Walking trails in Paris. Sightseeing buses in Paris How to plan 2 days in Paris

  • 16.09.2020

Paris! So many eras fit into this word. The undisputed center of the world for at least a couple of hundred years in the entire history of its existence. How can you visit France and miss Paris? I think no. At first, when I presented my route, I did not even plan to visit the capital. It seemed to me like a big city full of African Americans and Indians. But my travels are wonderful because a coincidence of happy circumstances can correct the route, making it even more interesting. So this time, the guys from the next ride literally after an hour of communication with me were invited to visit, to Paris. I did not agree immediately, but when I called them and arrived in the capital of France, in the end I was very pleased with the visit. Map of Paris and my route on it.

Paris - day 1

I hitchhiked to Paris from Tours, but the last part of the way I took a commuter train. The guys from the parish of Jehovah's Witnesses helped me to get on the train, who were the last to give me a lift that day - a rather nice mixed couple: a black guy and a fair European girl. The funniest question they asked was why were Jehovah's Witnesses “expelled” from Russia? Did Putin do it? I was surprised by the fact that the Witnesses were “expelled” from our country and honestly told the guys about this, in turn surprising them even more.

If you are planning to fly to Paris, keep in mind that there are as many as 3 airports here: Charles de Gaulle, Orlet, Beauvais. Each can be reached by trains (commuter trains) and buses. From Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, one of the most convenient ways is the RER B train (about 10 euros).

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1 transfer

2 transfers

Paris is very conveniently connected with commuter trains for 100-150 kilometers, which smoothly go into the metro. You can buy a single ticket from the suburbs 100 km from the capital to a specific metro station in the center of Paris. I really didn't pay anything and didn't find out the cost of such a ticket, because I literally ran into the train, nobody checked anything on the train and I only had to buy a metro ticket (to get out of it). Another feature is that it is impossible to buy a ticket in the Paris metro at the exit. Therefore, if for some reason you are a free rider, then it is very difficult to get out, the double system of turnstiles reliably protects the city budget from hares.

Paris is a modern city well prepared to receive guests. So finding and choosing the right hotel in Paris or hostel is not difficult - there are thousands of them!

Arriving at my new Parisian friends' lodgings in the Malakoff area, where I was fed dinner and wine, I finally relaxed. I love hitchhiking, and I can do it, but it is obvious that this is a rather energy-consuming way of transportation and sometimes even I want to stay on the “high road” for a couple of days.

The couple who accepted me are very interesting guys. A 40-year-old Chinese programmer from Hong Kong who works for Intel and a 55-year-old man who works in the French government in mid-level positions. They have been living together for 8 years and they are the coolest gay men I have ever met. In no way did they show that they were a couple, only that they were sleeping in the same room betrayed them.

In Paris, the branched metro and stations are not very far from each other, so it is quite convenient to use it to move around the city.

Paris landmarks

The first thing I did was to see the Sacre Coeur Basilica and Notre Dame Cathedral.

(Sacré-Cœur) - The Temple of the Sacred Heart on the Montmartre hill - the highest point in Paris (130 m) is worth visiting just for the views. A good panorama of the city opens from here.

The basilica itself is not very old, its construction was completed a little over 100 years ago (1914), but beautiful.

Temple of the Sacred Heart on Montmartre Hill

(Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris) is perhaps a must-see attraction in Paris. The majestic Cathedral is an example of a vibrant Gothic style with a history of over 8 centuries. Visiting Notre Dame Cathedral is completely free, but you need to wait in line inside in about 30-40 minutes. Trust me, it's worth it.

Inside you will find stunning stained glass windows and statues, towering vaults, a large scale model and images of the stages of reconstruction from century to century.

A grandiose structure, no matter from which side you look. By the way, be sure to go around the building from all sides, from behind it looks special.

Notre-Dame-de-Paris is located on the Ile de la Cité, and if you go to the Ile Saint-Louis, you will see the luxurious building of the City Hall Hotel de Ville.

Paris, like any old city in Europe, sits on a busy river, here is the Seine. The Seine embankments are very conveniently ennobled, there are places for walking and for bicycles, bicycle and roller skates for rent, small cafes with coffee and street dancers, and free toilets.

Moving along the Seine west of Notre Dame, you can walk to the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower.

The Louvre is amazing, I wish I had time to visit it.

From the Louvre, through the Arc de Triomphe at Place Carrousel, it is worth taking a leisurely stroll through the Tuileries Gardens to Place de la Concorde and the Fountain of the Seas.

From the Place de la Concorde, the famous Champs Elysees begins, which run into the equally famous Arc de Triomphe.

At night, the Arch in the light of the lanterns sparkles with special colors, sending you to some kind of French film about love.

The evening ended with an amazing light show of the Eiffel Tower from the observation deck in the Trocadero Gardens - the best place to watch the tower in the evening. In summer, every evening at 11 o'clock, the Eiffel Tower literally lights up with thousands of lanterns - it's worth seeing at least once.

