What prayer should be read in Christmas. What prayers to read at home on Christmas

  • 01.06.2021

Tomorrow, on January 7, the Orthodox Church will celebrate the great holiday - Christmas. On this day celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Savior in the flesh. During the day held a special service in the Orthodox churches, prayers, singing, turning to the Lord with requests for health promotion, finding happiness, conception.

According to the text of the Gospel, in the days of the appearance of Jesus Christ, the light of the ruler was Augustus. The emperor ordered that a census be conducted in all cities, and each person came to his native city to register. Righteous Mary and Joseph the Betrothed had to go from Nazareth to Bethlehem (Mary's hometown). There have already gone home, and had to spend the night in a cave in which hid the cattle herders during inclement weather. Maria was pregnant, and on the night of January 7, she gave birth in the same cave. On the cave appeared a bright star, the Magi notified about the birth of the babe, pointed the way to Him. The Magi came with gifts brought the baby Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh. The event itself - Christmas - celebrate this day.

5 strong prayers on Christmas January 7

The main prayer for Christmas is the troparion, which was composed back in the 4th century. His singing from 7 to 13 January of each service.

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, illumined the world with the light of knowledge, for through it those who serve as stars were taught to worship Thee, the Sun of righteousness, and to know Thee, from on high the Rising Star. Lord, glory to You!

Every Christmas day, a prayer is performed to the Virgin:

The Virgin on this day gives birth to the Superessential, and the earth brings a cave to the Unapproachable; Angels with shepherds glorify Him, the magicians with a star are traveling, for the sake of our child was born old, the Eternal God.

Orthodox prayers read the Top 5 on Christmas:

For good health

In the hands of Thy mercy prevelikago, oh my God, entrust the soul and my body, feelings, and the words of my tips and my thoughts, my deeds and the entire body and my soul movement. My entrance and exit, my faith and dwelling, the course and death of my belly, the day and hour of my exhalation, my repose, the repose of my soul and body. You're about Premiloserde God, all sins of the world nepreodolevaemaya goodness, gentleness, Lord, mene, contrary to all men greshneyshago, receive in the hands of the protect Thy and get rid of all evil, cleanse the great multitude of my transgressions, podazhd correction of evil and wretched think the Life and of the upcoming Fall evil has always fascinated me, but no chemzhe wroth when thy humanity, Whom covers the weakness of my demons, passions and evil men. Forbid the visible and invisible enemy, guiding me on the saved path, bring me to Thee, my refuge and my desires. Grant me a Christian end, shameless, peaceful, keep from the air spirits of malice, at Your Terrible Judgment, be merciful to Your servant and count me at the right hand of Your blessed sheep, and with them to You, my Creator, I glorify forever. Amen.

To a good marriage

With great joy I address to you, Mother of God.
You're the one who is filled with love the fruit of her womb.
I am a servant of God (your name), I beg you now for help.
I ask, grant me love mutual and sincere.
Send me a loving and caring husband,
so that I could raise children in happiness and joy.
Hallowed be thy name. Amen.

To live well, have prosperity

Lord Jesus Christ our God, izvolivy our salvation on earth in the flesh and reveal on Beznevestnyya and Most Pure Virgin Mary will give birth ineffably! We thank Thee that Thou hast vouchsafed us, ascetic fasting cleansed thyself, thy reach of Great celebration of Christmas and the joy of the spiritual with the angels sing to Thee with slavosloviti shepherds, the Magi to worship. We thank Thee that Thou Thy mercies and His infinite condescension to our infirmity, uteshaeshi us now not tochiyu plentifully food for the spiritual, but also festive refectory.

Wherefore, we pray Thee, otverzayuschago generous thy hand, to fulfill all thy living benefits dayuschago all food, proper time and the rules of the church, bless prazdnichnyya eatables, faithful to Thy people ugotovannyya, chiefly Sia, from nihzhe obeying the Charter of Thy Church, mimoshedshii days of fasting refrain slaves your yes ONET will partake of them with thanksgiving for the health, in support of bodily strength, gladness and joy. Yes, all of us, with all the contentment we have, we will abound and in good deeds, and from the fullness of a grateful heart glorify Thee, who nourishes and comforts us, as well as Your Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

