Is it possible to grow Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse? Growing cabbage in a greenhouse: early, Beijing, cauliflower and white cabbage

  • 04.10.2023
  • selection of varieties;
  • soil preparation;
  • sowing seeds;
  • growing seedlings;

Before planting, the seeds need to be treated: soak in warm water for about 15-18 minutes. The temperature of the latter should not exceed 50 degrees Celsius.

Then the seed must be immersed in cold water and dried thoroughly. Experienced summer residents recommend treating the seeds with an additional nitrophoska solution to prevent fungal diseases.

The technology for growing Chinese cabbage involves sowing seeds at the end of February or beginning of March to a depth of 1-2 cm. Plants should be watered as needed. The first sprouts appear around the third day.

The rules of care are:

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Growing Chinese cabbage in Belarus

Growing Chinese cabbage has its own characteristics compared to ordinary white cabbage. Let's look at how to grow Chinese cabbage in your garden. Chinese cabbage has delicate and thin petals, so it requires special care. These ancient crops of China are actively conquering the vast expanses of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries.

And this is not surprising, since the technology for growing Chinese and Chinese cabbage is quite simple. Even when grown without seedlings in the northern regions, you can get a good harvest. What can we say about warmer regions?

So, how to grow Chinese cabbage? First, let’s recall how these two types differ. Quite often they are united by a common name - Chinese cabbage, but from a botanical point of view this is completely incorrect.

Chinese cabbage (salad, or petsai) and Chinese cabbage (mustard, or pak choi) are close relatives. The homeland of both species is China, but they differ in appearance and certain characteristics. Chinese cabbage has very tender, sessile, whole leaves with a swollen, wrinkled leaf blade, height - 15-35 cm. There are varieties in which the leaves form a head or rosette of different densities and shapes. Chinese cabbage forms a rosette of erect leaves with succulent petioles, the height of which reaches 30 cm. Two subspecies are grown, which differ in the color of the petioles and leaves. Peculiarities of growing Chinese cabbage: The most optimal temperature for germinating cabbage is 15-22°C

  1. Chinese cabbage is an early ripening crop. The ripening time of early varieties (from germination to ripeness) is 40-55 days, late - 60-80, medium - 55-60. This makes it possible to get 2 or even 3 crops in one season. They are grown year-round when certain conditions are created. Moderate temperatures (below 13°C) and long daylight hours cause flowering and bolting. The best temperature for germination is 15-22°C.

To prevent flowering and bolting, you must:

  • do not thicken the crops; choose varieties that are resistant to flowering; grow in short daylight hours (sow in April, cover late crops from light in the evening and open in the morning).

Technology for growing Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage can be grown either without seedlings or using seedlings. Non-seedling method of growing Chinese cabbage seeds are sown in open ground:

  • from the first ten days of May (or the end of April) to June 15, intervals between sowings are made at 10-15 days; from July 20 to August 10.

Planting scheme for Chinese cabbage. The distance between plants should be 15-25 cm. This can be achieved by sowing seeds in a narrow bed in the following ways:

  1. Linear tape method with thinning of plants. To do this, sowing seeds is carried out with ribbons (three- or two-line). The distance between the ribbons is 50-60 cm, between the rows - 20-30 cm. When planting seeds in the holes in groups of 3-4 pieces, the distance between the holes is about 30-35 cm. Thinning will be necessary.

Try both sowing methods and choose the one that seems more effective and convenient. The depth of sowing seeds when growing in open ground is 1-2 cm. The bed with the crops is covered with plastic film, especially if it is still cool outside.

Seedlings do not like frost, unlike adult plants. The first shoots appear on approximately 3-10 days, depending on the temperature. To protect plants from the cruciferous flea beetle, the soil is sprinkled with ash before germination.

This pest is one of the reasons why Chinese cabbage cannot be grown after mustard, radishes and other cruciferous crops. By the way, take this into account when choosing green manure for the bed in which you intend to plant any species. With the strip-line sowing method, 2 thinnings are carried out during cultivation.

With the appearance of one true leaf, thin out for the first time, leaving plants every 8-10 cm. When the leaves of neighboring plants close together, a second thinning is done, leaving plants every 20-25 cm.

Seedling method

Cultivation by seedlings should be carried out taking into account their “capriciousness” to damage the roots and replanting. They cannot be grown using picking.

Chinese cabbage is more capricious, so its seedlings must be grown in peat pots and planted together with the pots in a greenhouse or open ground. The advantage of growing through seedlings is a reduction in ripening time. By using seedlings, you can get the first harvest 20-35 days after planting the seedlings on the bed. The time for sowing seeds for seedlings depends on the type of soil. When grown in:

  • open ground - late March-April; protected ground - late January-early February.

Containers and cassettes for seedlings. The soil for growing Chinese cabbage seedlings should be loose. It is good to use coconut substrate; it meets all the requirements for seedling soil and makes it possible to obtain healthy and strong seedlings. For uniform sowing, seeds are mixed with sand and sown to a depth of approximately 0.5-1 cm. Seedlings are ready for planting at age 25-30 days. By this time, seedlings should have 4-5 true leaves. For these types of cabbage, the most preferable are light, organic-rich, well-drained soils with a neutral environment. The predecessors can be crops that are also acceptable for other cabbage plants. The area allocated for Chinese cabbage, must be illuminated. Chinese cabbage must be grown separately from Chinese cabbage, since cross-pollination can be carried out between these species. Seedlings are planted according to the following scheme:

  • in open ground 30×25 cm; in protected ground - 10×10 cm (leaf forms) and 20×20 cm (head forms).

Cabbage care

Both types are cold-resistant, moisture- and light-loving crops. Chinese cabbage can withstand frosts down to -6°C. Temperatures in the range of 15-22°C are optimal for plants. Temperatures above 25°C can cause burns on the leaves of plants (Chinese cabbage especially suffers from this). Chinese cabbage can withstand frosts down to -6°C. Care requires abundant watering, shallow loosening of the soil and control of pests and weeds (Chinese cabbage more resistant to pests, as it has essential oils that drive them away).

Mulching the soil will save you from weeds, which will give you more time to rest. Cabbage also loves refreshing watering; it is recommended to use the sprinkling method. Plants grow poorly when there is a lack of moisture. But excessive soil moisture reduces its yield.

Chinese cabbage loves more watering than Chinese cabbage. If it rains frequently in your region, you will have to protect the cabbage from it, otherwise it will begin to rot.

You can protect it by covering with a transparent ordinary film or agrofibre. It is good to apply 2 feedings of mullein solution (1:8) during the growing season. When weeding, be careful not to cover the apical bud of the cabbage with soil. Chinese cabbage is stored better than Chinese cabbage. Make friends with these Asian representatives and you will be happy with the result, since growing Chinese cabbage is quite a feasible task even for a beginner.

How to get rid of cruciferous flea beetle? What will help fight a slug?

Many years of experience in growing Chinese cabbage

Let's finally understand the features of growing Chinese cabbage so that we can always have a harvest of this “Asian beauty”.

Timing for planting Chinese cabbage: how to avoid bolting

The first and most important secret to a good harvest of Chinese cabbage: you need to plant it on time! Chinese cabbage blooms and produces seeds only with long daylight hours (just like radishes or daikon).

This suggests an obvious conclusion: to avoid flowering, Chinese cabbage should be planted either in early spring or in mid-summer, when daylight hours are shorter. Therefore, Chinese cabbage is planted twice: Early spring planting— April 15-20. Summer-autumn planting- from July 20 to August 10. In addition, do not forget that there are special varieties of Chinese cabbage that are resistant to flowering.

Dutch hybrids have proven themselves very well. Although all Chinese cabbage is an early ripening crop, it has varieties that differ in terms of ripening. Early varieties are ready for harvesting in 40-55 days, medium varieties in 55-60, and late varieties in 60-80.

Growing Chinese cabbage: basic agricultural technology

Chinese cabbage is grown in seedlings and without seedlings. The advantage of seedlings is undeniable - accelerated growth and shortened ripening period.

Growing Chinese cabbage through seedlings

To obtain an early harvest, Chinese cabbage seeds are planted as seedlings at the end of March, and for winter consumption - at the end of June. The optimal way to grow seedlings is in individual pots or peat tablets, because Chinese cabbage does not tolerate picking well and takes root in a permanent place for quite a long time. Chinese cabbage cabbage loves loose soil, so a 1:2 mixture of humus and coconut substrate is best suited as soil for seedlings. You can also use a mixture of turf soil and peat in equal proportions.

The seeds are planted to a depth of 0.5-1 centimeter and the pots are left in a dark, warm place until germination, which usually does not keep itself waiting and appears after 2-3 days. Now the Chinese cabbage seedlings must be brought into the light. It is advisable to water the seedlings not too often, as the top layer of soil dries out. Watering is stopped 3-4 days before planting. When the seedlings have 4-5 true leaves (after about 25-30 days), they are ready to be planted in the garden.

