What do they pray for in front of the Orthodox icon of St. Eugene. Holy Martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius and Orestes of Sebaste Prayer to the Holy Martyr Eugene of Sebaste

  • 11.09.2020

Saint Eugene

In biblical writings, such a holy martyr as Eugene is often remembered. This biblical character suffered greatly for Jesus Christ during the reign of Emperor Diocletian, which took place from two hundred and eighty-four to three hundred and five years.

Emperor Diocletian, who ruled the empire at the time when Saint Eugene lived, did not perceive Christianity as the main religion and faith. He was an avid lover of paganism. In the year 302, it so happened that this emperor ordered his contractors to begin the destruction of all Christian churches, and also received an order from him that all Christians in the city should be deprived of citizenship and all positions under the empire. In addition, the emperor Diocletian ordered a wheelbarrow to persuade the inhabitants to renounce their faith of Christianity. Those people who did not agree and were rebellious were ordered to be executed - that is, beheaded.

The pagans at that time hated the Christians too much. And the decrees of the emperors were all soon fulfilled. All prisons were filled with Christians and bishops of Christian churches.

Many Christians at that time fought against paganism in any way. In one of the cities an army was organized, which was led by the Christian Eustratius. He had a friend named Eugene. Together they tried to fight for Christianity, and every day they prayed to Jesus Christ that he would help them and make Christianity the main faith in the world. Both friends declared themselves Christians to the whole world. As soon as this information reached the emperor, they were thrown in chains into a dungeon. The next day they were severely tormented, tormented. Before they were to be executed, Eugene prayed to the Lord.

Saint Eugene - prayer

Often people who suffer greatly turn to St. Eugene with a prayer, since he himself was a holy martyr who, for his faith and Jesus Christ, suffered all his short life. In most cases, in prayer, the names of all those martyrs whom the emperor threw into prison for their love for the Lord and Christianity are remembered.

Saint Eugene - icon

The icon of St. Eugene has very beautiful outlines and colors. On it, Saint Eugene is depicted not in full growth, but only to the waist. The icon is very colorful and has a lot of color schemes. In his right hand Saint Eugene holds a cross.

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Saint Eugene: temple, icon, prayer

In the 4th century, during the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great, the light of Christianity shone on the expanses of the Roman Empire and the states subject to it, which became the official state religion. But this triumph of the true faith was preceded by a long and difficult path, watered with the blood of the martyrs who gave their lives for it. One of them was the holy martyr Eugene, about whom our story will go.

Emperor - the evil persecutor of the Christian faith

At the very beginning of the 4th century, the pagan emperor Diocletian, who went down in history as one of the most cruel and adamant persecutors of Christians, ruled in the East. A fanatical adherent of idolatry, he tried with all his might to revive paganism, which had died out by that time. One of the stages of his struggle with the true faith was a decree issued by him in 302.

On the basis of this ungodly document, all the rulers of the cities were obliged to destroy Christian churches located in the territories subject to them, and those who refused to worship idols were to be deprived of all civil rights and brought to justice. Many of the victims of this impious emperor will go down in the history of the church as Orthodox saints who became martyrs who shed their blood for Christ.

The tightening of barbaric laws

However, it was impossible to turn the tide of history, and Diocletian soon became convinced of the futility of his efforts. Deprived of their temples and not intimidated by the threats of judgment, adherents of the new faith gathered for joint prayers and services in caves, remote groves and other secluded places. Then a new, even more cruel decree followed. He ordered to use all measures to incline Christians to paganism, and to bring the rebellious to cruel death.

Friends in life and brothers in Christ

It was during these difficult years for Christians that the Great Martyr Eugene glorified the Lord with his feat. The saint lived in the city of Satalion and was a close friend of the commander of the city army, whose name was Eustratius. Both of them were from the city of Aravrakin, belonged to the number of Christians and, secretly from the supreme ruler, participated in worship and the performance of all Christian rites. Since the last decree of the emperor was issued, their lives have been constantly in danger, especially since among a large number of dark and ignorant residents of the city, the struggle against the faith of Christ met with support and approval.

Arrest and imprisonment of an Armenian priest

It so happened that the presbyter of the Armenian church, Auxentius, was soon captured and brought to Satalion, who over time was also glorified as a saint. He fell into the hands of a cruel and fanatical pagan - the regional ruler Lysias. He was an ardent hater of Christians and a blind executor of the imperial will. No one had any doubts that the fate of the Armenian presbyter was a foregone conclusion.

Eustratius and his friend Eugene immediately learned about the imminent trial of the minister of God's church. Saint Auxentius, being in prison, did not cease to pray to God for all those who, together with him, were destined to be martyred in the name of the Lord. Both friends, hastening to him, asked to remember their names in prayers, so that the Almighty would send down to them, simple and humble people, the strength to glorify His Name with their death.

Prayer in the darkness of the dungeon

In a gloomy stone dungeon, among the groans of prisoners and the ringing of chains, the words of the prayer of an Armenian presbyter ascended to Heaven, doomed to the unjust judgment of the pagans, but ready to soon appear before the Court of the Creator of the universe. He asked for the gift of strength to all those who, like him, want to glorify the name of the Lord with their torment and death.

His words were heard, and as evidence of the Grace of God that descended on them, Eustratius and Eugene felt a surge of courage in their hearts. The Holy Spirit overshadowed them and gave them strength beyond which there is nothing in this mortal world. From the suffocating darkness of the dungeon they began their journey to Eternal Life.

The unrighteous judgment of the evil pagans

The next day, in the presence of all the city's nobility and military commanders, the imperial governor and supreme ruler of the city, Lysias, began the trial of presbyter Auxentius and those who were with him. These were people who, like their spiritual father, refused to exchange the Divine teaching for life. Imminent death awaited them all, but at first Lysias tried to create at least some semblance of justice and therefore wished to hear the opinion of those present.

Judicial speeches by Eustratius and Eugene

Undoubtedly, he thought that only condemnations would be heard against Christians. However, things turned out differently. Eustratius was the first to appear before him and the entire composition of the court, since he commanded the city army, and, by rank, it was he who was supposed to have the first word. To the great amazement of the ruler, he not only did not blaspheme the defendants, but, accompanying his words with the most convincing arguments, managed to deliver a brilliant speech in defense of Christianity, and at the end openly and boldly declared his belonging to this doctrine.

Struck by what he heard, Lysias was literally speechless, but the next minute, having come to his senses, he in a rage ordered to deprive the impudent commander of all his ranks and positions, and to put him to death. Those who were present at this scene had not yet managed to cope with the fear that seized them, when Evgeny stepped forward. The saint, echoing the words of his friend Eustratius, declared Christianity the only true and true religion, and recognized himself as its follower. Needless to say, the anger of the ruler fell upon him with all his might. Eugene was put in chains right there and taken to the very dungeon where the day before he and his friend asked Saint Auxentius to pray.

Path to the place of execution

Early in the morning they were taken out of the gates of the fortress, in the cellars of which Christians were kept, who refused to worship idols even under pain of death, and they were taken to the city of Nikopol, where executions were carried out with a large gathering of people. The path of this sad procession ran through Aravrakin, the hometown of condemned friends. Here they were well remembered and loved for their kindness and humanity.

When Eustratius and Eugene, bending under the whips of the overseers, passed through its streets, many of the assembled people recognized them, but did not show any signs, fearing to bring trouble on themselves. The only exception was one brave and courageous man named Mardarius. He also professed Christianity and could not calmly look at the fetters of his brothers in faith.

