Speech at the opening of the branch. Opening event speech

  • 01.09.2020

How do you come up with a powerful, bright start to a speech in front of an audience? Here are some ways to give your speech an effective start. If you figure out how to show your audience your warmth and friendliness and at the same time manage to impress them, then in 30 seconds after the start of the speech, she will be ready to follow you to the ends of the world.

Mention some current event. Use the front page of a recent newspaper as a bridge to get to the topic of your conversation or to prove or illustrate your point. You can bring a copy of the newspaper with you and unroll it in front of everyone when you refer to what is written in it during the opening speeches. Such a picture - you are standing on a stage with a newspaper in your hands and reading or reciting important thoughts by heart - will draw the attention of the audience to you and make people lean forward so as not to miss a single word of yours.

Retell a recent conversation. Begin by retelling your recent conversation with someone present. For example, say something like this: “I was talking to Tom Robinson in the lobby a few minutes ago. He told me that now is one of the best times to do business in this industry. And I agree with him."

Make a shocking statement. You can start your speech with a statement that will cause some shock. For example, you could say something like, “Recent reports indicate that competition in this industry will not only intensify next year, but will lead to changes and new opportunities that were unimaginable in the past. As a result of all the perturbations, 72 percent of the people sitting in the hall now will be working in another area in two years if they cannot adapt quickly enough to the changed environment.”

Start with an anecdote, if appropriate. You can also start a speech with a joke, but only if it is actually funny. You must be 100% sure that the audience will perceive your statement or tale as comical. Therefore, you should test your anecdote several times on other people beforehand to make sure of its effect. Use humor only if you yourself think the story or joke is funny, and also if you are convinced that you can tell it well and it will really be adequately perceived by the audience.

Entertain your audience. One of the best American speakers, Bill Gove, after he was formally introduced to the audience, usually walked on stage as if he had just interrupted one conversation backstage to now move on to another - with a group of people sitting in the hall. The listeners got the feeling that he was not going to make a speech, but simply wanted to talk to them.

Beal often walked to the very edge of the stage, gave himself a conspiratorial air, urged the audience to move closer to him with his hands and said in a half-whisper: "Come closer, I need to tell you something." One got the impression that he was going to reveal some great secret - to everyone present at the same time.

The most amazing thing is that the people in the audience actually leaned forward to hear the "secret". And then they would suddenly become aware of what they were doing and burst into laughter. After this “trickster”, Gove could already twist ropes out of them, as they say.

Ask a question, take a survey. You can also start by making some kind of positive statement, and then ask a question that involves a show of hands. Try this: “Today is a great time for us to live and do business. By the way, how many of you have your own business?”

I often start a conversation in this way and, after a certain number of listeners raise their hands, I ask one of them sitting closer to the stage: “How many people really do their own thing?”.

Invariably someone answers: “We all!”. After that, I give confirmation to this answer: “You are right! We are all minding our own business, from the moment we get our first job until we retire. We all work for ourselves, regardless of who pays us a salary.”

Make a statement and ask a question. You can start with some impressive statement and then ask a question. Then give an answer and ask the next question. This technique instantly engages people in the topic, and they will eagerly hang on your every word. Here is an example:

“Twenty percent of the people in our society earn 80 percent of the money. Are you in the top 20 percent? So, in the next few minutes, I'm going to give you some ideas that will help you become one of the highest paid members of our society. Do you think it was worth it to come to the seminar today for this?”

There is one interesting psychological phenomenon that manifests itself in people from childhood: they are determined to answer the questions posed. Every time you ask a question and then pause to give people time to process it, you take full control of the audience. Even if people don't answer out loud, they can't bring themselves to not answer at all.

Start with history. You can start your speech with a story. It is difficult to come up with stronger words that instantly capture the attention of the audience than the words "Once upon a time there lived-were ...".

From infancy and early childhood, people love all kinds of stories and fairy tales. The listeners instantly calm down, fall silent and lean forward, like children sitting around a fire. When I run all-day seminars and I want the participants to quickly settle into their seats after the coffee break, I say out loud: “A long time ago, I lived in a city, right in this very city, a man...” Hearing these words, the seminar participants quickly sit down and fall silent in anticipation of the continuation of the story.

Build a bridge between yourself and the audience. One of the most important tasks of the introductory part of the speech is to establish contact with the audience, to build a bridge between you. Start with something that connects you with your audience. For example, from the fact that today - or sometime in the past - you worked in the same industry. Maybe you have kids like them. Maybe you know their city, or you support the local football or basketball team. Or you have a problem or concern that is very similar to the problems and concerns listeners face in their work or life.

