If you dreamed that you lost your ring. Why dream of losing a ring

  • 21.09.2020

- this is a very good dream, while its loss usually has a negative interpretation.

To understand the exact meaning of a dream, try to remember as many of its details as possible.

Find and lose a wedding ring in a dream

If a married person dreamed that he lost his wedding ring, this is a harbinger of a series of difficulties. You may have to deal with her departure. If a man had such a dream, he can talk about the adultery of his wife. For a woman, he promises strong disagreements in the family. If a lonely man has such a dream, he portends monetary loss. For people who are not married, but have lovers, such a dream can promise unpleasant discoveries regarding.

A very bad sign is to see a dream about losing a wedding ring the day before. He hints that the marriage will be unhappy and short-lived.

For a girl, this dream can mean ending communication with a person who does not bring her joy. The dream in which you lose, but after looking for and finding an engagement ring, says that you achieve everything what they thought. It may be a symbol of monetary reward. If you never found the ring, a dream may mean that you will lose the trust of someone close to you.

Find a golden ring in a dream - auspicious sign portending a new acquaintance with a wealthy successful person. This dream is very good for those whose activities are related to commerce and business. He says that incredible success in business and a very good profit await you. If you find a ring and put it on your finger, in addition to success, this also means fulfillment of your secret desires. If a young girl has a dream in which she finds a lot of gold rings, this means that she will also have a lot of gentlemen in the future. For a man, this dream is favorable in terms of ideas for business and earnings, which will be embodied in real life.

The dream in which you lose the golden ring has a negative connotation. It mainly concerns the sphere of personal relations, and means and / or with him.


in a dream is a good symbol. It means that in the future you will enjoy pleasant surprises and great deals. For those who in reality suffer from health problems, such a dream symbolizes a speedy recovery. It is a symbol of good luck in business and fulfillment of dreams. If you had a dream in which you found a silver ring, it means an upcoming important meeting or business trip, the results of which will please you.

If in a dream you lost a silver ring, in reality you may be faced with a painful search for your place in life. There may come a state of depression, dissatisfaction with everything that you have, apathy. If the jewelry was thrown on or fell on its own, this may indicate O. The loss of a silver ring can also mean upcoming scandals and quarrels in family relationships.

A dream in which you find a ring with is considered very good. He announces to you great wealth, which require no effort from you to obtain. But if there was a crack on the diamond, or it was broken, finances can get you at a very high price. The emerald ring you found in a dream symbolizes. If you find a sapphire jewelry, expect the fulfillment of all your desires. in itself symbolizes a pleasant surprise, and the larger the stone, the greater your joy from these changes.

Lose a ring with a stone - meaning sadness or a quarrel with someone close. But if you lost the ring and then found it, everything will turn out well For you.

Find or lose the ring in the water

If a married lady saw this dream, it means. But such an interpretation is relevant if . If the ring was found in, a dream means that you can improve relations in the family. But for a man, such a dream is advice not to give up, because otherwise he may lose everything that he has.

If in a dream you lost the ring in water, you need to analyze what the liquid was like. So, if the water was clean and transparent, beware of gossip, as someone may be trying to ruin your reputation. If the water was muddy and dirty, the dream portends a disease, moreover, a serious and long one.

If you dreamed that you found a black ring, a dream can predict quarrels in the family or the need to communicate with an unpleasant person. If you put on a ring and experienced discomfort from wearing it, in reality you may have health problems. Finding a plastic ring is also not the best symbol. Sleep promises loss and disappointment possibly deceit and betrayal. Putting a plastic ring on your hand is a dream, which can mean the loss of financial resources. A wooden ring is a symbol of minor passing events. The dream may symbolize short-term success or a new romance that ends very quickly.

According to various beliefs, losing a ring is a very bad sign, promising, first of all, parting, quarrels and various losses. At the same time, this prediction is relevant both for the loss that occurred in reality, and for the loss in a dream. Of course, if you can find the thing that you lost, the future will be more prosperous for you. However, in order to be sure of this and understand what the plot is dreaming of, it is better to turn to dream books for a hint.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book explains in detail all the visions that are somehow connected with the loss of jewelry. Including explains why the loss of the ring can be dreamed of. So, if in a dream you happened to lose the ring, then in reality you should prepare for various experiences and insults. If a woman dreamed that she could not find her wedding ring, then, according to the prediction of the dream book, she would have to fight for her marriage in real life. Did you see that you lost a ring that you do not really have? In reality, you have unfulfilled desires.

What shape is the ring

Each piece of jewelry in a dream carries a hidden meaning. However, according to dream books, the same decoration can portend completely different circumstances in life. For example, when asked why the loss of a ring is dreamed of, there can be several different predictions. So if you lost in a dream

  • a wedding ring, which means that there will be a discord in your family that will cause a divorce;
  • a modest copper ring that had to be broken and thrown away - in reality you will quarrel with a friend;
  • luxurious "marquis" - in reality you will lose your patron;
  • a ring that frankly annoys you, which means that in everyday life you can get rid of many problems;
  • a ring that is a historical value - in fact, you will get into trouble;
  • signet - you can not avoid bureaucratic delays.

To joy

Do you want to understand why you dream that you were left without gold jewelry in a dream? According to the dream book, this plot is a harbinger of quarrels and separation. But if you happened to lose, and then find the ring, then, as the Eastern Dream Book believes, your reputation will be tarnished. But as soon as you find the lost diamond ring, your reputation will be cleansed of everything bad.

If a woman who has been dreaming of a child for a long time lost her ring in a dream, but then found it in clear water, then she can count on the fulfillment of her cherished desire in reality. If a man had to look for a golden signet in the sea or other body of water, then, most likely, stagnation arose in his affairs.

To rest

Had a chance to lose a ring in a dream, but you weren’t upset at all? The dream book insists that in reality you can cope with all the problems.

