585 gold corporate training part. Projects

  • 06.12.2023

Jeweler Network 585

1. Company description

1.1. Industries in which the company operates

Retail trade. Retail trade of jewelry. Company "585" is the largest federal jewelry sales network.

1.2. Territorial distribution

More than 320 jewelry stores are open on the territory of the Russian Federation. The company is represented in more than 90 cities of Russia.

1.3. Number of staff

Currently the company employs about 2,500 employees.

  • Retail employees
  • Office staff
  • Interns

    Page of the educational portal of the Company "585"

    2. Problems to be solved/tasks set

    2.1. To meet what business requirements was the system implemented?

    The main task is to conduct training in remote branches with minimal financial costs.


    • Carrying out scheduled certifications
    • Carrying out assessment activities
    • Conducting corporate surveys

    2.2. What business processes needed to be automated (assessment, training, personnel selection, accounting for training costs, etc.)

    The main automation processes were:

    • Training of existing employees
    • Testing based on training results
    • Training new staff starting to work in stores
    • Carrying out certifications

    2.2. What were the criteria for successful implementation at the planning stage?

    The speed of deployment of the system, as well as the implementation of all educational procedures for face-to-face training in a remote version.

    2.3. How the project plan was formed (TOR, business processes were analyzed, etc.)

    After analyzing existing business processes, a technical specification for the implementation of the project was drawn up.

    3. Project parameters

    3.1. Implementation deadlines and main stages of the project

    • The start of the project is September 2011.
    • Implementation in all retail outlets - October 2011.
    • Launch of projects for office employees - January 2012.

    3.2. Project team from the customer side (from IT and HR). Roles in the team, how the interaction took place

    • Head of the training department (project manager): Kiryanov A.
    • Business trainer (content creation): Lopar A., ​​Lutsenko O., Kharkov S., Kulikova Yu.
    • Support from the IT service in setting up end user terminals.

    3.3. Main difficulties encountered during the project

    It took some time for end users to adapt to the LMS; it was necessary to provide consulting assistance over the phone to employees on how to use the system. The need to refine the functionality of the system, since not all features were immediately spelled out in the technical specifications.

    3.4. Did the time and financial costs correspond to previously planned:

    More than that, the entire project was implemented on time and within the planned financial volume.

    3.5. What IT infrastructure limitations affected the project:

    In our case, there were no particular problems with the IT infrastructure. Since our system is leased, all maintenance is performed by the supplier.

    4. Project development

    4.1. Development plans (which business processes are still planned to be automated)

    There are no clear development plans at the moment, but perhaps this will include organizing webinars or new assessment methods.

    4.2. Filling with content - how the problem is solved

    Electronic courses in the main areas of training were developed and are being developed by specialists from the training department, in this case business trainers. Outsourcers for development have not yet been invited, since the department copes with development on its own.

    Screens of electronic courses developed by the company

    4.3. Team for system support and development:

    Since the system has historically been leased, technical problems are resolved by the supplier. The development of new procedures and content filling is carried out by the training center with the involvement of experts to obtain materials on training topics.

    5. Project results

    5.1. Results achieved (quantitative and qualitative)

    • The training portal is open to all employees of the company; on the portal you can obtain information on many issues of interest to employees.
    • A feedback system has been created with stores and the office in the form of a corporate forum to highlight various types of problems.
    • Based on the educational portal, the electronic corporate newspaper “Gold Times” was implemented.
    • Thanks to the system, it became possible to conduct semi-annual certifications at all retail outlets of all branches, regardless of distance.
    • All training programs were transferred to a distance format, as a result of which they became available in remote branches and the number of business trips for training was reduced.
    • The “Corporate University” project was implemented on the basis of the educational portal, which made it possible to expand the knowledge of both line employees and managers.
    • Also, with the help of the portal, we were able to quickly prepare employees for the company’s transition to the new SAP ERP system.

    Electronic corporate newspaper “Gold Times”, implemented on the basis of an educational portal.

