a choice. We don’t notice mom’s heavy bag, we allow ourselves to take the best piece from the plate, trip up a first-grader, read someone else’s note, and not stand up for a friend. By allowing himself petty lies, a person makes a deal with his conscience. But everyone must make this choice not for the sake of praise or “show off,” but for the sake of truth, for the sake of duty to oneself. By this decision people will judge you.

Let's look at the situations. And we will find out whether it will be difficult for you to act according to your conscience?

A) Situation one.

You buy milk in a store, and the seller mistakenly gives you an extra 50 rubles with change. What will you do?

Children speak out about the situation

B) Situation two.

You copied the entire dictation from your neighbor at your desk. But the teacher gave the “neighbor” a “3”, and you a “5”, because he did not notice the three gross mistakes that he saw in her notebook. Your actions?

B) Situation three.

During the holidays the class is planning a trip to the circus. But suddenly an emergency occurs in the classroom: someone broke the window in the hallway. The class teacher asks the culprit to confess. But no one admits it. Then the teacher punishes the whole class and the trip is cancelled.

Do you know that your friend accidentally broke the window? How can one act in good conscience here?

Children speak out about the situation.

    Physical education minute

I suggest you get some rest. Stand up please.

I will name the words. If the word is kind, good, you go up, if it means something bad, unkind, you go down.

Let's start: CHARITY, anger, OBEDIENCE, cowardice, envy, KINDNESS, impudence, anger, irritability, rudeness, drunkenness, smoking, foul language.

Look what happened to you? Who do you look like? On animals. This is how it happens in life - when we do evil, we cease to be like people.

Do you like standing like this? Comfortable? Let's become people again. Straighten your back and stand up straight.

    "A Minute of Repentance"

And so that conscience does not remain silent, you need to train it, just as you train muscles and the mind - you need to force it to constantly work, do exercises.

An exercise of conscience is when a person thinks about what good and what bad he has done during the day, mentally putting himself in the place of another. With such work, conscience will not be silent and will always be the inner judge of a person.

Let's do this exercise now. Let's think about it and write down what your conscience does not allow or forbids you to do. Let's call this exercise “Minute of Repentance.”

The music turns on. Children spend one minute thinking about their performances. Then the teacher reads out.

My conscience forbids me


take someone else's

be lazy


bad student

talk to each other

be impudent

offend kids


Well, I would like to end our class hour with a parable

One day a young man was walking down the street and saw a blind man with a mug of change at his feet. Either he was in a bad mood or something else, he just threw shards of broken glass into this mug and moved on. 30 years have passed. This man has achieved everything in life. Children, grandchildren, money, a good home, and universal respect - he had everything. Only this episode from his distant youth haunted him. His conscience tormented him, gnawed at him, did not let him sleep. And so, in his declining years, he decided to find the blind man and repent. I arrived in the city where I was born and raised, and the blind man was still sitting in the same place with the same mug.

Do you remember, many years ago, someone threw broken glass into your mug - it was me. Forgive me, said the man.

“I threw away those fragments that same day, and you carried them in your heart for 30 years,” answered the blind man.

Why did the young man throw the fragments into the blind man's mug? (joke)

Why do you think the hero of the story remembered all his life about some poor blind old man? (ashamed)

When do you think he began to suffer from conscience?

In what words did the blind man express these painful remorse? (You carried these fragments in your heart for 30 years)

Do you think the hero of the story will raise good children?

How would you title this story? (“Shards in the heart”, “Remorse”, “Conscience”, etc.)

    Lesson summary

Today we talked about the most important quality of a person, we tried to answer questions that adults do not always find answers to. Life is easier next to a conscientious person. He, like a firefly, always radiates light, which is the moral health of a person. Always remain human and be honest with yourself and others, do not skimp on kindness. Thank you!

Distribution of chocolates!!!

Municipal educational institution Ermolovskaya secondary school named after

Class hour:

Classroom teacher:

Class hour: “Conscience is a moral category”

Goal: to attract students’ attention to understanding and revaluing the moral principles of behavior.

