How to cook frozen pink salmon in a pan. Salmon fried in a pan

  • 01.12.2020

Pink salmon is a fish of the salmon family. The pink fillet part of the pink salmon fish carcass is a real pantry of useful elements that the human body needs every day. The main component is Omega-3. This is exactly the polyunsaturated fatty acid that is responsible for the proper functioning of the internal organs; satisfactory condition of the hair, skin and nail plate. Pink salmon fish carcass is always present in the medical and dietary menu. Due to its unique qualities, this marine delicacy contains a minimum amount of calories that will not be deposited on the thighs in the form of fat deposits. Any novice cook who is just mastering the art of cooking can cook this amazing delicate fish. A step-by-step recipe with photos on our website will tell you how to fry pink salmon in a pan so that it is soft and juicy. For, my dear readers, I have prepared this amazing and simple one.


- pink salmon fish carcass - 1.5 kg.,
- wheat flour - 80 gr.,
- vegetable sunflower oil - 5 tablespoons,
- table salt - 1 tsp,
- spices for fish.

Need information: Cooking time takes approximately 20 minutes.
The freshness of the fish carcass plays an important role in the quality of cooked food. You need to choose fish with gills of a red-burgundy hue. The fin in the tail should not be overdried, the inside of the belly should be yellow. All of these signs point to the fact that pink salmon is not fresh.

How to cook with a photo step by step

1. First you need to clean off the scales, remove the insides, cut off the gills and fins, rinse the fish thoroughly under running water. Dry slightly on a paper towel or wooden board to remove excess liquid. This is necessary so that the fish does not let the juice out at the moment when it is rolled in flour. Then cut into small pieces.

2. Add spices to the fish pieces, mix them thoroughly so that the seasoning completely covers the entire surface of the fish.

3. Take a porcelain bowl, pour wheat flour into it, roll fish pieces evenly in flour.

4. Put the fish on a preheated frying pan with boiling vegetable oil. Fry until golden brown on both sides. One side takes about 3-4 minutes.

5. Fried pink salmon in sunflower oil is ready to serve on the festive table. Ideal for mashed potatoes, boiled rice with vegetables, various salads. This one is no less delicious.

It is advisable for experienced housewives to organize fish days at least once a week. Then zinc, fatty acids and other beneficial substances will enter the body. You can cook many simple and tasty dishes from pink salmon. Frying fish is not difficult. But how tasty is it to fry pink salmon fish? So that you want to lick your fingers. We have prepared for you TOP 7 recipes for cooking pink salmon, both in a pan and in the oven.

The original recipe for delicious cooking pink salmon in a pan

List of products per fish:

  • 1 fresh salmon;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 4 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 1 st. l. table mustard;
  • Salt;
  • 1/2 st. l. red ground pepper.

Cooking process

How tasty is it to fry fish, if you do not wash it, do not clean it from the husk, fins and entrails? Only the skin should never be removed. Since with it the precious thin fat layer will be removed. The cleaned and washed raw product is cut into portioned pieces about 7 cm thick. Lemon juice, sunflower oil, salt, pepper and mustard are mixed in a plate. Pink salmon is poured abundantly with this marinade and placed in the refrigerator for 120 minutes. It is necessary to withstand this time so that the finished fish is juicy and unusually tasty. After such a marinade, the pieces can not only be fried in a pan, but also baked in foil in the oven. Before spreading the pieces in a heated pan, they should be plentifully rolled in flour so that the skin of pink salmon does not show through anywhere. The ruddy pieces are laid out on a plate to allow the oil to drain. After a few minutes, you can serve pink salmon with stewed vegetables, garnished with chopped herbs. How delicious to fry pink salmon fish in a different way? You can continue further cooking pink salmon after frying.

To do this, you will additionally need:

  • Saucepan;
  • Tomato;
  • Spices for fish;
  • onion head;
  • Dill;
  • Salt.

Golden pieces are placed in a shallow saucepan mixed with thick white onion rings. Completely covered with water. Bring to a boil over low heat. When the water turns into boiling water, tomato, spices, salt to taste and dill are added. Everything languishes for about 15 minutes and is served as a side dish for main courses.

Second cooking option

How to fry fish deliciously so that you can enjoy juicy pieces? To do this, it is enough to prepare the following products:

  • One carcass of fresh pink salmon;
  • 4 tbsp. l. flour;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • 0.5 st. dry white wine;
  • Salt and red ground pepper to taste;
  • A piece of hard cheese;
  • Fresh dill.

Cooking procedure

The cleaned fish is cut into pieces. Mix flour with pepper and salt. Each piece is diligently rolled in the mixture and laid out on a preheated pan. Fry each side for 6 minutes. Then the pieces are poured with white wine and stewed over low heat until completely evaporated. Before serving, the pieces are sprinkled with grated cheese and garnished with finely chopped dill.

in sour cream

How to deliciously fry pink salmon fish without wine? Various sauces and marinades always add a piquant flavor to pink salmon. Consider the option with sour cream. For this you will need:

  • 500 g raw fresh pink salmon;
  • Refined vegetable oil;
  • onion head;
  • 5 pieces of young potatoes;
  • 300 g sour cream;
  • Fresh greens;
  • Butter;
  • Seasoning for fish;
  • Ground pepper and salt to taste.