    5.2. The most significant results - something most memorable

    Probably, the implementation of the “Corporate University” project, it lasted several months and all employees of the training center were able to participate in it. Moreover, the topics covered in it were the most interesting, and the methods of conveying information in electronic courses were very diverse.

    5.3. Reaction of company employees to the implementation of the system:

    End users initially received the system rather coldly, but once they realized the benefits for themselves, activity on the portal picked up. Most especially liked the feedback system in the form of a corporate forum. From time to time, passions even got heated there, and moderators had to be brought in.

    5.4. Feedback from managers (company and departments) based on the results of system implementation:

    The initial results were highly appreciated by the primary customers, in our case it was the retail sales department. The opportunity to conduct training and certification regardless of the remoteness of the branches could not but please them.

    Subsequently, the company’s senior management highly appreciated the implementation of the “Corporate University” project.

Federal jewelry chain 585*Zolotoy is one of the leading Russian companies; we have been successfully operating in the jewelry market for more than 19 years and show impressive growth rates.
Our strategy is constant development! Every year our network grows, as does the love and trust of our millions of customers across the country.

Jewelry chain 585*Gold

  1. Founded in 2000 in St. Petersburg.
  2. In 2014, active regional development began.
  3. In August 2011, the Company launched stores with the new Zolotoy brand.
  4. 585*Zolotoy is a new format of jewelry stores, combining a range of services and directions for the client.
  5. Currently, our Company has more than 750 stores open throughout Russia, and we do not stand still - every month we open several stores in different parts of our country.

Our network is No. 1 in terms of the number of jewelry sales in the Russian Federation.

We have already been chosen by more than
8,000,000 people.

More than 100,000 people come to us every day (for example, the population of one average city in the Russian Federation is 55,000 people).

The chain stores are located in more than 280 cities throughout Russia.

our team

Company 585*Zolotoy achieves success thanks to its team
professional specialists.
Today there are more than 8,000 of us! Join us too!

Our employees are the greatest value and pride of the company!
Each of us is part of the huge 585*Golden family, in which we can realize ourselves, improve and do what we love.

development: training,
growth opportunities

We pay special attention to the quality of customer service. All staff of our company stores undergo mandatory free training and internship, which guarantees high professionalism in customer service.

We have our own training center with a team of professional business trainers. They regularly train employees, improve their level and conduct supportive training.

Training takes place according to professions

Shop assistant

Jewelry pawnshop merchandiser

Facility Manager

Facilities Group Director

Newcomers gain knowledge from the personal example of experienced employees.

Many managers began working in the company from starting positions, coming to the Company as trainees, our employees achieve success and become middle and senior managers.

scale, tasks, clients

We always focus on the desires of our customers and build our corporate policy in accordance with their expectations.

We ensure that the quality of the jewelry we offer meets the market requirements. Thanks to this, our company stores offer a wide range of products aimed at different tastes.

Our pawnshops employ the best specialists who undergo exclusive training available only to our company employees. And our sales consultants are professionals in their field who make millions of buyers throughout Russia happy and beautiful.

It is interesting to work with us, since we are Company No. 1 in the jewelry market and our tasks are ambitious, large-scale and allow each employee of our Company to develop!

Working conditions

All employees are hired by the Company and work in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

We always have the opportunity to choose a store close to home or conveniently located within access to major transport hubs. We work with specialized equipment, which undergoes annual testing and is constantly improved.

Our stores are equipped with modern displays and security equipment, which makes working in the store convenient and safe. It’s a pleasure to come and work in our stores – there is no such amount of beauty anywhere else! See for yourself in one of any stores in our network!

Working in our stores is a pleasure! After all, you are constantly surrounded by the beauty and sophistication of jewelry and precious stones.

join us!

We offer competitive wages and high income based on the individual performance of each employee.

There is no salary limit for our retail employees. Its size depends on your personal sales and has no restrictions!

Our employees enjoy discounts on our products and partner services, participate in corporate competitions and win valuable/cash prizes.

We are friends

First of all, we value mutual assistance. This is a very important part of teamwork. Helping each other at every stage, we move forward together with the Company.

