Great view from the campanile bell tower. Illustrated magazine by Vladimir Dergachev "Landscapes of life" The bell tower of san marco in venice

  • 12.10.2020

All about the observation deck of Venice - the bell tower of St. Mark. How to defend a kilometer-long queue and climb up. Should I buy tickets online.

Campanile of San Marco Campanile di San Marco) is located opposite the Basilica of St. Mark on the square of the same name. Unlike most attractions, this building is not the original. It was built on the very spot where, until 1902, there was a suddenly collapsed bell tower. Its age at that time totaled nearly 1,000 years. However, this fact does not particularly affect the popularity of one of the most visited Venetian monuments.

About the bell tower of San Marco they write that "This is the tallest building in Venice"- 99 meters. This is so, and it is impossible not to notice and ignore it. But much more interesting is that St. Mark's campaign is considered the highest in all. Can you imagine its scope? If you see a queue at the entrance and doubt whether it is worth spending time on the observation deck, the answer is unequivocal - it is. And perhaps more than once, especially if the first one is unlucky with the weather.

Once the bell tower served as a lighthouse, it was a watchtower. Residents of Venice affectionately call their main symbol "Master of the House". And tourists unanimously repeat that such views are worth both the time and money spent.

Excursions in Venice

The most interesting excursions are routes from local residents to Tripster. It’s interesting to start with (walk through iconic places, outline routes for future walks). Then visit the Venetian trio. The program is designed for 4.5 hours, it is proposed to visit glassblowers on Murano and lacemakers on Burano, and relax on Torcello.

Opening hours Campanile San Marco

At the entrance to the bell tower, tourists line up in a long line in the morning. Campanile San Marco is available to everyone daily at the following hours:

  • from 1 to 15 April - from 9 am to 5-30 pm;
  • from April 16 to September 30 - from 8-30 am to 9-00 pm;
  • from 1 to 27 October - from 9-30 am to 6 pm;
  • from October 28 to March 31 - from 9-30 am to 4-45 pm.

It is best to arrive at least half an hour before closing. Otherwise, not only will there not be time to admire Venice from a height, but they simply will not be allowed to go to the elevator.

It is important to know that the queues (especially during the season - from May to September) are really wild there. Sometimes you have to stand in the heat for two hours - 10-15 minutes can be considered luck. Therefore, for those who do not have (a very comfortable way to get to the San Marco bell tower, although it is twice as expensive), it is better to go not during peak hours. That is, ideally, early in the morning, at lunchtime or closer to closing. Then there is a chance not to spend half a day on the observation deck.

Bell tower ticket price

Tickets at the Campanile box office cost € 8 for adults, € 6 for children, € 4 for groups of 15 or more participants. The price includes an elevator ride and a stay at the observation deck of San Marco from 30 minutes. The descent is also possible by lift.

Priority admission ticket costs €17/person. In the off-season, of course, it makes no sense to overpay twice. Unless it's important for you to feel like a VIP client. But from May to September, skipping the line is very convenient! The main thing to remember is that the "priority" door is located to the right of the main entrance, from the side of Piazza San Marco (not Piazzetta).

Descent by ticket without a queue is possible only by elevator - it is forbidden to walk up the stairs. Plus, these online booking tickets are non-refundable.

Historical information about the campanile

The bell tower is located opposite St. Mark's Cathedral

The construction of the campanile began in the 9th century, when the first watchtower was built, which served as a signal beacon for ships. In the XII century, the bell tower was rebuilt and made similar to the Aquileian tower. At the end of the 15th century, the bell tower of San Marco was destroyed by a lightning strike. And at the beginning of the 16th century it suffered again, but already from an earthquake. Campanile was restored, but with alterations - a new marble belfry appeared, over which an attic with a lion and a female figure, the symbol of Venice, grew. As well as a bronze roof with a spire and a gilded figure of the archangel Gabriel. At the end of the 16th century, a logette was added to the bell tower.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a crack appeared in the wall of the bell tower, which grew larger every day. As a result, the Campanile collapsed so quickly and neatly that it did not even touch the neighboring buildings and anyone around. 10 years after the destruction, the bell tower of St. Mark was completely restored in the same place.

