Makeup with black shadows step by step. Makeup with black shadows

  • 21.09.2020

One of the options for stylish eye makeup is the use of black eyeshadow. The look is especially bright, expressive and charming. Black shadows enhance the depth of the eyes and help to correct the shape of the eyelids if necessary.

Who suits makeup with black shadows?

In order not to look ridiculous or overly provocative, it is important to determine before going out if makeup with black shadows suits you and how intense it should be in your particular case. If you are the owner of dark eyes, you can safely apply such a somewhat outrageous and catchy makeup for an evening dress. But for the fair sex with blue, gray or green eyes, there is also the opportunity to create the image of a fatal seductress. The main thing is to take into account some of the nuances and know the little tricks.

To avoid rough, excessive contrast, make-up for light-eyed girls, in addition to black shadows, must also contain some other color. For example: green, brown, pink, grey, purple. It is applied along the upper eye contour next to the black color and blended gently to create a smooth transition. It is advisable to apply a little light tone on the inner corners of the eyes and also with a brush to achieve a smooth flow into a dark color. Light shadows or close to the natural skin tone are applied to the area under the eyebrow.
However, with black shadows, you need to be careful, do makeup carefully and know when to stop so as not to overdo it. This, as a rule, is an evening option for a holiday, going to a restaurant, a nightclub, or a movie. For the day, such an extravagant make-up is not suitable. In daylight, dark shadows look out of place and defiant.

Makeup options with black shadows

smoky eyes- a favorite version of a solemn, evening make-up among girls. With it, the eyes become especially attractive and bright. In a look through a light haze, mystery and some audacity, obstinacy appear. This method of applying black shadows is often used by makeup artists, as the most popular among clients. In this case, they take not only black shadows, but also various shades of gray, as well as black liquid eyeliner or a pencil. Complete all the beauty by applying voluminous black mascara to the eyelashes.

False eyelashes can be used for the visual effect of enlarging the eyes and to make the look more expressive. They will make the look incredibly attractive, playful and luxurious.

If you apply a thin or fairly dense layer of black eyeliner to the upper eyelid immediately behind the eyelashes, and use a black pencil above, you can also enlarge your eyes. Such an interesting option gives the image some windiness and, like honey, attracts men.

Basic rules for creating black and white eye makeup

  • Under the shadows on the skin of the eyelids, it is necessary to apply a foundation so that the makeup does not roll or smudge. After all, when using black, any irregularities become especially noticeable.
  • When doing black and white makeup, keep in mind that there should be no sharp borders. All lines must be shaded. It is necessary to achieve smooth, smooth transitions. If it is white and next to black, then there will be a small area of ​​gray between them.
  • Matte shadows go on softer and are easier to apply than glossy ones. In addition, they look more interesting.
  • To still get the glow and shimmer effect, you can at the very end, as a final chord, apply some shiny shadows to the inner corners of the eyes. This technique will be especially useful if the eyes look extinct and tired. This will brighten up the look a bit. For daytime makeup, it is better to refrain from shine or apply quite a bit.
  • When choosing a technique for applying shadows, it is necessary to take into account such a moment that white blurs the contour of the eyes, and black makes the border clear and pronounced.
  • Dark shadows on the upper eyelids and the same intense, densely applied black color on the lower ones produce an unpleasant sensation, as if bruising under the eyes. Try not to go overboard at the bottom of the eyes.
  • The arrows must be perfectly aligned. Especially on white shadows, curvature and sloppiness will be especially noticeable.
  • To create daytime makeup, it is desirable to do without arrows induced by black eyeliner. It is better to slightly emphasize the lines with a pencil or correct the shape of the eyes.
  • With brightly painted eyes, it is necessary that the skin of the face look perfect. To do this, mask all the smallest imperfections with a foundation or corrector and powder your face a little.
  • Day makeup should not be flashy and very noticeable. Try to create a more natural look.

How to do makeup with black shadows

Prepare for makeup:

  • several special brushes;
  • matte shadows: black, any brown and light shade;
  • black pencil.

Step 1. Apply a black shadow with a brush on the moving part of the eyelid. Try to apply so that the shadows do not stain the face and do not crumble. To do this, you need to make light blotting movements with a brush.