Prices in Paris. How to eat

A few words about prices in the capital of France. Both days at lunchtime I bought food from the supermarket: tabouleh salad, Camembert cheese, bread, tomatoes - it's all no more than 5 euros. And I had dinner with my friends, and every time they refused to take money from me. Eating in a small Chinese restaurant or in a hamburger - at least 12-15 euros per person. Wine - from 5 euros per bottle. For 5 euros there can be a good wine, but it is better to take - from 7-8. But of course, if you can afford it, stop by in the morning for a coffee with a fresh buttery croissant, and in the evening, have a glass of wine and sit out on the terrace.

Paris - day 2

The subway is even more convenient - a bicycle. I rode a bike all day, using the city's rental system - there is a dense network of stations throughout the city where you can rent and return a bike. To use, you need to register on the site, link your bank card, from which 150 euros will be blocked to guarantee the safety and return of the bike after use. Yes, this is a lot, but the amount will definitely be unlocked a few days after the end of the last use, you can not worry about the money. The cost of renting for 1 day, if you fit into 30 minutes of use in a row - 1.7 euros or 7 euros per week, even cheaper if you plan to use it constantly, for 1 or several months.

If you did not meet the 30 “free” minutes, then for each started 1 hour you will pay 1 more euro. Only once did I have a situation where I could not meet in 30 minutes - in the city center in the evening at some stations there is absolutely no free space to rent a bike. In the morning at some remote stations, on the contrary, there are no bikes at all, people really actively use the rental system to get to work or university from the outskirts where they live. At the same time, there are still much more advantages. The main thing is that everyone can really use this system, even a tourist, there are no restrictions that only a citizen of the country can use it, as in some cities. There are a lot of bike paths around the city, so you don't have to ride on the road.

The second day I spent on a bike, more and more imbued with the unique atmosphere of Old Paris interspersed with modern shades. So I highly recommend a bike for getting around Paris - convenient, cheap and environmentally friendly!

Beautiful parks occupy a special place in the French capital. One of the most notable is the Luxembourg Gardens (Le Jardin du Luxembourg). By the way, you cannot ride a bike here in the parks, you need to park at the entrance. And if you nevertheless decide to ride it on the territory, then you will not pass even 100 meters, as some grandfather can threaten you with his fist - you will sleep, they say, kid! =)

Another violation that can even be fined is to drive on the bike path “in the wrong direction”. I was stopped by the Parisian police when I violated the direction of traffic and was forgiven, released without a fine, having learned that I was a tourist. But I had to turn around, go in the permitted direction and make a big detour to get to the place I wanted.

If you are not indifferent to modern buildings and urban movements, then you should look into the multicultural center of Georges Pompidou (Le Center Pompidou) in the avant-garde style. Surprisingly, this is the most famous site in the capital after the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower.

In Pompidou, in addition to exhibition space, there are cinemas, a theater, a public library, a cafe and a restaurant. Observation platforms with the most picturesque views of Paris in the very center of the city give the center a special charm and value.

My conclusion is that in 2 days, of course, I did not cover even a 10th share of all the notable places of the capital, but this was enough to have time to fall in love with Paris and want to return. So if you have 2 days and you are thinking where to spend them - Paris is waiting for you! All that remains is to choose the tickets and the hotel.

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I can't say that I was really very impressed with the city, but the desire to come here for a week and calmly live in the center, having breakfast with croissants, remained. Hopefully we can do it someday.

There are many attractions in Paris and its environs, but in 2 or 3 days it is quite possible to have time to see the main, most famous and popular ones. And ideally, more time should be put in the city.

For those who want to save time preparing for the trip and immerse themselves more fully in the atmosphere and history of the city, I would recommend using the services of a private guide in Paris. In my opinion, individual excursions are much more interesting than organized excursions with their large number of people and a hackneyed program. Moreover, with a private guide, you can always agree on a convenient time and day and adjust the excursion.

Below are selected high-quality author's excursions, see if something will suit you. First of all, pay attention to the excursion "Walks in Montmartre" if you are short on time, and "Sightseeing tour One day in Paris". I liked the latter, it is convenient, in 7 hours you can see the most basic things.

What to see in Paris

Among the main attractions of the world and one of the favorite tourist destinations in Paris, the Louvre is undoubtedly. The museum is located in the heart of the capital of France, on the right bank of the Seine. For the first time for the society, the building of the museum was opened on August 10, 1793. Among the most famous canvases of the Louvre are La Gioconda by Leonardo da Vinci, The Beautiful Gardener by Raphael, The Little Beggar by Murillo, Self-Portrait with a Thistle by Dürer and many others. The halls are decorated with sculptures of Venus de Milo, Nika of Samothrace and others. Of the three hundred thousand exhibits in the museum, 35,000 are presented to the viewer. At the entrance to the Louvre is the famous Glass Pyramid, which was designed by renowned American architect Bei Yumin and is a prototype.

