Where does a paid gynecologist take. Paid clinic

  • 19.10.2020

This is a doctor who deals with diseases of the female reproductive system. Leading gynecologists of Russia and Moscow, doctors of the highest qualification category, are accepted at the SM-Clinic.

When to visit a gynecologist

It is necessary to visit a gynecologist for prevention once a year. This will help to identify diseases in the early stages, which often occur without symptoms.

Also, the help of a gynecologist may be required if there are certain signs, including:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • irregular monthly cycle, change in the nature of menstruation;
  • inability to get pregnant for one year or more with regular sexual activity;
  • the need for the selection of contraceptives;
  • burning of the genitals, discoloration, smell of secretions;
  • discomfort during menopause: burning and hot flashes, high blood pressure, and so on.

How is a gynecologist's appointment

At the appointment, the gynecologist asks the patient about complaints, symptoms, examines the patient's medical documents, and conducts an examination. For this, the latest diagnostic equipment is used, thanks to which the specialist has the opportunity to accurately assess the state of health of internal organs. Based on the results obtained, a treatment plan is drawn up.

In addition, during the reception, the gynecologist can take a smear, prescribe a number of additional examinations.


Gynecologists at SM-Clinic diagnose diseases of the female reproductive system using various methods. Patients are assigned:
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs- this method is used to assess the condition of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix; Ultrasound during pregnancy allows you to monitor the development of the fetus;
  • blood test for sex hormones- the level of hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, testosterone, FSH, LH is very important in assessing menstrual disorders, infertility, endometriosis, mastopathy;
  • diagnosis of pregnancy, which includes an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and a blood test for the level of the "pregnancy hormone" hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin);
  • rapid diagnosis of infections by PCR- sexually transmitted infections are often the cause of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, so it is necessary to identify the causative agent of the disease as soon as possible in order to prescribe the correct treatment;
  • colposcopy- examination of the entrance and the inner surface of the vagina, as well as the cervix using a special device - a digital video colposcope. This technique allows the gynecologist to get an enlarged image of the internal organs on the monitor screen, identify the foci of pathological processes and make a more accurate diagnosis;
  • hysteroscopy- examination of the uterine cavity using an optical probe, which is inserted through the cervix. The procedure is non-traumatic, allowing the doctor to conduct a detailed examination. If necessary, during hysteroscopy, the doctor can remove polyps, separate intrauterine adhesions. It is performed under local or general anesthesia.
  • biopsy followed by cytological examination- this diagnostic procedure helps to determine the presence / absence of cancer cells in a particular tissue of the body;
  • study of patency of the fallopian tubes(hysterosalpingography (HSG)) - is prescribed in case of suspicion of obstruction of the fallopian tubes, polyps, endometrial growths, malformations of the uterus. The essence of the study is that a contrast agent is injected into the uterus, and then x-rays are taken, the procedure is painless;
Based on the results of the examination, analysis of laboratory and instrumental data, the doctor will make a diagnosis, carry out disease prevention, and prescribe the necessary treatment - conservative or surgical. Treatment of inflammatory diseases. Specialists of the private gynecological clinic "SM-Clinic" successfully treat inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (adnexitis, endometritis, vulvitis, bacterial vaginosis, etc.), as well as infectious diseases (chlamydia, papillomavirus infection, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, herpes infection, toxoplasmosis ), often causing them.

Comprehensive diagnostics "Check Up".
Usually, a gynecologist prescribes several types of tests in order to diagnose the cause of the disease as accurately as possible. You can undergo a comprehensive examination and pass all the tests at the same time thanks to the programs “Check Up. Gynecology". You will save not only time, but also money.
More about the current programs “Check Up. Gynecology".

Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

The "SM-Clinic" will accurately and quickly conduct an examination for the presence / absence of sexually transmitted infections. Since the symptoms of most STDs are similar, the diagnosis can only be made on the basis of tests. For diagnosis, modern laboratory tests are used: PCR, DNA diagnostics, serology, etc. After determining the type of infection, the doctor prescribes adequate treatment (usually for partners at the same time). At the end of the course of treatment, it is necessary to take tests again and make sure that there are no pathogens.

