Social mortgage for people on the waiting list. Social mortgage: how to get it, what it is and who is entitled to it

  • 16.12.2020

Poor citizens are entitled to a social mortgage - a loan, part of which is paid by the state. This type of mortgage can only be obtained by those people who do not have their own apartment or no more than 12 sq.m per resident.

If you are eligible for a social mortgage, the state will compensate you with 50% of the money to pay off the loan. To apply for this mortgage, collect a package of required documents. The list is big enough. Prepare copies of passports, birth certificates of all minors, a copy of the marriage (or divorce) document, as well as a salary certificate for the last year. Contact the USRN and ask for a document for adult family members. It should state that you do not own any property. Visit the district administration where you live. Employees should give you full advice on social credit and help you sort things out. They will also help you make rough estimates of the first payment, the term and size of the loan, the size of the fixed payments and the required minimum wage. You will be asked to write a statement to be signed by all family members over the age of eighteen. Government officials will review your application within two weeks (on weekdays). If everything goes well, you will be issued a special certificate. ) After that, proceed to the choice of an apartment. According to the law, you can choose an object whose size is not more than 18 sq.m. for every resident. If you are going to live alone, you can get an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 36 sq.m. Exceeding these standards is allowed up to 9 sq.m. You can choose a room in a council house that was built by the state. In this case, you will receive public housing on credit at a reduced price. You can also start building your own house or choose any object you like. Within two months after a positive decision is made, the administration must issue you a subsidy. When this happens, contact the bank and find out about all the conditions for obtaining a loan. Gather the required documents and submit them to the bank. Most likely, you will be asked to provide a certificate in the form of 2-NDFL. If you are a business owner, please provide a balance sheet, income statement, and all incorporation documents. An individual entrepreneur must bring a certificate of registration.

Each financial institution has its own requirements for a package of mandatory documents and terms for making a decision on issuing a loan. Ask a consultant about this. Some banks are ready to provide a loan in a few weeks, and some in a few hours. If necessary, consider several offers from different banks and choose the most suitable one. When you find a suitable financial institution and receive approval for a loan, take the documents to the administration. They should be reviewed by employees. If everything goes well and the administration approves the documents, conclude a sales contract and an agreement to transfer the amount of money. When it is transferred to the owner's account, you can begin the process of registering the ownership of the purchased housing.

Now you know how to get and apply for a social mortgage. Try to take seriously the collection of required certificates. Administration staff can find fault with any little thing, so carefully check each of the documents before submitting.

Buying your own home is the most cherished dream of any family that needs it. Unfortunately, not every citizen can afford to do this for cash, having the appropriate income or savings. So mortgages come to the rescue.

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If we analyze this type of lending, then standard programs also hurt the pocket, and therefore are beyond the power of socially unprotected citizens. But for some categories of citizens there is a way out - a social mortgage, and it is about it that we will discuss below.

The legislative framework

The federal law on mortgage lending was adopted in 1998, and it is this act that is fundamental. It regulates the procedure for issuing such loans, and also regulates all issues regarding registration and moving into housing. You can add a few more regulations to it.

  1. The constitution, which says that every citizen has the right to housing and cannot be evicted from it without legal grounds.
  2. Federal legislation on large families, military personnel, employees of budgetary and law enforcement sectors, and social benefits that are provided to them, including mortgages.
  3. Regulations on the Agency for Social Mortgage Lending, which regulates the rights and obligations of officials of this state body.

It must be remembered that there are also regional programs under which certain categories of citizens can be allocated budget money for partial repayment of mortgages.

The concept and features of social mortgage

Mortgage lending means the possibility of acquiring a residential property on credit. In this case, the acquired apartment, home ownership, on which a special restriction is imposed, acts as collateral.

What is a social mortgage?

That is, mortgage information is entered into the state register, so housing purchased under such a loan cannot be sold or otherwise alienated until the loan and interest are fully paid.

Social mortgage is a kind of such lending, which provides for assistance from the state. It assumes part of the mandatory expenses (initial payment, interest payments), which are received by the banking institution from budgetary funds.

That is, in fact, the borrower falling under such a program receives financial support from the state. A feature of the social mortgage is that the funds allocated from the budget are not given into the hands of the borrower, but are immediately transferred from the budget to the bank account.

