Why do witches dream in an apartment. Dream Interpretation to be a witch in a dream

  • 15.10.2019

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

intrigues, intrigues.

To see a witch in a dream, a sorcerer

according to Loff's dream book

Meeting with a person with supernatural powers or acquiring such powers in dreams is very common. In the case of a plot about the occult sciences, in a dream you see unique personal items that allow you to use your willpower against others or vice versa. Who is the occult person: you or someone else? What matters is how these forces are used. If you use them against others, you may feel like your opponents have an unfair advantage and want to level the playing field. Another explanation for this dream is your desire to show the extent of your power. The third reason for the appearance such a dream is that you don't let out anger directed at others. Another possibility is that you probably want to inspire someone with romantic affection for you. You can project your power onto a stranger, who most likely represents someone you know or a part of yourself. If someone uses their power against you, then you probably think that they are using their influence in your life or conspiring against you. If you or someone else tries to use magical powers, does the spell succeed or is something preventing it?

dreamed of a witch

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing witches in a dream means that you and others will strive for adventure, noisy fun, but all this can suddenly lead to your humiliation, disappointment and resentment. Business and other businesses may suffer if you see witches stepping on you. Household chores will also bring disappointment.

according to Loff's dream book

Meeting with a person with supernatural powers or acquiring such powers in dreams is very common. In the case of a plot about the occult sciences, in a dream you see unique personal items that allow you to use your willpower against others or vice versa. Who is the occult person: you or someone else? What matters is how these forces are used. If you use them against others, you may feel like your opponents have an unfair advantage and want to level the playing field. Another explanation for this dream is your desire to show the extent of your power. The third reason for having such a dream is that you do not release anger directed at others to the surface. Another possibility is that you probably want to inspire someone with romantic affection for you. You can project your power onto a stranger, who most likely represents someone you know or a part of yourself. If someone uses their power against you, then you probably think that they are using their influence in your life or conspiring against you. If you or someone else tries to use magical powers, does the spell succeed or is something preventing it?

dreamed of a witch

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing witches in a dream means that you and others will strive for adventure, noisy fun, but all this can suddenly lead to your humiliation, disappointment and resentment. Business and other businesses may suffer if you see witches stepping on you. Household chores will also bring disappointment.

Why is the witch dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

insidious woman; ugly - scandal; touches the sleeping man - an evil slander.

Expert Answers


The dream was completely unintelligible. The only thing I remember, and what frightened me very much, is that some person and I killed a reborn witch in a strange guise, and after that she was finally killed by burning at the stake. And then we leave with that person. And from the witch there was only a skeleton, smoldering in the fire. Why this dream? (Katerina.)

For accurate interpretation there are no details, but burning a witch at the stake in a dream means that in reality you will have to give up some of your principles or get rid of some unpleasant character trait.


I dreamed that I went into my room and there were two fortune-tellers lying one on one bed and on the other - the second. One wanted to say something, but she was interrupted. She lay in my place where I sleep. She said that my husband has another, he has changed a lot and does not tell me anything, and I will go crazy because of this. He left me, and immediately switched to my grandmother, my mother's mother, who cracked 4 or 5 eggs in the kitchen. Why such a dream? (Reduced)

A fortune teller in a dream reflects your anxiety and insecurity in real life on the topic on which he is guessing. Apparently, you suspect your husband of infidelity and are afraid that he might go to another. As for the grandmother, she probably needs your help.

Seeing a witch in a dream, many wonder what such a dream portends. The dream interpretation can be interpreted depending on the emotional state of the sleeping person. If in night dreams you experience a feeling of fear, then this is not very good sign. If the witch is ugly and even disgusting, then expect an imminent scandal. A few more options for why this is a dream are listed below.

Evil witch

If you dreamed that a witch was attacking and threatening, then in real life you would expect disappointment in household chores. In this case Modern dream book warns: because of your frivolity, problems may arise at work. Be more careful, prudent and serious.

Having heard the threats and curses uttered by the witch in a dream, try to be strong and collected as much as possible in reality. Universal dream book claims that this is the only way you will be able to cope with the hardships and hardships of the world around you.

Seeing an evil sorceress in a dream, you should carefully look at your surroundings, there is some kind of evil woman nearby who is trying to harm the dreamer. The plot will be explained as a bad influence, trouble, and even a warning about a possible accident.

good sorceress

If you dreamed good witch with a pleasant face - a meeting with a wise woman awaits you.

