Analysis of the story "Jump into the coffin" Yuri Mamleev (Literature of the XX century). Arguments

  • 16.11.2020

Sixties. One of the main characters - Fyodor Sonnov, having reached by train to some station near Moscow, staggers through the streets of the town. Having met an unfamiliar young man, Fedor kills him with a knife. After the crime - absolutely meaningless - the killer "talks" with his victim, talks about his "guardians", about his childhood, other murders. After spending the night in the forest, Fedor leaves "for the nest", the town of Lebedinoye near Moscow. His sister Klavusha Sonnova lives there, a voluptuous woman who arouses herself by stuffing the head of a living goose into her uterus; the Fomichev family also lives in the same house - grandfather Kolya, his daughter Lidochka, her husband Pasha Krasnorukov (both are extremely lustful creatures, copulating all the time; in cases of pregnancy, Pasha kills the fetus with jolts of the penis), the younger sister, fourteen-year-old Mila and seventeen-year-old brother Petya, feeding on its own scabs. One day, Fyodor, already tired of the inhabitants of the house with his presence, eats Petenka's soup, boiled from acne. To protect his brother from the revenge of the Fomichevs-Krasnorukovs, Klavusha hides him in the underground. Here Fyodor, tired of idleness, from the impossibility of killing, cuts stools, imagining that these are figures of people. There is only one idea in his head - death. Upstairs, meanwhile, Lidinka, again pregnant, refuses to copulate with her husband, wanting to keep the child. He rapes her, the fetus comes out, but Lida declares to Pasha that the child is alive. Krasnorukov brutally beats his wife. She, sick, lies in her room.

Fedor, meanwhile, makes a dig on the Fomichev side, goes upstairs to implement a strange idea: "to take possession of a woman at the moment of her death." Lidinka gives herself to him and dies at the moment of orgasm. Fyodor, pleased with his experience, reports everything to his sister; he comes out of prison.

Pavel is imprisoned for the murder of his wife.

To Klavusha comes "tenant" - Anna Barskaya. A woman of a completely different circle, a Moscow intellectual, she looks at Fyodor with interest; they talk about death and the other world. "Wild" Fyodor is very interested in Anna; she decides to introduce him to the "great people" - for this they go somewhere in the forest, where there is a gathering of people obsessed with death - "metaphysical", as Fedor calls them. Among those present are three "jesters", sadistic fanatics Pyr, Johann and Igorek, and a serious young man Anatoly Padov.

"Jesters" together with Fedor and Anna come to Lebedinoye. Here they have a stormy time: they kill animals, Pyr tries to strangle Klavusha, but everything ends peacefully - she even promises to sleep with him.

Rumors reach Klava that Fedor is in some kind of danger. He leaves - "to wander around Rasei."

Klava has another tenant - the old man Andrey Nikitich Khristoforov, a true Christian, with his son Alexei. The old man feels imminent death, throws tantrums, interspersed with moments of Christian tenderness; thinks about the afterlife. After some time, he goes crazy: “jumping out of bed in only his underwear, Andrei Nikitich declared / that he had died and turned into a chicken.”

Alexei, depressed by his father's madness, tries to console himself by talking to Anna, with whom he is in love. She mocks his religiosity, preaches the philosophy of evil, the "great fall", metaphysical freedom. Frustrated, Alexei leaves.

At Anna's request, Anatoly Padov comes to Lebedinoye, to the "Russian, horse-drawn, dense folk obscurantism", constantly tormented by the question of death and the Absolute.

Very warmly received by Anna (she is his mistress), Padov watches what is happening in Lebedino. Young people spend their time in conversations with the impudent voluptuous Klavusha, with the "fuck" Andrei Nikitich, and with each other. One day Klavusha digs three holes as tall as a man; the favorite pastime of the inhabitants of the house is lying in these "grass graves". Alyosha returns to Lebedinoye to visit his father. Padov teases Alexei, mocks his Christian ideas. He is leaving.

Anatoly himself, however, also cannot sit in one place for a long time: he is also leaving.

Anna, exhausted by communication with Padov, in a nightmare sees another of her "metaphysical" friends - Izvitsky. She ceases to feel herself, it seems to her that she has turned into a wriggling void.

Fedor, meanwhile, travels deep into Russia, to Arkhangelsk. Sonnov observes what is happening around him; the world irritates him with its mysteriousness and illusory nature. The instinct pulls him to kill. Fedor arrives at the "small nest" - the town of Fyrino, to the relative of the old woman Ipatievna, who feeds on the blood of living cats. She blesses Fedor to kill - "You bring great joy to people, Fedya!" Fyodor, wandering in search of a new victim, runs into Micah, who castrated himself. Struck by his "blank spot", Fyodor refuses to kill; they become friends. Micah leads Fyodor to the eunuchs, for joy. Friends observe strange rites; Fyodor, surprised, remains, however, dissatisfied with what he saw, he is not satisfied with the idea of ​​a new Christ by Kondraty Selivanov - "you must have your own, you must have your own."

The half-mad Padov arrives in Fyrino to meet Fedor. He is interested in Anatoly with his popular, unconscious perception of the wrongness of the world. In the conversation, Padov tries to find out if Sonnov is killing people "metaphysically" or in fact, in reality.