We are for a healthy lifestyle

Our employees regularly participate in sports competitions - football championships, marathon races and hero races! Join our healthy movement!

We share each other's hobbies

Our active employees have personal projects, interests and hobbies in addition to work. Personal victories go side by side with the Company’s victories. We constantly hold creative competitions and events in which everyone can express themselves.

Corporate beauty contest
and professionalism “Miss 585*Golden”

Every girl, regardless of her position and the city in which she works, can become the face of our Company and take part in the Federal Corporate Competition of Beauty and Professionalism “Miss 585*Golden”.

The competition was established and held for the first time in 2017. Each directorate of our company held qualifying rounds and semi-final tests, in which more than 150 beauties of our network took part! Based on the results of the regional stages, 12 finalists were invited to the grand finale in St. Petersburg! Each of the girls is already a winner, and each received her own “precious” title. In 2017, the main title “Miss 585*Golden” was awarded to Elina Bogacheva (Deputy Store Manager from the small town of Rzhev).

As a gift, Elina received an advertising contract with our Company and the opportunity to take part in advertising and corporate filming for the 585*Golden network. The competition evaluates: professional performance of participants, creativity, communication skills and, of course, beauty, both external and internal!

Bogacheva Elina

Elina Bogacheva: “Winning the competition was unexpected, joyful, and even made me feel dizzy. Feels great! I believed in myself and had no doubts!

My colleagues are very happy for me! Their support is invaluable! All the girls from different regions are so talented and I am very glad that I was able to become part of such a grand event and meet colleagues from different cities! Colleagues and managers, whom I don’t even know, came up to me and said that they were rooting for me! This kind of support is very important!”

Work with what you love!

Join the 585*Golden team!

Negative aspects of the company

Dear applicants, boys and girls! Don't even waste your time on this sharashka office.
When you get a job at this so-called “company”, you won’t even be given an employment contract, plus an incomprehensible from a legal point of view employment at three rates in three organizations (that is, retail, pawnshop and microloans), although there is only one entry in the work book - this LLC "Pawnshops YUS - 585". How legal this is remains an open question. The employment contract itself states a ridiculous salary of 6,500, although in fact there is none. How much you sell and how much collateral you give - that's how much you'll get. If, of course, the higher management, which is located in offices in other cities, deigns to pay you an honestly earned penny. In general, they often do not pay extra for your salary, then they will keep a thousand or two for themselves) When asked to send payslips, in the best case, after 3 weeks they send a table made in Word. Laughter and that's it. The numbers seem to be made up out of the blue. Overtime is not paid and is not recorded at all, management simply doesn’t care about the employees, if you don’t want to work seven days a week, get out.
Having worked for this company for an nth amount of time, I still cannot receive anything, neither salary nor compensation!!! More than a month has passed, the immediate director of the branch only serves breakfast. In general, the so-called “federal network” grabbed my honestly earned money.
The company is such that there is no end to it; every year they change their legal entity so as not to pay taxes. In general, an UNCONSCIOUS EMPLOYER.
If you don’t want to waste your time and work for free, if you don’t want to be scammed, don’t contact them. I wish this company to go bankrupt and stop fooling people, both its employees and clients. You can tell a lot about them, all the pitfalls, reveal all the deceptions that the company uses, but that’s a different story...

Company valuations

Team and corporate culture

  • Rating 1/5

Management and their respect for employees

  • Rating 1/5

Workplace and working conditions

  • Rating 1/5
  • Rating 1/5

Comments on the review

Tatiana 16.08.18 11:53 supported the review +1

I worked for a month in this chain as a store manager, I never saw the employment contract, I didn’t see the payroll, the entry in the employment record (or rather, they made it on some kind of insert, although the employment record is full of empty pages) and the network of LLC Pawnshops YUS - 585 , although I signed contracts for three organizations. With a ridiculous salary of 8,000 rubles from all three contracts. Terrible overtime by hours a month, this is explained by piecework wages, upon dismissal I received only the salary part, and got my bonus after calling the head office and then only after 1.5 months. Allegedly, they carried out an audit after my dismissal, without my presence, and only based on the results of the audit they decided whether to pay a bonus or withhold shortfalls. It's a horror, not a company, don't waste your life and time on this shit.