If a joyful witch or even several dreamed, then Aesop's dream book interprets this as an omen of a strange, even adventurous adventure, into which the sleeper will very soon be drawn.

Miller's dream book believes that the dreaming kind and sweet sorceress marks a certain undertaking, but, despite her temptation, the consequences will be the most unpredictable.

Another explanation for why such a plot is dreamed of is the search for entertainment and entertainment, which will subsequently bring disappointment and even become a source of danger.

Rites and medicine

If the dreamer saw in a dream the performance of a ceremony, then this is a sign of uncertainty in his abilities. The universal dream book advises to be bolder. Only in this way can you achieve what you want.

If you dreamed that the sorceress was preparing a potion, then this is a clear sign that for some time you will lose interest in life. Aesop's dream book warns that this will happen due to illness or his own emotional experiences.

Various interpretations

A witch-sorceress, who has magical knowledge received from the Devil, is able to become a werewolf and take on various images, pass through walls, etc. The Universal Interpreter will help you find out why such a phenomenon is dreamed of.

It must be remembered that the appearance of a witch in a dream is interpreted in different ways. If you yourself have become the owner of secret powers, then in reality you are trying to show others your power.

To be a magician in a dream yourself is a great surprise. It can also mean the sleeper's anger, which he is holding back. You are probably angry at someone and cannot deal with this negative feeling on your own.

If you dreamed that your beloved became a witch, then in reality this means some cooling of her feelings.

If you dream that in this form his mother-in-law came to the sleeping man, then your relatives interfere with your plans. Do not listen to their advice, only then the business will bring profit.

But to kill a witch in a dream means that in reality life will improve and become much better. A modern dream book interprets such a plot as a sign of a fatal mistake. In any case, you should find out what the witch is dreaming of and be careful.

If you dreamed of a flying witch on a broom, then this may be an omen of illness. A similar dream is also interpreted as a harbinger of the appearance of a person who can create a lot of problems and even destroy a quiet life.

For a patient to see a witch in a dream - a speedy recovery, but only if unconventional methods are used for treatment. Often such a plot is a symbol of an inexplicable event.

comments 17

  • I dreamed that it was like a wedding at a friend of mine, as soon as we entered the church, I saw her friends and all the witches with black eyes, and one was really angry when she saw me. She then came up to me in the back row where I was sitting and wanted to do something to me, held out her hands, and I began to read the Our Father in a row, and she died. Why is this? A very strange feeling.

  • For several nights in a row I dream about how a very evil and terrible witch is trying to kill me. I begin to read prayers and disown. I struggle with her for a long time and in the end she dies. At the same time, I constantly think about the child and transfer all her strength and attention to myself so that she does not touch her.

  • But what if you dream that a good witch and a sorcerer are trying to escape from the lair of an evil, but young witch. And while the sorcerer reads the spell from the book, the good witch holds a magic shield and fights back so that the evil witch does not harm. The good ones stood in a room stuffed with books and other magical things (it seemed to me that this was the room of an evil witch, because she was surprised to see them), both of them also stood in some kind of drawn circle, and the sorcerer read. When I finished reading, then the “good ones” evaporated, disappeared from the circle and from the room in general. And the wicked witch remained furious. I want to draw your attention to the fact that they were all young, beautiful. But I didn’t participate in this, but just looked from the side, but no one noticed me, as if I were invisible. I know it sounds crazy. But I still wanted to know the interpretation of this dream. It's not like that every night, I'll dream about it. Help please 🙂

  • I saw in a dream how one woman kills people with a knife right in the brain. I saw her kill like in a horror movie it was not scary at all. But she told me something. After that, I killed her just like she killed other people, I killed her right in the brain with a knife. But after that, I killed a few more people and killed my little sister. That's when it was unrealistically scary. Please tell me why this dream?

  • I dreamed that I fought a witch, read prayers and baptized her, she turned from a beautiful bright woman into an old woman. I pushed her out the door and down the stairs, she most likely died.

  • The witch swayed on a stick holding her hands, with loose long hair in long white clothes, approached me and licked my cheek, and immediately squeaked, groaned, saying that Jesus lives in me, then turned into a little black one like a hat and disappeared under the ground.

