How to arrange life in an apartment. Organization of daily life in the house, competent housekeeping

  • 21.10.2023

No, of course, a work mess is sometimes even a good thing, because many people can only find their things in such a mess. But in the home of an “ordinary” family, order is most important. Plus, by organizing your things, you'll spend less time cleaning and even less time searching for those things.

(Total 56 photos)

1. Instead of storing all the bags in one bag, try folding them neatly into triangles.

2. Use shelf stands to save space even in a small closet.

3. Place pretty ribbons and labels on the folders for orientation.

5. Bag organizer - for those who remember to be organized even on the go.

6. Place plastic baskets in the drawers of your dresser or closet so that nothing is just lying around.

7. Hang a cereal box on the refrigerator (after decorating it, of course) and store recipes and other little things useful in the kitchen in it.

8. You can also store recipes in folders and files, hanging them on the same refrigerator.

9. Store dishes vertically and horizontally using dish racks to save space.

10. Lids from jars and containers can be stored in a metal disc rack. No one uses disks anymore anyway...

11. Create your schedule for the meals you plan to cook using a notepad and colorful sticky notes.

12. Make coasters for each person in the house. Now you will know for sure who doesn’t wash the dishes after themselves!

13. Perforated tiles will help eliminate the mess in your buffet. Using chopsticks, you can constantly change the size of the “compartment” to suit the size of plates and bowls.

14. This is how you can deal with measuring spoons once and for all - just hang them on a chalk board on the inside of the cabinet door.

15. Attach a hook to cans of bulk materials to make scooping them up quickly and conveniently.

16. Place any odds and ends that are lying around on the inside of your closet door.

17. Using clamps for hanging pipes (available in any construction store), you can organize order among kitchen appliances.

18. Use a cutlery divider to store toothbrushes for each family member.

19. Pour your shampoos, lotions, etc. into identical bottles - this will give your bathroom a neat appearance. Most importantly, don’t forget to stick tags so you don’t forget what’s where.

20. These clear acrylic drawers are ideal for storing cosmetics - you will see what is where.

21. Use neat compartments like these to store cosmetics in drawers.

22. These drawers are the perfect size for almost any bathroom.

23. Instead of cluttering the edges and corners of the bathtub with all sorts of little things (for example, children's toys), they can be stored in a “suspended state.”

24. Use pretty doorknobs to hang separate shelves for each family member.

25. Sunglasses can be hung on a chain tied to two hooks. This way they will hang right in front of you.

26. You can also hang glasses on a regular hanger. It's also very convenient.

27. Such curtains are sold, for example, in Ikea, but they can easily be turned into a hanger for all sorts of small things like scarves, hats and tops.

28. Scarves can also be stored on a tension rod.

29. A shoe organizer can be used to store socks, underwear or baby clothes.

30. Separate the hangers using discs.

31. Cutlery trays can also help you organize your decorations. Moreover, they can be hung on the side wall of the closet.

32. In ice trays (regular rectangular ones) you can store all sorts of small things, for example, earrings, rings, etc.

33. But if you really have a lot of earrings, you can buy (or make yourself) this “book” for storing earrings.

34. Bridge the gap in the corner with a wire shelf that can be used to store rolls of gift paper.

35. The hardware store is your salvation when it comes to organizing all sorts of little things.

In it you can purchase inexpensive containers, drawers or entire shelves for storing, for example, office supplies, tea and coffee items, medicines or handicraft items.

36. Need a shelf for your desk? Use a shoe rack - inexpensive and convenient.

37. Threads on metal spools can be stored on magnets.

38. Ribbons can be conveniently stored in Tic Tac jelly boxes.

39. You can also store scissors, knives, screwdrivers and other metal tools on magnetic tape.

40. Even plastic containers can be stored on magnets - just glue metal washers to their bottom.

41. Nail nails to the board and hang tubes of paint on them, after attaching stationery paper holders to them.

43. On a regular bath shelf you can store everything you need for gift wrapping. The same option can be used to store sewing or crafting supplies.

44. Use PVC pipes to declutter your shed or garage. Enough already with rakes and shovels lying around wherever they happen to be.

For a blind person, the most important problem is orientation in space, and this applies not only to the street, but also to one’s own home. On the eve of World Sight Day, which is held every second Thursday of October in order to draw attention to the problems of blindness, visual impairment and rehabilitation of blind people, the RIA Real Estate website found out what four basic rules must be followed when arranging an apartment for a blind person.

