Squeeze fleas on a cat in a dream. Why do cats dream about fleas?

  • 28.01.2024

People sometimes have strange dreams. Either this is a whole saga with an exciting and intricate plot, or a fleeting vision, from which only some trifle remains in the memory, or even an impression. For example, why do you dream of fleas on a cat? Some people wonder. It would seem, what disgusting! Fleas are extremely nasty insects: they look nasty, they suck blood, and they bite much more painfully than mosquitoes. Even those strange people who like a variety of exotic insects do not feel sympathy for fleas: various tarantulas, hissing cockroaches and other spider beetles. Surely a dream about fleas on a cat means something unpleasant!

Why do cats dream of fleas?

In general, there are a huge number of interpretations of dreams about fleas, as in all other ambiguous cases. They can portend a variety of desirable and undesirable things: gossip, money, illness, troubles and much more. Therefore, it is not surprising that the dream book does not give an unambiguous answer to the question of why a cat dreams of fleas. There are many different interpretations. They have only one thing in common: such a dream, frankly speaking, does not promise any special joys, although it also does not foretell anything very unpleasant, the undesirability of which corresponds to the fleas themselves.

For example, there is an interpretation that seeing fleas on a cat in a dream means money, which, however, will not be obtained as easily as one would like. In principle, this can be understood. Money, in general, rarely comes easy. This is, firstly. And secondly, many people are sure that cats themselves cause difficulties and troubles, both in dreams and in reality. And if fleas dream of money, then “complete” with a cat means money with problems.

Another interpretation (obviously, especially for cat lovers) says that a dream about fleas on a cat is an unforeseen and wasteful waste of money. Well, of course, you will have to buy flea treatment for your cat.

Why dream of killing fleas on a cat?

Squeezing fleas on a cat in a dream is also not the most favorable dream of all. For example, according to some interpreters, it means that you will experience a change of opinion about someone you know. But the dream book is silent about whether this opinion will change for the better or for the worse. There is also an interpretation that a dream about crushed fleas means new perspectives. And again, it is unclear how rosy they will be. Still others insist that killing fleas on an animal means that they will try (and perhaps successfully) to drag the person into other people's affairs. So it’s hardly possible to answer unequivocally why you dream of squeezing fleas on a cat.

Dream books are also not inclined to give a specific answer to the question of why you dream of catching fleas on a cat. In different dream books you can find a variety of, sometimes contradictory, assumptions. Some, for example, confidently predict to the dreamer various troubles that he “caught” along with fleas. Prevail among troubles, various minor diseases, but in large quantities. There is also an opinion that the dream foreshadows disappointment due to unsuccessful interference in other people's affairs.

However, other dream books report with the same confidence that a dream about catching fleas promises financial income. And a lot too. It is worth describing the dream in more detail and remembering every little detail that was present in it. Perhaps this will help clarify the interpretation and give a clearer answer. In general, as can be seen from this analysis, dream interpretation is not an easy matter; the results are always ambiguous, or even contradictory. But, of course, you shouldn’t attach too much importance to dreams, because after all, this is, first of all, a game of the human subconscious, and which dreams are prophetic cannot be found out until one of them comes true.

Why do you dream about fleas?

Fleas are harmful insects that cause many problems not only for animals, but also for people. If they appear in a dream, they generally leave behind unpleasant sensations. Thanks to the proposed interpretations, you will be able to confirm or refute your fears. To do this, it is important to take into account the main details of the dream, as well as the emotional stress and events that occur in real life.

Why do you dream about fleas?

Annoying insects warn of irritation due to gossip of a loved one. This may also be a harbinger of receiving financial assistance. Night vision where you are looking for fleas is a symbol of the fact that you will have to solve existing family problems. Seeing fleas jumping on your head means you are about to commit a rash act that will provoke the emergence of numerous problems. For a representative of the fair sex, such a dream indicates that due to excessive frankness she will provoke the emergence of many problems, and she should also beware of gossip from a close friend.

The dream interpretation of what dreams of fleas crawling on the body means is the presence of problems in the family and the relatives are most likely to blame for them. Seeing insects on some animal means that another person will soon become rich. If fleas were on a real pet, this is an indication that you can count on unexpected income. Seeing insects on a cat means that in real life you do not know how to set priorities and often waste your energy, time and money in vain. It will be interesting to know what it means if you dream of fleas on a dog. In this case, night vision indicates that you often suffer from severe envy. For a girl, a dream in which insects were on a loved one is a symbol of his inconstancy. Water fleas are a harbinger of numerous troubles. If you are looking for insects on your body, then you should prepare for concerns that will be associated with your home and family.

Why do you dream of catching fleas?

Such a dream indicates that you will have to deal with various troubles and problems. If you catch a jumping flea, this is a positive sign that heralds the onset of a wonderful period to realize your plans. A dream where you catch fleas is an unfavorable sign that promises troubles or some kind of disease. One of the dream books contains information that such a dream predicts victory over ill-wishers. Seeing another person catching fleas means that life will soon become calm and measured.

Why dream of killing fleas?

A dream where you kill insects is a symbol of receiving income that you do not expect. If you kill fleas on your pet, it means that in the future you will have to deal with unpleasant, but very important matters. Squashing insects means that in the future you will change your opinion about the person who is annoying you at the moment. It may also be a harbinger of the opening of new prospects.

Why do you dream that fleas bite?

Night vision in which fleas bite you predicts the occurrence of negative conversations and actions. If you still have blood, then you should expect trouble from close relatives. A dream where fleas bite indicates that you feel tired from excessive fuss and intrusiveness. Therefore, a dream can be a recommendation that you should rest in order to regain strength. For a representative of the fair sex, such a night vision predicts the occurrence of gossip from friends. It could also be a harbinger of temptation.

Why do you dream about Fleas?

Big online dream book

When you dream of a flea or many fleas, rejoice! Quite unexpectedly you will receive a lot of money!

If you dreamed that you were catching fleas, it means that in the very near future you will make peace with your old enemy. This former enemy of yours will become your best friend for life.

If in a dream you watched someone catching fleas, know that in the near future your whole life will be measured and calm. No disturbances will disturb its calm, measured flow. Take advantage of this respite for relaxation and relaxation.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream of Fleas in a dream according to the dream book?

Fleas are a sign that people you trusted are weaving networks of intrigue around you.

A young woman's dream in which fleas bite her warns of slander.

If she sees fleas on her lover, she should be wary of his infidelity.

Women's dream book

A dream about fleas initially does not bring anything good.

If you are getting sick of these annoying insects, you should take a closer look at your surroundings. It is quite possible that another envious person will want to slander you.

If in a dream you find fleas on your lover, you can no longer make a date with him, he is vilely lying to you, having another, and maybe more than one, bride like you.

Lunar dream book

Catching fleas - getting money; those who bite are a disaster.

Looking for fleas is deception; bedbugs and fleas are a loss; in general, it’s always bad to look for them.

Maly Velesov dream book

Flea - money / worry, deception, anxiety, quarrel, trouble, bad news, illness; to catch - death, troubles, troubles; seek - deception; there is grief, quarrel; bite - trouble.