La Defense Quarter

"Manhattan" of Paris. La Defense quarter. This is an ultra-modern business district of Paris, which is located in the suburbs of the capital, in the Aux-de-Seine department. More than 20,000 residents live here in a residential area, and 150,000 employees from 1,500 different organizations come to work every day. One of the distinctive views of the quarter is considered to be the Great Arch of the Brotherhood, opened on the occasion of the bicentennial of the French Revolution. The name of the area comes from the name of the Monument to the Defense of Paris, erected in honor of the soldiers who defended the city in the Franco-Prussian War. Ten years ago, EPAD Chairman Bernard Bled proposed the La Defense 2006-2015 project plan, which involves the construction of three skyscrapers over 300 m high, as well as numerous offices and residential buildings. There is also a tower of 4,000 mirrored panels, which gives the impression of a mirage. And the squares and streets are decorated with unusual landscape compositions, statues and sculptures.

Notre dame cathedral

One of the most famous cathedrals in Europe is Notre Dame Cathedral, or Notre Dame de Paris, which is located in the very heart of Paris - on the Ile de la Cité. The eyes of numerous tourists are attracted by the sculptures of saints and the "gallery of kings" consisting of 28 figures of the biblical kings of Judea. A separate attraction is the two 69-meter towers, on the balustrade of which the famous chimera-gargoyles sit. This place is considered sacred because the famous Crown of Thorns of Jesus Christ is kept in the Cathedral Treasury. Over 14 million people visit this famous European monument every year.

Pere Lachaise cemetery

Père Lachaise is one of the most famous necropolises in the world. 60 celebrities are buried here, who during their life had a huge impact on the development of science and art in France. In this place rest the French poet Guillaume Apollinaire, the writer Honoré de Balzac, the founder of endocrinology Claude Bernard, the professor of anatomy Joseph Ignace Guillotin, the French actress Annie Suzanne Girardot, the famous banker James Rothschild, the Italian artist and sculptor Amedeo, the composer-composer Clemente Clemente Amedeo and virtuoso Frederic Francois Chopin and many other celebrities. The famous cemetery is located in the east of the city, in the 20th municipal district of the capital. More than two million people come to honor the memory of great scientists and artists every year.

Wine Museum

Among the many museums in Paris, one of the most famous is the Wine Museum. It was opened in 1984. The wine cellars of the museum, which were located on the site of the building, belonged to the Abbey of the 13th century, and the Minorite monks began to make wine in the ancient quarries. The length of the museum is about 1 km. The museum attracts tourists not only with a unique collection of wines from the best winemakers in France, but also with the wax figures of the monks who created this wine. Experienced guides here acquaint visitors with the tradition of correct uncorking of bottles, and also offer to taste rare varieties of French wines. The museum also displays wax figures of celebrities who are considered connoisseurs of this drink: Dionysus, Napoleon Bonaparte, Bacchus and Balzac.

Palace of Versailles

One of the world's masterpieces of architecture is Versailles, or the Versailles Palace, created almost four centuries ago. The Versailles ensemble, consisting of a palace and a park, is considered the pinnacle of architecture in the era of the development of absolutism and French classicism of the 17th century. The main attractions of Versailles are the main building of the palace with ostentatious luxury of bedrooms and halls, the Hall of Mirrors with 17 mirrors in gilded sculptures-lamps, the famous libraries and the theater, the oval hall of which is illuminated by 10 thousand candles. The Versailles Park is a landscape composition framing the Carriage Museum, three wide thoroughfares, the Armory Square with the Ministerial wings and sculptures symbolizing War ("The King's Victories over the Empire and Spain") and Peace ("Peace and Abundance"), as well as the Royal Chapel , which served as a place of ceremonies for the rulers of France.

Of course, the most famous landmark in Paris is the Eiffel Tower. Thousands of tourists come to the capital of France every day just to see this magnificent 300-meter structure. The most visited here are three excursion floors: one of them houses a chic restaurant, and the other two are created so that visitors can admire the panoramic view of the metropolis. From 7 pm, the Eiffel Tower begins to glow and blink like a Christmas tree, giving the capital of France a special romantic charm.

Gardens of paris

Majestic Albert Kahn. This is a small private garden, represented by a variety of compositional and color styles, which has been delighting not only ordinary tourists, but also true connoisseurs of garden art and professional florists for more than a hundred years. The garden was created by renowned philanthropist and banker Albert Kahn, who designed the landscape based on his experiences traveling the world - America, Europe, Africa and Oceania. The Visual Fairy Tale begins at the entrance to a stylized Japanese garden covered with rose-red rhododendron thickets, with the symbolic Mount Fuji, created in 1988 by the Japanese landscape painter Fumiaki Takano. In the impromptu "Japan" you can find country tea houses, original lanterns, bridges and numerous trees and shrubs - bamboos, cherries, azaleas ... Following the Japanese garden, the entrance to the English garden opens, through which a picturesque English bridge on stone supports will be spread, there is a small lake and a collection of rare trees. The palmarium in the central part of the garden is represented by the prestigious landscape painter of those years, Ashil Duchenne. The delights of the garden of Albert Kahn also include the orchard-rose garden and the "forest zone".

