English-Russian dictionary Tiger. English-Russian dictionary

  • 02.07.2020

source, root, root cause Synonyms: origin, basis,

usually pl. progenitor, ancestor, founder of the clan Synonyms: ancestor, progenitor

bibl. branch, descendant Synonyms: scion, offshoot

stud .; jarg. kick, kick Synonyms: kick I 1.

austral .; rude. intercourse, sex Synonyms: intercourse

rude. penis dick Synonyms: penis

stud .; jarg. kick, push (smb., especially from behind) Synonyms: kick

austral .; rude. copulate, have intercourse Synonyms: copulate, fuck, shag

cheer, greet (smb.) with loud exclamations, applause; cheer for (smb.) Synonyms: cheer I 2.

Synonyms: root; root | underground part; underground part | radix; root | bulb; onion | tuber; tuber | radicle; root
Synonyms: root n.
1 base, basis, foundation, source, seat, cause, fountain-head, origin, fount, well-spring: Love of money is the root of all evil.
2 rootstock, rootstalk, tap root, rootlet; tuber; Technical radix, radicle, radicel, rhizome, rhizomorph: When transplanting seedlings, special care should be taken not to damage the roots.
3 root and branch. radically, completely, utterly, entirely, wholly, totally: The Romans sought to destroy Carthage root and branch.
4 roots. origins, heritage, family, lineage, house, antecedents, forefathers, foremothers, descent, genealogy, family tree, forebears, ancestors, predecessors, stock, pedigree; birthplace, motherland, fatherland, native land or country or soil, cradle: Carlotta spent years tracing her roots to ancient Rome. The roots of civilization first appeared in Mesopotamia.
5 take root. become set or established or settled, germinate, sprout, grow, develop, thrive, burgeon, flourish, spread: Good work habits should take root at an early age; then they will last a lifetime.

6 plant, set, establish, found, fix, settle, embed or imbed; entrench, anchor: The cuttings failed to grow because they were not properly rooted. Hilary "s fear of heights is rooted in a childhood fall from a tree.
7 root out. a Sometimes, root up. uproot, eradicate, eliminate, destroy, extirpate, exterminate: Any subversives in the organization must be rooted out. b find, uncover, discover, dig up or out, unearth, turn up, bring to light: The survey of accounts is aimed at rooting out customers who are slow in paying.
Synonyms: root v. rootle, forage, dig, pry, nose, poke, ferret, burrow, rummage, delve, search, ransack: Harvey has been rooting about in the garage looking for his tennis racket.
Synonyms: root v. Usually, root for. cheer (for), applaud (for); boost, support, encourage, urge on: I "m rooting for our side to win.


root (ru: t)


1) root;

to lay ax to root root out;

to take ( or to strike) root launch roots, root;

to pull up by the roots pull up by the roots; uproot

2) sapling

3) root vegetables

4) base, foundation;

root of a mountain

5) reason, source, root;

the root of the matter

6) progenitor, ancestor, founder of the family "

7) bibl. offshoot, flood

8) gram. root

9) mat. root;

square ( or second) root square root;

cube ( or third) root cubic root

10) attr. root, basic;

the root principle root and branch


1) dig the earth with a snout, undermine the roots ( about a pig)

2) put down the roots; vkoreniat (sya)

3) rivet; nail;

fear rooted him to the ground

4) implement

root away = root out a);

root out, root up"

a) pull out, destroy; "

b) seek, seek; rummage

root (ru: t) v

amer. sl. support, encourage, encourage, "get sick" (for)


translation from English into Russian in other dictionaries

Translation ROOT- New large English-Russian dictionary under the general guidance of Acad. Yu.D. Apresyan