Newest dream book

Why do you dream about Fleas in a dream?

Fleas - possible skin or venereal diseases. It's a waste of time. But if you deftly destroy fleas, you will get a lot of money, an expensive gift.

Water fleas

Family dream book

If you saw fleas in a dream, someone close to you will provoke you into anger and irritation.

If a woman dreams that she is being bitten by fleas, she will be slandered by her friends.

Combined dream book

If you saw fleas in a dream, this means that you will soon receive monetary profit; to look for, catch fleas, kill - to significant worries in the house, to anxiety, unpleasant news.

If fleas bite you in a dream, it’s very bad. For a woman, such a dream means lies from friends.

If a woman saw fleas on her lover in a dream, this means that he is cheating on you.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Fleas?

If you just see fleas in a dream, this means getting money (sometimes an illness), searching for, catching fleas, killing them means a lot of trouble in the house, anxiety, and unpleasant news.

If fleas bite, it's a disaster. For a woman, such a dream means slander of friends.

A flea bite is a temptation for a girl.

If a woman sees fleas on her lover, this is evidence of his inconstancy.

Dream Interpretation 2012

A flea is a reflection of aspects of minor omissions and shortcomings.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did Fleas appear in a dream?

Seeing a flea jumping in a dream and catching it is a harbinger of money, wealth, good opportunities to realize one’s abilities.

Killing a flea means money, profit, receiving unplanned income.

Looking for fleas on yourself in a dream means household chores and worries; finding them means quarrels and useless arguments.

If fleas bite you in a dream, it means that in reality someone is trying to slander you, spreading false rumors.

Azar's Dream Book

Fleas are a nuisance.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Fleas are for money.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Seeing a flea jumping or catching it means money, wealth; eliminating evil with caution and attention.

Looking for fleas on yourself is a household concern.

They bite - big profits.

A lot of fleas - sadness.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A dream in which you see or catch fleas symbolizes a premonition of minor, but very annoying troubles.

A flea on your head means that the source of your problems are your own mistakes or bad thoughts.

A flea on the body is a sign of annoying problems and misunderstandings with loved ones or good friends.

Fleas - to annoyance, small bites of your enemies.

Catching fleas is a new activity; crushing fleas means money.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

If you see whole hordes of fleas in a dream, this means a good harvest both in the field and in the garden.

Seeing fleas in a dream or suffering from their bites means losing true friends.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Fleas are a hidden villain; looking for them means pursuing the enemy.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing fleas in a dream means that someone close to you will provoke you into anger and irritation with his machinations.

If fleas bite a woman, it means that her friends will slander her.

If a woman sees fleas on her lover

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Fleas in a dream?

Seeing fleas in a dream means that the condition you are in can provoke an illness with serious consequences. Think about how to get rid of the person causing your abnormal state.

If fleas bite you, you will become a victim of slander from your own friends.

Seeing fleas on your lover means you will have the opportunity to become convinced of his fickleness.

Squashing fleas means trouble, looking for them means worry.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Fleas are a serious disease.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing fleas in a dream means a trick on the part of someone close to you, which will cause you anger and irritation.

Fleas biting a woman warn of slander from friends.

If a woman sees fleas on her lover, this indicates his inconstancy.

Solomon's Dream Book

Fleas are a serious disease.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Seeing fleas means receiving money; to catch is a nuisance, bad news; bother, bite - trouble.

Aesop's Dream Book

Flea - a symbol associated with dirt, the street, disorder, and something elusive. The ambiguity of the symbol follows from the proverbs and sayings that people have made about this insect.

Seeing a dog in a dream with fleas jumping on it and biting it means envy of someone else’s wealth; to winning the lottery, sudden profit, because of which a friend may suffer.

Trying to destroy fleas that are tormenting your pet means forced interference in other people's affairs; to the disappointment that will follow after painstaking but unpleasant work.

Seeing fleas on yourself and bleeding bites from them means an inheritance, financial litigation between you and relatives; Perhaps they will turn to you for financial assistance.

Seeing an artificial flea the size of a natural one means something will greatly shock you, but it will not have serious consequences; fate will pit you against a specialist whom you have long dreamed of meeting.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Fleas according to the dream book?

Seeing fleas means money; catch, beat - internal disagreements, troubles in business.

They bite - big profit; nervous breakdown.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dream of a flea, you will unexpectedly receive a lot of money.

In a dream you catch fleas - it means you will soon make peace with an old enemy.

If you dreamed that you were watching someone catching fleas, know: in the near future you will have a measured, calm life.

Medieval dream book

Dealing with fleas or eating them is a sign of joy.

Ukrainian dream book

They say how to dream about fleas - there will be some bad news.

Catching fleas is a nuisance; see - receiving money; fleas bite - trouble.

Gypsy dream book

Fleas are a minor irritation. Minor problems in business and personal life.

Esoteric dream book

Fleas are vanity, unnecessary trouble.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Fleas according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, fleas seen in a dream are a sign of untold wealth.

If you dreamed of these insects living on the water, expect problems and troubles.

Seeing a cluster of them in a dream means disappointment.

To dream of killing a flea mainly means an unexpected inheritance received under a will. It could also be a lucky lottery ticket or a bonus at work.

Dreaming that fleas are crawling on you means misunderstanding between relatives or friends.

If they bite you in a dream, it means that someone is speaking unkindly about you. Traces of their bites portend disputes over an inheritance, or someone is waiting for support from you.

If you dreamed that you were looking for them on yourself, this means anxious experiences, and if you found them, disagreements await you.

A dream in which you caught a jumping flea portends material profit, success in everything you undertake.

Seeing them in your hair in a dream means that the cause of your failures is solely you.

I dreamed of catching fleas - fuss associated with the household, negative news, emotional unrest.

Squashing fleas - profit, high income. The more fleas you see, the more money will flow into your account.

If you dream that there are fleas on your cat, this means unplanned expenses. Keep your wallet from breaking the bank by making smart purchases.

Fleas on a dog - you will compare yourself with your more successful friends, making sure that the comparison is not in your favor, you will feel bitterness and resentment. This dream may have a different interpretation: an unexpected gift, a large sum of money, the improper use of which can harm another person.

If you dreamed that fleas bite, this means lies from loved ones; they can betray or give away your secrets.


Miller's Dream Book

Seeing fleas in a dream- means that someone close to you will provoke you into anger and irritation with his machinations.

If fleas bite a woman- this means that her friends will slander her.

If a woman sees fleas on her lover- this speaks of his inconstancy.

Aesop's Dream Book

Flea- the symbol is associated with dirt, the street, disorder, and something elusive. The ambiguity of the symbol follows from the proverbs and sayings that people have made about this insect.

Seeing a dog in a dream with fleas jumping on it and biting it- envy over other people's wealth; to winning the lottery, sudden profit, because of which a friend may suffer.

Trying to kill fleas that are plaguing your pet- forced interference in other people's affairs; to the disappointment that will follow after painstaking but unpleasant work.

Seeing fleas on yourself and bleeding bites from them- to inheritance, to monetary litigation between you and relatives; Perhaps they will turn to you for financial assistance.