Growing Chinese cabbage without seedlings

To plant Chinese cabbage, it is recommended to choose a well-lit area where garlic, onions, cucumbers, potatoes or carrots have previously grown - the best predecessors of this crop. First, you need to prepare the holes at a distance of 25-30 centimeters from each other (the same distance should be between the rows in the garden bed). Add a half-liter jar of humus or compost + 2 tablespoons of ash to each hole and spill it generously.

Now you can plant seedlings or seeds. The seeds are planted to a depth of 1-2 centimeters, sprinkled with ash on top and covered with covering material or film. After 4-7 days, the first shoots should appear.

Care, watering, feeding of Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage loves light, moisture and coolness. The optimal temperature for growing it is 15-20°C. At temperatures below 13°C and above 25°C, you cannot count on a good harvest.

One of the indispensable agricultural practices when growing Chinese cabbage is covering it with non-woven fabric. Firstly, the covering protects young seedlings from frosts and temperature changes (unlike adult plants, Chinese cabbage seedlings do not tolerate cold weather). Secondly, the covering material shades Chinese cabbage from direct sunlight on hot days, avoiding overheating. Thirdly, it protects the plantings from excess moisture in rainy summers (if there is too much water, Chinese cabbage can rot). Finally, the cruciferous flea beetle - an insatiable pest of Chinese cabbage - is much less likely to find the plant under cover rather than without it. Two weeks after planting in the ground, mulch the bed with Chinese cabbage. Mulch will help retain more moisture in the soil and inhibit the appearance of weeds. Once a week, Chinese cabbage is watered generously with warm water. The culture responds well to fertilizing. Two weeks after planting in a permanent place, you can feed it:

  • mullein infusion (1:10); herbal infusion (1:9).

1 liter of fertilizer is poured under each plant. During spring planting, such fertilizing is carried out three times, and during summer planting - twice. To make the heads of cabbage set better, you can spray the cabbage with a solution of boric acid - dissolve 2 grams in 1 liter of hot water and add 9 liters of cold water.

How to get rid of cruciferous flea beetle and slugs on Chinese cabbage

Diseases in Chinese cabbage are rare; it grows so quickly that it simply does not have time to become infected. But pests love Beijing.

The most avid lovers of cabbage are cruciferous flea beetles and slugs. The cruciferous flea beetle is very difficult to defeat; although it is small, it will wear you down in no time. Therefore, the best fight against it is prevention. You need to try to make sure that this little scoundrel bypasses your beds.

Measures to combat cruciferous flea beetle:

— Compliance with planting deadlines. In early spring and late summer, cruciferous flea beetles are still/no longer present in nature. — Covering the plantings with non-woven fabric.

As mentioned above, it is more difficult for fleas to get under cover. — Dust the beds with ash before germination. This pest does not favor ash.

— Correct crop rotation. You should not plant Chinese cabbage in beds where other cruciferous crops (radish, daikon, mustard or any cabbage) grew. The larvae of the cruciferous flea beetle overwinter in the soil, and the pest will definitely appear.

- Mixed plantings. The best way to overcome a flea is to deceive it. To confuse the scoundrel, plant Chinese cabbage along with tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, garlic, onions or petunias. If, despite all efforts, the cruciferous flea flea has reached the bed with Chinese cabbage, you can spray it with the biological preparations “Fitoverm” or “Bitoxibacillin” , dust with a mixture of ash and tobacco dust (1:1).

And if the pest is especially rampant, you cannot do without the use of chemicals - Actellica, Aktara, Iskra or Inta-Vira. However, they can be used no later than a month before harvesting. Another problem with Peking is slugs.

In a cloudy, rainy summer, they can easily eat Chinese cabbage for us. Getting rid of slugs is very difficult. And you have to try everything: sprinkle the cabbage with a special mixture (0.5 liters of ash + 2 tbsp. salt + 1 tbsp. dry mustard + 2 tbsp. ground hot red pepper), spread burdock leaves over the bed (slugs really like burdock and will certainly crawl under the leaves), place boards between the beds (slugs gather under them), and then destroy the pests manually.

Storing Chinese cabbage

Mature Chinese cabbage plants are notable for their resistance to frost. The culture can withstand cold temperatures down to -4°C.

Therefore, do not rush to cut off unripe small heads; Chinese cabbage can be safely left in the garden until mid-October. When a head of Chinese cabbage becomes dense, it is ready for harvesting. Vegetables planted in early spring are not suitable for long-term storage; they are planted specifically for summer consumption.

But Chinese cabbage, planted in July, can be perfectly stored until the new year and longer. Store Chinese cabbage at a temperature of 5-7 ° C, wrapping each head in cling film or wrapping it in newspaper and then in a plastic bag. Only newspapers need to be changed from time to time to avoid rotting. We wish you success and great harvests!

How to grow Chinese cabbage.

Head, leaf and intermediate forms - this is the variety that Chinese cabbage provides - a vegetable that is of great value for its benefits and taste. Its first type is particularly early in maturity. It takes less than two months to produce a harvest.

Therefore it deserves great attention. Since you can harvest several times in one summer season. In addition, this cabbage is excellent for the climate of our country.

Chinese cabbage seeds do not need special heat; a temperature of 5? C is enough for them to germinate. It will not freeze at -3? C. And she doesn’t need much heat during growth either.

Therefore, planting Chinese cabbage is possible already in the season called early spring. Growing and caring for Chinese cabbage is not particularly difficult, provided that you know the development features of this plant.

At very high temperatures, even for a short time, this cabbage immediately blooms and is no longer used for food. Long daylight hours lead to the same result. Therefore, in latitudes where the sun does not set for a long time and rises early, in the summer it needs to be shaded in the mornings and evenings.

The daylight hours in April are quite suitable for growing Chinese cabbage. Then the optimal temperature for it is established and maintained: about 15? C. Another property of Chinese cabbage: the need for moisture. It needs to be watered regularly, but not flooded.

It is good if watering is carried out by rain, that is, it looks like irrigation from above.

Here it can be sown both for seedlings and immediately for harvest. Many summer residents use it to compact beds in a greenhouse.

While its permanent inhabitants, in the form of cucumbers and tomatoes, are still gaining strength, Chinese cabbage will have time to ripen and can be harvested. Rows of cabbage in the greenhouse are arranged at a distance of 20 cm. And seeds are placed every 5-10 cm. When to sow Chinese cabbage: The earliest time for sowing it in a greenhouse is at the beginning of April. In this case, the beds can be cleared by the beginning of summer. In 2015, planting any cabbage for seedlings and in the ground will be favorable during the following periods:

  • in March: 7, 22, 23 and 31; in April: 1, 2, 19, 20, 28 and 29, 30; in May: 1, 16, 17, 27, 28, and 29; in June: 12, 13 , 21, 23 and 25.

Unfavorable days for planting cabbage in 2015:

  • in March: 4, 8, 13, 26 and 28; in April: 3, 7, 12, 24 and 26; in May: 2, 6, 11, 24 and 26; in June: 1, 6, 10, 22 and 24.

When to plant Chinese cabbage in the ground- since this plant can easily withstand frosts down to -4 degrees, the earliest planting will be after the snow melts. You can also sow seeds in a warm, high bed and cover it with greenhouse film to get a quick harvest.

Growing and caring for Chinese cabbage.

In order to extend the harvest of this plant over a long period of time, it must be sown several times in the spring. The breaks between sowings should be one to two weeks.

These pauses will allow enough time to eat the previous crop before the next one ripens. This time lasts from the end of the second spring month to mid-June. These terms relate to how to grow leafy varieties of Chinese cabbage. If it forms a head of cabbage, then the sowing time moves closer to summer. In order to grow Chinese cabbage without seedlings, proceed as follows:

  • 3-4 seeds are placed in a hole, the depth of which is 1-2 cm; they are placed at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other in all directions; the bed is covered with polyethylene; shoots appear in 3-10 days; sprouts need to be thinned out after a second leaf will grow, removing the weakest one from the group.

After deciding how to plant Chinese cabbage in the country, you need to delve into all the nuances and subtleties of caring for it.

And it is required:

  1. water abundantly, but protect from waterlogging, for example, lay agrofibre in rainy weather; loosen, piercing the ground 5 cm; hill up 20 days after germination and then once every 10 days; weed; protect from pests, for example, with a mixture of ash, salt and pepper with mustard, which needs to be sprinkled on the soil; feed with mullein and urea, only in moderation, because nitrates accumulate heavily in the plant.

Sowing Chinese cabbage for seedlings and its subsequent transplantation It should be planted this way with caution. Because cabbage is sensitive to transplantation and may die. Chinese cabbage will definitely not tolerate picking.

