Liturgical instructions for July 24. Liturgical instructions for the current day

  • 29.09.2019

Thursday of the 1st week. Prmc. Evdokia.

The order of readings, according to the calendar:

Matins. Features of the service: to the first Trinity - ending: "Holy, Holy, Holy art thou, our God, through the prayers of the saints, Thy apostle and St. Nicholas, have mercy on us." Kathismas 6th, 7th and 8th.

The Three Songs consists of the 4th, 8th and 9th odes. The 1st ode of the canon will be chanted in the same way as on Tuesday. The 2nd ode will not be chanted. The 3rd ode will be chanted in the same way as on Monday. The 4th ode, due to the presence of two three odes in it, is chanted like the 1st ode on Monday. Songs 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th will be chanted in the same way as on Monday.

According to the 3rd song - saddle prmts. Evdokia, tone 8. "Glory, even now" - the Theotokos Menaion, the same voice: "For the Virgin and one in women...".

According to the 6th song - kontakion and ikos prmts. Evdokia, voice 4. (The martyr Octoechos from the Triodi appendix is ​​sung as part of the sedals according to the 1st verse.)

To the lampstand, the first ending: "... with prayers, Lord, Thy apostle and St. Nicholas, and save me."

On the verse of the stichera Triodi, voice 3 (with the usual choruses). “Glory, and now” - the Theotokos Triodi, the same voice: “Theotokos, the Representative of all ...”.

Note. If there is a slavnik in the Menaion, then “Glory” is the Menaion, “And now” is the Theotokos according to the voice of “Glory”, from the smallest.

Other - as on Monday.

The 1st, 3rd, 6th and 9th hours are done as on Monday.

At the 1st hour - Kathisma 9th; at the 3rd hour - the 10th kathisma; at the 6th hour - the 11th kathisma; at the 9th hour - the 12th kathisma.

At the 6th hour - the 1st prokeimenon, voice 1: “The Lord will return forever ...”; verse: "Speech is foolish in his heart...". 2nd prokeimenon, voice 4: “Lord, who dwells in your dwelling?”; verse: "Walk without blemish ...".

At Vespers Kathisma 18th.

On "Lord, I have called" stichera at 6: Triodion, tone 2 - 3, and Menaion, tone 4 - 3 (since March 2, Hieromartyr Theodot, Bishop of Cyrene). “Glory, and now” - the Cross of the Theotokos Menaion, the same voice: “On the Cross I saw you ...”.

Prokeimenon, voice 4: “I will bless the Lord, who has made me understand”; verse: "Save me, Lord ...". After the 1st parimia, prokeimenon, tone 4: “Save me, Lord, like the apple of an eye”; verse: "Hear, O Lord, my righteousness."

On the verse of the stichera Triodi, tone 4 (with the usual choruses). “Glory, and now” - the Holy Cross of the Mother of God Triodi, the same voice: “On the Cross I saw you ...”.

Great Compline with the canon of St. Andrew of Crete - according to the order of Monday of the 1st week (see February 26).

Saturday. Shmch. Pankratia, Ep. Tauromenian.

St. Theodora, ep. Edessa. Rev. John the Cave. Rev. Theodosius of Edessa. Mch. Michael the Dreamer. Mch. John. Shmch. Cyril, Ep. Gortynsky.

Service ssmch. Pancratia does not have a festive sign, it is performed together with the Sabbath service of Oktoikh.

At Vespers there is no kathisma.

On "Lord, I have called" the stichera of the holy martyr, tone 2 - 6 (each stichera - twice). "Glory, and now" - dogmatist, voice 5: "In the Red Sea ...".

No entry. Prokeimenon of the day.

On the verse of the stichera of Octoechos, tone 5 (the martyr from among the stichera on “Lord, I cried out” - 2nd: “By the shield of faith ...”, 3rd - the same, 4th: “On all earthly ...”; refrains ordinary with verses - see Book of Hours). “Glory, and now” - the Theotokos Oktoikha, the same voice: “Rejoiced, intercede ...” (see in the stichera on the verse).

According to the Trisagion - the troparion of the holy martyr (common), tone 4: "And a communicant in character ...". "Glory, and now" - Theotokos Sunday, voice 5: "Rejoice, door of the Lord ...".

