Fresh green peas are good for the body. What is useful boiled peas for the human body

  • 02.04.2021

This inconspicuous at first glance vegetable - peas - carries a lot of useful and taste properties. Our distant ancestors knew about the unique benefits of peas. They used it as a staple food for numerous ailments. Peas among the Chinese are still a symbol of nobility and prosperity. But in France, only persons close to the emperor were allowed to eat peas. In Tibet - the birthplace of natural health - various drugs were prepared using peas, which had to be eaten by seriously ill people, thus the latter expelled the disease from their body and effectively promoted blood renewal. So, peas - the benefits and harms of what nature can be inflicted on the body by this vegetable?


Like numerous other plant foods, peas are known for their rich nutritional and medicinal properties due to their chemical composition. The main advantage of this vegetable is preserved in the fact that it is a real storehouse of easily digestible proteins that contribute to the favorable functioning of the digestive tract.

In addition, peas are filled with useful carbohydrates and microelements, the leading place among which is given to magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, iodine and calcium.

Among the fortified substances, green peas are rich in vitamins of the entire subgroup B, as well as in vitamin PP and C.

The uniqueness of the vegetable is that its chemical composition contains a sufficient amount of a rare substance for products - lysine, which is a natural panacea for heart and vascular diseases.

Peas are also rich in a substance such as pyridoxine. It is actively involved in the synthesis of useful amino acids. Pyridoxine in an insufficient amount for the body contributes to the appearance of dermatosis and various kinds of seizures.

Such useful peas have a low calorie content. In green peas in the amount of 100 grams, there are about 248 kilocalories.

Beneficial features

In the summer season, you should not miss the opportunity to eat fresh green peas, but during the rest of the year you can eat other varieties of peas, thereby enriching the body with useful components, and at the same time providing it with a preventive effect.

Peas are famous for the following medicinal qualities:

  • Thanks to nicotinic acid, the vegetable helps to normalize the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. It has been proven that just 1 handful of a healthy vegetable provides the daily intake of nicotinic acid.
  • Peas are an energetically valuable product, it is especially recommended in the nutrition of athletes, as it keeps muscles in good shape and promotes muscle growth.
  • A healthy vegetable is a preventive product against the development of asthma. Moreover, in asthmatics, it must be present in the diet, as it effectively prevents the development of complications in asthmatic attacks.
  • If you regularly eat this bean product, the risk of developing atherosclerosis is significantly reduced. Moreover, it has been proven that peas also have a preventive property against the occurrence of a cancerous tumor.
  • The vegetable is indicated for use in various kinds of cardiovascular diseases, the use of peas is especially beneficial for the state of the heart muscle, helps to eliminate arrhythmias.
  • Medicine has proven that antibacterial and antimicrobial properties are hidden in peas, it is prescribed to patients with tuberculosis, as a product that qualitatively eliminates pathogenic bacteria.
  • Since peas contain a sufficient amount of easily digestible proteins, it is especially recommended for diets and as a product that promotes weight loss. Some nutritionists prescribe peas to their patients in the fight against obesity.
  • The benefit of peas lies in the fact that the product helps to rejuvenate the skin. If you regularly include a bean product in the menu, then the skin becomes elastic, radiant and young.
  • Peas are also useful for deviations in the work of the genitourinary system. First of all, it has a therapeutic effect on prostatitis. It has been proven that the use of this vegetable has a beneficial effect on increasing sexual desire in humans.
  • Traditional medicine recommends using fresh green peas for heartburn. To do this, you need to grind a few peas, chew and swallow.
  • The vegetable is also indispensable in the treatment of superficial wounds, burns and abrasions. To prepare a medicinal drug, crushed peas and a fresh chicken egg are mixed.
  • And the most famous, perhaps, the healing property of legumes lies in the elimination of constipation.

Harm and contraindications

Like most other products, peas have their contraindications. In addition, a vegetable can cause significant harm to the human body, especially in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy, legumes are contraindicated for consumption in large quantities. Since peas cause gas formation, such a condition of the expectant mother can adversely affect the behavior of her fetus;
  • peas still belong to “heavy” foods, so overeating it can cause some discomfort in the stomach;
  • Peas are not recommended for use by older people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. The thing is that peas contain a large amount of purine acid, which can be deposited in the muscles, joints and tendons. With a sedentary lifestyle, such purine deposits can cause pain and provoke the development of some joint diseases;
  • people suffering from gout are not recommended to eat fresh peas, it is allowed to be consumed only in boiled form and in small proportions;
  • with gastritis or the presence of peptic ulcer, a legume can provoke the appearance of complications:
  • it is important to remember about individual intolerance to the product, which people often suffer from. In the presence of such, peas are strictly contraindicated for use.

Pea varieties

Depending on the classification, peas differ in their composition and useful qualities.

Pea varieties are divided into the following varieties:

  1. White peas - widely used for medicinal purposes. White peas are indicated for use in many diseases. White pea flour is prescribed for the complex treatment of diabetes mellitus. In addition, white pea flour is indicated for use in headaches, increased brain activity, heartburn, abnormalities in the genitourinary system, obesity, heart disease and as an external remedy for skin diseases.
  2. Yellow peas - this type of pea is used in cooking and in folk medicine. Yellow peas are involved in the normalization of metabolic processes, take care of the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce the risk of developing cancer, help treat hypertension, heart attack and skin aging.
  3. Red peas - this variety of legumes is supplied with a large amount of fortified and mineral substances. Red peas are used in the treatment of anemia, premature aging of the body, and cancer.
  4. Black peas - rare and unusual for many people, black peas are indicated for use in case of loss of voice, to improve the functioning of all internal systems, in particular, the liver, spleen, and kidneys.

How to cook peas correctly?

The benefits and harms of peas have been justified for centuries. This vegetable can be eaten both fresh and boiled. If freshly picked green peas are common in the summer, then closer to the ground, the vegetable requires boiling. How to cook peas?

Before boiling peas, it is recommended to pre-soak in cool water. The cooking time of the vegetable depends on the soaking period. If the peas are pre-soaked for 6 hours, then the boiling time will be no more than 45 minutes. In the event that the vegetable is boiled immediately, that is, without soaking, then the full cooking time can take up to 2 hours.

How much to cook peas depends on how much water is added to the vegetable. Most cooks advise not to add water when cooking. But such an opinion is deeply erroneous. It is recommended to observe simple proportions of water and vegetable - 3: 1, in this case, the peas will be soft, crumbly and tasty.

  1. Rinse the peas thoroughly, remove debris, dust, and husks from it.
  2. Pour the vegetable with cool water and leave for 6-8 hours.
  3. After the specified time has elapsed, thoroughly rinse the bean culture again, then pour it into the pan.
  4. Pour the required amount of water into a saucepan with peas and put the container on fire.
  5. As it boils, remove the resulting foam.
  6. Vegetables must be cooked on low heat.
  7. About 10 minutes before the end of boiling, the water with peas is salted.
  8. After complete cooking, oil is added to the peas (if necessary).

The benefits and harms of green peas in one of the headings of the TV show “Live healthy!”

We most often remember green peas when we want to cook everyone's favorite Olivier salad, where this product is the main component. But in fact, these eye-pleasing green peas contain a lot of useful substances that are simply necessary for the body to maintain health and external beauty.

By the way, our ancestors knew about the benefits of a green pot. For example, in the old days in France, peas were consumed exclusively by nobles, and in China today, green peas are a symbol of wealth and nobility. In Tibet, a drug was prepared from this product, which was given to sick people and wounded soldiers. Such a remedy contributed to a quick recovery, restoration of strength and blood renewal. Perhaps it's time for us to get to know this wonderful product better and learn about its beneficial properties.

Composition of green peas

Like most other plant foods, this legume is famous for its highly digestible plant protein, which improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

The vitamin and mineral composition of this product also deserves attention. For example, green peas boast the content of almost all B vitamins, a high content of vitamins A, C, E, K and PP. Of the minerals, peas are rich in calcium and magnesium, potassium and iodine, iron and phosphorus. In addition, this product contains starch, mineral salts and antioxidants that the body needs.