The best option: grow seedlings in peat pots. In order to then plant them together in the garden. Planting Chinese cabbage as seedlings gives the advantage that the harvest can be harvested within a month after moving it to a permanent place.

So, already with the beginning of summer you can enjoy it. When planting seedlings in a garden bed, you need to choose an area where the soil is light. The soil should be well drained, rich in nutrients and neutral in acidity.

The technology for growing Chinese cabbage is the experience of a gardener.

This is a very simple crop and even a novice gardener can cope with it. I like that Chinese cabbage has a much shorter ripening time than white cabbage, only 70 days.

And you can plant it twice a summer. The second time I plant it in mid-July, and it ripens just in time for September and October. It is not afraid of frost, and even when it is cold, its leaves are green and fresh. To grow Chinese cabbage you need: You need to plant so that the distance between plants is 20-25 cm.

You can sow the seeds thickly, and then, as the Chinese cabbage grows, gradually thin out. You need to water moderately, without over-moistening the soil. Chinese cabbage prefers loose soil with nitrogen, so add sand and peat when planting. Tips for gardeners on caring for Chinese cabbage:

Beijing cabbage: growing in the Urals and Siberia

This plant comes from China. And in view of the geographic proximity of Siberia to this country, it turns out that Chinese cabbage should grow well here. Growing in Siberia comes down to the same technology as in other places.

It is necessary to take into account the early timing of its planting so that the cabbage has time to ripen before the onset of hot days. That is, you need to subtract 40-60 days from the season when the temperature reaches 22? C, and so get the optimal time for sowing it. It would be wiser to grow seedlings in order to precisely meet the cool season and get succulent heads of cabbage without them blooming.

Peking cabbage was first grown by the Chinese, which is why it owes its name to them. The culture is unpretentious to climatic conditions and grows well in different regions of Ukraine. The technology for growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse is simple and every amateur summer resident can master it. But the key to a good harvest is quality seeds. Therefore, selection of seed material is the first thing to do.

Landing Features

The Beijing greenhouse growing technology consists of the following stages:

  • selection of varieties;
  • soil preparation;
  • sowing seeds;
  • growing seedlings;
  • organization of plant care.

Correctly selected technology for growing Chinese cabbage makes it possible to obtain at least two harvests per year.

The best predecessors for vegetables are cucumbers, tomatoes, peas, carrots, zucchini, beans or soybeans. Soil preparation consists of fertilizing it with humus and ash. It is recommended to add coconut substrate to the soil.

Before planting, the seeds need to be treated: soak in warm water for about 15-18 minutes. The temperature of the latter should not exceed 50 degrees Celsius. Then the seed must be immersed in cold water and dried thoroughly. Experienced summer residents recommend treating the seeds with an additional nitrophoska solution to prevent fungal diseases.

The technology for growing Chinese cabbage involves sowing seeds at the end of February or beginning of March to a depth of 1-2 cm.

Growing and caring for Chinese cabbage

Plants should be watered as needed. The first sprouts appear around the third day.

Scheme for planting Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse: 50 x 30 (in summer cottages), 70 x 40 (in industrial fields).

The recommended temperature for good plant growth in a greenhouse should be within +13-18 degrees Celsius. But the Chinese cabbage culture can easily withstand even lower conditions: the first shoots appear already at +4.

The rules of care are:

  • in order to prevent the appearance of shoots, it is necessary to build a shaded frame for the plant - the vegetable receives full development under the condition of shortened daylight hours;
  • to protect the plant from the invasion of the cruciferous flea beetle, it is recommended to cover the beds in the greenhouse with non-woven fabric;
  • Before the first shoots appear, the rows must be treated with ash to prevent damage to the vegetable by various pests;
  • fertilizing can be done using an infusion of chicken manure, mullein, and herbs.

Chinese cabbage does not like transplanting and picking. Growing and caring for the seeds must be done, since seedlings in most cases do not take root well. If you still like the latter option, then it is better to plant the material directly in peat tablets. The plant should be replanted when it has at least 4 leaves. It is recommended not to water the Chinese cabbage seedlings 2-3 days before this procedure.

The key to successful cultivation of any plant, including vegetables, is high-quality planting material and compliance with the rules of care. Growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse will be quite successful if you purchase and sow high-quality seeds. The material must be maximally adapted to the climatic conditions of the region where it is planned to be planted.

One of the leading companies producing and selling seeds in Ukraine is Lucky Seed. High quality and a large selection of varieties will help you get high-quality garden or greenhouse products!

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Recently it has become increasingly popular Chinese cabbage. You can buy it at any supermarket and even a small grocery store. But few people know how to grow this same Chinese cabbage in their own plot. It turns out that the growing technology is not at all complicated and, if you follow certain rules, you can grow “Peking” in your garden without any special worries.

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Place on the plot for growing Chinese cabbage

Suitable for growing fertile soils with good moisture. If the soil is depleted, it is better to fertilize it with organic matter. The area where the cabbage will grow should be well lit, but the daylight hours should not exceed 8-10 hours. To do this, it is better to choose a planting area such that shadow falls on the beds in the evening.

Young fluffy Chinese cabbage seedling

You can grow this type of cabbage in open ground in two terms. The first is planting in May, and the second is planting at the end of June. Moreover, during the first period it can be grown both from seeds and from seedlings. If you grow it in the second term, then this should be done only through seeds.

Already a large grown cabbage bush

Fertilizing soil for growing Chinese cabbage

Before planting cabbage, you should fertilize the soil with compost.

Growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse

It is not recommended to feed Chinese cabbage with mineral fertilizers, as it tends to accumulate nitrates. Cabbage should be watered generously; it loves moisture. Also, this type of cabbage is light-loving and frost-resistant.

Almost ripe Chinese cabbage

Disadvantages of Chinese cabbage

The only disadvantage of Chinese cabbage is its high susceptibility to disease. However, timely preventive measures will help get rid of this problem. For this you can plant sage near the cabbage planting, mint, garlic or wormwood. Young leaves can be treated with sifted ash.

Harvesting Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage is harvested when the plant reaches a height of 20 cm. Late varieties should be dug up along with the root and stored at a temperature of 0 to 2 degrees Celsius.

It should be noted that, unlike white cabbage, Chinese cabbage has a high level of productivity and a short cultivation period. This allows you to grow it in winter greenhouses and get several harvests during the summer season.

The benefits of Chinese cabbage

The benefits of Chinese cabbage comparable to its productivity. With constant consumption of it, the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract improves. The body's immune system is strengthened, which as a result increases resistance to various viral infections. It is very useful to consume Chinese cabbage for the prevention and prevention of cancer.

Chinese cabbage is an annual vegetable with a cylindrical head that can be either loose or dense. This plant is grown in protected or closed ground. This species has been cultivated in Ukraine recently, but is already loved by consumers due to its juiciness and taste without bitterness. Experts, among other positive qualities of the vegetable, note its unpretentiousness. Growing Chinese cabbage in open ground does not require special skills, but there are some nuances in this matter.

General information

This type of cabbage began to be grown in China back in the 5th century, then the vegetable became widespread in Japan. Over many years of cultivation of Chinese cabbage, many of its hybrids have appeared.

This vegetable appeared in Europe in the 18th century.

Rules for growing Chinese cabbage

Some of the petsai varieties (as they call it in China) are characterized by increased productivity. It can be used in any form. “Beijing” is recommended for people who are prescribed dietary nutrition. It is advisable to use dishes prepared from it for gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Features of agricultural technology

It is practiced to grow Chinese cabbage in open ground and in greenhouses. This is a cold-resistant plant. It can be grown at temperatures slightly above zero degrees. Seedlings require a lot of light to grow. The soil in which the plant is grown must be constantly moistened. The crop is irrigated using the sprinkling method. The head of cabbage is formed in about 2 months.

The technology for growing Chinese cabbage in open ground involves ensuring an optimal temperature of 15 to 20 degrees Celsius. You cannot expect a large harvest when the soil dries out and in extreme heat. Peduncles may well appear prematurely if daylight hours are increased. And this often leads to the fact that the heads of cabbage grow small and dry, so the sowing time must be chosen optimally. Seeds are sown in April or July (second half of the month), when daylight hours are shortened.

The ripening period ranges from 7 to 12 weeks. There are leaf varieties, which are characterized by faster ripening, and cabbage varieties, which have valuable taste.

Planting seeds

It is necessary to choose the most illuminated area, because only there can Chinese cabbage produce the maximum yield. Growing in open ground in Ukraine does not require preliminary soaking of seeds. Its ideal predecessors are:

  • garlic;
  • potato;
  • cucumbers;
  • beans;
  • grain crops.

But it is highly not recommended to grow petsai behind any crops: white cabbage, tomatoes, radishes.