Treatment of pathologies of internal organs

The SM-Clinic provides conservative and, if necessary, surgical treatment of cervical erosion, endometriosis, herpetic lesions, fallopian tube pathologies, endometrial hyperplasia, adhesive processes, as well as ovarian diseases (removal of dermoid, follicular, papillary, endometrioid and other types of cysts). Surgical treatment of diseases is carried out in the most effective and safe way.

Treatment of hormonal diseases

Hormonal disorders often lead to diseases such as fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian dysfunction, polycystic ovary syndrome, and polyps. Experienced gynecologists-endocrinologists of SM-Clinic will evaluate and analyze all aspects of the problem, prescribe hormonal correction.

Correction of menstrual irregularities

Failure of the normal physiological menstrual cycle is an indicator that unwanted changes have begun to occur in the female genital area: hormonal imbalance, endometrial growth, problems in the ovaries, early menopause. Doctors at SM-Clinic have vast experience in treating such disorders.

Selection of contraceptives

It is very important to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy correctly. In no case should you choose a method of contraception for yourself, following the example of girlfriends, sisters, colleagues. A gynecologist must prescribe contraceptives (oral, intrauterine, etc.)! Specialists of "SM-Clinic" will do it at any time convenient for you. Read more in the section

Gynecology is a branch of medicine that studies the structure of the female genital organs and their diseases. It is often called "the science of woman". Gynecologists are engaged in the development of methods for the treatment, prevention and diagnosis of various pathologies, perform therapy, surgical interventions (including endoscopic ones) and carry out the rehabilitation of patients.

About gynecology Our prices Our doctors Reviews Ask a question

Gynecology is a branch of medicine that studies the structure of the female genital organs and diseases. It is often called "the science of woman". That is how the word "gynecology" is translated. Today, millions of specialists are employed in this field all over the world. All of them are engaged in the development of methods for the treatment, prevention and diagnosis of various pathologies, perform therapy, surgical interventions (including endoscopic ones) and carry out the rehabilitation of patients.

In combination with obstetrics, gynecology studies issues related to:
  • pregnancy
  • childbirth;
  • recovery of the body after the birth of a child.

The tasks of specialists also include solving problems related to the selection of contraceptive methods and pregnancy planning. The arsenal of an important medical area contains methods that were originally achievements in the field of microbiology, immunology, oncology, genetics, pharmacology and other industries.

What diseases are treated by gynecologists?

All diseases of the gynecological profile are divided into 3 groups:
  • pathologies provoked by hormonal changes;
  • dystrophic, tumor and hyperplastic changes in the genital organs;
  • inflammatory processes.
The spread of pathologies is facilitated by:
  • hypothermia;
  • abortions;
  • miscarriages;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • malnutrition;
  • prolonged treatment with antibiotics;
  • violation of the microflora of the stomach and intestines.

Also, pathologies of the female genital area occur in the absence of therapy for concomitant pathologies, frequent changes in sexual partners, non-compliance with personal hygiene and irrational use of oral contraceptives.

Diagnostics in gynecology

  1. All types of ultrasound
  2. Colposcopy
  3. All types of laboratory diagnostics:
    • microscopy
    • bacteriological research
    • cytological studies
    • cytological fluid examination
    • PCR diagnostics (qualitative, quantitative, multiprime, nasba)
    • histological examination

Modern clinics use a huge range of techniques. Many of them allow you to identify the pathology at its early stage and quickly prescribe adequate treatment. Even a routine gynecological examination makes it possible to determine some deviations from the norm.

The simplest methods for detecting pathologies include:
  • inspection with mirrors;
  • analyzes for flora, syphilis, hepatitis, etc.;
  • colposcopy;
Additionally, experts prescribe:
  • endometrial biopsy;
  • cytology of vaginal discharge;
  • examination of mucus from the cervix;
  • measurement of basal temperature.


Today, both conservative and surgical treatment methods are used.

conservative methods

Drug therapy is carried out using antibiotics, hormonal drugs, pain relievers. Also used are compounds that prevent blood loss (in case of uterine bleeding). Conservative therapy is carried out using diet therapy, therapeutic massage, psychotherapy. Particular attention is paid to climatotherapy and laser therapy.