If we talk about truly unique substances, then one cannot but mention the presence of lysine in green peas. This valuable amino acid is considered one of the most valuable means of preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Peas also contain the substance pyridoxine (one of the forms of vitamin B6). The value of this substance lies in the fact that it prevents the appearance of dermatoses on the skin and muscle cramps.

Note the presence of selenium in this product. This mineral affects the performance of the whole organism, primarily by cleansing it from the negative effects of toxins, carcinogens and salts of heavy metals.

By the way, if we talk about the calorie content of green peas, then it is not the smallest and is 248 kcal per 100 g of product. True, it should be understood here that, unlike vegetables and fruits, peas belong to legumes and its main advantage is incredible satiety and nutritional value. It is not for nothing that people who dream of losing weight and, in this regard, refusing meat, switch to the use of legumes and, above all, green peas.

Therapeutic and preventive properties of green peas

1. Reducing the level of "bad" cholesterol. Due to the high content of nicotinic acid, this wonderful product helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels. But this is extremely important for the cardiovascular system, which, due to the fault of cholesterol plaques, quickly becomes unusable, leading a person to the development of a serious disease - atherosclerosis, and provoking the development of deadly conditions - heart attack and stroke. By the way, it is enough to eat just a handful of green peas a day to replenish the body's daily norm in nicotinic acid.

2. By regularly adding green peas to your diet, you will be protected not only from atherosclerosis, but also from oncological tumors. This product contains a lot of vitamin C, but more importantly, 100 g of peas contain 10 mg of a powerful antioxidant - coumestrol, which actively destroys free radicals and prevents the transformation of benign body cells into malignant ones.

3. In addition to cleansing blood vessels and strengthening the vascular walls, green peas have a beneficial effect on the heart itself. In particular, this product strengthens the myocardium and contributes to the treatment of arrhythmias.

4. Green peas contain a lot of vegetable protein, which actually explains its high energy value. In this regard, this product is recommended to be taken by athletes, as well as children and adolescents, because peas contribute to the growth of muscle mass and maintain body tone.

5. According to doctors, the product in question is an excellent remedy for the development of asthma. Moreover, people who already suffer from this serious disease should definitely consume green peas, as they reduce the likelihood of complications in case of asthma attacks.

6. And here is another discovery of scientists, which was not previously suspected. It turns out that green peas contain antimicrobial and antibacterial substances that successfully eliminate Koch's bacillus, which means they must be in the diet of tuberculosis patients.

7. Considering that legumes are not inferior to meat in terms of energy value, but unlike meat they do not contain harmful animal fats, green peas are often recommended for people who want to lose extra pounds or are obese.

8. High doses of fiber and vegetable protein help to better digest heavy foods and significantly speed up the digestion process, so that the digestive system works smoothly and prevents constipation. Moreover, green peas perfectly relieve a person from existing constipation.

9. Peas are extremely beneficial for bone health and strengthening. 100 g of this product provides the body with half the norm of vitamin K and the same amount of manganese. But these components strengthen the skeletal system and at the same time prevent calcification (calcification) of bones.

10. The composition of fresh peas contains a valuable component of lutein, it is extremely useful for vision. In combination with vitamin A, which is also abundant in this product, green peas perfectly protect the retina from damage, and also prevent the development of cataracts and macular degeneration.

11. Thanks to this product of the legume family, natural skin rejuvenation occurs. According to doctors, if you use green peas at least three times a week, your skin will remain radiant and elastic for a long time, and senile wrinkles will not appear on it for a very long time.

12. Peas are an extremely useful product for the prevention and treatment of pathologies of the genitourinary system. This product is especially good in the complex treatment of prostatitis. In addition, green peas are advised to use with problems with potency and with a decrease in libido.

13. In alternative treatment, green peas are often used as an effective remedy for heartburn. To do this, it is enough to grind a few peas, chew the resulting mass well and swallow it.

14. It would not be out of place to say about the most valuable ability of green peas to cleanse the body of accumulations of harmful substances. Indeed, having so many indigestible dietary fibers in its composition, this product is ideal for removing toxins, toxins and other metabolic products from the body. But what is even more valuable, green peas are included in the diet of people who have undergone chemotherapy or have been affected by radiation. This is due to the fact that the product is able to free the body from radionuclides.

15. Green peas are recommended to be eaten regularly by people suffering from diabetes, and all because this product contains a lot of fiber, which slows down the process of breaking down sugar and reduces the unpleasant symptoms of this serious illness.

By the way, in canned form, green peas practically do not lose their valuable properties, and therefore, you can safely use both ripe and canned peas for pleasure and, of course, for health benefits.

Folk recipes with green peas

Rapid healing of wounds, cuts or abrasions
Pea-based remedy copes well with burns. To prepare it, it is enough to mix a handful of chopped peas with a fresh chicken egg and apply the mixture to the affected skin, applying a bandage on top for 1-2 hours.

Toothache remedy
To prepare a remedy for toothache, a handful of peas should be poured with vegetable oil and boiled for 90 minutes, then squeezed, mashed in a puree and applied to the aching tooth for 20-30 minutes.

Remedy for urolithiasis and kidney stones
For this purpose, green peas in pods are crushed with a knife, after which 2 tbsp. such a green mass is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and allowed to brew for an hour. After straining the infusion, it can be taken in 2 tbsp. 3-4 r / day before meals.

Read also:

  • 8 Rules for Healthy Eating
  • Vitamins and Hormones - Their Interaction in the Body
  • 8 Things to Remember When Things Go Wrong

Cosmetics with green peas

Given the invaluable benefits that green peas provide to our skin, they are often used in the preparation of facial skin care products. Consider a few of the most suitable recipes for each skin type.

Recipe for normal skin
Initially, the peas should be dried, and then grind in a coffee grinder to a state of flour. 1 tbsp combine this powder with 1 tbsp. sour cream and one yolk. After bringing the product to a homogeneous consistency, simply apply it to the previously cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté, and rinse with running water after 20 minutes. Carrying out such a procedure once a week, you will return your skin to its natural radiance.

Recipe for dry skin
Pour two or three tablespoons of green peas with water and boil. After that, drain the water and mash the peas with a crush to a puree state. Add pre-whipped yolk and 3 tsp to this mass. apple juice. After thoroughly mixing the components, apply the mask on the face and hold it until it begins to tighten the skin. Then remove the mask and wash your face with warm water. Next, do not forget to apply baby cream on your face.

Recipe for oily skin
The previous recipe is used here, which must be supplemented with curd whey, making sure that the mask does not turn out to be too liquid. Keep this mask on your face for no more than 15 minutes, and you need to apply it twice a week.

Rejuvenating mask
To prepare a mask that will prolong the youthfulness of your skin and protect against the appearance of wrinkles, you should boil a piece of pumpkin and the same amount (by weight) of green peas. Having kneaded both ingredients to the state of gruel, you should take 2 tbsp. of both purees, combine and mix them. It remains only to add chicken yolk, 2 drops of almond oil and the same amount of vitamin A in liquid form to the mixture. Apply this mask for 30 minutes literally once a week and after a month and a half you will notice an excellent result of your skin care.

Toning mask
If you need to restore skin tone and restore a beautiful oval face, you will need a toning mask. To do this, mash with a fork 1 tbsp. canned peas, add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and one mashed boiled yolk. After mixing the ingredients until smooth, it remains only to apply the mask on the face and hold for 30-40 minutes. The procedure should be carried out once a week.

Contraindications for green peas

Like any other food product, green peas can harm the body if you do not adhere to contraindications and do not follow the recommendations. In this plan:

during pregnancy, it is worth minimizing the use of green peas, since this product causes gas formation, which can negatively affect the well-being of the expectant mother and her baby;

the product can provoke discomfort in the stomach of people suffering from gastritis and gastric ulcer, which means that people with gastrointestinal diseases should use green peas with caution;

in case of individual intolerance or allergic reactions to peas, its use should be stopped immediately and an antihistamine should be taken;

if green peas are consumed in too much quantity, this product can cause lightheadedness, dizziness, nausea, and the urge to vomit.