Seeing an artificial flea the size of a natural one- something will greatly shock you, but it will not have serious consequences; fate will pit you against a specialist whom you have long dreamed of meeting.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A dream in which you see or catch fleas- symbolizes a premonition of minor, but very annoying troubles.

Flea on the head- means that the source of your problems are your own mistakes or bad thoughts.

Flea on the body- a sign of annoying problems and misunderstandings with loved ones or good friends.

Jewish dream book

Fleas- annoyance.

Solomon's Dream Book

Fleas- serious illness.

Women's dream book

Dream about fleas- initially does not bring anything good.

If you get sick of these annoying insects- you should take a close look at your surroundings. It is quite possible that another envious person will want to slander you.

If in a dream you look for fleas on your lover- you don’t have to make a date with him anymore, he’s lying to you, having one more, and maybe more than one, bride like you.

New family dream book

If you saw fleas in a dream- someone close will provoke you into anger and irritation.

If a woman dreams that fleas bite her- she will be slandered by friends.

Modern combined dream book

If in a dream you just see fleas- this means getting money (sometimes leading to illness), search, catch fleas, kill- to great troubles in the house, to anxiety, to unpleasant news.

If fleas bite- trouble. For a woman such a dream- means slander of friends.

Flea bite for a girl- temptation.

If a woman sees fleas on her lover- this is evidence of his inconstancy.

Eastern women's dream book

Fleas- a sign that people you trusted are weaving networks of intrigue around you.

A young woman has a dream in which she is bitten by fleas- warns of slander.

If she sees fleas on her lover- She should be wary of his infidelity.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Fleas- possible skin or venereal diseases. It's a waste of time. But if you cleverly destroy fleas- to big money, an expensive gift.

Water fleas- to small but numerous troubles.

Water fleas- to small but numerous troubles.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Flea- reflection of aspects of minor omissions and shortcomings.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing fleas in a dream or suffering from their bites- to the loss of true friends.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

If you see whole hordes of fleas in your dream- this means a good harvest both in the field and in the garden.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Fleas- to annoyance, small bites of your enemies.

Catching fleas- to a new lesson; crush fleas- to money.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing fleas in a dream- to the fact that the condition you are in can provoke an illness with serious consequences. Think about how to get rid of the person causing your abnormal state.

The fleas that bite you- you will become a victim of slander from your own friends.

See fleas on your lover- you will have the opportunity to verify its impermanence.

Squash fleas- to troubles, search- to worry.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Fleas- serious illness.

Women's dream book

Seeing fleas in a dream- means a trick on the part of a person close to you, which will cause you anger and irritation.

Fleas biting a woman- warn about slander from friends.

If a woman sees fleas on her lover- this speaks of his inconstancy.

General dream book

I dream about a flea- unexpectedly receive big money.

In a dream you catch fleas- this means you will soon make peace with your old enemy.

If you dreamed that you were watching someone catching fleas- know: in the near future a measured, calm life awaits you.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a flea jumping in a dream and catching it- a harbinger of money, wealth, good opportunities to realize one’s abilities.

Kill a flea- to money, profit, receiving unplanned income.

Look for fleas on yourself in a dream- to household worries and anxiety, to find - to quarrels and useless disputes.

If you are bitten by fleas in a dream- this means that in reality someone is trying to slander you, spreading false rumors.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Dealing with or eating fleas- to joy.

Big dream book

When you dream of a flea or a lot of fleas- rejoice! Quite unexpectedly you will receive a lot of money!

If you dreamed that you were catching fleas- this means that in the very near future you will make peace with your old enemy. This former enemy of yours will become your best friend for life.

If in a dream you watched someone catching fleas- know that in the near future your whole life will be measured and calm. No disturbances will disturb its calm, measured flow. Take advantage of this respite for relaxation and relaxation.

Lunar dream book

catch fleas- receiving the money; biting- trouble.

Look for fleas- deception; bedbugs and fleas- loss, in general it’s always bad to look for it.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Fleas- hidden villain; look for them- pursuit of the enemy.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

see fleas- to money; catch, beat- internal disagreements, troubles in business.

They bite- big profit; nervous breakdown.

Dream book of a gypsy

Fleas- slight irritation. Minor problems in business and personal life.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing a flea jump or catching it- money, wealth; eliminating evil with caution and attention.

Look for fleas on yourself- domestic anxiety.

They bite- big profit.

A lot of fleas- sadness.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Flea- money / worry, deception, anxiety, quarrel, trouble, bad news, illness; catch- death, troubles, troubles; search- deception; There is- grief, quarrel; bite- trouble.

Esoteric dream book

Fleas- vanity, unnecessary troubles.

Ukrainian dream book

They say how you dream about fleas- this will be some bad news.

Catching fleas- trouble; see- receiving the money; fleas bite- trouble.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

see fleas- to receive money; catch- trouble, bad news; bother, bite- trouble.

Collection of dream books

If you saw fleas in a dream- this means that you will soon receive a monetary profit; look for, catch fleas, kill- to significant worries in the house, to anxiety, unpleasant news.

If fleas bite you in a dream- very bad. For a woman such a dream- means lies of friends.

Flea bite for a girl- temptation.

If a woman saw fleas on her lover in a dream- this suggests that he is cheating on you.

Catching fleas on a cat

Dream Interpretation: Catching fleas on a cat dreamed of why in a dream you dream about catching fleas on a cat? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Catching fleas on a cat in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

Catching fleas in a dream means troubles and problems; For lovers, such a dream predicts disappointment and infidelity of the beloved (or beloved); looking for them in yourself means worry and anxiety. Sometimes such a dream predicts prosperity in your home and many problems associated with keeping the house in order. Seeing fleas on yourself is a sign of a serious illness from which it will be difficult for you to recover. A dream in which you see fleas on other people means that you will face a lot of problems due to the fact that one of your friends or relatives will be in trouble and ask you for help. A dream in which you simply see fleas predicts that a certain person will cause your anger with his bad and thoughtless actions. If a flea bites you in a dream, then expect trouble due to the slander that your ill-wishers spread about you. Killing a flea in a dream is a sign of victory over your enemies. See interpretation: insects.

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

A flea is jumping, and catching it is a harbinger of money, wealth, good opportunities to realize one’s abilities.

Killing a flea means money, profit, receiving unplanned income.

Looking for fleas on yourself is a sign of household chores and anxiety.

Finding fleas means quarrels and useless disputes.

Fleas bite you - someone is trying to slander you, spreading false rumors.

Dream Interpretation - Flea

If you just see fleas in a dream, this means getting money (sometimes illness), searching for, catching fleas, killing - to big troubles in the house, to anxiety, to unpleasant news.

If fleas bite, it's a disaster.

For a woman, such a dream means slander from friends.

A flea bite is a temptation for a girl.

If a woman sees fleas on her lover, this is evidence of his inconstancy.

Dream Interpretation - Flea

Flea - they say how to dream about fleas, then this will be some bad news. Catching fleas is a nuisance; see - receiving money; fleas bite - trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Flea

The symbol is associated with dirt, the street, disorder, and something elusive. The ambiguity of the symbol follows from the proverbs and sayings that people have made about this insect.