Are you wondering why a divorced man dreams of losing his wedding ring? If in a dream you were not upset, then in reality you can maintain friendly relations with your ex-spouse. However, if you are very upset because of the loss of the wedding ring, then according to Tsvetkova, you will only dream of peace.

To failure

Did you dream that a ring slipped off your hand and got lost? Miss Hasse insists that if it was jewelry and expensive, then you can't avoid trouble in life. If a silver ring with a stone was lost, then your friends will bring grief.

If in a dream a silver ring donated by your parents was torn from your hand, then, according to the prediction of the interpreter of the White Magician, communication with them will not be enough in reality.

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To have a golden ring on your hand - for marriage, the birth of a child.

Putting a ring on your hand - to the fulfillment of desires.

Wearing a wedding ring is a harbinger of a successful marriage, love and attention of family members.

Engagement or simply valuable to lose - by one's own will or fault, destroy old ties, find new friends.

Trying on someone else's wedding ring is showing interest in forbidden pleasures.

Wedding rings on the hands of acquaintances - the establishment of easy and non-binding relationships.

If a woman sees her engagement ring bright and shiny, it portends a lack of worries and marital fidelity.

Find a ring - to an important meeting, new love, new friendship.

Give a ring - to marry.

Pass the ring - to losses.

Get a ring - to well-being.

Remove or break the ring - to a dispute, loss or separation.

The ring is not removed from the hand - to captivity.

A signet ring is an honor, a symbol of a son, heir, spiritual successor, successor.

A ring with a large diamond - success in business, an important acquaintance, connections, work and benefit.

Iron ring - hard work and sadness.

Copper ring - joy.

Silver ring - secret sorrows.

Putting on a gold ring - to meet your loved one and the wedding.

Losing a ring and trying to find a ring is to make sure that your loved one treats you unkindly, ignoring your self-esteem.

Admire the ring - to separation or quarrel.

To receive a ring as a gift is a warning about something.

Give a ring - make an offer.

Buying a ring is a symbol of love.

Damaged ring - to curry favor.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Ring

To see in a dream from Monday to Tuesday a ring on your hand - to the joy that children will bring.

If from Sunday to Monday you dreamed that you received a ring as a gift, all the excitement and showdown with the person you love is behind you.

A dream from Friday to Saturday, in which you saw a broken ring, means quarrels and discord in marital affairs.

The dreamed rings on the fingers of other people indicate that your new acquaintance runs the risk of dragging on for too long and becoming burdensome for you. If you had such a dream from Saturday to Sunday, you should beware of gossip.

By the way, the ring has always been considered a symbol of love. It is the rings that are used for the betrothal of the young, being the talisman of the new family.

Interpretation of dreams from

The existing science of oneirology, which studies dreams, does not yet give substantiated answers about the causes of dreams. There are many theories that try to provide a scientific basis for night visions, but none of them provide convincing explanations for why dreams occur. But nevertheless, people see dreams, and even prophetic ones, and often correlate them with an imaginary fulfillment of desires.

Jewelry in the form of rings has a long history. Being essentially a circle, the ring always acts as a symbol of eternity and stability.

Losing a ring in a dream often threatens with real losses.

According to popular beliefs, the loss of a ring in real life is associated with the loss of something very important. Numerous dream books also interpret the loss of a ring during a dream as a bad omen that can portend negative consequences:

  • Possible separation from a loved one, up to a divorce;
  • Foreshadowing of financial losses;
  • Loss of trust or disposition from close and dear people;
  • Significant changes in personal life.

The loss of a wedding ring in a dream portends a difficult family relationship.

Separately, interpreters explain dreams in which the dreamer loses his wedding ring. This symbol means a talisman of relationships in family life. Often a dream in which an unmarried girl became the owner of an engagement ring foreshadowed a real marriage. The loss of such a ring corresponds to the violation of the oath of allegiance and prophesies difficult trials. The loss of a wedding ring in a dream by a man bound by family ties can warn of his wife's infidelity. If this happens to a woman, then in real life one can expect her husband to leave the family.

Night vision, in which a lonely man loses his wedding ring, is interpreted as an alleged significant financial or material loss. Most often, negative consequences threaten if the wedding ring is lost in water - one should expect complex ailments, a serious illness.

As other consequences for dreamers who saw the loss of a wedding ring in night dreams, interpreters and numerous dream books name the following phenomena that portend in real life:

  • Disappointment in a loved one;
  • Betrayal from loved ones and work colleagues.

Only repeated figurative dream has a predictive value

The loss of a non-gold ring may portend the restoration of relations between people who have terminated their marriage. At the same time, if the dreamer is busy searching for the ring and finds it, then in real life he will be lucky in achieving his goals. It may also mean an upcoming monetary reward. In the event that during sleep it was not possible to find the lost ring, one can expect a loss of trust from influential patrons or relatives.

The interpretation of dreams depends on many side factors that the dreamer saw. Only an experienced specialist can decipher a dream, who, in addition, has additional information about a person who saw in a dream the loss of a ring, including an engagement ring.

You should not turn a one-time dream into a source of alleged troubles and hardships. But if such a prophetic dream is repeated many times, the visions seem vivid and imaginative, then you should carefully analyze the real situation and seriously think about the possible negative consequences.

A symbol of eternal love and the unity of two hearts - a wedding ring, means a lot in the life of a married couple. And if in a dream you saw this traditional wedding decoration, then this is certainly no accident. Why dream of a ring on the ring finger? The dream book interprets this dream depending on the details and circumstances.

Interpretations of various dream books

A simple dream, where nothing happens to the wedding ring, and you just see it on your finger, or lying on some surface, is interpreted by various dream books in different ways, and which interpretation to trust is up to you.

Why dream of seeing a wedding ring in an idiomatic dream book? For a young unmarried person, this is a symbol of establishing an intimate relationship with a very interesting person, and a married woman who sees such a plot in a dream can expect a renewed passionate relationship with her husband, a new love wave in life.