Otherwise, green peas are a tasty and healthy product, which is often called a “vitamin pill” for our body. And this is one of those rare pills that brings health completely without harm to the body.
Eat right and be healthy!

Nutritional composition of green peas

All about the benefits of green peas

Possible harm of green peas and contraindications


Good afternoon, dear readers!

How I love young green peas. With the onset of spring, this wonderful product appears on our tables, salads, borscht, side dishes for meat dishes are prepared from it.

It can be used when compiling a menu for weight loss. And how delicious it is in its raw form, I would eat it and eat it.

If you decide to regularly eat green peas, the benefits and harms of this vegetable should be known to you.

Composition of green peas

I think many of you grew peas on your plots. This is a climbing herbaceous plant, the fruits of which are harvested at the stage of milky maturity. It is then that they seem especially soft and tender.

The value of peas is that it contains a lot of vegetable protein, which is absorbed much better than an animal. Vegetables can be eaten fresh without being cooked. So it retains the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients. Young peas contain:

  • vitamins C, K, B, A;
  • minerals (sodium, potassium, zinc, selenium, magnesium);
  • protein compounds;
  • cellulose.

Peas are quite nutritious when dried, but fresh or canned vegetables do not provide much nutritional value. Its calorie content is 50-80 kcal per 100 g of product.

Green peas can be used without fear for weight loss, adding to salads and vegetable soups. It will give satiety to the dish and satisfy hunger for a long time.

Beneficial features

Did you know that if you eat green peas at least 2-3 times a week, you can significantly improve your health and strengthen your body. Regular consumption of this vegetable will help in restoring the functions of many internal organs:

  • thanks to the content of vitamin A, metabolism improves;
  • vitamin C in the composition activates protective functions and allows the body to resist infection;
  • vitamin K ensures the normal functioning of the kidneys;
  • promotes the absorption of calcium;
  • fights against atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes glucose levels;
  • improves the condition of the lens and retina of the eye;
  • slows down skin aging;
  • due to the high content of fiber, the work of the digestive tract is normalized;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • enhances tissue regeneration.

Marinade from canned peas can be used to relieve a hangover.

Contraindications to the use of green peas

However, the frequent use of green peas in food can harm the work of some organs:

  • there are difficulties with digestion of food;
  • increased gas production.

Peas are rich in purines. When they break down when they enter the esophagus, uric acid is formed. It can be deposited in the body, causing gout and the accumulation of salts in the joints. In addition, this compound negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys.

In order for green peas to bring you only benefit, you need to choose the right one in the store or prepare it yourself.

How to choose a product?

Fresh green peas come to our table only in the summer. If you want to enjoy legumes in the winter, you can freeze them, and then add it to various dishes as needed. However, most often we have to buy it in the store in canned form.

The jar containing the product must not be swollen. Dear readers, pay attention to the expiration date. This is a very important choice. It will also be nice if you find the inscription "GOST", which corresponds to the state standard when harvesting products.

The ideal composition of industrial canned peas will be the presence, in addition to the vegetable, salt, sugar and water. No preservatives should be detected. If the composition contains dyes, flavors and other additives, it is better to refuse such a product.

If you have the opportunity to prepare peas for the winter yourself, be sure to do it.

How to preserve green peas yourself?

You can make canned peas at home, but it is recommended to store them in a cold place, for example, in a refrigerator or cellar, for no more than 1 year. Raw materials can be bought at the market or grown on your site.

  1. Peel the peas and boil in salted water for a few minutes.
  2. Arrange raw materials in jars with a volume of not more than half a liter.
  3. Prepare brine. To do this, 1 tablespoon of salt, sugar and vinegar is taken per liter of water.
  4. Pour the brine into jars and roll up.

In winter, you can get such peas and use them for making salads.

Slimming with legumes

Green peas are a great helper for weight loss. In fresh peas, there are only 80-85 kcal per 100 grams of product. This is the perfect weight loss product. Dry peas are not used at all for weight loss. When dried, its nutritional value increases several times.

A green vegetable can completely replace one meal. For example, you can mix it with sour cream and eat it as a separate dish: tasty and nutritious.

The benefits of this diet are many:

  • well tolerated by the body;
  • due to the large amount of easily digestible protein, it allows you not to lose muscle mass;
  • availability;
  • meals are prepared quickly;
  • well satisfies hunger;
  • all components are balanced;
  • has a rejuvenating effect.

For a course of weight loss, you can not only lose weight, but also get rid of anemia, improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, and prevent beriberi.

No wonder in Russia this vegetable was called "Tsar Pea". It is truly the king among herbal products. Even with poor nutrition and no meat, it can allow a person to lead an active lifestyle and feel great.

Eat peas for food, be sure to introduce it into the children's diet. Green peas will thank you for your attention to it with cheerfulness and good health.

Now you, dear readers, know exactly how useful green peas are for our body, but do not forget about contraindications.


With the advent of summer, everyone wants lighter and healthier food. Both meat eaters and vegetarians include fresh green peas in their diet.

Peas have been eaten since time immemorial. It was served to the table of both kings and commoners. Green peas have many ways of cooking: we add them to salads, soups, vinaigrettes, vegetable stews and pies.

Fresh green peas are considered the most useful. But not everyone knows the benefits and harms of fresh green peas.

The benefits of fresh peas

Fresh green peas have many health benefits. It contains the following minerals and macronutrients:

The benefit of fresh peas for women is that it contains vitamins A, C, H and B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the body.

With frequent use of peas, the aging of the skin, and of the whole organism as a whole, slows down. It does not accumulate toxins that are harmful to your body and helps to remove radionuclides from it.

At the same time, fresh green peas contain a large amount of protein with a low calorie content, which averages 81 kcal per 100 g.

The benefit of fresh green peas is also to reduce the likelihood of cancer, heart attack, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Decoctions of peas and greens in folk medicine are used as a diuretic, as well as to prevent beriberi. Harmful green peas in large quantities for people suffering from flatulence and gout. Also, green peas should not be carried away by the elderly and with uric acid diathesis.

Unfortunately, green peas can only be eaten fresh for a few months of the year. Therefore, we advise you to have time to pamper yourself and your body with such a useful product. And if you want to supply your body with vitamins in the winter, you can preserve or freeze green peas for future use.


Green peas are a starch-free vegetable highly prized by nutritionists. By its properties, young peas are similar to meat. At the same time, unlike the protein in the composition of meat, pea protein is of a higher quality, so the product is ready for consumption in its raw form.

The word "pea" has ancient Indian roots, so in Sanskrit "garshati" means "grated", because once peas were rubbed to get flour.

Green peas are the first food crop that people began to grow. Archaeologists have proven that this happened about 5,000 years ago in China or Egypt. But the real discoverers of peas were the Dutch, who in the 16th century brought this vegetable. And if earlier peas were consumed mainly dried, today they are more in demand fresh or canned.

The main reason for the popularity and wide distribution of green peas is its nutritional value, as well as unpretentiousness and the possibility of growing in various climatic zones.

There are several legends about the origin of peas. The first says that when God punished people for their sins with hunger, the Mother of God wept, and her tears turned into peas. According to another legend, when Adam, expelled from paradise, plowed the ground for the first time, he wept, and peas grew where his tears fell.

Composition of green peas

The main reason people love green peas lies in a large set of useful nutrients and minerals. Green pea contains a large amount of antioxidants, including flavonoids, carotenoids, phenolic acids and polyphenols. Among the vitamins, the highest content are vitamin C, thiamine and pantothenic acid.

100 g of fresh green peas contains the following substances:


Green peas are considered one of the first food crops that people began to grow. Archaeologists are sure that this happened about 5,000 years ago in China or Egypt.