In addition, the possibility of various fraudulent schemes with real estate is excluded, because representatives of a special state agency for mortgage lending are involved in obtaining a mortgage.

You need to know that the decision to issue a social mortgage belongs exclusively to officials of the mortgage lending agency, and they make all transfers to banking institutions.

Conditions for obtaining a social mortgage

First, it is necessary to determine which real estate may fall under the social mortgage.

  1. Residential properties. This includes apartments, as well as private households, which are intended for the residence of citizens, and they can be entered immediately after all the necessary paperwork is completed.
  2. Land plots on which there are partially erected households, or it is planned to build a residential property.
  3. Apartments in unfinished buildings that can be occupied after the house is put into operation. The main requirement is the readiness of the residential property by 80%.

Categories of citizens and families

Now let's move on to considering the categories of citizens and families who can count on a social mortgage:

  • the military and members of their families, this includes contract servicemen of the armed forces, the FSB, and other branches of the military who have served for more than 3 years;
  • police officers whose total continuous service is more than 10 years;
  • employees of budgetary organizations, that is, teachers and doctors who have not reached the age of 35, have worked for more than 5 years in their position, or have arrived in the countryside;
  • young families under the age of 35;
  • large families, that is, those that have three or more children;
  • railway workers with more than 6 years of work experience and under 35 years of age;
  • young specialists who, immediately after graduation, began their work experience and worked continuously for one year at any enterprise.

As you can see, social mortgage lending is clearly regulated and not every citizen can count on it. It should also be added that it provides for mandatory payments, therefore, before completing all the documents and receiving money, the credit institution, as well as the agency, will conduct a preliminary check of the general financial condition of the borrower.

It is important to remember that not all banking institutions participate in social lending programs. Only those banks that have received special permission from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and are accredited by a mortgage agency are admitted to them.

Therefore, before starting the registration process, you need to ask if a banking institution is participating in this program.

Pros and cons of the program

Consider now the positive and negative aspects of this type of lending. The pluses include the fact that the interest rate on such loans, which the beneficiary is obliged to pay, will be from 4-10% per annum.

What is a social mortgage, see in this video:

Plus, with the help of budgetary funds, you can pay off part of the mandatory monthly payments (at the choice of the borrower). It is also an indisputable advantage that at the expense of budget programs you can improve your living conditions.

The negative aspects include the following:

  • it is impossible to buy elite housing, that is, budget money will be given for the purchase of housing at the rate of 18 residential square meters per family member;
  • the material condition of the borrower is strictly checked;
  • for some privileged categories of citizens, the law requires the mandatory payment of 10% of the cost of the apartment;
  • housing that is eligible for such a program must be in a new or refurbished home.

It is interesting to know that, despite the presence of some disadvantages of such programs, for the above preferential categories, this is the only way to become owners of the long-awaited square meters.

The procedure for acquiring an apartment on a social mortgage

Consider a detailed algorithm for acquiring housing under such a program.

  1. If a family falls into one of these categories, they first need to find a suitable property.
  2. Next, you need to collect all income certificates over the past few years to confirm the presence of stable earnings of working family members, confirming documents that citizens are beneficiaries, and then go to the state mortgage agency to find out if they will give money for a mortgage. If such consent is given, you can proceed to the next step.
  3. With all the documents collected, you need to find a banking institution that is a member of the preferential mortgage program, and submit them for consideration of the application. It is also recommended to provide documents for the property, as well as a preliminary agreement confirming the intention of the parties to purchase and sell the property.
  4. If a banking institution gives its consent, you need to take from them the details where the budget money will be transferred and take them to the officials of the agency.
  5. Further, the down payment is paid or it is done at the expense of budget money (depending on the mortgage program). The property is registered in the name of the owner and entered in the state register.

It must be remembered that confirmation of the ability to pay the down payment can be a deposit in the bank, on the account of which the required amount will be located.

Required documents

Here is a list of required documents that you need to collect to participate in the preferential program:

  • certificates from municipal social authorities, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as other budgetary bodies whose employees are subject to social mortgage;
  • a certificate of family composition at the current place of residence, as well as the number of those registered;
  • documents confirming income for the last few years, this includes an extract from the work book of all family members, as well as confirmation of the availability of funds for making a down payment;
  • the availability of benefits for paying utility bills, confirmation of the transfer of maternity capital (for families with children).

