Do teleporters really exist. Teleportation is not fiction, but reality

  • 02.08.2020

In science fiction literature and films, you can see how spaceships equipped with a warp drive travel through the universe: just press the magic red button to be on the other side of the galaxy. Probably, each of us at least once dreamed of becoming the commander of such a “magic ship”, but not everyone thought about whether teleportation actually exists or is it just an unrealizable fantasy from a fairy-tale world that science fiction writers paint in bright colors? What is the scientific basis for this phenomenon? Has the move been documented? There are always more questions than answers, but every modern person will be interested in trying to understand this topic.

A bit of theory

The word "teleportation" comes from the Greek "tele" ("far") and the Latin "portare" ("carry"). This phenomenon is a lightning-fast movement of objects at a distance (from one point in space to another) by changing their initial coordinates. When teleporting, it is impossible to describe the trajectory of a moving object by a continuous function of time: the transition is instantaneous, objects should not occupy intermediate positions. It's not just moving the glass from point "A" to point "B". This is the teleportation of the state of the object, its properties.

At the moment, scientists distinguish three main hypothetical species:

  • quantum;
  • psi-teleportation;
  • hole (wormholes).

Quantum teleportation of entangled particles is a fairly studied form of the phenomenon, about which quite definite scientific information has been obtained. If we take the same glass as an example, then in order to teleport it from one end of the table to the other, you will need to divide the specified object into elementary particles, change the properties of each resulting “fragment”, and then collect scattered particles on the opposite side of the table ( with similar properties) put together to get a new glass, but with identical characteristics. The chemical composition of a faceted glass is quite simple, but what happens if you try to teleport a person who consists of 10 30 particles?

Given the record speed of information transfer, which is currently fixed at 10 14 bits per second, it will take 1 million years to teleport one person. In practice, everything is aggravated by the complexity of the structure of the human body: there is a certain risk of violation of the "assembly" at the final stage of movement.

It is interesting! As a vivid illustration of what consequences the slightest violations in teleportation technology can lead to, one can cite the film The Fly, directed by David Cronenberg.

The essence of the phenomenon

Quantum teleportation is a "movement" not of energy, not of physical objects (tree, glass, etc.), but of the properties of these objects (the so-called "quantum states"). However, data transfer in the classical sense does not work in this case. As a general rule, in order to successfully transport the state of a real world object (or information), it is necessary to take into account an incredible number of measurements that destroy the original quantum state of the object (if the "sender" does not have the ability to re-measure its original properties at the final stage of teleport). Quantum teleportation comes to the rescue, which allows you to transfer a certain state of an object without violating its original properties (called a qubit, or “quantum bit”).

A significant problem hindering the successful implementation of experiments in this area is certain difficulties in fixing disparate particles that are not static and constantly change their properties. In simple terms, it is absolutely meaningless to measure the unique characteristics of an experimental object when it comes to transmitting data over a distance. However, these properties are capable of reproducing other particles - the so-called photons (massless particles that exist in vacuum space only if they move at the speed of light).

To understand how quantum teleportation occurs, you need to familiarize yourself with a huge list of scientific literature. To begin with, we should consider a simplified quantum system in which there are only two possible states (A and B). Take two particles (let's call them α and Ω). The sender has a certain particle α with an arbitrary quantum state equal to α A + Ω B. The sender is faced with the task of transferring the specified state α to the particle Ω in such a way that a completely different object Ω acquires similar properties. That is, you need to convey the ratio of complex numbers A and B with the utmost accuracy. The key goal of the "transmitter" is to transport information not with an emphasis on speed, but with an emphasis on maximum accuracy.