1. (ru: t) n

edible ~ s - edible roots

~ habit / system / - bot. root system

~ knot - bot. root outgrowth

~ medium - biol. rhizosphere, root environment

~ sucker - bot. root shoot / offspring /

~ cutter / slicer / - s.-kh. root cutter

to take / to strike / ~ - a) put down roots, taken ( about the plant); b) take root, take root; take root

to lay ax to ~ - uproot

to pull / to dig / up by the ~ s - uproot; uproot

2.root vegetable

~ digger - root crop harvesting machine

3.root, separate plant

some ~ s of apple-trees - several roots of apple trees

4.base, root

the ~ of a tooth - tooth root

nerve ~ - nerve root

~ of a hill - the foot of the hill

to blush to the ~ s of one "s hair - blush to the roots of the hair

5. ancestor, ancestor, root; a genus with many offshoots

6. (often the ~) reason, source

the ~ of the matter - the essence of the matter, the essence of the matter

the ~ of all evil - the root of all evil

to get at / to / the ~ of the matter - get to the heart of the matter

7.1) base, base

~ principle - basic, fundamental principle

~ cause - root / root / cause, root cause

~ idea - original / original / idea

at (the) ~ - basically

economic ~ s of race conflicts - the economic roots of racial conflicts

to strike at the ~ of smth. - undermine the most basis of smth..

2) pl roots, connections; familiar environment

he has no ~ s in society - he has no connections in society

to pull up one "s ~ s - to withdraw from their homes; change residence, work etc.

to put down new ~ s - to put down roots in a new place, make new acquaintances etc.

8. bibl. offspring, descendant

9. mat. root; radical

square / second / ~ - square root

cube / third / ~ - cube root

~ sign - root sign

to take a ~ - extract the root

10. gram root

11. muses. chord root

12. those. top ( weld)

13. 1) those. tail ( turbine blades)

2) av. butt ( propeller blades); root part ( wing)

~ and branch - thoroughly, radically, radically; perfectly; at all

he got rid of his enemies ~ and branch - he completely got rid of his enemies

2. (ru: t) v

1.1) put down roots; root

to ~ in / into, to / the subsoil - put roots in the soil

some plants ~ freely - some plants root easily

her affection for him is deeply ~ ed - she has long and deeply attached to him

2) plant, plant

~ chrysanthemum cuttings in sand and peat - plant chrysanthemum cuttings in a mixture of sand and peat

2.1) implement

2) take root

3) preim. colloquial root

war is ~ ed in economic causes - wars are based on economic causes

3.Chain, nail

fear ~ ed him to the ground - fear chained him to the place

he stood ~ ed to the spot - he stood rooted to the spot

4.root out ( also transfer; com.~ out, ~ up)

to ~ out subversive elements - eliminate subversive elements

it "s difficult to ~ out certain prejudices - there are prejudices that are difficult to eradicate

they cut down the big trees and ~ ed up the stumps - they cut down big trees and uprooted the stumps

II(ru: t) v

1.to dig the ground with a snout ( about pigs)

2. rummage, search

to ~ about in a drawer (among the things) - rummage in a drawer (in things)

I managed to ~ out a copy of the magazine - I managed to dig out / find / a copy of the magazine

~, hog, or die - ≅ work like an ox, or you will be lost

II(ru: t) v Amer. (for)

1) encourage, encourage ( applause, shouts, etc.)

to ~ for a team - root for some. command

2) maintain ( smb.); wish success ( smb.)

translation of words containing
from English into Russian in other dictionaries (first 3 words)

New Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary under the general guidance of Acad. Yu.D. Apresyan
English-Russian dictionary V.K. Müller

1. (ru: t) n

edible ~ s - edible roots

~ habit / system / - bot. root system

~ knot - bot. root outgrowth

~ medium - biol. rhizosphere, root environment

~ sucker - bot. root shoot / offspring /

~ cutter / slicer / - s.-kh. root cutter

to take / to strike / ~ - a) put down roots, taken ( about the plant); b) take root, take root; take root

to lay ax to ~ - uproot

to pull / to dig / up by the ~ s - uproot; uproot

2.root vegetable

~ digger - root crop harvesting machine

3.root, separate plant

some ~ s of apple-trees - several roots of apple trees

4.base, root

the ~ of a tooth - tooth root

nerve ~ - nerve root

~ of a hill - the foot of the hill

to blush to the ~ s of one "s hair - blush to the roots of the hair

5. ancestor, ancestor, root; a genus with many offshoots

6. (often the ~) reason, source

the ~ of the matter - the essence of the matter, the essence of the matter

the ~ of all evil - the root of all evil

to get at / to / the ~ of the matter - get to the heart of the matter

7.1) base, base

~ principle - basic, fundamental principle

~ cause - root / root / cause, root cause

~ idea - original / original / idea

at (the) ~ - basically

economic ~ s of race conflicts - the economic roots of racial conflicts

to strike at the ~ of smth. undermine the very foundation of smth.

