Planting chives before winter. Chives: what kind of variety is this? Propagation of onion by seeds

  • 04.10.2023

Fresh greens are an indispensable element of a healthy diet, a source of vitamins and aromatic seasoning for salads and hot dishes. In many recipes, onions are an essential ingredient. Various types of it are used in cooking. Chives have a pleasant semi-sharp taste, lighter and subtler than the usual green onions. In addition, the amount of useful substances in its composition is pleasantly surprising: ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, choline, vitamins A, B3, B9, K, iron, calcium, manganese, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, copper, zinc and selenium.

The decorative qualities of this plant are not inferior to its beneficial properties. Pink, purple or white balls of inflorescences decorate chives bushes already in early May. Its smell attracts bees - it is an excellent honey plant. Chives are a perennial and very hardy plant that are practically not susceptible to disease, which makes its cultivation even more attractive. It is cultivated for industrial purposes all over the world.

The perennial herbaceous plant Allium schoenoprasum is distributed throughout the northern hemisphere. In different countries and regions it goes by different names - chives, skoroda, rezun, Siberian onions. Its leaves are narrow, dark green, 25–40 cm long.

The plant has small false onion. The bush consists of several such bulbs, turning into stems. Densely intertwined with roots, they form a continuous turf. There are two subspecies of chives:

  • Russian (alpine) has a more branched bush;
  • Siberian with a larger feather and less density.

Both types are different excellent frost resistance, even young shoots can withstand frost, which makes it possible to grow it even beyond the Arctic Circle. This onion has a unique ability to adapt to growing conditions. Chives can grow in one place for up to 10 years, however, the best yield lasts for the first 2-3 years, after which it needs to be replanted. Seeds set in the second year and remain viable for up to two years.


A careful approach to choosing a suitable planting site and providing optimal conditions for growth will allow you to grow excellent chives. Growing this unpretentious crop requires the use of simple agricultural technology. The planting area must be cleared of weeds and is well lit by the sun, although light partial shade is also allowed.

The soil for growing chives should be fertile and moderately moist (not waterlogged). Its preparation begins in the fall. The area is carefully dug up using a shovel, adding 7–10 kg of compost or rotted manure per square meter for digging. In preparation for spring sowing, the soil needs to be loosened and rolled to compact it.

Pre-soaking seeds speeds up the process germination. To do this, you can use water or a growth stimulator solution. It needs to be changed three times during the day. Before sowing, the seeds must be dried so that they become free-flowing. When sowing before winter, soaking is not used.


Sowing can be done in spring in April - May and in summer in June - July. Possible sowing before winter. If the area is small, choose the nesting method of sowing. Seeds are distributed 3–4 into each nest with a distance of 25–30 cm between them. On larger areas, row sowing is used. At a distance of 25–30 cm, 2–3 lines are laid, placing the tapes at intervals of 50–60 cm. Seed consumption is 20 g per square meter.

Seeds are planted to a depth of 5–7 mm. The top of the crops is covered with thin layer of loose soil and moisturize. If the soil is heavy and a crust forms after rains, it is recommended to mulch the crops, for example, with sawdust or peat. After 7–10 days, shoots appear. After this, you need to loosen the row spacing.


It is necessary to regularly remove weeds, loosen the rows and water. Fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers is carried out 2-3 times. In the first year, the crops are thinned out, leaving about 10 cm between them. Chives are collected 2-3 times during the growing season. It is cut off with sharp scissors, leaving 1 cm of stems, when their length reaches a sufficient size.

The flowers of this plant can be used to decorate salads. To increase the yield, all arrows and leaves are cut off before flowering. The plant does not expend energy on flowering and the greenery grows quickly.

After 3 years, the plants are used for propagation vegetatively or for planting in greenhouses to obtain winter greens. The speed of shoot regrowth allows it to be forced out. If the temperature is maintained at 18–20 degrees, the leaves can be cut already after 10 days. At lower temperatures the period is slightly longer. Forcing can also be carried out in open ground using a film covering.

This type of onion can be easily grown at home on a windowsill. He feels great in a flower pot, supplying vitamins to the family table all winter.

Obtaining seeds

If plants are intended to produce seeds, it is not recommended to cut off their leaves. This will allow you to get better quality seeds and increase their quantity. At the beginning of spring, chives are added under the bushes. nitrogen fertilizers in an amount of 25–40 g per square meter. The soil between the rows is then loosened. After three weeks, phosphorus (50–60 g/m2) and potassium (20–25 g/m2) are added.