In some cases, a bank or mortgage agency may require an additional package confirming the solvency of a citizen and his family. Nuances arising from the implementation of this program.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the employees of the prosecutor's office. They are not eligible for benefits, but are entitled to significant discounts on utility bills, which are paid into a special account in cash.

If they are not spent, then in a few years a decent amount can be collected, which will serve as a down payment. This also applies to civil servants of the city of Moscow.

The salaries of such employees are not high, but there are regional programs for them that allow them to repay part of the mortgage funds at the expense of the local budget.

Citizens who can get a social mortgage.

It is important to remember that families with children can take advantage of two mortgage programs at once. They can issue a 5% mortgage and attract maternity capital to repay it.

Methodology and examples of calculating square meters

In order to fall under the social program, privileged categories of citizens must figure out how many square meters allow it to be used. Some banks offer online calculators that require you to enter personal and other data.

But this is all done simply. As mentioned above, you cannot buy elite housing in a social mortgage. Under his concept fall objects of residential real estate with a large quadrature. The Housing Code says that in order to comply with all minimum sanitary standards, each family member must have at least 18 square meters of living space.

At the same time, there is one more requirement, heterosexual family members (not husband and wife), for example, brother and sister must live in separate rooms. Therefore, in order to calculate whether an apartment is suitable for a social mortgage, the family must take into account such data. Consider, for example, a social mortgage for a family of 4, where there are parents, a brother and a sister.

For each person you need 18 square meters, that is, 18x4 \u003d 72 m 2. Brother, sister, parents need separate rooms. If the apartment has two rooms of 72 squares, then such housing will not work. We need a three-room apartment, that is, we can add 18 more squares, since there are practically no three-ruble bills with a total living area of ​​72 m 2.

It turns out that for a social mortgage, you can buy a three-room apartment with a living area of ​​90 square meters. It must be remembered that the total area is not included in this calculation.

Online social mortgage calculator

Now let's look at what data you need to enter into the online calculator for calculating social mortgage payments.

The following data is entered into it:

  • the amount of the down payment to be paid by the borrower or the budget;
  • monthly payment for the body of the loan (fixed amount);
  • the total cost of the apartment;
  • the interest rate, as mentioned above, depends on the preferential category;
  • the period for which the loan is taken.

After entering these data, the calculator will give you approximate monthly payments. For example, it looks like this:

The cost of the apartment is 5,000,000 rubles. The down payment is 10%, that is, 500 thousand, the balance is 4,500,000. The interest rate is 5% per annum. The loan was taken for 20 years.

Let's calculate the monthly interest payment: 5/12=0.4% per month. We determine the monthly interest payment: 4,500,000x0.4% / 100% = 18,000 rubles.

The interest overpayment will be equal to: 18,000x 140 (months in 20 years) \u003d 2,520,000 rubles. Plus, add the loan body of 4,500,000, it turns out that you need to pay 7,020,000 million. This calculation is given in the event that under the agreement the entire body of the loan will be repaid in the last month of the mortgage loan.

But this is an approximate amount, since in each monthly payment there is a certain amount to repay the body of the loan, taking into account the fact that interest for the use of money is charged on the balance of the body, then the above amount will be much less. But the calculation algorithm will remain unchanged.

It is important to remember that the online calculator can only give approximate calculations.

Moscow banks participating in preferential mortgages

In the Moscow region, the following banks take part in social mortgage programs:

  • Sberbank;
  • VTB 24;
  • Communication bank;
  • Bank Zenith;
  • Rosselkhozbank.

This video will tell you everything about social mortgage for Muscovites:

It should also be taken into account that such a list may change every year, since some credit institutions may obtain the necessary permission and become also a participant in social lending.

It is important to remember that the interest rate in any bank on a social mortgage will not exceed the threshold of 5-10%, and depends on the chosen program and the financial condition of the borrower.