In general terms, the main stages of achieving the stated goal can be identified:

  1. The sides create 2 quantum entangled qubits (C and B). C is sent to the sender, respectively, B is sent to the address of the recipient. Due to the complex structure, C and B have unique wave functions (the so-called state vector). Despite this fact, a pair of particles (the desired "degrees of freedom") can be described by a 4-dimensional state vector - μVS.
  2. A quantum system consisting of 2 particles - A and C, has 4 states. To describe such states, you need to use a certain vector. At the same time, it is impossible to use a “pure” vector (100% certain), since only systems consisting of 3 elements have a certain state - systems of particles A, B and C. If the sender decides to measure the vector, then he will receive 4 possible outcomes (4 potential values ​​of the measured value) over a system of 2 elements (for A and C). Immediately at the moment of measurement, systems A, B, C will make a transition to another state, while the state of A and C will become known, which will break the entanglement of the particle B, which will go into a special quantum state.
  3. At the moment of such a transition, a “transfer” of part of the information will occur. At this stage, it is impossible to restore the teleported information, since the recipient of the data has only the understanding that the particle B has a state associated with A, but what it is exactly is unknown (obvious lack of information).
  4. To find out the connection between the states of the initial particle A and the received “at the output” B, it is necessary that the sender transmit to the recipient comprehensive information about the measurement via the classical communication channel used (expending 2 bits). Having studied the laws of quantum mechanics, it will become clear that given a specific measurement result obtained from the analysis of particles A and C, as well as an "entangled" element B with particle C, the receiver is in theory able to perform the desired transformation on the "output" particle B, so that " transfer" to the specified object the state from A.

A complete transfer of information from one object to another is possible only if the recipient of such information will have comprehensive data received through both communication channels. If only the classical communication channel is used, then the recipient will not have the slightest idea about the transmitted state. Another feature of this process is the impossibility of intercepting data by third parties: when trying to gain unauthorized access to the transmitted information, the "attacker" will destroy quantum connections (break the "entanglement" between pairs B and C).

You can imagine a complex process in another way:

  1. Let's say there is a certain red photon that has been split into two green ones. Green photons have such a strong connection with each other that if they move a considerable distance and if any characteristic of one of these objects changes, the second green photon will give an immediate reaction.
  2. We take an indefinite particle of the glass, move its properties without looking inside the particle (the choice of the particle occurs “blindly”, without the slightest understanding of the properties of the object on the part of the experimenter), and “transfer” the indicated information to the nearest of the two green photons. There is uncertainty about the actual result, since the properties passed can have one of the many values ​​of the original "media", i.e. glass. What value (state) the first green photon will receive remains a mystery.
  3. The second green photon, located at the other end of the table, gives an instant response to the actions of the "twin brother" and measures a pre-prepared particle in the interaction zone. The latter transmits to the experimenter information about the completion of the transfer of information. However, such information differs from the original, since in any quantum process there is a certain degree of probability. To avoid distorting the properties of an object, it is necessary to obtain comprehensive information about their source (the glass). Only after obtaining such data can one correctly interpret the properties of the particle obtained “at the exit”. The necessary information is transmitted via standard communication channels.

Real facts

If we consider the history of the development of the teleport, then the following important events that influenced the course of the development of technology should be noted:

  • in 1993, a group of American scientists led by Charles Bennett presented to the world the theoretical aspects of a new "phenomenon" - "quantum teleportation";
  • already in 1997, two groups of physicists from the Universities of Rome and Innsbruck, headed by Francesco de Martini and Anton Zeilinger, conducted the first experiment in this area, namely, they realized the quantum “transfer” of the polarization state of a photon;
  • according to a publication in the journal "Nature" dated June 17, 2004, two research groups announced the implementation of a teleport of the quantum states of the calcium atom and the qubit based on the ion of the beryllium atom. The experiments are not some kind of “breakthrough”, but at the same time they made it possible to take steps towards the creation of quantum computers and the introduction of quantum cryptography technologies into everyday life;
  • in 2006, researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute (Copenhagen) for the first time performed teleportation between cesium atoms and laser radiation quanta, i.e. between objects of different nature;
  • in 2009, scientists "moved" the quantum state of the ion by a whole meter;
  • in 2010, by the joint efforts of scientists from two universities in China, the characteristics of a photon at 16 km were transmitted for the first time;
  • in 2012, physicists from China “sent” 1100 quantum-entangled photons for 97 km in just 4 hours;
  • in 2015, scientists from the United States succeeded in moving photons along an optical fiber over a distance of more than 1000 km using a single-photon detector with special cables;
  • at the end of 2017, the Internet was full of loud headlines that physicists from China, for the first time in history, carried out an intercontinental teleport using the Mo-Tzu quantum satellite over a distance of more than 1200 km;
  • In 2016, the Russian Quantum Center demonstrated the latest development applied on 30 km of optical fiber on the lines of Gazprombank.

