Yachting school RYA (Royal Yachting Association). Yachting company "Cabestan Rescue of a man overboard

  • 23.03.2021

last information

  • (07-02-2013) There are 2 places left. Join now!
  • (14-12-2012) 2 crews are declared. There are 4 places left.
  • (26-02-2012) Registration is open.

The Fastnet 2013 program is an individual participation program, you can book one or more seats. If you want to rent a whole yacht for your team, then you are here.

About the regatta

fastnet 2013

The Rolex Fastnet Race is the legendary 600 mile offshore race between England and Ireland, and it is the goal of every serious racer in the world to compete and even more so to win. Fastnet is one of the most difficult and difficult offshore races on the planet, if not the most difficult, since 1925 it has been hosted by one of the oldest and most famous yachting clubs in the UK - the Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC), the Royal Ocean Racing Club.

The Fastnet race starts in the Solent (Cowes, England) and goes to the Fastnet Rock in the Irish Sea, and then back to Plymouth (England), non-stop. The harsh weather conditions prevailing in this northern waters force yachtsmen to give their all to the limit of physical and emotional possibilities ... and then even more! The race takes place every 2 years, the next one will take place in 2013, a powerful racing yacht is launched from Kabestan Reflex 38, with a serious set of racing sails.

Capstan invites you to go through a thorough preparatory program and take part in this race. We plan to enter the race solely with one goal - to win. Based on this, we invite you to take part in a long-term project consisting of 4 offshore training races of the Royal Ocean Racing Club, sea survival courses, first aid and racing training mandatory for all team members. This program will make us a real race car capable of performing well in the 2013 Fastnet race.

The format of the Kabestan-Fastnet project is absolutely non-passenger. Experience is desirable, you must be prepared for physical labor and moral stress. The Fastnet 2013 Preparatory Program is a serious offshore program and will result in certain inconveniences such as lack of sleep, fatigue, etc.

In 2013 the team will need to meet in England 5 times for offshore racing and training. Such a number of trainings and courses is due to the mandatory requirements of the organizers of the race, the Royal Ocean Racing Club. Crew members must complete a certain number of miles, offshore races and courses in order to be eligible for a Fastnet race.

Also, we want to emphasize that this is not a charter. A team will work in a team, that is, you, and our result directly depends on this work. The roles will be distributed as the team is formed and according to the results of offshore races.

The total number of miles earned while participating in the project is about 1500, about 20 days on board.


  • 4500 pounds
  • Included:
    • Accommodation on a yacht
    • 4 RORC qualifying races, harbors and racing fees
    • Training session - 2 days
    • RYA Sea Survival and RYA First Aid courses
    • Professional captains
    • Team form
    • Food on board
    • Case of beer in Plymouth, at the end of the race!
  • Not included:
    • Road, air tickets
    • Food on the beach

Fastnet 2013 Program Schedule *

  • May 24-27 – race 10.00, RYA First Aid course, May 25 at 9.30 start of the Myth of Malham Race (230 nm). Take a very late flight home or the morning of the 28th.
  • June 14-17 - arrival 10.00, training, at 16.00 start of the De Guignand Bowl Race (120 nm, about 240 nm in total), June 17 10.00 - 17.00 RYA Sea Survival course
  • June 28-July 1 - arrival 10.00, training, at 19.00 start of the Morgan Cup Race (100-140 nm, about 280 nm in total), return to the harbor late in the evening on June 30, return tickets for July 1
  • July 26-29 - arrival 11.00 training day, June 27 at 10.00 start of the Channel Race (120 nm), end of the race in the evening of June 28, return tickets for July 29
  • August 10-18 - Rolex Fastnet 2013 race (600 nm, about 780 nm in total), arrival at 14.00, yacht preparation, race start on August 11, race duration approximately 4-7 days.

* The schedule is indicative, there may be changes in the program.

Additional Information

  • When: May - August 2013.
  • You! All comers.
  • Captain: Yuri Fadeev/Lee Galaker
  • Professional, commercial first mate on board: Minimum 1
  • Where: England
  • Payment:£1,000 for a two-week reservation. Balance payment before March 1, 2013.
  • Additional expenses: Food on the coast.
  • Insurance deposit:£3,000 per yacht for the Fastnet campaign. Divided by all participants and fully refundable if there is no damage.
  • Accommodation: On a yacht.
  • Visa: We provide visa support and send you an official letter stating that you are participating in the race as a member of the crew and are included in the team list.
  • Personal insurance: Please take care of your personal travel and medical insurance. This is a prerequisite for participation in the event.