To be happy

The Beginning Beginning, Holy and Eternal God, and the Creator of all creation! With which words we thank and with which songs we magnify Yours for the sake of man, the indescribable descent, by the will of His Divinity did not depart, and the bowels of the Father are not parted, this God, like a man, now lies down in a wordless den, Christ our God! Who will confess this unspoken mystery, the greatness and glorious fulfillment of the sacrament: the Son of God - the Son of the Virgin is, may he free the world from the legal oath, and the sons of sin and iniquity - the children of God, the heirs of eternal blessings - he will make himself, as an immaculate and all-holy sacrifice, in the pledge of salvation padshago person yes bring. Sweetest Jesus, Master of the All-Merciful! Your Prebozhestvennym snizhozhdeniem earthly vale in the temple of Thy Glory Bozhestvennyya sanctified, and all ye that dwell therein are filled with heavenly joy. Vouchsafe us also on the day of Your glorious Nativity with a pure heart and an open soul to confess Thee the true Lamb of God, who delights and strengthens us with the hope of future blessings in the unfading Light of the Thrice-radiant Divinity, through Him everything lives and moves, through Him the renewal of our primitive being is perfected. Hey, Lord, rich in all good deeds to the Giver, and the Giver of the Good, for the hedgehog you loved the world so much, as if you deigned to bear all our sorrows and illnesses on Yourself, do not leave us, until the vanity of the earth with sorrows and misfortunes did not dry up our souls, and do not perish the path of salvation under our feet, may our enemies not laugh at us, but grant us, in the light of Your Divine Revelation, to know the path of peace, goodness and truth, and cry out with an insatiable thirst for You, our Savior, in a hedgehog to do Your will, I do Your goodness in Your fear, and in praise of Your inexpressible condescension, like a fragrant censer, bring You an undefiled life and unhypocritical love, but in our deeds and in the hope of our faith, Your holy will is unceasingly done, and Your glory, glory, will never cease under heaven, - like the Only Begotten from father, fulfilling the grace and truth. As if about You, now the flesh of the Blessed and Most Pure Virgin Mary, Who was born, all the tribes of heaven and earth, fulfilling joys, loudly confess: God is with us, to Him honor and worship befits - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

That the Lord watched over the child

Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me by God to keep. Diligently pray thee, this day thou me enlighten, and save from all evil, to guide good deeds, and the way of salvation to the right. Amen.

As Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7

Before the Orthodox Christmas from November 28 to January 6 fasting. On the eve of the holiday, all rooms are thoroughly cleaned, icons are placed, tables are covered with snow-white tablecloths, amulets, spruce branches are hung, gifts are given to relatives and close people, and 12 Christmas dishes are eaten.

The holiday is unacceptable:

  • wash - this work must be done beforehand;
  • clean the house - they also do it a couple of days before the holiday;
  • embroider, knit;
  • take out the trash from the house, because you can throw away something important;
  • to go hunting or fishing;
  • fuss, to show negative emotions;
  • swear, insult others;
  • argue;
  • wear shabby things;
  • refuse assistance to people in need;
  • leave untouched at least one Christmas dish;
  • guess.

01.07.2019, 11:52 Vadim Karasev

January 7, 2019 the entire Orthodox world celebrates the great holiday - Christmas. Every believer as a great holiday, of course, meets in the church. In honor of the Nativity of Christ, festive services are held in almost every church. Anyone can go to that day in the church to light a candle and pray for yourself and your loved ones. After all, it is believed that all the prayers to the Lord at Christmas on January 7 will surely be heard. Of course, everyone asks the Almighty about his own, about the innermost. Anyone can pray for happiness, good luck, health and protection from troubles and problems in Christmas January 7, 2019. The main thing - to do it sincerely and from the heart.

Home Christmas prayer for happiness, good luck, health and protection from troubles and problems, which has a special power:

“Lord God, our Defender and Savior, we praise You and lift up our prayer to You. On Your Nativity we turn to You and bow to You, we thank You for Your help and Your kindness. Your Birth illuminated the Earth, the Stars and the Sun illuminated it. To this day we glorify Your birth, for You, our Savior, appeared on Earth to protect us sinners from evil and injustice. You dedicate our prayers we are. Glory to Thee, Lord! Amen".

This prayer must be said twice on Christmas Day on January 7, 2019 - in the morning and in the evening.

Prayer on Christmas Day January 7, 2019 for good luck in business. With this prayer, you can ask the Lord to help you in your activities, give luck, success and luck.

“On the great feast of the Nativity of Christ, I call my Guardian Angel. Let there be no mistakes on my life path, let only luck and prosperity be with me. May my life find meaning, and You just continue to help me and protect me. Amen".