Technology Perspectives

It is logical to assume that at the current level of development of science and technology, moving a whole glass is an impossible task: it is unrealistic to teleport such a simple object at least 1 mm without violating the original properties of the object. Therefore, such technologies are currently used not for physical objects, but for information, which is successfully practiced in cryptography and the field of data protection.

When transmitting data within the framework of "quantum teleportation" technology, not "useful" information is transmitted, but a special "key". A significant drawback of the latest technology is the fact that it is impossible to create a copy of a photon. It is also impossible to amplify the quantum signal of an optical fiber (as is the case with a conventional signal), because such an amplification will be mistaken for a kind of “interceptor”.

In laboratory conditions, it is possible to teleport to a distance of about 327 km. And the greater the distance, the lower the data transfer rate. This problem can be solved by installing a special intermediate server for receiving, decrypting and encrypting data with subsequent transmission within a single cryptographic network (which is skillfully used by Chinese and American scientists).

This technique will open a new world for you, where there are no usual laws of nature! You can learn how to teleport and be in different places instantly!

Our imagination speaks the truth!

The phenomenon of teleportation¹ has always lived in people, mostly like a fairy tale. In ancient legends, heroes were described who had the ability to move in one second over vast distances.

What is it: just fantasy or memory? The fact that these legends are found in completely different cultures, unrelated to each other, suggests that once people were able to teleport!

In the same way, there is now evidence that some masters, such as Indian yogis and Tibetan masters, can do it!

In fact, this ability to teleport is inherent in everyone, people just forgot about it. This was largely due to the fact that teleportation requires a very high level of internal energy² and a well-trained mind.

At the present time, old knowledge is beginning to wake up, and now you are reading an article that outlines one of the ways in which you will discover a unique technique for moving in space!

It must be said right away that teleportation is developed with long practice. Some people have been working on it for years. It is necessary to make your will³ pure, and your thought absolute. You can find the necessary practices on our website.

When you can learn how to teleport even over short distances, you will realize the real power!

How to learn teleportation? Technics

The bottom line is that our reality is made up of many different sub-realities.

Having learned to move between different realities at will, you will be able to dematerialize your material body and “collect” its original appearance in another place, without paying attention to the usual laws of physics!

You will discover physics of a new order!

1. The practitioner starts the session in a darkened room. He sits down, closes his eyes and relaxes the muscles of his body and face.

2. Soon the person will feel an immersion in a relaxed state of consciousness. He focuses on the process of his breathing, his feeling: an even deeper trance will arise.

3. Now the practitioner visualizes a place that he knows well and that is not far away: for example, the next room.

4. It is necessary to create the effect of "full presence". For this, you need good development and.

A person is completely immersed in an imaginary picture, he feels the hardness of the wall, the smell, all the sensations. The mind must believe that it is there!

5. Then the practitioner makes himself want to be in this room. The desire must be very strong, complete, as if everything depends on it!

He creates the belief that his material body is dissolving here and now, becoming pure energy and taking shape in the right place.

Gradually, after a lot of training, you will be able to believe in your feelings, and they really will arise! You will begin to feel how the body begins to "dissolve" in space, to become incorporeal!

This can be accompanied by a feeling of great pleasure, the main thing here is to maintain awareness and “gather” in the intended place.

When you learn to move short distances, you need to gradually increase them: incarnate on another street, in another city.

You need to know the place to which you will move: the technique of moving in space is based on the exact detailing of the terrain. Gradually, the power of your superpower will increase, and you will be able to teleport to much more remote places - for example, the place of your past vacation in another country.

You need to do no more than 45 minutes a day. In order to learn teleportation, you need to perform the exercise every second day.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Teleportation - a change in the coordinates of an object (movement), in which the trajectory of the object cannot be described mathematically by a continuous function of time (

What is teleportation? The word is a mixture of the Greek tele (-far) and the Latin portare (-to carry).