I want to!!! How and where to sign up?

If you would like to apply as a member of a team, please read the FAQ and Yacht Club Terms and Conditions and then fill out this form. Reservation of places for the team - only on payment received.

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We drove off another RTIR, of course it was fun this time!

Code name - Decadent Regatta. The route is simple and magnificent - Golfe-Juan, Antibes, Nice, Villefranche/Bouillet-sur-Mer, Monaco and Cannes. Mulled wine, blankets, the clear air of the winter azure coast, awesome food, movies on sails, charades and french soups with crazy names, and some gentlemen's races, where everyone gives way to each other, of course!

All in all, a leisurely, relaxed stay in good company on an excellent route. The antithesis of the crazy schedule that reigns in our usual races, where every minute is scheduled. There are only 5 yachts planned, so don't put off signing up!

  • Dates: January 1 - 8, 2011. EasyJet tickets to Nice for these dates are obscenely cheap.
  • Price: £350/bed, early bird.

It will be cool, the average temperature is +10, but it is not particularly colder than the English summer. Winter on this stretch of coast is usually mild, sunny, the winds are stable, but there are also strong ones, of course. We do not plan long distance crossings, all overnight stays in harbors. Bring sweaters, guitars, blankets, dominoes, your favorite dvds and lots and lots of socks. Heating on the yacht - Yes! Yes! Yes! We bring ‘breezes’ to all yachts, it will be warm. If you still have doubts, read it, you won't regret it!

See you on the Riviera

Yuri Fadeev

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Fractional ownership of a yacht, with a legally registered syndicate and a professional management company - the right choice.

Kabestan Limited, a British yacht management company with decades of experience in caring for classic and modern yachts from build to charter, offers a range of sailing yacht ownership syndicates. Buying a yacht? Want to join a syndicate or start your own? Yacht maintenance or charter? We will help you.

An independent management company and a scrupulous contract make the process simple, open and honest, eliminating conflicts between participants and allowing you to sail rather than the constant maintenance and repair that usually takes all your free time. Your nationality and place of residence does not matter, your yacht is always well maintained and ready for adventure in the best waters.

Kabestan Limited, which includes the Kabestan Sailing Club and School, is also a serious management company, with 10 years of experience in the care of classic and modern yachts, from construction to charter, and a very adequate approach to the process. Contact us.

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Yacht club "Cabestan"

The 7th Mediterranean regatta of the Kabestan Yachting Club – “Croatia 2010” has ended. 14 crews competed for prizes in a series of cross-country races around the country's islands.

Almost half of the route met the teams with 30 knots of wind, testing crews and yachts for strength. There are many adventures, accidents and racing excitement recorded in the ship's logs, and the crews learned a lot and fought for every meter!

Overall race winners:

1. Ilya Kosolapov, Ivory team (Moscow, Russia)
2. Maxim Shvedov, Northern Breeze team (London, UK)
3. Vladimir Phillips, Mercury Team (London, UK)

As always, the highlight of the program was the traditional “Tuzik Race”, the main rule of which is the use of kitchen utensils instead of oars. The fight was serious, not only for the first place, but also for the prize for the best costume.

All the crews went to the distance seriously prepared, and choosing the best suit was the most difficult process in the entire regatta!

Race winners: The Real Indians, Ivory and Wolves. Prize for the best costume: the crew of “SnowPro – SNOWa PRёt” dressed as hangover surgeons.

On one of the last evenings of the regatta, the Gambit team, led by skipper Ivan Starostin, staged a wonderful theatrical performance for the participants of the regatta and local residents right on the embankment of the village of Rogoznitsa.

Team Gambit

The musical-satirical play called "Captain's Grief" (based on Chukovsky's "Fedorino Grief") went off with a bang! and the evening ended with "karaoke in Russian" - songs accompanied by guitars, once again confirming the unique fighting and creative spirit of the club.

The next regatta of the sailing club “Cabestan” will be held in England at the end of August.

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Yacht school ‘Cabestan’

About the course

Advanced Course in Driving a Powerboat Day and Night

Target: To teach ship handling, maritime practice, pilotage and navigation skills to the standards required to safely operate a planing powerboat during day and night in tidal coastal waters.

Applicants may be aware of the conditions listed.