In order to become the owner of an apartment taken in a social mortgage, you need to fall under a certain category of citizens, as well as provide a list of necessary documents. The transfer of budgetary funds for partial repayment of the loan is carried out by the mortgage agency.

You will need

  • You will need:
  • – passport of the borrower, as well as passports of the co-borrower and adult family members;
  • - documents on the availability of education;
  • – certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • - a copy of the work book;
  • - certificates of income from the main place of work and additional places of work, if any;
  • - Declaration of additional income in the form of a bank.


Determine if you belong to the category of people who can qualify for state social support. The following categories of citizens can count on social security.
- Citizens who are already recognized as needy. Such citizens are already on the waiting list. This list is compiled by the administration of the city or district. Therefore, if you are not yet in this queue, contact the administration, clarify the conditions for entering this list, collect all the necessary documents and stand in line.
- Citizens who have less than 12 meters for each family member.
- Citizens who are also subject to: military, state employees, young families.

Find out which social mortgage option works in your area. There are three possible options. Namely:
- subsidizing the interest rate on a mortgage loan;

Providing a subsidy for a portion of the cost of mortgaged housing;

At a discounted price.
To clarify this issue, contact the authority that is responsible for the housing policy of the city or district in your territory. You will be advised on the terms of the provision of social mortgages, and, what is important, they will help you make approximate calculations on the down payment, the size and duration of the loan, the amount of monthly installments and the required minimum income of the borrower's family.

Determine for yourself whether you are ready to bear the burden of the mortgage. Despite the benefits, the social remains, so be prepared to pay and, and other monthly payments for a large number of years.
Please note that you can only purchase new housing under construction on the social network, as a result of which you become a participant in the construction.
The cost per square meter according to a special formula, and in any region it will be less, and sometimes much less, than the cost per square meter of the same housing at its market value.

Apply for a social mortgage. If you have consulted with the administration of your city/district and found out that you are entitled to this type of social support and are already on the waiting list, then you need to do the following.
Contact a special department of the administration or the housing department (it depends on which organization is in charge of this issue in your region) for a final consultation and the formation of a package of documents for the bank. The same department will preliminarily select potential candidates for the bank.
After that, the administration will transfer your documents to the bank, which will make the final decision on issuing a loan.
Then everything goes according to the usual mortgage scheme.

We are studying how to buy an apartment on a mortgage 4 times cheaper than the market value.

Social mortgage is an option for many people who do not have their own living space or it is too small in size. Many people qualify for a social mortgage, and this is often the only option available to improve living conditions.

Differences between ordinary and social mortgages

Many people confuse the concept of "mortgage" and "mortgage loan". A mortgage is a form of pledge of property, and a mortgage loan is a loan from a bank secured by property. Most often, people buy housing on a mortgage, while the collateral is either the existing real estate or the one that is purchased with a mortgage loan.

Depending on what benefits a person receives, social and commercial (ordinary) mortgages are distinguished. Commercial can be obtained by legal entities and individuals who, by law, are not provided with benefits from the state. Social mortgage helps to improve the living conditions of people who belong to vulnerable segments of the population. The essence of the social mortgage is the ability to take out a loan for housing, which, thanks to the existing state program, will be much easier to repay by reducing the value of real estate.

Social mortgage helps to find a way out of a difficult situation when people do not have money to buy an apartment. It is issued for a long time, thanks to which people have the opportunity to get housing now, without spending money to buy it for many years.

The table compares the conditions of social and conventional mortgages that can be issued in Russian banks.

The table does not show the benefits of social mortgages. So what is its benefit? Such a mortgage cheaper. In all regions of the country there are different conditions for social mortgages:

  • In one case, people can buy a home at cost, which helps keep the price down. Such a program, for example, operates in Moscow;
  • In the second case, people can get the missing part of the money to buy real estate. For example, a young family with children can receive compensation in the amount of 40% of the cost of housing, and a family without children - 35%;
  • In the third case, the state mortgage helps to get subsidies for the payment of interest on the loan, due to which it will be much easier to pay off the debt in the future.

If you want to know what benefits can be obtained through a social mortgage, you can contact the city administration and the bank. Each region has its own programs, each of which can greatly ease the financial burden when buying expensive housing.

Who is eligible to apply for a social mortgage?