Saying goodbye to his family and entrusting the care of his pious neighbors - secret Christians, he voluntarily followed his brothers in Christ. In the city of Nikopol, after much suffering, they all accepted death. Over time, they were all canonized and today are known as Orthodox saints. The Orthodox Church honors their memory. The day of St. Eugene and those who suffered with him for the faith is celebrated annually on December 26 in a new style.

The memory of the holy martyr

Today in Russia, among all the saints of God who have dedicated their earthly lives to the service of the Lord, the holy martyr Eugene is worthily revered. In Novosibirsk, at the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, there is a monastery named after him. In the same city in 1995, the church of St. Eugene was opened. Built near the Zaeltsovsky cemetery, it is considered one of the most beautiful in Novosibirsk.

The author of the project for the building of this spiritual center is the architect I. I. Rudenko, who embodied in its outlines the poetry of Russian Orthodox antiquity. The temple has the status of a courtyard of the Intercession Monastery (village Zavyalovo), one of the heavenly patrons of which is St. Eugene. His icon occupies a place of honor in the monastery church.

The holy great martyr, who was not afraid to openly acknowledge himself a Christian before an unjust judge and suffered suffering and death for this, comes to the aid of all who turn to him with faith and hope. Prayer to St. Eugene helps people in all life's hardships, regardless of whether a person who received the same name during holy baptism, or named in some other way, asks for help. Even if for the first time a prayer is offered before his holy image, it will be heard if it comes from the heart.


The name Eugene from the Greek language is translated as noble, noble. The Orthodox Church honors many saints who bear this beautiful name. The most famous of them is the holy martyr Eugene of Sebaste. He lived in the era of Emperor Diocletian in the city of Sebastia, located on the territory of modern Armenia. The reign of Diocletian was marked by a surge in paganism, iconoclasm and persecution of Christians. For his fearless confession of Christ, his accusatory speeches against the emperor, and the defense of icons, Saint Eugene was subjected to terrible tortures, from which he soon died. His memory is celebrated on December 26. At one time, it was accepted in icon painting that all the saints who bore this name were reduced to one common image, and the icon of St. Eugene, as a rule, did not have other clarifying inscriptions. Now in churches you can see personalized icons of St. Eugene of Melitinsky, St. Eugene of Damascus, St. Eugene of Caesarea.

Help in sorrows and illnesses from the icons of St. Eugene

Since ancient times, the miraculous icon of St. Eugene has been resorted to, asking for help in poverty and need, in various troubles and bad weather. They ask him, as a victim for the name of Christ, also to strengthen faith, prudence and the ability to correctly see a difficult situation.

For bearers of the female version of the name, there is an icon of St. Eugenia, which will help protect against lies, slander, anger and betrayal. They ask this saint for help in healing from illnesses. This is connected with the life story of St. Eugenia of Rome. At a young age, she secretly received holy Baptism from everyone and went to asceticism in a monastery, taking on the form of a young monk and calling herself by this name. Soon she was forced to open up and for many years served the sick and the poor, converting those around her to the Christian faith, until the emperor Gallienus began a new persecution of Christians. Then the saint was tortured, after which she was executed. Her feast day is January 6th. On the church icon, she is depicted as a young nun.

Home prayer in front of the icons of St. Eugene

You can pray before the icons of Saint Eugenia not only in the temple, but also at home. You can get a nominal icon in various ways - you can buy it ready-made in a specialized Orthodox online store or make an individual order from an icon painter.

Needlewomen will be pleased to embroider the icon of St. Eugene on their own - with beads or threads. Currently, there are many carefully designed schemes for this image, designed for embroidery in both techniques, which will greatly facilitate their painstaking work for craftswomen.

Orthodox Church Calendar

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Venerable Martyr Eugenia of Rome

Days of Remembrance:

Through her deeds, Saint Eugenia acquired the gift of healing. Once a rich young widow Melania turned to her for help. Seeing the young monk, this woman was inflamed with impure passion, but being rejected, she invented a slander about an attempt at violence. Saint Eugenia appeared before the ruler of Egypt, that is, before her father, and was forced to reveal her secret. Her relatives were delighted to find the one that they mourned for a long time. After some time they all received Holy Baptism. But Philip, on the denunciation of the pagans, was removed from the post of ruler. The Christians of Alexandria chose him as their bishop. The new ruler, fearing popular anger, did not openly execute Philip, but sent assassins. During the solitary prayer of the bishop, wounds were inflicted on him, from which he died as a martyr three days later. Widowed, Claudia with her daughter and servants left for her estate, located in the vicinity of Rome. There Eugenia continued her monastic life. She brought many virgins to Christ, and Claudia set up a hospice and ministered to widows. After several quiet years, the emperor Gallienus (260-268) again began the persecution of Christians, and many of them took refuge with Saints Claudia and Eugenia. At that time, an orphaned young Roman woman from the royal family, Basil, having heard about Christians and Saint Eugenia, wanted to meet the saint and wrote her a letter. In response, Saint Eugenia sent her friends and associates, Prot and Iakinf, who enlightened Basil, and she received Holy Baptism. Basil's servant told her fiancé Pompey that his bride had become a Christian, and Pompey complained to the emperor about Christians preaching celibacy. Called to account, Vasilla refused to marry Pompey, and for this she was stabbed to death with a sword. Saints Prot and Iakinf were dragged to the idol temple to offer sacrifice, but as soon as they entered there, the idol fell and broke. The Holy Martyrs Prot and Iakinf were beheaded. Saint Eugenia was also forcibly brought to the temple of Diana, but before she had time to enter it, the entire temple, together with the idol, collapsed. They threw the holy martyress into the Tiber with a stone around her neck, but the stone fell off and she remained unharmed. She remained unharmed in the fire. Then they threw her into a ditch, where she stayed for 10 days. At this time, the Savior Himself appeared to her and announced that she would enter the Kingdom of Heaven on the day of the Nativity of Christ. When this bright holiday came in 262, the executioner killed the holy martyr with a sword. Soon Saint Claudia also received the crown of martyrdom. The Monk Martyr Eugenia warned her about the day of death.

divine services

December 24: Holy Martyr Eugenia. Sequence of the hours sung on the eve of the Nativity of Christ - 0.4 Mb

Troparion to St. Martyr Eugenia of Rome

Your Lamb, Jesus, Eugenia / calls with a great voice: / I love you, my bridegroom, / and, I seek you, I suffer, / and I am crucified, and I am buried in Your baptism, / and suffer for Your sake, / as if I reign in You, / and I die for You, and I live with You, / but, like a blameless sacrifice, accept me with love, sacrificed to You.

Kontakion of the Monk Martyr Eugenia of Rome

Having honestly adorned the deified Lord with a noble disposition, / unite us in the slave image from the Virgin, / Even you in the face of the virgins of the priesthood / and combine with the martyrs, Eugene, / / ​​as truly the nobility of the Divine glory of the crown.

Prayer of the Holy Monk Martyr Eugenia of Rome

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to the Holy Martyr Eugenia of Rome

Chosen ascetic of the virtues, the teachings of Christ to the preacher Eugene, laudable we will describe you according to your heritage. But you, as if having boldness to the Lord, free from all troubles and misfortunes and make us heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven, let us call you:

An angel was likened to your life, the holy reverend martyr: from a young age, you kept the purity of soul and body, you zealously followed Christ with love and achieved spiritual perfection. For this reason, hear from us this worthy praise:

Rejoice, chosen by God from youth.