From Fedor, Anatoly returns to Moscow, where he meets his friend Gennady Remin, an underground poet, author of "corpse lyrics", an adherent of the ideas of a certain Glubev, who proclaimed the religion of the "higher self". The meeting of friends takes place in a dirty pub. Remin spends time here with four wandering philosophers; over vodka they talk about the Absolute. Carried away by Anatoly's stories about the company that settled in Lebedino, Gennady and a friend go there.

In Lebedino "the devil knows what was going on" - everyone converges here: sadistic jesters, Anna, Padov, Remin, Klava, the remnants of the Fomichev family. Anna sleeps with Padov; it seems to him that he is copulating "with the Higher Hierarchies", to her - that she has already died. Padova is haunted by visions and tries to run away from them.

Izvitsky appears in Lebedinoye - a man about whom there are rumors that he goes to God by the way of the devil. He is a great friend of Padov and Remin. While drinking, the comrades are having a philosophical conversation about God, the Absolute and the Highest Hierarchies - "Russian esotericism for vodka" as one of them jokes.

Fyodor and Micah also come to the house. Alyosha Khristoforov, visiting his father, watches with horror the "inhumans" gathered here.

The boy Petya, who feeds on his own skin, exhausts himself and dies. At the funeral, it turns out that the coffin is empty. It turns out that Klavusha took out the corpse and at night, sitting across it, ate a chocolate cake. The cackling chicken-corpse Andrey Nikitich rushes about the yard; grandfather Kolya is going to leave. The girl Mila falls in love with Micah - she licks his "empty place". All three leave the house.

The rest spend their time in absurdly crazy conversations, wild dances, and hysterical laughter. Padova is very attracted to Klavush. The tension is growing, something is happening in Klavusha - “they seemed to have gone berserk, reared up and her Klavenko-Sonn forces spun with terrible force.” She kicks the whole company out of the house, locks it up and leaves. Only a chicken corpse remains in the house, becoming like a cube.

"Metaphysical" return to Moscow, spend time in dirty pubs talking. Anna sleeps with Izvitsky, but, watching him, she feels something is wrong. She guesses that he is jealous of himself for her. Izvitsky voluptuously adores his own body, feels himself, his reflection in the mirror, as a source of sexual satisfaction. Anna discusses "ego-sex" with Izvitsky. Having parted with his mistress, Izvitsky struggles in the ecstasy of self-love, experiencing an orgasm from the feeling of unity with the “native self”.

At this time, Fedor is approaching Moscow; his idea is to kill the "metaphysical", in order to break through into the other world in this way. Sonnov goes to Izvitsky, where he observes his "delusions of self-delight." Struck by what he saw, Fyodor is unable to interrupt "this monstrous act"; he is furious from the fact that he is faced with a different, not inferior to his own, "other world", goes to Padov.

Meanwhile, Alyosha Khristoforov, convinced of his father's madness, also goes to Padov, where he accuses him and his friends of driving Andrei Nikitich crazy. "Metaphysical" reproach him for excessive rationalism; they themselves unanimously came to the religion of the "higher Self". This is the topic of their hysterical, hysterical conversations.

Fedor, with an ax in his hand, eavesdrops on the conversations of Padov and his friends, waiting for the right moment to kill. At this time, Fedor is arrested.

In the epilogue, two young admirers of Padov and his ideas, Sashenka and Vadimushka, discussing endless metaphysical problems, recall Padov himself, talk about his state close to madness, about his “travels in the beyond”. It turns out that Fedor is sentenced to death.

Friends go to visit Izvitsky, but, frightened by his expression, run away. Anatoly Padov is lying in a ditch, screaming hysterically into the void from the insolubility of the “main issues”. Suddenly feeling that "everything will soon collapse", he rises and goes - "towards the hidden world, about which one cannot even ask questions ...".


Not quite ordinary people lived in one communal apartment: the sorcerer Kuzma, the baby Nikifor, who was already three and a half years old, the seventy-year-old Ekaterina, who was sick with an unknown illness, her sister Natalya with her drunkard son Mitya, and the cousin of the sisters Vasily.

All problems in the family began with complications from Catherine's illness. She spent a lot of time in hospitals, but the doctors could not do anything. A sick old woman covers in front of her relatives. They had to take care of a disabled relative. Sister Natalya, who loved her sister when she was healthy, suddenly realized that she was indifferent to her. Brother Vasily, who always had a cheerful disposition, began to feel sad. Mitya is also tired of taking out the pots for Ekaterina. The old woman was a burden to everyone.

After the last hospitalization, the doctors said that Ekaterina would live no more than a year. Relatives began to wait for her to die.

Catherine could no longer almost get out of bed. She lay as if dead. When little Nikifor came to her, the old woman rejoiced at his visits. She seemed to understand what he was saying to her.

The sorcerer Kuzma, on the contrary, was afraid of Nicephorus. He said that the child was of unknown origin.

Then the relatives, tired of caring for the sick Catherine, offer her to pretend to be dead. They'll take a doctor's note and bury her alive. The old woman, after thinking and consulting with Nikifor, agreed to lie alive in the coffin.

The nurse, without even examining Ekaterina, wrote out a death certificate. Vasily bought a coffin. Catherine herself lay down in it.