The state program allows you to receive benefits for the following categories of the population:

1. Young families with children

To apply for a benefit, young families must have funds to pay the missing amount after applying for a social mortgage. The age of the husband and wife should not be more than 35 years, while the family must be registered with the apartment. In accordance with the law, 48 square meters are allocated for two people. m.

2. All people eligible for better housing

In accordance with the norms in force in Russia, one person should have 18 square meters. m of living space. If people live in an apartment or house of a smaller area, they have the right to apply for a social mortgage.

3. Military personnel and combat veterans

4. Employees of the public sector, regardless of their age

This category includes employees of state bodies, employees of state educational institutions, employees of cultural and sports facilities, workers of urban planning enterprises.

Social mortgage in Moscow

The cost of preferential housing for residents of the capital depends on the cost of building a house and the time that a person is in the queue for housing. The sale and purchase agreement is concluded between the borrower and the Government of Moscow, and any bank can act as an intermediary.

The main question remains what will be the cost of housing purchased on a social mortgage. For example, a person who has been in line since 1990 can buy a two-room apartment of 62 sq. m at a reduced price of 558 thousand rubles. The same apartment for a person who has been in line since 2000 will cost a little more than 2 million rubles.

By purchasing real estate at a reduced price, you can pay part of the amount at the time of the transaction, and to pay off the rest, take a mortgage loan from a bank offering favorable conditions. People who want to apply for a social mortgage in Moscow must be 18-55 years old, be recognized as in need of better housing conditions, and be able to repay a mortgage loan.

How to apply for a social mortgage?

Applying for concessional loans sometimes requires a lot of effort to achieve a result. It is necessary to start the process by contacting the district administration, where an application is submitted with a request to register the apartment. The bank should find out all the details, including the requirements that apply to the future borrower. Most often, to obtain a mortgage, a bank needs to know the following information:

  • Place of work;
  • Seniority;
  • Number of family members;
  • The amount of monthly income;
  • Availability of property insurance.

This form of mortgage is a good help provided by our state. Many countries do not have such programs. Therefore, despite the difficulties of a bureaucratic nature that await potential borrowers, we still advise you to take this opportunity seriously. If you have already decided on a mortgage, then the social one, of course, will be much more profitable for you.

Throughout 2015, mortgages remained one of the most popular instruments for purchasing housing in the mass segment. Largely due to the launch of a government program to subsidize housing loan rates. This measure made it possible to gain access to relatively inexpensive loans and low-income segments of the population: social mortgage rates from the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, thanks to the state program, start at 9.9% per annum. Metrium Group analysts found out in which new buildings in Moscow you can get a loan according to AHML social standards, and calculated how much such a mortgage would cost the buyer.

Providing socially unprotected groups of citizens with housing is declared in Russia as one of the priorities of the state. For this, various programs are being developed, ranging from the opportunity to get an apartment or house for free use, to various tools for acquiring housing on preferential terms. One of them is a social mortgage issued by a number of banks in partnership with the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending.

The difference between this program and most on the market is a lower interest rate - from 9.9% per annum - and a small down payment: only 10% of the apartment price. At the same time, a loan can be issued for up to 30 years, and maternity capital can be used as an additional way to attract financing.

However, this program has a number of restrictions regarding both the categories of citizens admitted to it and the objects in which housing can be purchased using social mortgages.

Participants of the program "Housing for the Russian family";
- families with two or more minor children;
- employees of enterprises of the military-industrial complex with at least 1 year of experience;
- Disabled people and families raising children with disabilities who were registered for the improvement of living conditions before 01.01.2005.

In addition, the leadership of each region of the country may allow additional categories to the social mortgage program: war veterans, young families living in emergency housing, employees of a number of organizations and government bodies, etc.

As for the objects accredited for participation in the AHML social mortgage program, today the agency's website contains a list of about 140 buildings in 62 new buildings being sold in Moscow and in the territories annexed to the capital. At the same time, as Metrium Group's analysts note, about half of the accredited facilities belong to the business and elite class segments. And this is rather strange, given the fact that the maximum loan amount in Moscow is set at 10 million rubles.