Surgical methods

Surgical interventions are usually carried out if standard conservative therapy does not give the desired result. Also, patients are referred for operations with malignant and benign tumors, a number of other pathologies. After examination by a gynecologist, you may be referred for cryodestruction, curettage of the uterine cavity, removal of cysts, etc. Today, special attention is paid to endoscopic interventions. They allow you to reduce all negative impacts and the recovery period, preserve the ability of a woman to conceive, bear and give birth to a child.

  • Obstetrician-gynecologists
    Kovrizhina Lidia Pavlovna (Ph.D.)
    Primary doctor's consultation 2950 rub.
    Repeated doctor's consultation 2750 rub.
    1700 rub.
    Mgdesyan Knarik Karlenovna (Ph.D.)
    Primary doctor's consultation 2750 rub.
    Repeated doctor's consultation 2500 rub.
    Consultation on the results of analyzes 1500 rub.
    Yakovleva Anastasia Alekseevna (Ph.D.)
    Primary doctor's consultation 2750 rub.
    Repeated doctor's consultation 2500 rub.
    Consultation on the results of analyzes 1500 rub.
    Apresyan Victoria Viktorovna (Ph.D.)
    Primary doctor's consultation 2750 rub.
    Repeated doctor's consultation 2500 rub.
    Vandalkovskaya Natalya Mikhailovna
    Primary doctor's consultation 2750 rub.
    Repeated doctor's consultation 2500 rub.
    Consultation on the results of analyzes 1500 rub.
    Pogorelskaya Irina Stanislavovna
    Primary doctor's consultation 2750 rub.
    Repeated doctor's consultation 2500 rub.
    Consultation on the results of analyzes 1500 rub.
    Prokudina Olga Vladilenovna
    Primary doctor's consultation 2750 rub.
    Repeated doctor's consultation 2500 rub.
    Consultation on the results of analyzes 1500 rub.
    Ledentsova Natalya Leonidovna
    Primary doctor's consultation 2750 rub.
    Repeated doctor's consultation 2500 rub.
    Makarova Tatyana Alexandrovna
    Primary doctor's consultation 2950 rub.
    Repeated doctor's consultation 2750 rub.
    Consultation on the results of analyzes 1700 rub.
    Reproduction doctor appointment 4500 rub.
    Admission for infertility 3250 rub.
    Pregnancy appointment
    Prescribing a treatment regimen 1500 rub.
    Consultation of a doctor of the highest category 2950 rub.
    Consultation of a doctor of a candidate of medical sciences 3250 rub.
    Doctor's consultation - complicated pregnancy (twins, IVF) 3250 rub.
    Ambulance station service - for issuing an order for emergency hospitalization by a non-governmental commercial organization 1000 rub.
  • Application anesthesia 650 rub.
    Biopsy of the cervix with histological research 6000 rub.
    Intravenous drip infusion 1700 rub.
    350 rub.
    Opening of an abscess of the Bartholin gland 7100 rub.
    Opening of a cyst, abscess 3000 rub.
    Opening of the cyst of the cervix with coagulation of the capsule 1 unit. 2000 rub.
    Histological examination 3850 rub.
    Defloration with Surgitron apparatus 6000 rub.
    350 rub.
    Aspiration. fine needle breast biopsy under ultrasound guidance 1950 rub.
    Insemination with centrifuged ejaculate 5000 rub.
    intravenous injection 550 rub.
    500 rub.
    Vaginal PH study 1100 rub.
    Colposcopic examination 2000 rub.
    Cryodestruction of one skin formation up to 0.5 cm 950 rub.
    Cryodestruction of one skin formation from 0.5 cm - 1 cm 1100 rub.
    Cryodestruction of one skin formation from 1cm 1500 rub.
    Cryodestruction of cervical erosion 5500 rub.
    Treatment of papillomatous-condylomatous generalized process 13000 rub.
    Treatment of cervical erosion by radio wave method 6900 rub.
    Anesthesia injection 450 rub.
    Handling after deletion 350 rub.
    Peipel biopsy (Histological examination of the endometrium) 7800 rub.
    dressing 800 rub.
    Setting up an intrauterine device 5000 rub.
    Cauterization of the cervix with Solkovagin (excluding the cost of the drug) 2000 rub.
    The procedure for removing a foreign body from the vagina 2000 rub.