The peeled onion is cut into large rings and fried in a pan. Prepared pieces of pink salmon are placed on top. Sour cream is mixed with a small amount of water and spices. The fish is completely poured with this sauce and stewed over moderate heat for 15 minutes. At the same time, new potatoes are peeled and boiled. Potatoes with herbs and butter are laid out on a plate. And served with the finished fish.

in mayonnaise

How delicious to fry salmon fish in a different sauce? What is this sauce made from? From mayonnaise. For this you will need:

  • 100 g of mayonnaise;
  • 500 g pink salmon fillet;
  • Head of white onion;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • Olive oil;
  • Fresh greens;
  • Salt, ground black pepper to taste;
  • Fish seasoning.

The fish fillet is washed, sprinkled with spices and seasoning, smeared with mayonnaise and left for 10 minutes. The peeled onion is cut into medium rings. Fish is laid out on a preheated pan, and onion rings are sprinkled on top. The entire contents of the pan are fried until cooked. Fried fillet is served in a coat of grated hard cheese and finely chopped greens. So if your friends have a question: how tasty is it to fry pink salmon fish? Recommend these amazingly easy recipes to them.

Pink salmon belongs to medium-fat fish, the meat contains from 4 to 8% fat. Those who monitor their weight or are on a diet should not use such fish. Very often baking pink salmon in the oven, it turns out dry and tasteless. But there is a recipe thanks to which the fish is incredibly juicy and tasty.

Recipe for salmon baked in the oven

For 6 servings, take the following ingredients:

  • - pink salmon weighing up to 1 kg;
  • - 8 champignons;
  • - a bunch of parsley, an onion;
  • - 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • - 350 ml of milk;
  • - 1.5 tablespoons of starch;
  • - 3 tablespoons breadcrumbs (optional)
  • - bay leaf, 0.5 teaspoon of dry thyme, salt and pepper.

It takes 30 minutes to prepare a dish of baked pink salmon.

  1. Let's start cooking pink salmon in the oven
  2. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the chopped mushrooms with onions for about 5 minutes. Transfer the fry to the form in which the fish will be cooked.
  3. Dry the cleaned and washed pink salmon and place it on mushrooms with onions. Top with chopped parsley and dried thyme. Add bay leaf, salt and pepper.
  4. Boil milk separately. Dilute the starch in 3 tablespoons of cold water and in a thin stream add it to the hot milk, stirring constantly.
  5. Fill the fish with the sauce that has turned out and send it to the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  6. If you wish, you can sprinkle pink salmon with breadcrumbs and bake such a fish at 220 degrees for about 10 minutes.
  7. It is better to present baked pink salmon in the dish in which it was prepared and decorate with fresh vegetables.

And now a step by step video recipe

We have prepared a video for you to fully understand the step-by-step cooking process.

Photo of fried pink salmon

How to cook pink salmon so that everyone gasps? It's easy and simple! The beauty of pink salmon is that the fish is universal - it is surprisingly tasty, baked under a cheese cap, surprisingly fragrant soups come out of it, and you can pickle it so that it is indistinguishable from salmon. In our selection of the best recipes with pink salmon!

Pink salmon is often blamed for being dry. In this regard, I would like to recall the good old joke about cats: Do you not like cats? You just don't know how to cook them! It is the same with pink salmon - if you cook it correctly, you get a surprisingly tasty dish. Juicy, aromatic, tender. But remember: fried pink salmon in a pan will come out delicious only if the original product is absolutely fresh.

Fresh pink salmon - silvery, smelling of the sea, with bright eyes, soft pink gills. A second-rate product gives out a gray color, dullness, and the carcass itself looks withered.

For cooking you will need:

  • large carcass of fish - 1.2 kg;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying - 100 ml;
  • flour - 1 tbsp.

Cooking like this:

  1. We clean the pink salmon from the insides, wash it, cut it into neat pieces-steaks. Spread each with salt, pepper and roll in flour.
  2. We spread the fish on a preheated pan and fry until golden brown on both sides. Pink salmon will fry evenly, and the crispy crust will be preserved if the fire is made sparing, that is, medium. The high heat will fry the fish, but the inside will remain raw.

Serve the finished pieces on lettuce leaves. Be sure to offer your eaters chopped cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, homemade pickles. Decorate the taste of the dish and spicy yogurt tartar sauce with pieces of pickled gherkins and squeezed garlic clove.

Rich fish soup with pink salmon

Often, after frying the fish, the head and tail remain. These are the most tidbits for making a delicious, fragrant fish soup. You can cook it with rice or pearl barley, and we offer the standard version with potatoes.

So, let's prepare:

  • the tail and head of the fish;
  • 3 potato tubers;
  • spices to taste;
  • Bay leaf;
  • a large bunch of greens;
  • carrots and onions - 1 pc.

Getting Started:

  1. Cook a clear broth from the head and tail. It will turn out like a tear if you carefully cut out the gills - they absorb dirt from the reservoir, which makes the broth cloudy.
  2. Lightly fry the onion and carrot in a pan.
  3. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes.
  4. Bring the broth to a boil and throw in the potatoes, and after 5 - 7 minutes and fry. Cook vegetables until tender.
  5. The final touch is to add greens and pieces of fish: we clean them off the tail, take them out of the head (especially delicious cheeks!), Not forgetting to choose the bones.
  6. We season everything with herbs, put lavrushka and let it brew a little. It turns out awesome quick soup. It is especially tasty with brown bread and a spoonful of low-fat sour cream.

A quick option is a soup with canned pink salmon. It is enough to boil the potatoes, add vegetables to it and at the last moment pour the canned food along with the juice. The soup will turn out wonderful if you season it with a large bunch of fresh herbs.