If earlier peas were consumed dried, today they are more in demand fresh or canned. One of the reasons for the wide distribution of green peas is its unpretentiousness and the possibility of growing in various climatic zones.

Frozen, dried and canned, it does not lose its nutrients, texture and color.

Nutritional composition of green peas

Green peas are famous not only for their low content of cholesterol, saturated fat and sodium, but also for their richness in manganese (36%), copper (12%) and phosphorus (16%). It is a good source of vitamin A (22%), ascorbic acid (32.5%), vitamin B6 (15%), vitamin K (44.6%) and folic acid (21.6%). It also contains dietary fiber useful for digestion (30.3%).

All about the benefits of green peas

  1. For heart. This useful property of green peas is due to the high content of folic acid, vitamins B6 and K, lutein. These nutrients are rightfully considered the main defenders of the heart and blood vessels. Eating green peas at least 4 times a week, you reduce the risk of coronary disease, hypertension and atherosclerosis by 22%.
  2. Against cancer. One cup of peeled peas contains 10 mg of coumestrol, a powerful antioxidant that inhibits the growth of cancer cells. It is especially effective against stomach cancer. In addition, the product is rich in anticancer phytonutrients.
  3. Digestive benefits. High doses of protein and fiber in this culture help regulate the rate of metabolic processes, promote the digestion of heavy foods, break down starch into simple sugars, improve intestinal motility, and prevent constipation and diarrhea.
  4. For bone health. Green peas can provide up to 50% of the recommended daily value of vitamin K and a good dose of manganese. These substances strengthen bones and prevent their calcification.
  5. For good vision. Lutein (a natural plant pigment) and vitamin A in the composition of the product nourish the organs of vision, protect against cataracts and macular degeneration, and the retina from damage.
  6. For weight loss. Green peas are a low-calorie, high-fiber food. It contributes to the rapid appearance of a feeling of satiety and cleanses the intestines of toxins. Try adding it to heavy, fatty meals to help you eat less without feeling hungry.

Possible harm of green peas and contraindications

The product contains purines, which aggravate the course of certain diseases. People with gout or kidney stones should better refrain from consuming it.

Green peas are a versatile food crop. It can be steamed, boiled, fried, baked and stewed. Choose!

Peas are one of the most common, healthy and nutritious members of the legume family. Due to its beneficial properties and availability, it is often called the "meat of the poor."

For cooking, peeling varieties are best suited, which are able to maintain their round shape even when dried. Sold as a whole, or divided into halves.

The content of the article:

calories in peas

As a rule, in cooking, peas are used as a side dish, for making casseroles and pies. The product goes well with meat and fish, harmonizing with them to taste. And in green form, peas can add sophistication to any salad or soup.

According to doctors and nutritionists, an adult should consume from 150 to 180 grams of legumes per day. The same norm can be attributed to peas in any other form.

The calorie content of this product depends on the variety and condition of the pea grain. In dry grain, it is higher, while in fresh form, the calorie content is the lowest for this crop. For example, sugar peas, which are loved by both children and adults, can be classified as a dietary product when fresh.

Pea calorie table

What is useful boiled peas?

Boiled peas are much more nutritious than pasta or rice. On fasting days, pea dishes can be replaced with fish and meat dishes.

The main wealth of boiled peas is the presence of high-quality easily digestible protein, important amino acids, fiber and dietary fiber, which allow normalizing the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

The product is rich in vitamins of groups B, A, C, E, PP, and minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, chlorine and sulfur, iodine, phosphorus and sodium.

In terms of amino acid content, porridges and soups from peas are second only to soybeans, and in terms of the amount of proteins they are unmatched among vegetable dishes. Thanks to this, many athletes and bodybuilders use boiled peas in their diet, because a large amount of protein contributes to the rapid growth of muscle mass. It also becomes indispensable for vegetarians, who successfully replace meat products with them.

With regular use of this product, you can:

  1. Increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  2. Normalize blood pressure;
  3. Reduce swelling;
  4. Reduce weight;
  5. Prevent thyroid disease;
  6. Normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  7. Eliminate headaches;

Benefits for men

In folk medicine, it is a fairly effective drug for male diseases. Especially for the normalization of the prostate gland and the treatment of dropsy.

Due to the rich content of phytoestrogens, pea decoction helps to get rid of prostatitis and increase male strength, and also significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer of the male genital organs.

Harm from boiled peas

It is also worth noting that boiled peas are not good for everyone. For the elderly, nursing mothers and pregnant women, in order to avoid increased gas formation, its amount should be reduced.

Boiled peas can also lead to an increase in uric acid levels, respectively, and to the accumulation of salts in the body.

What to cook from boiled peas?

You can cook a lot of different dishes from peas, as it goes well with many products. It is best to use varieties of brighter colors, since they contain much more useful substances. In addition, low-quality varieties are cooked much longer. The best varieties of peas become softer within 15 minutes after being lowered into the water.

There are a huge number of recipes for cooking peas, which can be easily found on the Internet. Here are some of them.

Cream - pea soup


  • Water (2 l);
  • Bread (4 slices);
  • Meat broth (2 cubes);
  • Peas (1 cup);
  • Garlic (1-2 cloves);
  • Milk (1 glass);
  • Butter (4 tablespoons);
  • Salt pepper;

1) . Grind 8 tablespoons of dry peas in a coffee grinder, and boil the rest until tender.

2) . Fry garlic in oil, then add pea flour diluted with milk, water, bouillon cubes, boiled peas and bring to a boil. Cook for 10 minutes, add salt, pepper to taste and, when serving, season with sour cream.

Recipe for dumplings with peas


  • Peas (dried);
  • Mushrooms (fresh or dried);
  • Dumpling dough;
  • Salt, pepper, onion;

1) . Soak the peas in cold water overnight. Boil until cooked and make a puree out of it.

2) . Spread the puree in a layer on a baking sheet, greased with oil, and send it to the oven (medium temperature) so that the liquid evaporates from it, bake for 15 - 25 minutes.

3) . Set aside part of the puree to prepare the sauce, and mix the other part with finely chopped and fried onions and mushrooms. The mass for the filling should be thick, if it is liquid, dry it in the oven, add salt, pepper to taste and mix.

4) . In the usual way, we make dumplings from the filling and dough, throw them into salted boiling water, boil for 3-4 minutes (until they float) and remove them from the water with a slotted spoon.

5). We dilute the deferred pea puree in a small amount of water that remains after cooking, add butter or sour cream here to make a sauce of medium density.

6) . Pour dumplings with this sauce, cover with a lid and send to a saucepan heated to medium temperature for 30 minutes. And you can serve it to the table.

Pea casserole recipe


  • Potato;
  • Peas;
  • Ground crackers;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt pepper;

1) . Boil the peas until tender. We cook potatoes separately (proportions with peas 1 to 1). We make mashed potatoes from them, add the onions cut into rings and fried in oil, salt, pepper, add a little flour and mix.

2) . We put the mass greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs in a casserole dish, level it, bake in the oven (until browning) preheated to medium temperature. Serve hot to the table.

Pea puree recipe


  • Peas (180 g);
  • Potatoes (160 g);
  • Milk (100 g);
  • Butter (10 g);
  • Salt;

1) . Cook the peas until fully cooked, mix with hot boiled potatoes and mash.

2) . We heat the puree to 80 - 90 degrees, add hot milk or pea broth here, salt, season with oil and mix.

3) . As a result, we will get a non-liquid puree that will lie on the dish in a pile without spreading.

Peas are a member of the legume family, with very tender fruits - peas. The beneficial properties of young peas have made this vegetable very popular in many countries, where it is used to prepare a variety of dishes.

What is useful green and fresh young peas?

Green young peas are valued primarily for their high content of nutrients and biologically active substances. This vegetable is very rich in proteins - peas contain the amino acids tryptophan, lysine, methionine, cysteine, which are important for the body. It is from young peas that proteins are absorbed in the best way, so it must be included in the diet of children weakened by the disease of adults, as well as vegetarians whose food contains few amino acids.

