Crime and Punishment 3 part full content. Retelling of the novel "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky F.M.

  • 22.09.2019

Mikhail Fedorovich Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment raises questions that do not lose their popularity over time. The author provokes the reader, who has opened his book, to think about the moral nature of man, about his interactions with others, about the boundaries of what is permitted, about righteousness and mercy, about the "poverty" of the spirit and other psychological and social problems.

A very brief retelling of the plot of the novel "Crime and Punishment"

In the center of the work, the main character is Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov. A man from a poor family who left the university due to financial situation, for the same reason his sister, Avdotya Romanovna, is marrying Luzhin, a lawyer and an egoist. Now a murder plan is ripening in the protagonist's head old women-usurers... The plan is carried out, but the old woman's sister, an innocent witness, also comes across. Raskolnikov cannot use the loot, so he hides this and evidence in his apartment. This only aggravates the life of the criminal, he is tormented by a fever and his own theory of "the right to have" and "trembling creatures." "Having the right" - people who have the right to everything, including murder, for the sake of achieving goals. And "Trembling creatures" are people who were created to obey the first category. Comprehension of the act haunts Raskolnikov, until now he considered himself an adherent of the "right of those who have", but fear after the murder puts him in the second category. Fate brings the hero together with Sonya Marmeladova, with a girl who has already experienced life on herself, but remains true to herself, honest and reasonable. Raskolnikov finds support in her and your soul mate... Further in the novel, Porfiry Petrovich, an intelligent investigator, appears, who is trying to bring Raskolnikov to clean water. Next, we learn about Svidrigailov, an egoistic person, whose fate is quite interesting, realizing the reality of his actions, life leads him to suicide.

Unable to withstand the severity of what he had done, Raskolnikov confesses to the murder. Only Sonya understands him and stays with him when he is sent to hard labor. Now he finds the meaning of life in love for Sonya.

A summary of the novel by Mikhail Fedorovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" in parts and chapters

PART I. Raskolnikov's terrible plan and crime

Chapter 1

The main character appears before the reader - a poor student Rodion. He has nothing to eat for the second day already, and the debt to the owner of the apartment in which he rents a room is becoming more and more. The young man goes to the old woman-pawnbroker to pawn her watch. On the way, he contemplates a terrible plan - to kill a mischievous old woman and appropriate her values. At the pawnbroker Rodion is only looking around for the time being. Leaving, Rodion promises to return soon and bring the last valuable thing that he has left.

Chapter 2

Rodion meets Marmeladov, an unemployed official who philosophizes about poverty and poverty and talks about how difficult life is for his loved ones. About the unfortunate wife, hungry children and the eldest daughter, who went to the panel so that the family would not perish from hunger. Raskolnikov brings the man, who is barely standing on his feet, to the house and is horrified by the pitiful existence of his family. Katerina Ivanovna starts a quarrel, and Rodion leaves, leaving the last money on the Marmeladovs' windowsill.

Chapter 3

The author introduces the reader to the tiny room in which Raskolnikov lives. Rodion receives and reads a letter from home. The mother writes that his sister was slandered in the Svidrigailovs' house, where she served. In addition, a court adviser is wooing Dunya, about whom Pulcheria Raskolnikova speaks in the most the best paints... Mother promises to come to St. Petersburg one of these days with Avdotya, as Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin is in a hurry to get married.

Chapter 4

The letter from the house alarmed Rodion. As a loving brother, he understands that Duna needs this wedding only in order to get out of a beggarly existence. Raskolnikov realizes that he cannot forbid his sister this dubious marriage. But they are categorically against an alliance with Luzhin. With renewed vigor, the hero thinks about the murder of Alena Ivanovna.

Chapter 5

During the walk, Raskolnikov had a snack and drank vodka. The young man, who had not seen alcohol for a long time, overcame it right in the bushes. He had a dream from childhood, and when he woke up, he thought that he was unlikely to decide to kill.

Passing the market square, Rodion sees the sister of the pawnbroker, from Lizaveta's conversation with the merchants, he realizes that tomorrow at seven he will have a chance - Alena Ivanovna will be home alone.

Chapter 6

Rodion accidentally overhears a conversation between a military man and a student, who say that the old woman pawnbroker is unworthy of life, and her money could help many young people in a difficult situation.

Having become extremely agitated by what he heard, warming up his own idea, Raskolnikov comes home and begins preparations for murder. He steals an ax from the janitorial and goes to the house of the old woman-usurer.

Chapter 7

Having handed the old woman an imaginary pledge, Rodion kills her with two blows of an ax. Then he stuffs his pockets with her riches from the chest. Suddenly, the old woman's sister comes, and Raskolnikov kills her too. In horror, the young man washes his blood off and leaves the scene of the crime. At home, he returns the ax and puts it unconscious on his bed.

PART 2. Raskolnikov's madness

Chapter 1

Raskolnikov wakes up deep after lunch. He examines his clothes, finds and hides valuables stolen from the apartment of the murdered woman. The cook brings Rodion a summons. The summons of the quarterly excited the student who had violated the law, but he was invited only to write a receipt for the return of the debts to the landlady. Leaving the site, Rodion hears a conversation about the murder of an old pawnbroker and loses consciousness from the stress. The student is allowed to go home, considering him sick.

Chapter 2

Fearing a search, Raskolnikov hides the loot in a deserted place.

Chapter 3

At home, Rodion spent several days delirious, and when he regained consciousness, he found Nastasya and his friend Razumikhin in his room. During this time, a money order came from my mother to pay for rented housing. A friend told Rodion about the policeman's visits.

Chapter 4

Another friend, student Zosimov, visits Raskolnikov. He says that many are suspected of killing the two sisters, but there is no evidence yet.

Chapter 5

Luzhin declares to Rodion, instead of the expected joyful reception, he receives contempt and reproaches from his future brother-in-law. Raskolnikov drives out the unwanted groom. It becomes clear to friend Razumikhin that something is wrong with his friend.

Chapter 6

The schismatic is suspected of insanity.

Chapter 7

Raskolnikov goes to Razumikhin. On the way, he sees the scene of the accident with Marmeladov. The drunkard is brought home to die. Rodion gives all his money to an orphaned family and goes to a friend. Razumikhin sees Rodion off. Approaching the house, students see a light in the windows. Raskolnikov's relatives arrived - mother and sister. The student loses consciousness again.

PART 3. Pangs of conscience and suspicion

Chapter 1

Waking up, Rodion is happy with his mother and sister, but insists that Avdotya refuse to marry Luzhin. Razumikhin falls in love with Rodion's sister.

Chapter 2

The next morning Razumikhin visits the Raskolnikov women at the hotel. They are going to Rodion.

Chapter 3

Rodion is much better. He tells his mother that he gave all the money for the funeral to Marmeladov. There is a conversation about Luzhin again, and soon a meeting will take place with him.

Chapter 4

Sonechka comes to Rodion and invites him to the funeral. Despite the sad status of the girl, Raskolnikov introduces her to her mother and sister. Saying goodbye, Dunya bows to Sonechka, which makes the girl very embarrassed.

Chapter 5

Razumikhin and Raskolnikov visit the investigator in the pawnbroker case. Porfiry Petrovich suspects Rodion, remembering his article published in the press. There, the student reflected on the theory of "trembling creatures" and "having the right". By the way, the investigator asks whether Raskolnikov could break the law? To which Rodion replies that anything is possible.

Chapter 6

A stranger near the house accuses Rodion of a crime. The student falls into a fever again and sees nightmare... Waking up, he is forced to receive another guest - Svidrigailov.

PART 4. Five Steps from Recognition

Chapter 1

Svidrigailov asks Raskolnikov to meet with his sister. Marfa Petrovna, dying, left Duna money. But Rodion is categorically against this meeting.

Chapter 2-3

At a meeting with Luzhin, Dunya says that he cannot prefer him to his brother. She asks Luzhin to leave.

Chapter 4

Rodion goes to Sonya. He promises the girl that he will come again and tell her the name of the killer. Svidrigailov hears their conversation.

Chapter 5

Rodion comes to the investigator for his belongings. Porfiry Petrovich again tortures him with his suspicions. Raskolnikov is very nervous, he almost betrays himself.

Chapter 6

Mikolka is brought into the police station, who confessed to the murder. Rodion calms down and goes home.

PART 5. Luzhin's dirty revenge. Raskolnikov's confession

Chapter 1

Out of revenge on Raskolnikov, Luzhin conceived something unkind. He calls Sonya to him and gives her ten rubles, apologizing that he will not be able to come to see her father on his last journey (although no one invited him).

Chapter 2-3

For Marmeladov, there was a good commemoration, but not all those invited came. But Luzhin appeared and accused everyone of hearing that Sonechka had stolen the money from him. The girl denied everything, but a hundred-ruble banknote was found in her pockets. A scandal ensues. Lebezyatnikov, who accidentally saw the setup, and Raskolnikov stand up to protect Sonya. The owner of the apartment drives the Marmeladov family out into the street.

Chapter 4

Raskolnikov confesses to Sonya what he has done. She tells him that he must repent and confess in order to start life anew. Sonechka promises to follow Rodion even to hard labor.

Chapter 5

Katerina Ivanovna goes mad and dies. Svidrigailov informs Raskolnikov that he will arrange a funeral for the woman and take care of the fate of the orphans with the money he wanted to transfer to Duna. The young man understands that Svidrigailov was generous for a reason. And he admits that he listened to all the conversations between him and Sonechka.

PART 6. Confession

Chapters 1-2

Raskolnikov's mother fell ill. The investigator gives Rodion two days to come and confess that he had killed.

Chapters 3-4

Raskolnikov realizes that he wants to see Svidrigailov. A frank conversation will take place between them.

Chapter 5

After leaving the tavern, Svidrigailov lures Dunya into his apartment, without informing her brother Rodion about what she was planning. The scoundrel tells the girl that he knows the truth about what Raskolnikov did, but he can help him if Dunya answers him with love. The girl wants to leave, but finds that the door is locked from the inside. She grabs a pistol and shoots at Svidrigailov. When none of the bullets reach the target, Svidrigailov gives Duna the key, she leaves.

Chapter 6

After wandering around the taverns, Svidrigailov goes to Sonya and gives her three thousand rubles. Then he rents a hotel room, where he has a nightmare from the past. Svidrigailov kills himself with a shot in the head.

Chapter 7

Raskolnikov regrets that he did not live up to his own hopes and is going to confess. He says goodbye to his family.

Chapter 8

Sonya gives Rodion pectoral cross, orders to go to the intersection and kiss the ground, confessing to himself what he had done. Raskolnikov does as Sonia asked, and then goes to the police station to confess. There he learns about the death of Svidrigailov.

EPILOGUE or Raskolnikov's new life

Chapter 1

Raskolnikov was sentenced to hard labor. Sonya follows him to Siberia. Dunya and Razumikhin are getting married and are also planning to move to Siberia. Pulcheria Ivanovna has not come to terms with her son's crime, she is dying of melancholy.

Chapter 2

The prisoners fell in love with Sonya, and Rodion was avoided for his "godless" thoughts. Over time, he repents of the crime and realizes that he is completely in love with Sonechka.

Conclusion and conclusions on the work "Crime and Punishment"

Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment raises questions of human morality, rights to life and true virtue. An analysis of the life of the protagonist makes it clear to the reader that no crime can go unpunished. In the case of Raskolnikov, his punishment was moral torment, and hard labor and Sonya's love - salvation and forgiveness. Dostoevsky emphasizes that no good or great goals are worth the life of a person, whatever he may be.

The novel "Crime and Punishment" is read in one breath, but if time is sorely lacking, then you can get acquainted with it in a short summary. Below is some useful information related to this great literary work Russian classic: the history of creation, a summary, characteristics of the characters and conclusions from the novel "Crime and Punishment".

Briefly about the heroes of Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment"

The images of Dostoevsky's characters in the novel Crime and Punishment are infected with the spirit of protest, which denies humiliation of human dignity and social injustice. The writer believes in fundamental truths: everyone has the right to a spiritual individuality, fair treatment and decent living conditions.

Of no small importance in the interpretation and reading of Dostoevsky is the image of the city, on the streets of which the main actions of the novel are concentrated. The image of St. Petersburg complements and catalyzes the feeling of hopelessness in which the main characters of the work are mired. The city strangles the heroes of the novel, inspires black thoughts and imputes illegal actions. By means of this pressure from the outside, the insane theory of the protagonist is born.

Image Petersburg in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

Stuffy, dusty, beggar Petersburg in the novel "Crime and Punishment" can be safely included in the list of the main characters. Even reading a short retelling of the events of Dostoevsky's work, special attention should be paid to the characterization of this city.