Preparatory work:

* Introduce students to the topic of the future class hour, discuss the form and timing, and distribute responsibilities.

*Design an office.

* Equipment: proverbs, recordings of songs, music. center

Progress of the class hour:

Hello guys. Today we will talk about conscience, morality and dignity. The name of our class hour was determined by the lines of Yuri Kim’s song “Dialogue about Conscience” - “Conscience is a moral category.”

The song by Yu. Kim “Dialogue about Conscience” is played

I recently made a discovery:

I recently opened a dictionary -

It turns out that “conscience is

Allowing unmistakable

Distinguish between good and bad"

But what about when the game is on?

And for the victory of truth and goodness

You need to lie too -

And what should we do then?

Discussion. Students' statements on these lines.

Conscience, nobility and dignity -

Here it is, the holy army.

Give him your hand

There is no fear for him even in the fire.

B. Okudzhava

Conscience, nobility and dignity... Such familiar and familiar words... They sound from TV screens and just on the street, they are found on the pages of newspapers and in school essays. When using them in conversation, we hardly think about the fact that the existence of these words is the basis of human existence. Without them, the human race would have died out long ago. This is a legacy passed on to us through the centuries. “...There can be no true pleasure if a person’s conscience is unclean,” asserted Margarita of Navarre. “What is glory? Our direct happiness is to live in peace with our conscience,” we read. “Yes, the one whose conscience is unclean is pitiful,” echoes him.

So what is conscience?

Student answers.

Student: Conscience is a precious word.

Student: This is how the meaning of this word is explained in the dictionaries of Ozhegov and Dahl (reads his notes):

Conscience is the internal consciousness of good and evil, the “secret of the soul”, in which approval or condemnation of every action is echoed, the ability to recognize the quality of an action.

Student. Very strong expressions are used with this word: people say: “gnaws at the conscience”, “torments the conscience”, “conscience does not let me sleep”, “torments of conscience”, “remorse”, “conscience has spoken”. It’s very good when you do something with a “clear conscience”, with a “clear conscience”. People who act according to their conscience are called conscientious and conscientious.

Student. And here is how the meaning of the word “shame” is explained (reads): this is a feeling of strong embarrassment, self-condemnation from the consciousness of the reprehensibility of an act, guilt.

Student. Shame is a very powerful feeling. People say: “you can burn with shame,” “you can fall through the ground with shame,” “you can blush with shame,” “I don’t know where to go from shame.”

Student. Student 2. “In whom there is shame, there is conscience,” says the Russian proverb. It shows well the connection between these two concepts.

Student. In the dictionaries we found many proverbs about conscience and shame. We wrote these proverbs on the board.

Read the proverbs written on the board:

1. No matter how wise you are, you cannot outdo your conscience.

2. A conscience without teeth will gnaw.

3. You can’t hide it from a person, you can’t hide it from your conscience.

4. Life is given for good deeds.

5. It is better to live poor than to become rich through sin.

6. You will pass through the world by untruth, but you will not return back.

7. The truth is like a wasp - it crawls into your eyes.

Teacher: Now let's look in the dictionary. Conscience is the concept of moral consciousness, internal conviction of what is good and evil, consciousness of moral responsibility for one’s behavior. Conscience is the ability of an individual to exercise moral self-control, to independently formulate moral duties for oneself, to demand that one fulfill them, and to make a self-assessment of one’s actions.

Dignity is a set of high moral qualities in oneself. Nobility – high morality, dedication and honesty.

Each of us has our own value system, our own view of life and opinion about everything. Each person makes his own choice and determines for himself the degree of significance of these concepts.

The basis for determining good and evil lies within ourselves. It all starts with a person. You cannot automatically become evil or good. Our actions, our attitude towards the world, towards the people around us make us this way. And there is a strong connection between actions and our conscience.