Of the minerals in young peas, there are calcium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, iodine, phosphorus, iron, zinc and many others. Peas also contain vitamins, most of all - group B, as well as provitamin A and vitamins H, C and PP. In addition to all of the above, peas contain starch, sugars, fiber and fats.

Peas are recommended to be included in the diet of people suffering from thrombophlebitis, hypertension, and diabetes. This vegetable improves metabolism and helps to reduce weight. Due to the content of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), peas are able to reduce the level of bad cholesterol, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, cancer, and asthma. Young peas are also useful for the liver - it improves the separation of bile.

The benefits of young peas are undeniable, but we must not forget about the possible harm. Peas are forbidden for acute nephritis, gout and cholecystitis. Peas should not be abused by people suffering from flatulence and bloating. You can minimize this unpleasant effect if you add dill or fennel seeds to the dish.

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Everyone remembers how in childhood they had to pick green pods from the beds, and then, opening them, enjoy sweet peas. Now it is not possible to buy peas in this form in any supermarket, however, with the onset of the summer months, bazaars offer this product quite cheaply. And this is an excellent reason to stock up on pea pods for the winter, because it is from this that you can cook a lot of dishes: fry, stew in sour cream sauce, add to soup. Moreover, fresh green peas are much healthier than ripe or canned ones.

Green peas - useful properties

So if you meet green pea pods- do not hesitate to purchase in reserve. Most vitamins are found in peas, but the pods are also useful - they are used as a medicine.

Benefits of green pea pods

The pods contain a lot of chlorophyll, useful for our body. This product is a source of fiber, vitamins of groups B, PP, E, H, provitamin A. Also, young peas contain a lot of fatty acids, amino acids, protein, similar in composition to meat. However, the protein present in it is absorbed even better than meat. In addition, young pot pods are a nutritious and high-calorie product. Unlike ripe peas, this is unlikely to cause bloating.

Peas in pods are incredibly rich in trace elements: copper, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, iron, selenium, magnesium, fluorine, chromium, molybdenum, cobalt and others.
Green peas in pods supply the body with energy and normalize bowel function. It is worth noting that many vitamins are found in the pods of fresh peas, and peeled and stored for a long time loses a lot of properties.

Harm and contraindications

Peas in any form should not be taken by nursing mothers and people with bowel problems. It is believed that consuming peas along with dill minimizes the chance of bloating.

Fresh peas - benefits and harms

With the advent of summer, everyone wants lighter and healthier food. Both meat eaters and vegetarians include fresh green peas in their diet.

Peas have been eaten since time immemorial. It was served to the table of both kings and commoners. Green peas have many ways of cooking: we add them to salads, soups, vinaigrettes, vegetable stews and pies.

Fresh green peas are considered the most useful. But not everyone knows the benefits and harms of fresh green peas.

The benefits of fresh peas

Fresh green peas have many health benefits. It contains the following minerals and macronutrients:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • lemon acid.

The benefit of fresh peas for women is that it contains vitamins A, C, H and B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the body.

With frequent use of peas, the aging of the skin, and of the whole organism as a whole, slows down. It does not accumulate toxins that are harmful to your body and helps to remove radionuclides from it.

At the same time, fresh green peas contain a large amount of protein with a low calorie content, which averages 81 kcal per 100 g.

The benefit of fresh green peas is also to reduce the likelihood of cancer, heart attack, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Decoctions of peas and greens in folk medicine are used as a diuretic, as well as to prevent beriberi. Harmful green peas in large quantities for people suffering from flatulence and gout.

Green peas

Also, green peas should not be carried away by the elderly and with uric acid diathesis.

Unfortunately, green peas can only be eaten fresh for a few months of the year. Therefore, we advise you to have time to pamper yourself and your body with such a useful product. And if you want to supply your body with vitamins in the winter, you can preserve or freeze green peas for future use.

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What is useful peas?

Varieties of peas are divided into two groups - peeling and sugar. Both of these types can be eaten, but sugar varieties are more common. They love this vegetable for its unpretentiousness in growing, ease of preparation, good taste and nutritional value, but few people know about the beneficial properties of peas for the human body.

What is useful peas for the body?

The beneficial properties of peas for the human body are explained by its optimal composition. By the amount of protein, for example, peas can compete with meat, and there are more vitamins and minerals, including rare ones, than in many plant products.

Proteins from peas are absorbed much better than from animal products, and at the same time they do not overload the body. Therefore, this vegetable should definitely be included in the diet of athletes who need the necessary level of protein in food, as well as people who are weakened after a long illness.

What is useful boiled peas?

Scientists have found that eating boiled peas stimulates regenerative processes and reduces the risk of cancerous tumors. And, in addition, boiled peas normalize the functioning of the digestive system, relieve heartburn, constipation and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

What is useful green canned peas?

Green canned peas were a delicacy for the aristocrats of France. Today, this product is more accessible, which is good, because everyone needs its benefits.

Well-made canned peas retain most of the vitamins, iron, calcium and chlorophyll that are essential for humans. A large amount of vitamin PP in canned green peas helps maintain normal cholesterol levels, as well as fight atherosclerosis, asthma and blood clots.

Green canned peas are also useful for weight loss, because. it promotes the removal of excess fluid and activates the metabolic processes of the body.

Peas are a genus of herbaceous plants belonging to the legume family. The plant is creeping and climbing, has tendrils, pink-white flowers and pod-like fruits that contain edible seeds. There are a considerable number of varieties of this crop, but the most common is the sowing pea.

Origin of peas

Although the origin of the pea is not exactly established, it is one of the oldest crops. Many experts agree that the plant comes from the Mediterranean. But it is also worth noting that not so long ago, ancient remains of this culture dating back to the late Neolithic were discovered in the Middle East. Apparently, they came to the European continent precisely from the Middle East, and later, with European colonization, peas migrated to the American continent and to other parts of the world.

Species and varieties

There are a large number of pea varieties grown around the world. Each variety has its own characteristic taste. Plants can be distinguished by external features, growing method, etc. Let's look at some types and varieties of peas.

  1. Shelling. Shelled peas have smooth grains. As a rule, the collection is made when the fruits have not yet had time to ripen. It is possible to distinguish such varieties - the first early, primrose, faith, salute.
  2. Cerebral. Brain peas have some differences from other types of beans. As a rule, beans are quite wrinkled, with bumps. The most popular varieties are green flow, emerald pearls, violena, children's delight.
  3. Sugar. Sugar peas have fleshy, tender beans. They should be consumed fresh, while they are green in color and small in size. Peas have edible not only beans, but also pods. There are such varieties as honey shovel, firstborn, zhegalova-112, sugar-2, ambrosia, inexhaustible-195.
  4. Undersized varieties. Most varieties of undersized peas have a small stem. Plants curl, and therefore they are usually tied up. The height of dwarf or undersized varieties is 30–70 cm. Popular varieties are alpha, the miracle of Kelvedon, Chinese, grandmother's surprise.

Among the species of this culture there are also unusual varieties - a blue pod, a mustachioed nanny, a slider.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Nutritional value of peas (per 100 g):

  • Energy value - 118 kcal.
  • Total protein - 8.34 g.
  • Fat - 0.39 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 21.10 g (including simple sugars - 2.90 g).
  • Fiber - 8.3 g.
  • Vitamin C - 0.4 mg.
  • Thiamine - 0.190 mg.
  • Riboflavin - 0.056 mg.
  • Niacin - 0.890 mg.
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.048 mg.
  • Folic acid - 65 mcg.
  • Vitamin A - 7 IU.
  • Vitamin E - 0.03 mg.
  • Vitamin K - 5.0 mcg.
  • Calcium - 14 mg.
  • Iron - 1.29 mg.
  • Magnesium - 36 mg.
  • Phosphorus - 99 mg.
  • Potassium - 362 mg.
  • Sodium - 2 mg.
  • Zinc - 1.00 mg.