Architecture of the bell tower of San Marco

The construction of the bell tower is made in the form of a square with a side length of 12 meters. The 50-meter walls of the tower are complemented by vertical and horizontal grooves. The attic erected above the belfry is decorated with figures of winged lions and female images personifying Venice and Justice. The roof of the bell tower is crowned with a weather vane with a statue of the Archangel Gabriel 2 meters high. At the base of the tower is a lodge restored in parts. The loggia with arches and columns houses unique statues of Mercury, Minerva, Mir and Apollo.

The architecture of Campanile is simple, but she managed to decorate Venice!

Piazza San Marco from the observation deck

The entire building of the restored bell tower is made of brick and equipped with a lightning rod. The belfry consists of five bells, each of which performs its own function. For example, the strike of a large bell announced the beginning of the working day. The winged archangel Gabriel has been looking at the residents and guests of the city from his eternal post for more than 100 years. The bell tower was once struck by Galileo and Goethe.

Campanile San Marco serves as an excellent observation deck, and from there a stunning panorama of the entire “city on the water” will be remembered for a long time.

The location of Campanile San Marco is extremely simple: Piazza San Marco, 30124 Venezia. You won't find a more central location!

Beautiful Venice has inspired many artists, poets, musicians to create world-famous works. No wonder. The city, in which magnificent nature is harmoniously connected with exquisite architecture and a long history, will not leave anyone indifferent. Here, every building is a landmark, but in this article we will introduce you to a magnificent building - St. Mark's Cathedral.


In Venice, everywhere you can find many monuments dedicated to the evangelist Mark, who has long been considered the patron saint of the city. The first chapel dedicated to the apostle appeared in the city as early as 829. Its main shrine was the relics of St. Mark, which the Venetian navigators stole from Alexandria.

When the Venetians saw that Muslims were barbarously destroying Christian churches and building mosques in their place, they decided to protect the evangelist's relics from desecration. According to an ancient legend, in order to transport the priceless relic on a ship, the merchants went to the trick - they laid the relics of the saint with pork carcasses, and the customs officers were told that they were transporting pork. The Saracens, who preach Islam, did not dare to touch the unclean animal and did not check the cargo. Mark was burnt down in 976 during a popular uprising. At the same time, the Venetian ruler Pietro IV Candiano was overthrown from the throne.

Temple history

St. Mark's Cathedral, whose history began in 1063, strikes the imagination not only of ordinary tourists. They are admired and still continue to be studied by specialists in the field of architecture. Looking at his image, many are wondering in which city St. Mark's Cathedral is located. Of course, in ancient Venice (Italy).

In 1071, when the cathedral had not yet been completed, a new ruler of the city, Domenico Selvo, was installed in it. It was under him (1071-1084) that the first cycle of making the mosaic decoration of the cathedral began. The temple was consecrated in 1094 under Vital Faliera. This ruler (doge) was buried in one of the galleries, where the narthex of the temple is today.

St. Mark's Cathedral, the photo of which you can see in this article, was built quite quickly - within thirty years. But over the next five hundred years, it was constantly expanded and decorated.

The Venetians had fears that the Alexandrians would find out about the theft of the relic, so they decided to announce a “miracle” of the appearance of the remains. An ancient legend says that the inhabitants of the city were ordered to pray and fast so that the Lord would help find the relics of Mark. And once God "heard" the prayers of the townspeople - during one of the services, the column fell off and the parishioners saw the hand of the saint in the hole. There was no doubt - a "miracle" helped to find the relics.

Palace Chapel

For a long time, the Cathedral of St. Mark (Venice) was a palace chapel. Rulers (doji) were crowned in this temple, and here they found their last refuge. In the temple, the army was blessed for victory in the crusades. Here the captains who went on a long voyage received a blessing.