How to cook pink salmon in a juicy oven

Juicy pink salmon in the oven is obtained by baking it on a salt pillow. Salt the fish in this case is not necessary. Surprisingly, the product absorbs exactly as much seasoning as needed so that the dish does not come out dry and bland. For the recipe, we will prepare a pack of salt and a large peeled fish with or without a head, weighing 1.3 kg.

Further, everything is simple:

  1. Pour a pack of coarse rock salt onto a baking sheet.
  2. We spread the carcass, washed and cleaned of scales.
  3. Turn on the oven at 180 degrees.
  4. Bake for 30 minutes.

Serve fish with lemon, cherry tomatoes, tartar sauce or any other to taste. And do not forget to open a bottle of young white wine - the combination will be divine!

Bake fish fillets in foil

Pink salmon fillet baked in foil looks festive. Especially if each piece is packed in a neat envelope and served on the table just like that, only slightly opening it. We serve each portion with fresh herbs, pieces of vegetables, olives... And now, a light Mediterranean-style lunch is ready for your guests!

For cooking, we will prepare: 4 servings of fish fillet, 20 g of oil for lubricating the foil, 4 potato tubers, one onion, black pepper, 50 g of cheese and mayonnaise for the "mesh" - 100 ml.

Instead of potatoes, rice or bulgur can act as a substrate.

We act in stages:

  1. Prepare 4 foil envelopes and lightly oil them.
  2. Lay potato slices on each metal sheet. Distribute the fillet on top. Salt, pepper.
  3. We will send the thinnest half rings of onion to the fish preparations and sprinkle everything with grated cheese.
  4. Pour everything with mayonnaise and carefully pack the foil.
  5. We send it to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.
  6. Bake for 20 - 25 minutes.

In the process of such culinary experiments, the house is filled with aromas of fish, potatoes, mayonnaise. And such a dish is very tasty not only when hot - when cooled, it resembles a light and satisfying casserole. We eat with white wine in a circle of friends and enjoy life.

You can cook pink salmon in the oven in foil the day before, and then reheat it: it does not lose its taste, but on the contrary, vegetables and fish are saturated with each other's juices. The dish is complete.

In a creamy sauce in a slow cooker

Pink salmon, cooked in a creamy sauce, will give odds to any expensive red fish. And cooking it is a pleasure. Of worries, just buy a carcass of fish in advance, cut it and pour it with creamy sauce.

In addition to fish, we need 300 ml of heavy cream for the sauce, Art. l. flour, Provencal spices, white pepper and salt to taste.

You can pre-fry the fish in the "Frying" mode - this way the juices are "sealed", remain in each piece, and the dish will come out even tastier.

How to cook:

  1. We cut the fish into pieces, which we put on the bottom of the multibowl.
  2. Mix cream, salt, pepper and herbs in a bowl. Add a spoonful of flour.
  3. Fill the fish with sauce, turn on the “Fish” or “Stew” mode.
  4. We are waiting for a signal about the end of cooking.

Remember: fish should not be overexposed. The meat is tender and cooks quickly. And we recommend serving the dish with young potatoes, brown rice or pasta cooked to “al dente”. Do not forget to serve a glass of cool cranberry juice or water with lemon. We eat, savoring every bite.

Fried fish with lemon juice

Followers of a healthy lifestyle know that you can not salt any fish, but replace the “white death” with healthy lemon juice. It will give a touch of citrus freshness and subtle sourness, which is surprisingly harmonious with seafood.

We will need:

  • large carcass of pink salmon;
  • lemon or lime;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking like this:

  1. Cut the carcass into slices, and divide the lemon into 3-4 parts.
  2. Pour the fish with lemon juice, season with spices. Let marinate for 10-12 minutes.
  3. We spread the fish blanks on a preheated pan and fry on both sides until cooked.

Never cut the fish too thin - it risks falling apart in the pan. Pieces should be at least 2 cm wide.

This option is just made for a diet dinner! Lettuce, bell peppers, greens and fresh cucumbers can become a side dish. Make it a rule to have a fish dinner a couple of times a week: the pounds will start to melt quickly, and soon you will not recognize yourself.

Baked "under a fur coat"

If unpretentious pollock turns out to be fabulously tasty “in a fur coat”, then pink salmon in a vegetable marinade is just a song and a paradise for gourmets.


  • fish - 1000 g;
  • large carrots - 1 pc;
  • onion - 2 pcs;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, spices to taste;
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

We clean the carrots and onions, three on a grater and cut into half rings. Stew in vegetable oil in a frying pan, adding salt, spices, tomato paste and vinegar. In a separate pan, lightly fry the pieces of fish. And now we will lay out the vegetables with a thick hat and then over low heat we will darken for all 30 minutes, covering with a lid. The dish is tasty, tender, but we highly recommend waiting and eating it cold. It turns out a snack - you will lick your fingers!

Grilled fish steak

Pink salmon steak is especially tasty when cooked on an open grill. You can also fry it on a grill pan: you will also get an appetizing piece. Serve it with vegetables or sauce, garnish with french fries, put it on a bun in the form of a fish burger and be known among your friends as a trendy modern chef. And all you need is a piece of fish, salt, pepper and a little oil.

How we cook:

  1. From the fillet we make a steak the size of the palm of a hand.
  2. Sprinkle it with salt and pepper.
  3. Heat up the oil in a frying pan.
  4. Quickly fry the workpiece on both sides until golden brown.

Serve on a large flat plate, garnished with greens and pickled jalapeno pepper pods. We eat, snacking on peppers with a glass of tequila.

How to cook pink salmon in the oven with potatoes

Meat in French is delicious, but somehow very corny. And what if you cook not meat, but fish in French? This is unusual and easy, given the amount of goodies on the festive table.