The old woman's thoughts were already confused in her head, she was as if in a different world.

During the funeral service in the church, Catherine winked at the priest, but he decided that this was a temptation from demons.

Vasily was afraid that when they began to hammer the lid with nails, the deceased would change her mind about dying and scream. But, everything went well. The old woman lay quietly and did not cause trouble to her relatives.

During the lowering of the coffin into the grave, her soul was separated from the body.

Picture or drawing Mamleev - Jump into the coffin

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In his work, Yuri Mamleev describes a gloomy world filled with mysteries, prompting readers to seriously reflect on the unknown depths of the human soul, the finiteness and meaninglessness of life, and the inevitability of death. The heroes of the author, as a rule, are people with serious mental disabilities or simply inadequate outcasts. Their images openly demonstrate all the most pernicious that can exist in the world. They are tireless researchers of everything transcendent, including the nature of death, surrounded by a mystical halo of mystery. How did Mamleev develop these themes in his story “Jump into the Coffin”? We will consider a brief summary of the work and its problems as detailed as possible below.


The events that the author narrates in his story take place in the most ordinary communal apartment. That's just the people who live in it, are able to break the usual patterns of behavior. There you can meet the sorcerer Kuzma and the most developed member of the Pochkarev family - Nikifor. He was already three and a half years old, but everyone still calls him a baby, because he behaves as if he had not yet left this age. The sorcerer Kuzma is afraid of Nicephorus, because he cannot understand what spirit sent him into this world.

However, no one especially loves the baby. And he communicates mainly with the seventy-year-old Catherine, who suffers from an illness unknown to science. Doctors only shrug their shoulders, and the old woman becomes practically incapacitated, which greatly upsets her always cheerful cousin Vasily, her slightly hysterical sister Natalya and her son Mitya, who abuses alcohol.

Catherine's illness becomes a real stumbling block for her relatives, a problem that prevents them from living. It is with the theme of spiritual callousness that Mamleev begins his story “Jump into the Coffin”.

Vasily, Natalya and Mitya endlessly send Ekaterina to the hospital, which, however, does not change the situation in any way. The old woman cannot serve herself and is getting weaker every day. She comes to life only when Nikifor appears.

And after the final verdict of the doctor: "incurable, will die soon" - relatives begin to tensely expect the end of their torment. Mitya is tired of taking out the pots. Natalya suddenly discovers with surprise the absence of unchanging love for her sister. Vasily is rapidly losing his sense of humor. And since the longed-for moment of Catherine's death does not come, the relatives unanimously decide to bury the old woman alive. They frankly tell their ward about this idea and ask her consent to such a crazy plan. The old woman accepts the proposal to suffocate in a coffin without enthusiasm, but promises to think and give an answer.

Yuri Mamleev offers the reader such an ambiguous plot with a fair amount of grotesque. He frankly exposes in it all the basest thoughts that can be born in a person’s head. The author simply turns human souls inside out, exposing them to the public, and in parallel begins to develop the theme of death.

What is death?

Relatives demand an immediate response from the old woman, arguing that they themselves will die sooner than Catherine. They thought of everything, including how to get a death certificate and not be dishonored. Ekaterina already looks like a dead woman, the main thing is that she lies quietly and does not inadvertently thwart their plan.

The transition to non-existence frightens the old woman. Vasily just shrugged his shoulders. Through the mouth of an old man, Yuri Mamleev asks an existential question: "What is death?"

What is the point of being afraid of her if she is an unknown mystery? Death for Vasily is an abstract concept, therefore he treats it superficially and easily.

However, for Catherine, this issue is more pressing. After all, it is not for him to suffocate in a coffin, but for her. However, she knows who to turn to in order to make a decision - to Nikifor.

Image of Nicephorus

It is through the image of the baby that Mamleev develops the idea of ​​transcendental reality in the story “Jump into the Coffin”. The problematics of the work are closely connected with the unknown, imprisoned in Nicephorus, who did not come to the world that he wanted, did not want to grow up, perceived being in a different way and, unlike the elders, knew the highest truth.

Even before the doctor’s verdict about Catherine’s incurability, he understands that she will soon be gone. In Nikifor, all the inhabitants of the communal apartment see something foreign: the baby is shunned by the sorcerer Kuzma, Natalya wants to spit in his direction, Mitya does not consider Nikifor a person at all. However, it is to him that Catherine turns for advice. With his approval, she decides to become a dead woman during her lifetime, and then die.

Unknown knowledge, the metaphysical component of being, is put into the image of a baby in the story "Jump into the Coffin" by Mamleev. We continue to review the summary.

Preparing for death

Having received the approval of Nikifor, the old woman agrees to the crazy idea of ​​\u200b\u200brelatives, who immediately go to the doctor. Gray with illness, she does not arouse any suspicion in the nurse who came to witness the death.

And Vasily, Natalya and Mitya, happy with the speedy deliverance from the ill-fated burden, begin to equate the living Catherine to the real deceased. Even a request for a cup of tea causes them something between bewilderment and indignation. Can the dead eat and drink? They should not have simple human desires. In addition, if you feed and drink Catherine, she will inevitably have to be taken to the restroom, otherwise the smell from the coffin will betray a false death.