Step 2. Next, take a clean brush for brown, apply a new tone to the edge of the black shadows and blend everything gently a little towards the eyebrows. Then the edge of the brown shadows with a new brush should be well shaded. Instead of brown, you can take gray or any other color.

Step 3. Apply a light color shadow to the area just below the eyebrow. Also, the edge should be shaded. Nowhere should there be sharp lines and borders between different colors, only smooth transitions.

Step 4. Using a thin brush with dark shadows, bring the lower edge of the eyelid, from the corner to the middle, and also soften the borders.

Step 5. Very carefully draw a thin line over the lower lashes with a soft, but well-sharpened, black pencil. It should also be brought on the upper eyelid along the cilia.

Step 6. Paint over the upper lashes with voluminous mascara, slightly twisting them with a brush. Do the same with the bottom ones. If there is not enough density and length, you can use false eyelashes.

Our black shadow eye makeup is complete and looks amazing!

Spectacular black makeup- this option is far from for everyone, and, of course, it is not at all suitable for every day. But still, knowing the features of this trendy make-up, which will make any girl a fatal beauty, will not be superfluous. In this article, you will learn how to profitably emphasize the features of your appearance with the help of black shadows.

Where will it fit?

Makeup in black tones is not suitable for all occasions. Most often, with the help of black accents, they emphasize the features of their appearance in evening make-up. It could be a date, going out, or graduation. Also, such make-up options are used by designers in order to draw attention to the models walking along the catwalk.

With such rich makeup with black color, it is impossible to go unnoticed. The most common name for black makeup is smoky eyes. In this kind of make-up, only saturated shadows are used. Lips and tone at the same time, can remain neutral or complemented by other bright accents. Although there is a completely black make-up, in which even the lips are made to match the eyes. This option is less common, although it still looks spectacular.

Who will suit?

Oddly enough, black makeup is called universal. It suits all girls, regardless of what color their eyes are. In any case, such a rich shade will emphasize the depth of the eyes and focus on all the advantages.

In general, dark smokes and black lips suit both light color types and darker girls. So, regardless of the features of your appearance, you can use this type of makeup.

How to do it yourself?

Makeup in black tones looks very impressive. In order to create such a unique image, it is not necessary to seek help from a makeup artist.

If you have at least some skills, then you can easily cope with the task.

And if this is your first time taking on shadows and a brush, and before that you have never created anything more complicated than basic nude makeup, then you should practice beforehand. Black makeup requires amazing precision. It should be as accurate and refined as possible.

You can see how to make evening makeup in black tones in the next video.

There are several ways to create the perfect makeup with black shadows. The most common stylistic directions in which dark colors are used are avant-garde, classic or evening. In order to create a beautiful makeup with black eyes, you will need the right amount of black shadows, a pencil and mascara.

Before applying shadows on the eyes, you need to carefully prepare the face for this. The fact is that with such a noticeable focus on your eyes, attention will be riveted to you, which means that even the smallest flaws will be especially noticeable.

Therefore, they should not be. Even out the tone of the face and hide all the smallest problems with the help of a concealer.

After the base is ready, you can proceed to staining the eyes themselves. Let's look at the classic version of "smoky", which suits everyone without exception. In order to maximize the durability of makeup, apply a base under the shadows. Shade it thoroughly so that the product lays down evenly on the eyelid.

After you have applied the base, paint over the lash line with a pencil. Make sure that the growth line is as clear and even as possible.

After that, distribute the lightest tone over the entire moving crease of the eyelid. It can be beige or light brown. You can also use white shadows for contrast. Black and white makeup looks unusual, but very impressive.

After you have prepared a light base, proceed to applying black shadows. Make sure that the product does not crumble on the skin, because in this case it will be difficult for you to remove it. In this case, you will have to re-apply the tone.

With black shadows, carefully work through the eyelid, filling the base of the crease. Emphasis should be placed on the outer corners of the eyes.

If you wish, you can draw neat arrows with the help of shadows. This will give the look of languid sexuality. The same light arrows can be made with a black pencil.

Also, the transition between light and dark color must be shaded very carefully. The transition should be almost imperceptible. The final touch is applying mascara to the eyelashes. In general, at this stage, makeup can be completed.