The splendor of the urban landscape of St. Petersburg at all times was admired by poets and artists, residents were proud and admired by tourists. But in the immortal work of Dostoevsky, the Northern capital is presented in a completely different light. From the first pages, the author plunges the reader headlong into the disgusting atmosphere of St. Petersburg, "stinking", as the protagonist of the novel sees it: the sad, painful faces of passers-by, peeling paint on the walls, wash, rubbish, broken pavements and endless eateries calling to find oblivion in a glass of cheap alcohol.

The beggar quarter, in which he does not live, but an unhappy student exists, is unlikely to be able to inspire anyone to create beauty; on the contrary, it serves as the impetus for the birth of Raskolnikov's inhuman theory. Heat, dirt, stench, hunger and human indifference reigned in these streets, penetrated into every house and into the hearts of city dwellers.

The conditions of the room, the size of a coffin, in which Raskolnikov huddles are terrible, the atmosphere of Sonechka Marmeladova's apartment is sad, the living conditions and the young children of the widow Katerina Ivanovna are disgusting. There is no air, sun and hope for the future in the fates of these heroes. They are doomed to suffer.

In the descriptions of Dostoevsky's landscapes and interiors, yellow and gray colors prevail, symbolizing hopelessness and impenetrable melancholy. Home, hometown, homeland is always an outlet for a person and salvation from difficult everyday life. But the characters of Dostoevsky, unhappy people, deprived of this grace and the feeling of security, which is bestowed by "native walls". They have nowhere to hide, nowhere to go, they are alone in their misfortunes.

The main characters of the novel "Crime and Punishment"

The main characters of "Crime and Punishment" are complex, multifaceted and contradictory personalities. Their fates are inextricably linked with the environment in which they are placed, and with the individual traits inherent in their characters. It is possible to speak about the characteristics of the heroes of "Crime and Punishment" only by focusing on their actions, since there is no author's voice explaining the events taking place in the novel.

a brief description of Rodion Raskolnikova the main character in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

Rodion - a poor student from the hinterland. He is above average height, dark-eyed and dark-haired, and has a slim figure. A complete lack of money forces him to leave his studies at the institute, he has nothing to pay for the rent of a rented room, there is no money for food and new clothes. Meanwhile, the young man is confident in his own exclusivity and believes in his “destiny”. His Brain exhausted by deprivation came up with a theory of the existence of two "sorts" of people - "having the right" and "trembling creatures." Considering himself to the first, Rodion decides to kill and rob the old woman-pawnbroker, from whose existence, in his opinion, there is no benefit, but only one harm and misfortune.

The personality of this hero is ambiguous - he is calculating and cruel, at the same time capable of compassion and love, which, ultimately, will lead him to repentance and salvation.

Sonya Marmeladova in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

Sonya Marmeladova - a gentle girl of about eighteen with an unhappy fate. Sofya Semyonovna is a thin blonde of small stature with sad blue eyes, a naive character, a kind soul and a heart capable of true love. Sonechka's father drinks a lot, her stepmother is always unhappy with her, and her young half-sisters and brother need help. This fragile, timid, shy creature sells his body on the lush streets of St. Petersburg to support his family. Sonechka is forced to live in a poor rented apartment so as not to embarrass her relatives with her “status”. The heroine will fall in love with the bewildered Raskolnikov and, after sentencing him, will follow him to hard labor, where she will find happiness, love and peace.

Brief description of the hero of the novel "Crime and Punishment" Dmitry Vrazumikhin

Dmitry Prokofievich Vrazumikhin or Razumikhin , as all his acquaintances call him, is Raskolnikov's only friend. He is as poor a student as his friend, but he seeks to get out of his situation - to earn a small part-time job and hopes for the best. Razumikhin is a kind and disinterested person, he takes on the burden of caring for Raskolnikov's family when he goes to prison. The reward for righteousness to Dmitry is the love of Dunya, with whom he marries at the end of the novel.

Very briefly about the minor characters of "Crime and Punishment"

Revealing the image of the main character in any of the works of literature is impossible without descriptions of his interactions and relationships with other characters. These can be neighbors, family members, former lovers, work colleagues and just random passers-by, as a result of communication with whom the characteristics of the main characters acquire additional color, and their actions - motivation. In the plot of "Crime and Punishment" Dostoevsky introduced whole line the most interesting personalities of the secondary plan.

a brief description of Luzhin Petr Petrovich in the novel

Luzhin Pyotr Petrovich is the forty-five-year-old groom of Avdotya Raskolnikova. Pyotr Petrovich is a respectable and respected man in secular circles. He is a successful entrepreneur, wealthy and self-confident. But under the guise of a respectable gentleman, there is a vain and prudent type who chose Dunya as his wife not out of love or nobility, but in order to get a woman in complete power in a hopeless situation. In dreams, his wife should be completely subordinate to him and filled with eternal gratitude. Pursuing profit, Luzhin is capable of a vile act, slander and betrayal.

a brief description of Marmeladova in the novel

Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov - an unemployed official with many children, Sonechka's father, who is unable to feed his family and drowns his guilt in a bottle of alcohol. He is not a bad person, not evil, not greedy, but lacking willpower and masculinity. His weak character prompted Sonya to go to the panel in order to earn a living for herself and her family. One of the saddest scenes in the novel is the death of Marmeladov. He falls under the wheels of a carriage and dies from his wounds in the arms of his relatives.

a brief description of Duni Raskolnikova in the novel

Raskolnikova Avdotya Romanovna - an educated, well-mannered, smart, but poor girl of marriageable age. Rodion's sister is pretty and men like her. She is proud, strives for independence, purposeful, decisive. Dunya was married to Luzhin, but this marriage of convenience fell through, and the girl managed to meet real happiness - next to her beloved Dmitry Razumikhin.

a brief description of Svidrigailova in the novel

Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov - a mysterious and unpleasant character in Crime and Punishment. He is cunning, dangerous and vicious. He is considered guilty of the death of his wife and is suspected of child abuse. Svidrigailov was possessed by Dunya Raskolnikova. When she worked for him as a servant, he tried to seduce her, but was refused. He followed her to Petersburg. Towards the end of the novel, Svidrigailov unexpectedly commits several noble deeds unusual for him and commits suicide.

Characters of small episodes in the work "Crime and Punishment"

In addition to the characters already listed, on the pages of Crime and Punishment, there are heroes to whom Dostoevsky paid much less attention. But they are also important in the development of the plot, and even when reading the summary of the novel, it will not be superfluous to know about their existence:

  • Marmeladova Katerina Ivanovna - Marmeladov's wife and Sonechka's stepmother
  • Alena Ivanovna - the old woman-pawnbroker, killed by Rodion
  • Lizoveta Ivanovna - Accidental victim of Raskolnikov, sister of an old woman-lender
  • Raskolnikova Pulcheria Alexandrovna - mother of Rodion and Dunya
  • Doctor Zosimov - healer Rodion
  • Lebeziatnikov Andrey Semyonovich - Luzhin's friend
  • Porfiry Petrovich - investigator in the case of the murdered pawnbroker
  • Unhappy children of Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladova : Lyonya, Kolya and Polechka
  • Orphan girl on the boulevard
  • Policeman Ilya Petrovich
  • Cook Nastasya
  • Svidrigailova Marfa Petrovna
  • Painter Mikola , who confesses to the murder of Alena Ivanovna and Lisa

Briefly about the history of the creation of the novel "Crime and Punishment"

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky conceived his novel while serving a sentence in hard labor in 1859. "Crime and Punishment" was supposed to become the author's confession, but in the process of seven years of writing the manuscript, the basic idea changed noticeably. The novel is polyphonic and multifaceted, the personalities of each of the main characters are individual and unique.

The work is written in a realistic direction, in the genre of a socio-psychological philosophical novel. The author seems to be among his heroes, not towering over them with the sword of justice, but confessing them, treating their difficult life situations with understanding.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment was written in 1866. The idea of ​​the work appeared with the writer back in 1859, when he was serving a sentence in hard labor. Initially, Dostoevsky was going to write the novel "Crime and Punishment" in the form of a confession, but in the process of work, the initial idea gradually changed and, describing his new work to the editor of the journal "Russian Bulletin" (in which the book was first published), the author characterizes the novel as "a psychological account of one works ".

"Crime and Punishment" refers to the literary trend of realism, written in the genre of a philosophical and psychological polyphonic novel, since the ideas of the heroes in the work are equal to each other, and the author stands next to the characters, and not above them.

Compiled on "Crime and Punishment" summary of chapters and parts allows you to get acquainted with key points a novel, prepare for a 10th grade literature lesson, or test work... You can read the retelling of the novel presented on our website online or save it to any electronic medium.

main characters

Rodion Raskolnikov- a poor student, a young, proud, disinterested youth. He "was remarkably handsome, with beautiful dark eyes, dark Russian, above average growth, thin and slender."

Sonya Marmeladova- the native daughter of Marmeladov, a drunkard, a former titular councilor. "A girl of small stature, about eighteen years old, thin, but rather pretty blonde, with wonderful blue eyes."

Petr Petrovich Luzhin- Dunya's fiancé, a calculating, "prim, dignified, with a cautious and grumpy face" gentleman of forty-five.

Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov- a gambler with a controversial character, stepped over after several lives. "A man of about fifty, taller than average, burly."

Porfiry Petrovich- the bailiff of investigative affairs, who was involved in the case of the murder of an old woman-pawnbroker. "A man of about thirty-five, shorter than average, stout and even with a belly, shaved, no mustache and no sideburns." An intelligent man, "a skeptic, a cynic."

Razumikhin- student, friend of Rodion. A very intelligent young man, although sometimes rustic, “his appearance was expressive - tall, thin, always thin-shaven, black-haired. Sometimes he got into a row and was known as a strong man. "

Dunya (Avdotya Romanovna) Raskolnikova- Raskolnikov's sister, "a firm, prudent, patient and generous, albeit with a fervent heart" girl. “She had dark blond, a little lighter than her brother; eyes are almost black, sparkling, proud and at the same time sometimes, for minutes, unusually kind. "

Other characters

Alena Ivanovna- the old woman-pawnbroker who was killed by Raskolnikov.

Lizaveta Ivanovna- the sister of an old woman-pawnbroker, "a tall, awkward, timid and humble girl, almost an idiot, thirty-five years old, who was in complete slavery to her sister, who worked for her day and night, trembled in front of her and even suffered beatings from her."

Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov- Sonya's father, a drunkard, "a man of about fifty years old, of medium height and solid build, with gray hair and a large bald head."

Ekaterina Ivanovna Marmeladova- a woman of noble birth (from a ruined noble family), Sonya's stepmother, Marmeladov's wife. "A terribly thin woman, thin, rather tall and slender, with fine dark blond hair."

Pulcheria Alexandrovna Raskolnikova- Rodion's mother, a woman of forty-three years old.

Zosimov- Doctor, friend of Raskolnikov, 27 years old.

Zametov- a clerk at a police station.

Nastasya- the cook of the hostess, from whom Raskolnikov rented a room.

Lebeziatnikov- Luzhin's roommate.

Mikola- a dyer who confessed to the murder of an old woman

Marfa Petrovna Svidrigailova- Svidrigailov's wife.

Polechka, Lenya, Kolya- children of Katerina Ivanovna.

Part one

Chapter 1

The protagonist of the novel, Rodion Raskolnikov, is in a situation bordering on poverty, he ate almost nothing for the second day and owes the landlady a decent amount for rent. The young man goes to the old woman-pawnbroker Alena Ivanovna, pondering on the way a "mysterious" case, the thoughts of which have troubled him for a long time - the hero was going to kill.

Arriving at Alena Ivanovna, Raskolnikov pawns the silver watch, while carefully examining the furnishings of her apartment. Leaving, Rodion promises to return soon to lay the silver cigarette case.

Chapter 2

Entering the tavern, Raskolnikov meets the titular adviser Marmeladov there. Upon learning that Rodion is a student, the intoxicated interlocutor begins to talk about poverty, saying that "poverty is not a vice, it is truth, poverty is a vice," and tells Rodion about his family. His wife, Katerina Ivanovna, having three children in her arms, married him out of despair, although she was smart and educated. But Marmeladov wastes away all the money, taking the last out of the house. In order to somehow provide for the family, his daughter, Sonya Marmeladova, had to go to the panel.

Raskolnikov decided to take the drunken Marmeladov home, since he was already badly on his feet. The student was struck by the beggarly furnishings of their home. Katerina Ivanovna begins to scold her husband for having spent his last money on drink again and Raskolnikov, not wanting to get involved in a quarrel, leaves, for reasons not clear to herself, leaving them a change on the windowsill.