    The procedure for removing a foreign body from the vagina is complicated 3000 rub.
    Removal procedure, removal of the pessary 3000 rub.
    Radio wave removal of education 1 cat. (assessment is based on the number, area of ​​the lesion, thickness of the base, complexity of removal) 2000 rub.
    Radio wave removal of formation 2 cat. (assessment is based on the number, area of ​​the lesion, thickness of the base, complexity of removal) 3900 rub.
    Radio wave removal of formation 3 cat. (assessment is based on the number, area of ​​the lesion, thickness of the base, complexity of removal) 6800 rub.
    Sanitation (medicinal bath) with your own preparation - 1 procedure 600 rub.
    Sanitation (medicinal bath) with your own preparation - 10 procedures 6000 rub.
    Sanitation (medicinal bath) with your own preparation - 5 procedures 3000 rub.
    Removal of stitches 1000 rub.
    Removal of the intrauterine device 3500 rub.
    Complicated removal of the intrauterine device 6200 rub.
    Removal of genital warts Solcoderm 1pc up to 0.5 cm 1800 rub.
    Removal of genital warts Solcoderm 1pc from 0.5 cm 2200 rub.
    Removal of genital warts Solcoderm 3-5 pcs 2900 rub.
    Removal of genital warts Solcoderm 5-10 pcs 3300 rub.
    Express diagnostics of pregnancy 500 rub.
    Express diagnosis of amniotic fluid leakage 850 rub.
    Treatment of stress urinary incontinence 1 15000 rub.
    Treatment of stress urinary incontinence 2 30000 rub.
    Treatment of vulvar atrophy 5000 rub.
    Implanon installation 6800 rub.
    I K P 1 15000 rub.
    I K P 2 30000 rub.
    Collection of material by a doctor for research 350 rub.
    Intravenous blood sampling for research 350 rub.
    Intramuscular or subcutaneous injection 500 rub.
    intravenous injection 550 rub.
    Intravenous drip infusion 1700 rub.
  • Bacterioscopic diagnostics (women) 550 rub.
    Blood group Rh factor 650 rub.
    Clinical blood test 650 rub.
    Clinical analysis of urine 355 rub.
    Complex Coagulogram (extended) 2800 rub.
    Smear for amniotic fluid 600 rub.
    Cytological examination of the discharge of the mammary glands 800 rub.
    Cytological examination of the cervix 1600 rub.
    Sowing Myco-Ureaplasma 1700 rub.
    Urine culture 1300 rub.
    Culture for Trichomonas vaginalis (Trichomoniasis) 1100 rub.
    Sowing on Gardnerella 1100 rub.
    Sowing on Gonococcus with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics 1100 rub.
    Seeding for Candida 1000 rub.
    Sowing on microflora + anaerobic bacteria with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics 1800 rub.
    Culture for Chlamydia 1600 rub.
    Extended culture on flora with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics 1800 rub.
    Pap test liquid 3000 rub.
    PCR - 14 infections (qualitative) 3650 rub.
    PCR - 24 infections (quantitative) 3800 rub.
    PCR - 6 infections (qualitative) Chlamydia, mycoplasmas, ureaplasma, gonococcus, Trichomonas 1360 rub.
    PCR - 6 infections (quantitative) Chlamydia, mycoplasmas, ureaplasma, gonococcus, Trichomonas 1500 rub.
    Femoflor 10 900 rub.
    Femoflor 13 (screening) 1100 rub.
    Femoflor 16 3000 rub.
    Femoflor 5 5000 rub.
    Florocenosis of the vagina (DNA Gardnerella vag./Atopobium vag./Lactobacillus sp. - quantitative) 1300 rub.
    NASBA reaction Mycoplasma genitalium 1800 rub.
    NASBA reaction Trichomonas vaginalis 1800 rub.
    NASBA reaction Chlamydia trachomatis 1800 rub.
    NASBA reaction Neisseria gonorrhea 1800 rub.
    HPV Pap test liquid 4300 rub.
    HPV test extended liquid 2000 rub.
    Human papillomavirus quantitative with type identification 1260 rub.
    Hospital complex (Syphilis AT total, HBs Ag, AT to HCV, AT to HIV 1, 2) 1800 rub.
    Complex of serological reactions to syphilis: RPR, RIF-200, RIF-abs, RIBT 4500 rub.
    Biopsy of the cervix with histological examination 6000 rub.
    Intravenous blood sampling for research 350 rub.
    Collection of material by a doctor for research 350 rub.