According to the predictions of the 21st century dream book, an engagement ring on your finger promises a whole series of pleasant events. For example, a young girl who sees such a plot may not doubt what the ring on her ring finger is dreaming of: this is a prediction of a very successful marriage.

According to the interpretation of the same dream book, only for an adult woman, such a picture in a dream portends a particularly warm, tender relationship in the family, and this applies not only to the spouse, but also to children.

The interpretation of a dream wedding ring according to the interpretation of the French dream book promises the dreamer a very successful marriage, and many children, such a rainbow omen applies to both men and women. And if you receive this jewelry as a gift in a dream, then you can rejoice at the realization of what this plot is dreaming of: the person who gave it to you in a dream is sincerely in love with you.

According to Miller's dream book, an engagement ring that a woman who is already married saw in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. A shiny, iridescent ring on a woman's finger is a symbol of protection from hassle and adultery. The guardian angel himself protects this union.

But if you see this object on the hand of a stranger - a friend, an acquaintance, then Miller's dream book gives a warning: what such a picture is dreaming of portends the possibility of losing authority in the eyes of loved ones due to unlawful actions.

According to the predictions of the Ukrainian dream book, seeing a wedding ring in a dream is not always a good sign. It all depends on the metal from which it is made. If the ring is gold, then an unmarried girl can expect a marriage proposal from a loved one.

But if the jewelry is made of silver, or another silvery metal, then the dream book warns: what such a picture is dreaming of promises the dreamer a series of troubles, material problems, as well as a possible quarrel with a loved one.

Why dream of an engagement, after which you have to wear a wedding ring in a dream? For a young girl, this plot is interpreted by the Small Veles dream book as very unpleasant. She needs to be wary of meeting strangers, it is possible that a stranger can harm her.

But if a girl was born in the winter months, then she is not in danger, but the dream book promises a separation from her betrothed, which can become final. Such a plot in a dream is a harbinger of conflicts and disagreements between lovers.

Loss of wedding decoration

Many cannot even imagine that this symbol of eternal love can be lost, but if this suddenly happened in real life, then you can be sure that there will be a scandal. And why dream of losing a wedding ring in a dream? The dream interpretation always gives a negative interpretation of such a situation.

Losing a wedding ring in a dream is a bad symbol for a girl who is not yet married. The dream interpretation predicts that her reputation may soon suffer due to gossip on the part of envious people and ill-wishers.

The dream interpretation advises to lead the most correct way of life, not to enter into conflicts, and not to get acquainted with suspicious personalities, and then it will be possible to avoid troubles and misadventures.

Why else dream of losing a wedding ring? If you see in a dream how the ring slips off the ring finger of the right hand and falls to the floor, then this is also a bad omen of the dream book.

In reality, situations are expected where you may encounter a complete misunderstanding of relatives, as well as a loved one. The dream book advises in every possible way to avoid unpleasant acts that can provoke a conflict in the family, and then the predictions will not come true.

If a wedding ring was stolen from a married woman in a dream, then she should be wary of her husband's betrayal. A rival has appeared in her life, who by hook or by crook will try to take her husband away from the family.

But do not be upset, because the interpretation of the dream book is needed in order to correct the situation. Be attentive and gentle with your soulmate so that he doesn’t even have a picture in his thoughts that someone can be better than you.

Why dream of removing a wedding ring in a dream? Most often, such a dream has subconscious support. The dreamer worries that such a good relationship in the family circle can quickly pass, and therefore, deep in his thoughts, he tries to run away from his fears.

And according to the interpretation of the dream book, the situation in which you removed the wedding ring from your finger in a dream is a harbinger of a major quarrel with your spouse. If you have not yet been rewarded with married life, then the dream book promises major losses and problems in business.

Why dream of looking for an engagement ring? If the dreamer is not married, then the dream book interprets such a vision as a disregard for a loved one. He follows only his thoughts, but does not listen to the words of his partner, ignores her desires. Such relationships are not the most pleasant, and it is up to you to decide whether to stay close to such a narcissist.

Also, the search for your engagement ring may indicate that you have not yet decided in your personal life, the family for you is like an unknown space in which you are very uncomfortable. Try to understand your feelings and emotions, and then such dreams will not come to mind.

Acquisition and discovery of a ring

The loss of a wedding symbol in a dream marks bad events in the life of a married couple, and why then dream of finding an engagement ring in a dream? Perhaps a new, fateful acquaintance awaits you, which will completely change your life for the better. Be open to new acquaintances, and then fortune will be on your side.

Also, finding a ring in a dream is a symbol of a dream book about an approaching new love that will firmly enter your life, you can even hope that it will end with a wedding. But even if such a denouement does not follow, then just a very good and devoted friend will appear in your life.

In a dream, putting a wedding ring on the finger of your loved one is a confirmation by the dream book of the truth of the dreamer's feelings: you will keep all your promises of an oath of allegiance, and that is why your family is guaranteed a long and happy life.

If a girl puts this jewelry on her ring finger, then this indicates that very soon she will have dizzying success among individuals of the opposite sex, and will also meet her great love.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, buying wedding rings in a dream is the personification of relationships with members of the opposite sex. If the purchased wedding ring is encrusted with stones, decorated with various decorative elements, then you can expect beautiful courtship with a sea of ​​flowers and compliments.

If you buy two wedding rings - one for men and the other for women, then you can be sure why such a plot is dreaming. Very little time will pass, and you will part with your bachelor life forever - these are the predictions of the dream book for a man.

Why dream of choosing an engagement ring in a dream? If the issue of choosing jewelry is very difficult for you, and you just can’t decide which ring to buy, then in reality the dream book promises the impossibility of choosing one of several suitors who are equally sweet to you.