Chapter 3

Raskolnikov lived in a small room with a very low ceiling: "it was a tiny cage, six paces long." The room had three old chairs, a table, a large, tattered sofa, and a small table.

Rodion receives a letter from Pulcheria Raskolnikova's mother. The woman wrote that his sister Dunya was slandered by the Svidrigailov family, in whose house the girl worked as a governess. Svidrigailov showed unambiguous signs of attention to her. Upon learning of this, Marfa Petrovna, his wife, began to insult and humiliate Dunya. In addition, a forty-five-year-old court councilor, Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin, with a small capital wooed Duna. Mother writes that soon she and her sister will arrive in St. Petersburg, as Luzhin wants to arrange the wedding as quickly as possible.

Chapter 4

Raskolnikov was greatly alarmed by his mother's letter. The young man understands that his relatives agreed to marry Luzhin and Dunya, only to end poverty, but the young man is against this marriage. Raskolnikov understands that he has no right to prohibit Duna from marrying Luzhin. And Rodin again began to think about the thought that had tormented him for a long time (the murder of the pawnbroker).

Chapter 5

Walking around the Islands, Raskolnikov decided to have a bite to eat with a piece of pie and vodka. The young man had not drunk for a long time, so he almost immediately got drunk and, before reaching home, fell asleep in the bushes. He had a terrible dream: an episode from childhood in which men killed an old horse. Little Rodion cannot do anything, he runs up to the dead horse, kisses its face and, angry, throws himself at the peasant with his fists.

Waking up, Raskolnikov again thinks about the murder of the pawnbroker and doubts that he can decide on it. Passing the bazaar on Sennaya, the young man saw the old woman's sister - Lizaveta. From Lizaveta's conversation with the merchants, Raskolnikov learns that the pawnbroker will be at home alone tomorrow at seven in the evening. The young man understands that now "everything is finally decided."

Chapter 6

Raskolnikov accidentally hears a conversation between a student and an officer that the old woman-pawnbroker is unworthy to live, and if she is killed, then her money could help very many poor young people. Rodion was very excited by what he heard.

Arriving home, Raskolnikov, being in a state close to delirium, begins to prepare for murder. The young man sewed an ax loop on the inside of his coat under his left armpit so that when the coat was put on, the ax would not be visible. Then he took out a "pawn" hidden in the gap between the sofa and the floor - a plaque the size of a cigarette box, wrapped in paper and tied with a string, which he was going to give the old woman to distract attention. Having finished preparations, Rodion stole an ax from the janitorial office and went to the old woman.

Chapter 7

Coming to the pawnbroker, Rodion worried that the old woman would notice his excitement and would not let him in, but she took a “pawn”, believing that it was a cigarette holder, and tried to untie the ribbon. The young man, realizing that it is impossible to hesitate, takes out an ax and lowers it on her head with the butt, the old woman settled down, Raskolnikov hits her a second time, after which he realizes that she has already died.

Raskolnikov takes the keys out of the old woman's pocket and goes into her room. As soon as he found the pawnbroker's wealth in a large stowage (chest) and began to fill the pockets of his coat and trousers with them, Lizaveta unexpectedly returned. Confused, the hero also kills the old woman's sister. He is seized by horror, but gradually the hero pulls himself together, washes the blood from his hands, ax and boots. Raskolnikov was about to leave, but then he heard steps on the stairs: clients came to the old woman. After waiting for them to leave, Rodion himself quickly leaves the pawnbroker's apartment. Returning home, the young man returns the ax and, entering his room, without undressing, fell into oblivion on the bed.

Part two

Chapter 1

Raskolnikov slept until three in the afternoon. Waking up, the hero remembers what he had done. In horror, he revises all the clothes, checking if there are any traces of blood on them. Immediately he finds the jewelry taken from the pawnbroker, which he completely forgot about and hides them in the corner of the room, in the hole under the wallpaper.

Nastasya comes to Rodion. She brought him a summons from the quarter: the hero had to appear at the police office. Rodion is nervous, but at the station it turns out that he is only required to write a receipt with the obligation to pay the debt to the landlady.

Already about to leave the station, Rodion accidentally hears the police talking about the murder of Alena Ivanovna and faints. Everyone decides that Raskolnikov is ill and is allowed to go home.

Chapter 2

Fearing a search, Rodion hides the old woman's valuables (a purse with money and jewelry) under a stone in a deserted courtyard surrounded by blank walls.

Chapter 3

Returning home, Raskolnikov wandered around for several days, and when he woke up, he saw Razumikhin and Nastasya next to him. The young man is given a money order from his mother, who has sent money to pay for housing. Dmitry tells a friend that while he was sick, policeman Zametov came to Rodion several times and asked about his things.

Chapter 4

Another friend comes to Raskolnikov - medical student Zosimov. He begins a conversation about the murder of Alena Ivanovna and her sister Lizaveta, telling that many are suspected of the crime, including the dyer Mikola, but the police have no reliable evidence yet.

Chapter 5

Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin comes to Raskolnikov. Raskolnikov reproaches the man that he is going to marry Duna only so that the girl will be grateful for the rest of her life for ridding her family of poverty. Luzhin tries to deny this. Angry Raskolnikov kicks him out.

Raskolnikov's friends leave after him. Razumikhin worries about his friend, believing that “he has something on his mind! Something motionless, gravitating. "

Chapter 6

Raskolnikov accidentally entering the tavern "Crystal Palace" meets Zametov there. Discussing the case of the murder of the old woman with him, Rodion expresses his opinion on how he would act in the place of the murderer. The student asks what Zametov would have done if he had turned out to be the murderer and almost directly says that it was he who killed the old woman. Zametov decides that Rodion is crazy and does not believe in his guilt.

Walking around the city, Raskolnikov decides to drown himself, but, having changed his mind, half-deliriously goes to the house of the murdered old woman-pawnbroker. There is a renovation and a student starts talking to the workers about the crime that has happened, everyone thinks that he is crazy.

Chapter 7

On the way to Razumikhin, Raskolnikov sees a crowd gathered around the accidentally knocked down, completely drunk Marmeladov. The victim is taken home, he is in serious condition.
Before his death, Marmeladov asks Sonya for forgiveness and dies in his daughter's arms. Raskolnikov gives all his money to Marmeladov's funeral.

Rodion feels that he is recovering and goes to visit Razumikhin. Dmitry escorts him home. Approaching Raskolnikov's house, students see light in its windows. When the friends went up to the room, it turned out that his mother and sister had come to Rodion. Seeing those close to him, Raskolnikov fainted.

Part three

Chapter 1

Having come to his senses, Rodion asks his relatives not to worry. Talking with his sister about Luzhin, Raskolnikov demands that the girl refuse him. Pulcheria Alexandrovna wants to stay to look after her son, but Razumikhin persuades the women to return to the hotel.

Razumikhin really liked Dunya, he was attracted by her beauty: in her appearance, strength and self-confidence were combined with softness and grace.

Chapter 2

In the morning Razumikhin visits Raskolnikov's mother and sister. Discussing Luzhin, Pulcheria Alexandrovna shares with Dmitry that in the morning they received a letter from Pyotr Petrovich. Luzhin writes that he wants to visit them, but asks that Rodion not be present during their meeting. Mother and Dunya go to Raskolnikov.

Chapter 3

Raskolnikov feels better. A student tells his mother and sister about how he gave all his money yesterday for a funeral to a poor family. Raskolnikov notices that his relatives are afraid of him.
They talk about Luzhin. It is unpleasant for Rodion that Pyotr Petrovich does not show due attention to the bride. They talk to the young man about the letter from Pyotr Petrovich, he is ready to do what his relatives think is right. Dunya believes that Rodion must certainly be present during Luzhin's visit.

Chapter 4

Sonya came to Raskolnikov with an invitation to Marmeladov's funeral. Despite the fact that the girl's reputation does not allow her to communicate on an equal footing with Rodion's mother and sister, the young man introduces her to those close to her. Leaving, Dunya bowed to Sonya, which greatly embarrassed the girl.

When Sonya was walking home, some stranger, who turned out to be her neighbor, began to pursue her (further in the plot it becomes clear that it was Svidrigailov).

Chapter 5

Raskolnikov and Razumikhin go to Porfiry, as Rodion asked a friend to introduce him to the investigator. Raskolnikov turns to Porfiry with the question of how he can claim his right to the things that he pledged to the old woman. The investigator says that he needs to submit an ad to the police, and that his things have not disappeared, since he remembers them among those seized by the investigation.

Discussing the murder of the pawnbroker with Porfiry, the young man realizes that he is also suspected. Porfiry recalls Raskolnikov's article. In it, Rodion sets out his own theory that people are divided into "ordinary" (the so-called "material") and "extraordinary" (talented, able to say "a new word") ":" ordinary people should live in obedience and have no right to overstep law ". "And the extraordinary have the right to commit all sorts of crimes and in every possible way to break the law, in fact, because they are extraordinary." Porfiry asks Raskolnikov if he considers himself to be such an "extraordinary" person and whether he is capable of killing or robbing, Raskolnikov replies that "very much may be."

Clarifying the details of the case, the investigator asks Raskolnikov if he saw, for example, during his last visit to the usurer, the dyers. Delaying in answering, the young man says that he did not see. Razumikhin is immediately responsible for his friend, that he was with the old woman three days before the murder, when the dyers were not there yet, because they were working on the day of the murder. Students leave Porfiry.

Chapter 6

A stranger was waiting near Rodion's house, who called Rodion a murderer and, not wanting to explain himself, leaves.

At home, Raskolnikov began to suffer from fever again. The young man dreamed about this stranger, who beckoned him to the apartment of the old woman-pawnbroker. Rodion hit Alena Ivanovna on the head with an ax, but she laughs. The student tries to escape, but sees around a crowd of people condemning him. Rodion wakes up.

Svidrigailov comes to Raskolnikov.

Part four

Chapter 1

Raskolnikov is not happy with the arrival of Svidrigailov, since because of him Dunya's reputation has been seriously damaged. Arkady Ivanovich expresses the opinion that he and Rodion are very similar: "one field of a berry." Svidrigailov tries to persuade Raskolnikov to arrange a meeting with Dunya, since his wife left the girl three thousand, and he himself would like to give Duna ten thousand for all the troubles caused to her. Rodion refuses to arrange their meeting.

Chapters 2-3

In the evening, Raskolnikov and Razumikhin visit Rodion's mother and sister. Luzhin is outraged that the women did not take into account his request, and does not want to discuss the details of the wedding under Raskolnikov. Luzhin reminds Dunya of the disastrous situation her family is in, reproaching the girl for not realizing her happiness. Dunya says that she cannot choose between a brother and a groom. Luzhin is angry, they are quarreling, and the girl asks Pyotr Petrovich to leave.

Chapter 4

Raskolnikov comes to Sonya. "Son's room looked like a barn, looked like a very irregular quadrangle, and this gave it something ugly." During the conversation, the young man asks what will happen to the girl now, because she is now wearing an almost crazy mother, brother and sister. Sonya says that she cannot leave them, because without her they will simply starve to death. Raskolnikov bows to Sonya at the feet, the girl thinks that the young man is insane, but Rodion explains his act: "I bowed not to you, I bowed to all human suffering."

Rodion draws attention to the New Testament lying on the table. Raskolnikov asks to read to him the chapter on the resurrection of Lazarus: "The stub has long been extinguished in a crooked candlestick, dimly illuminating in this beggarly room the murderer and the harlot, who strangely came together reading the eternal book." Leaving, Rodion promises to come the next day and tell Sonya who killed Lizaveta.

All their conversation was heard by Svidrigailov, who was in the next room.

Chapter 5

The next day Raskolnikov comes to Porfiry Petrovich with a request to return his things to him. The investigator again tries to check the young man. Unable to bear it, Rodion, very nervous, asks Porfiry to finally find him guilty or innocent of the murder of the old woman. However, the investigator avoids answering, saying that there is a surprise in the next room, but does not tell the young man which one.

Chapter 6

Unexpectedly for Raskolnikov and Porfiry, the dyer Mikola is brought in, who, in front of everyone, confesses to the murder of Alena Ivanovna. Raskolnikov returns home and, on the threshold of his apartment, meets that mysterious tradesman who called him a murderer. The man apologizes for his words: as it turned out, he was the “surprise” prepared by Porfiry and was now repenting of his mistake. Rodion feels calmer.

Part five

Chapter 1

Luzhin believes that Raskolnikov is exclusively to blame for their quarrel with Dunya. Pyotr Petrovich thinks that in vain he did not give the Raskolnikov money before the wedding: this would solve many problems. Wanting to take revenge on Rodion, Luzhin asks his roommate Lebezyatnikov, who is well acquainted with Sonya, to call the girl to him. Pyotr Petrovich apologizes to Sonya that he will not be able to attend the funeral (although he was invited), and gives her ten rubles. Lebezyatnikov notices that Luzhin is up to something, but does not yet understand what it is.