“The concept of “maximum loan amount” means that the buyer must make the rest of the cost of the apartment as a down payment,” explains Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of Metrium Group. - That is, theoretically, a social mortgage can also be issued for an apartment for a billion rubles, making 99% of your own funds. It can be assumed that the buyer of a business-class apartment will pay 60-70% of its cost from his savings, and take a social mortgage for the remaining 10 million rubles. But in the elite segment, such a situation is unlikely.”

Despite the fact that AHML promotes social mortgage as a loan with a rate of 9.9% per annum and with an initial payment of 10% of the cost of housing, upon closer examination it turns out that a combination of these two parameters is impossible - you have to choose one. The rate of 9.9% per annum is offered under the option "Mortgage with state support" with a minimum down payment of 20%. Moreover, only families with many children (3 children or more) will be able to receive such a low rate, while other social categories can count on a rate of 10.65% per annum. And if the buyer is able to pay only 10% of the cost of housing, then state support will not be available to him, and the interest rate will be 13.25% per annum.

There is also a limit on the maximum loan amount depending on the size of the down payment. If the option “Mortgage with state support” is used, then the size of the loan does not change much: 7.3-8 million rubles. Without state support, the loan amount varies from 6.6 million rubles with a contribution of 10-19% of the cost of the purchased housing to 10 million rubles with a contribution of 50%.

"Old" Moscow

Within the old boundaries of Moscow, today social mortgages are offered in 15 new buildings of economy and comfort class, which is 41.7% of all objects in this segment.

The lowest prices for apartments in projects with social mortgages are presented in the residential complex "Etalon City" - from 3.55 million rubles. Accordingly, here you can get the most sparing mortgage conditions from AHML. At a rate of 9.9% per annum, the amount of the down payment will be from 710 thousand rubles, and the monthly payment - from 24.7 thousand rubles. If we start from a down payment of 10%, then you need to have your own funds from 355 thousand rubles and from 36 thousand rubles monthly to pay off the debt.

The second position is at the Varshavskoye 141 residential complex, where apartment prices start at 3.99 million rubles. You can get a social mortgage at 9.9% per annum here with an initial payment of 798 thousand rubles, servicing a loan will cost from 27.8 thousand rubles a month. With a minimum contribution of own funds, the first payment will be from 399 thousand rubles, and monthly - from 40.4 thousand rubles.

Closes the top three of the residential complex "Marshal Zakharov, 7". Starting prices for apartments here are fixed at 4.39 million rubles. To minimize the size of the monthly payment, you need to deposit your own funds from 878 thousand rubles. Then, at a rate of 9.9% per annum, every month it will be necessary to pay from 30.6 thousand rubles. And with a small initial payment (from 439 thousand rubles), the bank will have to pay almost 1.5 times more monthly - from 44.5 thousand rubles.

In addition to these three new buildings, social mortgages can also be issued in such landmark projects for the capital market as Tsaritsyno-2, Fili Grad and Vodny MFCs, River Park and a number of others.

Residential complex of the mass segment of Moscow with a social mortgage

Name RVE Min apartment area (sq. m) Min cost of an apartment (million rubles) 9.9% per annum 10% down payment
Initial payment (thousand rubles) Monthly payment (thousand rubles)
"Etalon City" 1 sq. eighteen 38,79 3,55 710 24,7 355 36
"Warsaw, 141" 4 sq. sixteen 22,4 3,99 798 27,8 399 40,4
"Marshal Zakharov, 7" 2 sq. eighteen 26,2 4,39 878 30,6 439 44,5
"Tsaritsyno-2" 1 sq. 17 34,3 5,11 1022 35,6 511 51,8
MFC "Fili Grad" 3 sq. 17 28,3 5,77 1154 40,2 577 58,5
"River Park" 2 sq. 17 35,69 5,84 1168 40,7 584 59,2
"Life-Mitinskaya Ecopark" 1 sq. 17 42,12 5,99 1198 41,7 599 60,7
"City on the Tushino River-2018" 4 sq. 17 39,6 6,8 1360 47,3 680 68,9
Chertanovo-Severnoye, microdistrict 7B Obtaining RVE 42,6 7,24 1448 50,4 724 73,4
"Yauza Park" 1 sq. 17 40,45 7,29 1458 50,8 729 73,9
"House on Nagatinskaya"* 3 sq. sixteen 41 7,64 1528 53,2 1074 (14,1%) 73,9
"House on the Emerald" * Obtaining RVE 43,4 7,73 1546 53,8 1173 (15,2%) 73,8
MFC "Water"* Received RVE 39,9 7,81 1562 54,4 1261 (16,1%) 73,7
«Life-Mitinskaya»* Received RVE 43,87 10,66 3198 (30%) 64,9 4396 (41,2%) 70,5
Vershinino* Received RVE 76,9 17,05 5115 (54%) 68,2 11425 (67%) 63,3