Prayer in the Christmas January 7, 2019 of happiness, well-being and health of children. Children - this is the meaning of the life of every adult. And because of their happiness, health and well-being are paramount for every parent. Therefore, many will want to ask the Almighty to bestow this holiday light life of their children, to protect them from the ills and tribulations, evil tongues and disease. To do this, you can turn to the Lord with this prayer:

"O Lord God, the Guardian, and our Savior. I turn to You on the Nativity of Christ and ask You: protect my child from diseases and evil people. To protect him from trouble and atrocities. Let them not listening to a word he is empty and frivolous, so save him from the wicked actions. I pray thee, the King of Heaven, hear my request. Amen".

January 7, 2019 the entire Orthodox world celebrates the great holiday - Christmas. Every believer as a great holiday, of course, meets in the church. In honor of the Nativity of Christ, festive services are held in almost every church.

Anyone can go to that day in the church to light a candle and pray for yourself and your loved ones. After all, it is believed that all the prayers to the Lord at Christmas on January 7 will surely be heard. Of course, everyone asks the Almighty about his own, about the innermost. Anyone can pray for happiness, good luck, health and protection from troubles and problems in Christmas January 7, 2019. The main thing - to do it sincerely and from the heart.

Christmas Prayer, "Thy Nativity"

January 7 special prayer is sung at Christmas, "Thy Nativity, O Christ God." This festive troparion - sing the national anthem several times during the Christmas divine liturgy and the whole week after, until 13 January inclusive. The text of the troparion is very old, the first time in church services it occurs in 4 - th century.

Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, shone forth to the world the light of reason, it bo stars sluzhaschii uchahusya a star. Bow down to Thee, Sun of Truth, and guide Thee from the heights of the East. Lord, glory to You!

Russian translation:

Thy Nativity, Christ our God, illumined the world with the light of knowledge, for through it those who serve as stars were taught to worship Thee, the Sun of righteousness, and to know Thee, from on high the Rising Star. Lord, glory to You!

Prayer at Christmas about marriage

In each person the Lord laid the individual mission. A woman should be realized in the main - to become a good wife and a caring mother. Of course, Orthodox Christian women, in order to find their soul mate, create a pious family, offer up a prayer at Christmas, for a successful marriage.

Oh, Blessed Virgin Mary, accept this very prayer from me, Thy unworthy servant, and offered it to the throne of God, Thy Son, so merciful, he will be our pleas. Seek refuge with You as Mediatrix our: hear us praying to you, cover us cover thee, and to ask God for your Son to us all the good things: the spouses of love so consent, the children of obedience, an injured patient, the bereaved complacency, all the same to us the spirit of reason and piety , the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth.

Keep me from pride and self-esteem, give me the same desire for hard work and bless my efforts. As the Law of the Lord our God commands people to live in an honest marriage, then bring me, Mother of God, to him, not to please my desire, but to fulfill the destiny of our Holy Father, for He Himself said: it is not good for a man to be alone and having created a wife for him to help. , blessed them to grow, be fruitful and inhabit the earth.

Holy Mother of God, hear the prayer of the humble maiden from the depths of my heart to give me the wife of an honest and pious, so we're in love with him and in agreement praised thee, and a merciful God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.

A woman should be realized in the main - to become a good wife

Prayer has nothing to do with conspiracies, it is not necessary to pray the texts, the origin of which is uncertain. Prayer carries a primarily saving the request for the soul. Therefore, in order to safely ask God for help in arranging your personal life, you cannot participate in rituals, fortune-telling and other events that contradict the commandments of God.

Such acts are a sin, and if there is ignorance, youth have been such moments, they must submit to the sacrament of confession. Perhaps this is the reason for the failures in his personal life.

Christmas Prayer for Happiness and Prosperity

The holiday, prayerful supplication pronounced with particular joy and a warm heart. Man wants to be happy, to have well-being, prosperity. Christians know that on Christmas prayer for good luck, it is a request for God's patronage, His protection, His help in all areas of life. It is very important for the Orthodox Christian to place correctly priorities, so that the Lord clearly showed their participation in the life of the believer.