Chapter 2

Katerina Ivanovna arranged a good memorial service for her husband, but many of those invited did not come. Raskolnikov was also present here. Ekaterina Ivanovna begins to quarrel with the owner of the apartment, Amalia Ivanovna, because she invited just anyone, and not "better people and precisely the acquaintances of the deceased." During their quarrel, Pyotr Petrovich comes.

Chapter 3

Luzhin reports that Sonya stole a hundred rubles from him, and his neighbor Lebezyatnikov is a witness to this. The girl is at first lost, but quickly begins to deny her guilt and gives Pyotr Petrovich his ten rubles. Not believing in the guilt of the girl, Katerina Ivanovna begins to turn out her daughter's pockets in front of everyone and a hundred-ruble bill falls out. Lebezyatnikov understands that Luzhin has tied him into an awkward situation and tells those present that he remembered how Pyotr Petrovich himself slipped money to Sonya. Raskolnikov defends Sonya. Luzhin shouts and gets angry, promises to call the police. Amalia Ivanovna kicks Katerina Ivanovna out of the apartment with her children.

Chapter 4

Raskolnikov goes to Sonya, wondering whether to tell the girl who killed Lizaveta. The young man understands that he must tell everything. Tormented, Rodion tells the girl that he knows the killer and that he killed Lizaveta by accident. Sonya understands everything and, sympathizing with Raskolnikov, says that there is no one more miserable than him in the whole world now. She is ready to go after him even to hard labor. Sonya asks Rodion why he went to kill, if he didn't even take the loot, to which the young man replies that he wanted to become Napoleon: "I wanted to dare and killed ... I just wanted to dare, Sonya, that's the whole reason!" ... “I had another need to find out whether I could step over or I could not! Am I a trembling creature or have the right. "
Sonya says that he needs to go and confess what he has done, then God will forgive him and "life will send again."

Chapter 5

Lebezyatnikov comes to Sonya and says that Katerina Ivanovna has gone crazy: the woman made the children beg for alms, walks down the street, hits the pan and makes the children sing and dance. They help Katerina Ivanovna to be taken to Sonya's room, where the woman dies.

Svidrigailov approached Rodion, who was with Sonya. Arkady Ivanovich says that he will pay for Katerina Ivanovna's funeral, arrange the children in orphanages and take care of Sonya's fate, asking her to tell Duna that he will spend the ten thousand that he wanted to give her. When Rodion asked why Arkady Ivanovich became so generous, Svidrigailov replies that he heard all their conversations with Sonya through the wall.

Part six

Chapters 1-2

Funeral of Katerina Ivanovna. Razumikhin tells Rodion that Pulcheria Alexandrovna is ill.

Porfiry Petrovich comes to Raskolnikov. The investigator declares that he suspects Rodion of murder. He advises the young man to come to the police station with a confession, giving two days for reflection. Nevertheless, there is no evidence against Raskolnikov, and he has not yet confessed to the murder.

Chapters 3-4

Raskolnikov understands that he needs to talk to Svidrigailov: "in this man there was some kind of power over him." Rodion meets Arkady Ivanovich at the tavern. Svidrigailov tells the young man about his relationship with his deceased wife and that he really was very much in love with Dunya, but now he has a bride.

Chapter 5

Svidrigailov leaves the inn, after which, in secret from Raskolnikov, meets with Dunya. Arkady Ivanovich insists that the girl go to his apartment. Svidrigailov tells Duna about the conversation between Sonya and Rodion overheard. The man promises to save Raskolnikov in exchange for Dunya's affection and affection. The girl wants to leave, but the door is locked. Dunya takes out a hidden revolver, shoots the man several times, but does not hit, and asks to let her go. Svidrigailov gives Duna the key. The girl, having thrown down her weapon, leaves.

Chapter 6

Svidrigailov spends the whole evening in taverns. Returning home, the man went to Sonya. Arkady Ivanovich tells her that he may leave for America. The girl thanks him for arranging the funeral and helping the orphans. The man gives her three thousand rubles so that she can live a normal life. The girl at first refuses, but Svidrigailov says that he knows that she is ready to go to hard labor for Rodion and she will definitely need the money.

Svidrigailov wanders into the wilderness of the city, where he stays at a hotel. At night, he dreams of a teenage girl who died long ago because of him, drowning herself after a man broke her heart. Going out into the street at dawn, Svidrigailov shot himself in the head with Dunya's revolver.

Chapter 7

Raskolnikov says goodbye to his sister and mother. The young man tells his relatives that he is going to confess to the murder of the old woman, promises to start a new life. Rodion regrets that he could not cross the cherished threshold of his own theory and his conscience.

Chapter 8

Raskolnikov goes to Sonya. The girl puts on him a cypress pectoral cross, advising him to go to the intersection, kiss the ground and say out loud "I am a murderer." Rodion does as Sonya said, after which he goes to the police station and confesses to the murder of the old woman-pawnbroker and her sister. There, the young man learns about Svidrigailov's suicide.


Chapter 1

Rodion is sentenced to eight years in hard labor in Siberia. Pulcheria Alexandrovna fell ill at the beginning of the trial (her illness was nervous, more like insanity) and Dunya and Razumikhin took her away from Petersburg. The woman comes up with a story that Raskolnikov left and lives with this invention.

Sonya leaves for a party of prisoners, in which Raskolnikov was sent to hard labor. Dunya and Razumikhin got married, both plan to move to Siberia in five years. After a while, Pulcheria Alexandrovna dies of longing for her son. Sonya regularly writes to Rodion's relatives about his life in hard labor.

Chapter 2

In hard labor, Rodion could not find common language with other prisoners: everyone did not like him and avoided him, considering him an atheist. The young man reflects on his fate, he is ashamed that he ruined his life so ineptly and stupidly. Svidrigailov, who managed to commit suicide, seems to the young man stronger in spirit than himself.

All the prisoners fell in love with Sonya, who came to Rodion, and when they met, they took off their hats in front of her. The girl gave them money and things from loved ones.

Raskolnikov fell ill, is in the hospital, recovering heavily and slowly. Sonya visited him regularly and one day Rodion, crying, rushed to her feet and began to hug the girl's knees. Sonia was frightened at first, but after that she realized "that he loves, loves her endlessly." "They were resurrected by love, the heart of one contained endless sources of life for the heart of the other."


In the novel "Crime and Punishment" Dostoevsky examines the issues of human morality, virtue and the human right to kill one's neighbor. Using the example of the protagonist, the author shows that any crime is impossible without punishment, - a student Raskolnikov, who, wishing to become the same great personality, like his idol Napoleon, he kills the old woman the pawnbroker, but he cannot bear the moral torment after the deed and he himself confesses his guilt. In the novel, Dostoevsky emphasizes that even the greatest goals and ideas are not worth human life.

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Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment, Part Three


Raskolnikov got up, and sat down on the sofa. He waved his hand weakly to Razumihin to cut short the flow of warm and incoherent consolations he was addressing to his mother and sister, took them both by the hand and for a minute or two gazed from one to the other without speaking.

Raskolnikov got up and sat down on the sofa. He weakly waved to Razumikhin to stop the whole stream of his incoherent and ardent consolations addressed to his mother and sister, took both of them by the hands and for two minutes silently peered first at one or the other.

His mother was alarmed by his expression.

The mother was frightened by his gaze.

It revealed an emotion agonisingly poignant, and at the same time something immovable, almost insane.

In this look, a feeling strong to the point of suffering shone through, but at the same time there was something motionless, even seemingly insane.

Pulcheria Alexandrovna began to cry.

Pulcheria Alexandrovna burst into tears.

Avdotya Romanovna was pale; her hand trembled in her brother "s.

Avdotya Romanovna was pale; her hand trembled in her brother's.

"Go home ... with him," he said in a broken voice, pointing to Razumihin, "good-bye till to-morrow; to-morrow everything ...

Go home ... with him, "he said in a broken voice, pointing to Razumikhin," until tomorrow; everything tomorrow ...

Is it long since you arrived? "

How long have you arrived?

"This evening, Rodya," answered Pulcheria Alexandrovna, "the train was awfully late.

In the evening, Rodya, replied Pulcheria Alexandrovna, the train was terribly late.

But, Rodya, nothing would induce me to leave you now!

But, Rodya, I will never leave you now!

I will spend the night here, near you ... "

I sleep here near ...

"Don" t torture me! "He said with a gesture of irritation.

Don't torture me! he said with an irritated wave of his hand.

"I will stay with him," cried Razumihin, "I won" t leave him for a moment. Bother all my visitors! Let them rage to their hearts "content!

I will stay with him! - cried Razumikhin, - I will not leave him for a minute, and to hell with all of mine, let them climb the walls!

My uncle is presiding there. "

There I have an uncle president.

"How, how can I thank you!" Pulcheria Alexandrovna was beginning, once more pressing Razumihin "s hands, but Raskolnikov interrupted her again.

Than, than I will thank you! Pulcheria Alexandrovna began, squeezing Razumikhin's hands again, but Raskolnikov again interrupted her:

"I can" t have it!

I can’t, I can’t, ”he repeated irritably,“ don’t torture me! ”

I can "t have it!" he repeated irritably, "don" t worry me! Enough, go away ...

Enough, go away ...

I can "t stand it!"

I can not!..

"Come, mamma, come out of the room at least for a minute," Dounia whispered in dismay; "we are distressing him, that" s evident. "

Come on, mamma, at least we’ll leave the room for a minute, ”the frightened Dunya whispered,“ we are killing him, you can see it.

"Mayn" t I look at him after three years? "Wept Pulcheria Alexandrovna.

But really after three years I won't even look at him! Pulcheria Alexandrovna cried.

"Stay," he stopped them again, "you keep interrupting me, and my ideas get muddled ....

Wait a minute! - he stopped them again, - you are interrupting, but my thoughts get in the way ...

Have you seen Luzhin? "

Have you seen Luzhin?

"No, Rodya, but he knows already of our arrival.

No, Rodya, but he already knows about our arrival.

We have heard, Rodya, that Pyotr Petrovitch was so kind as to visit you today, "Pulcheria Alexandrovna added somewhat timidly.

We heard, Rodya, that Pyotr Petrovich was so kind to visit you today, ”Pulcheria Alexandrovna added with some timidity.

"Yes ... he was so kind ...

Yes ... was so kind ...

Dounia, I promised Luzhin I "d throw him downstairs and told him to go to hell ...."

Dunya, just now I told Luzhin that I would let him down the stairs, and drove him to the devil ...

"Rodya, what are you saying!

Rodya, what are you!

Surely, you don "t mean to tell us ..." Pulcheria Alexandrovna began in alarm, but she stopped, looking at Dounia.

You, right ... you don’t mean to say, ”Pulcheria Alexandrovna began in fright, but stopped, looking at Dunya.

Avdotya Romanovna was looking attentively at her brother, waiting for what would come next.

Avdotya Romanovna gazed intently at her brother and waited further.

Both of them had heard of the quarrel from Nastasya, so far as she had succeeded in understanding and reporting it, and were in painful perplexity and suspense.

Both had already been forewarned of the quarrel by Nastasya, as far as she could understand and convey, and were exhausted in bewilderment and anticipation.

"Dounia," Raskolnikov continued with an effort, "I don" t want that marriage, so at the first opportunity to-morrow you must refuse Luzhin, so that we may never hear his name again. "

Dunya, - Raskolnikov continued with an effort, - I do not want this marriage, and therefore you must, tomorrow, at the first word, refuse Luzhin, so that his spirit does not smell.

"Good Heavens!" cried Pulcheria Alexandrovna.

Oh my God! cried Pulcheria Alexandrovna.

"Brother, think what you are saying!" Avdotya Romanovna began impetuously, but immediately checked herself.

Brother, think what you say! - Avdotya Romanovna began with a quick temper, but she immediately resisted.

"You are not fit to talk now, perhaps; you are tired," she added gently.

You may not be able now, you are tired, ”she said meekly.

"You think I am delirious?


No ... You are marrying Luzhin for my sake.

No ... You're marrying Luzhin for me.

But I won "t accept the sacrifice.

And I don’t accept sacrifice.

And so write a letter before to-morrow, to refuse him ...

And therefore, by tomorrow, write a letter ... with a refusal ...

Let me read it in the morning and that will be the end of it! "

Let me read it in the morning, and it's over!

"That I can" t do! "The girl cried, offended," what right have you ... "

I can't do this! - cried the offended girl. - By what right ...

