Project "Entertaining Russian language" (practical manual). Network project on the Russian language of words of Russians gold placer Projects of students in the Russian language

  • 23.03.2021

USE OF PUNCUNCATION A) Punctuation at the end of a sentence. a dot is placed at the end of declarative and motivating non-exclamatory sentences (The pen is on the table.) (Note: if there is a dot at the end of the sentence indicating an abbreviated word, then the second dot indicating the end of the sentence is not put: In the store you can buy pens, notebooks, pencils, etc.) a question mark is placed at the end of an interrogative sentence (Why don't people fly?) an exclamation mark is placed at the end of an exclamation sentence (I was given a laptop!) an ellipsis is placed as at the end of the sentence when the statement is incomplete (And he left ... ) Note: an ellipsis can also be placed in the middle of a sentence during a break in speech. (I don't want to... like this.)

STORY FROM THE PERSON OF THE PUNCTATION I'm a period. I am usually placed at the end of a sentence. I have exclamation marks and question marks. Thanks to me, you can complete the sentence correctly, and also make the sentence narrative. I help all people on earth.

In recent years, there have been changes in the practice of domestic education. Not a single aspect of school affairs remains unchanged. New principles of personality-oriented education, an individual approach, making their way for themselves, demanded, first of all, new teaching methods. The leading place among such methods found in the arsenal of world and domestic pedagogical practice belongs today project method.

This method allows solving the problems of the formation of intellectual skills and creative development of children. Raising love for the Russian language is a responsible task facing the teacher of the Russian language and literature, because “language is life” and “we learn and must learn the language until the last days of our lives.” (K.G. Paustovsky). And love for the native language is brought up primarily through the awakening of schoolchildren's interest in the subject "Russian language", which arises both in the school lesson and in extracurricular activities.

The project is an effective means of involving the majority of students in extracurricular activities, since work on the project involves the development of students' interest in independent study of various sections of the Russian language by reading popular science literature, working with dictionaries, reference books, participating in electives, linguistic circles, clubs Russian language lovers.

Our project is based on the development of cognitive creative skills of students and the ability to navigate in the information space, as well as the ability to independently model practical computer material for Russian language lessons.

At the lessons of information technology, students receive certain practical knowledge that allows them to independently develop computer tasks. The 10th grade students of our school decided to try to model computer material for Russian language lessons in the 5th grade.

Having become acquainted with the available educational computer programs in the Russian language, it was decided to make our own program. Modern communication technologies, informatics tools allow:

  • increase students' interest in a complex subject;
  • to repeat practical material independently with the help of a computer;
  • with the help of game moments, students can acquire knowledge not out of necessity, but at will, with interest;
  • correctly, at ease, be able to evaluate yourself.

We know that being able to properly assess oneself is an important ability of a person that helps him in life: underestimating his abilities prevents a person from being proactive, decisive, and energetic.

At the information technology lesson, tenth graders decided to come up with a small “computer holiday” for their younger friends, fifth graders, to learn the Russian language

How we created the project

The purpose of the project: to develop modern game tasks (manuals) in the Russian language using computer technology.

  • - use computer technology to create a game manual for the Russian language for grade 5;
  • - increase students' interest in subjects (Russian language, information technology);
  • - give the opportunity to study Russian not only in the classroom, but also at home;
  • - try your hand at a variety of creative tasks (from a fabulous journey to the country of Morphology through a labyrinth, crossword puzzle, solitaire game to practical test tasks).

Students will learn:

  • whether they write correctly;
  • do they know the rules;
  • whether they know how to apply the rules in practice.

Students will see the results of their work with all assignments and will be able to refer to a set of spelling rules.

Project type: practice-oriented.

The result is aimed at the interests of school students in better mastering the rules of Russian spelling


  1. Planning and selection of necessary sources of information.
  2. Viewing computer programs for learning the Russian language and a Russian language textbook for the 5th grade.
  3. The choice of a specific topic and the collection of the necessary theoretical material on the Russian language.
  4. Processing and systematization of the collected information.
  5. Formulation of research results.
  6. The result of the study was tested at a Russian language lesson in the 5th grade.

Project stages

1. Preparatory stage

  • Choice of a subject.
  • Justification of the need to conduct a computer lesson on the chosen subject.
  • Selection of software tools for developing tasks (Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Power Point, Publisher, Visual Basic).

2. Organizational stage

  • Formation of project teams.
  • Drawing up a work plan.

Fig. 1 Tenth graders draw up a work plan for the project.

3. Search stage

  • Collection of information.
  • Formation of a bank of ideas.

4. Practical stage

  • Development of game material.
  • Selection of musical accompaniment.

rice. 2 Sound material

  • Selection and production of illustrative material

5. Design and design stage

  • Preparation of practical material (booklets).
  • Development of computer tasks using the used software.

    Poster design (Fig. 3)

    Conducting a Russian language lesson in grade 5A using practical material (booklets).

  • Conducting an information technology lesson in the 5B class using computer games in the Russian language.

7. Receipt of the product

  • Editing of developed computer tasks.
  • An entertaining practical guide for Russian language lessons in grade 5.
  • The use by teachers of the school of the received allowance in the lessons of the Russian language and in extracurricular activities.

Necessary equipment:

PC with wide peripherals and Internet access, computer class, Russian language room.


  1. A. Akishina “Games at the lessons of the Russian language”.
  2. T. Zharkova “Entertaining Russian language”.
  3. T. Akishina “Phonetic exercise”.
  4. N. Solovieva “Russian language in tasks and games”.
  5. 1C: Tutor.
  6. 1C: Tutor. Spelling tests.
  7. CD: Punctuation tests.