Rejoice, by the good pleasure of the Son of God from the wickedness of earthly Rome, called to the piety of Jerusalem on high.

Rejoice, noble parents of your daughters and vegetation of the city of Alexandria.

Rejoice, thou who didst show fiery love for Christ.

Rejoice, thou who didst show miraculous self-sacrifice for His sake.

Rejoice, thou who didst hate the wealth of this world.

Rejoice, courageously rejecting his joys.

Rejoice, enriched by spiritual poverty and faith.

Rejoice, for the sake of immaculately preserving the virginal purity of Christ.

Rejoice, thou who betrothed thy virginity to the Incorruptible Bridegroom.

Rejoice, thou who didst love the monastic life.

Seeing the inconstancy of the beauties of this world, partakers of corruption, the noble virgin Eugene, you loved the incorruptible, eternal blessings promised by Christ, which you wished to comprehend with all your heart. For this reason, you intended to ask your parents to let you go alone from their weights, for the sake of coolness and walking in a chariot with eunuchs and slaves, when you heard the monks singing: “All the tongue of demons. Lord, create the heavens, ”thou stared at the lofty nobility, leaving the house, parents and wealth, you were sorry, so that you would be pleasing to Christ and be able to sing unhinderedly to Him: Alleluia.

With a perfect mind you knew the true God and for His sake you rejected the Hellenic wisdom, you have the feat of a monastic life, you have the zeal, the weakness of the female nature postponed you: the returning chariot to your city, to your father’s house, you left, you sheared the hair of your head and put on a man’s attire , together with your eunuchs, you flowed into the monastery, where by the Providence of God you were honored to see St. Hellius. For this sake, we appease thee:

Rejoice, good earth, who received the seed of the heavenly teaching.

Rejoice, thou who didst receive divine enlightenment from above.

Rejoice, thou who didst bring forth a class of living faith.

Rejoice, you who escaped worldly troubles.

Rejoice, star that shone in the darkness of pagan wickedness.

Rejoice, thou who didst leave the city of thy fatherland, and may the inheritance of the Most High City be found.

Rejoice, thou who hast imputed earthly wealth to nothing.

Rejoice, thou who didst choose self-willed poverty.

Rejoice, having understood well the epistles of the apostles.

Rejoice, through them you have known the Lord.

Rejoice, thou who hast deigned to serve Him in monasticism.

Rejoice, for thou hast aggravated thy soul to the Bridegroom Christ.

Rejoice, holy venerable martyr Eugene, monastic adornment.

The power of Christ the Savior, attracting to Him, you understood, holy virgin Eugene, soul and body followed this attraction, and like an Angel, on wings of virtues you soared to Him, constantly singing to God: Alleluia.

You had a soul filled with courage in Christ, God-wise Eugene: fearing God, you were not afraid of the hardships of a monastic life. You left your father’s blood, you prayed to the Lord, all-praiseful, that the grief of your parents, caused by your departure, will change to joy, but you serve Christ and pray for those who gave birth to you. We praise thee with dignity:

Rejoice, having loved the Savior Christ with all your heart.

Rejoice, thou who didst desire the path of the holy mother-in-law.

Rejoice, having known the vanity of this world.

Rejoice, thou who didst seek truth and justice.

Rejoice, for you have corrected your current to the Highest.

Rejoice, for thou hast left thy house and parents for the sake of the Lord.

Rejoice, thou who didst love poverty.

Rejoice, having found the salvation of the soul.

Rejoice, earthly contemptible, thinking of the heavenly.

Rejoice, pure virgin.

Rejoice, thou who didst choose the path of monastic life.

Rejoice, thou who didst show the good way to the monastic rank.

Rejoice, holy venerable martyr Eugene, monastic adornment.

A storm of bewilderment confuses you, holy virgin Eugene, who is still unbaptized, as if you were to receive the signs of the Christian faith. God, by His secret Providence, brought you to the abode of monastics, so that you be reborn with water and the Spirit, and in purity of heart, in the midst of the monastic face, sing to Christ: Alleluia.

You heard, wise virgin Eugene, even the Apostle said: “I say to the celibate and widows, they have good, if they remain, like az: he who does not marry is baked, how to please the Lord!” - You were jealous of this. Thou didst pray to the Lord with tears about this. The Lord, about you and those who are with you, revealed to Saint Ellius, who came to the monastery, and you called to that one, asking you about your names, family and fatherland. And you answered: “To us, O divine head, the family and fatherland is Rome, beautiful, Esma’s brethren in the flesh: the name of the first is Prot, the other is Jacinth, but I am called Eugene.” Filled with the gift of clairvoyance, the saint of the verb: “Indeed, you call yourself Eugene, O Eugene, having changed the image of a woman and the name, for the sake of Divine love: blessed are such for the sake of friendship and union with Christ!” Also, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, baptize you and clothe you in an angelic image. We praise, cha sitse:

Rejoice, enlightened by holy baptism in the monastery.

Rejoice, filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit in holy baptism.

Rejoice, for with your free mind you came to the Lord.

Rejoice, as if from the hand of the saint an image of a monastic, even if you are young, you were honored to accept.

Rejoice, having shown in him a virtuous senile life.

Rejoice, thou who didst take up the good yoke of the Lord upon thy frame.

Rejoice, for you have diligently followed the steps of Christ.

Rejoice, for you have prepared your soul for all the feats of the monastics.

Rejoice, thou who didst serve the Lord early in labors and labors.

Rejoice, having shown the image of perfection.

Rejoice, living according to the monastic rank.

Rejoice, holy venerable martyr Eugene, monastic adornment.

You were likened to a divine star, the reverend virgin Eugene, the world and everything, even if you left it in it, with men's clothing and name covered, in weight, where your father was an eparch, in the monastery of an unknown good you labored, incessantly singing to God: Alleluia.

Seeing the brethren, your companions, Reverend Eugene, your manly and God-pleasing life, incomparably superior to all fasting in the monastery, for three years of your life in monasticism, unanimously I pray you to accept the authorities. But you, who are afraid of it, but not against the law, the wife of the creature, will possess husbands, but ashamed of so many honest persons, reject the prayer, commanded you to bring the holy Gospel to be, and when you read: “If anyone wants to be in you, let it be for you servant!" - with humility you obeyed Christ's command and with much zeal you served for the brethren, forcing everyone to cry out to you:

Rejoice, spiritual way of life.

Rejoice, thou who hast exalted the feminine nature of Christ for the sake of it.

Rejoice, thou who labored courageously in the monastic rank.

Rejoice, thou who prayerfully affirmed thy mind and heart in God.

Rejoice, for you were jealous of the unceasing vigil of the incorporeal.

Rejoice, having surpassed all with your exploits.

Rejoice, zealous and faithful performer of the will of Christ.

Rejoice, bosses, like a yoke, who accepted love for the sake of Christ.

Rejoice, wise one, who instructed the monks in labors.

Rejoice, good guardian brethren.

Rejoice, wise organizer of the deanery of the monastery.

Rejoice, holy venerable martyr Eugene, monastic adornment.