"Dounia, you are hasty, too, be quiet, to-morrow ...

Dunechka, you are also hot-tempered, stop it, tomorrow ...

Don "t you see ..." the mother interposed in dismay.

Don't you see ... - the mother was frightened, rushing to Duna.

"Better come away!"

Ah, we'd better go away!

"He is raving," Razumihin cried tipsily, "or how would he dare!

Delusional! - shouted intoxicated Razumikhin, - but how dare he!

To-morrow all this nonsense will be over ... to-day he certainly did drive him away.

Tomorrow all this nonsense will jump out ... And today he really kicked him out.

It was so.

And Luzhin got angry, too ....

Well, and he got angry ...

He made speeches here, wanted to show off his learning and he went out crest-fallen .... "

He spoke here, exposed his knowledge, and left, tail between his legs ...

"Then it" s true? "Cried Pulcheria Alexandrovna.

So is it true? cried Pulcheria Alexandrovna.

"Good-bye till to-morrow, brother," said Dounia compassionately - "let us go, mother ...

See you tomorrow, brother, ”said Dunya with compassion,“ let's go, mamma ...

Good-bye, Rodya. "

Goodbye, Rodya!

"Do you hear, sister," he repeated after them, making a last effort, "I am not delirious; this marriage is - an infamy.

Do you hear, sister, - he repeated after, having collected the last efforts, - I am not delirious; this marriage is vile.

Let me act like a scoundrel, but you mustn "t ... one is enough ... and though I am a scoundrel, I wouldn" t own such a sister.

Even if I am a scoundrel, and you should not ... someone alone ... and although I am a scoundrel, I will not consider such a sister a sister.

It "s me or Luzhin!

Or me, or Luzhin!

Go ...

"But you" re out of your mind!

You're out of your mind!

Despot! "Roared Razumihin; but Raskolnikov did not and perhaps could not answer.

Despot! - roared Razumikhin, but Raskolnikov no longer answered, and perhaps he was not able to answer.

He lay down on the sofa, and turned to the wall, utterly exhausted.

He lay down on the sofa and turned to the wall in complete exhaustion.

Avdotya Romanovna looked with interest at Razumihin; her black eyes flashed; Razumihin positively started at her glance.

Avdotya Romanovna looked curiously at Razumikhin; her black eyes flashed: Razumikhin even shuddered under this gaze.

Pulcheria Alexandrovna stood overwhelmed.

Pulcheria Alexandrovna stood as though amazed.

"Nothing would induce me to go," she whispered in despair to Razumihin. "I will stay somewhere here ... escort Dounia home."

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Crime and Punishment - Part One - Summary

All actions described in the work of F.M. Dostoevsky in the work "Crime and Punishment" falls on 1865. Rodion Raskolnikov is the protagonist of the psychological novel by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. He is a former law student who is devastated by poverty. Rodion Raskolnikov's closet is far from an apartment, but a miniature cabinet. The young man is constantly disturbed by painful and disturbing thoughts about everything. He has thoughts and ideas about some kind of dangerous and terrible business... This thought has been tormenting his mind for a long month and a half. And the whole point of his plan lies in the cold-blooded murder of the old woman-pawnbroker. Raskolnikov, in order to pay off all his debts as soon as possible, goes to the pawnbroker Alena Ivanovna. He gives the lady a watch in exchange for money and assures her that soon he will also bring a cigarette holder made of pure silver. The young man cannot understand in any way how the terrible thought of murder could have entered his head at all. To ease his thoughts, he walks into a tavern.

Rodion Raskolnikov, during his stay in the tavern, meets Marmeladov, who is a titular adviser. The drunken titular councilor told the young man about his family. He talks about his wife Katerina Ivanovna. Raskolnikov learns that Marmeladov's wife, with three small children in her arms, has married a titled adviser out of despair. Although the woman was quite an intelligent and educated woman, she simply had nowhere to go. Marmeladov very often spent time in pubs, drinking all his money at the same time. Once the titled adviser even managed to enter the service, but he could not resist and began to drink again. During his next binge, he even took the last money out of the house. The name of Marmeladov's daughter was Sonya. She could not come to terms with poverty, and went to the panel in order to somehow provide for her family. Raskolnikov understands that in his condition it will be difficult for Marmeladov to walk home and escorts his new acquaintance home. In the house of a new acquaintance, the young man sees a very poor setting of the room. He feels sorry for this family, and he leaves some little things on their windowsill.

In the morning Rodion receives a letter. This letter turns out to be from his mother. The mother writes to her son that his sister Dunya was slandered by the Svidrigailovs. The girl for these gentlemen worked in the house as a governess. The hostess's husband, where Dunya's work is, fell in love with her. When the hostess of the house, Marfa Petrovna, found out about this, she began to humiliate and insult Dunya in every possible way. Svidrigailov plucked up courage and admitted that the governess was innocent. Forty-five-year-old Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin, who had a small capital, began to woo the girl. After Pulcheriy Raskolnikov also informs his son that they will soon come to Rodion in St. Petersburg. The reason for their arrival was that Luzhin was in a hurry with the wedding. Petr Petrovich wanted to open a law office in the city as soon as possible. The letter from home really touched the heart of the protagonist of the novel. He ran outside to get some fresh air.

Rodion Raskolnikov does not want his sister to become the wife of Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin. He clearly understands that his relatives agreed to this marriage only in order to end poverty and help Rodion at least a pretty penny. On the other hand, the hero understands that some poor student simply cannot compare with the rich and successful Luzhin. The terrible thought about killing the old woman to the pawnbroker again pops into his mind.

Out of despair, Rodion wants to go to his university friend Razumikhin and borrow money from him. However, after thinking it over well, he abandons this venture. The young man, in despair, spends all his money on a piece of cake and a glass of vodka. After drinking alcohol, he falls asleep in the nearby bushes. He has a very bad dream. In a dream, several men beat an old sick horse to death, and Rodion is very small and cannot help the poor animal in any way. The boy hugs and kisses the dead horse, and then rushes at the men with his fists. Waking up, Rodion Raskolnikov begins to think about murder again. However, he doubts that he will be able to decide on it. The young man goes to the bazaar and at Sennaya Square the hero sees the old woman's sister Lizaveta. During Lizaveta's conversation with the merchants, Rodion learns that the next day at seven o'clock in the evening the pawnbroker will be absolutely alone at home. Rodion understands that there is no turning back, fate decided everything for him.

Raskolnikov constantly reflects on the injustice of life. It is completely incomprehensible to him why the old woman, who does not bring any benefit to society, has a fairly decent fortune. He is convinced that the death of that insignificant creature as an old pawnbroker can save the lives of hundreds of other people in need of money. The young man spent the whole day in a state close in its characteristics to delirium. Rodion, armed with an ax, which he found in the janitor's room, goes to the old woman pawnbroker.

Rodion comes to see the old woman pawnbroker. Alena Ivanovna takes a cigarette box from Rodion and turns to face the window. At this time, the young man with the butt of an ax beats the old woman on the head with all his might. After the crime, Raskolnikov goes to the pawnbroker's room. At this time, the old woman's sister to the pawnbroker, Lizaveta, unexpectedly returns. The hero did not expect such a turn of events. He is confused and scared. He has no choice but to kill the old woman's sister. Rodion, having calmed down a little, goes to wash his hands and an ax, then locks the door, which, to his surprise, turned out to be open. Suddenly, clients came to the pawnbroker. Raskolnikov waits for them to leave and himself also leaves the apartment, hiding in an empty room on the floor below.

Crime and Punishment - Part Two - Summary

Raskolnikov sleeps soundly until three in the afternoon. Then he wakes up abruptly, remembering that he had not hidden the things that he had taken from Alena Ivanovna. He fiddles with them convulsively, trying to wash away the bloodstains from them. The girl Nastasya gives Rodion a summons, which was sent from the police office from the very quarter. When Raskolnikov came to the police station, he found out that the owner of the apartment where he lives, through law enforcement agencies, demands from him a payment for housing. The overseer takes a receipt from the young man with an obligation to pay the debt in the near future. At the exit from the police station, Rodion hears a dialogue between two policemen. Government officials talk about the murder of the pawnbroker. Raskolnikov, hearing this news, faints. All people present in the station decide that Rodion is ill, and send him home for treatment.

Raskolnikov is tormented by remorse, he is very afraid of a search in his apartment. And, in the end, he decides to get rid of his victim's belongings. Rodion goes out into the city to throw things away. However, he fails to do so, since the surroundings are quite crowded. After some time, he nevertheless hid the things he had taken from the pawnbroker. The hero comes to Razumikhin, while the purpose of his visit is not clear even to himself. Razumikhin considers his friend Rodion Raskolnikov to be a sick person. On the way home, the young man almost falls under the wheels of a passing chariot. The woman who was sitting in this wheelchair takes Rodion for a beggar and gives him some money. Raskolnikov is outraged and throws money into the river out of anger. All night Rodion arrives delirious, and in the morning he loses consciousness.

Rodion came to his senses only a few days later. Next to him, he discovers his friend Razumikhin and his girlfriend Nastasya. Raskolnik received a transfer of funds made by his mother. Razumikhin also tells his friend that policeman Zametov visited him more than once and was interested in his things with special curiosity. Left alone in his room, Raskolnikov carefully examines his room and all his things. He is very worried that some traces of the crime could have remained on his things. Razumikhin brings new clean clothes to Rodion.

Another friend of his, medical student Zosimov, comes to visit Raskolnikov. From the guests' conversation about the murder of the old woman pawnbroker and her sister Lizaveta, Rodion understands that many are suspected of her murder. Even the dyer Mikola is among the suspects.

Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin comes to Raskolnikov's apartment. He tells Rodion the good news. The news is that Luzhin has found accommodation for his bride and her mother. Peter Petrovich makes an unpleasant impression on Raskolnikov. Luzhin turns out to be a narcissist. The conversation of the young people again concerns the crime of the old woman pawnbroker. The hero of the novel is horrified to learn that Porfiry Petrovich is interrogating absolutely all the clients of the old woman. Raskolnikov can no longer restrain his emotions and expresses everything that he thinks about Luzhin right in his face. Rodion reproaches Luzhin for wanting to marry a girl from a poor family so that she would consider her husband her benefactor all her life and obey him implicitly. Pyotr Petrovich is outraged. He assures Rodion that Pulcheria Alexandrovna distorted the meaning of his words. Rodion promises to lower his guest straight down the stairs.

In the tavern, Rodion Raskolnikov meets Zametov again. Raskolnikov tells his interlocutor how he would act in the place of the murderer of the old woman pawnbroker. He specifies, in all details, how he would cover up the traces of the crime, where he would hide all the stolen things. Zametov is simply convinced that Raskolnikov cannot be involved in this crime. While walking around the city, Rodion Raskolnikov comes to the bank of the Neva and thinks that he has no other choice but to commit suicide. Before his eyes, a woman rushes into the river, but ordinary passers-by save her in time. The young man immediately abandons the thought of suicide. The hero, in a delusional state, goes to the house of the old woman pawnbroker he killed, where at this time they begin to make repairs. He begins a conversation with the workers about a recent crime, and they consider the person who committed this atrocity to be insane. Rodion is going to go to Razumikhin's party. However, having heard an incomprehensible noise nearby, he goes there.

The carriage was driving along the street and accidentally ran over Marmeladov walking along the sidewalk. The victim was immediately carried home. His wife, Katerina Ivanovna, was in despair, she was angry and shouted at the crowd of onlookers gathered. Sonechka arrives, dressed in a flashy outfit. Rodion notices that she looks ridiculous in the wretched setting of the room. Marmeladov asks his daughter for forgiveness for all the torment that he brought to her and her mother, and dies. Raskolnikov feels sorry for this family. He gives them all his money so that they can bury Marmeladov. Rodion leaves. At the door, Katerina Ivanovna's daughter Polechka catches up with him, and he gives her his address. Raskolnikov feels much better. He goes to a party with his friend. After the event, Razumikhin escorts Rodion home. Approaching his house, Raskolnikov sees a light in the windows. Going up to his apartment, he sees his mother and sister. At the sight of his loved ones, he faints.

Part three of Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment"

Rodion Raskolnikov, after fainted, quickly comes to his senses and asks his loved ones not to worry about him. The young man begins to argue with his sister about Luzhin. Rodion demands that Dunya turn to Pyotr Petrovich. Razumikhin really likes his friend's sister, and he is trying with all his might to prove to her that he and Luzhin are not a couple. Raskolnikov's relatives leave because Rodion wants to be alone.