Total egocentrism, coupled with exorbitant cynicism, causes some shock when reading the work "Jump into the Coffin". Mamleev, whose story is a storehouse of paradoxes, not only demonstrates the dark side of the human soul, but also leads the reader through the awareness of death as an integral part of life.

Is death part of life?

Of course, Catherine is afraid of her fate, despite the fact that she voluntarily agreed to the funeral and, it seems, resigned herself to her imminent death. The status of the deceased does not prevent her from continuing to feel like a living person, and even in her sleep she screams about her unwillingness to leave this world. Catherine seems to be born again, begins to move quickly and shows all the signs of health.

Seeing the old woman's unusual liveliness, the relatives think about canceling the funeral, despite the possible consequences: the prospect of shame and imprisonment.

However, the sudden surge of strength quickly fades away. Ekaterina is weakening, but in a different way. To the discouraged relatives, she says that she herself wants to fall into the coffin. They do not mind, they only decorate the bed of the living deceased with flowers. Ekaterina says nothing more, doesn’t think about anything, as if falling into the void. Perhaps she is no longer afraid of death and perceives it as a kind of natural part of life. This is partly the meaning of Mamleev's story "The Jump into the Coffin". Analysis of further events is reduced to the metaphysical theme of death/immortality.

Is the soul immortal?

At the funeral, the old woman lies motionless, only winks twice at the priest, who reads prayers. However, he does not even think about checking whether the deceased is really dead, attributing everything to demons who decided to embarrass him.

The coffin is covered with a lid and carried to the cemetery, and an endless distance stretches before the heroes, as if calling to another, eternal unknown life.

Describing nature in this way in the story “Jump into the Coffin”, Yuri Vitalievich Mamleev makes one think about what will be beyond the life line. The end of the work has a sublimely enthusiastic coloring, smacking of mysticism.

The lid of the coffin is hammered without incident. Natalya succumbs to a spiritual impulse and clings to her. At this moment, it seems to her that ominous curses are coming from the coffin, directed against the whole world. Catherine's soul, meanwhile, is separated from the body and goes to the call of the Great Spirit, approaching the Earth.

Metaphysical realism of Y. Mamleev

Yu. Mamleev touches on the issues of life and death, the unknown depths of the human personality in almost all of his creations, including the story "Jump into the Coffin". The author defined the genre in which it is written as metaphysical realism. Its essence lies in the close relationship of human life with the knowledge of the transcendental component of the world and personality. Mamleev analyzes it, he makes the reader think about it.

The main characters of the author face deep hidden phenomena. It is through their assessments that Mamleev describes the unknown in his story “Jump into the Coffin”. We have analyzed the summary of the work above. This is a kind of fusion of the grotesque and deep philosophical thought, which will not only shock the reader, but also make him reflect on the darkest component of human existence.

Problems associated with negative personality traits.

17. Heartlessness, mental callousness

A. Aleksin "Division of property"

The mother of the heroine Verochka is so callous that she forced her mother-in-law, who raised and cured her daughter, to leave for a remote village, dooming her to loneliness.

Y. Mamleev "Jump into the coffin"

Relatives of the sick old woman Ekaterina Petrovna, tired of caring for her, decided to bury her alive and thereby get rid of her problems. A funeral is a terrible testament to what a person devoid of compassion, living only in his own interests, turns into.

K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram"

Nastya lives a bright, full life away from her lonely, old mother. Daughter all matters seem so important and urgent that she completely forgets to write letters home, does not visit her mother. Even when a telegram about her mother's illness arrived, Nastya did not immediately go, and therefore did not find Katerina Ivanovna alive. The mother never waited for her only daughter, whom she loved very much.

L. Razumovskaya "Dear Elena Sergeevna"

Heartless, cynical students began to reproach the teacher for her old-fashioned clothes, her honest attitude to work, for the fact that she had been teaching all her life, but she herself had not accumulated any capital and did not know how to profitably sell her knowledge. Their arrogance, callousness caused the death of Elena Sergeevna.

V. Tendryakov "Night after graduation"

On the night after graduation, for the first time in their lives, classmates decided to frankly tell each other in the eyes what each of them thinks about those present. And it turned out that each of them is a heartless egoist who does not put a penny on the pride and dignity of the other.

18. Tests of conscience

V. Tendryakov "Bumps"

Having got into a car accident, a young man dies, and the MTS director becomes the culprit of his death, refusing, referring to instructions, to give a tractor to take the victim to the hospital.

V. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera"

One of the heroines of Rasputin's story "Farewell to Matera" recalls the main of the precepts of the fathers: "The main thing is to have a conscience and not to endure from conscience."

The journalist and writer K. Akulinin told about one of the cases in his life when he wanted to skip the line to the doctor, paying the nurse, but the gullible eyes of the child awakened the conscience in the soul of the hero, and he realized that it was dishonest to solve his problems at the expense of other people.

19. Loss of spiritual values

B. Vasiliev "Deaf"

The events of the story allow us to see how in today's life the so-called "new Russians" strive to enrich themselves at any cost. Spiritual values ​​are lost because culture has left our lives. The society has split, in it the bank account has become the measure of a person's merits. Moral wilderness began to grow in the souls of people who had lost faith in goodness and justice.