The cost of services in our clinic in Moscow depends on:

  • features of the identified pathology;
  • complexity of therapy;
  • duration of treatment, etc.

The clinic adheres to a loyal pricing policy. Thanks to this, the support of specialists in the field of gynecology is available to numerous patients. Approximate prices for consultations and examinations are presented on the website. The exact cost will be announced by our specialists by phone. They will also provide an appointment with a doctor in our private gynecological clinic.

Special attention is paid to gynecology in our private clinic. We employ only experienced specialists. Each doctor performs a range of manipulations necessary for:

  • making a diagnosis;
  • its confirmation;
  • elimination of pathologies.

Our clinic adheres to an individual approach to solving the problems of patients. You will not experience discomfort and embarrassment, you will not face fear and pain.

At the MC "Modern Medicine" I see a gynecologist Mgdesyan, I really like this doctor for his attentiveness and excellent knowledge (I was cured of infertility)!!! Recently, a disaster happened in our family, my mother was diagnosed with diabetes. We began to look for a doctor who would make the right appointments and help. It turned out that this doctor works in the clinic where I see)! I was very pleased with the attitude towards the patients. They explained everything to us in detail, they told us what measures should be taken to restore health. In addition to the pills, my mother was prescribed sports ... At first it was difficult to get her to take at least a short walk before going to bed, but Boris Vasilievich (endocrinologist) managed to convince her of the usefulness of this and when the first results in weight loss and blood sugar went off, mom got an incentive. All that remains is to thank our wonderful doctors, congratulate them on the holidays and wish everyone Siberian health!!!

Unfortunately, I did not immediately find out about such a wonderful doctor, I ran to her from the antenatal clinic on the advice of a friend. Excellent doctor, I immediately understood it) . Carefully dealt with my research, talked about what they say "heart to heart". Yes, I was 10 weeks pregnant at the time of contacting Irina Stanislavovna, during this period I managed to lie in the hospital, where they almost cleaned me. For the entire period that I have been seeing Irina Stanislavovna, I have never encountered indifference, I have never stung or skipped a beat anywhere. If something is wrong according to the analyzes, the doctor immediately reacts and never launched anything.

Maria Lukina

I had a gynecologist more than a year ago in my city. Now we live in Moscow and the other day I went to KSM to Mgdesyan K.K., a good clinic. I liked the doctor's attention. This is the most important and the very first. She said that I have fibroids and have been for a long time, but no one had said this before, probably they didn’t notice. And although I applied then with certain complaints of feeling unwell. Attentiveness is the main positive feature of any doctor. I put 5, a good clinic.

Doctor Pogorelskaya is 100% interested in the treatment of her patients, she is not at all interested in how much money you have and will never prescribe anything just like that. He is conscientious about his work. All the gynecologists that I have met in my life try to immediately load up on tests and useless treatment, as a rule, without even making a diagnosis. With such a diagnosis as mine (infertility), he bred such people, Moscow is full. Thank God that there was such a doctor who cares for his clients.

For several years of treatment for infertility, mostly unscrupulous doctors met on my way. As I understand it, infertility is a diagnosis with which you can freely manipulate a person. They pulled money from me but it was useless. I changed one doctor after another until I got to the hospital, where I talked with other girls who recommended Dr. Pogorelskaya. I immediately made an appointment with her. From the very first consultation, there was a sense of mutual understanding. I told everything what had been done to me during this time, what drugs I had taken. Less than a year after the start of treatment, our baby appeared! Now I know that there are real specialists, only they are few.


Do you still have questions? You can ask them below.