Personal space and consistency

In a house or apartment where a blind person lives, it is extremely important to allocate for him a separate room or at least part of the space in the common room. Private space is necessary for a blind person so that he can arrange his belongings and objects in a way that is convenient only for him, and other family members do not have access to them.

What should housing be like for a disabled person >>>

The main problem for a blind person, especially if vision loss occurs in adulthood, is orientation in space. That’s why it’s so important for them to get used to the arrangement of objects in the house.

A dedicated personal space will become a starting point and a stronghold of consistency. The owner of the room can be sure that everything he needs will be at hand, and the necessary thing will be found in the very place where it was left earlier.

The main thing is that none of the household members interfere with the once and for all established order in the room of a blind family member.

Storage systems

To maintain order, you should provide the room or private space of a blind person with spacious and well-thought-out storage systems. Usually in the everyday life of a blind person, in addition to clothes and other accessories that make up the life of any other person, there are a lot of things that need systematic storage.

Large books printed in Braille, numerous audio media, several types of canes - all of this should have its place. Spacious shelving and cabinets with a large number of shelves and drawers, preferably of different sizes, will come in handy.

The desk should also be functional and have built-in cabinets and shelves so that the necessary things are always at hand.

It is also necessary to systematize the storage of things in other areas of the house: in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the hallway. This also applies to kitchen utensils, which may prove unsafe in the event of an accidental collision. But if there is a place for each household item, it will be easy to find without risk.

Barrier-free environment

There are special requirements for all kinds of lockers in an apartment where a blind person lives. To ensure the safety of a blind family member, it is better to choose furniture with sliding doors rather than hinged ones. A swing door accidentally left open can cause injury to a disabled person.

Sliding sliding doors will become a more convenient replacement for large wardrobes. Access to things will become easier, and the risk of hurting yourself on a slightly open door will be minimized.

A radio in the kitchen or a TV in the room that is constantly turned on at a low volume does a good job of serving as sound reference points.

All this helps blind people to accurately determine their place in space. The main thing is not to rearrange things and objects without the knowledge of the blind person.

Alexey Shklyaev, specialist in rehabilitation of blind people

In our dreams, we imagine family life as something special, we hope that this will become a real turning point, after which a time of continuous happiness and joy will come. Forgetting that in life there are also difficulties that we will definitely face sooner or later.

But real life is more prosaic, and has both white and black stripes. This is especially evident in the first year of a young couple’s life, when their family is just beginning to establish its own routines and rules.

For people who grew up with different upbringings, family structures, who saw different behavior of their parents, and sometimes living in different financial situations, it is at first difficult for them to choose their own single path along which to continue building their family. There are several tips on how to improve the life of a young family, which should, if not followed verbatim, then at least be taken into account.


Parents are the people closest and dearest to us who want only the best for us. But it also happens that our choice of a partner for the rest of our lives does not in any way fit the bright image that they have painted in their imagination for many years. Therefore, you should immediately resolve this issue and explain that the choice is yours and you can live. Also, very often, parents, from the height of their personal life experience, try to bombard the newlyweds with advice on managing their everyday life, treating each other and managing finances. Of course, among all this there is a benefit, but as practice shows, every mother begins to “pull the blanket” on her child. This is where “not a man’s job”, “idle wife” and much more arise.

Therefore, if there is an opportunity to start living separately from your parents immediately after the wedding, do it. Try not to bring your quarrels and problems to the court of your parents unless absolutely necessary; resolve them only among yourself.

If, nevertheless, you are forced to live with one of your parents, do not take conflicts outside your room, no matter what happens, do not take it out on your parents, treat them with respect. If you are bombarded with advice from the first day, just ask for the opportunity to do everything yourself. If the request does not help, all you have to do is listen, obey or not - this is at your discretion.

Everyday life.

There is an opinion that everyday problems in a young family often become the cause of the collapse of feelings. There is a deal of truth in it. But only those who do not know how to cope with these problems, or rather do not want to, suffer defeat. Household responsibilities were, are and will be, and there is no escape from them. Only how you distribute them will determine your entire subsequent life. When distributing responsibilities in the house, both must be involved. Only joint actions of the newlyweds can improve the life of a young family. You shouldn’t look back at the past and divide all responsibilities into male and female. Moreover, today a woman, like a man, earns money, and cooking, cleaning and washing, thanks to modern technology, do not require much effort. From day one, agree to do everything together, and stick to that agreement. When each of you completes the full course of a young fighter in everyday conditions, you will be able to appreciate each other’s efforts, which will exhaust a lot of conflicts.