What did we get

The game has accompanied a person throughout the history of his existence, developing his abilities and skills, adapting him to life, passing on the experience of previous generations.

The game contributes to the acquisition of knowledge not out of necessity, but at the request of the students themselves and takes place not formally, but with interest. Since learning is often based on coercion, the game is perceived especially joyfully, and joy, in turn, stimulates the disposition towards the subject, increases interest in it.

The game allows the student to evaluate himself against the background of other students. And the ability to make self-esteem is an important ability of a person that helps him in life: underestimating his abilities prevents a person from being proactive, decisive, energetic. (Appendix 4), “Spelling of negative pronouns with prepositions” (Appendix 5)

Using the practical aids obtained in the course of the project activity, the teacher received feedback on the course of the process of mastering knowledge, on its results immediately; the same relationship was traced by the student. The teacher and the student, having seen the mistakes, will be able to fix and eliminate gaps in knowledge and outline rational ways to eliminate them, taking into account individual approaches.

It is always important for the teacher to resolve the issue of the effectiveness of the methodology used. Here, on such manuals, an objective picture of the progress of students in the assimilation of educational material is immediately visible.

The results of the test-summary lesson with traditional tasks.

Number of students: 25 people.

Results after the lesson using computer tasks.

(game “In the country of Spelling”, “Journey to the country of Morphology”).

In elementary school, children in the Russian language study many topics related to the description of the word. Summarizing and systematizing the knowledge gained in some programs, children are offered to prepare a project "The Story of the Word" as homework. The forms of the project are varied: message, presentation, research work, etc.

The most popular type of project is a presentation, but a written work in a notebook or a report on a given topic often deserves a rating of 5.

So what is the Story of the Word project? What points should it take into account, what sections should it contain? In grade 3, the story about the word takes into account how the children mastered the previously studied educational material.

How to write a story about a word in grade 3 plan:

  • Spelling or spelling of a word
  • Lexical meaning
  • Root words
  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Phraseologism
  • Word compatibility
  • Proverb
  • Mystery
  • sentence with this word

Not necessarily all items should be included in your project, you can add something interesting from yourself. Working on such a project involves searching for materials in various dictionaries. The Internet has become a popular source of information. On our site you can find a lot of materials for the project "The story of the word"

The simplest form of a project about the word sun is a written message. We give an example of a GDZ of this type:

Russian language project Grade 3 "A story about the word dog"

Already in the 1st grade, children get acquainted with topics related to the spelling of words. This process is introductory, but students begin to understand that in Russian there are words whose spelling is associated with memorization. These are dictionary words. There are spelling words in which you can check and learn this task of the entire elementary school.

In grade 2, students get acquainted with the lexical meaning of the word, its etymology, select related words, cognate; learn to choose antonyms and synonyms for the word. All this enriches the horizons of children, their speech, forms a rich vocabulary.

In the 3rd grade, work on the word becomes more complicated. Students begin to understand the nature of phraseological units, explore the word from various angles, relying on previously acquired knowledge. So the task appears to create a project in the Russian language "The Story of the Word". With its help, the knowledge of children is systematized and generalized.

The folklore of the Russian people is widely used to create the project. These are riddles, proverbs, sayings. You can also work with the works of the classics: find sentences where the author uses a given word. Involving painting in the project will help to recreate a general picture of the nature of the word under study.

By creating a presentation, the student consolidates computer skills, the interconnection of all primary school subjects is carried out.

Film of students of the 8th grade "Yesenin and Lydia Kashina"

On the eve of the 120th anniversary of the birth of S. A. Yesenin, the guys and I visited the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan Region, visited the poet's house, the house of Lydia Kashina, the literary museum, and looked around. Of course, we shot a video and decided to use it to create a short biographical note on the topic: "Yesenin and Lydia Kashina." You can see the result of our work

Film of 10th grade students "Karabikha"

The project of 10th grade students in the form of a correspondence excursion "Karabikha"

I once visited Karabikha in the summer, filmed a video there and took a photo, but the guys wrote the script for the tour and edited the film. The disadvantage of children's work is that they do not know how to recite. There is something to work on.

The work of a 11th grade student Karina Galynskaya

This is a collective work of children of different ages.

Below is an example of the design of a linguistic fairy tale in the form of a clip. The guys composed a fairy tale, then Stepanova Dasha drew the frames, they were scanned, then the sound was recorded and pictures were superimposed on the sound. Here is the movie ready! Of course, the topic is already so simple, it would be necessary to do something more difficult.

Not with verbs. Linguistic tale

Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko. Design work by Shesternenkova K. and Litvinenko A.

"The fate of the priest Konstantin Golubev"

Documentary film "Fyodor Nedosekin"

This design work participated in the city competition "Step into the Future. Elektrostal - 2010". We wanted to tell about a man we learned about from his grandson - Konstantin Vasilyevich Vladychensky. Our film tells about the priest of the Bogorodsk region, Father Sergius Vladychensky. He was repressed, like many clergy in the 30s. About his fate, told to us by his grandson, we told in this film. The authors of the project are Ekaterina Simagina, Nina Korenkova, Klinshova Ksenia. Students of the 11th grade and K. V. Vladychensky helped in dubbing the film.

Documentary film from the cycle "Priests of the Bogorodsk Territory" "Father Sergius Vladychensky"

In 2009 we celebrated the 210th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Pushkin. A competition of mini-projects "While Pushkin lasts in Russia, snowstorms will not blow out the candle" was held in the city. I invite you to get acquainted with the winning project - the video clip "In Memory of Pushkin". Students of the 7th grade Tatiana Krasotenko, Kira Sudakova and Ekaterina Kuznetsova worked on the project.