Of great importance is the preparation of the holes, which should be located approximately 30 cm from each other. You must add to them:

  • humus solution - about half a liter;
  • urea - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ash - 2 tbsp. l.

The seeds are placed at a depth of 2 cm, and the beds are covered with film.

If the preparation and the growing process itself are carried out according to all the rules, you can expect an excellent harvest.

Today there is a large selection of cabbage varieties on the market, but most gardeners prefer Petsai. Growing seedlings of this species is a rather complex process, so many people prefer sowing seeds.

Plant care rules:

  • provision of watering;
  • implementation of fertilizing;
  • soil treatment with ash (from pests).

The Lucky Seed company has been selling seeds of various types of cabbage for quite a long time. It has proven itself on the positive side, and its products, which are acclimatized to the weather conditions of specific regions of Ukraine and are distinguished by high germination, are preferred by a larger number of buyers.

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There is hardly a person who is indifferent to Chinese cabbage. Being the closest relative of the white cabbage, the Peking cabbage is distinguished by its juiciness, pleasant taste and delicate aroma. It can not only be added to salads, but also used to prepare main courses. Topic of this article Chinese cabbage cultivation and outdoor care. From it you will learn how to plant a plant correctly, when to do it and how to get the maximum yield.

Peking cabbage cultivation and care in open ground

Peking cabbage growing in a summer cottage

Interestingly, Chinese cabbage recently won the attention of our citizens and became a frequent product on tables. It attracts not only with its excellent taste, but also with the large amount of nutrients contained in one leaf of the plant. It is even allowed to be consumed by people suffering from any form of diabetes due to its negligible sugar content.

How to grow Chinese cabbage? It is worth noting that in our climate, this vegetable grows well. He is not afraid of cold and drafts. Cabbage reacts much worse to excessive amounts of ultraviolet radiation, the rays of which can leave bright burns on the leaves. Some people practice growing Pekinka in protected ground or greenhouses, but it is best to do this in open ground. Another plant, like our cabbage, cannot exist without regular, abundant watering, which is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the crop. It’s just important not to overdo it, because otherwise problems may begin with the root system, which will begin to decompose.

What is needed to grow Chinese cabbage in open ground? Here are some practical tips:

  • Choose the right variety. Today there are many varieties of Pekinka, but not all of them are suitable for growing in our climatic conditions. There are also those who need very complex, painful care. Our advice is the “Khibinskaya” variety. It is most often grown in summer cottages, since the crop is quickly accepted and produces a bountiful harvest.

  • Grow seedlings. Like any other cabbage, this one also needs to be grown for seedlings. You can start sowing seeds at the end of February, beginning of March. For convenience, you can use small wooden containers or pots. The soil must be nutritious and loose.

    We plant Chinese cabbage and properly care for the crop

    In this case, it will be easy for the young and weak roots of the plant to take root in the soil.

  • Create favorable conditions for seedling growth. The quality of seedlings depends entirely on what conditions you create for the plant. It is important to moisten the soil regularly, making sure that it is not too wet. You also need to fertilize and give the normal amount of sunlight.

When is it necessary to plant seeds in open ground? As soon as the seedlings reach a height of 15 cm, it is time to plant them in the summer cottage. An important condition is warmth, absence of frost and drafts. You also need to pour a small amount of mineral or organic fertilizer into the hole, which will help the weak root system take root.

Caring for Chinese cabbage is as easy as shelling pears!

In order for the Beijing plant to grow well and delight you with its harvest, it is necessary to provide it with proper care. What does it include?

  • Watering. It is better to water with warm water several times a week. It is important that the water is not irrigated, but goes to the root area.
  • Loosening, removing weeds. Weeds can destroy the plant, so it is important to monitor the condition of the soil. The more often you loosen, the more oxygen the pekinka roots will receive.
  • Fertilizer. It is recommended to use natural fertilizers as fertilizers, since you will be eating this product.
  • Protection from pests and insects. To get rid of annoying pests, you should spray the cabbage seedlings at least once. Afterwards, you can cover them with ash, which will protect them from aphids, spider mites, etc.

So, Chinese cabbage, cultivation and outdoor care behind which it is simple, it can become a favorite vegetable in your summer cottage. We hope that our tips will help you get a rich harvest of this useful and nutritious plant.

December 20 20143 2151

Not long ago, a new product appeared on vegetable shelves, now competing with white cabbage - Chinese cabbage (native name - petsai). In terms of the content of nutrients, it is absolutely not inferior to ordinary cabbage. Having become familiar with the topic " Chinese cabbage: cultivation and care"Every self-respecting summer resident will definitely try to grow this crop on his own piece of land. There are several reasons for growing Chinese cabbage:

  • Under normal climatic conditions, two crops can be harvested without problems. The third harvest can be obtained if you have a greenhouse or some experience as a summer resident. The gardener can choose the appropriate varieties and the appropriate time for planting them: early - ripen in 6-8 weeks, medium - 8-9 weeks and late - up to 11 weeks; The average temperature for normal growth is from 15 to 20C, which makes cultivation possible in different regions of the country; Delicate taste, which gives Chinese cabbage particular popularity when preparing a variety of dishes.

Optimal conditions for growing Chinese cabbage When planting petsai, the timing of planting must be taken into account. Daylight hours exceeding 13 hours encourage the plant to flower and shoot out its arrows.

Therefore, the optimal time for planting cabbage is early spring or the second half of summer. In addition, you should take into account the optimal temperature regime for plant development – ​​15-20C.

Bright sun and high temperatures (over 25 C) can quickly destroy the crop. Do not be afraid of light frosts - as a rule, Chinese cabbage can withstand the first frosts down to -4 C. The only negative from such a cold snap is that the plant shoots out the arrows.

By the way, the same reaction of cabbage is observed at temperatures above 25 C. It is not recommended to plant petsai in the place where cruciferous vegetables grew - cabbage or other types of cabbage, radishes, radishes. The fact is that the pests characteristic of this type of plant necessarily remain in the soil and can greatly harm Chinese cabbage. The root system of cabbage is quite weak, which suggests the need to plant it in soil rich in humus. The acidity of the soil should be at pH 7 in order to the plant did not suffer from clubroot.


After the autumn harvest, superphosphate and ammonium nitrate must be added to the soil to prepare the soil for spring planting of petsaya. The growing season of Chinese cabbage proceeds quickly, which means that the plant will need increased feeding. Twice a month, it is advisable to enrich the soil under cabbage with diluted mullein or mineral nutrients. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied no more than twice, provided that the soil is first enriched for winter digging. When planting cabbage in the second half of summer, it is necessary to take into account that the process of setting heads of cabbage may be disrupted by - for fertilizing with nitrogen.

Therefore, fertilizing is not applied in September. Mineral fertilizers must be completely absorbed by the plant. This means that petsai can be fed no later than 10-12 days before harvesting.

Petsai cultivation methods

Chinese cabbage can be grown in two ways - through seedlings or seeds. When choosing seeds, you should take into account that for spring planting you should choose leaf varieties, for summer cultivation - cabbage varieties. So, for early varieties of cabbage, seeds are usually sown in late April - early May. For varieties that are sown in the second half of summer, the optimal time is the end of July, but no later than mid-August. Sowing the material is carried out in two ways: strip-line and sowing several seeds in holes.

Both methods involve subsequent thinning and removal of weaker seedlings in favor of the further development of more tenacious ones. The seeds are buried a couple of centimeters into the soil. Spring planting involves protecting young seedlings from possible frosts, since tender leaves will die from low temperatures. The first leaves will appear within a week.

Thinning can be done twice for better growth and enough space for each plant. Transplanting The seedling method reduces the time to obtain a harvest to 4-5 weeks.

At the same time, this method is more labor-intensive, since it involves transplanting seedlings from pots or cassettes. It is also worth remembering that the root system is very weak, so any damage to the root when transplanting into the ground will lead to the death of the seedlings.

The distance between planted seedlings should also be within 30 cm. Growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse occurs approximately according to the above scheme.

The absence of unfavorable factors such as frost or excessive rainfall in the greenhouse allows cabbage to be grown all year round. However, maintaining optimal lighting and temperature conditions can be economically justified only on an industrial scale. Excellent delicate taste, comparative ease of cultivation and obtaining several harvests per year are good reasons for starting to grow this crop.