To prepare, prepare:

  • potatoes - 5 - 6 tubers;
  • large onion - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 200 g;
  • pink salmon fillet - 800 g - 1000 g;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil for greasing the baking sheet and frying.

Cooking like this:

  1. We clean the potatoes, boil until half cooked and cut into slices 1.5 cm wide.
  2. Chop the onion in half rings and fry in a pan until soft.
  3. We rub the fish with seasonings.
  4. Put potatoes on a greased baking sheet, fish on top, and then a layer of stewed onions. We rub the cheese with a “cap”.
  5. We send the baking sheet to the oven at 220 degrees for 15 - 20 minutes. Since all the components are almost ready with us, you won’t have to bake for a long time. As soon as the cheese has melted and acquired a pleasant crust, turn off the oven. Let the fish cool slightly and serve on a large flat dish.

The fish is not inferior in taste to the second meat, and often, it is perceived even better. The most fastidious eaters love this dish and eat it with pleasure. Its best accompaniment is a light salad of Beijing and greenhouse cucumbers.

Whole fish recipe in foil

The secret to cooking whole fish in foil is very simple: there should be enough foil to tightly wrap the fish in a shiny “skin”.

For cooking, prepare a fish weighing 1.4 kg, salt, pepper, spices, lemon and a sheet of foil (large).

  1. We wash the fish, clean it from gills and scales, rub it with spices. Put the lemon slices inside the belly.
  2. We tightly wrap the carcass in foil and send it to the oven at 200 degrees. Bake for 30 - 40 minutes.
  3. We unfold the finished fish and let the crust brown (if desired).

It looks spectacular on the table with a side dish of baby vegetables and herbs. Prepare the sauce for it, eat with the company.

How to deliciously pickle pink salmon at home

Do you know that sometimes pink salmon is tastier than any salmon? And it's certainly more accessible. You can salt the fish so that you lick your fingers! We will tell you the simplest and most delicious recipe for homemade dry salting.

Meat for salting needs exceptionally fresh, dense, elastic. A poor-quality product will fall apart and salt unevenly.

Let's prepare the products:

  • fish - 1000 g without a head (ready-made fresh fillet is possible);
  • 3 art. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • spices to taste;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • lavrushka - 2 pcs.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. We cut pink salmon into 2 large plates, taking out the backbone. We rub the fillet on both sides with salt and sugar, which we pre-mix in one container.
  2. On each layer we put broken leaves of lavrushka (but you can not add it), sprinkle with any spices, pour with oil.
  3. We lay the layers on top of each other and place them in the prepared container. Leave for 2 - 3 hours at room temperature, put in the refrigerator.
  4. The fish is salted for 7-8 hours. If you like the ambassador "cooler" - increase the amount of salt.

It remains only to take out the pink salmon, cut off an appetizing piece, put it on a fresh loaf, greased with butter. A sprig of dill on top will turn the dish into a sumptuous morning snack. It’s hard to come up with the best breakfast for a cup of latte coffee.

Pink salmon goes well with cheeses, dried fruits, accepts pineapples and even raisins and nuts. Try stuffing it, bake it whole or in parts - the result will always please you.

Pan-fried pink salmon, of course, is not as healthy as cooked in a double boiler or baked. But, even in this form, it retains some of its useful substances.

Only fried pink salmon will turn out with a crispy crust and a pleasant taste. In addition, its cost is affordable for almost everyone. Pink salmon is easy to get in any store or market.

Many housewives believe that fried pink salmon is dry. It's just that this fish has a thin layer of fat under the skin. And to make pink salmon juicy, fry it with the skin.

Pink salmon fried in a pan - general principles of cooking

For cooking, take fresh fish.

Fry the fish by cutting it into pieces.

Defrost frozen fish in water.

Before cooking, bread the fish in wheat flour.

Fry the fish on both sides over medium heat.

After cooking, insist pink salmon under vegetables under the lid.

Put the finished fish on a paper towel so that it absorbs all excess oil.

Pink salmon fried in a pan - a classic recipe

One pink salmon;

120 g wheat flour;

Vegetable oil;

Black pepper;

Fish seasoning.

1. Remove scales from pink salmon, remove fins, tail and head with a sharp knife. Make an incision on the belly and pull out everything superfluous from the fish.

2. Dip the carcass in water and rinse it. Dry with a towel and cut into pieces, 3.5 cm thick.

3. Roll the fish pieces in salt and pepper. Let them marinate for 18 minutes.

4. Pour flour into a plate, add half a spoonful of fish seasoning to it and mix.

5. Alternately bread each fish piece in the resulting mixture. Flour should fall on pink salmon in an even layer.

6. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and heat it up. Spread the pieces of fish evenly, they should not overlap each other. Putting the stove on high heat, fry the fish for two minutes on each side. Turn the salmon constantly with a metal spatula.

7. Serve the finished fish hot with mustard, garnished with lemon slices.

Pink salmon fried in a pan with mushrooms

490 g pink salmon (fillet);

370 g of champignons;

Sunflower oil;

One glass of sour cream 3.5% fat.

1. Rinse the fish fillet with cold water and get rid of excess moisture.

2. Remove the skin and cut the fillet into slices 1.3 cm thick.

3. Rub the pink salmon with salt and sprinkle with black pepper. Set the fish aside to soak in the seasonings for a while.

4. Peel the onion along with the mushrooms and rinse under water. Cut off the roots of the mushrooms, dry them and cut into thin layers. Chop the onion into squares.