Disneyland Paris

Disneyland Resort Paris, which was opened on April 12, 1992 and is located in Marne-la-Valais, can be distinguished from the newest sights of Paris. The number of visits to this park increases its turnover every year and today it has about 13 million people a year. Disneyland Paris is represented by two theme parks: Disneyland Park and Walt Disney Studios Park, as well as the Disney Village amusement park, with many restaurants, shops and cinemas, a golf course, respectable hotels and even residential areas. The main symbol of Disneyland Park is considered to be the Sleeping Beauty Castle, around which 5 theme parks are grouped. The park impresses with the originality of its attractions: an adventure island with labyrinths, a pirate ship, a ghost house, a go-kart track with gasoline vehicles and many others. And there is also an attraction for Aerosmith fans - the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster.

Great paris mosque

One of the largest mosques in France, located near the Botanical Gardens - in the 5th arrondissement of the Latin Quarter. The minaret of the mosque has a height of 33 meters and is made in the Spanish-Moorish architectural style. In addition to the minaret, the Great Parisian Mosque has its own school, library, prayer hall, and a hall for confessions. With the exception of closed sacred rooms, tourists can visit any hall of the mosque. There is also a teahouse on the territory of the Parisian mosque, where guests can enjoy mint tea and oriental sweets.


Paris is the most visited city in the world with about 30 million tourists annually.

However, if this is your first time in Paris, you may not know where to start and what places are best to see in this city.

Here are the sights to visit to get the best possible experience of this city.

Paris landmarks

1. Climb the Eiffel Tower

© Gagliardi Photography

The Eiffel Tower is, for obvious reasons, usually top of the list of must-see attractions in Paris. Plan your visit so that as you climb to the top, you can admire the sunset, dusk and the lights off.

In the summer months, you can watch some really impressive pink sunsets in Paris. By the time you descend, it will be night and you can take photos of the illuminated Eiffel Tower. You can also sip champagne at the top of the tower, dine at the new 58 Tour Eiffel restaurant, or dine at Le Jules Verne.

2. Explore the Louvre

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The Louvre is one of the largest museums in the world and a historical monument in Paris. You can wander around the Louvre for days, but it is worth setting aside at least half a day to visit it. The main exhibit of the museum is the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, but many other outstanding works of art can also be seen here.

3. Climb the Arc de Triomphe

© Anastasia Collection

For stunning city views from the Eiffel Tower, head to the Arc de Triomphe. The entrance to the observation deck from the underground part is paid, but it's worth it.

4. Visit the Sacre Coeur Basilica

© Anastasia Collection

The Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Paris or the Basilica of the Sacre Coeur is open every day from 6 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., so don't miss the chance to climb the spiral staircases that lead to the dome of the basilica. If you get there on a sunny day, you can have a picnic in the park on the hill nearby.

5. Discover Montmartre

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Montmartre is a district of Paris dedicated to art and local artists. In its intricate back streets, you will discover the local flavor much better than being in the city center. Montmartre is also called "old Paris", where time seems to have stood still.

6. Visit Notre Dame Cathedral

© stephankarg

Notre Dame Cathedral or Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral is a beautiful cathedral located on the Ile de la Cité in Paris. The cathedral began construction in 1163, and was almost completed in 1250, and is an important example of French Gothic architecture, sculpture and stained glass. It is the most famous Gothic cathedral of the Middle Ages.

7. Admire the work of the Impressionists at the Musée d'Orsay

© ruslangilmanshin

The Musée d'Orsay is located under the roof of the train station, and in its recently renovated galleries you can find the largest collection of Impressionists such as Paul Cezanne, Claude Monet, Edouard Manet, Vincent Van Gogh, Edgar Degas, Paul Gauguin and many others.

8. Go for a day to Versailles

© Leonid Andronov

The palace and park complex of Versailles is formally located outside of Paris, but it is worth going there. Versailles together with the gardens is one of the most famous UNESCO World Heritage Sites. You can spend the whole day here and explore the city surrounding the palace.

9. Relax in the Luxembourg Gardens

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The Luxembourg Gardens, located in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, was created in 1612. It is now considered the largest public park in Paris. You can sit on metal benches, relax by the Marie de Medici fountain and admire the many sculptures.

10. Shop on the Champs Elysees

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Champs Elysees or Champs-Elise is an avenue located in the 8th arrondissement of Paris. This is one of the most famous and beautiful avenues in the world, where you can find shops owned by the world's most famous brands such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Sephora.

11. Have tea at Laduree Patisserie

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Every tourist who has visited Paris must visit the Laduree pastry shop on the Champs Elysees. Stop by for a tea with sweets (especially the famous macarons).

Description of the sights of Paris

12. Visit Sainte-Chapelle

© scrisman

The Chapel of Sainte-Chapelle first opened in 1248 and was founded by King Louis IX of France, who built a chapel to house the royal palace and store valuable relics.

13. Climb the stairs of the Opera Garnier

© ruslangilmanshin

Opera Garnier is an opera house built from 1861 to 1875 for the Paris Opera. The main attractions of the opera are the Grand Staircase and a horseshoe-shaped golden auditorium with red velvet armchairs, a huge chandelier and frescoes on the ceiling.

14. Walk across the Alexander III bridge

© Samuel Borges Photography

The Pont Alexandre III is a single-arch bridge that spans the Seine in Paris. It connects the Champs Elysees with the Les Invalides and the Eiffel Tower. The bridge is considered one of the most graceful and extravagant bridges in the city.