I like the movie Teleport. Haven't reviewed it for a long time. Usually it is this spatial movement that is called teleportation. Is teleportation possible in this form?

In academic science, there is only one term associated with teleportation - this is quantum teleportation. Of course, scientists and philosophers consider theories about wormholes, parallel worlds and spaces, and so on. But I'm only interested in theories that have been confirmed by experience, or a good theoretical justification, which can become a real basis for technical implementation.

quantum teleportation

The essence of the phenomenon of quantum teleportation (briefly, further CT) in that we do not transmit energy or matter over a distance. There is only information transfer. And it does not contradict any hitherto known principles.

It remains to be seen how the possibility of teleporting information is combined with the principle of locality, according to which only its close environment can influence the state of an object.

The transmission of information using QDs requires the transport of quantum objects (one of a pair of quantum-entangled particles) and additional transmission of information by conventional communication channels.

Therefore, CT does not even pretend to be an instantaneous communication channel (null transmitter).

Data transmission in space

There are well-known problems with communication with satellites remote in space. Signals propagate at the speed of light, therefore communication delays even with the Moon are several seconds (at least the signal must reach the Moon and then return some response).

And if we take Mars, for which various missions are now preparing, then the time of the signal from the Earth on the way will depend on the relative position of the planets and can reach tens of minutes.

In this regard, in our time, an autonomous spacecraft must itself make decisions on the spot.

Perhaps someday the use of CT for null communication will become a reality. Theoretically, the device can fly away with a "reserve" of bound particles, which it will use as needed. And there is some way to replenish them.

I will return to this topic (zero connection) later.


So far, physicists do not see opportunities for teleportation. Why? At least for the simple reason that there are no prerequisites to make changes to the principle of conservation of energy. The principle was introduced empirically, therefore, perhaps, physicists still lose sight of something :), and the law may not be observed under some conditions. Who knows?

We cannot "delete" an object at one point in space and insert it elsewhere. All "transformations" of an object must be smoothly connected to each other. A transmission channel is required.


Let's see what the alternatives are. The first idea, which is also present in fiction, is copying.


The teleportation object is scanned at the point A, and at the point B a full copy is created. What to do with a prototype? Apparently, the prototype will have to be disposed of.

Imagine a kind of bio-printer with a shredder :).

The task of scanning and copying is very complex. It can be simplified, taking into account that some parts of the object require more accurate reproduction, and some do not. For example, copying the lunch that is digested inside your digestive tract is an unaffordable luxury. And copying pathologies, acquired mutations, defects is generally stupid. You need to copy the brain of the object, the rest needs only to be reconstructed.

Consciousness and container

What is our sense of presence at this point, here and now? This is just a set of impulses from our "biological sensors" to the processing center of these sensors - the brain.

Our consciousness is formed by the brain, the rest of the body is a container, a shell for our nerve center. If it is possible to separate the functioning brain from the shell, and then create a mechanism for remote “connection” to the synthetic shell, then switching between carriers will be perceived as “teleportation of consciousness”.

Coming back to earth

Returning from "heaven to earth", it is interesting to look at what stage the required technologies are for creating alternative teleportation.

Null bond

As for the null link, which is required for fast data transmission over cosmic distances, fundamental physics says that this is possible.

Bio scanner, printer, shredder

Subatomic scanning particle by particle with the creation of a copy is not yet a feasible task. In general, this is a subject for a separate flight of fancy.

There are several difficulties here, and not only technical ones. I have already mentioned at least one thing - the “prototype problem” - where to put it then? The second problem is the definition of scanning speed. How quickly do you need to analyze the prototype so that the vital activity of the object does not affect this process? Given the subatomic nature of this process, the times can be pico and even femtosecond ranges.

But compared to the subsequent task of creating a copy, scanning is child's play.

Perhaps I am overcomplicating the task, and it is enough just to scan the positions of the cells of the body. How the brain works is not entirely clear. How detailed should it be “photographed” in order to be able to copy the person imprinted in it?

Cyber ​​container

Imagine a bunker where the brain is stored. Nothing superfluous - only the brain, without the usual biological container. And the containers that are remotely controlled by the brain are somewhere far away.