Don't get angry or make a scene if something is done wrong. All this is your life experience, and over time, all duties will be performed perfectly.


“Love comes and goes, but you always want to eat” - each of us, if not said, then at least heard this phrase. And it fits more than ever to a brief description of our lives. And for a happy, and most importantly peaceful existence, a young family needs a material base. You shouldn’t rely on your parents’ help, because after all, you have decided to start an independent life. But usually at the beginning there is not a lot of money. And it’s worth mentally preparing for this.

Even if both spouses work, the usual free lifestyle and the inability to properly distribute money make themselves felt in the first months. Hence quarrels, resentments, and sometimes even scandals. Many couples cannot stand it and break up precisely because of financial difficulties, especially if they were not foreseen.

In order to avoid such situations, try to divide your family budget into basic expenses, additional and free money. And remember, from now on the concept of “yours” and “mine” turns into “ours”, and the family budget should be common. Only in such cases will you not have disputes about this, and it will be easier for the young family to organize their life.

Of course, each family sets its own rules, some wives are content not to work and receive from their husbands a certain sum each week for food and necessary things, or, on the contrary, the husband lives on such “handouts” and puts everything he earns at the disposal of his wife. But think for yourself, would you like to hide your stash, or to have it hidden from you? Of course, it's up to you to decide.

Don't forget about feelings.

Despite all the problems and difficulties, do not forget that you put on the rings as a sign of your mutual love, and not of shopping and washing dishes together. Therefore, you should find time to express your feelings. Continue to walk in the evenings, go to cafes and restaurants, pamper each other with gifts and surprises, and spend romantic evenings. Moreover, now you don’t have to rush to the last departing transport and report to your parents. Take advantage of all the opportunities that marriage gives you. Don’t forget to confess your love to each other, call each other by affectionate names, show care and tenderness, and then all problems will fade into the background. Remember your love, especially when conflict is brewing on the horizon, and remember that after every quarrel there will definitely be a pleasant reconciliation.

After all, it is possible that soon all your free time will be taken up by the joint efforts associated with the birth of a baby.

Think about it – that’s almost six months! Let's think about how to arrange our life outside the city so that life in the fresh air becomes not only useful, but also pleasant and comfortable.

"Hooray! We’re going to the country!” you hear from family members. This means that the time has come to think about how to organize comfortable conditions for living outside the city, so that your vacation is not overshadowed by everyday troubles, both minor and not so minor.

Engineering communications at the dacha

The biggest problem is that there are no communications (plumbing, hot water, heating) at the dacha site. To put up with this means making your life more difficult. You need to take care of the basic benefits of civilization in advance, even before you come here on vacation or just relax on a day off. To begin with, provide for water inlet and outlet in the house. You need to bring water into the house and dig a hole where it will drain. Think about an air vent for your mini-sewage system, because... water tends to stagnate and spread unpleasant “odors.” Of course, you can grab a kettle of water and run outside. What if it rains? What if it's cold? Well, why do you need this?

There’s absolutely no way to go without a toilet. Open-air amenities are so unpleasant. If you have small children, elderly or sick relatives, then this option is absolutely unacceptable. Think about a dry closet - it’s convenient, comfortable and hygienic.

If your stay at the dacha lasts for more than three days, then you cannot do without a shower and laundry. In summer, on hot days, a barrel painted in a dark color is quite suitable as a shower. The water in such a container will heat up faster, and tired summer residents will be able to freshen up and wash their clothes. Washing by hand is not very pleasant. An ultrasonic washing machine will help you make your work easier. It is compact, simple and effective to use.


Of course, the queen of any holiday in the country (short-term and not so short-term) is the bathhouse. Don’t skimp on materials and wages for workers, don’t spare effort on construction, because a good bathhouse will serve you for decades. At the dacha they not only work, but also relax, and very often family members and friends gather around a large table. Take care in advance not only of benches and tables, but also of a canopy to hide under during the rain. An ideal option for a feast, of course, is a gazebo. When building it, remember that it should be comfortable both in the heat and in the cool.

Interior arrangement of the dacha

Think about setting up a country house. It is ideal if each family member has a personal sleeping place. To do this, you can use, albeit old, but strong furniture, and if there is none, use air beds and mattresses.