Also, the choice of rings in a dream is nothing more than your subconscious openness to new relationships, your heart is free at the moment, but you just have to give a reason, and you will plunge headlong into the abyss of passion and love - these are the predictions of the dream book.

Measuring an engagement ring in a dream, and at the same time examining it for a long time, evaluating it, is an omen of a dream book that very soon you will achieve the happiness that you have been waiting for so long. And it doesn’t matter whether it will be material well-being or meeting the betrothed, in any case, success is guaranteed to you.

Also, a picture with a ring fitting can reflect the internal state of a person, and his principles and actions. The dream book says that the dreamer is constantly improving himself, his actions are pleasing to others, and friends get only pleasure from communicating with him.

Why is there a dream in which the wedding ring is large? The dream interpretation deciphers this as not a very good sign. In the future, serious obstacles await you on the way to achieving your goal, and all because you take on an overwhelming burden of responsibilities. Ask for help from friends or relatives, and you may be able to avoid trouble.

If the decoration, on the contrary, is small, cannot be removed from the finger, or simply does not fit on it, then the dream book unambiguously interprets such a picture in a dream: a streak of bad luck awaits you, which, however, will be short-lived, but will pretty ruffle your nerves.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, if in a dream an engagement ring was presented to you, then you can wait for a marriage proposal from a beloved person. And the more beautiful and brilliant the decoration was, the sooner the long-awaited event will happen.

Also, if you don’t even have in mind a person who can make an offer, then the dream book promises that such a man will appear in your life very soon, and it will come to the wedding quickly enough.

Damage to the wedding ring

Even in reality, such an event as the breakdown of the main wedding symbol is a very bad omen. No less sad events await you if you saw a broken wedding ring in a dream. Why dream of such a picture? First of all, the dream book interprets this as a symbol of treason. And it doesn’t matter what gender a person had this dream, his soulmate has either already changed, or is on the verge of betrayal.

Also, according to the interpretation of the dream book, a broken jewelry can be a harbinger of the separation of a couple in love, and this will happen not because of the dissimilarity of characters, but for a more serious reason, for example, enemies, and even parents, can interfere with the union of two hearts.

If in a dream a wedding ring broke right on the ring finger, then this is also a symbol of treason, but here the already deceived victim catches her partner herself, and she will have indisputable evidence of betrayal.

If a break in the ringlet divided it into two halves, then after a strong conflict, the couple in love will part forever, without maintaining friendly relations, without subsequent communication - such sad predictions are given by the dream book.

Why dream of breaking a wedding ring in a dream? If the dreamer himself was the cause of the breakdown, then he may expect obstacles in business, and large losses in business. Be careful, perhaps the cause of all problems is the intrigues of competitors.

Also, if you yourself broke the wedding decoration, then the dream book interprets that you will become the cause of conflicts and disagreements in the family. You should change the behavior model, do not find fault with your partner over trifles, and then there will be peace and a friendly atmosphere in the house.

A married woman whose wedding ring cracked in a dream, according to the forecasts of the dream book, will face a serious illness of her husband. Keep a close eye on all the signs of your spouse's illness, because men often do not pay attention to the state of health, and when it becomes impossible to ignore them, it's already too late.

And if you see in a dream a cracked wedding ring on the finger of a friend, or just an acquaintance, then the dream book warns that one should not take his words and promises seriously. You will only give your trust to the cunning one in vain, and you will receive nothing in return, and perhaps even lose.

If in a dream the wedding ring on the hand of a relative burst, then he can become a possible stone of contention in your family, you don’t need to let him into your family for a while, otherwise the conflict situation cannot be avoided.

Various wedding rings

According to the interpretation of the dream book, a dream where two wedding rings are linked into a single whole is a symbol of marriage between two people in love. If the linked jewelry is in your hand, then you will have a wedding, and in someone else's hand, close relatives will invite you to the wedding celebration.

If two rings are worn on your ring finger, then this is a good omen for those who want to get pregnant. Very soon you will learn about pregnancy, which will be a pleasant and joyful surprise for you and your soulmate.

What is the dream of someone else's wedding ring that you accidentally found in a dream. The circle, as a symbol of cyclicity and infinity, can indicate the incorrectness of your chosen life path. And if nothing really goes well in life, then it is worth looking at other possibilities after such an omen in a dream, fate can always be changed.

If you dreamed of wedding rings on your hand, and in the process of sleep a stranger, shielded from you by a dark veil, put them on your fingers, then the dream book gives very favorable forecasts. In solving a long overdue problem, a person who prefers to remain incognito will help you very well.

Why dream of a golden wedding ring? This is a symbol of a strong and reliable union of a couple in love, which will last happily ever after. Also, the noble color of gold, which sparkles and shimmers in a dream, is a symbol of good luck, material well-being and happiness for a married couple.

A silver wedding ring in a dream is interpreted by a dream book in almost the same way as a dream about a gold jewelry. Silver symbolizes purity, honesty and sincerity of the feelings of lovers. Their relationship is built solely on trust.

The silver jewelry that you lost in a dream promises a loss in reality. Moreover, the loss can be not only in material terms, everything is much more serious - you can lose a loved one.

Why dream of an engagement ring with stones? The interpretation of the dream book largely depends on which stone is inserted into the jewelry. Small, transparent diamonds promise tears to the dreamer, and a large central stone symbolizes an acquaintance with an influential person who will provide free assistance to your family.

An ornament inlaid with a large transparent diamond promises the dreamer unprecedented success in business and career growth. The more you work and try in real life, the more significant the return on your business will be.

Why dream of a men's engagement ring? Such a picture can be seen in a dream by a representative of the weaker sex, who can not wait for the chosen one to propose to her. On the one hand, this is a reflection of internal experiences in a dream, and on the other hand, the dream book predictions about the fulfillment of desire.