5. Heat up a frying pan with oil and fry the fish until half cooked. As soon as it takes on a white tint, remove it from the heat. Put the fish on a plate.

6. In the same pan, pour oil again and fry the onion. Next, add the mushrooms. Simmer them together until the mushrooms are ready.

7. After immediately add sour cream, cover the lid and simmer for 16 minutes.

9. Let the finished dish brew for 12 minutes.

10. Serve the dish hot, spreading out on plates. Put the fish in first, then pour the mushroom sauce over it.

Marinated fried pink salmon

520 g pink salmon;

tomato paste;

Two onions and carrots;

Vegetable oil;

A spoonful of vinegar;

Bay leaf;

Four l. wheat flour;

A teaspoon of sugar;

Spoon of cloves;

45 ml of water.

1. Rinse and dry the fish. Place it on a cutting board and cut into random pieces with a sharp knife. Sprinkle them on all sides with pepper and season with salt. Place in a bowl and leave to soak for 11 minutes.

2. Wash the vegetables, remove their peel and chop. Cut the onion into strips, and chop the carrots on a grater.

3. Pour oil into the pan and heat. Roll the pieces of fish on all sides in flour and place in a pan. Cook pink salmon until golden brown, then transfer to a plate.

4. Put a clean pan on the fire and fry the onion in it in oil. After a while, add carrots to it. Roast the vegetables together for 4 minutes. Then season the vegetables with tomato paste and cook for another eight minutes.

5. Add water, pepper, sugar, vinegar, salt, cloves and bay leaf to vegetables. Stir and simmer for 14 minutes.

6. Spread the fish in a plate in an even layer and cover it with a hot vegetable marinade. Leave the dish to cool to room temperature. Then wrap the fish under the marinade with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for three hours.

7. Serve the dish cold, garnished with herbs.

Pink salmon fillet fried in a pan with onions

130 g of onion;

Three tablespoons of table flour;

Sunflower oil.

1. Clean the fish from scales. Cut off her head and wash under water from the blood and hymen. Dry the pink salmon, cut along the ridge and carefully separate the fillet from the bone. Cut the skin and remove it with a pulling motion.

2. Rinse the fillet, cut into slices, pepper and salt. Leave it like this for 14 minutes.

3. Take a knife and remove the onion skins. Then rinse the onion, dry it and chop into centimeter-thick rings.

4. Send the pan to the fire and pour vegetable oil into it. While it is heating, roll the fish in wheat flour and lower the pieces into the pan.

5. Cook pink salmon for five minutes, turning once. Once the fish is golden brown, transfer it to a plate.

6. After all the fish pieces are ready, dip the onion into the same pan. Fry it until fully cooked.

8. Turn off the heat and leave the dish for 7 minutes.

9. Serve the fish with onions on top. As a side dish, pasta or cereals are suitable.

Pink salmon fried in a pan with vegetables

390 g pink salmon;

Five tablespoons of flour;

Black pepper;

Five tablespoons of oil;

280 bell peppers;

120 g tomatoes.

1. Dip the fillet in warm water, and wait until the pink salmon has completely thawed. Then rinse the pink salmon and cut into pieces.

2. Brush the outside of the bell peppers. Divide the vegetables in half and remove the core. Cut the peeled peppers into strips.

3. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.

4. With a special paring knife, remove the peel from the carrots. Cut the vegetable into thin strips.

5. Rinse the tomato, dry it and cut into cubes with a sharp knife.

6. While the oil is heating in the pan, prepare the breading. Mix flour with salt, seasonings and pepper. Roll the fish in this mixture. Fry it for five minutes on each side. Put the finished pieces in a bowl.

7. In another pan, heat the oil and fry the onion until transparent. Add carrots to the fried onions and fry for another four minutes. Then add bell pepper, salt, tomato and pepper. Simmer everything together for another 12 minutes.

8. Add fish to the prepared vegetable mixture and mix.

9. Serve hot fish with vegetables as an independent dish.

Pink salmon fillet fried in a pan in sour cream sauce

460 g pink salmon (fillet);

Four tablespoons of sour cream;

200 g mushrooms;

90 g of onions;

Six tablespoons of flour;

Vegetable oil;

Dry dill.

1. Cut the mushrooms randomly and fry in oil for 12 minutes. Then peel the onion, cut it into rings and add to the mushrooms. Roast for 6 more minutes.

2. Pour one tablespoon of flour, turmeric into the frying and fry until the flour is ruddy.

3. Add sour cream to the pan, mix and add water.

4. Add salt, spices and, stirring, bring the sauce to a boil.

5. Dip the washed and dried pink salmon fillet in flour and fry in hot oil on all sides until browned.

6. Add the finished fish to the sauce, mix and simmer everything together until the sauce thickens.

7. Serve the dish along with stewed vegetables, pouring sauce on top.

Pink salmon fried in a pan with carrots

610 g of fish;

A mixture of ground peppers;

60 g wheat flour;

Two large carrots;


one celery;

Sunflower oil;

Four leaves of laurel;

Parsley greens.

1. If the fish is frozen, then it is better to pull it out of the freezer for thawing in a day. If the fish is fresh, then immediately start cleaning it. Remove all excess from the fish, rinse it and dry it.

2. Cut the pink salmon into portions and spread the spices with your hands, evenly distributing them over each piece of fish. Leave the pink salmon for 7 minutes.

3. Pour flour into a bowl and roll each piece of pink salmon in it. Then roll the fish in breadcrumbs.

4. Fry the fish in a pan for four minutes on each side. Flip the salmon with a spatula. Put the finished pieces on paper napkins so that they absorb all excess fat.