General Benefit

  1. Improves the condition of the heart. Peas are an excellent source of fiber, lutein and lycopene, which contribute to the normal functioning of the heart. Lycopene is a mineral that keeps cells healthy and protects them from disease. The compounds found in peas stabilize cholesterol levels in the body while lowering LDL cholesterol levels and speeding up the production of HDL cholesterol. Too much LDL can lead to plaque buildup on the walls of the arteries, which can interfere with the normal functioning of the heart.
  2. Regulates blood sugar levels. Since peas are rich in fiber and protein, they are able to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Regular consumption of peas helps stabilize sugar levels.
  3. Good for eyes. In addition to lutein, peas are also rich in vitamin A, which is very beneficial for vision. Lutein protects the eyes at the cellular level, while vitamin A maintains the normal surface of the eyeball. Therefore, people of advanced age are advised to regularly consume peas, as it can significantly slow down the loss of vision.
  4. Helps control body weight. Peas are an excellent source of fiber and are known to help control body weight. Dietary fiber is actively involved in the regulation of digestion, reduces appetite and increases satiety. In addition, fiber effectively reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, which is very harmful to the body.
  5. Prevents the development of stomach cancer. One of the special minerals found in peas is coumestrol. This is a fairly rare type of polyphenol that prevents stomach cancer. Experts say that to prevent this disease, the body needs at least 2 milligrams of coumestrol per day (one standard serving of peas contains 10 milligrams).
  6. Supports immunity. Peas are rich in vitamin C, making them one of the immune-boosting foods. One pod of peas can provide up to half of the body's daily requirement for vitamin C. Bean shoots contain phytoalexins, an antioxidant that can inhibit Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that irritates the stomach and duodenum and causes ulcers and even stomach cancer.
  7. An excellent source of iron. Peas are an excellent source of iron. As you know, iron deficiency in the body can cause anemia. If the body lacks this element, then it cannot produce enough healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen, which leads to a deficiency of hemoglobin. It is also worth noting that iron helps fight fatigue and gives energy.
  8. Helps digestion. Peas have a beneficial effect on the digestive system. The high fiber content of the pods helps keep the digestive system functioning properly. Dietary fiber helps the intestines remove toxins from the body.
  9. Bone health. Peas contain vitamin K, which is very important for maintaining healthy and strong bones. One standard serving of peas provides up to 50% of the daily value of vitamin K, which a person needs because it is responsible for retaining calcium in the bones. Calcium is the main element that maintains the strength and health of bones. The more it is, the better the condition of the bones and the less likely that the disease will affect them.
  10. Anti-inflammatory properties. Antioxidants contained in peas can reduce inflammation and its consequences. Peas contain flavonoids, carotenoids, phenolic acids and polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Inflammation is the main cause of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and even cancer, so eating peas regularly will help prevent them.
  11. Improves the functional properties of the brain. Peas are very important for the proper functioning of the brain. With age, its functions deteriorate, which leads to memory loss and an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Regular consumption of peas limits damage to brain neurons. It protects against age-related brain dysfunction.
  12. Reduces the level of bad cholesterol. Peas are rich in niacin, which reduces the production of triglycerides and VLDL (very low density lipoprotein). As a result, HDL (good) cholesterol rises and bad cholesterol levels decrease.

For women

  1. Peas are good for the skin. It contains vitamin C, which plays an important role in the production of collagen, which is able to make the skin supple and healthy looking. The antioxidants found in peas help fight oxidative stress caused by high levels of free radicals. Antioxidants such as flavonoids, catechin, epicatechin, carotenoid, and alpha-carotene also help prevent signs of aging.
  2. Good for hair. Supplying vital nutrients to hair follicles is essential for optimal hair growth and health. Peas are an excellent source of nutrients that provide these processes. As previously stated, it contains B vitamins such as folates, vitamins B6 and B12. They help in making red blood cells, which carry oxygen and nutrients to all cells in the body, including the scalp, follicles, and hair roots. Deficiency of these vitamins can lead to hair loss, slow growth, or weakened hair. Vitamin C is an essential mineral as it is involved in the formation of collagen, which is essential for hair follicles to grow optimally. Even a slight lack of this vitamin can lead to dry and brittle hair.

For men

  1. Peas are good for men's health. It is able to increase the number of spermatozoa and their motility. Glycodelin, a substance found in peas, affects spermatozoa, improving their ability to fertilize an egg.
  2. Peas are a source of protein. The most valuable protein is vegetable, which is found in bean seeds. Peas are also a source of protein, especially high in lysine and threonine, as well as essential amino acids. Protein will help maintain muscle tone as well as build muscle mass. It is also recommended to include peas in the diet of vegans and vegetarians.

For kids

Green peas are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. It has been found to be rich in vitamins A, B1, B6, K and C. Peas are also rich in minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus. It also contains fiber, proteins, carbohydrates, niacin and folates. It is a recommended dietary product for children.

The baby can start to feed more solid food from the age of six months. However, it is still quite early to give him peas, because its side effects can cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. Experts recommend including peas in the diet of a child when he reaches the age of eight months.

Here are some properties of peas that have a beneficial effect on the children's body:

  • helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • reduces the level of homocysteine, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease;
  • helps to get rid of constipation, improving digestion;
  • leads to improved bone health.

Dried peas contain a range of vitamins and minerals. 100 g of dried peas contains:

  • 75 micrograms of molybdenum (more than 100% of the recommended daily allowance);
  • 0.4 mg manganese (20% of the recommended daily dose);
  • 0.35 mg copper (20% of the recommended daily dose);
  • 65 mcg folate (15% DV)
  • 0.2 mg vitamin B1 (15% of the recommended daily dose).

It is worth noting that the molybdenum contained in peas is one of the vital trace elements. It inhibits the development of bacteria and can also prevent cavities.

But as beneficial as dried beans are, they also come with side effects. For example, after their use, flatulence may occur. Bloating occurs because beans are high in indigestible sugars, which are destroyed by bacteria in the colon, resulting in excess gas.

The benefits and harms of canned peas

Canned peas have undeniable valuable properties. Pea juice is considered especially useful. There is a popular belief that peas should not be consumed by people who are trying to lose weight, arguing that beans are rich in carbohydrates. But in fact, the opposite is true: beans are very useful in a low-calorie diet, because peas, especially canned ones, taste great and contain virtually no fat.

But canned peas have some drawbacks.

  1. Sugars, which are a flavor enhancer, can be quite harmful to the human body.
  2. Also, some preservatives are often added, which can also adversely affect health.

Sprouted peas: benefits and harms

Sprouted peas have a large number of useful properties. The first thing that can be highlighted is that it is able to support the immune system. Its high nutrient content makes it a preventative and helps the body be more resistant to disease.

Sprouted peas also contain many antioxidants that help maintain both the outer and inner youth of the body. It is worth noting that the degree of benefit of this product depends on the amount of beans consumed. If you observe the limits of what is permitted, then peas will not bring any harm. Nutritionists recommend eating beans on a regular basis, as peas are just a storehouse of nutrients.

In addition to useful properties, sprouted peas also have contraindications. Nutritionists prohibit people who suffer from diseases of the digestive system from using it, as the beans can cause excessive gas formation.

Can peas be pregnant and lactating

There are several benefits of eating peas during pregnancy:

  1. Peas are rich in folic acid. In order for the child to be born healthy, it is very important to consume enough nutritious foods during pregnancy, since during this period there is another living being in the mother's body, which increases the body's need for additional nourishment. Peas are just such a product. It contains folic acid, which is able to stimulate DNA synthesis. During pregnancy, it is recommended to consume peas in order to avoid the occurrence of neural tube defects in the fetus.
  2. Rich in vitamin B9. Vitamin B9 is known to reduce the risk of fetal defects during pregnancy. Peas are high in vitamin B9, which, in addition to being important for preventing neural tube defects in babies, is also essential for maintaining healthy fetal cognitive functioning.