Problematic situation. The story "Shards in the Heart"

Listen to what the story says. (Reads the story)

“One day a young man was walking down the street and saw a blind man with a mug of change at his feet. Either the man was in a bad mood, or something else, he just threw shards of broken glass into this mug - and moved on.

30 years have passed. This man has achieved everything in life. Children, grandchildren, money, a good home, and universal respect - he already had everything. Only this episode from his distant youth haunted him. His conscience tormented him, gnawed at him, did not let him sleep. And so, in his declining years, he decided to find the blind man and repent. I arrived in the city where I was born and raised, and the blind man was still sitting in the same place with the same mug.

Do you remember, many years ago, someone threw broken glass into your mug - it was me. Forgive me,” said the man.

“I threw away those fragments that same day, and you carried them in your heart for 30 years,” answered the blind man.


– Can you say at what time the events of this story took place?

– Why did the hero of the story throw the fragments into the blind man’s mug?

– When do you think he began to suffer from conscience?

– Do you think the hero of the story will raise good children?

– Why do you think the hero of the story remembered all his life about some poor blind old man?

– In what words did the blind man express these painful remorse? (You carried these fragments in your heart for 30 years)

– How would you title this story? (“Shards in the heart”, “Remorse”, “Conscience”, etc.)

People strive for self-knowledge and self-improvement throughout their lives. The more a person works on himself, the richer his spiritual world becomes, the kinder and more beautiful his actions. So it was, is and will always be. Give examples when heroes are examples of high morality and vice versa.

Life often presents a person with a choice: to do according to his conscience or against his conscience. And everyone must make this choice not for the sake of praise or “show off,” but for the sake of truth, for the sake of duty to oneself. By this decision people will judge a person.

Let's look at three situations. Will it be difficult for you to act according to your conscience?

Situation one.

You buy milk in a store, and the seller mistakenly gives you an extra five thousand rubles with change. What will you do?

Children speak out about the situation

Situation two.

You copied the entire dictation from your neighbor at your desk. But the teacher gave the “neighbor” a “3”, and you a “5”, because he did not notice the three gross mistakes that he saw in her notebook. Your actions?

Children speak out about the situation.

Situation three.

For spring break, the class and the class teacher are planning a trip to the forest. Preparations are underway for a fun trip. But suddenly an emergency occurs in the classroom: someone tore off the tap from the fire extinguisher and filled the entire floor with foam. The class teacher asks the culprit to confess. But no one admits it. Then the class teacher punishes the whole class and the trip is cancelled.

Do you know that your friend tore the tap off the fire extinguisher? How can one act in good conscience here?

Teacher: Today there are slogans “If you want to live, know how to spin!” and the aphorism “Winners are not judged!” This is how we justify many immoral actions. The decline in the level of general culture, indifference to the history of the country, the clogging of the language and the impoverishment of speech, the decline of morals and impunity, provoke an increase in crime and corruption - these are the signs of our time. The state of morality in modern Russia cannot but cause alarm.

You might argue that having a conscience makes life more difficult than it helps you achieve success. But a lot depends on how you understand success in life. Do not forget that at all times this concept included not only external well-being, but also the internal state of a person.

"A Minute of Repentance"

A person’s whole life consists of similar situations. At every step we make a choice between good and evil. In order not to make mistakes, you need to constantly hear the voice of your conscience. This voice will tell us whether our actions are good or bad.

And in order for the conscience not to remain silent, you need to train it, just as you train muscles and the mind - you need to force it to constantly work, do exercises.

An exercise of conscience is the internal work of the mind and heart, when a person thinks about what good and what bad he has done during the day, mentally puts himself in the place of another, tries to see the consequences of his actions, knows how to look at his actions through the eyes of people he respects. With such work, conscience will not be silent and will always be the inner judge of a person. Otherwise - wandering in the dark.

Let's now (whoever has the courage) do this exercise. Let's think for a minute, remember our bad deeds this week, for which we deeply repent. Let's call this exercise “Minute of Repentance.”

The music turns on. Children spend one minute thinking about their performances.