O Lord Almighty! Lord of Heaven! Protect us from evil, misery and unhappiness. Fill my life, good luck, happiness and faith in their own strength. Let success never leaves me and my family. Let there be peace in the world, the great Lord. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Heavenly Father, Our Lord is great! Unto thee do I lift up my prayer, so hear me well and did not leave his servant without attention. Grant me your support, become a patron of mine, do not let lose heart! Strengthen my faith, instruct on the right path and give me happiness and prosperity in this world. I tirelessly lift up praise and glory to Thee, I never cease to revere Thy Name. Now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Man wants to be happy

A brief prayer on Christmas, good luck

God knows all our needs and requirements. Sometimes we ask ephemeral things, that is, those which need not always be explained. Luck does not have a specific definition, because what seems beautiful to one, the other simply does not notice.

"Angel of God, so that this day ever stand behind me! You see my every action, every word you hear, read every thought. To you my sinful soul turns yes assistance requested. Pray with me to the Lord for my sins, past so future. Lead me on the right path, to the Father of our leading. Podsobit in the affairs of the righteous, protect from dashing bad. Bring prosperity in my life in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Luck does not have any specific definition

Therefore, you can pray a short prayer, where the right to choose what you need for happiness is given to God. Only our Creator and Savior knows all about us. Many videos on the Internet offer "miraculous" dubious options for attracting good luck. But the power of prayer lies in the sincerity and purity of our intentions, so the Lord fulfills such requests, but not prudent circuit luck.

Short prayer:

"Glory to God and peace on earth, good will among men!"

Especially prayer on Christmas January 7

Houses, January 7 evening prayer on Christmas can be special. Use the figurines to create a small nativity scene. This activity is very pleasant to children, it is the best way to tell them about the meaning of Christmas. To acquaint with the events of this day and light a candle with them, stand up for a warm Christmas prayer. Such an attitude towards the holiday will give solemnity, the importance of prayer, the atmosphere is not only comfortable, but also fertile.

Use figurines to create a small nativity scene

The Action of Prayer

Prayer for Christmas on January 7 has a cleansing, pacifying effect on the human soul. When a prayer is pronounced not mechanically, but consciously, with deep understanding and penetration into the meaning of words, then they are real and become “living” water.

Prayer is a unique and versatile tool for the human soul

Prayer is a unique and versatile tool for the soul of man. It heals, soothes, humble, warm, happy, helps and saves. To the prayer acquired the qualities you need to know how to pray.

How to pray

Prayer on January 7 Christmas will have a special grace, if a person prays to build light quality of his soul. Prepare for the holiday meeting. The result of Christian holidays, of each divine liturgy, is union with Christ in the sacrament of Communion. This means that the approach it is possible only after the profession of sins.

Making it easier for the soul and cleanse the thoughts, prayers, words are easy and festive. If so come to the celebration of Christmas, people definitely feel the gracious presence of God, not only around us, but also inside, in your heart. This touch cannot be confused with anyone else. Saith the Lord: The kingdom of God is within us. Only it depends on us, what condition it is in every human soul.

Godly family life among Christians considered the easiest way to attain salvation. Supporting each other in difficulties, the couple performed the commandment of God of love. When a Christian chooses a reliable man, support and protection in the lives of her and future children, all her step precedes the prayer Our Lady of marriage.

But for spiritual solace lonely girls and women of the Church allows pray for successful marriage at home, in your own words, as well as the order in the church prayers and special petitions "on the health", with the innermost thoughts to find a good husband.

The folk traditions that existed in pagan Russia partially passed into the Church and were sanctified, acquiring a new, Christian meaning. The feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos was approved for the pagan holiday of "the meeting of autumn with winter."

Before which icons of the Virgin pray for a happy marriage

Since ancient times, it has been a custom in Christian families to bless the newlyweds before the wedding. Most often the bride and groom portrayed the image of the Virgin - the keeper of the family.

Icon pinned to the lectern during the wedding, and then set the house in the "red corner".

Such images are usually passed on to children and grandchildren of the wedding day, so traditionally the daughter of marriageable age, family prayed before images of the Mother of God for the gift of a pious wife.

How holy pray for a happy marriage:

Some of the icons were most revered, thanks to the miraculous help of the Blessed Virgin, which occurs after prayers in front of them.

These include:

Completely rejecting fortune-telling, conspiracies and love spells, the Church left the tradition of praying to the Mother of God on the feasts of the Intercession and Christmas about the family structure based on Christian love.

What is the prayer of marriage is pleasing to the Mother of God

Sacred History says that the Holy Virgin herself was not going to marry, wanting to devote himself to God. But in ancient times this was not possible, a single woman surrounded by many dangers. So she had to enter into a formal alliance with the elder Joseph, until the day the Virgin Mary as the daughter of a ward.