In these ancient walls, the emperor of Rome - Frederick I Barbarossa - made a long-awaited peace with Alexander III. Not a single city celebration could do without a solemn mass in this basilica. On the square in front of the temple, the famous Venetian carnivals were noisy and continue to be noisy today, as well as other festive events.

St. Mark's Basilica in Venice: Architecture

It is unlikely that anyone will dispute the statement that this temple is one of the most interesting and striking sights of the city. The huge majestic building attracts tourists from all over the world. Why is St Mark's Basilica so attractive? To be under its vaults, according to parishioners, is a great happiness. The monumentality of the structure strengthens faith and purifies the soul.

But it is impossible not to say about the architectural features of the unique building. St. Mark's Cathedral, a description of which can be found in all guidebooks around Venice, has five entrances. Each of them has a sculpture and columns in two tiers. Magnificent mosaic compositions above the entrances demonstrate the events associated with the theft of the relics of the saint and their appearance in Venice.

The five-domed cross-domed Cathedral of St. Mark was created on the model of the Church of the Apostles in Constantinople. As we have already mentioned, the temple was expanded and decorated for the next five centuries. Work on facing the facade of the cathedral with marble began in 1159. In the 12th century, mosaics appeared on the central domes and vaults. Baptiserie and Chapel of St. Isidore were added in 1354. The Mascoli Chapel appeared in the 15th century, as did the sacristy. In the next, the 16th century, a Zen chapel appeared. The decoration of the temple was completely completed at the end of the 15th century. This confirms the image of him in the painting by G. Bellini.

Experts note the obvious heterogeneity of the architectural styles of the square in front of the temple. St. Mark's Cathedral is its architectural dominant. The author of the project of the magnificent structure was an unknown Greek architect, who laid the Byzantine cross as the basis for the structure, and it is crowned with four domes-ends, the fifth is the base.

Above the main entrances to the cathedral you can see arches with amazing mosaics. Above the main entrance, such a panel depicts scenes from the Last Judgment. On the roof there is a copy of the four horses made of bronze. Such a sculpture was brought from Constantinople (1204) as a war trophy.

Cathedral relics

Most of the ancient relics of the temple came here after the fall of Constantinople. These primarily include the quadriga, located on the western facade. This is a copy, and its original is kept in the museum of the temple. In addition, this is a unique "golden altar" made by excellent Byzantine craftsmen, the icon "Madonna Nicopeia".

Interior decoration

St. Mark's Cathedral (Venice) amazes everyone who falls under its arches with an abundance of colored marble, mosaics on biblical scenes. They occupy a huge area - more than four thousand square meters. Amazing fragments of multi-colored glass are laid out on the thinnest sheets of gold. Cancer with the relics of St. The stamp is kept under the sparkling gems and golden throne of the main altar. A “golden altar” is installed above it - a special iconostasis, which was completed by Byzantine craftsmen in 1343 by order of the Venetians.

The gothic frame consists of 250 enamel miniatures, inlaid with 2000 semi-precious and precious stones. On the altar you can see scenes from the New Testament and life. Due to the huge number, it is sometimes called the “golden basilica”.

Today St. Mark's Cathedral is a functioning church. Daily services are held in the Chapel of St. Isidore. There are always a lot of not only parishioners, but also guests of the city at the services. You can visit every day. The opening hours of the temple are very convenient for visiting - from 9:45 to 16:00. In addition to the relics, the relics of the temple include: the icon of the Virgin of Nicopeia and the relics of the martyr Isidore. That is why Christian pilgrims from all over the world constantly come here.

Campanile of St. Mark's Basilica (Venice)

This is the name of the bell tower of the temple. It is an integral part of the cathedral. It is located on the main square of the city. From here you can see the whole of Venice, since the height of the structure is 99 meters, it is the highest in Venice.