The preacher and performer of the gospel words, if you do not hide treasures on earth, you appeared, Reverend Eugene: for this reason, you also instructed your brethren, if you seek the one Lord all the days of your life, cling to Him with all your heart and unceasingly sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ascend more than the sun, your charitable life, all-mighty Eugene, and like the stars of heaven illuminating the virtues of your monastery and its surroundings: many instructions and healing from you will receive illness from you. From them, a certain wife, by the name of Melanthia, is rich in estate, poor in good deeds, calling to her house, imaginary for the sake of her illness, and seeing you in a young way and a beautiful face, not leading in a masculine image and the name of the lurking female nature, fornicating words beginning to deceive you, drag you to sin, all your wealth and hand it over to yourself in your hand. But you, chaste Eugenia, ashamed of such a lack of studious, said thou: “Our wealth is, hedgehog with Christ. Oh, purely blessed, we will not sell you for perishable wealth! O Mother of God and Virgin, I will not change my vows! Marriage is one for us - the desire of Christ! Sim shamed you shameless wife, defeating the evil enemy. For such zeal for the purity of the monastic life, accept this praise:

Rejoice, thou who didst show the life of an angel.

Rejoice, thou who didst set the passions of sin.

Rejoice, healer of the weak.

Rejoice, guardian of chastity.

Rejoice, mirror of perfect patience.

Rejoice, bringing sinners to correction.

Rejoice, having crushed the net of the enemy with the wings of divine thought.

Rejoice, having consumed the darkness with courageous patience of your passions.

Rejoice, having completed the course of life in the labors of the day and night.

Rejoice, thou who didst whiten virginity with purity.

Rejoice, thou exalted by voluntary poverty.

Rejoice, holy venerable martyr Eugene, monastic adornment.

If you want to be faithful to the end to Jesus Christ, your Sweetest Bridegroom, who took away the sins of the whole world, great meekness, gentleness and humility showed you, chaste Eugenia, always cold Melanthia, filled with anger, slandering the eparch in fornication with her. In the testimony of your slave, present, and I will apply lies to lies, so that they will be pleasing to their mistress. You, who inflicted reproach on you, reproach and slander, joyfully endured thou, leading, as if by those it is fitting to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, where from the Angels cry to God: Alleluia.

You showed marvelous courage and patience, Reverend Eugene, when, by the command of the eparch, your father, who ate the faith with the false word of a cold-hearted wife, for the sake of the whole flock of monastics in prison, you were imprisoned. I will condemn you to death, burn others with fire, give others to be devoured by the beast, hang others on a tree, and destroy others with various deaths. Hearing that, you suffered with your highlander soul, and all the arrows of the evil one, fired at you, with prayer and patience quenched you. We, marveling at your courage, cry out to you:

Rejoice, thou who ardently desired the Heavenly Fatherland.

Rejoice, lover of Jesus' sweetness.

Rejoice, thou who entered the heavenly chamber through the earthly prison.

Rejoice, in which you have worn out your marriage garment with patience.

Rejoice, for by you sinners are healed from many wounds.

Rejoice, as by you from all diseases with faith those who call you are healed.

Rejoice, quick resolver of the bonds of sin.

Rejoice, kind healer of many painful ulcers.

Rejoice, firmest adamant in patience unharmed.

Rejoice, strongest stone pillar in unshakable courage.

Rejoice, for with Christ, for His sake, you suffered on earth.

Rejoice, for you are glorified with Him and about Him in heaven.

Rejoice, holy venerable martyr Eugene, monastic adornment.

A strange and terrible vision, when I gathered a multitude of people, Bishop Philip came with his son and, sitting in the usual place of judgment, began to judge you, blessed Eugene, with your eunuchs and other monks, no way even leading secrets about you. And there was a cry from the people: Yes, wake up, like lawless ones. Command the eparch to you, as a leader, to bring closer to the test and offer all the instruments of torment, not leading a secret, nor even sing to God: Alleluia.

You were all clothed in the arms of God, Reverend Virgin Eugene, the same, you were able to put down all the power of the devil: you stood in judgment before your father and the brethren are innocent beings in the clothes of male monastics, bowing down to your face, but you will not be known from them, and formidable Thou hast heard the rebuke of death. But you, may lawlessness not triumph over innocence and pagan wickedness to Christian pious and chaste monastic life, may you not swear, you confessed that there is a bit of the power of the name of Christ, as if a wife, living in His divine passion, are worthy of manly dignity. For this reason, hear this praise from us:

Rejoice, thou who didst hate the charms of the world and loved the one and only God.

Rejoice, teacher of humility and chastity.

Rejoice, for with your patience you have reached the rank of angels.

Rejoice, as if you were immaculately jealous of their life.

Rejoice, for thou didst not veil thy soul to the Bridegroom Christ.

Rejoice, exalted with humility, having flown to eternal shelter.

Rejoice, you who were not afraid of temporary torment.

Rejoice, teaching us not to be afraid of human punishments.

Rejoice, jealous of the glory of the name of Christ.

Rejoice, thou who didst show fiery love for the Lord.

Rejoice, you who brought your petitions to the Lord with warm tears.

Rejoice, thou who didst raise the monastic life to a height.

Rejoice, holy venerable martyr Eugene, monastic adornment.

All angelic nature rejoiced with great joy, seeing your courageous fortress, Reverend Eugene, and marveling at what a woman you are, in a courageous image among the face of monks, you labor, and endure innocent slander, for all thanks to God sing: Alleluia.

Vityas of multicasting are perplexed to praise you worthily, reverend virgin, more than human nature, you labored in the rank of monasticism and for the sake of his love you deigned to open yourself at the court: slander from above the clothes, showed yourself to be a female and, turning to the eparch, said: “You tell me father according to the flesh, Claudia is my mother, and with you sitting Avit and Sergius are my brothers, but Eugene, your daughter, even for the sake of Christ's love, the world and all its sweetness was rejected! But we, laboring with love, cry out to you with tears:

Rejoice, zealot of the glory of the name of God.

Rejoice, lover of the statutes of monastic life.

Rejoice, zealous performer of them.

Rejoice, for thou hast conquered thy flesh and spirit.

Rejoice, for thou hast remained unremittingly in vigilant prayers.

Rejoice, for thou hast acquired dispassion by mortifying the flesh.

Rejoice, thou who didst hate every earthly pleasure.

Rejoice, thou who didst walk in the narrow and sorrowful way.

Rejoice, for you bore the wounds of the Lord Jesus Christ on your body.

Rejoice, for by the power of the cross of the Lord you crushed the demonic machinations.

Rejoice, thou who didst seek the highest.

Rejoice, thou who didst gaze unceasingly to the Non-Evening Light of Christ with a mental eye.

Rejoice, holy venerable martyr Eugene, monastic adornment.

Save even though many and turn to Christ, you have denounced the slander that is inflicted on your flock, and you have deigned to reveal the truth about yourself with humility. Your father, mothers and brethren, having known you, having risen Abie from their places, flowed with inexpressible joy and tears, falling on your neck, embracing, kissing, crying with joy and rejoicing about your sudden finding. The people, looking at that, were amazed and raised their voice, crying out: “Christ is one! There is only one true Christian God!” To him you taught everyone to sing: Alleluia.

Thou, reverend Eugenia, appeared to the monastics and all Orthodox to be a solid and strong fence: for you, innocently suffering monks from the bonds of the past, and like the truths of Christ, revered by all, return to your monastery. The judgment of God comprehends the shameless slanderer: she is still a disgrace to her: fire from heaven will fall on her house and burn it with all her wealth. And not only in Alexandria, but throughout the whole land of Egypt, piety prospered and the peace of the church of Christ returned. Your father Philip, having laid aside the rank of diocesan, was a bishop, and with the glory of martyrdom went to heaven. But you, having gathered Christian girls to yourself, have worked well for the Lord, urging us to cry out to you:

Rejoice, illumined with the light of the Trinity of the Most Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, for the truth of Orthodoxy you have lifted many labors and feats.