Plant care is usual - loosening, removing weeds, watering. In May, the plants bloom together, ripening occurs after two weeks of flowering. Seed collection begins when the dried capsules begin to crack. Cutting of finished umbrellas is carried out selectively, after which they are laid out for drying in a room with good ventilation. Completely dried umbrellas are threshed by hand.

Using chives

Fresh, pickled and dried chives make an excellent seasoning. On farms it is sometimes harvested together with bulbs, and up to 50t/ha is obtained. In private gardens, feathers are collected as needed and stored in the refrigerator. up to 10–12 days, packed in plastic film.

To obtain dry seasoning, the onion is washed, cut into lengths of about 5 cm and laid out on trays or metal mesh. Drying is carried out at a temperature of 50–60 degrees in an oven or a special dryer, followed by air drying.

For pickling, the washed onions are dried, cut and put into jars mixed with salt in a ratio of 8:2 and compacted. After a few days of exposure at room temperature, the jars are completely filled after shrinkage and, sealed, are transferred to a cool place for subsequent storage.

Beneficial features:

  • The rich vitamin composition of chives strengthens the body and strengthens the immune system.
  • It helps the body cope with colds and gastrointestinal problems, and also increases appetite.
  • The presence of vitamin A contributes to the health of the retina and skin.
  • Vitamin K contained in it ensures blood clotting.
  • The use of chives in the diet is beneficial for people with diseases of the kidneys, gall bladder and cardiovascular system.
  • This onion also contains the antioxidant glutathione, which helps fight cancer.

Growing chives is advisable both in private gardens and in farm fields for commercial purposes. This wonderful product will a great addition to any table and will bring health benefits.

Chives are a very interesting and long-living green, loved by many summer residents. Once you plant this magnificent onion, in the future you don’t have to worry about onion dressing for salads. Let's figure out how to plant chives: cultivation and care, photos of grown clumps in the garden.

Chives: growing and care, photo in the garden

Chives (Állium schoenoprásum) also known as skoroda, chives, sibulet, Siberian onions - an inhabitant of river valleys and wet meadows. In garden culture it can be found in India or China, as well as in Russia and the USA.

The perennial plant is grown for its vitamin-rich greens, which are mainly suitable for use in salads. Schnitt is a rather unpretentious crop, compared to the same leek. It is absolutely undemanding to soil quality, although it prefers moist and light soils.

The leaves are palmate, cylindrical, thin (2-5 mm wide), smooth, usually shorter than the stem. The stem is 15-50 cm high. The inflorescences are usually pink, but the white-flowering Album form is also found. The bulbs are small, 0.75-1 cm, conical, attached to a short rhizome. Without dividing or replanting, it forms dense turf. There are many varieties of chives, all of which are distinguished by their juicy, delicate feathers:

Nuances of cultivation

Being planted in sparse shade, onions will not lose much in yield, but they also grow well in the sun. In dense shade, the curtain first crumbles greatly, then falls out.

Planting and care

The predecessor of chives can be almost any crop, including cabbage, legumes, nightshade, and cereals. Like shallots, this onion has an excellent effect on carrot beds, repelling pests with its smell.

Schnitt is also undemanding in terms of care. By and large, it is enough to water it in a timely manner, without allowing the soil to completely dry out. Weeding is possible for the first couple of years after planting - then the onion itself displaces uninvited guests from the garden bed, forming a dense turf. You should also not overuse loosening - a couple of times a season it is enough to go along the row with a flat cutter, and when the carrots rise, mulch the spaces between the rows.

Perennial chives practically do not reduce productivity over time, but will gratefully respond to fertilizing with organic matter with the addition of EMoc. And yet the main thing is to constantly mulch the beds with organic matter.

Chives: growing from seeds

Sowing of chives is carried out in two stages with an interval of a month - the first time before May 10, the second - before June 10. The seeds are soaked in warm water, the next day they are slightly dried and sown in open ground with ribbons at intervals of 30 cm. You can sow it as seedlings and plant it in the garden when it rises 10 cm.

Autumn sowing under a layer of leaves or sawdust is also practiced. The depth of autumn sowing is 2 cm. Another common method of propagating chives is dividing the bush. Each segment after division must have at least 8 small bulbs. It is optimal to divide plants before or after the active growing season - in early spring or late summer.

