Scorpio finance horoscope for September 27. Horoscope - Scorpio

  • 01.06.2021

HOROSCOPE FOR SEPTEMBER 27, 2017. MOON 09/27/2017 ============================================ == Nearest New Moon: October 19, 2017 at 22:10. Nearest Full Moon: October 5 at 21:38. Moon phase September 27, 2017 - waxing moon. Lunar day 09/27/2017 - 8 lunar day. In what sign is the Moon 09/27/2017 - Moon in Sagittarius. Moonrise September 27, 2017 - at 14:56. Moonset on 09/27/2017 - at 23:02. Moon without a course - September 27 14:08 - September 27 19:24. Sunrise September 27, 2017 - 07:25. Sunset September 27, 2017 - 19:16. Horoscope for today 09/27/2017 Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Aries It is likely that on this day everything will fall out of your hands. You can become confused about your feelings and relationship with the person who is sympathetic, and you will be lost in conjecture and tormented by doubts. Do not offend your loved ones, keep your words and emotions under control. Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Taurus The day will pass quite calmly, without bringing serious worries and hassle. You need to plan a certain number of things, but at the same time leave time for rest. Do not be afraid to single-handedly make responsible decisions, but also do not disregard the advice of experienced specialists. Meeting friends and loved ones will bring a lot of positive emotions. Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Gemini In professional matters, try not to take unnecessary initiative. You may run into misunderstandings and disapproval. But at the same time, do not refuse help if asked about it. A good time for new acquaintances. Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Cancer Not everything will be given to you without effort. Now you will have to be frank, first of all with yourself, and not shy away from solving difficult problems. All in your hands! Spend more time with your family. They will need your help and support. Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Leo Do not be afraid of new ideas and do not let go of the initiative, no matter what issue it concerns. As often as possible, go where it is fun and interesting, with friends. A new romantic adventure awaits you. Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Virgo Now you can take on new things, even if at first glance they seem completely impracticable. There is a favorable period for love affairs. Therefore, if you want to establish new relationships or improve existing ones, then take the initiative in your own hands. Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Libra Much will float into your hands, and all that remains is to take what turns out to be the most promising. Perhaps right now you will have a chance to improve your financial situation. Either way, you will be quite happy with how things are going. Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Scorpio Success will accompany those who are active in achieving their goals. Those who prefer “calmness, only calmness, can quite relax. True, there will be no victories. In general, this period does not bode well for any disappointments or setbacks. Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Sagittarius This period can be called not burdensome. You will be given trump cards, and you will have to dispose of them at your own discretion. But try not to succumb to laziness and hibernation now, since by being active, you can achieve good results. If you have not yet met a person with whom you would like to connect your life, then not all is lost. Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Capricorn In many things you will be your own head, so do not wait for hints from the outside, make decisions on your own. At this time, you will meet with old friends. Perhaps right now it will be possible to make new business acquaintances. You will not be bored, but remember that water does not flow under a lying stone. Horoscope on September 27, 2017 Aquarius Try to stay calm and not ask for trouble. In love affairs, various kinds of troubles or even conflicts can arise. But if you do not want to destroy existing ties, then refrain from sorting out the relationship. Channel your energies to the good of the cause. Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Pisces If on this day it is not possible to resolve the issues with which I would like to end it faster, do not be upset. Unfortunately, not everything depends only on you, sometimes circumstances shuffle all the cards. You should not count on outside help, since there will be much more promises than concrete actions.

Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Capricorn. Today Capricorns will be inclined to philosophizing, but everyday problems, putting things in order in the house will distract them and return them to rough reality. Give great attention to family life, find common interests with those close to you, for example, a hobby for floriculture, walks in the open air. Learn to understand each other perfectly, and you will feel like a happy person.

Horoscope on September 27, 2017 Aquarius. Significant financial assistance is possible from brothers and sisters, older relatives, which will allow you to improve living conditions, or at least make them more comfortable. Expand your area of ​​interest, become more sociable. It will bring you material benefits and can enrich your spiritual life.