* The minimum cost of apartments in these projects exceeds the maximum allowable amount of borrowed funds for the base amount of the down payment. In the "Initial payment" columns, in parentheses, the minimum required share of own funds is indicated, which will allow you to comply with the conditions for granting a social mortgage according to AHML standards.

Source: Metrium Group

New Moscow

On the territory of the Novomoskovsky and Troitsky administrative districts, 14 new buildings are currently offered with the possibility of obtaining a social mortgage from AHML, including in such well-known projects as "", "First Moscow", "Sports Quarter" and others. This is 38.9% of the total number of projects in New Moscow.

The most interesting conditions for today can be obtained in the residential complex "Borisoglebskoe". Considering that the minimum cost of an apartment here is 1.9 million rubles, buyers from social categories have the opportunity to deposit 380 thousand of their own funds and pay only 13.2 thousand rubles on a loan per month. Or you can save on the initial payment by making only 190 thousand rubles. The size of the monthly payment in this case will also not be very high - 19.3 thousand rubles.

Also, a social mortgage can be issued in the residential complex "Sports Quarter". With the cost of an apartment of 2.26 million rubles, the amount of the down payment when applying for a loan at 9.9% per annum will be 452 thousand rubles, and the monthly payment will be 15.7 thousand rubles. And with a 10% down payment of your funds, you will have to pay 226 thousand rubles, and every month you will have to pay 22.9 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that these figures are the lowest in Moscow among projects whose construction has already been completed: buyers of apartments in the Sports Quarter will be able to receive the keys at the beginning of 2016.

The third position is occupied by the Prima-Park residential complex, where apartment prices start at 2.89 million rubles. You can become the owner of an apartment in this project by contributing 578 thousand rubles of your own funds. The monthly payment will be 20.1 thousand rubles. Alternatively, you can have only 289 thousand rubles of your own money, but you will have to give more every month - 29.3 thousand rubles.

Residential complex of the mass segment of New Moscow with a social mortgage

Name RVE Min apartment area (sq. m) Min cost of an apartment (million rub.) 9.9% per annum 10% down payment
Initial payment (thousand rubles) Monthly payment (thousand rubles) Initial payment (thousand rubles) Monthly payment (thousand rubles)
"Borisoglebskoe" 4 sq. sixteen 33,4 1,9 380 13,2 190 19,3
"Sports Quarter" 1 sq. sixteen 28,32 2,26 452 15,7 226 22,9
"Prima-Park" Teaching RVE 26 2,89 578 20,1 289 29,3
"Vnukovo 2016" 4 sq. 17 30,41 2,98 596 20,7 298 30,2
"New star" 2 sq. sixteen 22,9 3,02 604 21 302 30,6
"Novo-Nikolskoye" Obtaining RVE 45 3,53 706 24,6 353 35,8
"Andersen" 1 sq. sixteen 38,22 3,6 720 25,1 360 36,5
"First Moscow" 4 sq. nineteen 39,2 3,82 764 26,6 382 38,7
"Peredelkino Middle" 3 sq. 17 37,2 3,98 796 27,7 398 40,3
"Butovskie alleys" Obtaining RVE 35,6 4,03 806 28,1 403 40,8
"New Vatutinki", Tsentralny microdistrict Obtaining RVE 37,2 4,26 852 29,7 426 43,2
"New Butovo" 2 sq. sixteen 37,5 4,32 864 30,1 432 43,8
"Moscow A101" 1 sq. 17 40,9 4,58 916 31,9 458 46,4
"Buninsky" Receipt of RVE 44,03 5,62 1124 39,2 562 56,9