History reference

In the 8th century there was a clock tower here. It burned down in a fire that arose after a lightning strike. In 1514, a bell tower appeared in the city, which can be seen today. The construction was initiated by Admiral Grimani. It was necessary for him to win the trust of the townspeople and local officials, since before that he had not completed the task assigned to him, in connection with which he could be convicted. Today we can say with confidence that the Campanile of St. Mark's Cathedral was built at the expense of Grimani.

This building was a beacon for sailors and a watchtower. From here you have a great view of the surrounding area. At the same time, it was also a place of punishment for church ministers who were seen in same-sex relationships. They were put in special cages and hung from the tower.


The Campanile of St. Mark's Cathedral had five bells, and each of them performed its own task. The largest of them sounded only in the morning, informing the inhabitants that the day had already begun.

In 1902, the campanile cracked along one wall and collapsed. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Ten years later (1912), the tower was restored.

The facade of the loggia consists of three arches, decorated with side columns. Between them in the niches are bronze statues of Mercury, Minerva, Apollo. During the reconstruction of 1912, the side facades, which were originally made of brick, were faced with marble.

Piazza San Marco, also known as St. Mark's Square, is the main one in Venice. The square appeared in the 9th century, after the construction, after which it got its name. The modern architectural ensemble took shape in the second half of the 18th century.

The main entrance to the "piazza" from the side of the lagoon is framed by two columns. The first is crowned with a statue of St. Theodore slaying the dragon: he was the patron of Venice until the relics of the Apostle Mark, who became the new heavenly patron of the city, were transferred here. The second column is decorated with a winged lion cast in bronze. The lion is the symbol of St. Mark, later it became the symbol of the city. In the XIII century, a platform was erected between the columns, intended for the execution of death sentences. The condemned were placed facing the clock tower so that they could see their last hour. For this reason, superstitious citizens try not to pass between the columns.

In addition to St. Mark's Cathedral, the square is dominated by the most striking example of Venetian Gothic.

Next to the Basilica of San Marco is the bell tower of the cathedral, built at the beginning of the 16th century: its height is 98.6 meters. The tower collapsed in 1902, but the Venetians rebuilt it in its original place. Tourists can climb to the observation deck.

Another attraction of Piazza San Marco is the clock tower, also known as Torre del Orologio (Torre dell "orologio). At the top of the tower there are two three-meter bronze statues, which are called "Moors" because of the dark color of the metal. One sculpture depicts a bearded an old man, the other - a beardless youth, which symbolizes the passage of time. The statues move: they strike the bell with hammers, striking the time. There is also an observation deck on the clock platform.

Working hours
Bell tower of the Cathedral of San Marco- from July to September from 9:00 to 21:00, in October, as well as from April to July - from 9:00 to 19:00, from November to March from 9:30 to 15:45. The schedule in March-April may vary depending on the date of Easter, you can check it on the official website.
works daily. Tourists can climb the observation deck only with a guided tour: tours in English are held from Monday to Wednesday at 10:00 and 11:00 and from Thursday to Sunday at 14:00 and 15:00. Excursions in Russian are not provided, the schedule of excursions in Italian and French can be found on the tower website. In order to get on the tour, advance booking is required.

Ticket price
Bell tower of the Cathedral of San Marco- 8 euros, groups of 15 people can purchase tickets with a 50% discount.
Clock tower in Piazza San Marco- the cost of an adult ticket is 12 euros, a reduced ticket for children, students and pensioners - 7 euros.

The address: Piazza San Marco, Venice.

This tallest building in Venicevisible from various points of the lagoon. Along with the Rialto Bridge and the Basilica of San Marco, it has long and not without reason been considered one of the most important symbols of Venice. It is, of course, aboutSt. Mark's Campanile, simply Campanile di San Marco.

Campanile is the bell tower. Almost all Venetian churches have bell towers. As a rule, they are attached to their churches, forming a single architectural ensemble with them.

This campanile stands separately, moreover, it stands right in front of the main entrance to the cathedral. By this, as if emphasizing their independence and marking their importance for the entire collection of sightsPiazza San Marco.