Rejoice, the image of true humility.

Rejoice, mirror of true self-denial.

Rejoice, shining star in the darkness of sin for the lost.

Rejoice, ladder, ascending the steps of virtues from earth to heaven.

Rejoice, for with your good life you showed us the image of patience and humility.

Rejoice, for you have directed many to the heavenly light.

Rejoice, for thou hast driven away the darkness of superstition.

Rejoice, for thou hast enlightened our lives with the purity of our hearts.

Rejoice, monks who labor well, prayerful intercessor before God.

Rejoice, good leader to the salvation of those.

Rejoice, holy venerable martyr Eugene, monastic adornment.

You sent up singing of praise to the King of Glory, your Heavenly Bridegroom, the wise virgin Eugene, having settled with your mother and brothers in your fatherland - Rome is beautiful, there is the Church of God, and even in the midst of persecution, like a crine in the middle of thorns, you multiplied. You are many maidens, your mother - wives, and the blessed eunuchs Prot and Iakinf - you have acquired many young men to God, they were secretly baptized by St.

You were likened to a light-receiving candle, Saint Eugene, with your chaste life many girls turned to Christ, teaching them that virginity is the first approach to God, like an angel, the mother of eternal life, the path to heaven is comfortable, warming and the crown of faith. You also exhorted them to remain in virginity without blemish, and even more glorious than virginity for the sake of dying. Following this teaching, and a certain maiden from the royal tribe, named Basil, leave her fiancé and receive baptism, living in the commandments of God, and for this reason the royal commandment was given, so that all Christians would be killed. The maiden Vasilla, who publicly confessed her Heavenly Bridegroom, was slaughtered with a sword, blessed beheaded the eunuch. You, the venerable virgin, as if guilty of the conversion of many, were known to many torments. We, on this path, meet thee with these greetings:

Rejoice, O candle of God's jealousy, filled with the oil of mercy.

Rejoice, adorned with the color of incorruption.

Rejoice, wonderfully exalted in your humility on earth and in heaven.

Rejoice, thou who wast worthy of divine vision with the purity of the heart.

Rejoice, adamante, who adorned the ring of immortal betrothal with Christ.

Rejoice, crown of kindness, held in the hand of the Lord.

Rejoice, indefatigable in labors.

Rejoice, diligently performing all-night prayers and vigils.

Rejoice, thou who didst raise thy hands to God.

Rejoice, many people who believed in Christ through you, reconciled to God.

Rejoice, faithful leader of those marching to the Lord through the cramped monastic life.

Rejoice, ladder that raises God-wise monks to the height of perfection.

Rejoice, holy venerable martyr Eugene, monastic adornment.

Grace from God was given to you, the holy venerable martyr Eugene, that you were brought to the temple of idols, you crushed the temple from idols; thrown into the Tiber River, tied with a stone at the neck, you walked on the waters, as if on dry land; in the fiery cave you remained unharmed; even in a deep and gloomy ditch, after ten days of starvation, you survived. For consolation, our Lord Jesus Christ appears to you, saying: “I am your Savior, whom you have loved with all your heart and suffer for Me. I’ll fill you with many clothes of glory and fill you with many joys. May this be a sign of your honor, as on that day I will receive it in a heavenly village, in it Az on earth from a pure Virgin’s womb was born! But you, filled with unspeakable joy in Christ Jesus, sang: Alleluia.

Singing your strong deeds, we honor your sufferings, we praise your long-suffering, we appease your death, even if you received it on the very day of Christ's Nativity, we glorify yours, in a woman's nature, invincible courage, which appeared on earth and in heaven, was glorified on earth and in heaven, the holy martyr Eugene, and for the sake of your victorious deeds and suffering, let us describe this meritorious one:

Rejoice, thou who didst finish thy martyr's course with a sword death.

Rejoice, in the voice of the singing of an angel, you soared into heaven with your soul.

Rejoice, thou who rejoiced the martyr regiment in heaven.

Rejoice, thou who didst rejoice the faces of the saints.

Rejoice, you who combined fasting life and martyrdom in yourself.

Rejoice, for you will soon heal incurable diseases.

Rejoice, granting help to those who want to endure illness.

Rejoice, for we are ashamed of the feat of your long-suffering, we are ashamed of our cowardice.

Rejoice, as your courage is reminiscent, we strive to fight against the flesh.

Rejoice, for the consolation of your weeping mother, blessed Claudia, who appeared in great glory.

Rejoice, for you announced the good news of her righteous death and the counting of all her noble family to the saints.

Rejoice, all who mourn in monasticism, giver of eternal joy.

Rejoice, holy venerable martyr Eugene, monastic adornment.

Oh, all-praise Holy Martyr Eugene! Accept our current prayer, from every illness, misfortune, human slander and deliver us from enemies visible and invisible, but let us live a quiet and peaceful life in the earthly vale, we will inherit heavenly bliss in heaven and together with you we will be able to sing the song of the Holy Holy Word: Alleluia .

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Praise be to the virgins and glory to the martyrs, reverend Eugene! We fall down to you in tenderness of hearts and ask for your intercession from the Lord! You, the most glorious reverend martyr, have acquired great boldness to the Lord of all, as if glorifying Him in your pure soul and body with your suffering, fore, despised all the seduction of the enemy and the punishment of the tormentor, all enduring, crying out: “Christ is my wealth and praise! » Moreover, from that wealth and our spiritual poverty, grant gifts and from immeasurable sins protect us by your intercession, guide us to each other in obedience and brotherly love, and always raise the eyes of our hearts to the Lord, in a hedgehog glorify us the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit the power and your warm intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Score 4.5 voters: 101 Emperor Diocletian ruled the Roman Empire from 284 to 305. During the period of his rule, a new era began for the vast Roman Empire, for all its inhabitants - the era of unlimited, absolute monarchical power of the emperor. Such a rule allowed him to restore peace in the empire, which had not been for a long time, therefore the time of Diocletian was proclaimed by modern rhetoricians as the return of the golden age. The persecution of Christians, undertaken by Diocletian in 303 and 304, was not entirely consistent with the revival of the empire, whose religion he thought to eradicate, and to make paganism the only state religion of the empire. Despite the most severe persecution, Diocletian did not particularly succeed in this area, the Christian faith grew and grew stronger, and in the year of Diocletian's death, the edict of Constantine the Great made Christianity the dominant religion in the Roman Empire.
Icon of the Holy Martyr Eugene,
icon painter Yuri Kuznetsov.
Nevertheless, thousands of Christians suffered during the reign of Emperor Diocletian, among them the holy martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius and Orestes of Sebaste, who lived in Cappadocia Armenia (or Armenia Minor), which was then a Roman province. Its deputies were cruel rulers - Lysias in the city of Satalion and Agricolaus in Sebastia.

After the persecution of Christians began, the prisons very quickly filled with Christian bishops, presbyters and laity. In Armenia, the presbyter of the Aravrakinsky church, Auxentius, was captured, who, along with other Christians, was given in the city of Satalion to the court of the regional ruler Lysias and tortured.

In the same city, the military leader Eustratius lived, he was distinguished by a noble origin and a pious life, he was a secret Christian. Seeing what kind of torture the captured Christians endure, he publicly denounced Lysias for cruelty and announced his religion. Lysis immediately ordered him to be taken into custody, tortured and executed.