5. Take a special knife and peel the carrots. Finely chop the vegetable.

6. Peel the onion, rinse and chop into half rings, rings or cubes.

7. Rinse the stalk of celery and cut into small pieces with a sharp knife.

8. Put all the vegetables in a frying pan heated with oil. Add spices and bay leaves to them. Cook vegetables until soft. Add water if necessary.

9. When the vegetables are ready, remove the bay leaves.

10. Put half of the mixture of vegetables on the bottom of the plate, put the pink salmon fillet on them, cover again with all the remaining vegetables on top.

11. Garnish the dish with chopped parsley.

12. Serve with sour cream and a slice of bread.

Pink salmon in dough, fried in a pan

2.2 kg pink salmon fillet;

Juice of half a lemon;

Black pepper;

Sunflower oil;

260 g flour;

250 ml milk.

1. Pink salmon fillet, if it is frozen, dip it in plain water and leave it in it for 35 minutes.

2. Rinse the fish and place on a cutting board. Chop each fillet three centimeters thick.

3. Put pink salmon in a bowl, pour over lemon juice, sprinkle with salt, dried herbs and pepper.

4. Mix everything, coat the fish with marinade and leave it alone for 18 minutes.

5. Separate the proteins from the yolks and distribute them among different dishes.

6. Add warm milk, salt and a spoonful of vegetable oil to the beaten yolks. Beat everything and add the sifted flour. The dough should be without lumps.

7. Beat the whites with a mixer or a broom until foamy. Add this mass to the dough.

8. Put the pan on medium heat and heat the oil in it. Dip the fish in the dough.

9. Fry pink salmon on all sides until browned.

10. Put the finished slices on a plate. Serve them with pickles, vegetables and green onions.

11. As a side dish, you can serve boiled potatoes, rice, buckwheat porridge or mashed potatoes.

12. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with chopped dill, basil, parsley and cilantro.

Pan-fried pink salmon - tricks and tips

For a crispy crust, roll the pink salmon in flour.

To make the fish juicy, marinate it in lemon juice before cooking.

To give the dish an exotic taste, pour it with orange juice while frying.

Any set of spices for cooking this dish is suitable.

If desired, fry the fish in animal fats.

Sometimes use breadcrumbs instead of flour.

For flavor, roll fish slices in garlic granules.

Do not be surprised if many of your girlfriends or acquaintances ask you if you know how to cook pink salmon.

After all, pink salmon is one of the few most popular fish in the former Soviet Union, which even then was the basis of many fish budget and, mind you, inexpensive dishes. In addition, pink salmon has been eaten all over the world since ancient times. Therefore, it is no wonder that it will be interesting for you to learn how to cook delicious pink salmon. Fish and now has an affordable price. It is beneficial to cook any dishes from it, as it is very tasty and has few bones. They use pink salmon, fried, baked, boiled, many people like this fish raw (remember how popular Japanese fish rolls have become in recent years, especially pink salmon).

In this article, we will kindly provide the best recipes for how to cook pink salmon. We will also tell you in more detail how to cook delicious pink salmon so that it is both juicy and healthy overnight.

So, what to do and how to cook juicy pink salmon. Now the most common and most popular way is pickling pink salmon with mayonnaise, lemon juice and finely chopped onion. Before cooking pink salmon, the dish must be marinated immediately before cooking, for a couple of hours. Another secret on how to cook pink salmon deliciously is to soak it in lemon juice for several hours. Appetizing, soft, juicy pink salmon is obtained even then, if you immediately put the fish aside to soak for several hours in olive oil, you can use vegetable oil.

Pink salmon is recommended mainly in foil to bake in the oven. You can also fry it, although it will turn out not as juicy, a little dry and not as appetizing in appearance as in the oven. We think each of you knows how to cook pink salmon in a pan. In addition to spices, flour or breadcrumbs, nothing else is needed for fish. Yes, do not forget that it is better to fry pink salmon with the skin. So you definitely won't get it dry. How to cook pink salmon deliciously so that it has a more exotic look and taste. Drizzle generously with orange juice while frying.

Remember that pink salmon fish belongs to salmon red fish. And this means that this fish is noble, although, as we wrote, it is by no means expensive. And, as it is useful for the body, it is especially good to take it for patients with blood and liver diseases (any red products for those who have low hemoglobin or liver problems are useful).

To eliminate the lack of juiciness of pink salmon, we will reveal one secret to you on how to cook pink salmon fish. Just cook this fish surrounded by many juicy vegetables, and the more of them, the better. One of the best and most proven cooking methods is pink salmon, baked in foil and in the oven. Therefore, we will tell you in more detail how to cook pink salmon in foil.

Baked pink salmon in foil, in the oven

Despite the fact that pink salmon meat is naturally dry, it can turn out not only tasty, very juicy and fragrant, but also tender and refined. The main thing here is to know how to cook pink salmon in foil. Many housewives use recipes for how to cook pink salmon baked in the oven. How to cook pink salmon, recipe, photo for you!


pink salmon fillet - 300 grams;

onion - 1 pc.;

hard cheese such as Parmesan - 80 grams;

mayonnaise - seventy grams;

vegetable oil;

any greens;

seasoning for fish.


How to cook pink salmon, cooking recipe. First, prepare the fish for baking. To do this, thoroughly rinse the pink salmon fillet in running cold water, salt, add a little black pepper, generously grease the fish on top with mayonnaise. Gently spread the foil on a baking sheet, put pink salmon on top of it, sprinkled with herbs and coarse grated cheese in advance. Wrap the edges of the foil, pour a little water into the foil (30 grams will be enough) and immediately place in the oven. The dish is prepared for half an hour and must be served hot. Vegetables and potatoes go well with the side dish.