If the loss of a ring in a dream portends some kind of loss in reality, then finding rings in a dream is, on the contrary, an unexpected but pleasant acquisition or a new acquaintance. If you find a ring in your dream, a waking dream means that you will find love or a new friend. Also, a dream can portend a very important, even fateful, meeting.

If a stranger helped you find a ring in a dream, the dream book interprets such a dream as extremely favorable: it means that in reality the one you rely on least of all will unexpectedly offer you help.

Finding an engagement ring in a dream for an upcoming wedding for you or one of your friends, or at least a happy love affair for the person who saw such a dream.


Why dream of losing a ring in a dream

As folk signs say, you don’t know the ring to lose happiness. The same applies to the dream in which you lost the ring: the loss of this jewelry in a dream is interpreted by dream books as a very bad sign, portending some kind of loss, loss in real life.

If you lost the ring in a dream, then in reality you will be annoyed at some kind of misunderstanding or incident. But such an interpretation of the dream of the lost ring is perhaps the softest. Most often, a dream book interprets a dream in which a person loses a ring as a harbinger of separation from a loved one or even divorce.

It is considered a particularly bad sign if you lost your wedding ring in a dream: such a dream means that by your actions you have violated the oath of allegiance given to another person, because of which you will have to endure a severe life test.


What does it mean to lose something in a dream book? Why did you dream that you lost your wedding ring?

Losing jewelry in a dream is not a good sign and in most cases the vision should be perceived negatively. If a woman dreamed that she herself lost the ring, she should be careful, as certain obstacles may arise on the way.

If a woman lost her ring in a dream, this is a bad omen. Such a vision symbolizes property losses, disappointment in love, ruin.

Losing a very expensive diamond ring in a dream is a loss. Perhaps a person will be fired from a good job or transferred to another position. Some experts believe that the vision portends theft, robbery. If you have such a dream on the eve of a family vacation, you need to think about the safety of your home. Perhaps you should temporarily put the apartment or the ladies on guard, or ask one of the relatives to look after the property.

For a man, losing an expensive signet in a dream is a financial ruin. If the lost thing was old, the dreamer will lose touch with his family for some time. Perhaps he will move to another city or simply stop communicating with loved ones for some reason. If before that the relationship in the family was tense, after such a dream the situation will only worsen.

If a person has lost a ring in reality or simply cannot find it, such a dream does not mean anything. There is nothing surprising in the fact that he comes to the dreamer. Most likely, the sleeper simply cannot forget about this situation and constantly thinks about the jewel, wants to return it.

Losing a wedding ring in a dream is considered a very bad sign. Such a vision prophesies discord in relationships, quarrels, scandals and even, possibly, divorce. But the sleeper should not panic. It should be remembered that nightmares most often warn people against some rash acts. If the dreamer draws the right conclusions, trouble can be avoided. Perhaps you should pay more attention to your soulmate or just talk heart to heart with your loved one, find out what does not suit him in family life.

If a young guy or girl dreams of losing a wedding ring before the wedding, this is a disaster. Such a marriage does not promise to be happy. The vision should alert the dreamer and make him think again about how correct the decision is. If the sleeper himself throws out the ring, the separation will occur through his fault. The cause of the scandal will be treason or flirting on the side.

If a woman dreams that she is losing a ring given to her by a man with whom relations have not been developing lately, this is a good sign. The situation will be resolved soon. Perhaps all conflicts will be settled and differences forgotten, or people will part. In a situation of mutual misunderstanding, this will not be the worst way out. In this case, the lost ring symbolizes all the worst and most unpleasant.

To lose a jewel in a dream that does not look quite presentable is good luck. If the dreamer cannot find her broken, rusted ring, then in real life a change for the better awaits her. Most likely, she will be able to solve all her problems.

Breaking a ring in a dream and throwing it away is a good sign. In reality, the dreamer will stop communicating with people who are not entirely sincere towards him. After exposing the ill-wisher and refusing to spend time with him, life will become much easier.

Losing jewelry in a dream - to trouble, financial ruin. If we are talking about a wedding ring, there will be discord in the sleeping family. The future fate of their relationship will depend only on the wisdom of the spouses. Losing rusty, broken rings in a dream, as well as jewelry without stones, is good luck and getting rid of the burden of the past.


Find gold wedding rings

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

To the groom.


Dream Interpretation - Ring

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Pass the ring - to losses.

Copper ring - joy.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Dream Interpretation - Ring

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.


Find many wedding rings on the ground

Dream Interpretation Find a lot of wedding rings on the ground dreamed of why in a dream Find a lot of wedding rings on the ground? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Finding a lot of wedding rings on earth by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

An engagement ring seen in a dream portends a quick wedding and a happy marriage. The ring worn on your finger during the marriage ceremony portends true love, a strong family and healthy offspring.

A golden wedding ring means an increase in wealth and new useful acquaintances. Gold-colored alloy ring - you will find yourself in difficulty, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your enemies are.

Buying wedding rings - they will charge you with a wagon of community service, not finding a better candidate. Selling your engagement ring means that in reality you will find yourself in a difficult financial situation.

Losing a wedding ring in a dream is an unfortunate mistake, looking for a lucky break will help you avoid trouble, finding it means you will receive good news. Too small a ring that does not fit on a finger - problems with children; falling from it - to losses and losses.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

If a woman sees her wedding ring bright and shiny in a dream, this portends that she will be protected from worries and infidelity.

If the ring is lost or broken, many sorrows will enter her life.

Seeing a wedding ring on the hand of a friend or other people means that you will not take someone's promise too seriously. It is possible that you will indulge in unlawful pleasures.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

Wedding ring - gold wedding ring - wedding, silver - trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

If a girl dreams of a beautiful engagement ring, this means that her lover will be faithful to her and protect her from trouble.

A lost ring promises disappointment in love and bitterness from separation from a loved one.