Horoscope on September 27, 2017 for Pisces. Today, it will not be easy for others to keep up with your temperament. The fire that constantly burns in you easily evokes a reciprocal feeling, but it can burn to the ground and subjugate someone's will. Avoid being too dependent on other people (even loved ones).

Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Aries. In the first half of the day, a significant decrease in Aries activity in all areas of life is likely. But this will also have its positive side. Use the opportunity to put things in order and thoughts, to finalize what you did not manage to do in a month.

Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Taurus. The day symbolizes temptation. Taurus will find it difficult to resist temptations. They will be able to afford easy flirting with a fellow student or work colleague. Be in control as little fun can turn into big problems.

Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Gemini. With these unexpected funds, you can pamper yourself and have a great free time. Some will simply lead a luxurious lifestyle. The day should go well, provided that you shorten the distance at which you keep relatives, except for the rare chosen one.

Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Cancer. Nothing threatens your well-being. Enjoy your outdoor activities. It's good to go out of town with your chosen one or friends. Changing experiences is also good for your health.

Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Leo. Unforeseen circumstances, forgotten obligations, uninvited guests are likely. Take it for granted and deal with business calmly. Friends will help in the implementation of creative projects.

Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Virgo. Your bright personality will attract the hearts of the opposite sex to you. And the one you draw into your orbit will no longer be able to resist your nobility and gallantry. Don't be led by the situation. Consciously strive to find some favorable opportunities for yourself, happy chances.

Horoscope on September 27, 2017 Libra. The position of the planets brings peace and love to family life, stabilizes affection, friendship and family financial well-being. A great time to celebrate an anniversary and receive awards.

Horoscope for September 27, 2017 Scorpio. Today Scorpios will conquer the subject of their adoration with generosity. They will share with everyone their wisdom and give parental love. For many today, it is possible to replenish the family. You will find self-expression and comfort in your family and personal life, so do not “push” it into the background.

This day cannot be called bad, but it will definitely not be simple and pleasant either. I would like to achieve success, but any business, even the simplest one, requires much more effort than usual. You are trying to negotiate with someone about joint actions, achieving common goals; it takes a long time and does not give the desired results.
Any decisions that relate to personal life must be made independently. It will be very tempting to consult with someone, share responsibility, or at least just discuss the current situation. But this is not worth doing; think for yourself.

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Love horoscope - Scorpio

Do not reject any new opportunities, both in love and in sex. Good luck will be with the bold and determined Scorpios.

Astro meridian

Today, thoughts about a loved one will not leave your head. And although on the one hand it will fill you with seething energy and great mood, on the other hand, it will be difficult for you to concentrate on routine duties and matters requiring your attention. Try, however, to pull yourself together and deal with them. Having made due efforts on your part, you will certainly cope with this task.
It seems that recently in your personal life there have been many significant events that have created some confusion in it. Try not to put pressure on either yourself or your passion and take extra time to get comfortable and fully understand what happened.

You are ripe for a very serious decision. It's time to move on to the next stage of your relationship with your partner. Moreover, he has been waiting for this from you for a long time. You are at the beginning of a happy journey, the path of a long and happy relationship. If it seems to you that you are not ready for this yet, then it is just that you are still a little afraid of the unknown. You just need to step over this barrier and start a new life.

Horoscope @ RU

Family horoscope - Scorpio

Everything in your home will go well. Relationships with loved ones will be marked by harmony and tenderness, and you will be happy to spend time with your family.

Business horoscope - Scorpio

New unexpected job offers are possible tomorrow, do not neglect the opportunity to improve your financial situation.

Astro meridian

The influence of auspicious luminaries promises success, but it will not do without some problems. Believe in yourself, be energetic, and you can find the best solution for them.