We need at least two technologies - brain life support systems and an interface for connecting to living brain cells.

Elon Musk recently created Neuralink. He is going to create technology that will allow people to connect their brains to a computer.

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  • Image copyright Getty Images

    For the heroes of science fiction films, teleportation is a common thing. One press of a button - and they dissolve in the air, so that in a couple of seconds they find themselves hundreds and thousands of kilometers away: in another country or even on another planet.

    Is such a transfer really possible, or will teleportation forever remain a dream of writers and screenwriters? Is there any research in this area - and are we even a little closer to implementing the technology so familiar to the heroes of fantastic action movies?

    The short answer to this question is yes, experiments are underway, and very actively. Moreover, scientists regularly publish articles in scientific journals about successful experiments of quantum teleportation - over greater and greater distances.

    And although many famous physicists doubt that we will ever be able to teleport people, some experts are much more optimistic and assure that teleports will become a reality in a few decades.

    This article has been prepared as a response to one of the submitted by our readers.

    "Lies, Rumors and Tales"

    First, let's clarify what exactly we are talking about. By teleportation, we mean the instantaneous movement of objects at any distance, ideally faster than the speed of light.

    The word itself was coined in 1931 by the American publicist Charles Fort, who was fond of the study of paranormal phenomena. By analogy with "television", derived from the Greek τῆλε ("far") and the Latin video ("to see"), in his book "Volcanoes of the Sky" he invented a term to describe the inexplicable movements of objects in space (Latin porto means "transfer") .

    “In this book, I mainly deal with the evidence that there is a kind of transference force, which I call teleportation. I will be accused of putting together outright lies, rumors, tall tales, hoaxes and superstitions. In a sense, I myself think so. In a way, no. I'm just providing data," writes Fort.

    Indeed, there are many myths about such movements - for example, the common legend about the Philadelphia experiment of 1943, during which the American destroyer Eldridge was supposedly teleported 320 km away.

    Image copyright NARA Image caption The same destroyer, allegedly moved in space

    However, in reality, all such stories turn out to be nothing more than speculations of conspiracy theorists, according to which the authorities hide from the general public any evidence of cases of teleportation as a military secret.

    In fact, the opposite is true: any advances in this area are widely discussed in the scientific community. For example, just a week ago, American scientists talked about a new successful experience of quantum teleportation.

    Let's move from urban legends and fantasy literature to rigorous science.

    "From point A to point B..."

    The history of real, not fictional, teleportation began in 1993, when the American physicist Charles Bennett mathematically - using formulas - proved the theoretical possibility of instantaneous quantum displacements.

    Of course, these were purely theoretical calculations: abstract equations that have no practical application. However, in exactly the same way - by mathematical means - black holes, gravitational waves and other phenomena, for example, have already been discovered, the existence of which was experimentally confirmed much later.

    So Bennett's calculations became a real sensation. Scientists began to actively conduct research in this direction - and the first successful experience of quantum teleportation was carried out in a few years.

    Here it must be emphasized that we are talking specifically about quantum teleportation, and this is not quite the same thing that we are used to seeing in science fiction films. Transmitted from one place to another not the material object itself(for example, a photon or an atom - after all, everything consists of atoms), and information about its quantum state. However, in theory, this is enough to "restore" the original object in a new location, obtaining its exact copy. Moreover, such experiments are also successfully carried out in laboratories - but more on that below.

    In the world familiar to us, this technology is easiest to compare with a photocopier or fax: you send not the document itself, but information about it in electronic form - but as a result, the recipient has an exact copy of it. With the essential difference that in the case of teleportation, the sent material object itself is destroyed, that is, it disappears - and only a copy remains.

    Let's try to figure out how this happens.

    Does God play dice?

    Have you heard about Schrödinger's cat - the one that sits in a box, neither alive nor dead? The Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger came up with this original metaphor to describe the mysterious property of elementary particles - superposition. The fact is that quantum particles can simultaneously be in several states at once, which in the world familiar to us completely exclude each other. For example, an electron does not revolve around the nucleus of an atom, as we used to think, but is located simultaneously at all points of the orbit (with different probabilities).