Almost a hundred meters high this tower (98.6 meters) forms a colossal vertical in the semantic solution of the San Marco ensemble, which includes both the Piazza and the buildings along its perimeter, and, and . Campanile from afar looks like an exclamation mark, stating that this is the main place, the heart of Venice. No wonder the Venetians lovingly call her "Il padrone di casa" - "Master of the house".

On Campanile there is an observation deck, where visitors are delivered by an elevator, above it is a bell platform with five bells. The outside of the bell cage is decorated with two figures of the Winged Lion of St. Mark and two female figures, symbolizing Justice. The Campanile tower is crowned with a pointed pyramid, on which the gilded figure of the archangel Gabriel is installed. The base of the tower is reinforced and at the same time decorated with a marble Loggia designed by Jacopo Sansovino. The loggia initially served not only as an entrance to the tower, but also as a locationguards of the Doge's Palace. Today it is the entrance to the elevators.

How to get to Campanile San Marco

The routes leading to Campanile are the same as for Piazza San Marco. look , there you will find ways to get there.

Campanile on the map


Campanile opening hours:

October - November: from 9:00 to 19:00,

December - April: from 9:00 to 15:45,

May - June: again from 9:00 to 19:00,

July - September: from 9:00 to 21:00.

Access to the Campanile Tower may be suspended due to weather conditions, for example, due to strong winds. Keep this in mind when planning to climb the observation deck.

Remember also thatCampanile is a favorite tourist attractionso there is always a line at the checkout. But don't be afraid:the queue moves pretty fast. The maximum time you have to wait ishalf an hour. There will be time to considerLoggia Sansovinoshe is amazingly beautiful. But, having risen upstairs, you will instantly forget about the tedious waiting.

The ticket costs 8 euro.

Campanile page on the website of the Museums of San .

Things to do in Campanile San Marco

There can be only three activities on the observation deck of Campanile: look in all directions, delightfully gasp / moan / squeal / freeze / go crazy (it's your choice) from the views that have opened up to your eyes and shoot, shoot, take photos and videos.

The views are truly amazing. First, the roofs.Venetian roofsform something like a mountain landscape, only brown. The tiles of the Venetian roofs, among which the towers of the bell towers of churches break out to the sky, seem to be a single undulating space among the waters of the lagoon surrounding the city. ItselfPiazza San Marco, so wide and stately below, when viewed from above, it becomes a toy. You can put the clock tower on the palm of your hand, and cover the entire Basilica of San Marco with the other palm.

Perception of the city, if you look at it from the height of the observation deck, it changes completely. You can learn something, but in general the city becomes even more mysterious and incomprehensible, but also even more attractive.Islands, the waters of the lagoon, the lands of the mainland with the Dolomites clearly visible in clear weather, the Slavyanskaya embankment almost in its entire length, ships and boats scurrying along the lagoon, a roof andcourtyard of the Doge's Palace, the domes of the Cathedral of San Marco, the drawing on the masonry of Piazza - these are just some of what will open to you when you climb the observation deck of Campanile San Marco.

I assure you, you will never forget these views. And even then, looking at your photos, you will experience those feelings of delight and admiration that filled you at the moment when you just approached the parapet of the observation deck.

History of Campanile San Marco

Already in the ninth centuryon the site where the Campanile now rises, there was a watchtower. She served as a beacon for sailors. The tower was rebuilt in the 12th century. Then outwardly she imitated the bell tower from Aquileia and the tower in Forli. In the 14th century, the Campanile was again rebuilt. For this procedure, craftsmen were sent from Holland and France to strengthen its foundation and the entire structure.In 1489In 1920, lightning struck the tower, destroying the wooden spire, and in 1511 an earthquake brought it to such a state that a decision was urgently made to reconstruct and strengthen the entire tower. Works started by the architectGiorgio Spavento, were later entrusted to immigrants from Bergamo,the Bon family, stone craftsmen.By 1514Campanile acquired the form that it has today. A little later, Jacopo Sansovino added Loggetta.

In 1609, from the observation deck of Campanile, Galileo Galilei demonstrated the work of his telescope.