If you take a few minutes to build such a bridge between you and your listeners, they will immediately come over to your side. They will see that you are one of them and will be more receptive to your words and ideas, as well as become more generous and forgiving of your possible mistakes. They will feel that you are a literate and accessible person, because you have a lot in common with them.

Tell the audience about yourself. Very often I begin my speeches to businessmen, entrepreneurs and sales representatives with the words: “I went into business without graduating from high school. My family didn't have money. Everything that I have achieved in life, I had to achieve myself. If someone helped me, then just a little bit.

It's amazing how many people come up to me after speaking like this to confirm that they've gone the same way. And, by their admission, they immediately began to identify themselves with me, because they themselves, like most people, started with poor grades in school and low financial opportunities. Therefore, they listened to my speech with great interest and felt: everything that I say describes their current situation much more accurately and is much more useful for their future than what a person with a “high start” in life could say in my place. It is very useful to throw such bridges between yourself and the listeners: they will definitely come over to your side through it.

And 6 more ideas:

  • Thank the organizers
  • Praise your listeners
  • Recall a historical event
  • Quote the words of a famous person
  • Provide data from the latest research
  • Start with a problem

Comment on the article "How to start a speech: 10 ideas. What listeners like"

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How to start a speech: 10 ideas. What listeners like. How to win an audience from the first words: public speaking techniques.

How to start a speech: 10 ideas. What listeners like. How to win an audience from the first words: public speaking techniques.

How to start a speech: 10 ideas. What listeners like. How to win an audience from the first words: public speaking techniques.

How to start a speech: 10 ideas. What listeners like. How to win an audience from the first words: public speaking techniques.

How to start a speech: 10 ideas. What listeners like. How to win an audience from the first words: public speaking techniques.

How to start a speech: 10 ideas. What listeners like. How to win an audience from the first words: public speaking techniques.

How to start a speech: 10 ideas. What listeners like. How to win an audience from the first words: public speaking techniques.

Congratulatory and welcome speech

Use respectful language: respected, respected, dear, dear; respected- with official congratulations, when addressing an elder, a boss, a leader. If you have especially warm, friendly relations with the "hero of the occasion", you can contact him honey, honey. If you want to enhance the good feelings expressed, you can add our or my to appeals dear, dear .

Describe the occasion, the event in honor of which you are delivering your speech.

Explain why you are pleased to speak with congratulations today.

I am especially pleased to say this word, because I ...

Today's event is especially important because...

Praise the person you congratulate (note his merits, list his positive qualities; emphasize why You love him especially; thank him for helping you, helping you out (here, of course, everyone chooses their own words of gratitude), etc.

Avoid standard phrases, try to bring originality to your congratulations.

Smile amiably, speak in a warm, sincere tone, looking at the "hero of the occasion."

End the congratulations with emotional wishes.

Dear Eugene!

Luckily, today's rhetoric class coincided with your birthday!

And I am especially pleased to pronounce this word to you, applying dry theory to burning practice.

Watching you for more than a day, I want to note your genuine sincerity and interest in the subject, the desire to learn new things all the time and immediately apply the knowledge gained in real life space.

And the look of your open, friendly eyes, a pleasant smile, approving and supportive gestures, the desire to speak and argue convince me, the teacher, that my subject is interesting and necessary for you.

I wish you, Eugene, to always be as sincere and purposeful, to keep in yourself the unquenchable fire of all good human desires. Desire to learn: while we are learning, we are young. The desire to work, striving for internal self-affirmation. The desire to love and be loved is the strongest stimulus in achieving the goal. And the desire to live long, preserving youth, love and gaining life experience and wisdom over the years.

Happy birthday!

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Not a single event, whether it is the opening of a long-awaited educational center or the anniversary of a relative, is complete without a welcoming speech. Almost everyone has to give a welcome speech at least once, so it's worth exploring a few tips on how to line up your greeting.

The right welcome speech is one of the keys to a successful event. It is in the first minutes of his speech that the speaker has a chance to win over the audience and draw their attention to the celebration, in which the reading of the welcoming speech takes place. Already by the first words, the audience forms its opinion about the speaker and everything that happens. In order not to give listeners a reason for boredom and whispering, you should pay attention to the rules for constructing a welcoming speech, which include 5 points.