The sown chive blossoms in the 2nd year after sowing. On plants from which you plan to collect seeds, neither leaves nor flower shoots need to be cut off so that the seeds accumulate a guaranteed supply of plastic substances.

Application and benefits

Chives shoots in early spring, when there are few other greens, will come in handy for the family table. In cooking, this variety is used very widely due to its excellent islandy taste and highly decorative leaves. Chives are beautiful in salads, effective when decorating and fortifying soups and stews, and make a unique filling for pies.

High culinary value is combined with amazing benefits in this plant. Schnitt is rich in vitamins and essential oils, strengthens the body, improves immunity, and strengthens the heart muscle.

As you can see, growing and caring for chives is not burdensome; they will always be in demand in the country. Well, its growing curtains are nice - they can harmoniously border ecological beds, right?

Chives differ from regular green onions in their pleasant and slightly spicy taste. In addition, it contains many useful substances, including selenium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium. We must not forget about the presence of choline, beta-carotene and ascorbic acid, which are so beneficial for the human body.

Along with the beneficial properties of this plant, its decorative qualities also stand out. Already in the first half of May you can see balls of inflorescences of various colors, but most often you will find plants with white, purple or pink flowers decorating the stems of chives. Since greens are good honey plants, their rich aroma attracts bees. This perennial plant is resistant to various types of diseases, which is why chives are often chosen for cultivation. This can be done not only from bulbs, but also from seeds.

Often, chives are grown exclusively for greens, since the plant is unable to form a full-fledged bulb of normal size. There are two main subspecies of onions - Siberian (grows with large, but not very branched leaves) and Russian chives (has small branched leaves).

Chives - what kind of crop is it?

The length of thin and hollow leaves can reach 40 cm, and after cutting they grow back very quickly. Approximately 40 days after the growing season, the green mass begins to coarse. The flowering period occurs in the second year of the plant's life. The peculiarity of chives lies in its protective function - the plant creates a special turf to protect against various weeds.

The most common varieties of chives:

Seed preparation

Planting chives begins in the first half of April. First you need to soak the seeds in water for a day. At the same time, change the water regularly (at least 3-4 times). Even during the first soaking, you need to separate the empty seeds that cannot germinate in the soil. Fill a container or other container about 30% full with seed and fill with water. Mix the onion seeds thoroughly and leave them to settle for a while. Some seeds will float to the top - collect them and throw them away.

Everything that remains in the container should be dried for subsequent planting. Using this procedure (soaking chives seeds), you can significantly speed up the germination process.

Soil preparation

Only cultivated soil will allow the gardener to obtain stable and rich yields of onions when growing. You can use a store-bought soil mixture, or you can take some soil from your own site. You just need to follow some recommendations when doing this. First of all, after removing the predecessor crop, dig up the soil to a depth of at least 10 cm, covering the remains of the plants. This way, you will trim the weeds, so your seedlings will not be disturbed by various weeds. Plow the soil after 2-3 weeks and, if necessary, carry out cultivation (if the weeds have sprouted too much).

Before sowing seeds, the soil is loosened and moisture is retained to create optimal conditions for onion growth. Of course, performing all these steps will take too much time and effort, so this is practiced when growing chives in the garden. If you are growing on your windowsill, then it will be much easier to purchase a ready-made soil mixture, moisten it and enrich it with mineral fertilizers.

Sowing chives seeds

The planting and growing procedure does not have any difficulties. The main thing is to follow a few recommendations regarding agricultural technology, and even an inexperienced gardener will be able to get a rich harvest of tasty and juicy onion feathers.

Table. Step-by-step sowing instructions.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Fill the prepared seedling container with soil mixture. Do not fill the container completely; it is advisable to leave 3-4 cm at the top.

Gently level the soil and lightly compact it with your palm. It must lie tightly in the container for normal seed growth.

Water the soil generously. You can use a garden waterer for this purpose. Onion seeds should be sown only in moist soil.

Place the dried seed material in the palm of your hand.

Spread the seeds evenly over the surface of the soil mixture. Make sure that there are no “empty” areas.

Cover the sown seeds with a small layer of soil and gently tamp it down with the palm of your hand.

For marking, it is advisable to leave some kind of mark so as not to forget the name of the planted onion variety. Gardeners often install a special flag with an inscription, but you can simply stick a seed package into the ground.

After 2-3 weeks, the first shoots will appear, which then need to be transplanted into open ground. Carefully replant each plant into warm soil. There is no need to water it.