15. Explore the Latin Quarter and the Sorbonne University

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It's a great place to walk the streets and eat cheap, but don't miss the Sorbonne University, the historic center of the Latin Quarter, founded in 1257. You can take a seat on the cafe terrace in front of the college before exploring the winding streets of the Latin Quarter.

16. Go ice skating at the Hotel de Ville

© Gagliardi Photography

The Hôtel de Ville is the building complex of the Parisian municipal authorities. From December to early March, an ice rink is installed on the square, where you can go ice skating.

17. Walk around the Saint-Germain-des-Prés quarter

© vvoevale

This quarter was named after the church of the same name, and is a favorite destination for Parisians and foreigners alike. This is the most classic Parisian district: high-end galleries, designer boutiques, restaurants and museums.

18. Go down to the catacombs

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Perhaps the darkest place in Paris is the underground tunnels with skulls and bones, where the remains of about 6 million people are stored. In 1785, it was decided to fix the problem of overcrowded cemeteries, to exhume the bones and store them in the abandoned quarries of the tunnels, and in 1810 the Catacombs were created.

19. Have a picnic in Tulry's garden

© Anastasia Collection

The gardens that separate the Louvre from the Place de la Concorde are a popular walking area for Parisians and tourists, where you can admire the Maillol statues along with the sculptures of the Motherland and Giacometti.

20. Discover the famous burial sites at Père Lachaise Cemetery

© Alain de Maximy

Paris is home to many poetry cemeteries, but Père Lachaise is arguably the most famous in the world. Many famous people are buried here, such as Jim Morrison, Moliere, Oscar Wilde, Edith Piaf and many others.

21. Enjoy a walk in the Mare district

© sajephotography

Marais is one of the most interesting historical districts in Paris, located in the 3rd and 4th arrondissements. Cobblestone streets meander through hidden courtyards, art galleries, bakeries, and museums.

22. Try a freshly baked baguette

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It's no exaggeration to say that you haven't tasted real bread if you haven't tasted a baguette in Paris. You can check out one of the best bakeries, Le Grenier à Pain.

The main attractions of Paris

23. Create your own perfume

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House 68 on the Champs Elysees is a Guerlain boutique - one of the largest perfume houses in the world. Perfume lovers can visit the entire scent gallery or create their own perfume.

24. Order dinner and drinks at Buddha Bar

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It is a very popular place located on the rue Faubourg Saint-Honoré. Although sushi is not associated with Paris, here you can try what is arguably the most delicious sushi, and after dinner, head upstairs for a few cocktails.

25. Try some street pancakes

© vvoevale

When in Paris, be sure to try thin pancakes with various fillings. Pancakes ( crêpes) are sweet and salty from buckwheat flour. A variety of crepes can be found all over Paris, especially around the Boulevard Saint-Germain, the Latin Quarter and elsewhere.

26. Take a walk along the Seine river with a cup of coffee

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What could be better than strolling along the Seine with a French coffee with milk.

27. Try snails

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This is one of the very things that you should try at least once in your life after visiting Paris.

28. Visit the Christmas market

© Jaspe

If you want to see Paris transform at Christmas, head to the Trocadero Christmas market.

29. Watch a show at the Moulin Rouge

© ruslangilmanshin

The famous Moulin Rouge cabaret is one of the popular tourist destinations. You can order your own dinner and stay at the show with topless dancers and sumptuous red velvet décor.

30. Try the best pasta

© ildipapp

The best pasta - a dessert made from proteins and ground almonds, can be found at Ladurée, Pierre Hermé and Gateaux Thoumieux.

31. Drink hot chocolate at Angelina

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Paris is a true paradise for chocolate lovers, and hot chocolate in Angelina- this is, perhaps, something that everyone who has visited Paris should try. Although there are always lines here, the thick and delicious hot chocolate is well worth the wait.

32. Dine at Maxim "s restaurant

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The famous restaurant located on Rue Royale, no. 3 in the 8th arrondissement, and is known for its Art Nouveau interior. The restaurant is very popular with celebrities.

Cultural landmarks of Paris

33. See Paris from the Montparnasse Tower

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From the Montparnasse Tower, you can look at Paris along with the Eiffel Tower from a bird's eye view. The city looks magical when the night lights come on.

34. Take a guided tour of Disneyland Paris

© Gagliardi Photography

Disneyland Amusement Park is located in the town of Marne-la-Valais, 32 km east of Paris. Disneyland includes 5 theme parks as well as a number of hotels. You can get here by train, high-speed train or bus.

35. Visit Shakespeare and Company Bookstore

© Kzenon

This is perhaps the most famous independent bookstore in the world, located in the 6th arrondissement of Paris. Here you can snuggle up and explore the place where writers such as Francis Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway used to gather.

36. Eat a croissant for breakfast

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When you are in Paris, eat like Parisians. Head to Eric Kayser and Gontran Cherrier bakery for the most delicate croissants.

37. Go to a jazz club

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Jazz has become very popular in Paris. Visit jazz clubs such as Autor de Midi et Minuit and Blue Note in Montmartre, where you can listen to musicians and immerse yourself in an amazing atmosphere.