E. Hemingway "Where it's clean, it's light"

The heroes of the story, having finally lost faith in friendship, love and severed ties with the world, are lonely and devastated. They have become the living dead.

V. Astafiev "Lyudochka"

Growing up in a village amid poverty and drunkenness, cruelty and immorality, the heroine of the story seeks salvation in the city. Having become a victim of brutal violence, in an atmosphere of general indifference, Lyudochka commits suicide.

V. Astafiev "Postscript"

The author describes with shame and indignation the behavior of the audience at the concert of the symphony orchestra, who, despite the excellent performance of famous works, “began to leave the hall. Yes, if only they left him just like that, silently, carefully - no, with indignation, cries, abuse, as if they had deceived them in their best desires and dreams.

20. Loss of connection between generations

V. Astafiev "Hut"

Young people come to the Siberian timber industry enterprises for big money. The forest, the land, once protected by the older generation, turns into a dead desert after the work of lumberjacks. All the moral values ​​of the ancestors are overshadowed by the pursuit of the ruble.

F Abramov "Alka"

The heroine of the story, in search of a better life, left for the city, leaving her old mother, who died without waiting for her daughter. Alka, having returned to the village and acutely aware of the loss, decides to stay there, but this impulse quickly passes when she is offered a profitable job in the city. The loss of native roots is irreparable.

21. Inhumanity, cruelty

Katerina Izmailova, the wife of a wealthy merchant, fell in love with the worker Sergei and was expecting a child from him. Fearing exposure and separation from her beloved, she kills her father-in-law and husband with his help, and then little Fedya, her husband's relative.

R. Bradbury "Dwarf"

Ralph, the hero of the story, is cruel and heartless: he, being the owner of the attraction, replaced the mirror in which the dwarf came to look, consoled by the fact that at least in the reflection he sees himself tall, slender and handsome. Once again, the dwarf, who expected to see himself the same again, runs away with pain and horror from the terrible sight reflected in the new mirror, but his suffering only entertains Ralph.

Y. Yakovlev "He killed my dog"

The hero of the story picked up a dog abandoned by the owners. He is full of concern for a defenseless creature and does not understand his father when he demands to expel the dog: “What prevented the dog? .. I could not drive the dog out, it was already kicked out once.” The boy is shocked by the cruelty of his father, who called the gullible dog and shot him in the ear. He not only hated his father, he lost faith in goodness, in justice.

22. Betrayal, irresponsible attitude to the fate of others

V. Rasputin "Live and remember"

The desertion of Andrei Guskov, his selfishness and cowardice caused the death of his mother and the suicide of his pregnant wife Nastya.

L. Andreev "Judas Iscariot"

Judas Iscariot, betraying Christ, wants to test the loyalty of his disciples and the correctness of the humanistic teachings of Jesus. However, they all turned out to be cowardly philistines, like the people, who also did not stand up for their Teacher.

N.S. Leskov "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District"

Sergei, the lover, and then the husband of the merchant Katerina Izmailova, committed the murders of her relatives with her, wanting to become the sole heir to a rich fortune, and subsequently betrayed his beloved woman, calling her an accomplice in all crimes. At the hard labor stage, he cheated on her, mocked her as best he could.

S. Lvov "Friend of my childhood"

Arkady Basov, whom the narrator Yuri considered his true friend and to whom he entrusted the secret of his first love, betrayed this trust, exposing Yura to universal ridicule. Basov, later becoming a writer, remained a vile and dishonorable person.

23. Social Injustices

N. S. Leskov "Lefty"

The protagonist - Lefty - shod the "English" flea, but his talent is not appreciated at its true worth in his homeland: he dies in a hospital for the poor.

N. A. Nekrasov. The poem "Reflections at the front door."

Peasants from distant villages with a petition to the nobleman, but they were not accepted, they were driven away. condemnation of the authorities.

24. Meanness, dishonor

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

Shvabrin Aleksey Ivanovich is a nobleman, but he is dishonest: having wooed Masha Mironova and having been refused, he takes revenge, speaking ill of her; during a duel with Grinev, he stabs him in the back. The complete loss of notions of honor also predetermines social treason: as soon as Pugachev gets the Belogorsk fortress, Shvabrin goes over to the side of the rebels.

25. Permissiveness

F.M. Dostoevsky "Demons"

For Verkhovensky Pyotr Stepanovich, one of the main characters of the novel, the concept of freedom has turned into the right to lie, crime and destruction. He became a slanderer and a traitor.

A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

As soon as the greedy Old Woman achieved the power of a pillar noblewoman from the fish, and then the queen, she began to see in her husband a serf who could be beaten with impunity, forced to do the most menial work, exposed to general ridicule.

26. Dullness and aggressiveness

A.P. Chekhov "Unter Prishbeev"

Non-commissioned officer Prishibeev has kept the entire village in fear for 15 years with his absurd demands and brute physical strength. Even after spending a month in custody for his illegal actions, he could not get rid of the desire to command.

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "History of one city"

Foolov's stupid and aggressive city governors, especially Ugryum-Burcheev, amaze the reader with the absurdity and grotesqueness of their orders and decisions.

27. Bureaucracy

A. Platonov "Doubting Makar"

Makar Gannushkin, the hero of the story, went to Moscow in search of truth and soul. But the Chumovye bureaucrats, as he was convinced, reign everywhere, developing lack of initiative in people, disbelief in their own strengths and capabilities, and fear of official paper. Bureaucracy is the main brake on all living innovative ideas.