2) pl roots, connections; familiar environment

he has no ~ s in society - he has no connections in society

to pull up one "s ~ s - to withdraw from their homes; change residence, work etc.

to put down new ~ s - to put down roots in a new place, make new acquaintances etc.

8. bibl. offspring, descendant

9. mat. root; radical

square / second / ~ - square root

cube / third / ~ - cube root

~ sign - root sign

to take a ~ - extract the root

10. gram root

11. muses. chord root

12. those. top ( weld)

13. 1) those. tail ( turbine blades)

2) av. butt ( propeller blades); root part ( wing)

~ and branch - thoroughly, radically, radically; perfectly; at all

he got rid of his enemies ~ and branch - he completely got rid of his enemies

2. (ru: t) v

1.1) put down roots; root

to ~ in / into, to / the subsoil - put roots in the soil

some plants ~ freely - some plants root easily

her affection for him is deeply ~ ed - she has long and deeply attached to him

2) plant, plant

~ chrysanthemum cuttings in sand and peat - plant chrysanthemum cuttings in a mixture of sand and peat

2.1) implement

2) take root

3) preim. colloquial root

war is ~ ed in economic causes - wars are based on economic causes

3.Chain, nail

fear ~ ed him to the ground - fear chained him to the place

he stood ~ ed to the spot - he stood rooted to the spot

4.root out ( also transfer; com.~ out, ~ up)

to ~ out subversive elements - eliminate subversive elements

it "s difficult to ~ out certain prejudices - there are prejudices that are difficult to eradicate

they cut down the big trees and ~ ed up the stumps - they cut down the big trees and uprooted the stumps

II(ru: t) v

1.to dig the ground with a snout ( about pigs)

2. rummage, search

to ~ about in a drawer (among the things) - rummage in a drawer (in things)

I managed to ~ out a copy of the magazine - I managed to dig out / find / a copy of the magazine

~, hog, or die - ≅ work like an ox, or you will be lost

II(ru: t) v Amer. (for)

1) encourage, encourage ( applause, shouts, etc.)

to ~ for a team - root for some. command

2) maintain ( smb.); wish success ( smb.)

    edible roots - edible roots

    root habit / system / - bot. root system

    root knot - bot. root outgrowth

    root medium - biol. rhizosphere, root environment

    root sucker is a bot. root shoot / offspring /

    root cutter / slicer / - с.-х. root cutter

    to take / to strike / root - a) to take roots, to be taken (about the plant); b) take root, take root; take root

    to lay ax to root - uproot

    to pull / to dig / up by the roots- uproot; uproot

    root vegetable

    root digger - machine for harvesting root crops

    root, single plant

    some roots of apple-trees - several roots of apple trees

    base, root

    the root of a tooth - tooth root

    nerve root - nerve root

    root of a hill - bottom of the hill

    to blush to the roots of one "s hair- blush to the roots of the hair

    ancestor, ancestor, root; a genus with many offshoots

    (often the root) reason, source

    the root of the matter - the essence of the matter, the essence of the matter

    the root of all evil - the root of all evil

    to get at / to / the root of the matter- get to the heart of the matter

    base, base

    root principle - basic, fundamental principle

    root cause - root / root / cause, root cause

    root idea - original / original / idea

    at (the) root - basically

    economic roots of race conflicts- the economic roots of racial clashes

    to strike at the root of smth. undermine the very foundation of smth.