The result will not take long to arrive, and soon you will be able to set the table with delicious dishes with the addition of chives.

Thanks to its beautiful spherical inflorescences, colored with purple, lilac or pink flowers, chives are widely used as an ornamental plant. These inflorescences rise slightly above the leaves of the plant, which creates a pleasant impression. People often grow chives to decorate paths or plant lawns in their summer cottage. If onion inflorescences have been cut, they do not lose their color over time, as happens with ordinary flowers, so the plant is often used in making a variety of winter bouquets.


After planting chives, it is necessary to take into account some nuances so that the growing process does not turn into banal destruction of plants.

Important! Lack of soil moisture can cause onion leaves to gradually lose their tenderness and become coarse. This will worsen their taste.

If onions are grown for seeds

If the purpose of growing onions is to obtain seed material, then there is no need to cut the leaves from the plant. Thanks to this, you can increase the quantity and quality of seeds. When spring arrives, apply fertilizer to each plant. It is advisable to use nitrogen fertilizers for maximum effect. For every square meter, apply at least 30 g of fertilizer. You need to regularly loosen the soil between the beds, and after 20 days add potassium fertilizers in the same quantities as nitrogen fertilizers.

As for caring for the plant, it is no different from that for onions grown for greens. Water the soil, destroy weeds, and so on. Once the onion boxes begin to crack, you can begin collecting the seeds. Selectively cut the ripe umbrellas, then lay them out to dry. This should be done in a well-ventilated area. When the umbrellas are completely dry, thresh them by hand.

Master Class. How to harvest chives

In German, “chives” refers to a plant that is used for cutting leaves. It is interesting that this culture goes by different names among people. So, in Portugal it is called “English onion”, and in the southern part of Russia it is called “tribulka”. In some countries, chives have been given the name "winter bush" chives.

Chives are a perennial plant grown from seeds and belong to the onion family. Its leaves look like arrows, they are very thin and long (about 15–20 cm in length). The color of the arrows of this crop is usually bright green. The chives bulb is oblong and small, and the roots are thread-like.

This plant is native to China and Eastern Siberia. It was from these territories that the cultivation of a unique crop began, capable of adapting to almost any growing conditions. Nowadays, chives are grown everywhere. Typically, this crop is grown from seeds in small quantities. This may be due to the fact that many do not appreciate the positive properties of the plant or do not know how to care for it.

The benefits of chives

The culture is very useful due to the large number of vitamins it contains. Chives are also rich in minerals - copper, potassium, magnesium, selenium, calcium and others. It contains vitamins such as K, C, E, A and B. Onions also contain a lot of disaccharides, monosaccharides and proteins.

The specific taste and medicinal qualities of chives are determined by the essential oils it contains. It is recommended to consume this culture fresh internally. Heat treatment can minimize all the beneficial properties and substances in the composition of chives, as well as destroy their taste and pleasant aroma.

Features of the plant

In garden beds, gardeners grow chives as a perennial crop. You can also grow it outside the garden bed, in a damp place. The thin leaves of this plant create a contrast with other garden crops. Some people attach special importance to this and plant onions, choosing the environment for them in such a way as to create a good natural composition. Chives look great if planted in groups, for example, with a mantle and chives, or in a monoborder. A mixture of onion varieties with lilac and white shades of flowers in the border looks impressive. A rock garden with chives also looks good.

Regardless of the planting location, chives will become an excellent honey plant and a wonderful decoration of the garden. It is believed that this culture has a beneficial effect on other plants in the garden. For example, planting this plant will drive carrot fly away from carrots and protect bushes and trees from harmful fungus. Also, growing this crop can protect roses from spotting, gooseberries from downy mildew, and apple trees from scab.

The following plant varieties are considered most suitable for growing in the garden:

  • "Chemal";
  • "Honey plant";
  • "Siberian";
  • "Bohemia";
  • "Velta";
  • "Prague";
  • "Moscow early ripening."

The vast majority of varieties of this crop have thin and spicy-tasting leaves. The base from which onion leaves grow is usually juicy and tasty. Therefore, if the crop grows strongly, you can dig up part of the bush without damage and eat it. Shortly after flowering, chives usually begin to harden. In this case, it is recommended to cut it at the root to obtain a fresh harvest of young stems. But it is not recommended to carry out such a procedure often: it is believed that it depletes the plant.