Health horoscope - Scorpio

It is better for Scorpios to spend tomorrow calmly, avoiding physical and nervous strain, and in the evening, have a good rest. Scorpios don't need strong emotions, so relax. Better to devote your free time to reflection and meditation. Take a walk, admire nature, chat with nice people.

Astro meridian

Uranus' support promises excellent physical and psychological shape. Take the moment to deal with the mountain of work lying in front of you and boldly go forward.

Mobile horoscope - Scorpio

You can't find a balance between your demands on yourself at work and in your personal life. You can easily deal with the problem that has arisen, just by changing the approach to it. Although it is difficult to balance work with your personal life, you will find a way to combine these areas and will do everything possible so that harmony never leaves you.

Beauty horoscope - Scorpio

Your work today will be the source of many difficulties and problems for you. Take a break from your ambitious career plans and plans for the future and sort out the questions that are right in front of your nose.

In the morning, you should do the paperwork and put things in order. Be more attentive to incoming information and calls. A good day for learning and mastering new information. In the afternoon, communication with new partners will open up good prospects. In the evening, you should just relax by watching a fun movie.

Pay attention to your looks and outfit. By using brighter colors, you can cheer yourself up. In the afternoon, you will be lucky in new endeavors. Act quickly and decisively, trusting your intuition. A business dinner with partners can be beneficial. Thanks to communication in a relaxed atmosphere, you will learn important professional secrets.

Today you have an important assignment to fulfill. Keep your plans and actions secret. In the afternoon, your behavior can provoke a conflict situation. Do not spoil the relationship, try to translate the scandal into a comic form. In the evening, beware of malfunctions in the operation of appliances and household appliances.


Today you will have to work hard without interruption. The accumulated work can change your plans for the evening. In the afternoon, you will learn important information about the manager's plans. You should not rush things, it is better to let go of the situation. Unexpected profits will pleasantly surprise you, spend your money wisely.

Today is a very important day, the results of which will have long-term consequences. When thinking about changing jobs, you should start looking for the right job. In the afternoon, your competitors will take advantage of the information leak. You should not take rash steps, consult with your mentor. Try to avoid contact with strangers in the evening.

In the morning you will be able to do most of the work. Today it is worth discussing new ideas with your manager. Your sincerity and honesty will help in solving a difficult situation. You should not interfere with the conflict between colleagues and the leader. The most advantageous position for you is to remain an impartial observer.


Today you will have to help in solving the problems of a loved one. Try not to borrow money and avoid forced obligations. In the afternoon, tidy up the documentation. You will find information to help you move up the career ladder. In the evening, go to a massage therapist or beauty salon.

This day will be especially productive for solving bureaucratic issues. A casual acquaintance will help expand the circle of useful business contacts. In the afternoon, you will be able to make high profits from a one-time trade. Self-confidence and persistence will allow you to get the right solution. In the evening, you should start preparing a romantic dinner.

This day will be conflicting and tense due to the negative influence of the planets. You shouldn't sign documents and start partnerships. Your best bet is to get busy cleaning your work area and doing routine work. In the afternoon, a conflict situation with the leadership may arise. It will be difficult for you to prove your case.

Today you will be able to complete the actions you started long ago. Try to contain your anger in dealing with ill-wishers. In the afternoon, you will receive a lucrative business proposal from old partners. When making important decisions, be sure to consult with someone you trust. In the evening, you should go to visit friends to relieve stress.

Try to be more attentive in the morning on your way to work. You should not take valuables and important papers with you, there is a risk of robbery. In the afternoon, your irritability can cause a conflict situation. Learn to admit your mistakes and ask for forgiveness. In the evening, try to relieve stress with alternative medicine.

At the start of the day, being tired can interfere with important tasks. Do not be lazy and negligent in fulfilling your duties. If you do not have the mood and vitality, take time off from work earlier. Your efficiency during the day will be very low. To restore vitality, take the advice of experts.

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It is a symbol of his own person, a symbol of glory and power, action and ambition. A person with a birthday number of 1 never changes his course and does not try to jump far ahead immediately, in a jerk, ahead of time. He reaches new heights only in a direct and progressive way.