This event, the Church reminds us that in the life of an ordinary woman to choose a spouse must be the will of God, and not according to their own lusts. This is the basic condition for a happy marriage.

Orthodox family life:

prayer text about marriage, presented below, compiled an Orthodox priest to read at home or mentally, before the icon of the temple.

Before the petition, it is advisable to submit notes “about health” to the Liturgy, with the names of your parents, confess and take communion. Careful preparation indicates the severity of the decision and is bound to be taken of the Virgin, the Patroness of female happiness.

Most Pure Mother of God! Your Son Himself instructed You to take care of His disciples. According to the true faith of the Church, You are the Mother of all who love the Lord. Pray to Your Son to grant me, the obedient of His will, the joy of an honest marriage. Help me, my spouse, and our children to be faithful to the Lord and live according to His commandments. You know what the joy of motherhood is, what it is to teach a baby the first words, raise a child, release a grown child into an adult, independent life. I beg you, Blessed One, grant me the joy of marriage and motherhood. I will do my best to be worthy of this gift! Amen.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for marriage

Biblical canons prescribe for every person to have a couple and form a family, which in a Christian environment is considered a Small Church.

But if a girl or woman cannot meet her betrothed in any way, then prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for marriage will definitely help her.

How to pray for a successful marriage

Since ancient times, the girls sighing prayer to send down her groom helped her not to overstay the shelf.

No rituals are required to pronounce the text of supplication. It is enough to stand in front of the face of St. Nicholas in a church or at home, light a candle or a lamp, quietly aloud or silently say the words of a prayer.

And soon, a single woman on the Wonderworker prayers to the Almighty wonderful way to get a decent husband.

O all-praised, great wonderworker, Saint of Christ, Father Nicholas! I pray thee, Blessed be the hope of all Christians, the faithful zaschititel, hungry kormitel weeping joy, the sick doctor, sea floating ruler, poor and orphaned feeder and all present help and protector, so peaceful zde wait life and vouchsafe to see the glory of God's chosen ones in heaven and with them unceasingly sing of the One in the Trinity worshiped God forever and ever. Amen.

O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, St. Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners, praying to you and calling for your help, your speedy intercession; see us weak, caught from everywhere, deprived of every good and darkened by the mind from cowardice; rush, servant of God, do not leave us in the sinful captivity of being, let us not be our enemy in joy and die in our evil deeds. Pray for us unworthy of our Sovereign and Lord, but you stand before him with incorporeal faces: be merciful to us, create our God in this life and in the future, let him not reward us according to our deeds and according to the impurity of our hearts, but according to your goodness will reward us . We hope for your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call on your intercession for help, and we fall down to your most holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, saint of Christ, from the evils that are upon us, and tame the waves of passions and troubles that rise against us, but for the sake of Your holy prayers will not attack us and we will not be mired in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Moth, to St. Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, give us a peaceful life and the remission of sins, but salvation and great mercy to our souls, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

We must know how and what we pray for at the Christmas service. Priest Fyodor Ludogovsky gives an overview of the most important church prayers of various genres. Translations into Russian, unless otherwise noted, belong toHieromonk Ambrose (Timroth) .

Old Testament about the Nativity of Christ

Texts from the Old Testament books are heard during worship every day. Most commonly used Psalter - a book containing psalms - prayer poetic works that were written by an Israeli King David and possibly by other authors.

On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, the books of the prophets who lived before the Savior came to earth acquire special significance. On the vespers , which takes place on the eve of the holiday, are read proverbs (fragments of Old Testament books) containing prophecies about Christ, about His birth from the Virgin. Here are the books written, according to church tradition, by Moses, and the books of other prophets - Micah, Isaiah, Baruch and Daniel.

The first of the proverbs is the very beginning of the very first book of the Bible - Genesis . Here we have a story about God's creation of the world: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. But the earth was invisible and unorganized, and darkness was over the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.”. Further in this fragment, quite a lot more is said about water. The theme of water arises for the reason that on the eve of the biggest holidays - Easter, Epiphany, the Nativity of Christ - in the ancient Church, during the reading of proverbs, a mass baptism was performed. That is why this proverb from the book of Genesis is read on Christmas Eve, Epiphany, and Great Saturday.

At Great Compline, the prophetic words of Isaiah about the God-Child are solemnly heard:

The Child was born to us, the Son, and given to us.