A friend of Eustratius - Eugene, also a military leader, wished to share the fate of his friend Eustratius and publicly declared himself a Christian: “Fox! And I am a Christian and I curse your faith and refuse to obey, like my master Eustratius, the royal decree and you! He was immediately put in chains and thrown into prison with the others. The next day there was a trial, and Saint Eugene was asked who taught him to boldly mock the trial, for they took the courage of a Christian soldier for a mockery and non-recognition of his severity and legality, to which the saint replied that His God, who casts down the demons, revered by the pagans , grants him both this courage and freedom of speech ...

All prisoners were ordered to be delivered to the city of Nikopol. Their path lay through the hometown of Eustratius - Aravrakin. He was known and loved there, but people did not dare to openly express their affection for the martyr for fear of sharing his fate.

Only a certain Mardarius, leaving his family in the care of pious neighbors and God's providence, neglected the danger and followed his friends. To all the threats of Lysias, Mardarius meekly answered: "I am a Christian." Presbyter Auxentius, Eugene and Mardarius were executed after many tortures.

Their places were taken by new Christian martyrs, executions did not stop. Once, Lysias accidentally saw a cross on his chest on his warrior Orestes and asked: “Are you a Christian?” Orestes did not deny it: “I am a servant of the Most High God,” he replied. He was immediately seized and added to the other martyrs.

When they came to Nikopol, many soldiers declared themselves Christians too. Lysias was embarrassed, he was afraid that the execution of so many Christians would cause unrest among the people and sympathy for the martyrs. He decided to send Eustratius and Orestes to the city of Sebastia, where they were executed.

Eustratius so wisely and convincingly told Agricolaus, the ruler of Sebastia, about God, about His love, about the indescribable goodness that prompted the Son of God to incarnate and suffer for people, about the madness and vanity of idolatry, that the cruel persecutor of Christians began to offer him to pretend to renounce Christianity and receive salvation , but Eustratius refused.

In the hometown of these holy martyrs, Aravrak, a church was built in their honor, and miracles were performed from their relics. Currently, their relics are kept in Rome, in the church of St. Apollinaris of Ravenna.

What a miracle happened

Subsequently, in memory of the five holy martyrs (Eugene, Auxentius, Eustratius, Mardarius and Orestes), a temple was built near Constantinople (Constantinople) in the fence of the Olympus Monastery.

Every year on the day of their memory, the patriarch and the emperor visited the temple and made donations to the servants, but one day a strong storm broke out and no one came to the holiday. The monks of the monastery, left without food, were upset and even began to reproach the saints in front of their icon.

But in the evening, messengers from the king, queen and patriarch arrived at the monastery, all with food, wine and money. The envoys called themselves Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius. The next morning the church was visited by Eustratius and Orestes. The hegumen ordered the monks to read, as it should be, about the sufferings of the holy martyrs, but the monks refused, referring to the fact that no one from the city had come to the feast, then Eustratius volunteered to read, and then he stuck a rod that turned into a tree into the church floor. After this miracle, the monks realized who was in front of them, and the holy martyrs immediately became invisible. After the service, the monks found the monastery cellar full of provisions.

The meaning of the icon

The icon of the Holy Martyr Eugene of Sebaste, his image and life are inextricably linked with the images of the five martyrs of Sebaste. From their words, spoken to the faces of the tormentors, the last fervent and bright prayers to God, before they appeared before Him in His Kingdom, little has come down to us through the ages. However, in memory of the feat of Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius and Orestes, their prayers remained, which to this day are included in the texts of Orthodox worship.

The prayer “Lord, Lord God, Father Almighty...”, which is now read at Matins and Midnight Office, was said during the execution by Saint Mardariy. The prayer “Magnifying, I magnify Thee, Lord...” sounded from the lips of St. Eustratius before his holy death. All this was incredibly long ago, it’s hard to imagine how many historical events happened, how many generations have changed each other, and after them we pronounce these words and together with them, standing at the Heavenly throne, we praise God with the same words, only in our native language, which, in the sound known to us, arose much later ...

Five Holy Martyrs.

The Holy Martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardariy and Orestes suffered cruelly for Christ under the emperor Diocletian (284-305) in Armenian Sebastia.

In the reign of the emperors Diocletian and Maximian, paganism dominated the entire Roman Empire and there was, as it were, a general mutual competition in the service of idols. Those who diligently serve the gods were promised honors and the highest places in the state; those who refused to worship the idols were threatened first with the confiscation of property, and then, after all kinds of torment, with the death penalty.

The emperors were informed that the inhabitants of Armenia and Cappadocia, excited by Christians, refuse to obey the royal authority and intend to completely lag behind the Roman Empire. Then they sent Lysias and Agricolaus there to clear these Roman provinces of Christians. Lysias, having arrived in the city of Satalion, began to torment them.

At that time, a certain Eustratius lived in Satalion. He was known to his fellow citizens as the first in the city in terms of nobility of origin and rank - Eustratius held the position of military leader - and at the same time he was distinguished by piety, fear of God and an impeccable life. He came to Lysias and began to publicly denounce him for his cruelty. After the torture, Eustratius was sentenced to be burned. When he was led to the execution, he loudly proclaimed the prayer: “Magnifying I magnify Thee, Lord” (which is read on the Saturday Midnight Office and is inscribed with his name).

Saint Auxentius was a presbyter of the Arabian Church and, after "the temptation of many-faced torments, confessing Christ God," he died, being beheaded with a sword. Saint Mardarius, "the dove of no malice", voluntarily volunteered to be tortured for Christ and died during the torture.

The Christian Eugene, "deserving to God and indecent to the tormentors of salvation for the sake of confession," was a friend, fellow citizen and fellow worker of Eustratius. Seeing the torments of Saint Eustratius, his courage, patience, and the miracle of our Lord Jesus Christ manifested in him, Saint Eugene exclaimed in a loud voice: “Fox! And I am a Christian and I curse your faith and refuse to obey, like my lord Eustratius, the royal decree and you !". Martyr Eugene had his tongue torn out, his arms and legs were cut off, and his head was cut off with a sword.

Saint Orestes, who revealed his faith in Christ with the cross that was on his chest, after torment received "a blessed death, and an incorruptible crown."

Subsequently, in the hometown of these holy martyrs, Aravrak, a church was built in their honor and miracles were performed from their relics.

At present, their relics rest in Rome, in the church of St. Apollinaris of Ravenna.

Miracle of the Five Holy Martyrs

Near Constantinople there was a monastery in honor of these five martyrs, called Olympus. Every year, on the day of their remembrance, the patriarch and the emperor came to the monastery and donated as much as needed for food to the monks. But one day during the holiday a terrible storm arose, so that no one arrived from the city for the holiday. The monks of the monastery were in despondency, since they had absolutely nothing to eat and even reproached the holy martyrs before their icon.

When dusk came, a magnificent man entered the monastery and said that the king had sent food and wine. Having made a prayer, everyone ate and drank. Some time later, the gatekeeper said that a messenger had arrived from the queen, who had sent them selected fish and ten pieces of gold. Soon a man from the patriarch appeared and gave the hegumen the church vessels, saying that the patriarch would serve the liturgy tomorrow. The one who arrived from the king called himself Auxentius, from the queen - Eugene, and the one who brought the vessel from the patriarch - Mardarius. At Matins, two more men entered the church, Eustratius and Orestes. The hegumen ordered the monks to read to the monks, as they should, about the sufferings of the holy martyrs, but the monks refused, referring to the fact that no one from the city had come to the feast. Then Eustratius volunteered to read a book, and then stuck a staff into the church floor, which turned into a tree. Those standing behind realized who they were seeing. Soon all five became invisible. And the abbot, having come from the church, found the monastery cellar full of bread and fish, and all the empty vessels full of wine.