28. Reverence (human insignificance)

A.P. Chekhov "Death of an official"

The official Chervyakov is infected to an incredible degree with the spirit of servility. While watching the performance, he sneezed and splashed his bald head in front of the sitting General Bryzzhalov. The old man muttered and wiped his bald head and neck with a glove, but accepted Chervyakov's apology. But the next day Chervyakov again went to Bryzzhalov. He, irritated by his obtrusiveness, shouted at him and put him out. Chervyakov was so shocked by this that he came home, lay down on the sofa without taking off his uniform, and died.

A.P. Chekhov "Thick and Thin"

The hero of the story, the official Porfiry, met a school friend at the station of the Nikolaev railway and found out that he was a privy councilor, i.e. moved up significantly in career. In an instant, the “thin” turns into a servile creature, ready to humiliate and fawn.

A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

Molchalin, the negative character of the comedy, is sure that one should please not only "all people without exception", but even "the janitor's dog, so that it is affectionate." The need to tirelessly please also gave rise to his romance with Sophia, the daughter of his master and benefactor Famusov. Maxim Petrovich, the "character" of the historical anecdote, which Famusov tells Chatsky as an edification, in order to earn the favor of the empress, has turned into a jester, amusing her with ridiculous falls.

29. Bribery, embezzlement

N.V. Gogol "Inspector

Gorodnichiy, Skvoznik - Dmukhanovsky, a bribe taker and embezzler who deceived three governors in his lifetime, is convinced that any problems can be solved with the help of money and the ability to splurge.

30. Spiritual wretchedness (false understanding of happiness)

A.P. Chekhov "Gooseberry"

Chimsha-Himalayan, dreaming of a manor with gooseberries, is malnourished, denies himself everything, marries for convenience, dresses like a beggar, and saves money. He practically starved his wife to death, but he fulfilled his dream. How pitiful he is when he eats sour gooseberries with a happy, self-satisfied look!

31. Insolence and rudeness

M. Zoshchenko "History of the disease"

A satirical story that tells about the attitude of medical personnel towards an unfortunate patient makes it possible to see how rudeness is indestructible in people: “Maybe you will be ordered to put in a separate ward and put a sentry on you so that he drives away flies and fleas from you?” - the nurse said in response to a request to clean up the department.

A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

The character of the drama Wild is a typical boor who insults both Boris' nephew, calling him a "parasite", "damned", and many inhabitants of the city of Kalinov. Impunity gave rise to utter unbridledness in Diky.

D. Fonvizin "Undergrowth"

Mrs. Prostakova considers her boorish behavior towards others to be the norm: she is the mistress of the house, whom no one dares to argue with. Therefore, she has Trishka "cattle", "dumbass" and "thieves' mug".

S. Dovlatov "This is an untranslatable word" rudeness "

The writer is sure that "rudeness is nothing but rudeness, arrogance, impudence, taken together, but at the same time multiplied by impunity." Man has nothing to oppose to this phenomenon, except for his own humiliation. The impunity of its rudeness and kills you on the spot.


“Insolence is nothing but a false sign of greatness” (Seneca, Roman philosopher, poet and statesman)

“It is vain to think that a harsh tone is a sign of frankness and strength” (William Shakespeare, English playwright and poet)

“The one who embarrasses the least number of people has good manners” (D. Swift, Anglo-Irish writer, philosopher, public figure).

32. Moral fall

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

For the sake of the love of a beautiful Polish woman, Andriy renounces his homeland, relatives, comrades, voluntarily goes over to the side of the enemy. This betrayal was aggravated by the fact that he rushed into battle against his father, brother, and former friends. An unworthy, shameful death is the result of his moral fall.

V. G. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera"

The island, on which people lived for centuries, they want to flood. Next to the problems of ecology, there are problems of a moral nature, historical memory.

V. P. Astafiev

The well-known writer and publicist V.P. Astafiev wrote in one of his essays that the moral health of the nation depends on each of us. People should understand that it is not necessary to look for the causes of vices on the side. The fight against drunkenness, lies, etc. in society must begin with eradicating this in oneself.

33. Drunkenness

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Marmeladov's drunkenness has made him a miserable creature, who, realizing the extremely plight of the family, nevertheless does not find the strength to cope with this vice.

M. Gorky "At the bottom"

The actor is a drunkard who suffers from the emptiness and meaninglessness of his life. Drunkenness led him to the fact that he even forgot his name, favorite monologues and roles. The picture of the terrible "bottom" in the play is a natural ending for those who seek salvation from life's problems in drunkenness.

Drunkenness, according to the writer, is the cause of murders, robberies, the breakdown of family relationships, the complete decomposition of the individual.


34. Infringement of human rights in modern society

B. Vasiliev "Ring A"

Comparing Western Europe and Russia, the author notes that Europe inherited Roman law from the Catholic Church, in which individual rights were a priority. Ancient Russia, having accepted the Christianity of Byzantium, accepted its law, in which the priority of power turned out to be the most important. The Soviet government took on board the Byzantine understanding of priority rights, and therefore in Russia, unlike Western Europe, many human rights are still infringed.