    Until we have opened the cat box, that is, we have not measured the characteristics of the particle (in our example, we have not determined the exact location of the electron), the cat sitting there is not just alive or dead - it is both alive and dead at the same time. But when the box is open, that is, the measurement is made, the particle is in one of the possible states - and it does not change anymore. Our cat is either alive or dead.

    If in this place you finally ceased to understand anything - do not worry, no one understands this. The nature of quantum mechanics has not been explained for many decades the most ingenious physics of the world.

    For teleportation, the phenomenon of quantum entanglement is used. This is when two elementary particles have the same origin and are in an interdependent state - in other words, there is some inexplicable connection between them. Due to this, entangled particles can "communicate" with each other, even being at a great distance from each other. And once you know the state of one particle, you can predict the state of another with absolute certainty.

    Image copyright Getty Images Image caption For many years, Albert Einstein argued about the inexplicable phenomenon of entangled particles with one of the founding fathers of quantum theory, Niels Bohr (left). During one of these disputes, Einstein uttered his famous phrase "God does not play dice", to which Bohr replied: "Albert, don't tell God what to do!"

    Imagine that you have two dice that always add up to seven . You shook them in a glass and threw one bone behind your back, and the other in front of you and covered it with your palm. Raising your hand, you saw that you rolled, say, a six - and now you can confidently assert that the second bone, behind your back, fell out as a one up. After all, the sum of two numbers should be equal to seven.

    Sounds incredible, right? With the dice we are accustomed to, such a number will not work, but entangled particles behave in exactly this way - and only in this way, although the nature of this phenomenon also defies explanation.

    “This is the most incredible phenomenon of quantum mechanics, it is impossible to even comprehend it,” MIT Professor Walter Levin, one of the most respected physicists in the world, throws up his hands. “And don’t ask me why this happens and how it works, because such a question is a blow below belts! All we can say is that this seems to be the way our world works."

    However, this does not mean at all that this mysterious phenomenon cannot be used in practice - after all, it is confirmed over and over again both by formulas and experiments.

    Image copyright Getty Images Image caption

    Practical teleportation

    Practical experiments on teleportation began about 10 years ago in the Canary Islands under the guidance of an Austrian physicist, professor at the University of Vienna Anton Zeilinger.

    In a laboratory on the island of Palma, scientists create a pair of entangled photons (A and B), and then one of them is sent using a laser beam to another laboratory located on the neighboring island of Tenerife, 144 km away. In this case, both particles are in a state of superposition - that is, we have not "opened the cat box" yet.

    Then a third photon (C) is connected to the case - the one that needs to be teleported - and forced to interact with one of the entangled particles. Physicists then measure the parameters of this interaction (A + C) and transmit the resulting value to the laboratory in Tenerife, where the second entangled photon (B) is located.

    The inexplicable connection between A and B will make it possible to turn B into an exact copy of particle C (A + C-B) - as if it instantly moved from one island to another without crossing the ocean. That is, teleported.

    Image caption Anton Zeilinger directs practical teleportation work

    "We kind of extract the information that the original carries - and create a new original in a different place," explains Zeilinger, who has already teleported thousands and thousands of elementary particles in this way.

    Does this mean that in the future scientists will be able to teleport any objects and even people in this way - after all, we also consist of such particles?

    In theory, this is very possible. It is only necessary to create a sufficient number of entangled pairs and scatter them to different places, placing them in "teleportation cabins" - say, in London and Moscow. You enter the third cabin, which works like a scanner: a computer analyzes the quantum state of your particles, compares them with entangled ones, and sends this information to another city. And there the reverse process takes place - and your exact copy is recreated from entangled particles.

    "Fundamental Issues Resolved"

    In practice, everything is somewhat more complicated. The fact is that in our body there are approximately 7 octillion atoms (after the seven there are 27 zeros, that is, it is seven billion billion billion) - this is more than the stars in the observable part of the Universe.

    But it is necessary to analyze and describe not only each individual particle, but also all the connections between them - after all, in a new place they must be assembled in the ideally correct order.