In the morning to “God is the Lord” - the troparion of the holy martyr (general), tone 4: “And a communicant in character ...” (twice). "Glory, and now" - the Theotokos Sunday according to the voice of the troparion: "Hedgehog from the ages ...".

In the temple of the saint - the troparion of the day: "Apostles, martyrs ...", the troparion of the holy martyr (general); kontakion of the holy martyr. “Glory” - “Rest with the saints ...”, “And now” - “Like the first principles of nature ...”.

Note. In the temple of the saint on Saturday, the troparion and kontakion of the temple are not sung, because all the saints are named in the troparion and kontakion of the day.

Prokeimenon, alleluiarium and communicant - of the day.

Apostle and Gospel - of the day.

Note. During the Sabbath service with “God is the Lord”, the funeral prokeimenon, alleluiarium, and sacrament are not sung, and the funeral Apostle and the Gospel are not read (see: Rozanov V. Liturgical Charter Orthodox Church. S. 372).

During the singing of the Octoechos at the Liturgy on Saturday, ordinary readings follow after the readings of the saints. On Sundays, ordinary readings precede the readings of the saint. On weekly days, ordinary readings precede the readings of a saint, even with a polyeleic and vigilant saint; however, with a vigilant saint, ordinary readings are usually transferred to the previous or next day.

The Typikon prescribes singing the verses of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th martyrs with "Lord, cry out." These martyrs in the Shabbat service of tones 1-7 are located in the second group of stichera. In the Sabbath service of the 8th tone, three martyrdoms are given in Oktoikhos in the first group of stichera, and the 4th, 5th, and 6th stichera are not martyrs in content. Therefore, when performing the Sabbath service of the Octoechos of the 8th tone of the martyr, for singing the stichera on the verse, one must borrow from the 1st group the stichera.

On the 17th kathisma, the priest performs a full incense of the temple, as on “Lord, I cried”; royal doors remain closed (see Typicon, ch. 12).

“This is exactly the order of troparia and kontakia indicated in Oktoikh. Meanwhile, in 52 ch. Type., l. 385, there is no mention of the kontakion of the temple of Christ or the Mother of God, but in 12 ch. it is even said: “on Saturday, the temple kontakions of Christ and the Theotokos are left; as soon as a great saint comes, then And now, kontakion of the temple of Christ or the temple of the Virgin; and where there is no temple of Christ and the Mother of God, we say: Representation of Christians". But here the idea is not expressed that on Saturdays the kontakion of the church of Christ or the Theotokos cannot be sung, but that on Saturday the troparia and kontakions cannot be covered with the kontakion of the church of Christ or the Mother of God; it is necessary to cover them with the Sabbath chant: Like the beginnings of nature... Moreover, however, the kontakion of the temple of Christ or the Mother of God is not completely eliminated: if a great saint happens, when the daily troparia and kontakia are left, then in the temple of Christ the Savior and Mother of God they must be covered with a kontakion of the temple of Christ or the Mother of God, and where the temple is not of Christ and not of the Mother of God, then - Representation of Christians...» ( Rozanov V. Liturgical Rule of the Orthodox Church. S. 308).

Saturday of the 5th week of Easter. Commemoration of the appearance in heaven of the Cross of the Lord in Jerusalem. Rev. Nil Sorsky.

Mch. Akaki centurion. Lyubechskaya and Zhirovitskaya icons of the Mother of God.

Finding the relics of St. Nile Myrrh-streaming, Athos.

The service in honor of the appearance in heaven of the Cross of the Lord in Jerusalem is sixfold, performed together with the Triodion service (A). We also give the procedure for performing the polyeleos service of St. Nil Sorsky in conjunction with the Triodi service (B).

The order of readings, according to the calendar:

A. At Vespers Kathisma 18th.

On “Lord, I have called” the stichera for 6: the feast of the Triodion (Samaritans), voice 1 and voice 2 - 3, and the stichera of the Cross, voice 4 - 3. “Glory” - of the Cross, voice 8: “Proclaim the Heavens…”, “And now” – dogmatist, voice 4: “For Your sake…”.