In the morning, after thinking well over his yesterday's behavior, Razumikhin comes to Rodion's mother and sister. He asks Dunya for forgiveness for the words about her fiancé, and sincerely apologizes for his quick temper. Luzhin sends his fiancée and her mother a note in which the UN says he wants to visit them. However, Pyotr Petrovich asks that during his arrival Raskolnikov was not in the house.

Raskolnikov tells his loved ones about the ridiculous death of Marmeladov. From his mother, Rodion learns about the death of Svidrigailova. Relatives also tell Rodion about Pyotr Petrovich's note. He, in turn, is ready to do what his loved ones want. Dunya insists that her brother must be present when her fiancé visits.

Sonya comes to Raskolnikov's house and invites him to the funeral of his father, Marmeladov. Rodion introduces her to her mother and sister. Although the girl's reputation does not allow her to communicate with the ladies on an equal footing, Raskolnikov's mother and sister behave appropriately with her. Dunya, leaving, swears to Marmeladova. Raskolnikov really wants to get to know Porfiry Petrovich. He does all this because he wants to take the things that he himself pawned from the old woman. Some unfamiliar person begins to pursue Sonya. This man even speaks to her.

Chapter V in brief

Rodion Raskolnikov, together with his friend Razumikhin, goes to Porfiry Petrovich. Rodion makes fun of his friend's sympathy for Duna. While visiting Porfiry, friends saw Zametov. Rodion immediately wants to know if the investigator knows about his recent visit to the house of the old woman pawnbroker. During a conversation with the police, Raskolnikov realizes that he is suspected of murdering an old woman. Porfiry Petrovich, in his conversation with Rodion, reminds him of his article, which was recently published in a newspaper, entitled "Periodic speech." In that article, Raskolnikov's theory was outlined. According to the theory, people are inherently divided into ordinary, which is a kind of material, and extraordinary. Unusual people, if we rely on Raskolnikov's theory, can allow their conscience to commit any crime in the name of the common good. Investigator Porfiry clarifies all the details of Rodion's visit to the old woman. He asks what exactly Raskolnikov saw in the apartment during his visit to the pawnbroker. Rodion is very afraid to make any oversight, and therefore, he noticeably hesitates with an answer. Razumikhin, during interrogation, tells the investigator that his friend was in the house three days before the murder of the old woman. He also clarifies that the dyers worked in the house on the day of the crime. Porfiry, having interviewed young people, says goodbye to the students.

Raskolnikov approaches his house. Right at his house, an unknown man catches up with him, calls him a murderer and immediately leaves. The hero begins to suffer from fever again. He has a terrible dream in which that passer-by again catches up with him. This passer-by with all his might lures Rodion to the apartment of the late Alena Ivanovna. Raskolnikov, having come to the house of the old woman, the pawnbroker, again hits the old woman on the head with an ax, and she, in turn, begins to laugh. The young man wants to run, but people appear around in the apartment. These people condemn Rodion for his act. Raskolnikov wakes up from all this horror. Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov comes to visit him.

Crime and Punishment - Part Four of the Novel Summary

Raskolnikov is not at all happy about such an unexpected visit by Svidrigailov. Svidrigailov at one time rather seriously spoiled the reputation of Rodion's sister. Arkady Ivanovich tells Rodion that they are very similar to each other with him, of the same berry field, so to speak. Svidrigailov asks Raskolnikov to arrange a meeting with Dunya. Svidrigailov's wife left Duna three thousand rubles, and he himself wants to give her ten thousand for all the troubles they caused through stupidity and negligence. Rodion Raskolnikov flatly refuses to arrange this meeting.

In the evening, Raskolnikov, together with his comrade Razumikhin, come to the relatives of Rodion. Luzhin Petr Petrovich is outraged by the behavior of the ladies, who did not heed his request. He really wanted to discuss his upcoming wedding, but in the presence of Raskolnikov, he is not going to do this. Pyotr Petrovich reproaches Dunya for not understanding her happiness. Luzhin also reminds the girl of the plight of her family. Dunya arrives at a loss, she simply cannot be torn between her fiancé and her brother. Luzhin and Dunya are quarreling. The girl in frustrated feelings asks the groom to leave.

Luzhin Petr Petrovich as a wife is completely satisfied with Dunya. That is why he hopes to fix everything soon. Rodion tells his sister about Svidrigailov's visit to him and about his request. Raskolnikov's sister is simply sure that the man is planning something terrible and is very afraid of meeting him. Raskolnikov's relatives begin to talk about how to profitably spend Marfa Petrovna's money. Razumikhin invites the family to engage in such an activity as publishing. All lively begin to condemn Rodion's idea. Raskolnikov, unexpectedly for everyone, gets up in the middle of the conversation and leaves the house of his relatives. At the same time, he tells his loved ones that it is better for them not to see each other for a while. Razumikhin is trying with all his might to calm down the relatives of the young man. He assures them that Rodion has not yet fully recovered.

Rodion goes to visit Sonya Marmeladova. He says her sacrifice is in vain. The girl begins to make excuses in every possible way, referring to the fact that she simply cannot leave her relatives, since they will die of hunger without her. Raskolnikov kneels in front of Marmeladova, saying that just as he bows to her now, he bows to all human suffering. During a conversation with Sonechka, Raskolnikov learns that she was friends with the late Lizaveta. On the girl's table was the Gospel, which was brought by the sister of the pawnbroker. Rodion asks Sonechka to read him about the resurrection of Lazarus. Then Raskolnikov promises that tomorrow he will come to her again and tell the whole truth about who killed Lizaveta. Their entire conversation is clearly heard by Svidrigailov, who has been in the next room all this time.

The next day Rodion Raskolnikov goes to Porfiry Petrovich. He asks the Investigator to return all of his belongings. Porfiry Petrovich must check the young man again. Raskolnikov cannot withstand such pressure from the investigator and asks to plead guilty or innocent of the murder of the old woman pawnbroker. The investigator skillfully avoids answering. He informs Rodion that there is some kind of surprise in the next room.

The dyer Nikolai is brought into the investigator's room. He, unexpectedly for everyone present in the department, confesses to the murder of the old woman pawnbroker. Raskolnikov returns home. He was very surprised at this behavior of the dyer. On the threshold of his room suddenly appears that mysterious person who until recently, near his house, called Rodion a murderer. The man sincerely apologizes for his harsh words. As it turned out, the man had heard stories of the murder in the apartment. It was this that Porfiry prepared as a so-called surprise for Rodion. Raskolnikov begins to feel much calmer.

Part five

Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin believes that none other than Raskolnikov is to blame for his quarrel with Dunya. He is looking for at least some way to take revenge on the offender and invites Sonya Marmeladova to his place. The man asks the girl for forgiveness that he will not be able to attend her father's funeral. In order to make amends, he gives the girl ten rubles.

Katerina Ivanovna arranges a good funeral for her husband. However, many do not come to them. Rodion Rassolnikov comes to Marmeladov's funeral. During all this event, the widow quarrels with the owner of the apartment, Amalia Ivanovna. At the moment of their quarrel, Luzhin comes to the Marmeladovs' house.

Pyotr Petrovich informs everyone that Sonya stole a certain amount of money from him. To confirm his words, he brings his neighbor Lebezyatnikov as a witness. Sonya is very surprised at this statement by Luzhin. Having recovered a little from the shock, she begins to deny the charges and gives Luzhin his ten rubles. Katerina Ivanovna does not believe in her daughter's guilt and begins convulsively twisting her pockets. A hundred-ruble bill suddenly falls out of there. Lebezyatnikov admits that Luzhin himself slipped the money to the girl. Pyotr Petrovich is outraged, he begins to shout, promising to call the police. Katerina Ivanovna and her children are kicked out of the apartment.

Rodion Raskolnikov comes to Sonya and says that he personally knows the killer of the old woman pawnbroker. Everything becomes clear to the girl. She is ready to follow Raskolnikov to hard labor. However, she has a condition that he must atone for his sin. Rodion understands that his whole theory was a mistake and did not find its confirmation in reality.

Lebeziatnikov informs everyone that Katerina Ivanovna has gone mad. The man assures everyone that the woman forced her children to beg, and they, in turn, simply took and ran away from her. The woman is taken to Sonechka Marmeladova, where she soon dies. Dunya meets with Svidrigailov, he gives her money, but she does not take it. Then the man decides to give them to the Marmeladovs. Raskolnikov advises his sister Duna to turn her attention to his comrade Razumikhin.

Part six

After Katerina Ivanovna was buried. Razumikhin tells Rodion that Pulcheria Alexandrovna is ill. Rodion is looking for a meeting with Svidrigailov. He wants to talk about his intentions for Dunya.

Porfiry Petrovich comes to Raskolnikov's home. The man reports that he suspects the young man of the murder of the old woman pawnbroker. The bailiff of investigative affairs advises Rodion to confess and gives him a couple of days to think about it. However, there is no evidence confirming Rodion's guilt. And on top of that, the young man does not admit to the crime.

Dunya is going to meet with Svidrigailov. Arkady Ivanovich wants their entire conversation to be spoken in his apartment. He tells the girl that he overheard the conversation between Sonya and Raskolnikov. Svidrigailov promises to save Dunya's brother, in exchange for her love and the girlfriend's affection.

Dunya wants to leave Svidrigailov's house. However, she realizes that the door is locked with a key. Out of fear and despair, she grabs a revolver and shoots Arkady Ivanovich several times. The girl misses, and tearfully asks her to let go. Svidrigailov voluntarily gives the girl the key to the door. Dunya is in a hurry to get out of Arkady Ivanovich's house, while throwing the revolver on the floor. Svidrigailov picks up a revolver from the floor.

Svidrigailov, in order to forget, goes to taverns. Then he comes to visit Sonya Marmeladova. Arkady Ivanovich tells the girl that he put the children in the best boarding house. Svidrigailov gives the girl a small amount of money. At night, Arkady Ivanovich has a dream in which a teenage girl comes to him, who in the distant past died because of him. He leaves the hotel in a hurry. And later he commits suicide with the help of Dunin's revolver.

Rodion Raskolnikov says goodbye to his mother and sister. He tells his sister Duna that he can no longer lie and is ready to confess to the murder of the old woman pawnbroker. He promises his family to start a new life. Rodion regrets very much that he could not cross the cherished threshold of his own theory, the threshold of his conscience.

Rodion Raskolnikov goes to the house of Sonya Marmeladova. The girl, due to her piety, puts on her pectoral cross on the young man. She is a parting word to Raskolnikov and advises him to kiss the ground at the crossroads, while saying out loud that he is the killer. Rodion does everything as Sonya advised him. Then he goes to the police station in order to confess to what he had done. At the police station, he also learns that Svidrigailov committed suicide.


Raskolnikov, for the crime he committed, was sentenced to eight years of hard labor. For a year and a half, Rodion has been serving a sentence. His mother, Pulcheria Alexandrovna, dies suddenly. Sonechka goes to hard labor after her brother Raskolnikov. Dunya married Rodion's comrade, Razumikhin. A young man has a plan. The plan is to save up money and travel to Siberia. In Siberia, he wants them to start a new life together.

In prison, Rodion does not find a common language with the rest of the prisoners. His conscience is tormented by the fact that he ruined his life so stupidly and ineptly. Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov seems to Raskolnikov to be a man of strong spirit. He adheres to this point of view, because Svidrigailov, unlike him, was able to commit suicide. All the prisoners fell in love with Sonya Marmeladova. When they met her, they took off their hats and bowed at their feet. In exile, Rodion fell seriously ill, and even took to the hospital. His recovery was very difficult and rather slow. All this time, under Raskolnikov's pillow is the Gospel. One fine day, a young man, completely desperate, begins to cry and rushes to hug Sonya's knees. The girl realizes that Rodion loves her and also begins to cry. It was love that was able to save their hearts. As if one heart was the source of life for another heart. They decided to wait and endure all the hardships that fate had in store for them. Sonya Marmeladova was happy, because she could no longer imagine her life without Rodion Raskolnikov.

60s of the XIX century. Poor area of ​​St. Petersburg, adjacent to Sennaya Square and the Catherine Canal. Summer evening. Former student Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov leaves his little room in the attic and takes the last valuable thing in the mortgage to the old woman pawnbroker Alena Ivanovna, whom she is preparing to kill. On the way back, he enters one of the cheap taverns, where he accidentally meets a drunken, out-of-place official Marmeladov. He tells how consumption, poverty and her husband's drunkenness pushed his wife, Katerina Ivanovna, to a cruel act - to send his daughter from her first marriage, Sonya, to the panel to earn money.