How to cook pink salmon in the oven

How to cook pink salmon in the oven so that it turns out tender and juicy, as well as festive and tasty. By the way, even cold salmon fish, fragrant and delicious, baked in the oven, will be delicious, so it can pass for a snack on the festive table. This fish dish is not quite suitable for today, when fasting began, as it contains mayonnaise and cheese. You can replace regular mayonnaise with lean mayonnaise and not add hard cheese if you keep a strict fast. Tomatoes can be used pickled and not large in size. Cut the tomatoes in advance and serve separately. The New Year is coming soon, so this baked pink salmon is just in time.


one large salmon,

2 tomatoes and onions,

some pepper, salt,

spices for fish, if you like greens.


How to cook pink salmon. First, take care of the fish, or rather, cook the pink salmon fillet, we explain in detail how to cook it. Defrost the fish bought in advance, clean it with a knife, and wash it. Then cut pink salmon along the ridge, first separate one side of the fish from the bones, then the other, check with your fingers and try to remove the small bones of the fish. Here you have a pink salmon fillet with skin.

Place aluminum foil on a baking sheet. Arrange slices of pink salmon nicely on the foil, but skin side down is better. Put the peeled and finely chopped onion on the fish. Lubricate the onion generously with mayonnaise.

Next, make the sides of the edges of the foil. Very carefully pour the hot fish broth into the foil so that the bottom is completely covered with a thin layer between the pieces of pink salmon. If there is no broth, then just pour hot water there. Put the fish in the oven, up to 180 degrees and at least heated, for twenty minutes.

As soon as twenty minutes have passed, take out the pink salmon, and put a circle of tomato on each piece of it, grate hard cheese on top of the fish and send it back to the oven to melt the cheese a little. You can serve potatoes as a side dish, and sprinkle the fish with herbs. Now you know how to cook pink salmon. With a photo and a recipe, we tried to acquaint you in detail.

How to cook pink salmon soup

Soup is an indispensable dish for every person. And a tender soup made from pink salmon on the dining table will become not only an indispensable addition to a hearty and satisfying dinner, but, perhaps, the most beloved one.

Still wondering how to make pink salmon soup? Everything is simple. Buying at a minimum the products that you need, you will always have on the table not only an appetizing, delicious and tasty dish, but also a very healthy one. Pink salmon soup, we are sure that every member of your family will like it. In addition, the ever-busy housewives at first may even be surprised by the simplicity and speed with which this fish soup is prepared. How to cook pink salmon fish soup so that both your family and guests like it, what you need to make the soup light and nutritious, allowing you to satisfy your hunger for a long time and cheer you up from eating such a tasty, nutritious fish soup.


pink salmon - 1 kg;

brushes - a couple of things;

1 onion and 1 carrot;

black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;

potatoes - 2 medium tubers;

bay leaf - three things;

salt, herbs.


How to cook salmon soup. Recipe. First, as in other recipes, clean the pink salmon from all the insides, bones and head. Set the head and bones aside. Do the same with the brushes. From the ruffs, previously cleaned of the insides, cook the broth in a separate saucepan. So that the brushes do not fall apart, tie them together and place them in cheesecloth, in this form, cook broth from them, which, literally after 15 minutes, will immediately need to be filtered. Put bones and head of pink salmon in gauze (do not forget that the gills should be removed from the head), cook the broth for another fifteen minutes. After again strain the broth and put on fire.

In the meantime, take care of pink salmon. Throw fish fillets, one onion, fish caviar, cut potatoes into small cubes, all whole dill with stems into the broth. Ear from pink salmon is not salted immediately, but 5 minutes before readiness. At the same time, peppercorns and bay leaves should be put in fish soup. So, only after you add all the ingredients to the broth, boil them for another seven minutes. Under a closed lid, let the pink salmon ear brew for 10 minutes. Try it, the taste of such fish soup is simply excellent!

How to cook pink salmon cutlets

This recipe on how to cook pink salmon cutlets with a photo will not seem inaccessible even to a young hostess - a novice in the kitchen, since we tried to describe the recipe so clearly, it explains how to cook pink salmon cutlets

at home, that even a thirteen-year-old teenager will figure it out. However, this recipe of ours will also be useful for culinary art gurus, as they will be able to cook fish cakes in a more original and tasteful way.


pink salmon - 1 kilogram,
2 medium onions
bacon, lard or brisket - 200 grams,
white loaf without crusts - 150 grams,
chicken egg,
garlic - 3 cloves,
frying oil,
wheat flour or breadcrumbs,
salt and pepper to taste.


How to cook salmon cutlets. If you bought frozen pink salmon in the store, and such fish gets most often, then you need to remove it from the freezer in advance if you decide to make cutlets out of it. Clean the thawed fish well, wash, dry, carefully remove the flesh from the bones and cut it into small pieces. Do not throw away the bones of the fish, as you can see, they make an excellent ear.

Soak the white loaf in pieces in milk. Take a meat grinder and pass through it a long loaf squeezed from milk, pink salmon fillet, lard or bacon, cut into slices, garlic and onions. If there is fresh herbs, you can add to minced fish. Add chicken egg, black pepper, salt. Knead the resulting minced meat well. In appearance, it should look more magnificent and be plastic.