No entry. Prokeimenon of the day.

On the verse, the triodi stichera (Sunday), tone 4 (with Sunday refrains). “Glory, and now” - the feast of Triodion, tone 8: “When you appeared ...”.

According to the Trisagion - the Sunday troparion, tone 4: "Holy resurrection sermon ...". "Glory, and now" - troparion of the Cross, voice 8.

In the morning to “God is the Lord” - the Sunday troparion, tone 4: “A sermon on the bright resurrection ...” (twice). "Glory, and now" - troparion of the Cross, voice 8.

Polyeleos. The magnification of the saint and the chosen psalm. Sedalen of the monk, tone 1: “Effortlessly this day ...” (see according to the 1st verse); saddles of the monk, tone 3: “A bright triumph ...” (see according to the 2nd verse). “Glory” - the sedal of the reverend according to the polyeleos, tone 4: “Thou hast surprised ...”, “And now” - the sedal of the feast of Triodi, the same voice: “Let Heaven rejoice ...” (see in the sedals according to the 2nd verse) , or Theotokos of the Menaion, the same voice: "Surprised, Pure ...". Degree - 1st antiphon of the 4th voice. Prokeimenon of the monk, voice 4: “Honorable before the Lord is the death of His saints”; verse: “What shall I repay the Lord for all that I shall repay?” Gospel - Rev. “Seeing the Resurrection of Christ ...” (once). According to the 50th psalm: "Glory" - "Through the prayers of the reverend ...". Stichera of the monk, tone 6: “Joyfully today ...” (see the slavnik at the verse of the great vespers).

Canons: of the feast of Triodi, tone 4: “Striking Egypt ...” (see on the Week of the Samaritan), with irmos for 6 (irmos twice each), and the venerable one for 8.

Biblical songs "Sing to the Lord ...".

Catabasia of Easter: "Resurrection day ...".

According to the 3rd song - the kontakion and ikos of the feast of Triodi, tone 8 (see on the Week of the Samaritan); saddle of the monk, the same voice (twice). “Glory, even now” is the sedal of the feast of Triodion, tone 4: “Let Heaven rejoice…” (see on the Week of the Samaritan, after the 3rd ode of the canon).

According to the 6th song - kontakion and ikos of the monk, tone 8th.

On the 9th song we sing "The Most Honest".

According to the 9th song, “It is worthy to eat” is not sung. Svetilen of the Reverend (twice). “Glory, and now” is the luminary of the feast of Triodion: “Thou hast come to Samaria ...” (see in the Week of the Samaritan).

"Every breath ..." and laudatory psalms.

On the praise of stichera on 6: Triodion (Sunday), tone 4th - 3 (see on praise), and the reverend, tone 8th - 3. "Glory" - the reverend, the voice is the same: "Spiritual face ...", “And now” - the feast of Triodion, tone 6: “The source of life-giving power ...” (see on praises).

Great praise. According to the Trisagion - the Sunday troparion, tone 4: "Holy resurrection sermon ...". “Glory” is the troparion of the monk (optional), “And now” is the Sunday Mother of God, voice 4: “Even from the age ...”.

On the clock is the Sunday troparion. "Glory" is the troparion of the reverend. The kontakions of the feast of Triodi and the saint are read alternately.

At the Liturgy blessed from the canon of the feast of Triodi (Samaritans), song 9 - 4 (with irmos), and of the monk, song 6 - 4.

At the entrance - the troparion of the Sunday, the troparion of the temple of the Virgin or the temple of the saint, the troparion of the reverend; kontakion of the church of the saint. “Glory” is the kontakion of the monk, “And now” is the kontakion of the Triodi (Samaritan) holiday.

Prokeimenon and alleluiarium - the feast of Triodion (see at the Liturgy on the Week of the Samaritan) and the reverend.

Apostle and the Gospel - of the day and the reverend.

Easter host.

Communion - Easter: "Receive the body of Christ ...", and the monk: "In memory eternal ...".

Wed: Rozanov V. Liturgical Rule of the Orthodox Church. pp. 722–723.

On the 17th kathisma, the priest performs a full incense of the temple, as on “Lord, I cried”; the royal doors remain closed (cf. Typikon, ch. 12).