Seeing a dog in a dream with fleas jumping on it and biting it means envy of someone else’s wealth; to winning the lottery, sudden profit, because of which a friend may suffer.

Trying to destroy fleas that are tormenting your pet means forced interference in other people’s affairs; to the disappointment that will follow after painstaking but unpleasant work.

Seeing fleas on yourself and bleeding bites from them means an inheritance, financial litigation between you and relatives; Perhaps they will turn to you for financial assistance.

Seeing an artificial flea the size of a natural one means something will greatly shock you, but it will not have serious consequences; Fate will bring you into contact with a specialist whom you have long dreamed of meeting.

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

Seeing fleas in a dream means that the condition you are in can provoke an illness with serious consequences. Think about how to get rid of the person causing your abnormal state. If fleas bite you, you will become a victim of slander from your own friends. Seeing fleas on your lover means you will have the opportunity to become convinced of his fickleness. Squashing fleas means trouble, looking for them means worry.

Dream Interpretation - Cat

A bad sign, for a fight, quarrel.

Kittens - to profit.

Caressing a cat means mistrust, doubt.

A cat comes towards you, crosses the road - to a meeting with an enemy, an insincere person.

A caressing cat is unfortunately in the cat's owner's house.

A cat meows hysterically - a request for help that is difficult to fulfill.

Hearing a cat's meow means receiving hypocritical assurances of love.

Hearing a cat meow without seeing it is deception.

A cat bit you or scratched you - slander or insult of its owners against you.

A cat has bitten or scratched someone - to a slight discomfort, to your resentment towards this person.

Catching a cat means opening gossip.

Cat games - to troubles in your personal life, identifying enemies.

A cat fight means worries.

Playing with a cat in a dream means infidelity.

A black cat means evil from an unknown enemy.

A dead cat means the disappearance of a person unpleasant to you.

Seeing a strangled cat means your lifestyle will lead to bad consequences.

To cause harm or pain to a cat is to have a bad conscience.

A man dreamed of a cat - some girl was “hunting” him.

A woman dreamed of a cat - signifies the emergence of a strong rival.

A cat catching a mouse means big profits and wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Flea

Seeing a flea jumping or catching it means money, wealth; eliminating evil with caution and attention,

Looking for fleas on yourself is a household concern.

Fleas bite - big profit.

A lot of fleas - sadness

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

Seeing fleas in a dream means that someone close to you will provoke you into anger and irritation with his machinations.

If fleas bite a woman, it means that her friends will slander her.

If a woman sees fleas on her lover, this indicates his inconstancy.

Dream Interpretation - Catching fleas

receiving the money; biting - trouble

Kittens sleep with fleas

What does the following dream mean: I am looking at kittens. Smoky, good looking, plump.

I took one in my hands, examined it and discovered that it had a lot of fleas on its tummy, it was a breeding ground. There are different types of fleas: big and small.

They run away. I begin to wipe the tummy with fleas with a cotton swab soaked in medicine, in the hope that the fleas will die.

And I treated all the kittens this way. What could the dream of Kittens with fleas mean? Who can tell?



I dreamed that my daughter brought home our cat, who died a month ago. She was a Siamese. She had fleas on her. My daughter began to assure me that our cat was alive. And on the chair was sleeping another cat, red and also flea-ridden, I I told her that we already had a new cat, but my daughter continued to hold her in her arms. That’s when I woke up.


A husband and wife I know come to visit us, and this guy says that every cat has fleas... lifts my pussy, spreads the fur, and there are tons of fleas...


I was hiding with the cat, I was afraid that they would take it away because she was in wounds, and the corvid had scabs and fleas. I removed the sponge and processed the rona. I didn’t touch the fleas, but looked at them. I didn’t see any blood or pus


Hello, I dreamed that I was pregnant, and my husband and I took a cat, I began to stroke it and it was swarming with fleas, they were jumping everywhere.


A lizard-like animal appeared in the apartment. Friendly. I took it in my arms and realized that it was a shell - a cover. I found the zipper and unzipped it, and inside there was a white kitten covered in fleas. Several managed to jump out while I was fastening the cover. After which the domestic cat became infected and died from the escaped fleas.

[email protected]:

My husband (who died) and I washed our cat with flea shampoo and fleas jumped out of her and were swarming with them, for some reason they did this on the bed….


i dreamed of a colored kitten that had brown fleas behind its ears, and I sprayed them with some kind of product and washed the cat with shampoo and water, then I remember that I started checking the fur to see if I had treated all the fleas and found another one behind the left ear and crushed it nails.


I have a cat, and in a dream a cat with kittens appears in our house and my cat accepts them (but she doesn’t go outside at all and actually ignores other cats) and they are all covered in fleas, it’s terrible I even see them as fleas they walk in rows on the floor. And everything happens in my parents’ house, where I haven’t lived for a long time, there are strangers there. And I decide, since my cat has accepted them, let them stay and I’ll remove the fleas. This is such a strange dream.


I had a dream during the day) it consisted of several stages) the first dream was that my friend and I went to the park with friends and they forced me to drink alcohol, I resisted. But I didn’t drink. then it started to rain. second dream I had a cat, one girl bathed her, she was white, then she jumped madly onto the chests... and fleas started falling from her and crawling around the apartment


I dreamed that there was a small red kitten in the entrance and I took him in my arms, after that everything was covered in midges, beetles and fleas from him, but I felt so sorry for him that I wanted to take him and cried


In a dream, I was cleaning the floors of my apartment and came across a gray dead cat. I tried to shove it into a garbage bag with a dustpan and there were so many fleas jumping on it and they started biting me! I’m trying to bury her in manure for some reason, it doesn’t work! I take her into the garden, I think I’ll bury her under an apple tree, in the end the bag breaks and again the mess with fleas is just terrible! The most important thing is that I’ve never had a cat!


Hello. In a dream, I was in the village in my grandmother’s yard. I took my cat in my arms (I was surprised that she was there, because we never take her to the village). There were a lot of fleas on her, I first shook them off her, very quickly, I tried to kill one with a slipper on the floor. But on her stomach they were strange, completely different, at the end they had needles and in general the fleas themselves were blue, when I pulled them out I realized that she was in pain, but I can continue to pull them out. I was also surprised how I understood her thoughts exactly. And I woke up surprised at how I was able to understand her.


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that I was washing my cat in the bathroom, and because... She is white, the fleas on her are visible very well, there are a lot of them, and they are all on the neck, I still killed most of the fleas. Thank you


I dreamed of a cat, I was stroking it and suddenly bugs began to run around it (do not jump), and a red cockroach like a cockroach came out of its fur, someone removed it, I was disgusted


I don’t wake up in my bed, but on the floor by the door I am surprised to see a cat, trying to figure out where it’s coming from. I go into the living room to see my mother, when there are several more in the room, about three o’clock, I begin to nervously grab one of them, when I see fleas hiding in one of them, as in friend, one of them started to give birth, one of the kittens was dead and I woke up in a stalemate, not a pleasant sight, what could it be???????????


took the cat in her arms. I kissed her on the face, stroked her, and she had a lot of fleas on her back. Then I had them on my things, but not many. And on the bench where she was sitting there were a lot of them and I swept them off the bench with my hand.