Strength, individuality, creation. People of this number are natural born leaders. They are active, aggressive and ambitious, they always strive to take first places, they can be completely ruthless and are able to sacrifice everything for the sake of a career, including relationships with others. This is the number of winners and tyrants.

The lucky day of the week for number 1 is Sunday.

The planet is the Sun.


You should avoid selfishness and greed, self-will and self-will, be careful, balance your interests with the interests of other people so that they do not come into a conflict state, otherwise you can lose friends and make enemies.

A strong birthday number 1 promises a lot, it offers high development if you follow its advice.


Strongly expressed "I", will, energy. The unit protects people who are active, strong, inclined to innovations - creators and leaders in all areas. One people always radiate energy, generously give it to others, they cannot be overlooked even in a crowd. There are many artists, politicians and national heroes among them.

Love and sex:

When it comes to love and sex, these people form many bonds in early adulthood - it is often very difficult for them to settle on one partner. They are attracted to members of the opposite sex who are serious about life.

Such people are predominantly sexual. Unfortunately, sex for them is only a means of expressing their sexuality.

Many of them do not understand that marriage or other partnership presupposes a union of equals, not only in bed, but also outside. They are usually loving parents and are the head of the family. They are especially worried about the preservation of the family as a dynasty.

Birth number for woman

Birth number 1 for a woman Confident and strong in character, such a woman chooses a man herself. She is persistent in achieving her goals. She seeks to rule, but does not tolerate men who fulfill her every whim. She is stubborn and willful, but some men take pleasure in overcoming obstacles. He does not hide his emotions, but craves for the game. She enjoys being active and has no shortage of ideas on how to make her personal life rich and varied. Despite the pronounced qualities of a leader, at times she experiences loneliness, and she wants care and affection. Intellectual communication is as important to her as physical intimacy. She is impulsive, often makes rash acts. He believes only in himself and relies only on himself. She should be more flexible and condescending when dealing with men.

Birth number for a man

Birth number 1 for a man Such a man is independent in relationships, energetic and assertive. It is of particular interest to women, since it is a type of active, purposeful, self-confident man. He is ambitious, courageous, straightforward. You can rely on him in difficult times. I am ready to do everything for the object of my passion. Can fall in love recklessly, ignoring common sense. The main thing for him is to express his strong feelings. It would be good for him to take into account that his chosen one is also an independent person with her own life and her own interests. He often ignores the opinion of his partner, decides everything himself. Life with him is interesting, but hectic. He is hot, but easy-going. Loves attention to his person and praise. He likes to strive, conquer, be generous. She can settle down, have children, but she will always be a slave to her own desires and motives.

Birth number 27

These people are very original, materialistic in nature. They are looking for confidence in life, smart people for spiritual communication. They have a good imagination and a sharp mind. They love to travel and know a lot. They are stimulated more by the power of the mind than by physical needs.

They are drawn to those who can give them moral support, gentle but unpredictable. If a person is understandable, then they are not interested in him. They can get along with many.
They cannot be dominated, it repels people.

They are drawn to the opposite sex out of "love of art" rather than out of desire.
There may be skin diseases, mental disorders, fevers.

Pythagoras square or psychomatrix

The qualities listed in the cells of the square can be strong, average, weak or absent, it all depends on the number of digits in the cell.

Deciphering the Pythagorean Square (square cells)

Character, willpower - 2

Energy, charisma - 4

Knowledge, creativity - 0

Health, beauty - 1

Logic, intuition - 0

Diligence, skill - 1

Luck, luck - 2

Sense of Duty - 1

Memory, mind - 1

Deciphering the Pythagorean Square (lines, lines and diagonals of the square)

The higher the value, the more pronounced the quality.