    It is almost impossible to collect and transmit such an amount of information - at least at the current level of technology development. And when there will be computers capable of processing such volumes of data, it is not known. Now, in any case, work is being done to increase the distance between the laboratories, and not the number of teleported particles.

    That is why many scientists believe that the dream of human teleportation is hardly feasible. Although, for example, a professor at the City College of New York and a well-known popularizer of science, Michio Kaku, is convinced that teleportation will become a reality by the end of the 21st century - and maybe in 50 years. Without naming specific dates, some other experts generally agree with him.

    "This is a question of improving technology, improving quality. But I would say that the fundamental issues have been resolved - and there is no further limit to perfection," said Eugene Polzik, professor at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen.

    Image copyright Getty Images

    However, there are a lot of other questions along the way. For example, will the "copy of me" obtained as a result of such teleportation be the real me? Will she think the same, have the same memories? After all, as mentioned earlier, the original of the sent item is destroyed as a result of quantum analysis.

    “For quantum teleportation, the destruction of the teleported object in the process is absolutely necessary and inevitable,” confirms Edward Farhi, who headed the MIT Center for Theoretical Physics from 2004 to 2016 and now works at Google. “I think you would just turn into a bunch of neutrons , protons and electrons. You wouldn't look your best."

    On the other hand, from a purely materialistic point of view, we are determined not by the particles themselves, of which we are composed, but by their state - and this information, scientists say, is transmitted extremely accurately.

    I would like to believe that this is so. And that the dream of mankind about teleportation will not turn into a reality of the famous horror film, where the main character did not notice how a fly accidentally flew into his teleportation cabin...

    Hello to all! I continue to publish a series of articles in the “Amazing Discoveries” section, which in February 2015 I began with a story. Today our topic is "Human Teleportation"

    1. What is teleportation

    If you have read at least one of my stories, then you probably understood that I am not inventing anything. The reason is simple - I just do not know how to do it. All the events I describe actually happened. Everything is tied to time and place. Separate stories, like a mosaic, add up to a big picture called "Notes of an Old-Timer".

    In this story, I will continue this tradition, although I am sure that there will be skeptics who will argue that human teleportation is a fiction, like everything stated below, because. this phenomenon is the fruit of human imagination. That I could not be a witness to this phenomenon because this could never happen. Judge for yourself.


    I'll start with a definition from Wikipedia.

    Teleportation (Greek τήλε - far, far away and Latin portare - carry) is a hypothetical change in the coordinates of an object (movement), in which the object's trajectory cannot be described mathematically by a continuous function of time.

    It's complicated. Now in Russian:

    Teleportation is the instantaneous movement of living and inanimate objects to any distance in space, regardless of any barriers and screens, one of the forms of psychokinesis. (The term was coined by Charles Fort.)

    Let me remind you that there have been such cases in history. Here is the most famous one:

    2. Teleportation of the philosopher Apollonius

    The Roman emperor Domitian (1st century AD) put the famous philosopher Apollonius on trial. After the announcement of the verdict, the unfortunate man said: "No one, not even the emperor of Rome, can keep me in captivity." There was a flash of light, and the defendant, before the eyes of the assessors and the emperor himself, disappeared from the courtroom and found himself a few days' journey from Rome.

    This is not a mystical story, but a historical fact.

    Philosopher Apollonius

    3. Atta Queen Ant Teleportation

    There is also a scientifically proven fact of teleportation of the uterus of Atta ants:

    If you open the side of the concrete chamber where the uterus lives and mark it with paint, at first nothing happens. But if you close the chamber for a few minutes, the uterus will disappear. She, marked with paint, can be found a few tens of meters in another cell. The effect shocked the scientific community.

    Atta queen ant

    All this is denied by Newtonian mechanics. It says that atoms do not just come into motion, without the influence of a second force, they do not disappear and do not appear again in another place. However, according to the theory of quantum mechanics, such things are quite probable. By examining the properties of atoms, scientists have found that an electron behaves like a wave, and while rotating around the nucleus of an atom, it can make quantum jumps.

    For me, the question is: “Is teleportation possible? Not worth it! As proof, I cite a story that happened to me today .