  • The ratio of trainees and instructors should not exceed 6:1 (when using two vessels).
  • The course will take place on a planing vessel with IRPCS compliant lights.
  • Trainees must wear a lifejacket (minimum 150 Newtons) with a DoT approved signal light for training at night.
  • Assumed Knowledge:
    • Candidates must hold a Standard Intermediate Powerboat Operating Certificate
    • have a deep knowledge of navigation and be able to work with the map according to the level of the certificate of the theoretical course of the day sailing skipper.
    • You must have a first aid certificate and a VHF radio operator certificate.
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Minimum age: 17 years old

Practical part

Preparing the vessel for going to sea

  • Motor vessel preparation
  • Checking the amount of fuel and checking the engine
  • Laying and storage of equipment
  • Ship management
  • Differences of a twin-engine boat


  • Characteristics of different hull shapes and propeller configurations

Necessary actions in stormy weather

  • Demonstrate a practical understanding and correct use of throttle and trim mechanisms
  • Demonstrate awareness of wind and current effects when tacking, including:
    • steering in alignments and in fenced canals
  • Turning in tight spaces
  • Mooring to the berth in different directions of wind and current.
  • Extraction and ejection of the mooring barrel
  • The implementation of the passage and the duties of the skipper


  • The Importance of Advance Flight Planning
  • Planning and passage of coastal crossings, taking into account relevant navigational hazards, type of ship and number of crew

Cartographers and radar, their advantages and disadvantages

  • Organization of navigation, safety and welfare of the crew during the passage on a motor vessel
  • Vessel guidance at full speed using time/distance data
  • Use of electronic navigation equipment to plan and complete a passage, including the use of waypoints, electronic route and XTE, SOG, COG, BTW, DTW


  • Implementation of pilotage plans and pilotage when entering or leaving the harbor
  • Use of lotlines and alignments, alignment bearings, back bearings and echo sounders as a means of pilotage
  • Vessel navigation using echo sounders


  • Terms used in shipping forecasts, including
  • The Beaufort scale and its significance for small craft


  • Sources of weather forecast information and interpretation of forecasts, including synoptic maps
  • Significance of meteorological directions

Divergence rules

  • Application of International Rules
  • Collision warning at sea
  • Use of engines
  • Propeller replacement
  • Propeller diameter and pitch
  • Propeller ventilation and cavitation


  • Necessary checks before starting during the run and after stopping for diesel and gasoline engines
  • Periodic checks of engines and electrical equipment, including spark plugs, water filters and pump impellers
  • Emptying the fuel supply system (diesel), changing filters and pump impellers
  • Drive belts
  • Spare parts



  • Necessary correct action in emergency situations
  • Prevention of fires and elimination of damage to the case / aspects of water resistance
  • Necessary actions in the provision of first aid in emergency situations
  • Towing and search and rescue procedures with a rescue helicopter.
  • Trajectory Missile Use Skill: Man Overboard Rescue in All Realistic Conditions

Night flight

  • Take command of the motorized vessel at night, including leaving and entering the harbor
  • Demonstrate proper watch keeping and positioning of illuminated and non-illuminated buoys at night
  • XTE - lateral deviation, SOS - speed over the seabed. COG - course over seabed, BTW - waypoint bearing, DTW - waypoint range
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The Kabestan Yacht School is an RYA accredited center. A complete line of courses for all levels, from beginner to RYA Yachtmaster Offshore. All instructors are RYA Instructor certified.

About the course

The course of the average level of control of the vessel under the engine in the daytime.

Target: Learn how to operate a powerboat to the standard required to complete a short coastal crossing in a day.

  • The ratio of trainees and instructors should not exceed 6:1 (when using 2 vessels).
  • Required Knowledge: Candidates must hold a standard second level national motor boat operator's certificate with coastal endorsement.
  • The course will take place on a planing vessel.
  • Applicants are strongly encouraged to obtain a first aid certificate and a certificate
    VHF radio operator.
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Minimum age: 16


Day cruise planning

  • Navigation
  • True and magnetic bearings
  • Bearing and distance
  • Symbols on the map
  • Tidal diamonds and tidal currents
  • Use of sailing directions
  • Position lines
  • Use of marine anchors (can be used in almost appropriate conditions)


  • Latitudes and longitudes
  • Principles of GPS
  • Sources of information about weather forecasts and their interpretation
  • Use plotting tools and plot a course for control (CTS)
  • Compile tide heights for major tide stations using a tide curve
  • Interpret the lateral and cardinal navigational hazard fencing systems
  • Comply with IRPCS, in particular rules 5, 7, 8, 9, 13-17, 23
  • Use GPS navigation on the great circle and determine XTE, SOG, COG, BTW, DTW
  • Use a laminated card while swimming
  • Use pilotage to enter an unfamiliar port during daylight hours
  • Explain how to make an emergency VHF emergency call