  • Chinese cabbage

White cabbage - preparing seedlings

How to grow white cabbage in a greenhouse? Exclusively from seedlings. To obtain seedlings, we sow cabbage seeds on steam beds. We dig a hole in the ground about 30 cm deep, place biofuel at the bottom, and sprinkle soil on top. Cover the bed with film. When the soil warms up to +20°C, you can sow the seeds. It is better to choose large and dark seeds for planting. Soak the seeds for 20 minutes in hot water (not boiling water!), then place them in cold water for 3 minutes and dry them, spreading them out on paper. You can also disinfect the seeds with a nitrophoska solution. We build a greenhouse over the ridge with a height of at least 30 cm and sow the seeds. We cover the top of the greenhouse with additional insulation, for example, an old blanket. When the first shoots appear, we begin to harden the seedlings, removing the film cover for the day. After the first leaf appears, the seedlings will need to be thinned out and the temperature in the greenhouse raised to +12°C. After 2-3 leaves appear, we increase watering. It is best to water white cabbage seedlings early in the morning. Now you need to start feeding the cabbage. To do this, we use a mixture of nitrogen, potassium fertilizers and superphosphate. The second feeding is carried out only with nitrogen fertilizers. Before planting seedlings in the greenhouse, a third fertilizing is carried out with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. When the seedlings have 4 leaves, we transplant the seedlings into a greenhouse. Before doing this, thoroughly water the plants. There is no need to clear the roots from the soil. If you are going to use only part of the seedlings, choose those sprouts that have a greenish-purple color. Plants with light green stems may not take root in a greenhouse due to a poorly developed root system. Maintain intervals between plants of 30-40 cm. The first watering of cabbage in a new place is carried out no earlier than a week later.

White cabbage in a greenhouse

It is preferable to grow early cabbage in a greenhouse. These are varieties such as “Ditmarskaya Rannyaya”, “Golden Hectare 1432”, “Number One K-206”. Seeds are sown in a greenhouse in the first half of February, and transplanted into a greenhouse in early April. Some experts suggest sowing seeds as early as December, and then illuminating the seedlings with special lamps. The technology for growing cabbage is to ensure the required air temperature in the greenhouse - 15-20°C, maintaining a high level of humidity and light. Once every two weeks, the soil needs to be loosened and fertilized with a solution of manure.


Before planting cauliflower seedlings in a greenhouse, organic fertilizers are added to the soil. Seedlings are planted in a permanent place in March, with an interval of 15-25 cm between plants. If you place the seedlings too close to each other, the cauliflower heads will turn out small. After two weeks we fertilize with organic fertilizers, the next fertilizing is done after another 2 weeks. Growing cauliflower requires high humidity in the greenhouse. Due to lack of moisture, especially at high temperatures, cabbage heads begin to crumble. Therefore, the greenhouse should be thoroughly ventilated and the air temperature should not be allowed to rise above +18°C. It is important to cut off the heads in time, otherwise they will crumble. In the early stages of cauliflower growth, the plants can be supplemented with light.

Chinese cabbage

The main thing for Chinese cabbage is a large amount of moisture. The root system of this plant is quite shallow, so it is not able to absorb moisture from the lower layers of the soil. Watering should be done regularly. Follow the recommended temperature for Chinese cabbage:

The garden crop in the form of Chinese cabbage has become a fairly common variety for growing in household plots. Also called “petsai” and salad cabbage, Chinese cabbage is quite rapidly conquering the vast expanses of Russia and the CIS countries. And this is not surprising, since the technology used for cultivation and care is quite simple.

And even the method of cultivation without seedlings can give good results and will please you with the volume of harvest. Judging by the appearance of the plant, it can be assumed that Pekinka is a capricious crop. This can be evidenced not only by whole tender leaves, the surface of which is wrinkled and swollen, but also by the structure itself.

There are three varieties of Chinese cabbage, which differ in shape and structural density. These are leafy, semi-headed and cabbage.

How to grow a petsai?

Pekinka is ideal for both growing in greenhouse conditions and for home use. Growing lettuce can be done in seedlings or without seedlings.

The timing of planting Chinese cabbage, as well as further care and yield directly depend on the method of cultivation. And it also depends on what varieties of Chinese cabbage you choose. A competent approach to the use of autumn and spring varieties is the key to quality “fruits” and a good harvest. A short video review will tell you about the benefits and features of growing Chinese cabbage

About growing by seedling method

Chinese cabbage seeds can be sown to obtain seedlings from mid-March until approximately mid-April. For this method, as a rule, special boxes, peat tablets or clay cups are used.

However, when using the latter, it is worth remembering that clay can draw moisture from the soil, and its lack will affect germination. Therefore, on the eve of planting the seedlings, it is worth soaking the clay pots in water. Next, you need to prepare the mixture for sowing.

To do this, you will need to take peat and turf soil in equal parts, and also add a little ash or mineral fertilizers. Afterwards, the mixture is disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The finished planting substrate is placed in pots or boxes, then small holes are made in it and about 1 cm deep. 2-3 seeds are planted in each such hole. Further care for future seedlings will consist of the following: after 3-4 days ( with the appearance of the first shoots), the containers should be moved to a well-lit place.

Moreover, the temperature in that place should be approximately 15-16 degrees. A glazed and insulated balcony is considered ideal. It will be necessary to water the soil in which the seedlings grow only as the top layer dries.

Water at room temperature is perfect for irrigation. If cultivation occurs in small containers and pots, then with the appearance of the first 2-3 leaves of the seedlings, it is worth discarding the weak seedlings, leaving only one, the strongest. Cabbage in the form of seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground after 22 - 25 days ( from the moment of sowing).In principle, its readiness for replanting can be determined by the number of leaves on the seedlings - if there are at least 5-6 of them on the stem. The main thing is to remember that Peking seedlings do not need hardening.

Sowing in open ground

For this method, an excellent period in which to start growing Chinese cabbage is considered to be the 16th - 30th of June. The depth at which the seedlings should be planted should be no more than 2-3 cm, and the distance between the planting rows should be kept in the range of 10 - 20 cm - for leaf varieties, 30 - 50 cm - for half-headed and cabbage varieties. Between the holes in the rows you need to leave 3-5 cm (for leafy cabbage) and 20-25 cm (for cabbage and half-head cabbage). Caring for cabbage during such planting is divided into soil preparation and seedling maintenance.

The site should be selected in the fall. It is better if the predecessors in this place were carrots, onions, potatoes, cucumbers or legumes. The soil on the site needs to be dug up and mineral as well as organic fertilizers applied.

Chinese cabbage does not like soils with an acidic composition, therefore, such soils should be treated with lime mortar. In this state, the plot is left to spend the winter. With the arrival of spring, the plot is enriched with compost, leveling the surface and forming planting rows so that further care of the cabbage is comfortable and does not interfere with the development of the crop. Next, it is worth making holes and adding to them:

  • 2 tbsp. l superphosphate; 1 tsp urea; 2 cups wood ash.

After which the cabbage in the form of seedlings is planted under the open sky. In the first 2 weeks, it is necessary to provide additional care for the seedlings in terms of artificial shading. This is important to do so that the head of cabbage is formed correctly.

You can shorten the daylight hours yourself by covering the beds with lutrasil in the late afternoon.

Sowing in a greenhouse

Greenhouse cultivation involves sowing seeds in early March. Provided that the greenhouse is heated. In film shelters without heating, you can start planting at the end of March and April.

For planting in such conditions, cabbage of spring and universal varieties is suitable. Some use autumn varieties of Pekinka for planting it in August. For sowing in greenhouse conditions, the main thing is to ensure that the soil is nutritious and well-moistened.

Depending on the maintained temperature conditions, seedlings will appear in 4–10 days. The planting pattern can be used the same as for seedlings. You can plant plants even thicker, but in the future you will need to thin out the seedlings.

How to care

When caring for seedlings and adult cabbage, it is worth remembering that it needs:

  • regular refreshing watering (without overwatering); loosening the soil (when weeding, soil should not fall on the apical bud of Chinese cabbage); weed and pest control.

Peculiarities of breeding early ripening varieties ^

If you decide to choose “early ripening” for planting, you should pay attention to the most popular varieties among summer residents:

  • “Number one K-206” grows in 120 days and gives a harvest of 30-40 kg per 10 m?. The heads of cabbage ripen at the same time, they are small in size, medium density, round in shape and weigh up to 2 kg. The leaves grow in a small rosette. The stump is short. The variety is recommended to be consumed fresh in salads. In areas of the north-west of the country, shooting is possible during a long spring.

“Number One” should be harvested on time, otherwise the heads of cabbage will become cracked and the quality of the product will decrease

  • “Golden Hectare 1432” ripens 110-130 days from the moment the seedlings peck, a little later than “Number One”. A couple of weeks after the first formed heads of cabbage appear, the entire harvest can be harvested. This variety is not prone to cracking. The heads of cabbage are white, round in shape, of medium density, their weight reaches 3 kg. The socket is larger than that of “Number One”. Medium stump – 7-18 cm.

“Golden hectare 1432” is suitable for both fresh consumption and fermentation

  • “Ditmarskaya Rannyaya” grows earlier than other varieties - 50-70 days after planting, and this is much earlier than “Number One”. It is distinguished by high marketability of heads of cabbage and uniform yield. The shape of the heads of cabbage is round, slightly flat, and the density is average. Average weight is one and a half kilograms. From 10m? you can collect 30-40 kg of crop.