First you need to say hello to the audience. Many professional speakers already have their own salutatory habits. So, for example, Vladimir Putin, when speaking to an audience of a different nationality, greets not only in Russian, but also in the native language of the listener (greeting in Tatar at the opening of the Universiade in Kazan or greeting in Armenian when speaking in Yerevan, etc.).

It is enough for a novice speaker to greet everyone in a friendly manner, using clichés such as:

  • good afternoon/evening;
  • Ladies and Gentlemen;
  • dear friends/colleagues;
  • glad to greet/see you;
  • welcome, etc.

At the conference: “Good evening, dear colleagues! I am glad to welcome you to today's scientific conference dedicated to the issues of neurolinguistics."

Welcoming speech at the opening of the stadium: “Hello, dear guests! I am pleased to announce the grand opening of the long-awaited city stadium."

A few words about the venue

After the greeting, in most cases, a concise but vivid commentary is given about the facility where the event is held. Depending on the occasion of the speech, only a few beautiful words are said about the place of organization of the event, or, on the contrary, a whole digression is made to describe the place of the meeting. The latter often happens when a welcoming speech is read at the opening of a significant object.

The following expressions can be used to describe the meeting place:

  • we are gathered in this beautiful/new/restored hall;
  • the new complex opened its doors;
  • a lot of effort and resources went into the construction of this memorial/complex/building;
  • well-known architects and designers worked on the object;
  • the best materials were used in the construction;
  • innovative technologies were introduced, etc.

Welcoming speech at the opening of the kindergarten: “Today we are witnessing the opening of kindergarten No. 36, which all the residents of the new microdistrict have been waiting for so long. This modern building is bright and cheerful not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Specially invited designers worked on the interior. We took into account all the wishes of parents, so this kindergarten has special children's exercise equipment and a pool for active games, as well as musical instruments for music lessons.”

Company Birthday Speech: "We have gathered at this wonderful restaurant to celebrate the first year of our company's founding."

About the event

The central part of the welcoming speech, whether it is the speech of the principal of the school or the speech on the anniversary of the company, is a short story about the essence of what is happening. So, the speech of the host at the wedding is based on the introduction of the couple, the history of the acquaintance, the description of the celebration itself, etc. It is necessary to present to the audience the reason for the event, its purpose, significance, as well as the program in individual cases.

To describe what is happening at the event, you can use expressions such as:

  • we are here to...;
  • the purpose of today's event is…;
  • This event is dedicated to...;
  • this conference / this opening / this holiday has a special meaning for each person gathered;
  • today you are waiting for the performances of artists / scientists with reports / teachers, etc.

The speech of the head at the corporate party: “We have gathered here to celebrate the upcoming holidays together. We are all not just colleagues, but rather one big family. The festive atmosphere will unite us even more, which will allow us to continue to work effectively shoulder to shoulder for the benefit of our common cause.”

Solemn speech at the opening of the sports complex: “This wonderful event is dedicated to the opening of the most important facility in the life of citizens, namely the sports complex. We have all been waiting for this for a long time and believed that in the near future a modern sports center will appear in our city. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of today's event for the life of the entire city. Let's enjoy the performances of young athletes who will start attending classes at our new sports complex tomorrow.”

Gratitude to those who came

Toward the end, a solemn speech at a particular event should move on to announcing gratitude to those who have gathered and in particular those who contributed to what became a cause for celebration. Words of gratitude should sound appropriate and natural, that is, without a hint of flattery.

You can express your respect with the following clichés:

  • this event became possible only thanks to…;
  • if not for your help...;
  • we have walked this path together;
  • this anniversary speech is dedicated to you, colleagues;
  • I want to thank everyone who has been with me throughout this journey;
  • thank you friends;
  • I want to express my gratitude / respect, etc.

An example is the speech of the director of the company, delivered at an event in honor of the anniversary of the organization:
“The company is like clockwork. If some seemingly small detail is missing, the watch is standing. It is the same in the company: every employee is important. That is why on this solemn day I want, first of all, to thank each of my colleagues for the work done. We came to this round date together. Only thanks to all of you our company prospers. Thanks friends!".


At the end of your speech, it is necessary to express hopes for the future and wishes to the audience regarding the event. So, a speech for an anniversary usually ends with a congratulation of the hero of the day or a wish for a good time during the holiday.

A clear example of the completion of a speech with a wish is the constant expression of the presenter Dmitry Nagiyev: “Good luck to you, love and patience. All right, bye, bye."