Gynecology(from "gyne" - woman, "logos" - teaching) studies the physiological and pathological processes that occur in the reproductive system of a woman at different periods of her development. As a science of the female body, gynecology consists of two sections: obstetrics and gynecology proper. Obstetrics (from "accoucher" - to give birth) deals with the study of the physiology and pathology of pregnancy: from conception to childbirth and the postpartum period. In a narrow sense, gynecology is the science of diseases of the female reproductive system outside of pregnancy, about methods for their diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Obstetrics and gynecology closely intersect with each other, study interrelated processes, and an obstetrician-gynecologist is a specialist in this field.

Gynecology is a complex discipline that includes pediatric and adolescent gynecology, gynecological endocrinology and oncology, operative gynecology, reconstructive plastic surgery.

Practical gynecology cooperates with urology, venereology, endocrinology, oncology, mammology, genetics and other areas of medical science. The main task of gynecology is to take care of a woman's health throughout her life. Preventive examinations in gynecology are included in the programs of clinical examination, professional hygiene and are recommended for all women without exception twice a year.

All gynecological diseases are conditionally divided into three large groups: inflammatory, hormone-dependent, as well as tumor, dystrophic and hyperplastic diseases. Each of the diseases in gynecology is accompanied by specific manifestations, the most characteristic of which are pain, bleeding, the appearance of pathological secretion, menstrual, reproductive, and sexual dysfunctions. Only a specialist in the field of gynecology can correctly assess and differentiate the physiological and pathological processes of the body and select individual therapy.

Also within the scope of gynecology are issues of infertility, contraception and family planning, preparation and management of pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, menopausal problems, intimate surgery. The latest generation of drugs and new methods of contraception allow you to plan the birth of a child and avoid unwanted pregnancies. If it is necessary to terminate a pregnancy in gynecology, sparing methods are used. The selection and appointment of hormone replacement therapy allows a woman to comfortably move into the menopause.

At present, the level of development of gynecology makes it possible to prevent many diseases of the female reproductive system or to detect them at an early stage of development, when treatment can be most effective. Self-treatment in gynecology is categorically unacceptable, since it can cause irreparable harm to a subtly and delicately organized female body.

Gynecology in Moscow

Services in the field of gynecology in Moscow are presented in most multidisciplinary and specialized clinics. An increasing number of women today choose gynecological centers in Moscow, which combine a friendly atmosphere, the availability of qualified staff, the availability of services, an individual and competent approach to diagnosis and treatment based on the latest scientific achievements. The most important indicator of the level of the gynecology clinic in Moscow is the availability of high-tech medical equipment and comprehensive laboratory diagnostics.

Gynecology today has made significant progress in solving "women's" problems, and gynecologists in Moscow strive to use the most advanced world technologies and service standards.

The basis of any consultation in gynecology is examination on the chair, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, microscopic and cytological examination of the smear, colposcopy. Modern diagnostic techniques (ultrasound, laboratory, X-ray, laparoscopic) used in gynecology make it possible to detect and effectively treat gynecological pathology at an early stage. With the help of high-precision PCR methods, ELISA diagnostics, even latent infections are detected, which helps prevent the development of serious complications.

Gynecology in Moscow offers professional conservative and surgical treatment of genital pathology. Individual courses of therapy in gynecology may include local and general drug therapy, physiotherapy and sanatorium treatment.

Gynecology is a specialty of the surgical profile, as it often deals with emergency cases requiring urgent surgical care. Currently, minimally invasive technologies are being actively developed and implemented in operative gynecology, such as laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery, which are used to correct almost any pathology. Carrying out organ-preserving operations in gynecology allows preserving the reproductive function of a woman. The use of surgical laser and radio wave surgery in the treatment of diseases of the cervix has become widespread in gynecology.

The indisputable achievement of gynecology is high-tech reproductive technologies. Modern gynecology in Moscow is able to help women with infertility problems by offering artificial insemination with husband's or donor's sperm or in vitro fertilization procedure. Gynecology clinics in Moscow provide pregnancy planning services, comprehensive medical support for pregnant women at various times with the issuance of a package of documents, preparation for childbirth, and postpartum care. In the event of an unwanted pregnancy, Moscow gynecological centers perform surgical or medical termination of pregnancy, followed by observation and psychotherapeutic support.