35. Selfishness

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Anatole Kuragin invades Natasha Rostova's life in order to satisfy his own ambitions.

A. P. Chekhov "Anna on the neck"

Anyuta, having become the wife of a wealthy official, considers herself a queen, and the rest as slaves. She even forgot about her father and brothers, who are forced to sell the bare necessities in order not to die of hunger.

D. London "In a distant land"

Weatherby and Cuthfert, having gone to the North for gold, are forced to spend the winter together in a hut standing far from inhabited places. And here their boundless selfishness comes out with cruel obviousness. The relationship between them is the same competitive struggle, only not for profit, but for survival. And under the conditions in which they found themselves, its outcome cannot be other than in the finale of the novel: the dying Cuthfert, crushed by the body of Weatherby, whom he killed in an animal fight over a cup of sugar.

36. Barbarism, cruelty

B. Vasiliev "Do not shoot at white swans"

The little hero of this story and his father, forester Yegor Polushkin, are horrified by how barbarically people can treat wildlife: poachers burn anthills, strip lindens, and kill defenseless animals.

V. Astafiev "The Sad Detective"

37. Vandalism

D.S. Likhachev "Letters about the good and the beautiful"

The author tells how indignant he felt when he learned that in 1932 a cast-iron monument on the grave of Bagration had been blown up on the Borodino field. At the same time, someone left a giant inscription on the wall of the monastery built on the site of the death of another hero, Tuchkov: “Enough to keep the remnants of the slave past!” At the end of the 60s, the Travel Palace was demolished in Leningrad, which even during the war our soldiers tried to preserve, not to destroy. Likhachev believes that "the loss of any cultural monument is irreparable: after all, they are always individual."

I. Bunin "Cursed days"

Bunin assumed that a revolution was inevitable, but even in a nightmare he could not imagine that atrocities and vandalism, like elemental forces, escaping from the recesses of the Russian soul, would turn people into a distraught crowd destroying everything in its path.

38. Slave love (submissive, humiliated submission to a loved one)

A. Kuprin "Garnet bracelet"

The story of General Anosov about the novels of Lieutenant Vishnyakov and Lenochka, an ensign and the wife of a regimental commander, allows us to see how unhappy people can be, whom love has made slaves: they become a laughing stock in the eyes of others, they are despised and pitied.

39. Love of convenience

A.N. Ostrovsky "Our people - let's settle!"

Podkhalyuzin, the hero of a comedy, loves Lipochka, the daughter of a merchant, as a means of achieving wealth, a favorable place and a symbol of his success in life: he is flattered that his wife speaks French.

40. Love and jealousy

William Shakespeare "Othello"

Jealousy is a destructive force that can destroy even the strongest bonds, bright feelings between people. It can take a person to the extreme. No wonder Othello, under the influence of groundless jealousy, killed Desdemona, the love of his life.

41. Careerism

D. Granin "I'm going into a thunderstorm"

The world of physicists in the novel is a battlefield on which there is a struggle between genuine scientists (Dan, Krylov) and careerists (Denisov, Agatov, Lagunov). Incapable of creativity, by hook or by crook seeking an administrative career in science, these opportunists almost destroyed the scientific search of Tulin and Krylov, who were looking for an effective method of destroying a thunderstorm.

42. Responsibility of a person to himself and society as a whole for the realization of his abilities (responsibility for his deeds)

A.P. Chekhov "Ionych"

Dr. Startsev, a talented doctor in his youth, gradually getting richer, becomes important and rude, he has one passion in life - money.

M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

The image of Yeshua is the image of Jesus Christ, who carries the idea of ​​genuine kindness and forgiveness. He says about all people, even about those who bring him pain and suffering: "A good person." He forgives the procurator of Judea, who doomed him to a painful death. The image of the procurator of Judea symbolizes how a person can be punished for cowardice. Because of cowardice, he sends the innocent Yeshua to execution, to terrible torment, for which he suffers both on earth and in eternal life.

43. Loneliness (indifference, indifference to the fate of others)

A.P. Chekhov "Vanka"

Vanka Zhukov is an orphan. He was given to study as a shoemaker in Moscow, where he lives very hard. You can learn about this from the letter that he sent "to the village of grandfather" Konstantin Makarovich with a request to pick him up. The boy will remain lonely, uncomfortable in a cruel and cold world.

A.P. Chekhov "Tosca"

The cab driver Iona Potapov's only son died. To overcome longing and an acute feeling of loneliness, he wants to tell someone about his misfortune, but no one wants to listen to him, no one cares about him. And then Jonah tells the horse his whole story: it seems to him that it was she who listened to him and sympathized with grief.

Hermann, the central character of the story, passionately longs to get rich, and for this he, wanting to seize the secret of three card numbers and win, becomes the unwitting killer of the old countess, the cause of the suffering of Lizaveta Ivanovna, her pupil. The cherished three cards helped the hero win several times, but the passion for money played a cruel joke on him: Hermann went crazy when he accidentally put the Queen of Spades instead of the Ace.

The author showed the fate of a man who served false values. Wealth was his God, and that God he worshiped. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that true happiness passed him by.