Self-assessment (column "1-2-3") - 6

Making money (column "4-5-6") - 2

Talent potential (column "7-8-9") - 4

Purposefulness (line "1-4-7") - 5

Family (line "2-5-8") - 5

Stability (line "3-6-9") - 2

Spiritual potential (diagonal "1-5-9") - 3

Temperament (diagonal "3-5-7") - 2

Chinese zodiac sign Rooster

Every 2 years there is a change of the Elements of the year (fire, earth, metal, water, wood). The Chinese astrological system divides years into active, stormy (Yang) and passive, calm (Yin).

You Rooster elements Fire of the year Yin

Birth clock

24 hours correspond to the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac. The sign of the Chinese horoscope of birth, corresponding to the time of birth, therefore it is very important to know the exact time of birth, it has a strong effect on a person's character. It is argued that according to the birth horoscope, you can accurately find out the features of your character.

The most striking manifestation of the qualities of the hour of birth will take place if the symbol of the hour of birth coincides with the symbol of the year. For example, a person born in the year and hour of the Horse will display the maximum qualities prescribed for this sign.

  • Rat - 23:00 - 01:00
  • Bull - 1:00 - 3:00
  • Tiger - 3:00 - 5:00
  • Rabbit - 5:00 - 7:00
  • Dragon - 7:00 - 9:00
  • Snake - 09:00 - 11:00
  • Horse - 11:00 - 13:00
  • Goat - 13:00 - 15:00
  • Monkey - 15:00 - 17:00
  • Rooster - 17:00 - 19:00
  • Dog - 19:00 - 21:00
  • Pig - 21:00 - 23:00

Libra European zodiac sign

Dates: 2013-09-24 -2013-10-23

The Four Elements and their Signs are distributed as follows: Fire(Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), Land(Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), Air(Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and Water(Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Since the elements help to describe the main traits of a person's character, by including them in our horoscope, they help to form a more complete picture of a particular person.

The features of this element are warmth and humidity, flexibility, divisibility, adaptability. In the Zodiac, these qualities correspond to an air trine (triangle): Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The Trigon of Air is considered to be the trigon of ideas and intelligence. Principle: exchange, contact.
Air defines contacts and relationships. The Element of Air endows a person with such qualities as mobility, activity, liveliness, changeability, flexibility, agility, receptivity, omnipresence, boundlessness, curiosity. The air is independent, free. He is responsible for the main processes on Earth - movement, reproduction, procreation, that is, for the transmission of life.
People in whose horoscopes the element of Air is expressed have a sanguine temperament. Such people can make an impression. They are quick in decisions and deeds, easily and quickly grasp any information, then all this in a reworked form is transmitted to other people. They instantly adapt to any changes and changes in life. They are characterized by spiritual flexibility, lability of the psyche, mobility of the mind, they are tireless as long as they are carried away by some business. Monotony tires them.
The lack of solidity and depth in the sphere of thinking, in the sphere of feelings and activity can be attributed to the shortcomings of the character of the people of the element of Air, they are very unreliable, you cannot rely on them. They are too superficial, nervous, indecisive, their goals and plans are constantly fluctuating, changing. But they can present their shortcomings as advantages.
No trigone possesses such abilities for diplomacy and secular life as the trigone of Air. He is a virtuoso in the ability to establish numerous and varied connections, to grasp, connect and use heterogeneous information. People of the Air do not tolerate a sedentary lifestyle, business routine, most often they do not have a stable profession, unless it is connected with information, travel and contacts.
The people of the trigone of Air have the greatest success in the field of science, technology, the world of arts, especially literature. And journalism is just their element. The best assistants of these people in their work are their constant striving for more and more new impressions, new experiences, continuous exchange of thoughts and ideas, views and opinions with the people around them and their ability to establish quick connections and contacts. Their ideal is to be at the center of all events.
Most often, people of the element of Air do not fit into the generally accepted framework due to their craving for freedom, they do not like obligations, they avoid excessive dramatization of relationships. Even an ordinary family life for them may seem like a certain "cross", from which they will try to escape, or at least make it easier.
Monotony and monotony are their worst enemy, so crises in the field of love and marriage are a common story for them. Their superficial feelings can quickly inflame and be inspired, and close contacts even from the first meeting and with the first person they meet, but all this will continue exactly until they meet the next object of delight and admiration, until a new cause of inspiration and enthusiasm.
Parents and educators of children of the trigon of Air should pay special attention to their excessive idealism, superficiality of thinking, susceptibility to other people's influence. Therefore, it is necessary to lay in them that moral core as early as possible, which will be their support in life. Since the child of this trigone is very susceptible to both bad and good influences, it is very important who is next to him. The role of parents in choosing friends is very important. With such a child, one must be constantly in contact, participate in his affairs and be close during the rest, then the spiritual connection between the parents and the child will remain until the end of life.
The greatest advantage of people of this element is the ability to communicate with the outside world, the ability to connect people and circumstances, and the greatest danger is mental and spiritual fragmentation, which often causes unnecessary worries and disappointments.

Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. The cardinal cross is the cross of the will, the material basis of the universe, the new impulse of the idea. Its main quality is the desire for implementation. He is always directed towards the future. It gives dynamism, activity, striving for a goal. A person in whose horoscope the Sun, Moon or most of the personal planets are in cardinal signs will be a person of action. Such people are energetic and live in the present, the most important thing for them is the current moment in time and the feeling of "here and now." Therefore, their emotions and sensations are distinguished by their brightness and great strength. Their joy is as strong and sincere as disappointment, but any emotions are short-lived, because soon these signs plunge into a new life, into new sensations, and start a new business. With age, their moods become more and more even and come to their usual businesslike attitude. Obstacles do not scare them, but only increase the pressure and striving for the goal. However, they do not have so much strength to withstand the struggle for their goal for too long. Therefore, if the struggle with an obstacle is too long or the results of one's efforts are completely invisible, then such an obstacle begins to seem insurmountable, which leads to disappointment, causes a breakdown and can even lead to depression. Also destructive for them is the lack of dynamics and the ability to take initiative. Such a person will always strive forward and upward, captivating with his energy. He is always in sight, noticeably rises above his surroundings, achieves his life goal and reaches a high social level.

Libra is the third sign of the zone of stability, the sign of the element Air in its stabilized manifestation. The main rulers of Libra are Chiron and Venus. Libra is the second level of the element of Air, which is more stable here than in Gemini. Libra is the greatest aesthetes of the entire Zodiac, they do not tolerate conflicts, quarrels and collisions and always strive to eliminate them.
A high level of Libra is talented diplomats, diplomacy in Libra comes from Chiron.

For you, usually the desire for stability, comfort, balance. You perfectly know the laws, feel them and strive to comply with them. You tend to be attracted to beauty in all its forms. Your motto is “Guys, let's live together!” As a rule, you are successful in those matters where good taste, artistry, developed and rich imagination are required, therefore, among Libra we find many famous artists, poets and writers. You always strive to choose a certain circle, the elite, in your life. And when different opinions collide, if you fail to balance these opinions, you take the side of the more reasonable, and in the worst case - the side of the winner. Therefore, in life you can very easily betray the people with whom you communicate. It is noted that a large percentage of Libra is among the traitors. There are also many courtesans and women of easy virtue among Libra.
For you, the embodiment of stability is harmony, therefore you are looking for harmony in everything. For you, the big problem is the formation of creativity in yourself. This is a subtle use of your inner energy and the ability not to be cold. The fact is that Libra can be the coldest sign of the Zodiac, because the only sign represented by a symbol taken from inanimate nature is metallic cold Libra. Your karmic task is to be subtle, “pharmacy” Libra. In no case should you allow the “rod of the balance to rust,” then you will not be able to balance the situation, you need to be very subtly involved in it. Only after analyzing its essence, you can get involved in the situation and help people achieve harmony.