Holy mu-che-ni-ki Ev-stratiy, Avk-sen-tiy, Ev-ge-niy, Mar-da-riy and Orestes are str-da-y for Christ with them -ra-to-re Dio-cli-ti-ane (284-305) in Se-va-stia, in Armenia. Among the first Christians, who then accepted mu-che-nia, was the pre-stor of the Arabian church-vi mu-che-nick Avk-sen- ty, locked in the dark. Seeing the non-co-le-bi-bridge of christ-sti-an, gra-do-great-vi-tel Sa-ta-li-o-na, b-go-rod-ny in-e-na- the chief-nick of the holy Eu-stratiy, the former secret chri-sti-a-ni-nom, decided on an open use of the ry, for which he was subjected to torture: he was burned out of bi-va-li, on-de-va-li on the legs with iron sa-po-gi, burned with fire. After these same hundred mu-che-nies, they burned him, and mu-che-no-ka Avk-sen-tiya was de-gla-vi-li. Seeing their mu-che-no-che-death, holy Mar-da-riy, someone who was from a simple one-on-ro-yes, also used-ve -gave his faith and was ve-shen down head-lo-howl. Before the end of the chi-noy, he uttered a mo-lit-wu: “Vla-da-ko, God, God, Father, All-deploy-te-lu ... ”, someone-paradise chi-ta-et-sya at the end of the 3rd hour and in the middle of the night. Mu-che-ni-ku Ev-ge-nyu you-tear your tongue, from-ru-bi-li ru-ki and no-gi and from-sec-whether go-lo-woo with a sword. Mo-lo-doy in-in-that Saint Orestes was-ve-gave himself hri-sti-a-ni-nom and for this he stood before the court-house. He was pri-go-in-ren to co-burning on the ra-ka-len-iron-lez-no-m-zhe, where he went up, strengthened-la-e-my mo-lit- the howl of St. Eu-stratia. The pre-death prayer of St. Eu-stratia (“Ve-li-tea, ve-li-tea Ty, Lord-po-di ...”) chi-ta-et -sya on Saturday-her in-lu-night-no-tse. Mu-che-nick Ev-stratiy died on December 13th.

See also: in the same place, St. Demetrius of Rostov.

Kondak 1

And the fourty chosen martyrs of Christ, in the city of Sebastia, having passed through fire and water and entered into eternal rest, we praise you, our intercessors, with songs. But you, as if you have great boldness in the Lord, free us from all troubles, calling you with love:

Ikos 1

And the angels of God, the guardians of the human race, seeing before the tormentor your bold confession of Christ, invisibly strengthen you for the feat of suffering. We, leading you, who have done this feat well, joyfully cry out:

Rejoice, angels rejoicing with the bold confession of Christ; Rejoice, having surprised your tormentors with your wondrous patience.

Rejoice, having put the devil to shame through your sufferings; Rejoice, having armed yourself with the invincible power of Christ against the invisible enemy, and all the malice of that against you and the intrigues of the victorious.

Rejoice, adornment of the innumerable martyr's face; Rejoice, mighty helpers of the earthly militant Church.

Rejoice, holy forty martyrs Sebastia, glorious wonderworkers.

Kondak 2

In going the bestial tormentor, the faith of the martyrs, imprison them, the Lord, the compassionate reality, visit His servants, praising the beginning of their feat and admonishing them to unrelentingly accomplish it. As if only the one who endures to the end is married in the Kingdom of Heaven and is vouchsafed from the Angels to sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Divine mind from Christ who appeared to you, affirm yourself in the suffering feat, holy martyrs, and reproach Agricolaus the tormentor in praise of yourself. For this sake, we laudatory cry to you:

Rejoice, having acquired the right mind of the knowledge of God and completely betraying your will to the will of God; Rejoice, all the charms of the world and the glory of the military for the sake of Christ, imputed to nothing.

Rejoice, you who did not listen to the caresses of the tormentor and were not afraid of that terrible rebuke; Rejoice, you who endured imprisonment for the sake of Christ.

Rejoice, Savior of the world in the bondage of a visitation, good words from Him for consolation and strengthening for the feat; rejoice, for with faith you console those who honor you in sorrow and deliver you from troubles.

Rejoice, holy forty martyrs Sebastia, glorious wonderworkers.

Kondak 3

With the strength of the Most High, she made you, holy martyrs, strong in word before the wicked, the same not enduring your boldness, the proud tormentor throws you into prison again, in a joyful tekoste, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

And more powerfully, passion-bearers, in the dungeon of your compassionate Kirion, the good of your teacher, strengthen yourself in the faith of Christ and in the days of osmi knowledge were at the judgment, fearlessly stand before Lysias the prince and Agricolaus the governor, wisely expose their wickedness. For such your daring, we bring you praises:

Rejoice, clothed in the armor of the faith of Christ and the shield of the grace of His protection; Rejoice, thou who didst love the one Christ more than all, and for the sake of His command, the lawless tormentors despised.

Rejoice, thou who didst preach the power of Christ before the ungodly, and showed the omnipotence of God to the world; rejoice, as even stone throwing will not touch you.

Rejoice, for by the power of God I will return to those who throw; rejoice, for even now with your prayers to God you reflect the arrows of the enemy from us.

Rejoice, holy forty martyrs Sebastia, glorious wonderworkers.

Kondak 4

Breathing anger against Christ, the proud Foxy third cast the sufferers into prison, Christ appears again in it, comforting, encouraging them and promising incorruptible crowns in the Kingdom of Heaven, but when they heard this, I joyfully sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard the torment of the firm passion-bearers of Christ, the confession, condemning me to stand all-night in the cold lake, they are the fire of Divine love in their hearts, I am not afraid of fierce scum, but, unanimously glorifying God, go to suffering. But we, wondering at the patience of these, call the sitse:

Rejoice, good-victory confessors of Christ; Rejoice, destroyer of idols.

Rejoice, having entered eternal rest with the patience of fierce torment; Rejoice, having found unspeakable blessings through the illnesses of suffering.

Rejoice, dragii and fortresses of forty stones; Rejoice, fortifying and shining the Church of Christ with yourselves.

Rejoice, holy forty martyrs Sebastia, glorious wonderworkers.

Kondak 5

God the stars of Christ appear, holy ones, in the cold of the night in the lake of Sebaste, shining, they are not deceived by the warm bath of temptation, but from the Angels I will sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

In the saint who went, as if he had fallen away from them, fearing the scum of the night, and hiding in a warm bath and abie died, warmly crying out to the Lord, that he would strengthen them in the feat of suffering and glorify His name. We call you sitse:

Rejoice, glorious victorious, victorious over all the intrigues of the opposition; Rejoice, Nazis who stood in the lake all night.

Rejoice, unanimously calling on the Lord there; rejoice, for in your patience the Lord has sent down to you quick help.

Rejoice, as the light of God shines on you; Rejoice, you have received the crowns of glory from Heaven.

Rejoice, holy forty martyrs Sebastia, glorious wonderworkers.