45. True and false values ​​in life

A.P. Chekhov "Jumper"

Olga Ivanovna spent her whole life looking for famous people, trying at any cost to earn their favor, not noticing that her husband, Dr. Dymov, was the very person whom she was looking for. Only after his tragic death did the heroine realize her frivolity.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

For the Kuragin family, the main value in life was money, so both Anatole and Helen grew up selfish. In the Rostovs' house, everything was the opposite: in their family, everything was built on love and mutual understanding. Therefore, Natasha, Nikolai and Petya grew up to be kind and sympathetic people. Thus, the Kuragins chose false values, and the Rostovs chose true ones.

N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

The pursuit of false values ​​leads to the impoverishment and moral degradation of a person. In the poem, Gogol brings to the reader a whole series of "dead souls": Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich, Plyushkin, Chichikov himself, city officials. All of them, to one degree or another, are seized with a passion for hoarding and gain, they lose their living souls, turning into puppets.

L. Tatyanicheva. Poem "What good have you done"

To do good to people is to be good to yourself. Happiness lies in doing good, eternal, helping people. These are the true values ​​of human life.

46. ​​True and false goals in life

I. A. Bunin "The Gentleman from San Francisco"

The writer denies the kind of life that the gentleman from San Francisco and the rich gentlemen from the steamer Atlantis led. He shows in the story how insignificant the life of such people is. The main idea of ​​the story is that everyone is equal before death, that some class, property lines that separate people are not important before death, so the life goal should be such that after death a long and kind memory of a person remains.

A. P. Chekhov "Gooseberry"

Life without purpose is a meaningless existence. But the goals are different, such as, for example, in the story "Gooseberry". His hero, Nikolai Ivanovich Chimsha-Gimalaysky, dreams of acquiring his estate and planting gooseberries there. This goal consumes him entirely. As a result, he reaches it, but at the same time he almost loses his human appearance (“he has become fat, flabby ... - just look, he will grunt in a blanket”). A false goal, fixation on the material, narrow, limited disfigures a person. He needs constant movement, development, excitement, improvement for life.


“In life, you should set yourself two goals. The first goal is the realization of what you aspire to. The second goal is the ability to rejoice at what has been achieved. Only the wisest representatives of mankind are capable of achieving the second goal. (Logan Pearsall Smith, American essayist and critic)

She tells her husband that she will leave him if he commits even one mean act. Then the husband explained to his wife in detail why their family lives so richly. The heroine of the text “left ... to another room. For her, living beautifully and richly was more important than deceiving her husband, although she says quite the opposite.

There is also no clear position in Chekhov's story "Chameleon" by the police overseer Ochumelov. He wants to punish the owner of the dog that bit Khryukin's finger. After Ochumelov learns that the possible owner of the dog is General Zhigalov, all his determination disappears.

What can be hidden behind the name "Jump into the coffin"? Most will answer that this is a work about death, about the struggle with it, or, on the contrary, about human impotence. Of course, they will turn out to be right, but only after reading it will come the realization that the story of Yuri Mamleev touches on more than one problem of society, suppressed by the opinions of others and the time of “perestroika”, as if killing all life in them. We will find confirmation of this in the behavior of the heroes of Mamleev, the unfortunate and oppressed.

One of the most important problems raised in the story is the problem of "fathers and children". Against the backdrop of changes in the country, the elderly do not find support in the younger generation, of which Mitka is a representative. “The tribe of the dying” only “simplified everything”, it seemed to him adequate to “spit on everything”, and the thought of continuing the old woman’s life popped up in his head only as an idea of ​​​​cleaning and caring for her.

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Together with the problem of “fathers and children”, the problem of the family, relationships in it, its influence on the formation of personality, was looking for solutions.

Speaking of personalities, it is worth asking the question: who is the personality in this story? I think it's Katherine. A real, with a soul, an old woman, even being on her deathbed, thinks only of her relatives. Even addressing them, despite the horror of the proposal, she says "my relatives." “Yes, how can I let you down now?” .... The personality of Katerina shows itself in the decision of the dying woman to lie down in the coffin. She wants to take this step herself, to "jump" into it.

Where is her soul? Pure, like a mirror of her whole meek and quiet life. She is Nikephoros. Carrying on a dialogue with him even through glances, the old woman, as it were, consults with herself. Should she take a step into the grave or not...

Nikifor himself can be called a reasoning hero - "for him, and so the world was like a bad fairy tale."

The whole world was portrayed by the Mamleevs, although they affected rather different worlds. Perhaps the main means in this was the language of communication of being-non-being - Catherine and Nicephorus, Catherine and the Great Spirit. It is noteworthy that the author used mythological motifs. This is both a voluntary sacrifice to match the “Laying in the grave” from the Gospel, and the motif of a “healed man” from paganism. But he did this in order to more fully reveal our real world.

A world where the living envy the dying, where they get tired of life. A world where it's easier to drink like Mitya than to try to find solutions to problems. Where the thought of "early" death does not seem silly, there is simply no other way out. There are still living people here, like grandfather Vasilyok, stepped into the coffin, burying himself alive (his room itself looked like "the coffin of some giant.")

So what did Mamleev want to convey to readers? Only the author himself can answer this question. But, of course, the most important thing is the realization of the importance and value of life, that it is the main human treasure. It is not the existence of the body, but the LIFE of the soul...

Updated: 2018-09-25

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