    pl. roots, connections; familiar environment

    he has no roots in society - he has no connections in society

    to pull up one "s roots - move away from their homes; change their place of residence, work, etc.

    to put down new roots - to put down roots in a new place, make new acquaintances, etc.

    bibl. offspring, descendant

    mat. root; radical

    square / second / root - square root

    cube / third / root - cube root

    root sign - root sign

    to take a root - extract the root

    gram root

    muses. chord root

    those. vertex (weld)

    those. tail (turbine blades)

    av. butt (propeller blades); root part (wing)

    root and branch - thoroughly, radically, radically; perfectly; at all

    he got rid of his enemies root and branch- he completely got rid of his enemies

  • verb

      take root; root

      to root in / into, to / the subsoil- put roots in the soil

      some plants root freely - some plants root easily

      her affection for him is deeply rooted- she has long and deeply attached to him

      plant, plant

      root chrysanthemum cuttings in sand and peat- plant chrysanthemum cuttings in a mixture of sand and peat


      take root

      preim.colloquial root

      war is rooted in economic causes- wars are based on economic reasons

      chain, nail down

      fear rooted him to the ground - fear chained him to the place

      he stood rooted to the spot - he stood rooted to the spot

      uproot (also noun; common root out, root up)

      to root out subversive elements- eliminate subversive elements

      it "s difficult to root out certain prejudices- there are prejudices that are difficult to eradicate

      they cut down the big trees and rooted up the stumps- they cut down big trees and uprooted stumps

      root (about pigs)

      rummage, search

      to root about in a drawer- rummaging in a box [in things]

      I managed to root out a copy of the magazine- I managed to dig up / find / a copy of the magazine

      root, hog, or die - ≅ work like an ox, or you will be lost

      encourage, encourage (applause, shouts, etc.)

      to root for a team - root for some. command

      support (smb.); wish success (to smb.)

  • English-Russian translation ROOT

    transcription, transcription: [ru: t]

    1) a) a root to put down roots, to strike, take roots ≈ to put down roots, to take root deep roots ≈ deep roots of a root of a mountain b) pl. roots

    2) a) source, root, root cause to get at the root of smth. ≈ to get to essence of smth.... to go back to roots ≈ to return to the origins the root of all evil ≈ the root of evil Syn: origin, basis b) progenitor, ancestor, founder of the genus Her roots are in Canada. ≈ Her ancestors are from Canada. to search for one "s roots ≈ to search for one" s roots Syn: ancestor

    3) mat. square root, second root ≈ square root cube root, third root ≈ cubic root

    4) gram. root of the word)

    5) those. top (weld); root, base, leg (gear tooth) ∙ root and branch ≈ thoroughly, radically

    1) put down roots; rooted I can "t pull this bush up, it" s firmly rooted in the ground. “I can't pull out this bush, it sits too firmly in the ground.

    2) chain; nail He stood there rooted to the spot. - He stood there and could not move.

    3) introduce (Xia); take root Her affection to him is deeply rooted. “Nothing can weaken her attachment to him. His opinion is rooted in experience. ≈ His opinion is based on experience.

    4) uproot; (also root out)

    5) dig the ground with a snout, undermine the roots (about the pig) Pigs root about in the mud for their food. ≈ Pigs dig in the mud in search of food. Syn: grub I 2.

    6) search, rummage I found the lost key by rooting about in all my drawers. ≈ I found the key by turning over all the boxes. ∙ root away root out root up Chapter II; amer .; colloquial support, encourage, encourage (for) Half the school came to the sports meeting to root for their team. ≈ Half of the school came to the match to cheer for their team.