Classroom teacher. Raise your hands if you want to clear your conscience and repent of a bad deed.

Children raise their hands and talk about their bad deeds.

Teacher. The feeling of remorse is a great feeling. It cleanses and heals a person. Even doctors admit that the most terrible diseases, against which medicine is powerless, are cured by repentance. “The sword does not cut off a guilty head,” says a Russian proverb.

"A moment of forgiveness."

Teacher. The second useful exercise of conscience is to ask for forgiveness. Everyone knows such a holiday as Maslenitsa.

The last day of Maslenitsa is called “Forgiveness Sunday.” On this day it is customary to ask everyone for forgiveness. When people meet, they kiss and say to each other: “Please forgive me.” In response you need to say: “God will forgive you.”

Maybe there are brave souls who would like to ask for forgiveness from those they have offended?

Children raise their hands at will and ask for forgiveness from those they have offended.

Life constantly confronts us with the moral: at home, at school, in public places, alone with ourselves... And sometimes we ourselves do not notice how we make this choice. You can pretend that you didn’t notice the heavy bag in your mother’s hands, you can allow yourself to be the first to squeeze through to the counter, trip up a running first-grader, throw a stone at a stray dog ​​or kitten, not stand up for a friend, hide behind someone else’s back, or even to the detriment of yourself, act honestly. All our actions, like a boomerang, come back to us. Do more good deeds so that goodness will always be near you. Do not allow yourself small lies, small betrayals, rudeness, flattery, cowardice. Everything starts small. By committing unseemly acts, we make deals with our conscience and destroy our personality.

Poem reading:

Everyone chooses for themselves

A woman, religion, a road.

To serve the devil or the prophet -

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves

Word for love or prayer.

A sword for a duel, a sword for battle

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Shield and armor, staff and patches,

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves.

I also choose - as best I can.

I have no complaints against anyone.

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Yu. Levitansky

Summing up (reflection). Concluding today's conversation, I hope that the topic did not leave you indifferent. Of course, everyone has to draw the main conclusions on their own.

Do you think this conversation will awaken your conscience? Will it make you think about your actions?

children's answers: (example)

“It seems to me that my conscience is not sleeping.” But the conversation was useful.

“Maybe someone will feel ashamed, but talking alone won’t awaken conscience.”


Class hours, non-traditional lessons and school holidays /. – Ed. 2nd. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2007. – 253.

Development of extracurricular activities in 6th grade

"What is conscience"


give a first general idea of ​​the concept of “conscience”, as well as clarify the meaning of such moral categories: shame and repentance;


Develop the ability to be critical of yourself and give an honest assessment of your actions;

Encourage children to introspect, to think about themselves, to search for high moral ideals.


Multimedia equipment, books for reading “Moral Grammar”, 6th grade, ed. E.P. Kozlova, route sheets, handouts

Progress of the event

  1. Organizational moment

Teacher : Hello guys! The topic of our lesson is “What is conscience?” Today we will try to answer this question.

Conscience! Without you there is nothing in me,

elevating me above animals.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

For our work, we will use a route sheet, which you will then paste into your workbooks.

  1. Reflections on a poem.

Teacher : Guys, let's listen to the poem “Sun of the Soul” (p. 178 of the textbook “Grammar of Morality”, 6th grade, E. Kozlov) and write down the answer to the first question on the route sheet, what is the sun of the soul.


1) Why does pain sometimes arise in the soul of each of us? What do you think is the reason for this?

4) complete the phrase on the route sheet.

The sun of the soul is conscience!

  1. Information block.

The concept of conscience in Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary:

Conscience is a sense of moral responsibility for one’s behavior before other people and society.

The concept of conscience in a large encyclopedic dictionary:

Conscience - expression of an individual’s ability to exercise moral self-control, independently formulate moral duties for himself, demand that he fulfill them, and make a self-assessment of his actions.

Teacher: From history of the word "conscience".