Any speech, whatever its nature, should end on a bright note. The following expressions will help to create such an impression:

  • I believe that further prosperity awaits us;
  • I hope that only victories await us ahead;
  • I want to wish everyone here a good evening;
  • I wish you enjoy the concert / evening / performances, etc.

As an example of the end of the speech, the solemn speech at the official closing of the festival is used:
“In the end, I want to wish you never to leave your life path. I believe that our paths will one day converge again, and we will spend unforgettable days together, like at this music festival. Love yourself and be true to yourself. Goodbye, dear friends!

A solemn speech for any event has the same framework that a novice speaker can use to prepare a good welcome speech for any occasion. The main thing is to be sincere and be yourself.

Best C O H A L E N I A

Congratulatory speech.

« LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! May we all live to a flourishing old age in prosperity and happiness! Steward, another basket of champagne!short toastrecommended Mark Twain as a model congratulatory speech for the head of the section, rewarding the policeman with a wrist watch. Judge for yourself whether it is worth being so concise when pronouncingcongratulatory speech for the anniversaryboss, because your boss and I don't know each other. And we are of the opinion that congratulate in prose- a serious matter. Congratulate in verse or prose- not so important, but congratulations should be good.Congratulations in verse - great, but some don't like poetry.Congratulations in prose - what we do with pleasure!


Why is it better to order a congratulation to an enterprise, organization in verse:

The team will be pleased to hear not a stamp, but poems dedicated to it

The price of a quatrain is only 150 rubles, more than 10 quatrains - 140

We do not work with prepayment

Execution - day, if you need urgently - on the day of order


Congratulations in prose

Happy birthday dad in prose

Congratulatory speech on the anniversary of the enterprise(congratulations in prose, speech on the anniversary of JSC)

Dear guests and hosts of the holiday. For me, as the head of an enterprise that is part of the Stroyinvestmontazh holding, known throughout the country, it is a great honor to be among those invited to your wonderful holiday. Today marks ten years of a successful and prosperous company. Maybe ten years is a short time on a global scale, but for Russian business this time is a whole era. There may be a lot of successful prosperous enterprises in Russia, but if we are talking about one created from scratch, such examples can be counted on the fingers. So the anniversary, supported by real successes, is doubly significant. I would like to say especially warm words to the founder and head of the holding, Oleg Petrovich Yatsenko. Oleg Petrovich, you came up with it, organized a business in which hundreds of people are employed today. And let our business prosper and benefit the country and people. Happy holiday, colleagues!

Congratulations in prose on the anniversary of the organization.

Dear Colleagues! Ten years ago, in May 2000, on the ruins of several collapsed agricultural enterprises, an association arose, registered under the brand name of OAO Privolye. Today, Privolye can be safely called the avant-garde of Russian agriculture. Chips "Anniversary" are known all over the country. And they grow potatoes for them on the land of JSC. The success of "Privolye" is multifaceted and versatile. It is in creating a completely new management system for our agriculture, and in relying on advanced technologies and modern equipment. I would like to say that "Privolye" is famous not only for its success in production, but also for good deeds. During its existence, all earned OJSC is invested in the development of production, the social sphere. I would like to wish our OJSC to adhere to this policy in the future. Let not stray migrant workers continue to work on its lands, but local residents, for whom it creates conditions. Happy holiday to you!

Congratulatory speech to colleagues on the anniversary of the organization

Comrades! Much has been said about the success of our agricultural association. There is one more thing I would like to say today. We are all here, the heads of various divisions of the holding, we have known each other for many years, and we are connected not only by industrial affairs, but also by personal relationships, sometimes from student benches. Legally, we are separate organizations, in fact, we are a single team of friends and like-minded people with common goals and objectives. And for me, a person who has been a part of this team from the very beginning, working with such experienced and knowledgeable people is a great joy and a wonderful life school. Let me once again congratulate all those gathered on a wonderful anniversary and wish OJSC "Privolye" to achieve further success in agricultural production and make a worthy contribution to the creation and development of Russia!

Other congratulatory speeches for the anniversary of the organization

Other congratulations in verse

Who do we congratulate:

Congratulations to the father
Congratulations to mom
Congratulations to the wife
Congratulations to my husband
Congratulations brother
Congratulations sister
Congratulations to aunt
Congratulations to your beloved
Congratulations to your beloved
Congratulations to a friend