If you intend to get seeds from a plant, then you should not cut off either the arrows with inflorescences or the leaves. If the bushes of the plant in the garden bed are already 2 years old, they can be dug up and put in the refrigerator. The plant will need to rest for some time at a temperature of 0 to +4 degrees Celsius. After this, with the onset of winter, you can plant the crops in pots at home and place them on the windowsill. However, one must understand that, despite care, the culture when grown at home is short-lived. With the onset of spring, the bushes can be transplanted again into open ground at their summer cottage. This way, you can enjoy fresh onion greens throughout the year.

Growing from seeds and further care

Planting chives should be done from fresh seeds that have not expired. It is necessary to sow in mid or late April, after the snow has completely melted.

Planting seeds is recommended in areas with drained and loose soil. As a rule, the vast majority of onion varieties grow well on loamy and sandy loam soils. It is most preferable to plant seeds on the sunny side, where this crop will give a rich harvest without requiring special care. Growing from seeds is not recommended on sandy soil: due to poor moisture retention, it can be detrimental to the crop.

Before planting chives seeds in the ground, it is necessary to do this in a special way. For this purpose, it should be pre-fertilized with compost or humus. If possible, it is recommended to additionally add mineral fertilizers.

When planting in open ground, seeds must be buried no more than 2 cm. It is recommended to plant seeds in rows, keeping them at intervals of 30 cm. It is recommended to mulch the soil with humus or peat.

As soon as the first shoots appear, it is recommended to feed the plants with any of the complex fertilizers. As the seedlings grow, caring for the crop should include thinning, since the plant can grow greatly during the summer season.

Further care for chives is quite simple. Typically, it includes:

  • regular watering;
  • loosening the soil;
  • weeding from weeds.

In addition, do not forget that mandatory plant care must include mowing at the root after flowering has completed. The growth of new feathers on this chives occurs quite quickly, and by the end of summer the crop will again become decorative.

Use for cooking

The arrows of this culture have a sharp taste, but at the same time they are aromatic and juicy. In cooking, this plant is used to give dishes a special piquancy. Expert chefs recommend adding this type of plant to dishes prepared with onions.

Fresh shoots and herbs are most valued by chefs. After some time, if the chives have not been harvested from the garden, the greens will become coarser and become less tasty. You can add this plant to salads made from fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. Some chefs add not only young chives, but also their edible inflorescences to vitamin salads. This will give the finished dish a light and pleasant aroma. The culture is well suited for potato, legume and meat dishes, as well as soups

Due to its appearance, the culture is often used to decorate culinary delights. For example, it goes well with light salads or sandwiches.

Bottom line

Chives are a useful crop, growing from seeds and caring for them is not particularly difficult. This plant has gained popularity among gardeners due to its unpretentiousness and accessibility.

Growing this crop in the garden has a beneficial effect on other crops, repelling pests from them. This plant can become a real decoration of the garden plot due to its appearance.

Greens always decorate meat, fish and vegetable dishes. Chives have proven themselves well. It is not at all necessary to buy it, but it is quite possible to grow it yourself, even without gardening skills. It is worth getting to know this plant better and learning more about the agricultural technology of its cultivation.

Chives have 3 other names:

  • chives;
  • onion soon;
  • sibulet onion.

It belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family, Allium genus. In the wild, chives are found in Central and Western Asia, the Far East, as well as in North America and Europe.

This bulbous plant is a perennial. It is not uncommon for chives to grow very densely and form dense turf. The bulbs, up to 0.8 cm in diameter, have an elongated, ovoid-conical shape. Their shells are almost leathery brown in color. The stems are thick, cylindrical, hollow inside, rising to a height of more than 35 cm. 1/3 of the stem is covered with smooth leaf sheaths. The leaves are cylindrical, sometimes semi-cylindrical near the base. They are shorter than the stem. The surface of the leaves is smooth.

The flowers are collected in an umbrella inflorescence and have a pink-violet color. The central vein on the petals is darker.

Chives reproduce actively and produce high-quality self-seeding, which simplifies its cultivation in the garden. Young bushes can simply be transplanted to new places.

The growing season of the crop begins as soon as the snow melts, which is why onion leaves, which contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, are available for consumption earlier than other garden crops.

Thanks to the work of breeders, several varieties of table chives were developed. This bulbous plant, which looks especially attractive in spring, is often used in floriculture due to its abundant flowering and decorative appearance of inflorescences. Most often, this perennial onion is planted as a low border, which begins to bloom early and remains attractive until late autumn.