Practical part

The purpose of the practical exercises is to put into practice the theory detailed above, as well as to complete the section, which will include:

Vessel preparation


  • Importance of protective clothing and protective equipment
  • The minimum level of equipment for the vessel
  • Calculation of the amount of equipment for longer transitions
  • Appropriate storage location for equipment
  • Boat control
  • Wave actions
  • Storm conditions
  • Other water users
  • Stern moorings between masts or Wed style
  • Demonstrate awareness of wind and current conditions
  • Moor to the ship, in the harbor at the pier (where available)
  • Demonstrate usage
  • brake cord of the appropriate length at all times


  • Demonstrate the practical application of pilotage techniques in local waters
  • Implementation of the passage


  • Pre-planning needs, including advice on planning maneuvers in case of a need to return at night


  • Apply the knowledge acquired during the passage of the theoretical section and successfully complete the practical part
  • Determine location using traditional and electronic means
  • The "man overboard" situation


  • Techniques for rescuing a man overboard in different conditions
  • Rescue a man overboard
  • ‘XTE – lateral deviation,
  • SOG - speed relative to the seabed,
  • COG - course over the seabed,
  • BTW - waypoint bearing,
  • DTW - waypoint range
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The Kabestan Yacht School is an RYA accredited center. A complete line of courses for all levels, from beginner to RYA Yachtmaster Offshore. All instructors are RYA Instructor certified.

About the course

Level 2 Nautical Qualification Course

Target: to teach ship management and provide marine practice on motorized vessels.

The course can be taken on different types of boats: both planing and displacement boats, the issued certificate will be confirmed by indicating the type(s) of vessel(s) on which the course(s) took place.

  • The ratio of trainees and instructors should not exceed 3:1.
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Minimum age: 12 years old. Trainees aged 12 to 16 years will receive a second level certificate, which will be confirmed. In this situation, the owner must operate the powerboat under the direct supervision of a responsible adult.

Practical part

Launching and installation

  • Using a trailer boat or launch cart
  • Calculation of launching conditions and sea conditions, including hazards and hazard guards
  • Required number of people for descent / installation
  • Design, width and condition of the descent
  • Steep/gliding descents, shore drop
  • Contents of trailer bearings, bayonets, benzels, knots, lights and winch
  • Vessel preparation, positions, fenders, safety equipment, fuel tanks, position and storage equipment on board

Parking with trailer

  • Load: Effects on handling and performance, balance and ballast movement, CE Plate and displacement boat manufacturer's recommendations: forward and backward, continued coasting


  • Crew members: minimum number on fast craft, watch keeping
  • Awareness of other water users, including surf effects
  • Controls, controls, influence of laminar or tidal flow to maneuver at full speed: planing, trim mechanisms and throttle mechanism
  • Planing boats: Propeller and dive angle, shallow water drive, full/low speed control, tiller/rudder console
  • Performing pre-start, engine start and stop checks
  • Demonstrate the use of an appropriate length brake cord at all times
  • Tacking at low speed Including:
    • cornering in tight spaces, wind effect on the nose and holding.
  • Demonstrate awareness of the risk of flooding when using reverse gear
  • Tacking at full speed, including S-turns and 180-degree turns

Buoy System Safety


  • Preparation of the mooring rope
  • Using the boat hoist glitch
  • Approach method
  • Communication with crew members
  • Mooring a vessel
  • Procedure for performing actions in a deviation situation
  • Approach and fastening with the buoy system

Anchoring a ship


  • Method of approach in different conditions
  • Inertia cancellation
  • Communication with crew members
  • Endurance test
  • Water depth holding capacity, appropriate anchor chain length
  • Anchor types
  • Compartment and fastening to the vessel
  • Preparing the anchor, chain and rope
  • Anchor lifting
  • Controlled approach and anchoring
  • Raise the anchor under control

Release and mooring


  • Preparation and use of the painter, positions and fenders, fastening to the vessel, storage on the move
  • Speed ​​and angle of approach
  • Wind influence
  • Approach method in tidal flow or laminar flow
  • Implementation of quick mooring
  • The use of springs.
  • Departure - forward or backward
  • Man overboard
  • Man overboard rescue
  • Take immediate action
  • Determine the location of the person overboard. Perform a correct turn based on the propeller data
  • Approach and selection of a person from the water