Rozanov V.

Wed: Rozanov V. Liturgical Rule of the Orthodox Church. pp. 726–727, 714, 716.

In the temple of the Lord and the Mother of God, the kontakion of the Cross is sung to "Glory".

The singing of the 8th stichera on “Lord, I have cried” is a feature of the polyeleic Sabbath service of the period of singing the Colored Triodion (cf.: Typicon, ch. 50, “On the Saturdays of Pentecost”, 2nd “see”).

It is permissible to include in the number of four stichera of the feast of Triodi (Week of the Samaritan) the glory of Triodi, tone 6: “At the student Jacobl ...” (cf.: Ustav. M., 1641. L. 60 (531); Syrnikov N. Key to the Church Charter. L. 106v.).

Poems are sung on the verse Sunday voices from the Triodion (with Sunday refrains: “The Lord reigns…”), even if the memory of a polyeleic saint happens (cf. Typikon, ch. 50, “On the Saturdays of Pentecost”, 3rd “see”).

Incense is not performed on the 17th kathisma, as it is transferred to polyeleos (cf. Typikon, ch. 15).

On Saturdays of the period of Pentecost, sedals in kathisma are sung only from the Triodion (cf.: Typicon, ch. 50, “On the Saturdays of Pentecost”, 5th “see”).

Singing on "And Now" on the sedal of the feast of the Triodion is preferable to singing the Theotokos Menaion.

According to V. Rozanov, at the 9th hour, which takes place on Saturdays in the evening of the 2nd, 3rd and 5th weeks of Pentecost, the troparia and kontakia of the Triodion (holiday or Sunday), sung on previous Sundays, should not be read how the celebration of the feast of the Week was already at the Sabbath Liturgy (see: Rozanov V. Liturgical Rule of the Orthodox Church. Part III. Section IV. S. 727). However, the Ustav at the 9th hour on Saturday of the 3rd week indicates the troparion of the feast of Triodi (the Week of the Myrrh-Bearing Women): “Good-looking Joseph...” (cf. Typikon, ch. 50, “On the Saturdays of Pentecost”).

The convenience of using the Liturgical Instructions issued for each year by the Moscow Patriarchate is undeniable and beyond doubt. For those who have the most general knowledge of the Rule of Divine Liturgy, they are simply indispensable, according to which the majority of regents and tutors study the Rule; for those who know the Charter well - liturgical instructions just a great time saver.

I remember how at the end of the 90s, when I was already working as a regent, and the Liturgical Instructions for each year had not yet been published (if I am not mistaken, we bought the first Liturgical Instructions for 2002), I had to prepare each service for a long time, analyzing the Charter with the help of tables of V. Rozanov (). But I didn’t have this book then, but there were tables published separately on its basis, a little book of such an A3 format. It was very inconvenient to use it during worship. Therefore, for each service I made a draft on a piece of paper. In addition, I had liturgical instructions for 1953, donated by one priest. Looking at them, I dreamed about how good it would be if such liturgical instructions were issued even now.

It's only been a few years and my dream has come true. Now no one dreams of publishing liturgical instructions, since they are published every year and all parishes, as a rule, do not hesitate to buy several signs to the parish (to the altar and kliros, and if possible, also to the priest, and regent home). But still, there are also poor parishes that can afford to buy only one copy of the Liturgical Instructions for the entire parish. But you really want to have liturgical instructions always at hand both at the parish and at home.

Every priest and many choir directors have situations when they didn’t plan to serve, but suddenly they were invited to some kind of divine service or they need to replace someone, perhaps in another parish, and they need to prepare a divine service at home. It is probably for this purpose that the liturgical instructions are posted on the Internet.

For your convenience, in the header of the site I have made links to liturgical instructions and to the Orthodox calendar. However, given the fact that not all regents are quite advanced users of personal computers, I decided in this article to tell you how to use the Liturgical Directions more conveniently and quickly.