The next morning, Raskolnikov receives a letter from his mother from the province describing the troubles he suffered. younger sister Dunya in the house of the depraved landowner Svidrigailov. He learns about the imminent arrival of his mother and sister in St. Petersburg in connection with the impending marriage of Dunya. The groom is a prudent businessman Luzhin, who wants to build a marriage not on love, but on poverty and dependence on the bride. The mother hopes that Luzhin will financially help her son finish his course at the university. Reflecting on the sacrifices that they make for the sake of their loved ones Sonya and Dunya, Raskolnikov strengthens his intention to kill the pawnbroker - a worthless evil "louse". Indeed, thanks to her money, “hundreds, thousands” of girls and boys will be spared from undeserved suffering. However, aversion to bloody violence again rises in the hero's soul after the dream he saw, a memory of childhood: the boy's heart breaks with pity for the nag being beaten to death.

And yet Raskolnikov kills not only the "ugly old woman" with an ax, but also her kind, meek sister Lizaveta, who unexpectedly returned to the apartment. Miraculously leaving unnoticed, he hides the stolen goods in a random place, without even assessing its value.

Soon Raskolnikov with horror discovers alienation between himself and other people. Sick from the experience, he, however, is not able to reject the burdensome worries of his university friend Razumikhin. From the latter's conversation with the doctor, Raskolnikov learns that the painter Mikolka, a simple village guy, has been arrested on suspicion of murdering the old woman. Painfully reacting to conversations about a crime, he himself also arouses suspicion among others.

Luzhin, who came on a visit, is shocked by the squalor of the hero's closet; their conversation develops into a quarrel and ends in a breakup. Raskolnikov is especially offended by the closeness of practical conclusions from Luzhin's “reasonable egoism” (which seems to him vulgar) and his own “theory”: “people can be cut. "

Wandering around St. Petersburg, a sick young man suffers from his alienation from the world and is already ready to confess to a crime before the authorities, as he sees a man crushed by a carriage. This is Marmeladov. Out of compassion, Raskolnikov spends his last money on the dying man: he is taken to the house, the doctor is called. Rodion meets Katerina Ivanovna and Sonya, who say goodbye to their father in an inappropriately bright attire of a prostitute. Thanks to a good deed, the hero briefly felt community with people. However, having met the mother and sister who arrived at his apartment, he suddenly realizes himself “dead” for their love and rudely drives them away. He is lonely again, but he has the hope of getting closer to the "overstepped", like him, the absolute commandment Sonya.

Raskolnikov's family is taken care of by Razumikhin, who almost at first sight fell in love with the beautiful Dunya. Meanwhile, the offended Luzhin presents the bride with a choice: either he or her brother.

In order to find out about the fate of the things that were pledged by the murdered, but in fact - to dispel the suspicions of some acquaintances, Rodion himself asks for a meeting with Porfiry Petrovich, the investigator in the case of the murder of the old woman pawnbroker. The latter recalls Raskolnikov's article "On a Crime" recently published in the newspaper, inviting the author to explain his "theory" about "two categories of people." It turns out that the "ordinary" ("lower") majority is just material for the reproduction of their own kind, it is they who need a strict moral law and must be obedient. These are "trembling creatures." "People proper" ("higher") have a different nature, possessing the gift of a "new word", they destroy the present in the name of the better, even if it is necessary to "step over" the moral norms previously established for the "lower" majority, for example, to shed someone else's blood. These “criminals” then become “new legislators”. Thus, not recognizing the biblical commandments ("Thou shalt not kill," "Thou shalt not steal," etc.), Raskolnikov "allows" the "right to those who have" - ​​"blood according to conscience." The clever and shrewd Porfiry unravels in the hero an ideological killer who claims to be the new Napoleon. However, the investigator has no evidence against Rodion - and he lets the young man go in the hope that good nature will defeat the delusions of his mind in him and will herself lead him to a confession of what he had done.

Indeed, the hero is more and more convinced that he was mistaken in himself: “the real ruler smashes Toulon, makes a massacre in Paris, forgets the army in Egypt, spends half a million people in the Moscow campaign,” and he, Raskolnikov, suffers from “vulgarity” and “ meanness "single murder. Clearly, he is a "trembling creature": even having killed, he "did not overstep" the moral law. The very motives of the crime are twofold in the consciousness of the hero: it is a test of oneself for the "highest grade", and an act of "justice", according to the revolutionary socialist teachings, transferring the property of the "predators" to their victims.

Svidrigailov, who came after Dunya to St. Petersburg, apparently guilty of the recent death of his wife, meets Raskolnikov and notices that they are "of the same berry field," although the latter did not completely defeat Schiller in himself. For all his disgust for the offender, Rodion's sister is attracted by his seeming ability to enjoy life, despite the crimes committed.

During lunch in cheap rooms, where Luzhin placed Dunya and his mother out of economy, a decisive explanation takes place. Luzhin is accused of slandering Raskolnikov and Sonya, to whom he allegedly gave money for base services, selflessly collected by his beggar mother for his studies. Relatives are convinced of the purity and nobility of the young man and sympathize with Sonya's fate. Exiled in shame, Luzhin is looking for a way to discredit Raskolnikov in the eyes of his sister and mother.

The latter, meanwhile, again feeling the painful alienation from his loved ones, comes to Sonya. With her, who “crossed” the commandment “do not commit adultery,” he seeks salvation from unbearable loneliness. But Sonya herself is not alone. She sacrificed herself for the sake of others (hungry brothers and sisters), and not others for her own sake, as her interlocutor. Love and compassion for loved ones, faith in the mercy of God never left her. She reads the Gospel lines to Rodion about the resurrection of Lazarus by Christ, hoping for a miracle in her life. The hero fails to captivate the girl with the "Napoleonic" concept of power over "the whole anthill."

Tormented by both fear and desire for exposure, Raskolnikov again comes to Porfiry, as if worried about his mortgage. A seemingly abstract conversation about the psychology of criminals eventually brings the young man to a nervous breakdown, and he almost gives himself up to the investigator. He is saved by an unexpected confession in the murder of the painter's pawnbroker Mikolka.

In the passage room of the Marmeladovs, a memorial service for husband and father is arranged, during which Katerina Ivanovna, in a fit of painful pride, offends the landlady of the apartment. She tells her and her children to move out immediately. Suddenly Luzhin, who lives in the same house, enters and accuses Sonya of stealing a hundred-ruble banknote. The girl's "guilt" has been proven: the money is found in the pocket of her apron. Now, in the eyes of those around her, she is also a thief. But suddenly there is a witness that Luzhin himself imperceptibly slipped a piece of paper to Sonya. The slanderer is put to shame, and Raskolnikov explains to those present the reasons for his act: having humiliated his brother and Sonya in the eyes of Dunya, he hoped to return the bride's favor.

Rodion and Sonya go to her apartment, where the hero confesses to the girl in the murder of the old woman and Lizaveta. She pity him for the moral torment to which he had doomed himself, and offers to atone for guilt by voluntary confession and hard labor. Raskolnikov, however, laments only that he turned out to be a "trembling creature", with a conscience and a need for human love. “I will still fight,” he disagrees with Sonya.

Meanwhile, Katerina Ivanovna with her children turns out to be on the street. She begins to bleed from the throat and dies, having refused the services of a priest. Svidrigailov, present here, undertakes to pay for the funeral and provide for the children and Sonya.

At his home, Raskolnikov finds Porfiry, who convinces the young man to confess: a "theory" that denies the absoluteness of the moral law, rejects the only source of life - God, the creator of humanity, one by nature - and thereby condemns his captive to death. "Now you need air, air, air!" Porfiry does not believe in the guilt of Mikolka, who “accepted suffering” according to the primordial popular need: to atone for the sin of inappropriateness to the ideal - Christ.

But Raskolnikov still hopes to "overstep" morality. Before him is the example of Svidrigailov. Their meeting in a tavern reveals to the hero a sad truth: the life of this "insignificant villain" is empty and painful for him.

Dunya's reciprocity is the only hope for Svidrigailov to return to the source of being. Convinced of her irrevocable dislike for herself during a heated conversation at his apartment, he shoots himself a few hours later.

Meanwhile, Raskolnikov, driven by the lack of "air", says goodbye to his family and Sonya before confessing. He is still convinced of the "theory" and is full of self-contempt. However, at the insistence of Sonya, before the eyes of the people he repentantly kisses the ground, before which he "sinned." In the police office, he learns about Svidrigailov's suicide and makes an official confession.

Raskolnikov ends up in Siberia, in a convict prison. Mother died of grief, Dunya married Razumikhin. Sonya settled near Raskolnikov and visits the hero, patiently enduring his gloom and indifference. The nightmare of alienation continues here as well: common convicts hate him as "an atheist." On the contrary, Sonya is treated with tenderness and love. Once in a prison hospital, Rodion has a dream reminiscent of pictures from the Apocalypse: mysterious "trichines", infiltrating people, generate in everyone a fanatical belief in their own righteousness and intolerance to the "truths" of others. "People killed each other in senseless rage" until the entire human race was exterminated, except for a few "pure and chosen." Finally, it is revealed to him that the pride of the mind leads to discord and destruction, and the humility of the heart leads to unity in love and the fullness of life. "Endless love" for Sonya awakens in him. On the threshold of "resurrection into a new life" Raskolnikov takes the Gospel in his hands.

Summary of Crime and Punishment by chapters and parts of Dostoevsky for a reader's diary

  1. Very briefly
  2. In parts and chapters

Very briefly Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment

A crime will never pass unnoticed, and it will always be punished, and regardless of the time, it will still be punished and, moreover, twice as much. The secret always becomes apparent, this is also very important to understand.

Raskolnikov is a young man who in himself is a very original personality, since his way of thinking often did not coincide with others. This person is smart, reasonable, but at the same time, his thoughts, his logic are simply incredible. He is the one who goes against society, against some long-established and well-established ideas in society and in life in general. He is a rebel, but a rebel at heart, and to some extent he can be called a leader, but one who, for the time being, will not show himself until it is needed. He can be considered a secretive, closed person, but at the same time, he will not allow himself to be offended. He is a student who lives in Petersburg, in this dull city, where there are eternal fogs and rains.

Maybe it was the weather that influenced him so strongly, but he did not have money all the time, and it was his mother, who was just as poor, who supported him. He also had a sister who decided to marry a rich man in order to provide for herself in the future, and most importantly, for her beloved brother and mother. She thought to herself last.

Raskolnikov is a man who greatly adores his ideal - Napoleon Bonaparte. After all, it is Napoleon that is somewhat similar to him, it is he who becomes a stumbling block for Rodion. After all, Raskolnikov decides to test himself - his theory, which he created for some time. This theory is quite frightening - after all, this terrible in its kind man decided to commit a crime, which later cost him conscience, pride and honor, as well as peace, and most importantly freedom, and even more terrible - the life of a loved one who did not survive this and this is Rodion's mother.

Raskolnikov thought in a very peculiar way, because he thought that if Napoleon was a man who became famous so quickly, and rose from the lowlands to the heights, why he, Raskolnikov, could not also rise and neglect several lives, in order to do this much more people happy. Isn't he also a man, why did Bonaparte have the right to do this, and in fact, as an officer, he could kill right and left, in order to make the life of others better. Neglecting the life of one, he made the life of others much brighter and better. So Bonaparte thought, and so Rodion Raskolnikov wanted to think.

Rodin decided to test himself in order to understand for himself - whether he can transcend himself, whether he can cross that terrible line that unites conscience, honesty and kindness, next to which - beyond the line there are murder, hatred and cold cruelty. And he was able to do it. I thought for a long time, was afraid and pondered, but nevertheless I made up my mind. His victim was an innocent old woman - a pawnbroker. She was evil and calculating, and also very greedy, but this is not a reason to kill a person. But Raskolnikov also needed money. Therefore, having hacked the old woman with an ax, he stole money and some of the things she had pledged. But at that moment, when he was about to leave, the sister of the murdered woman appeared, and she had to be killed so that there were no witnesses.

Having committed two murders in a row, he tried to live the same life, but he did not succeed in any way. He met even earlier with a girl who, in order to feed her stepmother, her children, and her father, became a girl of easy virtue. But she managed to stay clean and unblemished inside, which is very important. It was to her that Raskolnikov entrusted the secret, but she did not stop loving him, and it was she who urged him to go and surrender to the police, since this is a very big sin. Raskolnikov, to some extent, probably loved Sonya, this strange girl, and in some ways they were similar.

The novel teaches true love and kindness, which is important in our life.

Read the summary of Crime and Punishment by chapters and parts

Part one

It was unbearable heat, the main character of the work Raskolnikov left his rented closet, avoiding meeting with the mistress, as he owed her money. A young, attractive, but poorly dressed man went to the old woman - the pawnbroker.

He is exhausted by poverty and recalls that he has not eaten for two days.