  • Types of ships; advantages and disadvantages of different hull shapes with regard to stability at sea
  • Engines and drives; advantages and disadvantages of outboard engine, inboard engine and parts
    outboard motor, single and twin screw engines, fuel selection and use. Placement of fuel tanks, fuel pipelines, batteries, wiring, fire extinguishers. Organization of checking the technical condition of the engine, diagnostics of major faults
  • lashing procedure
  • Coastal waters advice for shipmasters
  • Uses and disadvantages of GPS
  • Application of local government regulations, especially in relation to merchant shipping
  • Sources of weather forecast information


  • Awareness of other water users
  • Communication with another vessel - manual and sound signals
  • Ship disabled
  • Emergency, flood warning
  • Anchoring - alternative means of propulsion
  • Towing and passage in tow
  • Firefighting and firefightingDistress and SOS signals
  • Application of IRPCS, mainly rules 5, 7, 8, 9, 12-19

Coastal Skipper Candidates

  • Pilotage and passage planning
  • Precautions for small craft CG66
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    The Kabestan Yacht School is an RYA accredited center. A complete line of courses for all levels, from beginner to RYA Yachtmaster Offshore. All instructors are RYA Instructor certified.

    About the course

    This course provides a brief introduction to sailing for beginners. At the end of the course, participants will have experienced sailing, sailing, tying knots and will be familiar with safety on board. Diploma holders may receive a Competent Crew Member certificate at the end of the next three days or two weeks of the Competent Crew Member course.

    • Knowledge of nautical terms and details, equipment and sails of the vessel.

    Knitting knots

    • The ability to knit the following knots: "eight", "bayonet with two hoses", "arbor ueel"
    • Weft rope attachment
    • Use of winches and wedged ducks (clamps)

    Vessel on the move

    • Has experience of sailing on a yacht in accordance with all points of navigation
    • Able to steer a sailing or motor yacht

    Rule of the road

    • Can properly keep watch at sea


    • Knows where to get the weather forecast

    Man overboard rescue

    • Understands the steps to be taken to save a man overboard.

    Clothing and equipment

    • Understands and follows the rules for wearing seat belts, life jackets, and personal buoyancy
    • ,

Kabestan is a Russian-English yacht company based in Southampton, UK.

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Yachting company of a wide profile. Founded in 2003.

Own Beneteau Oceanis 40, Reflex 38, J109, Elan 410, IMX 40, IMX 38 and Dufour 44 Race.

UK, Northern France, Atlantic, Mediterranean, Caribbean

For whom
Kabestan can be safely recommended to those who want to learn yachting in England and / or participate in professional or amateur international regattas.


Kabestan is a Russian-English yacht company based in Southampton, UK. A distinctive feature is a wide range of services. With Kabestan, you can first get theoretical yachting training in Moscow (the first RYA accredited center in Russia), then practical training in England (from the entry-level RYA Competent Crew to commercial RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Offshore certificates). It is also possible to participate in training trips organized by the company for rolling the miles required to obtain a skipper's certificate, including offshore and night hours.


  • Yuri Fadeev is the commander of the yacht club and the director of the Kabestan yachting school. Captain of the yacht Intuition. Holder of RYA Yachtmaster Instructor and RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore skipper certificates. Has more than 10 years of captain's experience. Regular contributor to Yacht Russia magazine.
  • The instructors are experienced captains with current RYA Yachtmaster Instructor and RYA Cruising Instructor training certifications.

It is also possible to “fit in” with the “Cabestan” team for one of the international regattas (Rolex Middle Sea Race, Giraglia and even Fastnet). The company organizes its own regattas - summer in Greece and Croatia, autumn "Cabestan-Solent" near the south coast of England and winter "Cabestan-Mulled Wine" on the Cote d'Azur. In September 2013, the 3rd Open Championship of Sailing Schools of Russia and Europe will take place, which the company organizes and holds in the south of England. Having organized its first regatta in 2007, in 2013 the company will hold its 16th regatta. Kabestan is also a management company, so there is no doubt that all training and racing yachts are in good condition.

Storm crew recommendation: real yachting, as it is. The harsh conditions of England, tidal navigation, the legendary Solent, which is considered the reference (more precisely, the reference difficult) water area of ​​the world - if you want to be able to manage a yacht not only in the summer Mediterranean, you can get irreplaceable experience here.