    4. Teleportation of a person with their own eyes

    4.1 Arrival in St. Petersburg

    On December 27, 2013, Giuseppe Verdi's opera Il trovatore was staged at the Mariinsky Theater, where Anna Netrebko was to perform the part of Leonora. It was impossible for my wife to miss such an event. Tickets for the performance were booked several months before the start of the performance, and for the train - a month in advance.

    I had no choice but to join, although neither Jan Gillan nor Klaus Meine were among the actors.

    On Wednesday, December 25, the Sapsan train safely delivered me and my wife to the city of Great October. We settled in a private hotel near the Moscow railway station. We went on an excursion to Tsarskoye Selo.

    Tsarskoye Selo

    4.2 Chance meetings at the Mariinsky Theater

    And on Friday, December 27, as planned, at 18-30 we entered the foyer of the Mariinsky Theatre. In the stalls of the theatre, where we comfortably settled down in our seats, Tatyana, our old acquaintance from Moscow, called us. She was a fan of classical music, worse than my wife.

    Our chance encounters were commonplace. In Moscow, Tatyana and I constantly crossed paths at the Conservatory on Herzen Street and in the Tchaikovsky Hall on Mayakovka. Once we even collided at Sheremetyevo Airport, returning from Greece, although this place has nothing to do with music.

    During a lively conversation, my attention was drawn to a man in a light-colored suit, who was sitting on the front row of the amphitheater 3 rows behind us.

    “Some kind of familiar face…” said Tatiana, who caught the direction of my gaze.

    “Yuri Aksyuta is the head of the music directorate of Channel One TV,” I recalled.

    Everyone unanimously turned their heads, looked at Aksyuta, nodded their heads in agreement ... and forgot.

    Yuri Aksyuta

    4.3 Troubadour and Netrebko

    The performance was a success. All participants sang superbly, but when the turn came to Netrebko, the hall literally froze.

    First, Leonora is one of the most romantic characters in the history of opera.

    Secondly, Netrebko's vocal and artistic abilities were an order of magnitude higher than other performers. Her voice caught and did not let go until the last note. There was some magic in it.

    Anna Netrebko as Leonora in G. Verdi's Il trovatore

    The performance ran for 2 hours and 45 minutes with one intermission.

    4.4 Aksyuta's teleportation to the "Voice"

    At 11 p.m. we left the Mariinsky Theater building and boarded a trolley bus. 40 minutes later we entered our room. The impression of what he saw and heard was so great that they decided to continue the evening. We made tea and turned on the TV. The final of the second season of the musical show "Voice" was on Channel One.

    What was our surprise when, at about 12 o'clock at night, to award the winners, Yuri Aksyuta went on stage, dressed in blue jeans, a gray shirt and a black jacket. My first thought was: “This can't be! An hour ago we sat at the play with him. At 23 o'clock to be in St. Petersburg on the "Troubadour" and at 24 o'clock in Moscow on the "Voice" is simply not realistic! However, facts are stubborn things.

    Here is a case of human teleportation, which I myself witnessed!


    Who wants to develop these abilities in himself, now know: for training I need to go to Yuri Aksyuta.

    5. Reasonable explanations for what happened

    P.S. In response to my story, two counterarguments are given:

    Aksyuta left after the first act of the performance. — I do not agree. Anyway, it is not possible to get from the Mariinsky Theater to Ostankino in two and a half hours.

    Firstly, the winner of the competition was chosen by direct voting of viewers.

    Secondly, in my opinion, the journalist Olga Romanova called the studio during the final and asked for the time. She got the right answer!

    I wanted to complete the article with a video from the awards ceremony for the winner of the 2013 Voice contest, where Yuri Aksyuta presents Sergey Volchkov with the first prize, but for some reason he was removed from YOUTUBE.COM. Even photographs. If you help me, or find it myself, I will fill this gap.

    In the meantime, we are looking for a video film “This story shocked the whole world! There was a teleportation of a person from another space and time!”:

    In this article, you learned about a case of human teleportation that I witnessed in December 2013. If you liked the story, and there is a desire to read my other articles, subscribe to the blog site and recommend doing this to your friends on social networks and not only.

    Your Alexey Frolov