I dreamed of a two-color cat, white and red, and there were a lot of fleas on her, or rather on her neck. What does this mean? Thanks in advance


I dream of a white cat, I stroke it and where the tail begins I see fleas, I start catching them, I caught a few and began to crush them


Hello! First, I climbed into some kind of bag and due to the fact that there is not enough space for me in it and I cannot see what is happening around me, I begin to droop and suffocate, after which I safely get out of it. Afterwards I dreamed that I was catching fleas from a kitten, while feeling sorry for him that his fleas were biting him. In a dream, I thought about why I hadn’t taken care of it before and didn’t clear the fleas. I was also offered money in a dream, or rather a job - and the amount for doing it, but I refused it, I thought it wasn’t enough. That's all I remember. Thank you


The dream was very short: I dreamed of fleas on the white fur of a cat. Fleas crawled out of the thick fur, jumped and climbed back into the fur. I was woken up during my sleep, so it didn’t last long. This is the first time I have seen such a dream.


It was a dream within a dream. I dreamed that my kitten was hit by a car. I saw him dying. I cried. I woke up and was glad that it was a dream. And my kitten, here he is, on my blanket, itching with his back paw, which woke me up! I took it and was surprised - where did so many fleas come from!??? It wasn't! I smeared him with flea drops...then I saw him hit by a car again! Oh God! prophetic dream??? and then I REALLY WAKE UP!. The kitten is nearby...sleeping...everything is fine)) And, of course, no fleas)))


Hello Tatyana, I had a dream: I came to visit, went into the apartment and in the middle of the corridor there was a white cat and black fleas were jumping on it. please write what this is for.


Good afternoon.
From the whole dream I clearly remember: a small white fluffy kitten in my arms, and fleas began to appear, as if healthy, fat ones were crawling out of the skin, and I crushed them in batches


I was petting the cat and suddenly I saw a lot of fleas crawling on him, I started catching them and strangling them, then I caught 2 fleas and they bit me. And then I woke up


The cat stood up, there were large kittens near her, and fleas fell from the cat and kittens and there were a lot of them on the floor. And then they disappeared along with the cats.


I dreamed that I found a cat in the forest, I took her in my arms and she had a lot of fleas and the fleas were crawling onto my hand, the cat was still talking to me


I dreamed of my cat lying on her back. I saw a lot of fleas, they were large and increasing in size... I thought... that means she has the same number of worms. And the fleas began to turn into larvae of Carolina beetle worms.


Hello, I dreamed of a white cat, I brought it from the street to my home. Already at home, they told me, look, she’s sick and flea-ridden. And I saw, lifting her fur, that the cat had fleas and sores.


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I dreamed about our red kitten. He lies on his back and there are a lot of black fleas crawling on him. Although yesterday we bathed him. The kitten lay calmly. I didn't touch it. Thank you


In a dream I felt like I saw my cat. True, my cat is gray, but this one was white. and I only saw his head, I held his head, and my sister removed fleas from his fur. there were a lot of them and they did not end, but seemed to come out of my head again and again. And my sister, in the process of examining it, told me that these were unusual fleas and in fact they did not look like fleas, but more like lice. the color was brown.


I dreamed of a gray-white cat, but shabby, beaten and flea-ridden. Then her fur began to fall off and worms were sticking out on her back. I pulled them out with gloves and washed the cat. She cured him, and he continued to grow beautiful fur.


I dreamed of my cat who had been dead for 14 years. I dreamed that he really missed me. He was petting me and playing with me. And then I looked closely and saw that he had a lot of fleas. And he immediately ran away from me.


I dreamed that I was looking at a cat and she had brown fleas, I wanted to get them, but I couldn’t because I was disgusted


I dreamed that a cat disappeared, but then she returned with a kitten whose entire head and neck were covered in fleas. The cat was sort of gray in color, and the kitten was white.


Good afternoon, I dreamed that I found one flea on a cat, I dreamed about the one that lives with me, I saw two more of them in my dream. And so that others wouldn’t appear, I sprayed it with some kind of spray and it became like transparent and there was no living place on it, everything was swarming with fleas and after I rubbed the spray into it, they began to fall off it, semi-alive and large, and I killed them and several They ran away, I saw it clearly but couldn’t catch it.


2 beds in the room. A paralyzed sister is lying by the door. I’m licking in front of the door. A huge blue cat is standing at the door and can’t get out. I cry and say that I’m scared. The sister gets up and lets the cat out the door. She comes up to me, calms me down, and I have no time for fear anymore, I think that she doesn’t understand that she can walk, then I don’t remember, after a while there is a white cat on my bed with her belly up and fleas are jumping on her tummy, and I think that they can get attached to my dog. that's it.


I came to the apartment, the owner of the apartment died a long time ago. She has a white cat, I went into the room, sat on the sofa, took the cat in my arms and began to catch fleas from her and remove flea larvae


Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was killing fleas on a cat. But at this moment, 2 ladybugs (red) dig into my finger from the wool. Thereby wrapping either the thumb or index finger. It was very painful and I could barely shake them off. But there were traces of this on my fingers. This is the dream I had today. Thank you!


I dreamed of a cat who lives with me, I started stroking her belly and it was infested with fleas and ticks, I tried to kill them and they scattered and bit and it hurt so much


For some reason, I decided to see if the cat had fleas, I turned her over on her back, and her entire stomach was covered with fleas, and then for some reason they flew (like midges) right into my face!
I also thought that it couldn’t be fleas, because they don’t fly.....
But it felt like they bit me on the cheek...


Hello. I dreamed (my domestic cat, her color is gray and white, and there is more gray and it is from light gray to dark gray). I held her in my arms and stroked her, and in the process of ironing I discovered black dots on her neck.


I recently bought a collar for my cat. A few days later I had a dream, I was lying on the bed, a cat came up to me, he lay down next to me. I look at my cat and he has a lot of dead fleas on his fur (apparently the collar worked) I wanted to comb them out and then I woke up without finishing the dream.


I was stroking a very flea-covered white cat that was lying next to me on the bed. While petting the cat, I realized that I had killed 1-2 fleas. in a dream I thought I needed to wake up and go wash the cat. but I don’t have such a cat.


I dreamed of a white cat, I found her in the ruins of an abandoned house... she was white... I brought her home... I showed her to my husband, he told me to check her for fleas, I started looking... there were not fleas, but various terrible worms, nasty bugs, insects, they crawled off her and crawled on it... it was terribly disgusting...


Hello Tatiana! I had a dream a year ago. We have a new family member at home - a wonderful British cat. I was away. And I dreamed of our cat covered in fleas. There were so many of them that no fur was visible, a continuous layer of fleas. We were sitting on the sofa and there were fleas all over the rug of the sofa. I took these fleas from the cat and crushed them with my hands and felt them crunch. Brrrrr... Just passion. This is such a dream. And I still often remember it in every detail. I think what is this for? Thank you!


in a dream I see a little kitten that my mother recently adopted, I try to stroke it, run my hand over its fur, and there it has a bunch of white fleas.


cats and kittens are covered in fleas, they fall off, they sit on the table, I was worried that the fleas would not pass to my cat




I didn’t see any fleas, but the cat was actively running, scratching and biting itself. Light-colored cat, café au lait, British, 5 months old.


