Pilgrimage service to holy places. Trip to Nikologory

  • 22.08.2020

According to holy places, it is valuable for a person who lives not only with physical needs, but also with spiritual, spiritual... All this is quite achievable and accessible thanks to the Pilgrimage Center of the Moscow Patriarchate! It organizes trips to the holy places of Russia, and to places of spiritual power beyond its borders! There are also seminars and meetings...

Mission of the center

The formation of the Pilgrimage Center in Moscow took place in 1999. And Alexy II, the Moscow Patriarch, blessed its establishment.

At present, the center continues its spiritual and educational activities thanks to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

Around the world, a lot of tourists make pilgrimages to holy places. They also visit Russian lands. And the Pilgrimage Center welcomes foreign as well as Russian pilgrims under its spiritual wing. Here they are introduced to the history of Orthodoxy, the Orthodox pilgrimage, the spiritual and educational life of the capital of Russia and its other cities, they are told about Orthodox shrines and monuments of architecture and art of the Russian Federation.

The main mission of the Pilgrimage Center is the organization to holy places. These can be places (perhaps little-known!) of the Russian region, as well as Biblical countries.

During the years of the Pilgrimage Center's life, the hierarchs and clergy have become its guests, as well as pupils, students, pilgrims from different cities of Russia, Germany, the USA, Serbia, Japan, France and other countries.

The center is located on Sparrow Hills in Moscow. In the building of the hotel "Universitetskaya", on the 15th floor. All of it is under the control of the Pilgrimage Center. Also in the building there is the Church of Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, which is the highest temple in the capital!

The head of the center is Hierodeacon Sergius.

Pilgrimage trips

Half of all the Holy Lands of the world, thanks to Divine Providence, are located on the territory of Russia. This is a real blessing for the Russian people! A great number of other spiritual abodes invite everyone who wants and thirsts to plunge into the world of purity and grace!

The Pilgrimage Center organizes the following trips to such Russian shrines as:

New Jerusalem - is considered the greatest shrine of the Orthodox world, since its main temple - the Resurrection Cathedral - is made in the image of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Here, near Moscow, all the sacred places and attributes are exactly reproduced, as in the Holy Land! The monastery was founded by Patriarch Nikon.

The Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery is located near Zvenigorod, just fifty kilometers from the capital. The monastery is popular among pilgrims because it houses the relics of a disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh - Savva Strozhevsky. There is also in which you can dip in order to be cured of many diseases.

A trip to Kolomna is especially good for those who dream of a happy family life filled with love and spirituality.

Optina Pustyn is a trip to find inner silence and concentration.

And much more.

Also, the tours of the Pilgrimage Center (Moscow Patriarchate) include trips to the holy lands of the world. Namely: Jerusalem, Jericho, Lydda and Bethlehem and others. And also the holy cloisters of Greece, Serbia, Montenegro, Italy, Bulgaria.

Spiritual and educational activities of the center

Within the framework of the Pilgrimage Center, a cultural center called "University" was organized.

Its modern cinema hall, with a capacity of 500 people, gathers people from all over the world to hold many social events of a religious and educational nature at the national and global level.

The Pilgrimage Center (Moscow Patriarchate) organizes seminars, plenary sessions, conferences of European churches, congresses of the Orthodox press, congresses of Orthodox youth, and church-public conferences “Let us be saved by unity and love.”

The center also hosts meetings of the Union of Women of the Orthodox World (Russia), Christmas Readings (of an international scale), and film festivals. Shows of performances of the children's theater are organized, social and charitable events are held, and much more.

The Center also publishes its own periodical.

Trips to holy places help a believer to join the richest Orthodox culture, to expand their spiritual experience. By visiting churches and monasteries, a Christian gets the opportunity not only to comprehend logically, but also to feel with his soul the essence of the Christian faith. Pilgrimage is the cultivation of faith in the soul, it has no less influence on a person than prayer or fasting.