In the field of medicine, it is used to stimulate urination, relieve indigestion, treat edema and constipation.

With diabetes

If you consume enough peas, this will significantly affect the reduction in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Green peas are rich in protein, potassium, magnesium and iron, which prevent blood sugar spikes. Peas have a low GI, but more importantly, they have a very low glycemic load. This means that sugars are released rather slowly and this has a beneficial effect on the body of a diabetic.

It is important to know: glycemic index of green peas - 40 units, dried and canned - 25-45, boiled peas have a GI - 45.

With pancreatitis

Peas should not be included in the diet of people with an acute phase of pancreatitis, as this can provoke:

  • diarrhea
  • flatulence (with insufficient digestion);
  • intestinal colic;
  • leaching of beneficial minerals from the body.

If the disease is mild, then eating peas is allowed, especially since it contains a protein that takes part in the recovery processes of the pancreas. As a rule, with pancreatitis, peas are served in the form of mashed potatoes or soups.

With gastritis

People who are sick with gastritis can eat peas, but in moderation. If flatulence occurs after consumption, then the beans must be discarded, since excessive gas formation can have a very negative effect on health. It is also worth noting that canned peas are dangerous for gastritis, since the marinade has additional acidity, which can provoke an acute phase of the disease.

Recipes of traditional medicine based on peas

Peas are an indispensable product in the diet. It copes with many ailments, and has healing properties necessary for healing the body.

For heartburn

Flour made from peas is good for heartburn. To prepare it, you need to grind dry peas to a powder, dilute with a little water and take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach. This remedy has a calming effect on the stomach and reduces the secretion of gastric juice.

For headache

To do this, grind dry peas into powder. Consume 2 dessert spoons after meals. Peas quickly relieve migraines, relieve pain and vasospasm.

From urolithiasis

If there are stones and sand in the kidneys, a decoction of young peas will help. It should be cut into small pieces, select 2 tablespoons, pour them with a glass of boiling water and let stand for several hours. After that, the resulting broth should be filtered and consumed 3 times a day before meals.

With spleen cyst

With this serious illness, this recipe will help: 8 tablespoons of peas should be soaked in hot water in the evening. The next day, drain the tincture, rinse the peas and pour water. Cook for 20 minutes. It should be taken for 2 weeks - in the morning before breakfast and a couple of hours before bedtime. It is recommended to eat peas without bread and salt, you can add greens. Soaked peas have useful elements, remove excess fluid and toxins from the body, and remove inflammation. Thanks to this, the cyst will quickly resolve.

With cystitis

The remedy for cystitis is prepared in this way: pour 100 g of peas with 500 ml of water, let it boil on the stove and cook for another 5 minutes. The broth should be allowed to cool, then filtered and taken 3 times a day, several sips.

When coughing

To prepare the infusion, pour 5 g of peas with hot water and insist under a tight lid for 6 hours. Take 2-3 sips 4 times a day.

With dermatitis

Peas effectively fight inflammation and irritation on the skin. It is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water over the stems, sashes of a pea plant or the peas themselves. Let it brew for 5 hours. This remedy must be applied as a lotion to the inflamed areas of the skin.

For pain in the teeth

Peas relieve toothache and are used for bleeding gums. 50 g of dry peas should be poured with 100 ml of olive oil and boiled for 30 minutes. After this, the product must be filtered through cheesecloth. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with decoction several times a day.

Peas are rich in dietary fiber, as well as vitamins and proteins necessary for a healthy diet. It is an ideal weight loss product because it is an excellent source of fiber and vitamins.

The benefits of peas for weight loss:

  1. Peas are rich in insoluble dietary fiber. In the human body, fibers are broken down, digested and cause a feeling of satiety. If a person feels full, then his attention does not get hung up on the need to eat something.
  2. Peas are an excellent source of protein. 100 grams of this bean contains about 5 grams of protein.
  3. Low fat content. Legumes with a low fat content can be used both for cooking diet meals and for eating as a snack between meals. It won't affect the weight.

What about canned peas? It has some differences from fresh. As a rule, after the canning procedure, the level of usefulness is significantly reduced. Canned peas contain a lot of salt, and as you know, it can retain fluid and slow down the process of weight loss. However, canned peas are not a strictly prohibited product for people who are trying to lose weight, but are not recommended for use during the diet.

Peas in cosmetology

Peas have been used in the field of cosmetology for thousands of years. Even the early Egyptians, Greeks and Romans noticed its extraordinary properties. The content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in peas has contributed to its active use in the cosmetics industry.

Peas perform well as the main ingredient in moisturizing face creams and body balms. Pea-based cosmetics are especially valuable for people living in dry climates. Peas can provide the skin with significant amounts of sugars that boost hydration levels. This reduces the loss of water from the tissues. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which is also very beneficial for dry skin. Often it is used to make various kinds of masks. Face masks can help get rid of breakouts and reduce swelling.

Beans contain trace elements: iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium, which have a beneficial effect on the skin, which leads to an increase in its elasticity. Peas contain antioxidants, such as vitamins E and C, which prevent skin aging. Vitamin E accelerates the healing process of minor wounds. In turn, vitamin B1, present in it, creates a delicate protective film on the skin, reducing the level of harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, wind and low temperatures. Peas also contain ingredients that counteract the negative effects of enzymes on the skin - collagenosis. These enzymes cause the breakdown of key cellular proteins.


  • dry peas - 200 g;
  • carrot - 70 g;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt pepper.

How to cook:

  1. First you need to do the preparation of products. Peas must be soaked in water for one night. After that, the water must be drained, it is desirable to rinse the peas several times.
  2. Peas should be poured with 500 ml of water and boiled until it becomes soft (45-55 minutes if the beans are halves, and up to an hour and a half if they are whole).
  3. Carrots must be grated with a grater, onion cut into cubes. Then add two tablespoons of vegetable oil and fry the carrots and onions.
  4. Combine boiled peas with fried vegetables.
  5. With the help of a blender, all this must be beaten to a puree state.
  6. Then salt, pepper, add flour and mix the minced peas.
  7. Dip your hands in water and shape into balls. After that, you need to bread the resulting cutlets in flour.
  8. After you need to put them in a frying pan with already heated oil and start the frying process over medium heat.
  9. Cutlets need to be fried on both sides until a golden crust appears.

Vegetable soup with potatoes and peas


  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1/2 kg of potatoes;
  • 1/2 kg of peas;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 liters of vegetable broth;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • pepper and salt;
  • 4 tablespoons of tomato puree.

How to cook:

  1. In a saucepan with a small amount of oil, you need to stew finely chopped onions (2 heads). As soon as it softens, add the hot broth (2 l) and put the chopped potatoes (0.5 kg). You also need to cut 2 carrots into cubes and add them to the pan.
  2. Once the vegetables have softened, add the tomatoes and 4 tablespoons of tomato paste.
  3. The soup should boil for a few minutes. Then add peas (1/2 kg) and spices. Soup should be cooked until all products are ready. Served hot. Sprinkle with fresh parsley or basil if desired.

Pea stew with chicken


  • hen;
  • 800 g of peas;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tablespoon flour;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • parsley;
  • salt.

How to cook:

  1. Chicken meat should be cut into pieces and fried in a pan with a small amount of oil (up to 3 tablespoons). Then add finely chopped onions (1 head) and carrots (1 pc.) to it. When the carrots become soft, add peeled and chopped tomatoes (3 pcs.).
  2. After that, the products must be placed in a deep bowl and pour hot water. As soon as the food begins to boil, add peeled peas (800 g), pepper and salt. It takes about 15 minutes to cook.
  3. Mix flour (1 tbsp) with a few tablespoons of water in a bowl and mix well. Cook for a few more minutes until thickened.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the fact that peas contain a large amount of useful substances, before use, you should pay attention to its harmful properties and contraindications.