In recent years, the direction of intimate plastics has been actively developing in gynecology. Reconstructive plastic gynecology in Moscow is represented by a full range of operations for the correction of cosmetic defects of the external genital organs, hymenoplasty and surgical defloration, scar removal, perineal and vaginal plastic surgery, and elimination of genital prolapse.

At the present stage, gynecology in Moscow is focused on prevention and offers screening programs to preserve the health of women of all ages.

In the section "Gynecology" on the site "Beauty and Medicine" you can get acquainted with traditional and modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases, which are offered by specialized clinics in Moscow. The cost of gynecology services in Moscow, as well as reviews of specialists and clinics will help you make the right choice.

Gynecology in Moscow is a professional approach to preserving and restoring a woman's health at any age.

In the clinic of private gynecology, highly qualified specialists conduct daily paid appointments: a gynecologist, a mammologist, a gynecologist-endocrinologist, a dermatologist, a pediatric gynecologist, who will always help in solving many problems that concern you. The paid clinic considers issues of women's health to be its priority. The worthy quality of the works and services we provide, which meet the set of requirements of the main international and national quality standards, is confirmed by the Certificates of passing the voluntary certification system by the medical center. Like other private clinics, we work on the basis of a Medical Activity License issued by the Moscow City Health Department.

Private gynecology - priority areas

Issues of planning and preparation for pregnancy, examination before conceiving a child. Observation and programs of conducting pregnancy. Issues of prevention of Rh-conflict in case of negative Rh blood factor. Individual management of childbirth with personal medical staff.

The gynecologist is the main female doctor. The health of the woman herself and her children depends on well-being in the sexual sphere. In the clinic of private gynecology, preventive examinations, various examinations, analyzes, treatment of major women's problems (erosion, inflammation, cystitis, colpitis, condylomas, etc.) are carried out. In the treatment of certain diseases (adnexa, uterus, adhesions, infertility), our doctors use effective, time-tested practices of the clinic.

Menstrual disorders, excess body hair, pain during menstruation, uterine bleeding, endometritis, uterine fibroids - these issues are within the competence of this doctor. Also, our paid medical center will help with issues such as miscarriage, female infertility, selection of contraceptives and hormonal contraceptives.

Unfortunately, "adult" problems occur not only in adult women, but also in adolescents, children and even babies. In this case, the gynecological clinic offers to visit a specialist in pediatric and adolescent gynecology. The reasons to go to see him are discharge, inflammation, cystitis, synechia, vulvitis, absence of menstruation. There is a doctor's visit to the house.

Any complaints and discomfort in the mammary gland - pain, induration, discharge from the nipple - a reason to visit a mammologist-oncologist. Our specialist will conduct an examination, perform an ultrasound and the necessary tests to find out the causes of your symptoms. A timely visit to the doctor will save you from unnecessary worries and will allow you to prescribe the optimal treatment. There is a home visit of a mammologist, a specialist in breastfeeding.

Expert ultrasound examination of organs - abdominal cavity, small pelvis, mammary, thyroid gland, urinary system. At reasonable prices, private gynecology offers to do ultrasound screening during pregnancy, including ultrasound 2D, 3D, 4D, doppler and record the study on a DVD. Diagnostics is carried out by experienced doctors on the equipment of the expert class of the latest generation.

Intimate surgery for women usually does not have a medical indication, but gives many a sense of self-confidence and the opportunity to enjoy the fullness of their sexual life. The paid clinic carries out correction of the clitoris, labia minora, restoration and elimination of the hymen, vaginoplasty. Contouring of intimate areas with hyaluronic acid gels for beauty and intimate health. The result will be the beginning of a new stage in your personal life, devoid of complexes and disappointments!

Service quality

The quality of work and medical services provided by our private gynecology in Moscow meet the requirements of the main regulatory documents and quality standards. This is confirmed by the License for medical activities of the Department of Health, Certificates of passing the international system of voluntary certification by a paid medical center, conclusions of Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Diplomas of the Moscow Consumer Rights Protection Fund.