Set up a kitchen corner. There should be a cupboard with dishes, a dining table, a stove and a table for cooking. The range of household and kitchen appliances is huge; you can easily choose a suitable summer cottage option that is suitable for cramped conditions and will not cost very much. We already remembered about running water, but washing dishes in cold water is a below-average pleasure. We recommend purchasing a water heater.

If it gets colder, life in a country house will no longer be so pleasant; you can easily catch a cold. Consider how you will heat your home. Is there a stove in the house? Amazing! But if not, then heaters or electric fireplaces will save you. Electric blankets and electric sheets will help warm up a damp, cold bed.

Be sure to think about small household items. A tornado rodent repeller will protect you from unwanted “neighbors,” and mosquito nets on doors and windows will help you not spoil your vacation experience.

Check whether your home is well lit and whether it will be convenient for the housewife to cook in the kitchen. The construction of a shady veranda, the construction of a swimming pool, a barbecue, and a workshop will make your holiday outside the city even more comfortable.

If possible, take care of this in advance. We wish you a pleasant holiday in good company!

Woman is the beautiful half of humanity! And you just have to imagine what kind of life she lives, how much she endures and endures. Women are called the weaker half, but this is not true at all. Few men think about how difficult it is for a woman, both mentally and physically. For example, let's take one week, which the average woman lives. Let's look at one ordinary day in the life of an ordinary woman.
One day in the daily life of a woman who has a husband and a 3-year-old child.

If we start from everyday life, almost every woman goes to work 5 days a week. How does one of these days go? If you live alone, then of course it’s easier to live this way. What if you have a husband and children? You can say no to rest. You have to get up in the morning, before everyone else, to prepare breakfast, coffee or tea. If there is a child who goes to kindergarten, then dress the child, feed him, brush him and take him to kindergarten. Then the second child, the husband, wakes up, he also needs to be fed, dressed, put on shoes and sent to work.

And of course, you need to get yourself in order, do your makeup, get dressed, put on your shoes, clean up if you have time, and don’t forget to wash the dishes. And then work. Then on the way home you pick up the child, come back, prepare food again, and clean up. And maybe in the evening you can watch a little TV. Then you need to put the child to bed and only then lie down to rest. If your husband helps, then of course you are very lucky. And this is only one day in the life of a woman.

How does an ordinary woman spend her weekend?

If you and your husband have the same weekend, then this is much easier. You can sleep longer. And then again you need to prepare food, do laundry, and look after the child. But it’s better to entrust this to dad, let them play. And you continue to go about your daily activities. You also need to go shopping, be sure to take your husband and child with you.

You will not only go to the store, but also take a walk with your family. To do this, choose a store further away. At least spend time together this way. Having dealt with your affairs, spend time with your husband while the child sleeps. This really brings the family together. Say beautiful words to each other, you should always take care of your loved one, then he will also have a desire to help you.

On Sunday you can go with your family to the zoo, or to a gallery, teach your child to be beautiful. This day should be dedicated only to family. You can plan your schedule for the next week, this is very useful. Don’t write everything down minute by minute, but understand what needs to be done. You can go to bed early so that you can be cheerful and cheerful from Monday. Don’t forget about yourself, because you also deserve a rest, nice words, and support.

And don’t forget that you are the fair half and should look like it. Go to the salon, get a new hairstyle, massage, chocolate therapy and other procedures. Many psychologists believe that in this way a woman improves and increases her self-esteem. Be sure to tell yourself that you are beautiful. Love yourself.

We must not forget that the husband also needs support; when you take care of the family together, you will achieve mutual understanding. Take care of your other half, help each other. Problems in the family begin with the fact that priorities are not defined, who should do what. Everyone comes home from work more irritable, tired, and there is still a lot of worries at home. Manage your time correctly.

Girls, women, be wiser. Family daily life needs to be planned from childhood. With your husband, you must distribute your responsibilities initially. Some do one thing, some do another. Let your husband at least vacuum, fix the shelf, and help with the child. Before starting a family, you need to think through everything correctly and discuss everything with your husband. Let him understand that you are a woman, a weak part of humanity, the mother of his child.

It’s not for nothing that they say that a man is the head of the family, and a wife is the neck, where she turns, that’s where her head will look. And you, men, take care of your other half. And just imagine that the weak and tender half needs to work so hard every day. And don’t forget that a man’s image depends on how a woman looks. And the man shows the woman’s thriftiness. Remember this and never forget!