Some people may be intolerant to beans because some beans, including peas, contain anti-nutrients that tend to interfere with digestion and can interfere with mineral absorption. Although such side effects are quite rare, it is still necessary to be aware of them. Most often, such reactions occur in people who rely on legumes as a staple food. If you use peas in moderation, there will be no problems with this product.

It is worth noting that excessive consumption of beans can lead to calcium leaching from the body. As a result, this can affect the health of bones and joints, as a lack of calcium can lead to a weakening of bone strength. Also, excessive consumption of peas can contribute to the accumulation of uric acid. Over time, excessive acid buildup can cause gout. Before including beans in your diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor, as this product can adversely affect the body.

Peas are not recommended for people who have a very sensitive stomach, suffer from reflux or peptic ulcer. People with acute nephritis, gout, increased blood clotting and thrombophlebitis are also prohibited from including peas in their diet.

How to select and store peas

When purchasing fresh peas, opt for small or medium pods, as larger ones are more likely to be overripe, which means the peas may be less tender and sweet. Avoid cracked or limp pods. A pod with good peas will make a clicking sound when it opens. Peas inside should be small, bright green, tender and sweet.

Try to use the beans immediately after purchase, as they have a rather short shelf life. Peas should be stored in a cool place, such as a refrigerator, in a plastic box, for up to 4 days.

Here are some interesting facts about peas.

  1. Pea is a plant whose life cycle is only one year.
  2. Green peas were once very popular in North America. A participant in the first American Revolution, Thomas Jefferson grew about 30 varieties of peas on his estate.
  3. The earliest archaeological finds of peas date from the late Neolithic period. The remains of this culture have been found on the territory of modern Greece, Syria, Turkey and Jordan.
  4. Peas were grown in Georgia for 5 thousand years BC. It was also cultivated in Afghanistan in 2000 BC. e., in Pakistan and northwest India in 2250 BC. e.
  5. In the first century AD, Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella wrote of how Roman legionaries gathered wild peas from the sandy soils of Numidia and Judea to supplement their diet.
  6. In the Middle Ages, field peas were very popular, as they were the main product that curbed hunger.
  7. Evidence indicates that people were eating peas even during the Bronze Age.
  8. There are a huge number of varieties of peas that can be grown in the northern latitudes, while this will not affect the yield in any way.
  9. Some types of peas have edible pods. However, in most varieties, they are inedible, so they are usually removed before use.
  10. Peas quickly lose their sweet taste after harvest. That is why it should be eaten immediately after removing the pods.
  11. Gregor Mendel is the father of modern genetics. He discovered the basic laws of inheritance in the 19th century by crossing peas of different colors, sizes and types of beans.

Such a simple and familiar product as peas can bring tremendous benefits to the human body.

Unfortunately, few people know about this, but this gap is easy to fix.

Peas are full of vitamins and minerals, available to every consumer and sold in stores in all possible forms: frozen, dried, canned.

Green peas on the table means the holiday is coming soon! On the territory of our country, the most popular was and remains canned peas.

It is put in the Olivier salad, beloved by many. And this dish, in turn, is an invariable symbol of the festive feast in almost every home.

Canned peas are followed in popularity by dry peeled peas - soup and mashed potatoes from it are also considered quite a national dish. However, in terms of the content of nutrients, it is inferior to fresh fruits.

When choosing a dry product, preference should be given to chopped species - such peas cook faster and lose less valuable components. The nutritional value of peas should be mentioned - it is several times higher than that of potatoes, rice, buckwheat and pasta.

Peas, like beans, are the basis of the lean diet of all admirers of church canons. On fasting days, this vegetable freely replaces fish and meat, it contains a lot of protein, which is similar to meat protein in terms of the amino acids it contains.

Frozen (or fresh) green peas are valued as the basis of many vegetable soups in the diet. Some housewives harvest pea grains on their own during the season. They are frozen or canned according to numerous recipes.

Supermarkets also offer the widest range of peas in varieties ranging from frozen mixes to pea flour.

A bit of history

Like a large number of other healthy foods, peas came to us from the wise East. The ancient Chinese and Indians considered peas a symbol of wealth and fertility..

The Greeks fed cattle with peas, and the poor people themselves ate it. Columbus brought peas to the New World at the end of the 15th century.

Old Europe also turned out to be indifferent to this type of legume. It was served at the table of kings and commoners. For example, the French monarch had great respect for a quite simple and cheap dish - peas with fried lard.

Already in the 11th century, the British ate peas everywhere, actively growing them both as a garden plant and as a garden plant.

It is known that pea sausage was the main dish of German soldiers until the end of the Second World War. It was prepared from meat juice, pea flour and lard.

In Russia, peas have also been known for a very long time - since the time of the "King of Peas". Of course, the main use of peas has always been the kitchen.

But a large number of rituals, especially wedding ones, are also known to use this plant.

The young were symbolically whipped with pea lashes and sprinkled with peas. And then, by the number of grains stuck in the bride's dress, they could judge the future number of heirs.

And they say that peas are the tears of the Mother of God that she lost when the Lord doomed humanity to hunger for the sins committed.

The chemical composition of peas

Popular love for peas was given not only for its amazing delicate taste. Peas contain a huge number of familiar and unique elements, the balanced ratio of which makes peas extremely beneficial for the human body.

100 grams of peas contain no more than 300 kilocalories, as well as:
vitamin A - 2 mcg;
choline - 200 mg;
vitamin PP - more than 2 mg;
biotin (vitamin H) - 20 mcg;
thiamine (vitamin B1) - 0.8 mg;
vitamin E - 0.7 mg;
riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 0.15 mg;
folic acid (vitamin B9) - 15 mcg;
pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) - more than 2 mg;
pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - 0.3 mg;
proteins - more than 20 g;
fat - 2-6 g;
carbohydrates, including saccharides - 50 g;
starch - 4.5 g;
fiber - 11 g;
saturated and unsaturated acids - up to 1.5 g;
ash substances - 3 g;
a huge amount of minerals (nickel, strontium, magnesium, iron, calcium, silicon, molybdenum, cobalt, selenium, manganese, chromium, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, phosphorus, vanadium, zinc, copper, titanium, aluminum, etc.).

Mature pea pods contain chlorophyll and related elements that replenish calcium in the human body.

According to modern scientists, peas can safely be called a medicinal plant. Its effectiveness has been proven in the treatment of many ailments, as well as as a prophylactic.

1. Raw peas are rich in vitamin A, so they are recommended for those suffering from a lack of this vitamin.

2. Bean is high in antioxidants and reduces the risk of cancer.

3. A huge set of minerals - a real pantry of health. A few vegetables can boast of such a rich composition.

4. The minimum fat content makes peas indispensable for the heart.

5. Peas reduce bad cholesterol.

6. Valuable as a dietary product for overweight people.

7. Pea glucose and fructose are absorbed without the participation of insulin, so the bean is recommended for diabetics.

8. Vitamin pyridoxine is necessary for the full synthesis and breakdown of amino acids, improves metabolism. Vitamin deficiency is the cause of skin diseases and muscle cramps.

9. Selenium is a recognized anti-carcinogen, found in large quantities in peas..

10. Peas are necessary for physically active people to quickly restore strength and tone. Increases endurance.

12. Pea flour helps to normalize digestion, bowel function, relieves heartburn.

13. Vegetable is involved in the regenerative processes of internal organs.

14. Heals and nourishes the skin, hair, nails.

15. A decoction of the vine of peas is used for diseases of the kidneys and the genitourinary system.

16. Regular consumption of peas stimulates the immune system.

17. support not only health, but also beauty.

Harm of peas

The use of peas also has a number of restrictions and contraindications. It contains substances (purines) that provoke bloating and promote the accumulation of urea. Therefore, peas are not recommended:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • elderly people with flatulence and gout;
  • suffering from inflammation of the intestine, cholecystitis, nephritis.

Doctors advise seasoning pea dishes with dill- it helps to neutralize the possible unpleasant consequences of eating legumes. Be healthy.