If you dream of a wedding ring on the hand of a friend or other person, this means that you will be made a marriage proposal that you will not take seriously.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

If in a dream your wedding ring is bright and shiny, you will be protected from excessive worries and infidelity of your spouse. If the ring is lost or broken, sadness will enter your life. Seeing an engagement ring on another person's hand means that you won't take someone's promises too seriously.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

If a woman sees in a dream her wedding ring bright and shiny, then she will not have to suffer from worries and infidelity.

The ring is lost or broken - the woman has a lot of sorrows ahead.

An engagement ring seen on someone's hand portends that you will not take someone's promise too seriously. Perhaps you will indulge in illicit pleasures.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

Seeing an engagement ring in a dream is a joyful chore.

Rejoice in health! And when you grow up, you look, and it will come to an engagement ring.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

Wearing a wedding ring in a dream - your spouse is faithful to you. Losing the ring is a bad sign, portends treason.

Imagine that the ring on your hand is shining like the sun.

Dream Interpretation - Earth

To see or receive a beautiful piece of land in a dream is a harbinger of a happy family life. Well-groomed land with beautiful gardens in a dream is a sign of great family happiness. Land covered with greenery or moss in a dream - to money or a profitable marriage. The barren land is dreamed of by those who face failure and bitter loss. If you dream that the land is sown with wheat, then your hard hard work will help you get rich. Kissing or eating the earth in a dream means humiliation and loss. Vegetables growing on the ground are a sign of grief and trouble. To see a fertile, black-earth area means your opportunities that you miss due to laziness or weakness of character. Sometimes such a dream warns of excessive gullibility. The larger the plot of land that you see in a dream, the more wealth, joy and happiness awaits you in life. If you dream that you are desperately digging the ground, then you should moderate your selfish appetites so that you do not regret it later. Plowing, sowing, fertilizing, planting seeds in the ground in a dream means profit and prosperity. For those who marry, such a dream predicts a strong family and healthy children. Wet earth turned into slurry predicts illness. If you get dirty with it, then expect shame and contention. See interpretation: slurry, dirt.

Measuring a piece of land in a dream is a sign of contention with relatives. Measuring a piece of land in a dream portends that your situation will be desperate and your loved ones will feel sorry for you. Put markings on the ground - to divorce or division. To see the broken ground - sometimes to a funeral. Especially if you see it under the window of your house or near the house of your loved ones. The torn earth is dreamed of by those whose life is unsettled. Such a dream does not portend them an early well-being. If rods, sticks, pieces of wire stick out of the ground, then expect a delay in solving your case. In addition, you have enemies who are trying in every possible way to harm you. And this dream also means that you have messed up a lot in your life. Try to correct errors if possible.

Seeing the earth from a ship in a dream is a sign of imminent success that will follow long experiences and quests. If you see a foreign country, then soon you will be made an interesting offer related to the trip. See interpretation: ship.

The earth opened up under your feet in a dream - a sign that you will collapse in business and in love. Such a dream predicts long suffering, disappointment and humiliation. See interpretation: earthquake. Getting bogged down in marshy ground in a dream means that your business will stall. If in a dream you are lucky and you get out of the swamp, then fate will generously reward you for your hard work. See interpretation: swamp. Seeing diggers in a dream means that enemies are waiting for your death. Lying on the ground in a dream is a sign of the disorder of your life and the collapse of plans for the future. After such a dream, it may well be that you will lose your livelihood. If you dream that the earth has failed before your eyes, or you see an earth failure in a dream, then your plans will fail completely, troubles or misfortunes await you. It is said that such a dream predicts good luck to those who owe money or are going on a journey, since he promises the first that they will not have to pay debts, and the others that their journey will be successful.

Dream Interpretation - Earth

The image of the earth caused by your subconscious in a dream is most likely the result of your meeting in real life with a person who “stands firmly on his feet” (such a person is popularly called the “man of the earth”) Perhaps the image of the earth appeared in your dream and therefore that in reality you in one way or another encountered the following folk expressions: “Heaven is the throne of God, earth is the foot”, “Earth stands on three pillars”, “Earth mother - gives a treasure”, “Earth, water - will remain, and us will not", "Jerusalem is the navel of the earth".

Sitting on the ground in a dream is evidence that something unexpected and at the same time terrible will happen to you. You turn to God for help.

If you dreamed that you were lying on the ground, then such a dream is not a very good omen and means that soon you will have a strong blow that will knock you out of the normal rhythm of life for a long time.

Digging the ground in a dream is a sign that in real life you are a very economic and economical person who can handle any business.

If in a dream you are planting something in the ground, then this dream tells you that in real life you should be engaged in agriculture, perhaps even organize your own company. This business will bring you untold income and improve your financial situation.

Making an earthen rampart in a dream is a prophecy of your imminent meeting with a noble, courageous, independent person who will have a significant impact on your life.

Holding a handful of earth in your hand in a dream is evidence that lately you have been thinking about death very often. Try not to think about it, such thoughts will not lead to anything good. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you will be a participant in the funeral of a person close to you.

Throwing earth at someone in a dream means that you needlessly think badly about a person close to you. You blame him for what he does.

To be smeared with earth in a dream is a sign that you will soon acquire something very valuable. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you will win a large amount of money in the lottery.

There is land in a dream - to a successful deal or to receive a large inheritance.


Threw away the wedding ring

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

Lose an engagement ring in a dream - to widowhood.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

To the groom.

Dream Interpretation - Drop an engagement ring

Family conflict, divorce, betrayal.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding ring (loss)


Dream Interpretation - Ring

A dream about a ring means connections, friendship, union, affection, betrothal. To receive a ring in a dream means that someone believes in you or loves you, or will propose to you. Seeing gold rings and rings in a dream portends honors, wealth and prosperity. Breaking or losing a ring in a dream is a symbol of a break in relationships and the loss of a loved one. To receive a bronze ring as a gift in a dream is a disappointment that you will experience greatly, especially if the ring has sharp ends. Seeing rings in a dream on others means that soon you will find yourself in a society of wealthy people and make new acquaintances. Seeing or wearing an amber ring in a dream is a good sign (but only for ladies).