Pilgrimage services in Moscow are developing their own routes for the Orthodox. Their goal is to help a person visit the most important centers of Orthodoxy from the point of view of believers, to see and touch the shrines with their own eyes. Pilgrimage trips from Moscow are thought out in such a way as to expand knowledge and spiritual experience, to acquaint you with the peculiarities of life in monasteries and temples.

Orthodox trips allow you to delve into the spiritual life of people who have devoted their entire lives to serving the Lord, who have abandoned worldly goods and concerns. On a pilgrimage, worldly vanity disappears from consciousness, a new world opens up - spiritual joys, self-denial and service. The human soul is renewed, feelings of light joy and peace appear.

A pilgrimage trip along the route ZADONSK - VORONEZH - ELETS is an opportunity to visit Orthodox places where the lights of the Russian land lived and worked. You will be able to venerate miraculous relics and icons, take a bath in holy natural springs, and take part in divine services. The first mention of the emergence of a temple in Zadonsk in honor of the miraculous salvation from the invasion of Tamerlane dates back to the 14th century. The Most Holy Mother of God with the heavenly host appeared to the invader in a dream and ordered them to leave the Russian lands. After a significant vision, he did not go to Moscow, but decided to turn back. Thanks to spiritual intercession, the city of Yelets became the extreme northern point of Tamerlane's empire.

Pilgrimage is an opportunity to touch the shrines with your soul and body, show love for the Lord, show the strength of your faith and clear your mind of sinful thoughts. To make a pilgrimage, it is not at all necessary to go on a long journey and spend a lot of money. Christ is in our midst, and his shrines are next to us. Therefore, we offer you a wonderful two-day trip, during which you can turn your eyes to God, enjoy the beauty of the temple decoration and the warm flame of candles, harmonious singing and the enchanting aroma of incense.

Trip to Nikologory

For many years, the glory of Christmas temple located in the modest village of Naguevo (Vyaznikovsky district, Vladimir region). Built and consecrated in 1819, the church did not close its doors to Orthodox Christians even during times of persecution. A small church in the village has become an object of pilgrimage and a real spiritual center, where thousands of Christians want to come.

Crimea with its great Orthodox shrines is called the cradle of Russian Orthodoxy, Russian Bethlehem. Here, from the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, the Christian faith expanded and multiplied. Here, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, who brought Orthodoxy to the Russian land, received Holy Baptism. Here rests with his holy relics the great physician - St. Luke of Crimea, abundantly exuding healing to the afflicted.

Travel dates are indicated from the air travel calculation. For travel by minibus, you need to take into account another 2 days of travel.

The ticket price is 19,900 rubles, including the cost of a trip by minibus 6,000 rubles (i.e. a ticket 13,900 + minibus 6000 rubles) . By minibus from Moscow to Port Kavkaz 1500 km about 19 hours. If you leave at 7:00, you will be at 3:00. Crossing up to 2 hours. From the Port of Crimea to Kacha 300 km - 4-5 hours. Arrival at 10.00.

The cost of the ticket includes: accommodation, meals, pilgrimage trips.

Not included: visits to paid museums.

To the sea 3 minutes walk. Not deep clear sea.

We invite everyone to a pilgrimage trip for two days - and these will be happy days when you breathe freely and easily, finding yourself in places far from earthly vanity.

Rylsky St. Nicholas Monastery will meet you with soft smiles of the inhabitants and the appeasement of God's services.
For half a thousand years the monastery has been standing on the Russian land, glorifying the Lord through the mouths of successive generations of monks.

Our invitation to a pilgrimage along the route of the village of Zhokino-Zakharovo-Pushkari-Ryazan is for everyone who wants to do good to their souls.

With heartfelt prayers, you can turn to God when you visit the ancient church of St. Apostle John the Theologian in the village of Zhokino.

This temple was built a long time ago, back in the 60s. XIX century, on the site of a dilapidated wooden church (1783). Miraculous healings of the sick often took place in the Theological Church, which is recorded in church history.

In our days, the influence of the devil on human minds is unusually great: after all, many temptations have been added that were never seen before. And it is through them that demons lead people away from God...

Carried away by worldly seductions, these unfortunate people sometimes do not understand what is happening to them.
But the degree of possession can increase so much that evil spirits, having completely enslaved the will of a person, use his body for their actions, speak through the lips of the possessed.