Beneficial features

Today, chives are very popular, as this plant not only has a pleasant taste, but also can improve health. The beneficial properties of onion for the human body are as follows:

The beneficial properties of the plant have been proven by doctors, and therefore there is no doubt about them.

Features of cultivation

With knowledge of agricultural cultivation techniques, everyone can provide themselves with the most useful green onions. Chives, which can be grown from seeds or by dividing the bush, are now common in almost all gardens, and sometimes on windowsills.

The bed for the crop should be prepared in the fall. The soil is dug up to a depth of 30 cm and humus or compost is added to it. These fertilizers are applied at the rate of 10 kg per 1 m2. In the spring, the soil is dug up again, leveled with a rake and shed with warm water. Dry soils that do not retain moisture well are not suitable for chives.

From seeds on the windowsill and in the open ground

Growing chives from seeds has its own subtleties. Its seeds are very small, so you need to be careful when planting them. Pre-planting material is prepared in a certain way, which ensures its high-quality germination.

The seeds are soaked in a solution of a growth stimulator for 24 hours. If it is absent, use clean water, which is changed once every 3 hours. After this, the seeds are dried. They are planted in a bed according to a 45x30 cm pattern, planted to a depth of 0.6-1 cm. Sprinkle the seeds with moistened soil, which is slightly compacted. Then it is watered. Shoots appear after 14 days. After their appearance, the row spacing is loosened so that the roots receive enough oxygen.

Growing chives at home on a windowsill is not a difficult task. It’s easier to use already mature bulbs for this, but you can plant seeds. Large pots are not required, since the root system that the plant forms is not deep. Onions should be planted in pots that do not become soggy over time. A 2 cm thick layer of expanded clay is poured onto their bottom for drainage. After this, nutritious, light, moistened soil is poured on top and the seeds are sown. The pots are placed on the lightest windowsill, but so that direct sunlight does not fall on them, and covered with polyethylene to create the greenhouse effect necessary for seed germination.

Green onion feathers should be harvested in the 2nd year of cultivation. If you start picking them off immediately after they appear, the plant will not be able to grow strong enough and will die without forming a high-quality root system.

Dividing the bush in open ground and on the windowsill

The plant does not need to be sown for propagation. When the chives bush has grown greatly, it can be divided. Division is carried out in early spring or late summer. To do this, the bush is dug up and divided into several smaller ones, each of which has from 5 to 10 shoots. Afterwards they are planted in separate holes, which must be filled with nutritious soil. New plants need to be deepened to the same depth as the bush grew before. Water the onions generously. Once the onion bushes take root after dividing, they will begin to produce new feathers.

Plant care

Proper care is important for the plant, as it ensures its high-quality development and the acquisition of abundant green mass. If you make mistakes at the growing stage, there is a high probability that the crop will simply die.

Chives are highly frost-resistant and therefore can be grown without insulation, even in places with fairly harsh winters. If there is a risk of very severe pestilence, it is worth lightly mulching the bed with the plant for the winter.

For chives, the presence of organic matter in the soil is of great importance. Onions should be fed at least once every 2 weeks with a solution of mullein or chicken droppings. As a result of this, it will grow especially rapidly. Feeding is required both onions that are grown in the garden bed and those that are grown on the windowsill.

Plants are watered and weeded as needed. After the onion is watered, it is loosened after 3-4 hours so that a hard, airtight crust does not form on the ground. It is important to carry out loosening with extreme caution so as not to damage the delicate roots of the onion. If this happens, the plant may die completely.

Weeding is carried out, like watering, as needed. Weeds quickly deplete the soil, and onions begin to lose their visual appeal and productive qualities. Greens become coarser much faster, and eating them becomes unpleasant.


The plant is grown to produce high-quality greens, useful for eating, as well as for decorative purposes. Don’t forget that chives are honey plants and attract bees. Insects, in addition to onions, will also fly around other plants in the garden and will help their quality pollination.

It is beneficial to eat onion feathers raw. During heat treatment, most of the beneficial substances from their composition are lost without a trace.

Diseases and pests

Most often, the crop is affected by neck and bacterial rot. Cases of downy mildew have also been reported. To get rid of diseases, it is recommended to treat the plant with special preparations.

The main pest of chives is the onion fly. The insect appears in the spring. The fly lays eggs inside the leaves, which the larvae gradually devour after hatching. To protect the plant from the pest, insecticide treatment is used.