I dream that my husband brought home a Malinka kitten that has fleas, I tell him why I brought it, and I get out of bed and there are several more cats on the floor next to my bed, I realized that it was mom, dad and another little kitten, and I think about yourself that when you leave for work, I’ll take them back to the street. Something like that. The fact is that we once took one Katya, but I took him back because our cat didn’t really accept him, and this little Katya was there in a dream. Thank you




I had a dream that I poisoned fleas on my cat with dichlorvos and then these fleas crawled out of him and crawled on the blanket, and then I wiped out this blanket on the street.


I dreamed that my pet cat had many, many fleas under her chin. After I saw them, I told my boyfriend to remove them from the cat and then treat it.


a woman on her knees holds a cat in a rag and strokes it, and on the cat and around the whole rag is infested with black fleas, then the woman gives me the cat and I see black fleas on my legs, I quickly give the woman the cat and try to move away, but there are fleas on my legs remain


I dreamed that my cat was simply swarming with fleas and there was nothing I could do about them.


hello. I dreamed that after the funeral my neighbor and my husband and I lowered our tube shoes, and out of nowhere, my husband’s mother had a lot of cats appear in the room, we caught them but couldn’t catch them, and I noticed my mother’s bed, there was a small cat sitting there the size is very fluffy, the color is like beige, I started to drive her out of bed and she started barking at me and biting my hands. She didn’t bite until there was blood, but large marks remained. And as soon as I managed to kick her out of my mother’s room completely, I woke up.


I dreamed that my cat had fleas jumping, about 6 of them, and I started catching and squeezing them, and she also had 2 large fleas. which flew away constantly and I could not catch and kill them.


I dreamed of a small fluffy white kitten that was lying at my head, I took it in my arms to see if it had fleas. There was a very large flea under its hind leg. I crushed it and small fleas scattered all over the kitten, a lot of them. 0664385314


I was driving in a car and along the street there were many many cats of different colors, among them I saw a tricolor cat and for some reason she had two tails, a collar with a bell and her claws were trimmed. I persuaded my husband to take her in. When I picked her up in my arms, she started to fall down. fleas and a lot


I dreamed of a dark gray kitten, I found it on the street and brought it home. He had fleas behind his ears. I lathered him with flea shampoo. I don't remember anymore.


I dreamed of a kitten, fluffy, cute. I lied to him in my arms, and he had fleas, a lot of them. At first I crushed a few, then I wanted to put a kitten in, but they tell me that it’s no big deal. Just think of fleas.


My cat and I caught a big flea, the flea was covered in some kind of mucus, at the end we killed it, I don’t remember exactly


Hello, I dreamed about my cats, a large cat and a kitten, someone else’s flea cat strayed and infected my


Hello! Today I dreamed about my cat, and there were sooo many fleas on her. Big, brown and black. And the cat is white. They were jumping. I pressed them on her

Gtnhjdf Bhbyf:

I went into the entrance to my floor and saw how all the neighbors had cats and kittens coming out of their houses (although not all neighbors have them). I took a gray-white cat and her kitten and there were spots on them where there was no hair at all, I looked and there were maggots


It seems like a kitten and a tiger cub are playing in my house and I’m looking at them from above. They crawled out from under the sofa and I see them playing. And when I look closer, I notice that their beautiful bellies are infested with fleas. I feel uncomfortable.


Hello! I dreamed that I was lying in bed with my cat and watching TV. I started stroking her, parted her fur, and there was a huge flea sitting there! I grabbed the cat and ran to wash it with flea shampoo. I washed it three times and poured a lot of shampoo. Thanks for your answer in advance!


came to visit. I took my cat with me - gray, flexible. went to bed on the sofa. Mine is dozing and purring next to me. on the other side of the room (it’s not big), another cat, a mottled one, jumps off the shelf onto the sofa and settles down to sleep with us. I see how many fleas there are on this new cat. they run to mine and back. then onto my hands. I begin to crush them. and the cats lie quietly and wait for me to help them


I dreamed of three cats: white, black, and tricolor, which I decided to give to the director for the film, the director arrived and sat in a chair at home, I said that I had to pay for them, to which they answered that they didn’t mind, I just needed to find out if they were suitable, and I repeat that this is purely symbolic, they give as much as they can to feed the cat. but I don’t remember whether it was in my house or someone else’s house, and I began to worry that there were fleas in them and decided to wash them, I began to smear the cats with shampoo and saw a lot of fleas, something else happened but I don’t remember anymore. The black cat is large and affectionate, I held him in my arms.


the dream was good, but I remember that our red cat had fleas. It happened like this: I decided to pet our cat, but since he goes outside, I decided to check if there were fleas, ran my hand along his back against the fur, I saw that there were fleas on him and they ran to the head about 5.6 times. The main thing is that in the morning I remembered almost the entire dream, and in the evening I remember only this part of the dream.


I dreamed that my cat was covered in fleas and had ticks of different sizes on her tummy. Then I remember how I brought her to the veterinarian and they discovered that the bunches of paws had been eaten (as if they had been gnawed out), the wounds were fresh, but without bleeding. I spent the entire dream trying to get them out of her!


I saw a cat, and there were a lot of fleas on its neck. I immediately threw the cat into a filled bath and began treating it with a special shampoo, then I woke up.


I’m sitting and my black cat comes up to me and meows passionately, I start stroking him, I scratch under his neck, he likes it, I scratch his belly and it’s full of fleas n


I dreamed of my cat with a shabby skin and a large number of fleas crawling on her, I wanted to help her and tried to destroy them


The kitten jumps into a bowl of water and begins to choke and drown. I'm saving him. This is my kitten, peach-colored. Then I start petting him and there are a lot of fleas on his tummy. I'm trying to crush them.

Examples of interpretations

Many dream books interpret dream images depending on a person’s gender and age. If a pet appeared in the dream, then you should pay attention to its characteristic features (breed, size, coat color, behavior). Here are examples of interpretations from popular dream books:

If flea nits were present in the dream, then this is a sign that a person is wasting his time unwisely, being distracted by empty conversations and useless activities. Perhaps in the near future new ones will be added to the existing problems and adversities. The presence in a dream of not only fleas, but also other blood-sucking creatures, warns the dreamer of a kind of black streak - it is better not to count on a favorable outcome of events in the near future.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Watching fleas in a dream means inviting trouble. The person who killed fleas on a dog or cat will suffer for the truth; the dreamer may also lose “friends” - hypocritical people from the environment, hiding their true essence behind the mask of a comrade and friend.

Insect bites indicate distress, which awaits the dreamer in the near future. Catching fleas - all financial affairs will go to waste. Hordes of insects in which a person literally drowns symbolize huge profits and increased prosperity.