“Ditmar early” and other early ripening varieties are recommended to be grown in greenhouses. Peking cabbage is early ripening, and planting it in a greenhouse guarantees very early ripening. Growing up, it forms a rosette from the leaves, in other words, a loose head of cabbage.

After 20-40 days from the moment of emergence of seedlings, it is already possible to harvest. Chinese cabbage is recommended to be harvested either right before consumption, or early in the morning, as it withers quickly. Seeds have the ability to germinate even at 4-5? C, although the optimal growing conditions are 16- 18? C. Loose, fertile soil allows the root system to fully develop.

Usually at 1 m? 1 or 2 g of seeds are sown. Until the shoots appear, the temperature should be about 20? C, then it is gradually reduced to 10? C.

Further, temperature indicators depend on the time of day: up to 16? C at night and up to 22? C during the day. If seedlings are used for cultivation, then they are taken at 20 days of age and placed in the ground, taking into account a feeding area of ​​20x20 cm. Please note! Chinese cabbage is used in greenhouses to thicken tomatoes or cucumbers.

In this case, the soil should be thoroughly fertilized, and per 1 m? account for 30 g of superphosphate, 4 kg of humus, use ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride. During the growth process, 1 or 2 feedings are carried out with ammonium nitrate and potassium salt.

The heads are harvested before they fall apart. By the way, healthy plants with powerful leaves can produce a second harvest if you carefully cut off the first head. Leave 1-2 strong shoots, the rest are not needed.

Watering and fertilizing are carried out as usual. If you properly care for the plant, you can get heads weighing up to 500 g.

Growing broccoli in a greenhouse^

This plant can tolerate low temperatures, even frosts, so in the middle zone it is often planted in open ground, in beds. In non-Black Earth regions, broccoli seeds are sown in greenhouses as early as March.

On the 3rd or 4th day, shoots appear, and after 10 days 3-4 true leaves grow. Broccoli heads cut early in the morning are stored longer. If you take seedlings, then planting occurs at the end of April. The temperature in the greenhouse should not exceed 18? C during the day and 12? C at night.

It is recommended to plant 35-40-day-old plants with 5-6 true leaves. It is important to properly prepare the area allocated for planting broccoli seedlings. Since the fall, it has been dug up, limed and fertilizers applied: 30 g of superphosphate, 5 kg of manure, 20 g of potassium salt, 25 g of ammonium nitrate - per 1m2.

In spring, you can also effectively fertilize the soil; compost or humus, superphosphate, garden mixture, ammonium nitrate are suitable. Traditional care for broccoli: loosening, timely weeding, hilling, watering to a depth of 40 cm. Even before the flowers bloom, the central heads should be removed so that they did not become loose and tasteless.

By cutting off the heads 10-20 cm in diameter, they also grab a 10-centimeter part of the stem, which is also edible. After 2-3 weeks, slightly smaller offspring ripen - up to 6 cm. First, white cabbage seedlings are grown, and then they are transplanted into a greenhouse. Plant productivity depends on the quality of seedlings. Cabbage does not tolerate acidic soils, so they should be neutralized with lime

  • Growing seedlings

Experts recommend using biofuel-powered greenhouses; in this case, you can start seedlings from March. Some summer residents make homemade steam beds: a pit 30 cm deep is filled with biofuel and a layer of soil, and covered with film on top. Sowing is done in soil heated to 20? C, having previously prepared the seeds: the largest of them should be kept in warm water for 20 minutes (50? C), quickly cool, dry and treat with a nitrophoska solution.

When the seeds are sown, the greenhouse is closed and insulated. On the 4th day the first shoots will appear, therefore, during the day the cover must be removed. Picking occurs when the first leaf of the seedlings pecks.

After this, the temperature in the greenhouse should be 10-12? C. “Proper” seedlings are strong, the ball of earth is braided with roots. Feeding the seedlings should be done carefully so that the leaves of the plants are not damaged by fertilizers. Watering is moderate, without waterlogging, better in the morning.

  • Relocation of seedlings to a permanent place

Before transplanting seedlings, the greenhouse should be ventilated, leaving the windows open around the clock. There are requirements for seedlings: early varieties have 3 leaves, late varieties have 5 leaves. In addition, it must have a sufficiently developed root system.

The stem of healthy seedlings is lilac-green. When replanting seedlings, you should not shake off the soil from the roots. After about 8 days, the first watering should be done when the plant has taken root in the greenhouse.

  • Caring for cabbage in a greenhouse

Balanced fertilizers for cabbage contribute to its full development. The main condition is to maintain the temperature regime and not overheat the plants. In addition, they need to be watered regularly, fertilized with nitrogen and potassium, and do not forget that cabbage does not tolerate shade - it develops properly only with plenty of light. Proper care is a guarantee of a high yield. Whatever variety you choose, growing cabbage in a greenhouse is much easier than in open ground. Water and care for cabbage and it will reward you with a generous harvest. If you prepare the seedlings correctly and follow the principles of growing cabbage, you are guaranteed a stable and rich harvest. Don't forget the popular wisdom: cabbage loves water and good weather.

It makes sense to grow Chinese cabbage. It is stored for a long time after cutting, contains a lot of useful substances, is tasty, and cooks quickly. If you have a greenhouse at your dacha or country house, then it’s not difficult to provide your family with delicious cabbages.

During the season, which in closed ground lasts from early spring to late autumn, you can harvest 2-3 crops.

Chinese cabbage is a short-day crop. This must be taken into account when planning planting dates. A full harvest can be grown when cabbage is planted in early spring, late summer or early autumn.

This vegetable also has certain requirements regarding temperature and humidity. Chinese cabbage does not like heat; the best temperature range for it is from 15 to 20 °C, and air humidity is 70-75%.

The cause of shooting may be:

  • daylight hours lasting more than 12 hours;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • lack of regularity in watering.

For your information!

If the duration of daylight is more than 12 hours, then the head will not form and the plant will throw out the arrow.

Which one to choose - let’s understand the varieties

In the spring, some varieties (hybrids) of cabbage are planted in the greenhouse, others in the fall, and there are also universal varieties that are equally suitable for spring and autumn plantings. To obtain high yields, you should give preference to hybrids. They have the F1 marking next to the name on the packets of seeds.

When choosing a particular variety of Chinese cabbage, the heads of cabbage are evaluated to determine what quality they want to grow. Varietal characteristics are different. One type is stored for a long time, another is not, the third is ideal for pickling.

When purchasing seeds, the main thing to pay attention to is the ripening period of the variety. Using them, they determine the period when the heads of cabbage are ready for harvesting, calculate the planting time, plan the planting pattern, and draw up a work plan. According to reviews from summer residents who grow Chinese cabbage in greenhouses, the following hybrids performed well during spring sowing:

  1. Spring beauty. An early-ripening crop with good bolting resistance, rarely sick, and productive. The growing season is from 55 to 65 days, the weight of the heads is 2 kg, the yield is about 7 kg/sq. m.
  2. Spring jade. From an area of ​​1 m², up to 9 kg of heads of cabbage are cut, each weighing at least 2 kg; there are also larger specimens weighing 3 kg. Heads of cabbage form early. It takes only 50 days from sowing to cutting. Immunity and taste are high.

In autumn, summer residents prefer to plant long-lasting varieties. If in the spring the goal is to obtain an early harvest for summer consumption, then in the fall cabbage is sown for winter storage. The characteristics of hybrids suitable for this purpose are given in the table.

Chinese Select, Miss China - forms that are universal in terms of planting time, giving good yield during spring and autumn planting. In terms of ripening time, these are early ripening forms; cutting of heads of cabbage begins after 45-55 days. The weight of the fruit is decent - up to 4 kg.

Greenhouse and growing conditions

A greenhouse of any design is suitable for growing Chinese cabbage. Basic requirements for construction:

  • warm;
  • no drafts;
  • has good ventilation.

To maintain the desired temperature during the cold season, the greenhouse is equipped with heating devices. During the period of seed germination, it is necessary to maintain an air temperature of 20 °C, for a week after the emergence of sprouts - 10 °C, throughout the entire growing season at night - 15 °C, in the daytime - 20-22 °C.

To form heads of cabbage, the crop needs 10 hours of daylight. In winter, in bad weather, plantings need to be supplemented with lighting. To create artificial lighting in the greenhouse, install:

  • phytolamps;
  • incandescent lamps;
  • fluorescent lamps.

For your information!

Greenhouse soil is spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate. The treatment is carried out 5 days before sowing Chinese cabbage. Organic matter is added to the soil (compost, vermicompost, humus, peat, ash), and mineral fertilizers are added if necessary. The culture loves light and fertile soil mixtures.