From minced meat, as usual, we make beautiful cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs, if any, but you can also in flour and put them in a well-heated pan with oil. Fish cutlets are fried between medium and high heat until golden brown. Fry for two minutes on both sides, this time will be enough for the minced meat to “grab” on all sides, then reduce the fire to a minimum and fry already under the lid. This applies to large meatballs. With this method of frying, you will get fish cakes, juicy and tasty inside.

How to cook pink salmon with potatoes

If you cook pink salmon in the oven in the usual way, then do not be surprised that it will turn out dry for you. And knowing already how to cook pink salmon with potatoes, the fish soup will definitely not be, but quite the opposite, fragrant and juicy. All this is due to the roasting of pink salmon with vegetables, which are served as a side dish in this dish.


sunflower oil - 50 grams,

fresh-frozen pink salmon,

carrots and onions - 2 pieces,

lemon - 1/2 pieces,

hard cheese -150 grams,

potatoes - one and a half kilograms,

a mixture of ground peppers and table salt.


How to cook pink salmon with potatoes. As we already wrote, defrost the pink salmon, but not completely, so you can easily clean it by separating the fish fillet from the bones. The meat, slightly thawed, is more easily separated from the bones.

The next step is vegetables, with them you will bake salmon fish in the oven. Grate the carrots, cut the onion into rings. Fry the vegetables in oil until they get a beautiful golden color, add a little salt. Peel the potatoes, put them in a saucepan, add water and put on fire to boil. Potatoes are cooked after baking for 15 minutes, they should not be boiled, but only half cooked. If the fish in the oven is simultaneously baked with raw potatoes, then there is a high probability that the potatoes will not be baked enough, and the fish will turn out dry.

Cut the potatoes into equal slices, put them in a mold, pour a little vegetable oil, do not forget to sprinkle the potatoes with pepper and salt. Put the form in the oven, of course, preheated.

While the potatoes are baking, separate the fish fillet from the bones, also pepper and salt. Put the lemon slices on the fish fillet. Then fried vegetables in a thin layer. Grated cheese, as usual, sprinkle over vegetables. Remember. That at the moment when you spread the pink salmon fillet on potatoes, it should be soft, half cooked. Count on 20 minutes to cook the fish in the oven.

How to cook pink salmon in a slow cooker

Everyone knows the benefits of pink salmon - numerous vitamins, iodine, phosphorus, proteins, omega-3 acids, which are designed to reduce the risk of heart disease and significantly lower cholesterol levels. Therefore, in order for all these vitamins and minerals in pink salmon to remain in the maximum amount, it is better to cook dishes from it in a slow cooker.

Today we will tell an excellent recipe on how to cook pink salmon in a slow cooker. If someone considers pink salmon to be dry fish, then this recipe does not apply. You just have to learn how to cook pink salmon in sour cream. After all, it is the filling of sour cream and eggs that will make the fish both soft and juicy, and the potato, like a vegetable, will become a pleasant, tender addition for it.


1 pink salmon

4 medium potatoes

2 carrots

4 tablespoons of kefir or sour cream,

100 grams of hard Parmesan cheese,

spices to taste and salt.


To make a very tender dish for you, we will reveal the secret of how to cook pink salmon with sour cream. Put the sliced ​​potatoes in thin circles in a multicooker bowl. You do not need to pour oil into the multicooker to prepare this dish. Salt the potatoes, and put the salmon fillet on it, sprinkle the fish with grated carrots. Pour in a glass of water.

Turn on "Steaming" - mode in a slow cooker for twenty minutes. You now have time to prepare the next ingredients for the dish. In a separate bowl, beat two chicken eggs with sour cream or kefir (4 tablespoons). Grate Parmesan cheese.

As soon as you hear the signal, fill the pink salmon with potatoes with eggs beaten with sour cream and grated cheese. Switch the multicooker for half an hour to the baking mode. After the signal for pink salmon with potatoes, let it stand a little more often.

How to cook salmon caviar

Those who came to the fish store in order to choose pink salmon, then most of them buy its carcass, not fillet. The reason is that the buyer has the opportunity to get delicious red fish along with caviar - the most valuable and healthy nutritious product that contains all kinds of substances that the body needs very much. And also, caviar is loved because it is too tasty. And how you want to enjoy it at any time of the year. It is especially good when you know how to cook pink salmon caviar yourself. By the way, it's not at all difficult. You will have to tinker, but not all day!


1 kilogram of salt goes to 1 kilogram of caviar,

3 liters of water

corn oil.

Equipment: grate for wiping, sieve.


How to cook salmon caviar. If you intend to preserve pink salmon caviar for long-term storage, prepare glass jars for twisting. Rinse the caviar well. After that, you can start cooking brine - a salty, strong brine intended for salting red caviar. Spare no water, prepare more brine, more than you have caviar available.

To prepare the brine, take a kilogram of caviar for three liters of water, heat the water. Add one kilogram of salt before the water starts to boil. When the brine boils, set it aside to cool to room temperature. Pink salmon caviar, while the brine is cooling, you need to release the film. To do this, find a grid so that the size of its cells is 4 times larger than the size of red eggs. Open the yoke, turn it inside out, lay the caviar down on the wire rack, rub it very carefully. Do not press hard so that the caviar is not damaged.

Put the caviar into the brine. How much caviar will be in brine depends on how ripe it is. It is better to taste the caviar after a couple of minutes, so that you can determine the degree of readiness of the caviar by taste. 25 minutes is often enough caviar in brine. After recline it on a sieve so that the liquid is glass. Put red caviar on a paper towel to dry a little, leave it for 2-3 hours. Lubricate caviar with vegetable oil, arrange in jars, close everything with lids.

Bon appetit!