Writer Aesop

Esotericist Evgeniy Tsvetkov

If a person saw fleas on TV in a dream (or heard about them in a conversation with someone), then this indicates that the dreamer will be very lucky in real life - this does not always mean enrichment. It is quite possible that a person, leaving home, will remember in time that the gas has not been turned off, or, while walking next to a building under construction, will linger for a second while tying his shoelaces and will not reach the place where the brick will fall.

David Loff

American psychoanalyst David Loff points out in his dream book that a flea symbolizes the dreamer’s desire to become rich. A lot of fleas indicate envy of some people who have achieved success, and insect bites indicate dissatisfaction with oneself.

Also, according to Loff, the flea is an image of poverty. The person admits that he is not satisfied with the current state of financial affairs.

Gustav Miller

If the dreamer saw white fleas, this should be considered a sign of happiness and the onset of a “white streak” in a person’s life.

Sigmund Freud

According to the renowned psychoanalyst, the flea symbol can be divided into two components. The first means the dreamer’s ego, or rather, practically the absence of it: a person is so accustomed to pleasing others, regardless of his own opinions and interests, that his internal image of himself has become comparable to a flea. The same applies to the sexual sphere - dreaming of fleas indicates that the dreamer cares too much about his partner, forgetting about himself.

People sometimes have strange dreams. Either this is a whole saga with an exciting and intricate plot, or a fleeting vision, from which only some trifle remains in the memory, or even an impression. For example, why do you dream of fleas on a cat? Some people wonder. It would seem, what disgusting! Fleas are extremely nasty insects: they look nasty, they suck blood, and they bite much more painfully than mosquitoes. Even those strange people who like a variety of exotic insects do not feel sympathy for fleas: various tarantulas, hissing cockroaches and other spider beetles. Surely a dream about fleas on a cat means something unpleasant!

Why do cats dream of fleas?

In general, there are a huge number of interpretations of dreams about fleas, as in all other ambiguous cases. They can portend a variety of desirable and undesirable things: gossip, illness, troubles and much more. Therefore, it is not surprising that the dream book does not give an unambiguous answer to the question of why a cat dreams of fleas. There are many different interpretations. They have only one thing in common: such a dream, frankly speaking, does not promise any special joys, although it also does not foretell anything very unpleasant, the undesirability of which corresponds to the fleas themselves.

For example, there is an interpretation that seeing fleas on a cat in a dream means money, which, however, will not be obtained as easily as one would like. In principle, this can be understood. Money, in general, rarely comes easy. This is, firstly. And secondly, many people are sure that cats themselves cause difficulties and troubles, both in dreams and in reality. And if fleas dream of money, then “complete” with a cat means money with problems.

Another interpretation (obviously, especially for cat lovers) says that a dream about fleas on a cat is an unforeseen and wasteful waste of money. Well, of course, you will have to buy flea treatment for your cat.

Why dream of killing fleas on a cat?

Squeezing fleas on a cat in a dream is also not the most favorable dream of all. For example, according to some interpreters, it means that you will experience a change of opinion about someone you know. But the dream book is silent about whether this opinion will change for the better or for the worse. There is also an interpretation that a dream about crushed fleas means new perspectives. And again, it is unclear how rosy they will be. Still others insist that killing fleas on an animal means that they will try (and perhaps successfully) to drag the person into other people's affairs. So it’s hardly possible to answer unequivocally why you dream of squeezing fleas on a cat.

Dream books are also not inclined to give a specific answer to the question of why you dream of catching fleas on a cat. In different dream books you can find a variety of, sometimes contradictory, assumptions. Some, for example, confidently predict to the dreamer various troubles that he “caught” along with fleas. Prevail among troubles, various minor diseases, but in large quantities. There is also an opinion that the dream foreshadows disappointment due to unsuccessful interference in other people's affairs.

However, other dream books report with the same confidence that a dream about catching fleas promises financial income. And a lot too. It is worth describing the dream in more detail and remembering every little detail that was present in it. Perhaps this will help clarify the interpretation and give a clearer answer. In general, as can be seen from this analysis, dream interpretation is not an easy matter; the results are always ambiguous, or even contradictory. But, of course, you shouldn’t attach too much importance to dreams, because after all, this is, first of all, a human game, and which dreams are prophetic cannot be found out until one of them comes true.

Finding a dream book that will accurately determine the image of a flea specifically for you is quite difficult. In fact, each person should look through several different books before settling on one of them.

Advice! Experts advise considering several interpretations of various dreams and comparing each of them with events that will happen after some time. Such an observation will allow you to determine for yourself the dream book that you can turn to to decipher night dreams in the future.

Now we invite you to find out what the flea symbolizes according to the most popular publications.

Aesop's Dream Book

The famous writer Aesop gives the following definitions of this insect:

According to observations, this source also quite often allows one to accurately decipher various dreams. Let's find out what he has to say about the flea.

Recommendation! According to the 21st century dream book, after such a dream you need to pay attention to those people who are next to you at this stage of life! Review your list of friends and acquaintances - this will help identify the slanderer and thus get rid of the traitor!

Miller's Dream Book

As you can see, most sources tend to think that fleas are a negative thing. But it is quite possible that in your case the interpretation will be positive. After all, sometimes a bad omen gives way to unexpected profits - everything will depend on the details of the dream.

Let's ask grandma

Modern dream books are undoubtedly popular sources. But sometimes it’s worth paying attention to popular beliefs; they often explain night dreams as accurately and reliably as possible.

If such night dreams arise, you should put your thoughts in order. Think about your lifestyle - most likely, something will have to change. Try to get as much rest as possible in the near future and protect yourself from stress. Pay attention to the people with whom you communicate most often. If someone really annoys you or constantly provokes you into conflict, try to stop any contact with him. This way you can quickly restore your peace of mind.

If nothing makes you happy, what is happening around you only depresses you, and unpleasant dreams come every night, then in this case it is advisable to seek help from a specialist - a professional psychologist who is guaranteed to relieve you of fears and obsessions.

In general, try not to take the dream literally. As you can see, even such an unpleasant image as a flea can in some cases be interpreted in a positive way.

Fleas themselves are very harmful insects, so their appearance in a dream is usually associated with troubles. But some dreams with these insects can also portend joyful events - wealth, a wedding, noisy fun, good luck in business. Only based on the details of the dream, you can accurately find out why fleas are dreamed of and what to expect from such dreams.

A dream about fleas suggests that the dreamer should be on guard. Why?

Interpretation of dream books

Dream books interpret dreams with fleas based on many years of human observations, confirmed by facts.

Ukrainian dream book

If you catch fleas in a dream, this means trouble; if insects bite, you will be in trouble.

Seeing fleas in large numbers far from yourself means receiving money.

Miller's Dream Book

Fleas in a dream indicate that a loved one will soon become irritated or very angry.

A woman who was bitten by fleas in a dream should be afraid of gossip and slander from others.

If fleas sit on a loved one, this may indicate his unreliability and fickleness, as well as the fact that he will not keep his promise.