If you have a light color type with green or blue eyes, and you do not want to attract much attention to yourself, then it will be enough just to choose a neutral lipstick that suits you perfectly, and the image will be completed.

Classic black and white makeup will only get more spectacular if you complement it with dark lips. Of course, the image is not for everyone, but it is quite suitable for a themed party or festival. Gently tint your lips with dark lipstick, and if you go even a little beyond the contour, immediately correct the problem area with a cotton swab and concealer.

Now you know all the subtleties of creating black makeup. Use the suggested tips, do it only when it is appropriate, and your image will always be win-win and spectacular.

Stylish and properly executed eye makeup can decorate any woman. This is especially true for makeup with black shadows. Of course, this option is not suitable for everyday use, but it will be the perfect complement to the evening look. Black eye shadow makes the eyes expressive, charming and memorable, strikingly corrects facial features and emphasizes the full depth of the look.

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How to use black shadow?

How to make black eye shadow? Black color is chosen by strong, self-confident women, real seductresses and fatal beauties. Dark tones will successfully emphasize the shape of the eyes, add a sparkle and seduction, no one can resist such a look!


Black shadows are a universal option for any type of appearance. They are perfect for blondes, brunettes and redheads. We should not forget that using dark colors in the make-up of the eyes, you should not paint your lips with rich and bright lipsticks and glosses, this will make the image vulgar and vulgar.

In the event that your eyes are set very deep, the emphasis should be placed on the inner corner of the eye, the darkest shade is applied there. If the eyes are set close, and the bridge of the nose itself is very narrow, then the shadows are applied to the outer corner.


Black shadows are an indispensable thing in every woman's cosmetic bag. With their help, the same incomparable Smokey Eyes makeup is created. We all once wanted to learn how to do it, so let's try!

In addition to shadows, we need black eyeliner and voluminous mascara. For greater effect, you can glue false eyelashes, but you don’t have to overdo it with volume. A thin layer of eyeliner is applied to the upper eyelid, this will visually enlarge the eyes. If you make up the eyelid using an eyeliner, you can achieve a somewhat careless look with the help of shading, which looks bold and attractive. You can see more about creating makeup in the style of Smoky Eyes in the attached video tutorial, and see the results in the photo!

Makeup for blue eyes

The makeup with black shadows was especially fond of girls with blue eyes. It is the make up with the effect of smoky eyes that will emphasize all the beauty and originality of the blue-eyed representatives of the fair sex. Such makeup will make blue eyes expressive, deep and bewitching. The main thing is not to overdo it with a dark shade. How this makeup looks on blue eyes, you can see in the photo.

Application order

  1. First you need to apply a base on the eyelids.
  2. On the upper eyelid, lines are drawn with light shadows; in the inner corner of the eyes, a strip should be painted with light iridescent shades. You can experiment with them.
  3. Then, black shadows are applied to the outer corner of the eye. Later, this area will need to be shaded with a brush, until the border completely merges with white shadows. The main thing is that the makeup looks soft, and not flashy and catchy.
  4. After that, the eyes should be made up with a black contour pencil or black eyeliner, although you can do without it.
  5. The last step is to tint the eyelashes. It is recommended to use voluminous mascara, which will open up the cilia and make the look more open and expressive. It turns out beautiful and original!

It is especially worth remembering that creating an evening make up using dark shades of shadows is a matter that requires careful accuracy. One wrong move can spoil the whole effect, and turn you not into a fatal beauty that drives men crazy, but into an ordinary panda.

A photo

Smokey eye makeup

The photo shows different options for make up with black shadows. Enjoy and experiment!


In the video tutorials you will find the main directions of this kind of visage.

smoky makeup

evening make-up

Black shadows are not found in every cosmetic bag. As a rule, they are used for smoky eyes makeup. Black shadows are "finicky" cosmetics. It doesn’t suit everyone, it doesn’t always look appropriate. Therefore, when making such an extravagant make-up, follow important rules.

Dark eye makeup for everyone

Eye makeup with black shadows is universal. It suits all girls. Whatever color your hair is, whatever color your eyes are - black shadows can be used by everyone without exception. The question is different - do you have the courage for such a bright make-up, and will you be able to apply makeup correctly?

Think twice before using black eye shadow. But would such a bright make-up be appropriate in a particular case? Will he make the image pretentious and vulgar?