38. Taste wine, baguette and cheese in the park

© Jacob Lund

Paris has many beautiful parks, so grab a bottle of wine, a fresh baguette from the bakery and different types of cheese, find a park bench or sit on the grass and enjoy the wonderful moments.

39. Smell the peonies

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There are also many flower shops in France as well as bakeries. Parisians know how to enjoy life. When the season of peonies begins, you will be able to find huge stacks of these flowers in every flower shop.

40. Go to the Markets

© Jaspe

If you want to visit the flea market, head to Marché aux Puces de St-Ouen, for food in the Marché Bastille market, and for art and antiques at the Hôtel Drouot and Brocante des Abbesses.

Briefly about the sights of Paris

41. Take a walk along the Promenade Plant

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La Promenade Plantée, which translates as "green alley", is an alley that stretches for almost 5 km, laid on top of an abandoned railway. The alley is surrounded by trees and bushes and is a wonderful resting place away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Walking along the alley, you will find yourself in the green area of ​​the Réuilly Garden, a hidden garden in the middle of Paris.

42. Explore Belleville

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The Belleville Quarter is a working class district in Paris, where Chinese supermarkets, Tunisian restaurants and French cafes coexist, and where tourists are rarely seen. Spend the day exploring the Rue Denoyer, filled with graffiti, street art and murals.

43. Watch a movie in an open-air cinema

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The open-air film festival Cinéma en Plein Air returns to the Parc de la Villette every summer. This is one of the many cultural programs that take place in the park throughout the year.

44. Visit the Wall of Love

© Jaspe

Paris is a city of love and it is not surprising that the wall of love in Montmartre with hundreds of "I love you" inscriptions in different languages ​​attracts hundreds of tourists who do not want to miss the opportunity to take pictures here.

45. Dine at Le Double Fond Café-Theater

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Enjoy the warmth of Parisian authenticity in the heart of Paris, where you can spend an unforgettable time at the Le Double Fond Café-Theater, where you will be shown magic tricks right at the table.

46. ​​Order lunch and drinks at the Jules Verne restaurant on the Eiffel Tower

© Jaspe

Lunch or dinner at one of the most romantic restaurants on the Eiffel Tower can be quite expensive, and you need to book a table here in advance.

47. Take a Champagne Tasting Tour

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Take a guided tour of Champagne to sample local drinks and enjoy baguette and cheese.

48. Find unique things in the market Les Puces de Saint-Ouen

© kasto

The maze of shops is filled with a variety of vintage items from paintings and antique furniture to outfits.

49. Dine at a hidden restaurant

© Kichigin

A hidden restaurant Derrière with an unmarked entrance on the Rue des Gravilliers that leads into the courtyard and apartment. You can eat and drink in the living room, garden, and even your bedroom.

50. Visit Place des Vosges

© scrisman

Place des Vosges is the oldest and most beautiful square in Paris, where Victor Hugo once lived. Have a drink at the café on the square and stroll through the Marais quarter. The square was built by Henry IV in 1605-1612 about 400 years ago.

House for the Invalids

We start our route from the House of Invalids. This is a whole complex of buildings where museums are located (the Museum of the Army, the Museum of Plans and Reliefs, the Museum of Modern History), monuments of the military history of France, as well as a working nursing home for war veterans. The most interesting thing here is the tomb of Emperor Napoleon.

Field of Mars

It is very pleasant to walk in the public park - Champ de Mars and sit for a while on the grass with tourists from all over the world. Many have breakfast here and along the way invent new poses for a photo with the Eiffel Tower.

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is located in the northwestern part of the Champ de Mars. Below the tower you will see several lines. Make sure you are queuing up the elevator and not the stairs. Be sure to climb to the top floor and remember the morning Paris.

Jules Verne Restaurant

A light lunch at the most famous restaurant in Paris, located on the Eiffel Tower, will enhance the feeling of magic. Nothing cheers you up like a glass of champagne at a height of 125 meters.

Chaillot palace

We get down from the tower and cross the bridge over the Seine. Very soon we find ourselves at a majestic building, consisting of two arched pavilions. Between these pavilions there is a platform - it is from here that the most wonderful view of the Eiffel Tower in the city opens. The inside of the palace houses several rather fascinating museums: the Museum of Man, the Museum of the Fleet and the Museum of Architecture.

Triumphal Arch

Address: 150 Avenue des Champs Élysées, Paris
Price: 9.50 €
Working hours: 10: 00-23: 00
Time for inspection: 30 minutes

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You can walk along av. Kleber or take a short bus ride to one of the symbols of Paris - the Arc de Triomphe. There is a small museum inside the arch, but the most interesting thing is at the top - an observation deck, from where a beautiful view of the capital opens.

Elysian Fields

Next, we move along the Champs Elysees. This street stretches from the Arc de Triomphe to the Place de la Concorde. It is one of the most beautiful streets in Paris, therefore it has become a favorite walking place for Parisians and tourists. You can walk or take one or two stops by bus. Be careful, the Champs Elysees is two kilometers long. There are shops, cafes, restaurants, cinemas and much more.