Aesop's Dream Book

Seeing flea vinegar on the body in a dream means an inheritance, but associated with litigation with relatives. Perhaps the sleeping person will be asked to borrow a large amount.

Seeing a huge flea is a sign of amazing events in life or a meeting with an extraordinary person.

Women's dream book

Fleas in women's dreams most often mean trouble: perhaps there are people around who want to greatly annoy you or someone who spreads gossip.

Seeing a flea on a lover is a sign of deception and infidelity of this man.

Dream book of the 21st century

A jumping and galloping flea in a dream guarantees unexpected profits.

Seeing a frolicking flea in a dream means showing talents in real life and realizing existing opportunities and abilities.

Folk dream book of the seasons

If you dreamed of hordes of fleas in the fall, there will be a good harvest.

If fleas bite in a dream, and the dream occurred in the summer, this indicates the infidelity of friends and their loss.

Dreaming of fleas in the spring - to minor troubles, “bites” from others.

How to dream about fleas

The meaning of the dream largely depends on how fleas are dreamed of - what they do, in what form they appear. Before studying the interpretation of a dream, you should remember all the circumstances of the dream in order to determine which area the dream relates to more - personal, financial, professional, etc.

Fleas and cats

The meaning of the dream depends on whose cat you dreamed about – someone else’s or your own. Sleeping with your own pet will mean personal problems and household chores. Someone else's cat with fleas always means trouble.

Why do you dream of fleas on a cat:

  • Fleas on your own cat with small kittens mean problems with children, troubles in their personal lives, studies, and finances. You should pay attention to children - perhaps they are hiding some problems.
  • If fleas eat your cat in a dream, your loved ones may have health problems.
  • If fleas jump on a cat, but the pet does not show concern and fawns over the owner, expect a large sum of money (bonus, inheritance, winnings, etc.).
  • Someone else's cat with fleas is a problem, often related to finances.

Fleas and dogs

A dog in a dream means a friend, but if the animal shows aggression, then this means the appearance of ill-wishers.

Why do you dream of fleas on a dog:

  • Fleas bite a well-groomed, thoroughbred dog - trouble for a high-ranking official (boss). The sleeper will participate in these events indirectly.
  • A dog that threatens a sleeping person is bitten by fleas - trouble for ill-wishers who will receive their retribution without the participation of the sleeping person.
  • If fleas bite a pet (a sleeping dog), this means trouble for loved ones, possibly of a financial nature.
  • Fleas on a black dog that attacks in a dream means big trouble.
  • A white dog with fleas symbolizes doctors. You may have to pay for medical services - pay for an operation, give a bribe, etc.
  • A playful puppy with fleas means an expensive gift, the appearance of a new acquaintance (groom) with money.

Fleas and man

Before interpreting dreams with fleas on a person, you need to remember the feelings that such a dream caused - surprise, hostility, fear, disgust, etc.

Why do you dream of fleas on a person:

  • Fleas on a familiar person that do not harm him are an unexpected profit for this person.
  • Fleas eat another person - he has serious problems with his environment or finances.
  • Fleas eat a friend until they bleed - to health problems for this person.
  • Insects on a child - a dream warns of problems that arise in children.
  • Fleas in a dream bite a sleeping person, but do not cause disgust - receiving a monetary reward.
  • Fleas bite very painfully in a dream, bite marks are visible - a long-term illness.
  • Catching fleas on your body and squeezing them means that the sleeper in real life can easily deal with problems.
  • Fleas bite, causing irritation - nagging from others (bosses, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, relatives).
  • Fleas on your own body cause disgust and fear - it’s time to pay off your debts.

Fleas and lice

Lice in a dream usually symbolize money, and fleas symbolize financial problems.

Why dream of seeing fleas and lice:

Lice of incredible size, among which there are large fleas, is a favorable dream regarding the financial sphere. Perhaps making a profit, the troubles associated with this, which will be quickly resolved.

  • Looking for lice on your head and seeing fleas means financial difficulties are possible. A man urgently needs money, but he cannot find it.
  • A large number of lice and fleas, which are difficult to get rid of, are debts.
  • If fleas and lice simultaneously bite the entire body - a sudden, long-term illness.
  • Destroying fleas and lice is a quick way to overcome financial difficulties.

Why do you dream of squashing fleas?

Killing pests means overcoming troubles.

Pressure, poison, kill fleas - things will improve in the financial sphere, a sick person will recover, in your personal life you will be able to get rid of and defeat gossipers, ill-wishers, deceitful friends and admirers.

What to do if you dreamed about fleas

After you dream about fleas, you should evaluate your feelings. If the dream evokes anxiety, then, most likely, troubles cannot be avoided in real life. If the dream did not bring much excitement or feelings of fear, it means that all problems will be overcome with a favorable outcome.

What to do if you dream about fleas:

  • Lots of fleas crawling on the body– pay attention to your health.
  • There are fleas on my head– be careful with relatives, conflict situations are possible.
  • Fleas on clothes– don’t poke your nose into other people’s affairs. A dream about a flea can mean vain worries and causeless worries.
  • A flea bite is clearly felt in a dream- expect small-scale troubles. For a woman - gross slander and slander, for a young girl - temptation and seduction, for a man - you should take a closer look at your business partners.
  • One flea bites hard– take a closer look at your surroundings, perhaps you are under someone’s bad influence.
  • Look for fleas in a dream- thirst for adventure and adventurism. Most likely, a new interesting activity awaits you in life, a change of activity.
  • If fleas jump on the bed in a dream– pay attention to the “other half”. Conflict situations between spouses or infidelity of one of the spouses are possible.
  • If fleas are happily jumping around the house- a noisy, fun event is coming soon, but be prepared that not only friends, but also ill-wishers will be present.
  • I dreamed about fleas before an exam or an important meeting– many questions, attacks from opponents or teachers. You should prepare more carefully for the meeting.

  • Fleas before the wedding- Gossipers will be present at the celebration, wanting to discuss the bride. You should be prepared for attacks from others.

The interpretation of dreams with fleas largely depends on the sphere of human activity:

  • For public people, candidates for elective positions - to speak in public, among the listeners there will be people who are clearly opposed.
  • For doctors, these are patients with serious illnesses that they will have to deal with.
  • For teachers, students to speak to.
  • For people whose activities are related to finance - appearance, auditors, inspectors.
  • For people involved in trade - buyers who will bring profit.
  • Students dream of fleas before entering university.
  • For farmers and landowners, fleas crawling across the fields mean financial costs for the production of the future harvest.

In real life, fleas cause disgust and hostility, because... These insects cause a lot of damage and trouble to humans. But the appearance of fleas in a dream can mean not only bad, but also good - depending on in what dream and under what circumstances they appear.

It’s worth noting right away that if fleas caught your eye in real life before going to bed - they were seen on cats and dogs, on TV or on the street, then there is no need to look for an interpretation of dreams about fleas.

If any event is expected in life (financial, personal, professional), then the dream may be a warning. Such dreams usually come true within 3-5 days - if, after this period, nothing happened, then fate turned differently, and the dream passed by.

Basically, dreams with fleas do not mean major, intermediate events in life that will pass over time, regardless of whether they are good or bad.