Similarly, we use the Orthodox calendar. By clicking on the link in the header of the site, we get to the page. Click here for today's link. The address of the page is written in the browser line:

Currently Liturgical Instructions for 2019 not yet published on the website of the Patriarchate. But on the website of the publishing house of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church have already been published (until the end of the year). Immediately following the link opens the Orthodox calendar, and at the bottom of the page is a link to the Liturgical instructions. Here, finding the right day is a little more difficult. The link looks like =10 means January 10 (NS). Thus, if you need to view instructions for May 13, for example, then you need the link address change to, since May 13 is the 133rd day of the year (31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 13). Also published on the ABC of Faith website. Download to yourself Orthodox calendar for 2019 it is possible, and liturgical instructions for 2019 here and .

If you are the owner of a smartphone, then you have the opportunity to have " Orthodox calendar” and “Liturgical Instructions” are always at hand. You can download applications for Android Apps using the links: "" and "". Personally, I liked the Orthodox calendar with the lives of the saints the most. I downloaded it, and after a while I found that it has everything: the Prayer Book, the Akathist Book, the Canon Book, the Psalter, the Bible, and the Directory of Terms. And all this wealth weighs only 40.8 MB. I am delighted! Recomend for everybody. It remains only to find time to read it all.

It is also possible to use Android applications on a PC, but this requires an Android emulator. Some of them are suggested. Via search engines you can find others.

For the inhabitants of Ukraine, I could not find the liturgical instructions issued by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. If someone comes across - please share the link. The liturgical instructions of past years were found

For those who have a very poor understanding of the Rule, even using the Liturgical Directions, I offer two options: one is fast, the other is slow, but thorough.

  1. The site "Regent for the Year" offers "" (this is just in case you don’t know anything at all in which book to look for, just take it, download it and serve). By the way, this option should be looked at by those regents who have to leave an unknowing replacement in their place, and such cases, probably at least once, happen to everyone.
  2. Go to the "Training" section and study "". This is really necessary for all regents, especially those who did not study at the regent's courses and did not study this most interesting subject.

If you notice an error or broken link - do not be too lazy to report. To do this, just select the error and press "Ctrl" + "Enter".

The material in this section is updated from the Official Website of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate

Liturgical instructions for March 15, 2019

Friday of the 1st week. Shmch. Theodota, ep. Cyrinean.

Icon of the Mother of God, called "Reigning". St. Arsenia, Ep. Tverskoy.

Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.

Note. The polyeleos service in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, called the "Reigning", can be rescheduled for Saturday, March 3 , 2nd Markov chapter).

Calendar Notes:

The polyeleos service in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, called the "Reigning", can be rescheduled for Saturday, March 3.
According to the prayer behind the ambo - the prayer canon of the Great Martyr. Theodore Tiron and the blessing of the koliva.

The order of readings, according to the calendar:

At the 6th hour: Isaiah 3:1-14.

For eternity: Gen.2:20 -3:20. Proverbs 3:19–34 . Parimii of the Virgin from the books: 1. Gen. 2. Ezek. 3 . Proverbs 21

In the morning to the first Trinity refrain: "Holy, Holy, Holy art thou, our God, by the power of Thy Cross save us, Lord." Kathismas 13th, 14th and 15th.

The Three Songs consists of the 5th, 8th and 9th odes.

The order of singing the canon at the type of service one little saint: The 1st ode of the canon will be chanted in the same way as on Tuesday. The 2nd ode will not be chanted. The 3rd and 4th songs will be chanted in the same way as on Monday. The 5th canto is chanted like the 1st on Monday.

According to the 3rd song - saddle schmch. Theodota, ep. Cyrene, voice 4. “Glory, and now” - the Cross of the Theotokos of the Menaion, the voice is the same.

6th song verses from the beginning, from the verse: “Cry out in my affliction…” and up to: “Keepers of vain and false…” inclusive. After this verse - the 1st troparion of the canon of the Menaion. Further: “But with a voice of praise…”, and the 2nd troparion of the canon of the Menaion. “Glory” is the 3rd troparion of the canon of the Menaion, “And now” is the Theotokos of the Menaion. On katavasia - the irmos of the canon of Menaion.

According to the 6th song - kontakion schmch. Theodota, ep. Cyrene, voice 3. (The martyr Octoechos from the Triodi appendix is ​​sung as part of the sedals according to the 1st verse.)