<…>And His name is called: Great Council Angel.

Wonderful Advisor.

God Strong, Ruler, Head of the world.

Father of the future.

Christmas stichera

This is a rather ancient genre of church hymns. One stichera is one paragraph, one stanza. At the Christmas service we hear stichera from different authors. One of them is a saintHerman, Patriarch of Constantinople . Here is his verse with which Christmas Vespers begins:

Come, let us rejoice in the Lord,

explaining the current Sacrament:

the wall separating us from God is broken,

flaming sword reversing

and the Cherubim depart from the tree of life

and I partake of the bliss of paradise,

from which he was expelled for disobedience.

For the unchanging image of the Father

and the mark of his eternity

assumes the form of a slave,

descended from an unmarried Mother,

without undergoing any change.

For He remained what He was - the true God,

and took upon himself what he was not,

having become a man out of philanthropy.

Let us exclaim to Him:

"God, born of the Virgin, have mercy on us!"

Another author, whose name I would like to name, is not a patriarch or even a man. The famous stichera "To Augustus, who is the sole commander of the earth ...", which is sung at the great vespers during the entrance, belongs to the pen Cassia - poet, hymnographer, composer, nun and founder of a monastery in Constantinople. Here is the full text of this stichera in Russian translation:

When Augustus became sovereign on earth,

polyarchy among people has ceased;

and with your incarnation from the pure virgin

idol polytheism was abolished.

Countries were subject to one worldly kingdom,

and the nations believed in the one dominion of the Godhead.

The peoples were rewritten by the decree of Caesar,

we, the faithful, signed up in the name of the Divine -

You, our God incarnate.

Great is Your mercy, Lord, glory to You!

As you can see, we are talking about the Roman emperor Augustus Octavian, who at one time put an end to the internecine struggle for power and expanded the boundaries of the empire. Christ was born in Judea just during the reign of Augustus. And with His birth, according to Cassia, the decline of paganism began and all nations began to worship the One God.

Christmas troparion

A troparion - or, more specifically, a dismissive troparion - is one of the most important hymns of any church holiday. The Christmas troparion reminds us of the events described in the Gospel of Matthew: the coming of the Messiah and the wise astrologers who came from the East to bow to the newborn Infant. In Church Slavonic, the troparion sounds like this:

ascension of the world, the light of reason,

serving the stars in it

I study as a star

Bow to you, the Sun of Truth,

and guide you from the height of the east.

Lord, glory to You.

And here is its Russian translation:

Your Christmas, Christ our God,

illumined the world with the light of knowledge,

for through him those who serve the stars

were taught by a star

To worship you, the Sun of Truth,

and to know Thee, from on high the Rising Star.

Lord, glory to You!

Here is also a translation made at the St. Philaret Institute:

Your Christmas, Christ our God,

illumined the world with the light of knowledge,

for then the servants of the stars

were taught by a star

to worship You, the Sun of Truth,

and to know You, Dawn from above, -

Lord, glory to You!

The troparion of the Nativity of Christ sounds repeatedly during the festive divine service: at Vespers, Compline, Matins, Liturgy, and also for several days following the first day of the holiday.

Christmas canons

One of the Christmas services, Matins, includes two canons. A canon is a hymnographic work formed by eight or nine songs, each of which usually contains two or three or more poetic stanzas. The first stanza in the canon is called the irmos, the others are called troparia. (The troparion of the canon should not be confused with the dismissal troparion discussed above.)

One of the canons for the feast of the Nativity of Christ was written by a hymnographer of Syrian origin named Mansur ibn Serjun at-Taghlibi. He lived in the 8th century and in his youth served at the court of the Damascus caliph. He is known to the Christian world as John of Damascus.

Another canon (in the order of singing - the first) was written by a friend and free brother of John - the saintCosmas, Bishop of Mayum .

The canon of Cosmas of Mayumsky opens with the joyful, exultant words of the irmos:

Christ is born - praise!

Christ from heaven - meet!

Christ on earth - rise!

Sing to the Lord, all the earth

and sing with joy, people,

for He is glorified!

However, these words were not written by Cosmas himself - he only paraphrased and slightly expanded what the saint had said several centuries earlier.Gregory the Theologian in one of his sermons.