Rules for planting Chinese cabbage

Planting dates depend on the type of greenhouse. In heated structures, you can sow Chinese cabbage seeds as early as March. Pekinka is sown in unheated film and polycarbonate greenhouses in April.

On the seed bags, the manufacturer always indicates the optimal planting pattern for the variety. This is what you need to adhere to when marking furrows. Standard Requirements:

  • distance between rows 30-40 cm;
  • seed consumption 2 g/m²;
  • backfill depth is from 1 to 1.5 cm.

To obtain an early harvest, they practice planting seedlings in a greenhouse. At the same time, it is taken into account that culture does not like picking. Seeds are sown for seedlings in separate containers and planted in the ground according to the recommended 30*40 cm scheme using the transshipment method.


Even after preparing the greenhouse soil for planting cabbage, they do not forget about fertilizing. From germination to cutting of heads of cabbage, fertilizers are applied at least 2 times when planting in late summer, 3 times when sowing in early spring. Chinese cabbage needs nitrogen. The culture responds best to infusions made from freshly cut grass, mullein, and chicken droppings.

The infusion should infuse for a week, its consumption is 1 liter per 1 plant. To make the heads of cabbage set faster, cabbage is treated leaf by leaf with a solution of boric acid. It is diluted only in hot water. It does not dissolve in cold water. Take 2 g of powder and pour it into 1 liter of boiling water. After the acid has dissolved, add 9 liters of water and spray the cabbage leaf by leaf.

Water the cabbage beds in a timely manner, and make sure that the soil in the greenhouse does not dry out or become flooded. Both of these negatively affect the harvest. Overmoistening can lead to rotting of the roots; lack of moisture impairs the taste and affects the size of the head of cabbage.


To prevent slugs, water the garden bed with brilliant green. Add the contents of 1 bottle to a 10 liter bucket.

Throughout the season, they monitor the cleanliness of the soil. It is loosened and weeds are removed. Insects may attack Chinese cabbage plantings. The most dangerous pest is the cruciferous flea beetle. It is especially dangerous for young plants. To repel insects, the beds in the greenhouse are powdered:

  • ash;
  • tobacco dust;
  • hot pepper.

How to store

As soon as the heads of cabbage have become dense and elastic, they are cut off. When cutting, at least 2-3 covering leaves are left at the rosette. Spring and summer harvests are not stored for long. Cabbage is used to prepare salads, first and second courses. Harvested in the fall can be stored until spring.

The requirements for the premises are simple. The air temperature should not rise above 5 °C and fall below 0 °C. The air should be moderately humid. To prevent the heads of cabbage from drying out, during storage they are wrapped in several layers of cling film and placed in boxes.

1851 07/28/2019 5 min.

Many summer residents and gardeners are trying to grow Chinese cabbage. But attempts are not always successful. You can get a good harvest even twice a year by following simple growing rules.

Peking woman in the greenhouse

Varieties suitable for growing in a greenhouse: Marfa, Khibinskaya, Lenok, TSHA-2, Fl Champion, Bokal, Bokken, Rodnichok.

The most important condition for growing Pekinka in a greenhouse is to create the necessary microclimate: humidity and temperature. The temperature should be 15-20°C. If it gets hotter, the bushes will begin to “shoot arrows” - flowering stems. Typically, seedlings are planted in a greenhouse in early May. But if the greenhouse is heated and lit, then Chinese cabbage can be grown in winter.

Watering should be moderate. It is better to feed with nitrogenous fertilizers. If the soil is acidic, it is worth adding lime, then the cabbage will grow better.

Chinese cabbage is planted in rows or “spots” between tomatoes and cucumbers. By the time they grow, the heads of cabbage are already harvested.

On the windowsill

Fans of Chinese cabbage can grow it on the windowsill. Seeds are sown in prepared deep boxes with soil, in furrows, at a distance of 8 cm between rows. You should try to sow rarely, to a depth of 1 cm, leaving a distance of up to 5 cm between the seeds.

A box with seedlings can also be placed on a balcony or loggia, if the temperature there does not fall below 15°C. Chinese cabbage will be harvested within a month. The varieties Dunganskaya, Kaesong, Khibinskaya are suitable.

There is another technology for growing Peking cabbage on a windowsill: use cabbage purchased at the market, and “plant” the remaining root cuttings in a jar of water. New leaves should appear soon. There won’t be enough for cabbage rolls, but there will be enough for a sandwich or salad.

Chinese cabbage can be grown in the garden, in a greenhouse, and even on a windowsill. Cultivation will not cause much trouble; the Peking plant will delight you with the harvest, if you take into account some nuances regarding planting time, temperature, care and pest control.

It is not only possible, but also necessary to plant “Pekinga” in closed ground. Greenhouse conditions are best suited for growing this particular type of Chinese cabbage, as well as for caring for it. Vegetables grow well only in short daylight conditions. Despite their cold resistance, sudden temperature changes, which can be successfully regulated in greenhouses, are unacceptable for them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantageous features of cultivating Chinese cabbage in greenhouse conditions are:

  1. The ability to maintain constant conditions necessary for high-quality cultivation: temperature, humidity, average consistency of loose soil.
  2. Growing vegetables throughout the year with heating in greenhouses.
  3. Independent regulation of daylight hours.
  4. Obtaining several harvests (three times harvest) in 1 season.

Gardeners include the following criteria as disadvantages:

  1. The complexity of the process.
  2. Increased costs for arrangement and maintenance of greenhouses.
  3. The need to control the conditions for growing vegetables.
  4. Mandatory ventilation of premises.

In which regions should I choose greenhouse cultivation?

You can grow Chinese cabbage in greenhouses everywhere:

  • In the southern regions, thanks to shelters, it is much easier to regulate the amount of sunlight received by vegetables.
  • In the middle zone, using greenhouses, they increase the amount of harvest.
  • In the cool climate of the Urals and harsh Siberia, using greenhouse structures, it is possible to shift the sowing time, regulate the optimal temperature regime, and accelerate the ripening of heads of cabbage.

How to prepare a greenhouse in spring to grow?

For planting, structures made of polycarbonate or film are best suited.

Such structures should be:

  • warm (in the range of 13–20 degrees Celsius);
  • no drafts;
  • with good ventilation, humidity 70–75%.
  1. When grown in winter, the premises are equipped with heating devices. The best option is to install an autonomous heating system that can be independently regulated.
  2. In the autumn-winter periods, especially in the regions of the Urals and Siberia, additional lighting devices will be needed to ensure the optimal length of daylight (6–10 hours). For this purpose, phytolamps are installed in greenhouses.
  3. It is also necessary to take care of watering systems for cabbage. It would be great if the premises are equipped with drip irrigation systems.

Joint planting with tomatoes and other vegetables

  • radish;
  • bow on feather;
  • salad;
  • radish;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers


Don’t forget about the rules of crop rotation. You cannot use soil where cruciferous crops were grown for crops.

The best predecessors are:

  • legumes;
  • zucchini;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • carrot;

Chinese cabbage is considered an excellent sealant for greenhouse plantings of tomatoes and cucumbers.

Greenhouse varieties

Name of Chinese cabbage variety Qualitative characteristics
For spring sowings
"Spring Beauty" Early ripening hybrid cabbage, ripens in 55–65 days, resistant to stemming and lack of light. The shape of the heads of cabbage is oval. Characterized by excellent marketability. From 1 sq. per meter of greenhouse plantings, 6.8 kg of vegetables are harvested.
"Vesnyanka" Early ripening hybrid. Ripens in 25–35 days. The heads of cabbage are dense and do not crack. It is highly resistant to clubroot. Cabbage has a cylindrical shape. Weight reaches 250 g. Productivity 1 sq. meter of crops in a greenhouse is 2.7 kg. The variety is characterized by a high concentration of vitamin C.
"First Vitamins" Early ripe hybrid cabbage. Ripens in an average of 35 days. It is resistant to blooming. The heads of cabbage are medium-sized, rounded-oblong. The pulp is very crispy and juicy.
"Spring Jade" An early hybrid variety, disease-resistant, oval-shaped, very tasty. Ripens in 50 days. The heads of cabbage are half-open and weigh 2–3 kg. It is characterized by high yield (9.2 kg per 1 square meter of sowing in greenhouses).
For autumn sowings
"Autumn Beauty" A mid-season variety, a hybrid, ripens in 55–60 days. The heads of cabbage are dark green in color, yellow in cross section, and weighty (1.6–2.4 kg each). Cabbage has an oblong shape. Vegetable variety resistant to flowering, cold, and disease. The density of the pulp is average. The yield is high, 9.2 kg per square meter is harvested. meters.
"September" Early ripening vegetables (hybrid), ripen in 50 days. The heads of cabbage are unusual, with a light green tint, round in shape, weighing from 0.8 to 1.5 kg. The variety is heat-resistant, with high immunity to diseases, with excellent adaptability to different growing conditions.
"Autumn Jade" An early ripe hybrid, transportable, with high keeping quality and yield (up to 9.6 kg per 1 sq. meter). It has excellent taste. Cabbage is resistant to powdery mildew and mosaic. The weight of elongated cylindrical heads of cabbage is 1.2 – 3.5 kg.
Universal varieties
"Beijing Express" Unpretentious mid-early variety. Especially high-yielding in greenhouses. The light green heads of cabbage are large, weighing 2 kg. It is distinguished by its versatility, juicy taste, and stable immunity.
"Martha" Shade-tolerant early vegetables. Ripen in 40–42 days. They are distinguished by tasty pulp, wide and large leaves. Heads of cabbage weigh 1.5 kg. It is recommended to plant seedlings from the end of April.
"Grenade" Hybrid variety of medium ripeness. Ripens at 55 days. The cabbage is large, weighing 2.3 kg. The peculiarity is the uniform formation of cylindrical dense heads of cabbage. From 1 sq. per meter of greenhouse crops, 7.2 kg of vegetables are harvested.