In some languages ​​(Greek συνείδησις, Latin conscientia, French conscience, Italian coscienza, English conscience, German Gewissen) this word is formed from the root meaning knowledge (Vedas) and the prefix “s”; This education indicates the close connection in which folk wisdom places the concepts of conscience and consciousness.

There are many aphorisms from famous writers, philosophers and proverbs about our moral concept.

Exercise: from the halves you have, make the correct oneaphorism or proverb:

“No matter how wise you are, you can’t outdo your conscience”

“Conscience has no teeth, but will gnaw”

“Conscience is not a neighbor - you can’t escape it”

“Conscience is a clawed beast that scrapes the heart” A.S. Pushkin

“The most important decoration is a clear conscience” Marcus Tulius Cicero

“What is conscience? This is a compass among the unknown" Victor Hugo

Exercise: How do you understand these aphorisms and proverbs?

Find other aphorisms and proverbs in the reading book (pp. 165-166). Write down one aphorism or proverb on the route sheet.

  1. Problem situation

Teacher : Let's listen to the retelling of Saltykov-Shchedrin's fairy tale "Conscience is Lost" and try to answer the question of how people's behavior has changed.

What happened to people after their conscience disappeared?(discussion)

What happens to a person when his conscience awakens in him?

Let's answer the question on the route sheet: what is a manifestation of conscience? ( shame )

Which proverbs and aphorisms most accurately describe the state of the fairy tale heroes?

  1. Working with puzzles.

Teacher : Guys, let's find the concepts hidden in the puzzles on page 166 that cannot be correlated with the concept of conscience. Solve the puzzles and write them down on the route sheet.

  1. Problem situation“Continue the story.”

Teacher : Surely you have sometimes seen how some guys at recess talk loudly, bully each other, and may even call each other rude names. It would seem, what's special here? Listen to this story.

One day Gleb saw his friend Sasha loudly arguing with Irina, who did not agree with his opinion and did not yield to him. Then Sasha called Irina insultingly. The girl started crying. She didn’t say anything to the teacher - she was afraid that everyone in the class would call her a sneak or, even worse, a traitor. Several days passed and everyone had long forgotten about what happened. Sasha still bullied the girls, and you won’t believe it, they were even happy about it - after all, Sasha was a leader, and many wanted to be friends with him. Irina walked around sad. The days at school passed very quickly, but Gleb still couldn’t get this old incident out of his head. And then one day...

Children's options are heard.

  1. Summarizing. Reflection.

Teacher : What functions does conscience perform when you doubt what to do, or when you have almost made a mistake (deceived, offended...) Before you are two sentences. Each one had a missing verb. Think and write the appropriate verb in the text of the sentence:

  1. When faced with a difficult choice, conscience ……………….. what a person should do. Options: helps, prohibits, suggests, allows.
  2. After a mistake, conscience………………. like an alarm signal: “You can’t do this! Get better!”

Options: screams, is silent, triggers, prohibits triggering.

Conscience has a very important feature: if you forget about the wounds it inflicts, they will never heal. Even after many years, conscience can remind you of past untruths. For example, the joy you get from an interesting trip may disappear because your conscience suddenly brought up something from the depths of your memory that you don’t want to remember.
Therefore, the most important thing in a person’s life is to be in harmony with his conscience. You must be able to hear it and act on its prompts, correcting your past mistakes.


We make notches for the reminder,

Not trusting my own tracks,

And conscience remembers all our actions

And does not age despite the years.

She's modest and doesn't say a word

Until he weighs his thoughts and deeds,

And suddenly he reminds you directly and sternly

Just about what you wanted to forget.

Teacher : Guys, let's read the following expressions:

“pangs of conscience”, “living at odds with one’s conscience.” How do you understand their meaning? What adjectives are used with the word conscience? (calm, clean)

Guys, our lesson is coming to an end. Let's select the main word and write it down in the sheets:

As a keepsake of our lesson, I would like to give you a small drop of conscience so that it will help you make the right choice in a difficult life situation.