Let us also cite a fragment of the canon of John of Damascus. The first troparion of the second ode of this canon refers us to the Gospel of Luke, which describes the appearance of angels to the Bethlehem shepherds, who then went to see the baby Christ:

The choir of pipers was amazed,

honored in an extraordinary way

to see what is beyond the mind:

from the Blessed Bride, all-blessed birth

and a regiment of incorporeal, who sang

without the seed of the incarnating Christ-King.


After the sixth ode of the second canon, in the text of the Christmas matins there is a hymn entitled kontakion, followed by ikos. These two stanzas should be discussed in more detail.

These kontakion and ikos are not part of the canon. This is all that remains in the current service from a very interesting work by another Syrian author -Roman the Melodist . Roman was born in the second half of the 5th century, that is, he lived later than Gregory the Theologian, but noticeably earlier than John and Cosmas, Herman and Cassia. He was the author of multi-stanza hymnographic works, which we called so - kontakia. What we now call this word is only the introductory stanza of the Romanov chant. And what is now called the ikos is the first of a series of many stanzas contained in the kontakion.

A one-stanza kontakion (that is, a kontakion in the modern sense of the word) is, along with a dismissive troparion, one of the main chants of any holiday. Here is the Church Slavonic text of the kontakion and its Russian translation.

The Virgin today gives birth to the Substantial,

and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable.

Angels with shepherds glorify

the wolves travel with the star:

for us to be born

Otrocha Young, Eternal God.


The Virgin on this day gives birth to the Superessential,

and the earth brings a cave to the Unapproachable;

Angels with shepherds praise

the wise men travel after the star,

because it was born for us

Young child, eternal God!

And now, for comparison, let's give the introductory stanza (that is, the current kontakion) and the first two stanzas of the main part of the kontakion for the Nativity of Christ in the Russian translation of Hieromonk Jacob (Tsvetkov), in editions Priest Mikhail Zheltov:

WITHtoday the Virgin gives birth to the Supreme Being, and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable; angels, together with the shepherds, glorify, while the wise men travel with the star: for the sake of us was born the Young Infant, the Eternal God!

V Ifeem opened [us] Eden - come, we'll see; we found pleasure in a secret [place] - come, we will receive heavenly [joy] inside the cave: there appeared a Root not drunk [with moisture], growing forgiveness; there appeared an unearthed well, from which David had longed to drink; there the Virgin, who gave birth to the Child, immediately quenched the thirst of Adam and David. Therefore, let us come to this [place] where the Young Child, the Eternal God, was born!

OThe father of the Mother, by His will, became [Her] Son, the Savior of the children reclined as a child in the manger. Recognizing Him, the Mother of God says: “Tell me, Child, how did You dwell in Me and how were You formed in Me? I see you, [My] womb, and I am horrified - for I feed on milk, and remain unmarried. And though I see you, [child], in diapers, [both] contemplate the virginity of his sealed - because you saved it, deigning to be born [from Me, O], the Young Child, the Eternal God "!

In total, the main part of the Romanov Kontakion contains 24 stanzas (icosas). At the same time, the initial letters of the stanzas form an acrostic - a phrase that, in Greek, means "Hymn of the humble Roman."

One more thing should be noted. All stanzas of the kontakion end with the same expression - "Young Infant, Eternal God" (in Church Slavonic - "Young Child, Eternal God"). This is a feature of all ancient multi-stanza kontakia. And not only Kondakov, but also akathists - genre for consideration which we now turn.

Christmas akathists

Kontakia Roman Melodist written vividly - but they are, unfortunately, came out of the church urotrebleniya. The canons of Cosmas of Mayum and John of Damascus are rich in content; they refer us to the images and plots of the Old and New Testaments; but it must be admitted that all this is very difficult for the perception of an insufficiently prepared reader and, moreover, a listener.

Perhaps it is for this reason that akathists are becoming more widespread with each century and decade.

Akathist is also a multi-stanza work, like the ancient kontakion and canon. But the akathist is usually simpler in language, it has a clearer and more understandable structure. The first akathist - it was an akathist to the Mother of God - appeared no later than the first quarter of the 7th century. We do not know the name of its author. Later, other akathists began to appear - dozens, hundreds, now thousands. Initially, akathists (except for the very first one) were not intended for singing in the temple. Nevertheless, the akathist is increasingly becoming a part of church worship.

There are several akathists for the feast of the Nativity of Christ. Three of them, the most currently known to have been written Russian hierarchs of the XX century: Bishop Tikhon (Tikhomirov), Archbishop Nikon (Petin) and Metropolitan Nicodemus (Rusnak). Let us give at least three stanzas (out of 25) of each akathist. They are, by and large, written in Church Slavonic, but this language is understandable enough. As for the Russian translation of akathists, such experiments are unknown to us.