Kondak 6

Preachers of wondrous miracles, guards, in the baths of the former, telling how in the night the light of Heaven in the lake oblists the martyrs, melt the ice and change the cold into warmth, if you hear, the torment is more than angry with malice, not leading God to sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

In the heavenly light that shone in the lake, the ascension and in the heart of one from the guards the grace of God, as if he had taken off his own garment, thrown into the lake to the holy martyr, filling the place of the fallen; and thus the prince of darkness, rejoicing at the belittling of the face of the sufferers, was put to shame, and now we cry like this:

Rejoice, passion-bearers of Christ, by your prayers and patience you turned the joy of the devil into sorrow; rejoice, from the malice and deceit of his faithful deliverer.

Rejoice, enlightened in the coldness of the water by the grace of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, by your standing in the lake of the mental serpent that crushed the head.

Rejoice, full fortecost, cheerfully presenting yourself to Christ; Rejoice, by faith and suffering for the sake of Christ, you have inherited heavenly bliss.

Rejoice, holy forty martyrs Sebastia, glorious wonderworkers.

Kondak 7

For the worse marvelous sufferers, keep the faith in Christ immaculately, the glory of the military and the caresses of the tormentors in no way sane, and all the fierce torment, as if without flesh, endured, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

New and last saints have suffered torment, as if their shins were crushed by the former, and thus ended the feat of suffering, having received incorruptible crowns from God. At the same time, we proclaim in praise of them sice:

Rejoice, beautiful summer of the garden of Jesus, not with axes, but with a small cut; Rejoice, vessels of the grace of God for the name of Christ in contrition.

Rejoice, suffering feat of a gloriously deceased; Rejoice, you have received cohabitation from the faces of the Angels.

Rejoice, from the prophet and apostle, as those followers, kindly met; rejoice, great kind of Christian glory.

Rejoice, holy forty martyrs Sebastia, glorious wonderworkers.

Kondak 8

With strange valor, the miraculous mother of Saint Meliton, seeing the bodies of the martyrs being carried to be burned, taking her son still alive, taking on her shoulders, and give up your spirit to God, singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

In this bestiality, the tormentors will show, when you command the holy bodies of the martyr, burn them with fire and throw their ashes into the river, may their memory be destroyed from the earth, both being put to shame; Lord, in the eternal generations, glorify me before the angels and men; for this reason we call them:

Rejoice, according to the words of the psalmist, you have passed through fire and water; Rejoice, fellow-partners of the passion of Christ.

Rejoice, dethronement of Christ's enemies; Rejoice, intercession to the Lord for Christians.

Rejoice, you who are faithful in orthodoxy; Rejoice, vigilant prayer book for the Christian race.

Rejoice, holy forty martyrs Sebastia, glorious wonderworkers.

Kondak 9

In this, Christians are greatly surprised, as if the bones of the holy martyrs are miraculously night in the river, like stars shining, and, honestly, gather, according to the command of the saints, they give healing to the faithful faithful, but we sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

In the old prophetic oration, illuminated by the Spirit of God, about the death of the faithful in the psalter belt: “We went through fire and water, and brought us to rest.” But you, holy martyrs, have fulfilled this deed. For this sake, accept from us the praises of the chinese:

Rejoice, having kept the faith of Christ to the end; rejoice, your sufferings, like gold in the furnace, cleansed.

Rejoice, great intercessor to God, saving us from troubles; Rejoice, helping us in sorrow.

Rejoice, instructing us to the salvation of souls.

Rejoice, holy forty martyrs Sebastia, glorious wonderworkers.

Kondak 10

With the pasture of our companion, you are, holy martyrs, we are also diligently resorting to you: help us with your intercession to the Lord, spend the rest of our life in repentance and always thankfully cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

With the shadow of your prayers, protect us, holy martyrs, from all the evils and wiles of the enemy, but guard you, bless you:

Rejoice, Kirion, Candida and Domna, Divine Scripture teacher; Rejoice, glory to Agnina and Aetie, who have flown to Heaven in spirit.

Rejoice, Athanasius, Aglaia, Vivian and Gorgonius, who loved Christ God; Rejoice, Ekdite, Gaia, Eunoikes, Eutyches, Dometiana and John, who laid down your souls for Christ.

Rejoice, Hesychius, Heraclius, Cyril, Claudius, Lysimache and Leonty, who received heavenly blessings; Rejoice, Iliana and Elijah, the prophet Elijah was jealous.

Rejoice, holy forty martyrs Sebastia, glorious wonderworkers.

Kondak 11

We bring the singing of praise to you, holy martyrs, as if for the sake of Christ's love, do not spare your flesh. The same is your memory, like a bright lamp in the Church shines, illuminating the faithful in spirit, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

With the light of the heavenly illumined ones, we see you, glorifying the passion-bearers of Christ, the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity is to be taken out and for the world of prayer with boldness bring; the same laudatory appeal to you:

Rejoice, passion-bearers of Christ Nicholas, Prisca, Smaragda, Sakerdon, Severian and Sisinie, conqueror of the wickedness of the enemy; Rejoice, Philoctimone and Theophila, Divine performers of love.

Rejoice, Hoodione, Xanthios and Flavius, warriors of Christ's wisdom; Rejoice, Meliton, Theodula and Valens, servant of God of glorification.

Rejoice, Christ's martyrs Valeria, Alexandra and Akaki; Rejoice, with your spring memory proclaiming to us the spring of Christ.

Rejoice, holy forty martyrs Sebastia, glorious wonderworkers.

Kondak 12

The monastery of Xiropotamskaya is richly filled with grace, having your honest remains, glorify the martyrs and miracle workers, including us, who brightly perform your memory, fulfill the grace of God with your prayers, and sing miracles to the giver of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

For your honorable sufferings, holy martyrs, we glorify the Lord, who strengthened you and crowned you with incorruptible crowns, and as warm intercessors and intercessors for the Christian race, we bless the sit:

Rejoice, heavenly stars shining from Sebastia; Rejoice, for you are the spiritual moon, ascending into Heaven from the earth.

Rejoice, as the mental sun, enlighten our sorrows; rejoice, as you comfort us in the labors of fasting and prayer.

Rejoice, forty fortress pillars of Christ's Church; Rejoice, guardians and protectors of all the faithful.

Rejoice, holy forty martyrs Sebastia, glorious wonderworkers.

Kondak 13

O Holy Passion-bearers of Sebastia, victorious flattery of the sly glorification, by your intercession from the Lord, ask us for victory in soul-damaging passions and worldly pride, but in repentance, we will be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, singing to God: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos "Angels of God..." and the 1st kontakion "Chosen Martyrs of Christ..."


Oh, saints, the martyrs of Christ, forty, in the city of Sebastia Christ for the sake of courageously suffered, through fire and water you proido and, as friends of Christ, entered into the rest of the Kingdom of Heaven, have great boldness to the Most Holy Trinity to intercede for the Christian race, especially for honoring your holy memory and calling you with faith and love. Ask the All-Generous God for forgiveness of our sins and correction of our life, yes, in repentance and unfeigned love for each other, we will live with boldness before the Terrible Judgment of Christ and with your intercession at the right hand of the Righteous Judge we will stand. She, saints of God, wake us up as protectors from all enemies, visible and invisible, and under the shelter of your holy prayers we will get rid of all troubles, evils and misfortunes until the last day of our life and so glorify the great and venerable Name of the All-powerful Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 1

By the sickness of the saints, having suffered in the image of You, beg, O Lord, and heal all our illnesses, Lover of mankind, we pray.

Kontakion, tone 6

Into all the armies of the world left, cleave to the Lord of Heaven, the passion-bearers of the Lord forty: through fire and water passed, blessed, worthy of receiving glory from Heaven and many crowns.


In honoring you, holy martyrs, and honoring your honest suffering, even for Christ you endured nature.