  • And if you dream that you are at school with a girlfriend and terrible witches fly around the school, but they are not old and do not cause disgust. And when they fly, they laugh. Viciously. They fly and look into the windows, and you hide from them behind the teacher's table, for example, but at the same time you are not very scared.

  • I dreamed that I was in a dark forest. Suddenly I notice that the bark of one of the large trees is opening and a light is burning there. Coming closer, I see a staircase to the bottom on the sides of which there are terrible witches who want to touch, but do not touch. I go down below and go into a bright room. I was simply turned on by the sight of the witches there. Sexy, beautiful, they surrounded me. The head witch came and I made love to her. Later, I began to go there often. They gave me paper Brown, and I began to write a statement) but I will say one thing, I had no fear and no sense of threat.

  • I dreamed that I was talking with a witch at the window in the room, I didn’t know that she was a witch, there was someone else in the room (I don’t remember) I ask her why she came, she seems to say that everything is fine, and gives me a vine like to hold. And outside the window the wind noise began and I hear my children call for help, they scream - my mother is here, ghosts are flying, help me, I want to visit them, and the witch distracts me with conversations. And I feel that someone else is in the room, but I can't see who. Then I nevertheless ran to the children and I saw that my daughter was hanging on the windowsill from the outside and someone was pulling her, I jumped out the window after the children and I saw a lot of witches there, they were flying over the children and they wanted to drag them away, I began to drive them away, threw the children back out the window and she also returned to the house. And there are two witches, and I took big knife and hit one of the witches in the chest, and the knife did not even pierce it, it bounced off like iron. Witches evil dissipated in my face! And then I remembered that I had that branch in my hand - a vine in the form of a wide slingshot, and I looked that it was a willow, and I began to whip the weeds with this branch and they got scared, and the place where the branch hit lit up like sparks with white light, bright as a small lightning strike. I screamed I won’t give up my son I won’t give up my children and drove out the witches. And when I went out into the street, there was a whole flock of them, and everything seemed to start to disappear; the children thanked me for saving me. Please decipher my dream, it was very scary, and I also clearly saw the hours of 3 minutes of the first night!

Some of the most popular evil characters in fairy tales, cartoons and horror films are witches and sorceresses. But what if these anti-heroes appeared to us during a dream? Should we expect any negative consequences from such a dream, or, on the contrary, should we expect good? We propose to ask the question "Why do witches dream?" to several of the most complete and popular dream books.

Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller: witches and sorceresses in a dream

This dream book interprets a dream about witches as a harbinger of some fun events, parties with friends, which, however, will turn out to be humiliation, disappointment and resentment for you. If in a dream witches attack you, then in real life your affairs may be in danger.

Intimate dream book: why do witches dream

A dreaming witch warns you to be wary of casual acquaintances and rash actions that can lead to serious consequences. If the sorceress from the dream is especially scary and ugly, then it is quite possible that someone is up to no good against you and plans to resort to black magic. Also, a dreaming witch can symbolize the dreamer's subconscious desire to stop following the norms of behavior accepted in society.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: witches and sorceresses in a dream

Answering the question of what witches dream of, the compilers this dream book claim that such a dream promises the dreamer an acquaintance with a very cheerful company in whose company he will spend a lot of time. However, you should always be on the lookout, because such entertainment can end very sadly for both your psychological health and financial condition. What is the dream of a witch, a sorceress, into which you yourself turn in a dream? Such a dream promises the onset of a critical situation, which will be extremely difficult for you to deal with and in which no one will come to your aid.

Universal family dream book: why do witches dream

According to the compilers of this dream book, a witch or sorceress seen in a dream predicts the dreamer to participate in noisy fun, which will eventually turn into bitter tears.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family: Why the Witch Dreams

If a witch dreamed of a man, then some bad news is likely to await him. It is also quite possible that someone will try to complicate your life with their compulsive actions. A sorceress performing some kind of magical rite over you in a dream promises you a loss of self-confidence, as a result of which you decide to seek help from an influential, but very unreliable person. If a witch in a dream appears in the guise of your girlfriend or wife, then such a dream predicts a temporary cooling in your relationship. A sorceress in the guise of a mother-in-law promises someone's interference in your affairs, as a result of which you will not be able to realize your plans. If a witch dreams of a representative of the beautiful half of humanity, then she should be concerned about her own good name and reputation, as something threatens them.