From the akathist of Bishop Tikhon:

Vozbranny before the age of the Father, the Savior of the world and the King of the ages, like a Founding is born to us, the Son, and dadesya us. This now, by will, we accept flesh from the Virgin and, like a reasonable Sun of Truth, to those who exist in darkness and the shadow of death, sitting Divinely ascended. O come, let us rejoice, seer of God in the flesh, in Bethlehem for our sake povivaema in linen cloths, with the Magi and the shepherds Sema poklanyayuschesya, commandingly cried, Glory to God, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

ANgele drevle at the gate of Eden, the tree of life otpadshago Adam stregusche now also from the entire Bethlehem joy veliyu zemnorodnyh preached, which is shed will all lyudem: Yako is born Savior, Who is Christ the Lord, in a manger bezslovesnyh flesh mladenstvuyusche. Come, faithful, let us glorify the Mother of the Savior, after the Nativity of the Virgin who appeared again, and with the Angels and shepherds a worthy song in the den from Her, let us sing to the Born:

Glory to Thee, the Pre-Beginning Word, this God, the man who appears;

glory to Thee, God the Great and Eternal, His Divinity did not depart, from the side of the Maiden incarnate.

Glory to Thee, the Son of God - the Son of the Virgin, who received the ghost of a slave;

glory to Thee, the Word of God, Unsearchable, who has come into the vale of our exile.

Glory to Thee, the Eternal Word, with a strange exhaustion from the Virgin, shining to the world;

glory to Thee, God's Wisdom and Strength, for our sake impoverished for us.

Glory to Thee, Bride of the Most Pure, rich Christmas, His glory is full of the essence of Heaven;

Glory to Thee, the shining Sun of Truth, Through which the whole earth is filled with joy.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men.

Videvshe Creator and Zizhditel giblema every man, Whose hands will build, miloserdstvuya about him incline the heavens, the earth Sneed, whose top Tsarstvuyay heavens and the earth soda - Whose Father before the ages born, yes update fallen human nature. His sight is Samago and Man and God, exultant with all heavenly and earthly, praising the divine condescension of God, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

From the akathist of Metropolitan Nikodim:

ANDthe most pure angel virgin from all generations; and from Her, born of the flesh, Christ our God, with thanksgiving we offer Thee to Thy servants, Master. But you, as if you have inexpressible mercy, free us from all troubles, calling:

Jesus, Son of God, incarnated for us, glory to Thee.

Amany gathered in Bethlehem to see the incomprehensible Christmas; and seeing your Creator, lying in a manger like a baby, wondering! And reverently with fear, I was born and I gave birth to a godly reverence, singing like this:

Glory to Thee, Son of God, born before the age of the Father.

Glory to Thee, with the Father and the Spirit all created.

Glory to Thee, come to save the lost.

Glory to Thee, even descended to the level of a slave.

Glory to Thee, seeker of the lost.

Glory to Thee, Savior of the lost.

Glory to Thee, destroying the mediastinum of enmity.

Glory to Thee, paradise, closed by disobedience, I will open again.

Glory to Thee, the human race unspeakably loved.

Glory to Thee, on earth the den of heaven revealed.

Glory to Thee, who gave birth to The Virgin, Who showed the Throne of the Cherubim.

Jesus, Son of God, incarnate for us, glory to Thee.

Vgoing without flesh, the Angels of their Lord, having taken flesh from the pure Virgin, horrified! And deciding to each other: this glorious Sacrament is incomprehensible to us to be: both marveling at the ineffable That descent, with fear I sing: Alleluia.

From the akathist of Archbishop Nikon:

Rwait on the Virgin, receiving heavenly singing, accept from the spiritual treasures the hymn that I offer up to You: Jesus, God-child, save us!

Oie angels priemshe gospel, in the city of Bethlehem, thou who didst enter the spiritual and the babe in the manger uzrevshih, will sing joyfully to Him:

Jesus, angels rejoice;

Jesus, leap of my heart.

Jesus, the whole world's waiting;

Jesus, heavenly radiance.

Jesus Godchild, save us!

Fthose who believe in faith, the shepherds show the way, and we rejoice with them the same way, we sing to the Born One: Alleluia!

Akathist Archbishop Nikon includes Russian Phrase acrostic: "Christmas spirit sing."