The spiritual wealth accumulated over the centuries by the monasteries of the Smolensk region becomes available to all pilgrims of our country and foreign camps. The schedule of pilgrimage trips is relevant at any time of the year, every month on their weekends everyone can visit the holy places of the Smolensk region. New, interesting routes allow you to get up close and personal with the abundance of Orthodox shrines and monasteries of the Smolensk Metropolis. A short pilgrimage tour is full of Shrines in different monasteries and excursions. You will be able to venerate holy icons and relics, take part in divine services, experience the healing power of holy springs.

Nilo-Stolobensky Monastery (Lake Seliger): the path of spiritual change in your life

We all, due to human weakness, often deviate from the rules of Christian life. And although we reproach ourselves for this, we still do not always have the strength to live without departing from God's institutions.

Therefore, we need to make regular pilgrimages that deepen our knowledge of the holy people who shone in the Russian land and strengthen our desire to serve Jesus Christ zealously.

A trip to Diveevo-Arzamas: increase faith in the Lord in your heart

The theme of faith is the most important issue for every believer. Unfortunately, many can say about themselves that the vanity of our life distracts from spiritual values, replacing them with worldly ones, and faith is gradually weakening.

pilgrimage trip- this is an opportunity to bow to Orthodox shrines, to visit places where great ascetics carried their prayer ministry, in general to learn more about the history of our Motherland or other countries.

Before a person who wants to go to any shrine of Orthodoxy, there is always a choice - how to do this?

You can become both an organizer of a pilgrimage trip and a guide: buy a ticket (for a bus, train or plane), find an option for an overnight stay (if the trip is planned for several days), read literature about the shrine. There are pros and cons here. In this case, freedom of action is an important advantage. During the trip itself, you can change or adjust plans, for example, stay longer in a place you like.

If you purchase a group pilgrimage tour, you must follow the itinerary of the trip. But all organizational issues are taken on by professionals - employees of the pilgrimage services. At the same time, no independent preparation for an Orthodox trip (especially with a chronic lack of time) can replace a guide who specializes in a particular pilgrimage route. Especially, it concerns trips abroad. The language barrier, the high cost of a taxi, the difficulty of orienting in an unfamiliar city can become an insurmountable wall on the way of an independent pilgrimage trip.

Another option for a pilgrimage tour can be a secular trip (that is, a regular tourist tour), which often includes holy places. During a tourist tour of Jerusalem, the pilgrim will certainly see the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Tours to Paris always include a visit to Notre Dame Cathedral, where he, moving away from the main group, can bow to the Savior's Crown of Thorns. But not always holy places are included in such programs. In addition, on a pilgrimage trip, the guide is specially trained to tell not only about the history of the region, cultural values ​​and biographies of famous natives of the city. Before the gaze of the pilgrim, events from the life of the saints who carried the word of God to this land, the whole history of Christianity, its influence on the way of life and culture of the indigenous people, will pass. How did they meet the preaching of the Gospel here, what relics and miraculous icons are kept in the visited churches and monasteries? You can learn about all this only on a pilgrimage tour, which is often accompanied by a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, who gives a spiritual explanation of historical events.

The schedule of Orthodox pilgrimage trips from Moscow and other cities is designed in such a way as to be in time for the Divine Liturgy, come to the monastery for the opening or removal of the revered relics of saints, which at normal times can be in a closed shrine, etc. During the fast, the pious mood of the pilgrim will not be brought down by inappropriate cheerful music or modest food.

At the same time, you should not be afraid that you will find yourself out of your element among the “true Orthodox”. Everyone has their own path to God, and on a pilgrimage no one will force you to pray, sing psalms, confess and be in the service. You can always decide for yourself: to what extent are you currently ready to accept God. It is even interesting to see from the outside how those who have already become churched act, and to outline for themselves their own, one and only path to the Temple.

Pokrov is a pilgrimage service whose schedule always takes into account the wishes of tourists and pilgrims.

International Pilgrimage Center "Pokrov" ©