To receive an iron ring in a dream is a sign of a difficult but prosperous life. To see two wedding rings in a dream - for an engagement. If you see that they are hanging in the air, then the engagement will be postponed or not take place at all. Talking about the size of wedding rings in a dream to hear is a sign that you will soon hear a declaration of love. The size of the ring in a dream means how big your love is. Wearing an engagement ring in a dream is a sign of a happy family life or an imminent engagement. Lose it - to the annoyance; to receive is the fidelity of a lover. If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then the dream predicts happiness and prosperity in family life. If the ring suddenly fades, then your happiness will suddenly be overshadowed by some unpleasant event - a quarrel or betrayal. See interpretation: jewelry.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger, new things are ahead in which you will be lucky.

A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers.

If a girl dreamed that she received a ring in a dream, then her worries associated with her lover are over. From now on, he will forever give her his heart.

Rings on the hands of other people dream of an increase in well-being and portend new acquaintances.

This is how Wang interpreted dreams about the ring.

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

The dream in which you put a ring on your loved one's hand symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

If in a dream you can’t find a ring in any way for yourself, then in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

D. Loff wrote: “Rings can symbolize an agreement or the assumption of certain obligations, such as, for example, in marriage. Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make a commitment to ourselves or to receive assurances of a commitment by others towards us or a particular enterprise.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural powers. Rings drawn on the ground, or "wheat circles", are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross.

In dreams of this kind, you may worry about circumstances that are inexorably advancing on you and feel the need for an intercessor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To have a golden ring on your hand - for marriage, the birth of a child.

Putting a ring on your hand - to the fulfillment of desires.

Wearing a wedding ring is a harbinger of a successful marriage, love and attention of family members.

Engagement or simply valuable to lose - by one's own will or fault, destroy old ties, find new friends.

Trying on someone else's wedding ring is showing interest in forbidden pleasures.

Wedding rings on the hands of acquaintances - the establishment of easy and non-binding relationships.

If a woman sees her engagement ring bright and shiny, it portends a lack of worries and marital fidelity.

Find a ring - to an important meeting, new love, new friendship.

Give a ring - to marry.

Pass the ring - to losses.

Get a ring - to well-being.

Remove or break the ring - to a dispute, loss or separation.

The ring is not removed from the hand - to captivity.

A signet ring is an honor, a symbol of a son, heir, spiritual successor, successor.

A ring with a large diamond - success in business, an important acquaintance, connections, work and benefit.

Iron ring - hard work and sadness.

Copper ring - joy.

Silver ring - secret sorrows.

Putting on a gold ring - to meet your loved one and the wedding.

Losing a ring and trying to find a ring is to make sure that your loved one treats you unkindly, ignoring your self-esteem.

Admire the ring - to separation or quarrel.

To receive a ring as a gift is a warning about something.

Give a ring - make an offer.

Buying a ring is a symbol of love.

Damaged ring - to curry favor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

An engagement ring seen in a dream portends a quick wedding and a happy marriage. Seeing in a dream on your fingers a lot of different rings means that new things and undertakings await you ahead, which will certainly bring good luck.

Losing a ring in a dream is an unfortunate mistake, looking for a lucky break will help you avoid trouble, finding it means you will receive good news.

To receive a ring from a loved one as a gift - such a dream promises true love, a strong family, healthy children. Golden rings mean an increase in wealth and new useful acquaintances. Silver ring - imperceptibly, but steadily gain power over your beloved, while calling yourself his faithful slave.

Rings with precious stones portend that you will find the desired ease in communicating with people, which will allow you to make acquaintance with an interesting man. Seeing a coiled snake in a dream means that you will be confused, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your real enemies are. If you dream that a snake coils around you and hissingly releases its forked tongue from its mouth, then you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies.

Seeing gymnastic rings in a dream portends that you will be able to stand up for yourself in a difficult situation with your superiors. Hanging on them means you won’t take someone’s promise seriously and do the right thing by insuring yourself with a fallback.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Symbol of obligations and promises.

The more expensive the ring in a dream, the more important these obligations are for you.

Ring on the ring finger or on the little finger: is an indication of friendship. Often such a dream reminds you of the need to help a friend or acquaintance, or to use this kind of support yourself.

Middle finger: symbolizes marital fidelity.

Ring on the index or thumb: means your responsibility to yourself. This is a symbol of those promises and vows that you have given yourself.

If the ring causes you inconvenience in a dream, this is a sign that some obligations may become a burden to you in the near future, and you will want to get rid of them.

Find a ring in a dream find a ring: a reminder that someone gave you oath promises that may come in handy soon.

The place where the ring found on the road is found: means that a friend is able to help advance your affairs.

A ring on a table or in a dish: a sign that, with help, you can improve your well-being. a ring on a chair or on an armchair: portends help in getting a new place.

Dream Interpretation - Rings

Rings can symbolize a contract or the assumption of certain obligations, such as in marriage.

Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make a commitment to ourselves or to receive assurances of a commitment by others towards us or a particular enterprise.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural POWERS.

Rings or "wheat circles" drawn on the ground are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross. In dreams of this kind, you may worry about the inexorably advancing circumstances and feel the need for an intercessor.

Do you make or find the ring yourself? Do you feel like you are in control of it?

Is this ring being used by someone to gain power over you? By whom?


Find a wedding ring in the water

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

Lose an engagement ring in a dream - to widowhood.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Ring

To the groom.