Black shadows are not too good for daytime makeup - too bright and "heavy" in daylight. As a rule, they become an adornment of the evening look - in this case, cosmetics allow you to emphasize the eyes, visually make them larger. Scheduled a photo shoot? Great, feel free to take black shadows - you will look irresistible in the pictures.

Smoky eyes - this is the perfect makeup technique when black shadows on the eyelids look “in their place”.

Focus only on the eyes

Makeup artists advise making only one accent in makeup - on the lips or on the eyes. At least when it comes to daytime make-up. Since black shadows are used, as a rule, only in evening make-up, there are no strict frames here. But be careful! Brightly painted eyes combined with rich red lips do not always give the expected result. It doesn't suit everyone. It is very easy to cross the line that turns a beautiful, bright image into a defiant one.

Black shadows are very picky. To make the makeup look beautiful, it is important that the cosmetics lie on the eyelids as evenly as possible, do not crumble or roll down over time. Black shadows that fell on the cheeks will ruin the whole image.

Choose only high-quality cosmetics! The texture is soft and silky. Pay attention to how well the shadows blend. This is especially important if you are going for smoky eyes. Bad cosmetics will lie on the eyelids in a too dense layer - as if they were smeared with paint.

Matte shadows, not shimmery

For makeup with black shadows, you can use matte shadows or those with sparkles. Both options are good. But it will be extremely difficult for a non-professional to use mother-of-pearl cosmetics with a large amount of small shimmer. Firstly, it is not a fact that you will buy high-quality shadows that do not crumble. Secondly, the very use of shadows requires compliance with certain rules - a base for makeup, special brushes, thorough shading.

If you have just started practicing dark eye makeup, start with matte shadows.

The right combination of black shadows with other shades

Not always monochrome makeup, when only black shadows are used, looks beautiful. It's great if you start doing make-up, combining at least two different shades. Create smooth transitions from one color to another. With black shadows, you can paint over the entire moving eyelid, and highlight the area under the eyebrows with a different shade. You can darken the outer corners of the eyes by painting the inner corners with light shadows. You can use black shadows as an alternative to eyeliner - bring them on the upper and lower eyelids, and make up your eyes with a different color.

Black shadows are combined with brown, gray, beige and even white. Experiment! A good option would be to buy a palette of shadows, where there is both black and others that are combined with it.

Primer under shadow

Even high-quality shadows can crumble and roll. To prevent this, use a primer before you start doing eye makeup.

Primer - base for make-up. There are universal products, and there are those that are designed specifically for the face, eyelids or lips. Cosmetics evens out the relief of the skin, makes the color of the shadows brighter, prevents them from rolling and shedding.

It is better to invest in a primer than to use a regular foundation or powder instead. A common practice is to apply powder on the eyelids first, and then shadows. This will not guarantee long-lasting makeup! There is a chance that the shadows will soon crumble along with the powder.

Careful shading

Eye makeup with black shadows looks neat only if they are well shaded! This is especially true when you use several shades of makeup in the process.

Classic smoky eyes involve the use of black, gray and beige shadows. If you do not shade the borders of the transitions of shades, it will not be smoky eyes. Will have to practice!

In a set with shadows (expensive and not very expensive), at least one applicator is required. For a beautiful, neat make-up, you do not need it! With the help of an applicator, it is difficult to evenly distribute the shadows on the eyelids, and blending them well is generally unrealistic.

For eye makeup (especially when it comes to smoky eyes), it is better to take brushes. These are tools made of natural or artificial pile. The bristles are soft, of medium length, beveled or rounded along the edge, flat at the base. Brushes are used both for applying cosmetics and for good shading.

Lush eyelashes for a charming look

Behind black shadows, eyelashes can be “lost”. If they are not properly painted over, all efforts in creating a bright image will be in vain. Make the most of your lashes!

Curl your lashes with tongs. Paint them with at least 2 coats of mascara. Take mascara that gives volume to the eyelashes. Only then will the look be expressive and open. You can experiment with colored mascara in soothing shades (blue, brown, purple). But it may happen that the cosmetics on the eyelashes will not be clearly visible. It is not a fact that you will find the perfect colored mascara for dark smoky eyes.