rrr 24.08.17 20:53 supported the review +1

I will join the review. During interviews and telephone negotiations they claimed that the entire salary was white, when concluding the contract it turned out that not all of it!!! They don’t give you pay slips, they refuse to pay your salary in cash, and to your card too, only to the card of their servicing bank. But in terms of work, I’m generally silent. I've never seen such a mess before. in general, if you are not embarrassed by a white and gray salary and know how to adapt to a mess, then you can work

Jewelry chain 585*Gold 26.06.17 11:19 refuted the review -1

Hello. Thank you for your feedback about working for our company. We are sorry that you find yourself in this situation.
We try to create the most comfortable working conditions. We offer official employment from the first working day, fully comply with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, provide paid sick leave and vacations, etc. We constantly invest in the development of our employees, conduct training sessions, organize courses at the corporate university, and the most talented and motivated quickly grow up the career ladder in our company. We are constantly developing, and we want our employees to develop, so we are constantly developing new profitable offers for clients, working to increase sales and other indicators, which also lead to increased salaries for employees.
If you witness a violation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other illegal actions on the part of personnel, we would be grateful if you contact us by email.

Success stories

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“Total Dictation” is an educational project that helps test your knowledge of the Russian language.
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In recent years, the topic of a healthy lifestyle has increasingly been raised in the media and is actively supported in the corporate sector. People are beginning to give preference to natural foods, exercise and drink purified water. An important role in this was played by the Ukrainian company Ecosoft, which has developed dozens of alternative solutions for water purification systems and supplies them to 46 countries around the world. They managed to place on one online platform the entire product catalog, a water quality map, detailed documentation for all solutions, unique product cards with customer cases, online support and launch full-fledged B2B sales.
In December 2015, the management of Ivashka decided to create a single website for all branches, with a common accounting and analytics system and a unified design, and connect it with the enterprise management system. The development of the new website was undertaken by the Uberweb.ru studio. They also made previous versions of the site for the company. There was no doubt about the choice of CMS. The developers had used 1C-Bitrix before, but this time they chose the Enterprise version - it had more functions that were important for large businesses.
For the past eight years, our website has been running on an outdated CMS without support. Slow loading of site pages, lack of a mobile version, problems of line employees (not developers) with interaction with the CMS — all this limited the potential of our company. We decided that the website of the market leader must meet all modern requirements that both search engines and users — employees and clients — set on it.
The resource was tasked with effectively broadcasting corporate and product information. It was necessary to convincingly and emotionally talk about the developer. Show the history, experience, business reputation of the brand. It was also important to effectively present the projects under construction: to provide comprehensive information and allay buyers’ concerns.
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“Spend a weekend away from the bustle of the city and civilization, in an ecologically clean place surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains, and enjoy nature.” This is exactly what one of the most popular desires of every second city resident sounds like. And I really want someone to take care of all the hassle of booking, leaving only the feeling of a good holiday. With the help of a new website, the mountain hotel “Karpatski Polonyny” made this dream come true and began selling it to its clients. After moving to the new platform, mobile traffic increased by 48%.
To make a significant profit, it is not at all necessary to spend money on signs, display windows and crowds of service personnel. The online store of children's goods Esky on the 1C-Bitrix platform can compete with offline networks. This became possible after optimizing the operation of the warehouse and delivery service. In seven years, the project reached the federal level. He took a significant part of the clients from the multi-channel business and did not spend a single ruble on organizing his own physical network.
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The premium segment grocery chain has launched an online store that is unique to Russia. Delivery is carried out on the day of order, products can be ordered individually or by exact weight, and when choosing a product, it feels like a personal visit to the store. The 1C-Bitrix platform helps the company cope with the given heights, which ensures the continuity of business processes even at times of peak load, and also sets up marketing campaigns and controls the quality of processes performed.