Large, Small and Open Palaces

Address: 3 Avenue du Général Eisenhower, Avenue Dutuit;
Avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Time for inspection: 30 minutes

Towards the end of the Champs Elysées, you will see two neoclassical exhibition halls - the Grand Palace and the Small Palace, as well as the Open Palace. The Grand Palace has a magnificent multi-faceted glass roof. Due to the fall of a glass ceiling panel in 1993, it was closed for 12 years, but now it welcomes visitors again.


Small Palace - permanent collection - free, fees apply only for temporary exhibitions
Open Palace - 8 €, preferential categories 6 €, 3 € or free

Working hours

The Grand Palace is only open during exhibitions and events.
Small Palace - Tue-Sun 10: 00-18: 00
Open Palace - Tue-Sat 09: 30-18: 00, Sun and holidays 10: 00-19: 00

Concorde Square

The magnificent architecture of the church has made it one of the main attractions of Paris. On the steps of the church you can sit and enjoy the views.

Opera Garnier

We walk along the Boulevard des Capucines to the Paris Opera. The Opera House Garnier in Paris is one of the most famous opera houses in the world, it is unusually beautiful. If time permits, be sure to attend the opera or ballet on the following days.

Flunch Restaurant

Further along rue de Mogador we ascend to the Church of St. Trinity. From there, take a bus or walk to the Place de Clichy metro station. You are probably hungry, and here you will be helped by a small French fast food restaurant - Flunch. It will show that French fast food is unlike anything else.


Address: Montmartre, Paris
Time for inspection: 120 min

Having gained strength after dinner, we move to the famous Montmartre hill. Climb the hill on foot from the Abbesses metro station line 12. Montmartre is the highest point in Paris and one of the city's most popular attractions. There are theaters, museums, squares, churches and, of course, cabaret. Remember the Moulin Rouge, where you can see the famous cancan every evening? Yes, he is right here.

Wall of love

Not far from the Abbesses metro station is another amazing landmark of Paris. The Wall of Love very quickly became extremely popular among Parisians and tourists from all over the world. For many years, the author of the project has been collecting the inscriptions “I love you” in different languages ​​in a notebook. As a result, over more than 10 years, he collected 1000 inscriptions in 300 different languages ​​and dialects.

Playa de Tertre square

Address: Place du Tertre 75018 Paris
Time for inspection: 30 minutes

We rise higher. You can walk, but the funicular is more fun, especially since you can pay for travel with a regular metro ticket. Next, we find ourselves at the famous Playa de Tertre square. It is the heart of Montmartre, home to artists and musicians. The place is amazing, you should definitely buy something from the souvenirs here.

Basilica of the Sacre Coeur

We go further and find ourselves at the Sacre Coeur Basilica. The amazing architectural monument is located at the top of the Montmartre hill and is visible from afar. A large wide staircase leads to the church, with a view of 50 kilometers into the distance. Sit back and enjoy the view of Paris in the evening.

Day 2

Luxembourg garden

The wonderful garden, which occupies 26 hectares, is very fond of the Parisians themselves. There is a very beautiful Luxembourg Palace, built for Marie de Medici, the Luxembourg Museum and magnificent fountains.

Notre Dame de Paris

This is an amazingly beautiful building, a unique monument of French architecture in the early Gothic style, the spiritual center of Paris and one of its main attractions. Notre Dame de Paris is a working Catholic church, be sure to visit it. Please note that the cathedral has free guided tours in Russian on Wednesdays at 14:00 and Saturdays at 14:30.

Chapel of Sainte-Chapelle

Address: Sainte-Chapelle 4 boulevard du Palais 75001 Paris
Price: 8.50 €
Working hours: 09: 30-18: 00
Time for inspection: 30 minutes

The magnificent 13th century chapel once served as a repository of sacred relics brought by the crusaders from Constantinople. Inside there are unusually beautiful colored stained-glass windows. See also the Palace of Justice and the island's gabled square with the statue of Henry IV.

Hippopotamus Restaurant

After visiting so many attractions and before many more, you need to have lunch. The Ipopotamus restaurant is famous for its meat dishes, there is a special menu for children and some entertainment.


The Louvre is one of the largest and most famous museums in the world, and undoubtedly the largest and most popular museum in France among tourists. Do not be intimidated by the queues, they move quickly. Of course, it’s hard to say how much time it’s worth spending there, you can’t see it all at once or twice. Nevertheless, for the first acquaintance, three hours may well be enough for you.

Tuileries Garden

A magnificent garden stretches between the Louvre and Place de la Concorde. Here you can take a breath after walking around the museum.

Museum d'Orsay

Address: 1, rue de Bellechasse
Price: 9 €
Working hours: Tue-Wed 10: 00-18: 00, Thu 10: 00-21: 45, Sat 09: 00-19: 00
Time for inspection: 60 minutes

We go to the Place de la Concorde and then across the bridge to the Musée d'Orsay. This Museum of Fine and Applied Arts in Paris is one of the most visited museums in France. It contains one of the richest collections of European painting and sculpture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Eiffel Tower

That's right, we come to the Eiffel Tower again. The point is that Paris is a unique, inimitable city and must be seen in all its glory. There is only one way to do this: see Paris from the Eiffel Tower in the morning ... and then again in the evening. These two types cannot even be compared, it just needs to be done!