Why our paid clinic is one of the best in Moscow:

Modern equipment.
The clinic is equipped with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment;

Analyzes at the Kutuzovskaya metro station.
A full range of laboratory tests performed in one of the best laboratories in the capital. Testing on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, within walking distance from the metro and MCC;

Qualified doctors.
The center is attended by professional and experienced gynecologists, mammologists, endocrinologists, specialists in ultrasound diagnostics;

Continuity of observation. Women's health services for patients of all age groups (pediatric and adolescent gynecology - general gynecology - gynecological endocrinology).

Online service "Electronic registration".
Opportunity to see a doctor of any specialty around the clock via the Internet. Fast and convenient, 24 hours a day;

Service without queues.
High level of service. We care about our patients and their health. Opportunity to visit a doctor and receive laboratory diagnostic services on holidays, as well as on Saturdays and Sundays;

Convenient location in the center of Moscow.
The location of the clinic on the central highway of the capital, a few kilometers from the Kremlin, next to the metro stations and the Moscow Ring Railway;

Discounts and promotions.
Regular promotions of the month and periodic discounts make the high-quality medical services of the clinic more affordable.

Gynecologist paid provides all kinds of assistance to the female population. He can take in public medical institutions, but usually works in private clinics. This doctor, in addition to his main job, usually prepares a video blog and conducts online consultations. That's why paid gynecologist services have become more and more in demand and popular in recent years.

Diagnostic methods used in gynecology

At the reception paid gynecologist uses methods of objective research, as well as additional diagnostic methods. The methods of objective gynecological examination include the following varieties:

Examination of the patient

Visual examination of the genitals - Examination of the genitals with the help of mirrors

Bimanual vaginal examination.

Additional diagnostic methods include the following:

Colposcopy - examination of the cervix using a microscopic technique

Extended colposcopy - the use of special samples followed by microscopy to assess the anatomical structure of the cervix

Cytological examination - the study of the cellular composition of either the cervix or aspirate from the uterine cavity

Histological examination of the material obtained after a biopsy of the cervix or after separate diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity and cervical canal

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs using various accesses (through the anterior abdominal wall, through the vagina, less often through the rectum, through the labia)

Ultrasonography - ultrasound examination using special solutions (used to assess the patency of the fallopian tubes in infertility)

X-ray examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes - metrosalpingography

Hormonal studies that are widespread in endocrine gynecology

Immunological studies to assess the immune status of a woman (this is especially important for diagnosing the causes of infertility)

Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterine cavity using a special endoscopic technique and some others.

The advantage of video lessons

Video lessons, compiled by experienced and highly qualified gynecologists who conduct paid appointments, have a number of advantages that make them extremely popular. Therefore, they are becoming more and more in demand.

To the main positive qualities of video lessons, which are gynecologist paid include the following: Ease of perception of the material (a person receives it in an accessible form)

The presence of visual demonstrations, especially regarding any skills

Self-selection of time that is convenient for classes

The ability to find the answer to a question of interest, which is very delicate, and it is not always possible to directly ask the doctor due to various circumstances

The ability to re-watch the video if there are misunderstandings after the first time, etc.

Advantages of online communication with a gynecologist

Every woman can ask questions online to a paid gynecologist if she is interested in any topic. Such Internet communication has a number of advantages over face-to-face communication at a doctor's appointment. The main positive qualities include the following:

Ease of perception of the material (a person receives it in an accessible form)

The presence of visual demonstrations that can accompany the gynecologist's story

Self-selection of time that is convenient for communication

The ability to find an answer to a question of interest, which is very delicate, and it is not always possible to directly ask a doctor due to various circumstances.

All this makes online communication with a doctor very popular lately. Many participants in the process are located in different parts of the globe, which completely excludes the chance of their meeting. Therefore, a person does not hesitate to ask even the most ridiculous questions that often bother him, and when he comes to an appointment with a gynecologist, it is not convenient to ask about it. That's why gynecologist paid online is a lifesaver.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the consultation and treatment that gynecologist paid allows a woman to always stay in touch with the doctor, including using Internet technologies. For most patients, this is very important, so paid gynecologists very popular. Such a doctor is fully interested in the good results of his work. To do this, he does everything possible.