    root - edible * s edible roots - * habit / system / (botany) root system - * knot (botany) root outgrowth - * medium (biology) rhizosphere, root medium - * sucker (botany) root shoot / offspring / - * cutter / slicer / (agricultural) root cutter - to take / to strike / * take root, take (about the plant); take root, take root; take root - to lay ax to * uproot - to pull / to dig / up by the * s to uproot; uproot root vegetable - * digger root vegetable harvesting machine root, single plant - some * s of apple-trees multiple apple roots base, root - the * of a tooth tooth root - nerve * nerve root - * of a hill foot of the hill - to blush to the * s of one "s hair to redden to the roots of the hair ancestor, ancestor, root; genus that gave many branches (often the *) reason, source - the * of the matter essence of the matter, essence of the question - the * of all evil root evil - to get at / to / the * of the matter to get to the essence of the matter base, basis - * principle basic, fundamental principle - * cause main / root / reason, root cause - * idea initial / initial / idea - at (the) * basically - economic * s of race conflicts - economic roots of racial conflicts - to strike at the * of smth. to undermine the very basis of smth. roots, connections; familiar environment - he has no * s in society he has no connections in society - to pull up one "s * s to withdraw from their homes; change your place of residence, work, etc. - to put down new * s to put down roots in a new place, make new acquaintances, etc. (biblical) offspring, descendant (mathematics) root; radical - square / second / * square root - cube / third / * cube root - * sign root sign - to take a * extract root (grammar) root (musical) root chord (technical) top (weld) (technical) tail (turbine blades) (aviation) butt (propeller blades); root part (wing)> * and branch thoroughly, radically, radically; perfectly; completely> he got rid of his enemies * and branch he completely got rid of his enemies to put down roots; take root - to * in / into, to / the subsoil to take root into the soil - some plants * freely some plants take root easily - his affection for him is deeply * ed it has long been and deeply attached to it plant, plant - * chrysanthemum cuttings in sand and peat plant the cuttings of chrysanthemums in a mixture of sand and peat to introduce to take root preim. (colloquial) rooted - war is * ed in economic causes economic reasons lie at the heart of wars, to chain, to nail - fear * ed him to the ground, fear chained him to the place - he stood * ed to the spot he stood rooted to the ground to uproot (also. trans.; com big trees and uprooted stumps digging the ground with a snout (about pigs) digging, searching - to * about in a drawer digging in a drawer - I managed to * out a copy of the magazine I managed to dig out / find / a copy of the magazine> *, hog, or die work like an ox, or you will be lost (Americanism) (for) encourage, cheer (applause, shouts, etc.) - to * for a team cheer for a team (Americanism) (for) support (smb. .); wish for success (smb.)

    extract ~ extract root

    ~ to chain; to nail; fear rooted him to the ground

    to take (or to strike) ~ put down roots, take root; to pull up by the roots; pull up by the roots; uproot

    root of those. top (weld); root, base, leg (gear tooth) ~ embed ~ mat. root; square (or second) root square root; cube (or third) root cube root ~ root; root of a mountain the foot of the mountain; to lay ax to root uproot ~ wch. root ~ pl root vegetables ~ Amer. colloquial support, encourage, encourage (for) ~ progenitor, ancestor, founder of the clan ~ chain; to nail; fear rooted him to the ground fear chained him to the place ~ cause, source, root; the root of the matter essence of the matter ~ take root; to root (-sya) ~ to dig the ground with a snout, to undermine the roots (about a pig); root away = root out

    ~ attr. root, main; the root principle the basic principle; root and branch thoroughly, fundamentally

    ~ dig the ground with a snout, undermine the roots (about a pig); root away = root out

    ~ root; root of a mountain the foot of the mountain; to lay ax to root uproot

    ~ reason, source, root; the root of the matter

    ~ of title real estate basis of title

    ~ dig the ground with a snout, undermine the roots (about a pig); root away = root out ~ out, ~ up seek out ~ out, ~ up uproot, destroy

    ~ attr. root, main; the root principle the basic principle; root and branch thoroughly, fundamentally

    ~ out, ~ up seek out ~ out, ~ up uproot, destroy

    ~ mat. root; square (or second) root square root; cube (or third) root cube root

    to take (or to strike) ~ put down roots, take root; to pull up by the roots; pull up by the roots; uproot take: to ~ a breath inhale; take a rest; to take root to root

    Big English-Russian dictionary. The Big English-Russian Dictionary. 2012

    • English-Russian dictionaries
    • Large English-Russian Dictionary

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