Having come to Alena Ivanovna, he gives her a mortgage - a silver watch. The old woman goes into another room, while he, in the meantime, listening, realizes that she has opened the chest of drawers and that she has the keys in one bunch. He surveys the apartment with a gaze.

When he went out into the street, he was tormented by doubts about the malicious intent that had not left his head for a month.

He walks into a tavern, drinks a beer, and his doubts disappear.

In the tavern, the protagonist meets the former official Marmeladov. He is already pretty drunk, begins to tell him about his wife. She, being brought up and educated, having three children from a previous marriage, marries him. He also drinks away all household property. His daughter goes to the panel to make money.

Raskolnikov escorts his interlocutor home. In their apartment, he is amazed at the beggarly atmosphere. He shoves the coins out of his pocket, leaves them, and walks away.

From a letter from his mother, he learns that his sister Dunya worked for the Svidrigailovs. There she was mistreated and returned home. An elderly, but with some capital, Pyotr Luzhin wooed her.

The mother hopes that the daughter's fiancé will help her son. In conclusion, the mother announces that they will soon appear in St. Petersburg.

Having read the letter, Rodion could not hide the evil smile that snaked across his lips.

The main character is alarmed by the letter, he does not want his sister to marry only because of the capital of the groom. He will not allow Dunya to sacrifice her life for him. However, on reflection, the young man realizes that he cannot resist this.

His thoughts return to their former insidious idea.

Rodion learns that the old woman will be home alone tomorrow evening. He understands that his idea of ​​killing the old woman must come true tomorrow.

Raskolnikov recalls how he first made a pledge to an old woman. He recalled having heard a conversation about a rich but bitchy old woman. She mocks her sister and is not worthy of life.

Rodion begins preparations for the murder. He unnoticed enters the janitor's closet, takes an ax and goes to the old woman.

The distrustful old woman lets him in, he distracts her with a “mortgage”. The percent turns away for a second, and he kills her. The old woman is dead, he takes the keys to the dresser from her pocket. He finds riches and begins to shove them into his pocket. The young man hears a noise, it turns out that the old woman's sister has returned. He has to deal with her too. He's about to leave.

And then, at the door, customers call, they guess that something is wrong with the old woman and go after the janitor. Taking advantage of the moment, the killer goes out into the street and returns the ax. He goes into his closet and throws himself on the sofa in oblivion.

Part two

Having woken up, the young man recalls with horror what happened. In a panic, he checks his clothes for traces of blood. He takes out the stolen valuables and hides them under the unstuck wallpaper.

They bring him a summons to the police. He heads there, trying to calm down along the way.

There it turns out that he was summoned about debt for rented housing.

As he was leaving, he heard two policemen discussing yesterday's murder. His legs gave way and he fell. The police consider him ill and send him home.

Raskolnikov is afraid of a search and decides to hide the old woman's valuables. He goes outside and wants to throw them into the river, but then he sees a large stone near a blank wall in a deserted courtyard and hides them there.

For some time he lay at home, he was in a fever, he was delirious.

Then he learns from his comrade Razumikhin that a policeman came to see him. And also a letter came from my mother with money to pay the debt for housing.

The student Zosimov comes to Rodion, he inquires about his health. They have a conversation about the murdered old woman and her sister. Zosimov says that there are many suspects, including the dyer Mikola. However, the police have no evidence against them yet.

Luzhin visits Raskolnikov. He meets him with open hostility. Rodion reproaches him and kicks him out.

His comrades also leave. However, they notice one oddity that Raskolnikov is not interested in anything, and only the topic of murder arouses curiosity in him.

Raskolnikov goes to the tavern, Zametov sits down next to him. Rodion starts a conversation about the murdered old woman and tells how he would have acted in the place of the murderer and where he would have hidden the stolen goods. By chance, a phrase breaks out from him that it is possible that he killed the old woman. His behavior is hysterical, Zametov decides that he is crazy. Raskolnikov leaves.

Rodion saw the crowd of people, he came closer and realized that they had shot down his recent acquaintance Marmeladov. The victim is very drunk and in serious condition, he is taken home. He asks his daughter for forgiveness and dies.

Raskolnikov takes the remaining money out of his pockets and gives it to the funeral.

He goes to Razumikhin, then he escorts him home. Climbing up into the closet, the comrades saw that the mother and sister had come to Rodion. Raskolnikov, seeing them, falls unconscious.

Part three

When Rodion came to his senses, he began to insist that Dunya refuse Luzhin. He believes that a sister should not sacrifice herself for him. Mother wants to stay with him, worried about his condition, but Razumikhin discourages her.

He escorts them to the hotel, he really liked Dunya.

The next morning Razumikhin wakes up with an extraordinary and hitherto unknown feeling, he thinks about Duna. He comes to the mother of Rodion and Duna, they tell him that they received a letter from Luzhin. In his letter, he asks to meet with them, but insists that Dunya's brother should not be present.

Mother and Dunya are going to Raskolnikov.

Rodion claims that he is healthy. He tells his mother that yesterday he gave all the money for the funeral to a friend.

They discuss Luzhin's request, Dunya insists that his brother be present at the meeting with Pyotr Petrovich.

Sonya Marmeladova comes to Raskolnikov and asks to come to the funeral service and commemoration. Raskolnikov introduces her to her family. The mother feels that he is not indifferent to her.

Sonya leaves, a stranger follows her, already at the apartment he says that he has recently been in the city and that he is her neighbor.

Raskolnikov asks Razumikhin to introduce him to investigator Porfiry.

The comrades come to the investigator's home. Raskolnikov says that he made pledges to the old woman and will find out if they can be returned. Porfiry says that he saw his things among the confiscated and advises to contact the police with this question.

While discussing the murder of the old woman, Raskolnikov notices that he is also a suspect.

Raskolnikov goes home and checks the hole under the wallpaper, he suddenly thought that there might be something left there.

Leaving the house, he sees a stranger, he shouts after him that he is a murderer.

Rodion returns home, he felt bad again, he begins to delirium.

When he came to his senses, he saw a man standing next to him, it turned out to be Mr. Svidrigailov.

Part four

Svidrigailov asks permission to contact him for help. Raskolnikov is not happy with him. During the conversation, Svidrigailov recalls how he met his late wife and the situation that happened to Dunya. He does not want Dunya to marry Luzhin and wants to offer Dunya ten thousand for breaking up with him. He asks Raskolnikov to arrange a meeting with his sister.

Raskolnikov and Razumikhin are discussing Svidrigailov, Rodion says that he is afraid of this man and cannot understand what is on his mind. They arrive at the hotel, where Luzhin will arrive for the meeting.

Luzhin expresses his dissatisfaction, he is not happy to see Rodion, as he was insulted by him. They swear and Dunya drives Luzhin away.

Luzhin did not expect such a turn of events, he was sure that the poor girl would obey his words and requests.

Dunya asks her brother for forgiveness for being flattered by Luzhin's money. However, she justifies herself by not thinking that he was such an unpleasant person.

Razumikhin offers Duna not to leave.

Raskolnikov says goodbye to them and asks not to come to him, citing poor health, he claims that when necessary he will find them himself.

Rodion goes to Sonya Marmeladova. They are talking about the future life of Sonya. He learns that she was friends with the late Lizaveta.

Raskolnikov promises that he will return tomorrow and tell who killed the old woman's sister.

Svidrigailov overheard their entire conversation.

Raskolnikov comes to the investigator with a request to return the things he had pledged. He begins to ask him questions that annoy Rodion. He asks not to be tortured by interrogations, and was found either guilty or not.

The investigator replies that a surprise awaits him in the next room.

The dyer is taken out of the room, he pleads guilty to the murder of women.

The investigator was taken aback, he did not expect such a turn of events.

The main character returns home, he is glad, he feels almost safe.

Part five

Luzhin thinks about breaking up with Dunya, he believes that if he gave money to her, then she, by her nature, is grateful, she would not be able to reject him so sharply. He is angry with Raskolnikov.

Pyotr Petrovich asks his friend Mr. Lebezyatnikov to invite Sonya to the rooms.

He lays out money and credit cards on the table.

The girl comes, Luzhin has a conversation with her, that he would like to help her family with money, he gives her ten rubles.

When she left, Lebeziatnikov notices that his comrade has some bad plan in mind.

Marmeladov's widow gave him a good commemoration, she spent on them the money that Raskolnikov gave.

Raskolnikov is present at the commemoration

During the commemoration, the widow begins to quarrel with the landlady.

During a scandal that erupted, Luzhin appears on the threshold of the room.

Luzhin, in front of all the guests, accuses Sonya of stealing a hundred-ruble bill. Sonya cries and says that she did not take the money. Her mother turns her pockets inside out and a hundred-ruble bill falls out.

Lebezyatnikov, observing this scene from the side, intervenes. He claims that he saw how Luzhin slipped the money to the girl himself. However, he thought he did it out of nobility.

The hostess drives the widow and children out into the street.

Raskolnikov comes to Sonya. He hints to her that he knows the killer well and stares at her intently. The girl understands everything, she takes pity on him, sees how he suffers.

The girl is ready to be with him even after the revealed truth. Raskolnikov says that he did not kill because of hunger, he just wanted to understand if he could dare to do it.

Marmeladov's widow is distraught, she walks with children down the street asking for alms, children sing and dance. She is brought home and dies.

Svidrigailov tells Raskolnikov that he will take over the funeral, and will also place the children in orphanages and help Sonya.

Raskolnikov wonders why he is so generous. Svidrigailov says that he lives in the next room and has heard all the conversations between him and Sonya.

Part 6 Crime and punishment in brief

Rodion is in a difficult state of mind. Torment and fear torments him. It does not come out of his head that Svidrigailov knows everything.

Razumikhin tells a friend that his mother fell ill, and his sister received some letter and after reading it fell into a frustration.

The investigator comes to Raskolnikov. He knows that it was Rodion who killed the old woman and her sister and asks to confess to the police station.

The main character goes to Svidrigailov for a conversation. He is afraid that knowing his secret, he may abuse this weapon against his sister.

Raskolnikov's head flashes thoughts about the murder of Svidrigailov.

They talk about Dun. Raskolnikov expresses his assumptions about the intentions of Mr. Svidrigailov. He says that he was previously in love with her, but now he is getting married.

Svidrigailov leaves the inn.

He meets with Dunya, and they go to his apartment. There he tells her that he knows about the murder. He says that he is madly in love with her, and if she is with him, he will save her brother.

She wants to go out, but the door is locked. Dunya takes out a revolver, shoots at Svidrigailov, but misses.

He gives her the key, she leaves, leaving the revolver behind.

Svidrigailov spends time in a tavern. Then he goes to Sonya, gives her money, she thanks him for his help.

He rents a hotel room, he dreams of a girl who once drowned herself from unrequited love for him.

In the morning he leaves his room and shoots himself in the head with a revolver.

Raskolnikov is going to go to the police station to confess. He says goodbye to his family and says that he wants to start a new life.

In the police, he confesses to the crime.

He learns that Svidrigailov committed suicide.

Raskolnikov is exiled to Siberia for eight years. He repented of what he had done and admitted that he had gone to murder because of his cowardice, deprivation and poverty.

His mother, yearning for her son, dies.

His sister is marrying Razumikhin.

Sonya followed him. There she settled down and regularly writes letters to Rodion's sister. In the latter, she notifies that he is very ill.

Raskolnikov was not received by the prisoners and was avoided. Having recovered, he met Sonya, threw himself at her feet and talked about love. He repented that he had acted so unwisely with his life. From that moment on, a new stage began in his destiny, the stage of renewal and rebirth.

There are only seven years left and she and Sonya will be together. In his novel, the author, using the example of the protagonist, informs the reader that for any crime you will definitely have to pay with punishment.

Dostoevsky. Summaries of works

Picture or drawing Crime and punishment

Other retellings for the reader's diary

The story of Tolstoy describes the life of a sixteen-year-old boy Nikolai Irtenevich. Ahead of him are exams and admission to the university. On his life path different people will meet

While in the city of Odessa, the writer Kuprin observes outlandish flights on a plywood airplane. His friend Zaikin, having already made several successful laps, invites the writer to fly with him.

The story of M.M. Zoshchenko "The Learned Monkey" tells the story of a clown who had a learned monkey. This monkey could count and show with its tail the number of those objects, animals, birds that it saw.

Vasily Semi-Bulatov writes a letter to his neighbor Maxim. At the beginning of the letter, he apologizes for the disturbance. Maxim is a scientist and recently moved from St. Petersburg, but did not meet his neighbors, so Vasily decided to be the first to make contact.

The grandmother was already quite old, wide and overweight. The son-in-law was always dissatisfied with his mother-in-law. The daughter and grandson also considered her superfluous in their family.