The height of the tower and the metal structures inside made it a natural lightning rod. Lightning struck the tower with astonishing frequency.In 1653the reconstruction of the Campanile was led by Baldassare Longhena himself. In 1776, the Campanile was equipped with its own lightning rod.

But still by 1902the tower of the Campanile gave a crack, which kept growing. The Venetians were waiting for the collapse of the tower.On July 14, 1902, the Campanile collapsed. When she falls touched the corner of the Doge's Palace, destroyed the Loggetta. Surprisingly, no one was hurt in the crash. Only the guard's cat was missing. The city council decided to restore the Campanile tower in its original location in its original form. And after 10 yearsCampanileascended again to the Venetian skies. And today we can again climb to its observation deck and enthusiastically freeze from the views of Venice and the Venetian lagoon.

The bell tower of St. Mark in Venice is located in the San Marco district on the square near the church of the same name. This "mistress of the city" has been towering over the square for more than a thousand years. From here you have a view of all the shipping lanes in the lagoon and the city as a whole. Nowadays, when a flood is approaching, a red lantern is lit on one of the facades.
It is one of the most visited historical monuments of the city.

Story occurrence.

The bell tower of St. Mark in Venice was built in the 9th century. It was a watchtower and a lighthouse.
Lightning often hit the Bell Tower, as a result of which it was partially destroyed, but then restored. The earthquake of 1511 brought no small damage to the building.
In 1902, a crack in the wall led to the complete destruction of the bell tower. It was restored to its original form in 1912. The restoration work was led by the mayor of the city, Filippo Grimani.
The belfry of the Belfry had a special purpose in its time. It consists of five bells. The first bell - Marangona - rang when the work of the shipyard began. The second - Nona - called at noon (calls to this day). The third bell, Trottiera, called the nobles to go to the Great Council. The fourth bell - Pregadi - spoke of the convocation of the Senate. The fifth - Maleficho - announced the death penalty in the square. Together they called on holidays.


The building of the Church of St. Mark in Venice has a square plan and has a height of about 99 meters.
The building is made of brick, which is decorated with flutes. The belfry is made of marble, and the female sculptures above it depict Justice and Venice. Above the belfry are also figures of winged lions, symbols of Venice. At the top of the Bell Tower stands the statue of the Archangel Gabriel.
The bell tower of St. Mark has changed its appearance many times as a result of restoration work and rebuilding.
In the 12th century, the bell tower in Venice was rebuilt in the likeness of the bell tower in Aquileia. In the 16th century, the belfry of the Bell Tower was rebuilt. It was made of marble and added an attic, which depicts a Venetian lion. The roof is made of bronze, and its brilliance can be seen from a great distance. In 1511, instead of the cross, the top of the bell tower of St. Mark was occupied by the statue of the Archangel Gabriel, which was made of wood covered with gilded bronze plates.
By 1549, Loggetta Sansovino appeared on St. Mark's Bell Tower in Venice. It was designed by Jacopo Sansovino, from which the loggia got its name. Loggetta is located at the base of the bell tower and is a beautiful architectural monument.

Tourist on the note.

The entrance to the Bell Tower of St. Mark in Venice is paid. Visiting times: October - from 9:00 to 19:00, November - March / April (Easter) - from 9:30 to 15:45, March / April (Easter) - June - from 9:00 to 19:00, and from July to September - from 9:00 to 21:00. You have to stand in a long line to get here.


Near the Bell Tower in Venice is the Church of San Marco, which gave the square its name. The church is a wonderful architectural monument and is decorated with sculptures and works of art by the great masters of its time.
The bell tower of Saint Mark is adjacent to the Doge's Palace. Here at one time was the residence of the Doge. Now it is a museum, which contains works of art by great masters, collections of weapons, and much more. There is also a former old prison.
The Piazza San Marco also houses the Library, the Buildings of the Old and New Procurations.
There are many cafes and restaurants, as well as the oldest and most famous cafe "Florian".