If you are visiting Paris for a weekend or you have only two days to spare, you can use our itinerary. By the way, if you have only one day to see the sights of Paris, then you can use route number 1

Route number 2.

A. Arc de Triomphe.

B. Trocadero.

C. Eiffel Tower.

D. École Militaire.

E. Palace of the Invalids.

F. Pont Alexander III.

G. Musée d'Orsay

H. Church Saint-Germain

I. Montparnasse Tower.

J. Luxembourg Gardens.

K. Pantheon.

L. Notre Dame Cathedral.

M. Isle of Saint-Louis.

N. Place de la Bastille.

P. Tuileries Gardens and Louvre.

Q. Place Vendome.

R. Moulin Rouge.

S. Basilica of the Sacre-Coeur and Montmartre.

As in all capitals of the world, all the main attractions are collected in the center of the city, from where, in fact, its development began. In this case, the length of the route is 25 km. to take a good look at all the sights indicated on the map, you will need two days. This also includes a boat trip on the Seine and a walk along the Avenue des champs Elysees.

We begin our journey around the city, like most tourists, from the Arc de Triomphe (A), erected by order of Napoleon, after the Battle of Austerlitz, in honor of the military revolutionary victories of France. Napoleon himself never lived to see the end of the construction. You can climb the Arch for a fee. In our opinion, it is not so much a waste of money as a waste of time.

Here you can explore the Eiffel Tower, walk along the Champ de Mars, see the Palace of the Invalides (E), the construction of which was started by order of Louis XIV on February 24, 1670 as a nursing home for honored army veterans ("war invalids"). It was one of the first invalid homes in Europe. Then you will pass by the Alexander Bridge (F). The bridge was laid to commemorate the Franco-Russian alliance by Emperor Nicholas II.

Walking along the Seine River embankment, you will come to one of the world's largest collections of European painting and sculpture from the period 1850-1910 - Musée d'Orsay (Musée Orsay) (G). Anyone interested can visit this museum, and we go further and go out to the walls of the Saint-Germain church (H), next to which there are restaurants, a large number of which are scattered throughout the city center, where you can stop for lunch.

After lunch we continue our journey further, namely to the Montparnasse tower (I). This is a modern skyscraper with 57 floors, height - 210 m. On the upper floors of the skyscraper there is a cafe, a souvenir shop and an observation deck, from where a panoramic view of most of the city opens.

After visiting the tower, we go further along the route we have drawn up. Next stop is Luxembourg Gardens (J). A very beautiful palace and park ensemble located in the center of Paris. Here you can visit the palace, or you can limit yourself to a walk in the park, which will leave you with a lot of positive emotions. Like many sights of Paris, this park was laid out in 1611/1612. commissioned by the Medici family, Maria Medici. Be careful, you don't notice how time goes by in the park and you can stay there for a long time. But time urges us on and we go to Notre Dame Cathedral (L).

On the way to the Cathedral, we will see a pompous building - the Pantheon (K). The Pantheon was built on the grounds of the Abbey of Saint Genevieve. The construction was carried out on the vow of King Louis XV, who vowed to build a new temple in the abbey in case of his recovery from a serious illness. The building was laid down in 1758 and finished in 1789. By the time the temple was completed, the king was overthrown and the revolutionary government ordered the church to be turned into a mausoleum of the great French.

Finally we come to the very heart of Paris - Notre Dame de Paris (Notre Dame de Paris; Notre Dame de Paris) (L), the construction of which began in 1163, under Louis VII of France and ended only in 1315, together with the interior decoration ... If the Cathedral is open, you can go upstairs, for a fee.

Here, next to the Cathedral, you can buy tickets for the ship and take a ride on the Seine, around the Ile Saint-Louis (M), then to the Eiffel Tower and back to Notre Dame Cathedral.

It is enough for the first day. In the evening, you can leave a stroll along the famous Avenue des champs Elysees (Champs Elysees) sung by the French singer Joe Dassin (Joe Dassin).

The next day, start your journey from the Place de la Bastille (N), which takes its name from the Bastille fortress, destroyed during the French Revolution. The square is the intersection of more than ten streets and boulevards.

Next, the Louvre and the beautiful Tuileries Gardens (P), laid out by order of Catherine de Medici in 1564, await you. Before that, there was a dump here, right outside the walls of the Louvre Fortress. After a stroll through the park, where you can also dine, continue through the Place Vendome (Q) to the famous Parisian cabaret Moulin Rouge, which means the Red Mill.

The last point on our journey will be the Basilica du Sacré Cœur - "Basilica of the Sacred Heart" (S) - a Catholic church built in 1876-1914. in the Roman-Byzantine style, located at the top of the Montmartre hill.

Montmartre hill - the highest point of Paris - 130 meters, one of the most popular sights of the French capital. You can climb Montmartre using the famous stairs or using the cable car.

These are, perhaps, all the main attractions of Paris. The list, of course, is not exhaustive and you can adjust it according to your wishes and discretion.