Deadlines for different regions

Depending on the cultivation area, sowing in greenhouse conditions begins:

  1. In the south - from the end of February, again - from the end of July.
  2. In the Moscow region and the central zone - from mid-April, the next one - in early August.
  3. In Siberia and the Urals - from late April to mid-August.

How to grow properly: step-by-step instructions


To grow Chinese cabbage in greenhouses, use:

  • pallets, peat tablets, pots;
  • hand rakes, rippers;
  • watering cans, drip irrigation systems, sprayers;
  • sprayers, buckets;
  • containers for harvesting vegetables;
  • film;
  • gloves.

Preparation of material

  1. Before planting, Chinese cabbage seeds must be soaked for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate (concentration 1%).
  2. For disinfection, you can treat it with Fitosporin-M (according to the instructions).
  3. Before sowing, soak the seeds for 12 hours in a growth stimulator, using, for example: Epin, Zircon, then gently dry.

Circuit and technology

Cabbage seeds are planted in rows in greenhouses. For 1 sq. per meter, 1–2 g of seed is consumed. The grains are embedded in the soil, deepened by 1–1.5 cm, carefully sprinkled with a soil layer, and watered abundantly.

When cultivating Chinese cabbage in greenhouses using the seedling method, the grains are germinated in separate containers - peat pots. After 20 days, the sprouts are planted in greenhouse beds. For any sowing method, the following scheme is followed: 50 cm between rows and a distance of 30–40 cm between crops.

Chinese cabbage has very delicate stems, therefore, when growing vegetables from seedlings, it is better to immediately use separate peat cups (or paper containers with a cut bottom) for sowing, so as not to break the seedlings during transplantation into greenhouse beds.

How to care?

Before the shoots appear, the temperature in the greenhouses is maintained at least +20 degrees. If there are sprouts, the temperature is lowered to +10 degrees for 7 days. In the future, for high-quality formation of heads of cabbage in the room, the air should always be heated in the range from +13 to +20 degrees.

Too thick plantings, when the seedlings become stronger, are thinned out, leaving an interval of 20–30 cm between crops. The remaining shoots are transplanted to a new place. Water as the top soil layer dries, using warm, settled water so that the soil is always slightly moist. Together with irrigation, loosening between the furrows and weeding is carried out.

Unlike white cabbage, Chinese cabbage seedlings are not deepened too much and are not further hilled. Chinese cabbage has a short growing season, the soil is not too depleted, therefore, you should not apply a large amount of fertilizer. It is best to feed the soil in greenhouses in the fall.

  1. When digging 1 sq. per meter add superphosphates (1 tablespoon each), potassium sulfate (2 tablespoons each).
  2. Acidic soil is limed.
  3. The soil that is not enriched before winter is fertilized before sowing, ash (1 tbsp), urea (1 tsp), and superphosphates (2 tbsp) are added.
  4. Weak vegetables are fed with compost.


A peculiarity of Chinese cabbage is its tendency to accumulate nitrates when applying large amounts of nitrogen-containing fertilizers, using chemicals for pest control, and using organic matter.

You should not get too carried away with fertilizing; only 1-2 feedings are carried out per season, provided that the soil has not been fertilized in advance, otherwise the cabbage will be unsuitable for consumption.

Diseases and pests

Prevention methods
  1. High-quality preparation of the site and soil for crops: compliance with crop rotation, weeding, mulching.
  2. Regulating watering during dry periods.
Cabbage flies
  1. Accounting for crop rotation.
  2. Preparation of beds and soil (loosening, digging).
  3. Covering the seedlings with paper rings.
  4. Treatment with tobacco dust, naphthalene.
  1. Regulating air humidity levels in greenhouses.
  2. Systematic spraying of seedlings from spray bottles.
Powdery (downy) mildew
  1. High-quality pre-planting treatment of seeds, warming them up, drying them.
  2. Soil cleaning, crop rotation accounting.
  3. Regular ventilation of the room.
  4. Elimination of nitrogen fertilizer application.
Apical burn Adding crushed chalk to seed containers or holes.
Mucous bacteriosis
  1. Accounting for crop rotation.
  2. Timely harvesting.
  3. Soil cleaning.
  4. Seed disinfection.
  5. Proper storage.
Pests/diseases of Chinese cabbage grown in a greenhouse Fighting methods
Cruciferous flea beetles
  1. Treatment with wood ash (interval of 3–4 days), garlic infusion, decoction of tomato stems.
  2. Spraying with insecticides: “Karate”, “Intavir”.
Cabbage flies
  1. Treatment of crops with wood ash.
  2. Use of drugs: Bankol, Actellik, Rovikurt (according to instructions).
  3. Pollination with crushed hot pepper or dry mustard.
  1. Isolating infected crops by hanging sticky traps, abundant watering, and washing the soil.
  2. Treatment of plantings with insecticides: Fitoverm, Confidor, Karbofos.
Powdery mildew
  1. Moistening the leaves with iodine solution (10 ml of substance per 10 liters of water).
  2. Treatment with copper-soap solution. Dilute copper sulfate (30 g) and soap (300 g) in 10 liters of water.
  3. Treatment of crops with wood ash, ground sulfur (with an interval of 7 days).
Apical burn
  1. Conducting calcium supplementation.
  2. Humidity control.
Mucous bacteriosis Treatment of plantings with a solution (1%) of the drug “Planriz”.

When to harvest?

They begin harvesting Chinese cabbage when 10 leaves are formed on the heads of cabbage, and they reach a length of 10–14 cm. Spring varieties are cut in early July, autumn vegetables - from the end of September or already in October. Cabbage grown in greenhouses for compaction of plantings is harvested when the main crops (tomatoes or cucumbers) begin to actively grow.

To prevent Chinese cabbage from blooming and bolting, Vegetables should not be kept in the ground until the heads of cabbage are fully formed.

  1. 7 days before cutting the heads of cabbage, stop watering. The weight of cabbage heads should be approximately 0.6–0.7 kg.
  2. Cleaning work is carried out in the morning. The heads are cut off at the base, leaving a few outer leaves on the heads.
  3. Spring varieties of cabbage are set aside for consumption, but autumn vegetables are.
  4. Before storing in the cellar or before transportation, the heads of cabbage are wrapped in cling film.

Storage areas should be cool. The optimal temperature for vegetables will be from 0 to +5 degrees. In such conditions, the “Beijing” will keep perfectly for 4–5 months.


Vegetable growers cultivating Chinese cabbage in greenhouses may encounter the following difficulties:

  1. Excess sunlight. Vegetables begin to bloom and shoot. Plantings must be shaded.
  2. Root system rotting. As a result, the formation of strong seedlings is excluded. They solve the problem by regulating irrigation, ensuring ventilation of crops, and improving soil looseness.
  3. Difficulty in germination. You may not get enough harvest. The problem is eliminated by high-quality processing of seed material, competent selection of soil for planting, film covering of crops, regulation of the temperature in the premises, and taking into account crop rotation.
  4. Accumulation of nitrates in cabbage. The result is vegetables that are unsuitable for food. They solve the problem by regulating the amount of fertilizing, reducing the addition of organic matter and nitrogen for planting.
  5. Damage to heads of cabbage by diseases and pests. The problem leads to loss or loss of harvest. They are excluded due to taking into account crop rotation, proper joint sowing, disinfection of seeds and soil before planting, and processing of vegetables mainly with folk remedies.

Despite the labor-intensive process of growing Chinese cabbage in greenhouses, the costs are worth it, because you can not only successfully grow unpretentious, early, healthy vegetables for private consumption, but also for sale. Greenhouse conditions are excellent for cultivating delicious heads of cabbage throughout the year.

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