7th song verses from the beginning, from the verse: “Blessed are you, Lord, God of our fathers…” and up to: “Blessed are you, seeing the abyss…” inclusive. After this verse, the irmos of the canon of the Menaion is sung. Further: “Blessed art thou on the throne…”, and the 1st troparion of the canon of the Menaion. “Blessed art thou in the firmament…”, and the 2nd troparion of the canon of the Menaion. “Glory” is the 3rd troparion of the canon of the Menaion, “And now” is the Theotokos of the Menaion. The 7th ode is not covered by the irmos, but the 8th ode is immediately chanted.

Note. Versification in full of the 6th and 7th biblical songs in this case is necessary for the reason that on the morning of Saturday of the 1st week it is supposed to verse the biblical songs not in Lenten edition, but according to the sections of Irmology “We sing to the Lord” or “We sing to the Lord”, in which the 6th and 7th biblical songs are not fully performed, and, therefore, not all biblical songs would be fully performed on the 1st week of Lent. Therefore, the Typicon proposes to fully chant the 6th and 7th odes on Friday (Typicon, ch. 49, Friday evening of the 1st week, 2nd “behold”; ch. 48, February 24, 9th Markov chapter; ch. 48, March 24, 3rd and 4th "behold"). In the Divine Liturgy of the Saturdays of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of Great Lent, the 6th and 7th Biblical Songs must be performed in full (in Lenten edition) on the row at Matins. On Friday of the 5th and 6th weeks, it is recommended to do the same as on the 1st week of Great Lent.

Songs 8 and 9 will be chanted in the same way as on Monday.

To the lampstand, the first ending: "... by the power, Lord, of Your Cross, and save me."

On the verse of the stichera Triodi, tone 8 (with the usual choruses). “Glory, and now” - the Holy Cross of the Theotokos, the voice is the same: “As you see, you are crucified ...”. Other - as on Monday.

The 1st, 3rd, 6th and 9th hours are done as on Monday.

At the 1st and 9th hours on Fridays throughout St. Forty days of kathisma will not be chanted. At the 3rd hour - Kathisma 19th; at the 6th hour - Kathisma 20th.

At the 6th hour - the 1st prokeimenon, tone 7th: “I will love Thee, Lord ...”; verse: "My God, my Helper." 2nd prokeimenon, tone 6: “Lord, my Helper and my Redeemer”; verse: "The heavens will declare the glory of God...".

Detailed order pictorial see 26 February (end of pictorial see 28 February).

See the order of kontakia on the pictorial ones in the Church of the Lord on Wednesday, February 28; in the temple of the Virgin and the saint - see on Monday, February 26.

Detailed description of the order of worship vespers in conjunction with see 28 February.

Note. On Saturday, March 3, the polyeleos service in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, called "Reigning" (see Typicon, February 24, 9th Markov chapter; Menaion, March 9, 2nd Markov chapter; cf. Typicon, March 9, 1st Markov chapter; February 24, 8th Markov chapter, 31st and 32nd Temple chapters).

If on Saturday of the 1st week (March 3) a military service will be performed. Theodore Tiron from Triodion (option A):

At Vespers With Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts- Kathisma 18th.

On “Lord, I called out” stichera at 10: Triodion is self-voiced of the day, tone 5: “Come, believers ...” (twice), martyrs Octoechos, tone 8 - 4 (see on five in the evening: “Martyrs of the Lord ...” (twice), “Your martyrs, Lord ...” and “What a virtue ...”), and vmch. Theodora Tiron (from Triodi), tone 2nd - 4. "Glory" - martyr. Theodora, voice 6: “The enemy has used the vessel…”, “And now” – a dogmatist, voice 8: “King of Heaven…”.

Entrance with a censer. "Light Quiet". Reading parimii Triodi (prokeimenon of the 1st parimia, tone 5: “The Lord will hear you in the day of sorrow”; verse: “The name of the God of Jacob will protect you.” Prokeimenon of the 2nd parimia, tone 6: “Be lifted up, O Lord, by Your strength…”; the verse: “Lord, by Your strength…”). “May my prayer be corrected…”, and other following of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts (according to custom).

rite of prayer


Priest reads prayer over koliv


If on Saturday of the 1st week (March 3) the service of the military martyr. Theodora Tiron from Triodion will be performed in conjunction with a polyeleos service in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, called the “Reigning” (option B):

At Vespers With Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts- Kathisma 18th.