Dream Interpretation - Drop an engagement ring

Family conflict, divorce, betrayal.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding ring (loss)


Dream Interpretation - Ring

A dream about a ring means connections, friendship, union, affection, betrothal. To receive a ring in a dream means that someone believes in you or loves you, or will propose to you. Seeing gold rings and rings in a dream portends honors, wealth and prosperity. Breaking or losing a ring in a dream is a symbol of a break in relationships and the loss of a loved one. To receive a bronze ring as a gift in a dream is a disappointment that you will experience greatly, especially if the ring has sharp ends. Seeing rings in a dream on others means that soon you will find yourself in a society of wealthy people and make new acquaintances. Seeing or wearing an amber ring in a dream is a good sign (but only for ladies).

To receive an iron ring in a dream is a sign of a difficult but prosperous life. To see two wedding rings in a dream - for an engagement. If you see that they are hanging in the air, then the engagement will be postponed or not take place at all. Talking about the size of wedding rings in a dream to hear is a sign that you will soon hear a declaration of love. The size of the ring in a dream means how big your love is. Wearing an engagement ring in a dream is a sign of a happy family life or an imminent engagement. Lose it - to the annoyance; to receive is the fidelity of a lover. If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then the dream predicts happiness and prosperity in family life. If the ring suddenly fades, then your happiness will suddenly be overshadowed by some unpleasant event - a quarrel or betrayal. See interpretation: jewelry.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger, new things are ahead in which you will be lucky.

A broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in marital affairs and a break in relationships for lovers.

If a girl dreamed that she received a ring in a dream, then her worries associated with her lover are over. From now on, he will forever give her his heart.

Rings on the hands of other people dream of an increase in well-being and portend new acquaintances.

This is how Wang interpreted dreams about the ring.

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

The dream in which you put a ring on your loved one's hand symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

If in a dream you can’t find a ring in any way for yourself, then in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.

D. Loff wrote: “Rings can symbolize an agreement or the assumption of certain obligations, such as, for example, in marriage. Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make a commitment to ourselves or to receive assurances of a commitment by others towards us or a particular enterprise.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural powers. Rings drawn on the ground, or "wheat circles", are related to protection, because the ring is a border that evil is not allowed to cross.

In dreams of this kind, you may worry about circumstances that are inexorably advancing on you and feel the need for an intercessor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To have a golden ring on your hand - for marriage, the birth of a child.

Putting a ring on your hand - to the fulfillment of desires.

Wearing a wedding ring is a harbinger of a successful marriage, love and attention of family members.

Engagement or simply valuable to lose - by one's own will or fault, destroy old ties, find new friends.

Trying on someone else's wedding ring is showing interest in forbidden pleasures.

Wedding rings on the hands of acquaintances - the establishment of easy and non-binding relationships.

If a woman sees her engagement ring bright and shiny, it portends a lack of worries and marital fidelity.

Find a ring - to an important meeting, new love, new friendship.

Give a ring - to marry.

Pass the ring - to losses.

Get a ring - to well-being.

Remove or break the ring - to a dispute, loss or separation.

The ring is not removed from the hand - to captivity.

A signet ring is an honor, a symbol of a son, heir, spiritual successor, successor.

A ring with a large diamond - success in business, an important acquaintance, connections, work and benefit.

Iron ring - hard work and sadness.

Copper ring - joy.

Silver ring - secret sorrows.

Putting on a gold ring - to meet your loved one and the wedding.

Losing a ring and trying to find a ring is to make sure that your loved one treats you unkindly, ignoring your self-esteem.

Admire the ring - to separation or quarrel.

To receive a ring as a gift is a warning about something.

Give a ring - make an offer.

Buying a ring is a symbol of love.

Damaged ring - to curry favor.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

An engagement ring seen in a dream portends a quick wedding and a happy marriage. Seeing in a dream on your fingers a lot of different rings means that new things and undertakings await you ahead, which will certainly bring good luck.

Losing a ring in a dream is an unfortunate mistake, looking for a lucky break will help you avoid trouble, finding it means you will receive good news.

To receive a ring from a loved one as a gift - such a dream promises true love, a strong family, healthy children. Golden rings mean an increase in wealth and new useful acquaintances. Silver ring - imperceptibly, but steadily gain power over your beloved, while calling yourself his faithful slave.

Rings with precious stones portend that you will find the desired ease in communicating with people, which will allow you to make acquaintance with an interesting man. Seeing a coiled snake in a dream means that you will be confused, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your real enemies are. If you dream that a snake coils around you and hissingly releases its forked tongue from its mouth, then you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies.

Seeing gymnastic rings in a dream portends that you will be able to stand up for yourself in a difficult situation with your superiors. Hanging on them means you won’t take someone’s promise seriously and do the right thing by insuring yourself with a fallback.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Symbol of obligations and promises.

The more expensive the ring in a dream, the more important these obligations are for you.

Ring on the ring finger or on the little finger: is an indication of friendship. Often such a dream reminds you of the need to help a friend or acquaintance, or to use this kind of support yourself.

Middle finger: symbolizes marital fidelity.

Ring on the index or thumb: means your responsibility to yourself. This is a symbol of those promises and vows that you have given yourself.

If the ring causes you inconvenience in a dream, this is a sign that some obligations may become a burden to you in the near future, and you will want to get rid of them.

Find a ring in a dream find a ring: a reminder that someone gave you oath promises that may come in handy soon.

The place where the ring found on the road is found: means that a friend is able to help advance your affairs.

A ring on a table or in a dish: a sign that, with help, you can improve your well-being. a ring on a chair or on an armchair: portends help in getting a new place.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

The appearance of a ring in a dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, affection, oath, loyalty.

In a dream, you put a ring on your loved one's hand - this dream symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw a stranger putting a wedding ring on your hand portends unexpected help in solving a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

If in a dream you can’t pick up a ring for yourself in any way, this means that in real life you don’t feel affection for anyone.

In a dream, a ring fell from your hand - this is a bad sign. In real life, you broke your promise and oath of allegiance, so fate has prepared a life test for you.