On “Lord, I have called” stichera for 10: Triodi is self-voiced for the day, tone 5: “Come, believers ...” (twice), stichera of the Virgin (icons) - 4, and stichera of the martyr. Theodora Tiron (from Triodi), tone 2nd - 4. "Glory" - martyr. Theodora, voice 6: “The enemy has used the vessel…”, “And now” – a dogmatist, voice 8: “King of Heaven…”.

Entrance with a censer. "Light Quiet". Reading parimii Triodi (prokeimenon of the 1st parimia, tone 5: “The Lord will hear you in the day of sorrow”; verse: “The name of the God of Jacob will protect you.” Prokeimenon of the 2nd parimia, tone 6: “Be lifted up, O Lord, by Your strength…”; verse: “Lord, by Your strength…”) and the reading of the three parimias of the Theotokos (icons) (with the usual exclamations: “Wisdom” and “Let’s listen”). “May my prayer be corrected…”, and other following of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts (according to custom).

After the prayer behind the ambo, the priest and the deacon proceed to the table prepared on the solea, on which stands a dish with kolív, and perform rite of prayer Great Martyr Theodore Tyron. Reader - Psalm 142: "Lord, hear my prayer...". On "God is the Lord" - the troparion of the martyr. Theodora, voice 2: “The great faith of correction ...”. “Glory” is the same troparion, “And now” is the Theotokos, the voice is the same: “Everything more than meaning ...”. Reader - Psalm 50. During the psalm, incense is performed. According to custom, the deacon censes around the table with the koliv and the clergy.

Note. The charter gives the following instructions regarding incense: “... Psalm 50. And the priest censes the kolivo, and the abbot, and the faces, according to the rank ”(Tipikon, ch. 49,“ On the heels of the evening).

According to the 50th psalm, the canon of the martyr is sung. Theodora, tone 8, on 4 (without irmos). The singers sing the tunes: “Holy Great Martyr Theodore, pray to God for us” to the first two troparia of the canon, then “Glory”, “And now”. The priest, according to custom, reads the troparia of the canon.

According to the 6th song - “Lord, have mercy” (three times), “Glory, and now” - kontakion of the martyr. Theodora, tone 8.

According to the 9th song, instead of "Worthy" - the irmos of the 9th song: "You, Unskillful Mother ...".

Reader: Trisagion. According to "Our Father ..." - an exclamation: "For Yours is the Kingdom ...", and the troparion of the martyr. Theodora, voice 2: “The great faith of correction ...”. "Glory" - Kontakion of the Great Martyr. Theodora, tone 8: “I believe in Christ ...”, “And now” - Theotokos, the same voice: “Like the Intercession ...”. Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord. Singers: "Lord, have mercy."

Priest reads prayer over koliv (cf .: Missal, Chin of blessing koliva):

Having accomplished everything by Your word, O Lord, and commanding the earth to vegetate many different fruits for our pleasure and our food, Even the seed of the three youths and Daniel, who are in Babylon, showing sweet-nourished light! Himself, the All-good King, bless these seeds with various fruits and sanctify those who eat from them, as if to Your glory and in honor of the holy Great Martyr Theodore Tyrone, this one was offered from Your servants, and in memory of those who died in the pious faith. Grant, Blessed, to those who adorn this and make all the memory, even to the salvation of petition, and Your eternal blessings of enjoyment, with the prayers of the Most Pure Lady of Our Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, and the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tyron, his saints, and the memory of all. Like you bless and sanctify everything, our God, and we send glory to you, the Father without beginning, with your only begotten Son, and the Most Holy, and the Good, and your life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever.

Singers: Amen. “Be the name of the Lord…” (three times). ["Glory, and now."] Psalm 33: "I will bless the Lord...". Leave as usual.

Note. “And we enter the table, we eat wine and oil, for the sake of the saint. I have come to the Lavra of our venerable father Sava, and the venerable venerable Euphemia the Great: but we do not do this now for the honesty of the day; 49, "On Friday evening").